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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Mar 1900, p. 3

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mom :u “aha, Germany, issues at Lmervais a volume of statistics err- titled “Die Bevolkerumg der Erde,” m whxch the most recent informtmn as. to the population on the World is summarized. The most" paxnstakms methods are employed to reach sauer- factory conclusions as to regions where no exact data can be obtained. All sources of tnformation are crin- cally examined and the grounds upon which esummes are based are clearly set forth. There is probably no other publication dealing with population winch is so widely accepted as autho- etlve. The tenth volume is about to appear and the installment relatmg to Europe, prepared by Prof. Dr. A. Supan, has been published. Most 01 the information it contains is based upon ceneuses made in 1895-98, though a part depends upon the enumerattons 01 1890-94. Dr. Supp.) reaches the ooncluswn. that the present popular tum of Europe, in round numbers, .18 881,000,000. According to “Die Bevolkâ€" erumg der Erde” for 1870, the popula- t1â€"on at that time was 302,000,000, and the increase in thirty years has been I09,000,000 or an annual average of over 2,633,000. Le Mouvement Geographique of; Bruweis has recently published averyi interesting paper by M Lancaster,; 1 director or the Belgian Meterological. Service, on some of the earlier compu- tations of the poyulation of Europe. The first attempt to reach an approxi. mate conclusion was in 1787, when the celebrated Germ: n geographer Base- ing est: mated the population of Europe; at 150,0 001.0 This estimate, very l ke- ly, was far from accurate but it; is accepted as the best approximation attainable at that time. If we com- pare it with: the present figures an increase of population of more than 2,000,500 a year for over a century is indicated. In 1830 the French geo- grapher and statistician BalLi gave the population of Europe as 286,33,- (100, but this estimate proved later to beexcessive. The first man able to base his work largely upon official censuses or the. investigation of care- ful writers was the famous German Statistician Dieterici, who, in 18.35, computed the total population to be 27z,wo,ooo. From the satisfactory re- sults he obtained it is evident that the augmentation in the number of inhabitants in the past. {Guy-five. you {‘8 has been over 12.30,UUO,‘JUU. The result. of, Dr. Sumn's compmao (ions shows a mean density of powder- tion for the continent oi 39 to. the; square kilometre. The mean density‘ in the United Snares. according to the census of 1890, was 7 L0 the square kilometre. Belglum remains the most densely populated country, with 22.1, to the sqture kJomeLi‘e, NeLherlands} coming nexL wuh 133, then the emu ? islands with 128, Iraq 111, Germany: 87, Switzerland 72, France 71, and Ane- i trLz-flnngarj 70. The tables illus- 5 {rate that. very significant. feature of 3 (ht: second hall 01 the century'sâ€"4 the: more rapid increase oi urban than of rum.) population. Over one-third of, the people 01 the United Kingdom. nuw ; Jim in ciziee of 50,4Juu or more inhuhi-g ':.__tunts. Towns ol' SUV-OD residenLe are; lussed amen-g the large centres of' pulation and in ail the leading untries of Burcpe, with the excepa n of Ruesia and :‘swirZerland, from fifth to more than a. third of the cm! population now live in these . larger ciLies. The tendency, in ‘ths inane-trim: Jge, to abandon the coun- 3‘ try and crown into the towns is Strik- }' ingb' illustrated by Mr. 'Weber in his react): book, "The Growth of “Cities in 1 I T T" v 71" With good tnbb manners one may pass uncbafl aged in the best so- ciety. Deiiracy, inborn refinement or frank vulgamy is inadvertently dis- played while carting, and nothing so marks one: as ms manaers at table. ' There an: a grad many rules on! this subject wuiuh one. can foiiow with é propriezy. You might boil them all down to this: “Be, dainty and unosten- tatious.” ! Befuz‘c she learns how to eat pro- perly or place In: napkin or managé an we, the wise woman makes it a point to see i .t she knows how to seat hers-:1! a: the table. This may seem a simyle task, yet many have found, to the” discomfort, that it is difficult. E D] 7 0R 1.4L NOTES. U---v-â€"vv is no servant: standing ready to as- Sist, demands practice and experience. Many a debutante at her first dinâ€" nor has bi-s‘n confrun‘ced with this pro- blem withou: having prepared -for it. Never grasp both sides of the chair back a: once. and standing in from of the chair, in a half-sitting posture, “hitch" the chair into place. This is decidedly awkward and vulgar. Go about iqueliberatelyy Gather your dress evenly to one side. out of the way of- the chair legs. and grasging the top of tile ghair with one hand, gently slide it 11110 place. After a little practice this. can be done grace- fully aqd with ease. _ Ll _I', ._,_L _L In rising from the iable slip out of your chair m1 her than push it back. If it is pushedhack the effect is awk- ward, and the disagreeable grating sound yroduceq by the _chair legs be- .“ \__ w...“ (â€" ing. rubhe‘d‘; I ' . - attention “3:33 the floor wxll drag. IMWW VD > on H 8 s: H I: H 93 _ mmmm .A good sized and most instructive volume might be written upon correct feeding in relation to the quality of every finished animal product. The kinds of feed given and their quality ing the quality and flavor of beef, mutton, pork, poultry, eggs. butter, and cheese; but in this issue we will only refer bneJy to the effect of cow foods on the flavor of the butter, whe- I the r the milk be supplied to the cream- iery or manipulated in the home dair-3'. ;0ur creamery butter now goes into the tBritish market and consequently it comes into competition with the beat shutter produced in the world. It is l thezeiore the duty of every patron of a. tore-emery to see that there is nothing iin the milk furnished by him that will injure the quality of the butter turn- ed. out by the factoryâ€"especially as; such causes a dime. loss to his £01101" } partons and an injury to the reputaâ€"l Lion of the province. The Java: and quality of. every [wished product of agricul‘ure are governed _largely by the quality and adaptability of the raw product from which it is manmactur- ecL Especially is this so with butter. Good bu.te.r can only be produced from good. milk. In tho summer months glass is the almost universal food of 111» dairy cow, and if the pasture is clan and good and the cow allowed Ionly to drink the purest of water the ka will ha in pertect condition as. it E leaves the cow’s udder. As most cows gate unlike-din summer on» of doors the min; can only be spoled by dirty‘muk- g The British market is the market Efur our creamery butter, and. even in tht market tbs days oi high prim 50. out 0 the IaCLOI' ~95 uruu ua;‘*f ~â€" â€"â€" â€" , . - . , . y . y y; .51 w fiwnll be. round rnnc :LLYOL L) mucn more ' ’uCh causes a darec. 1°53 to ‘8 1 0 Hum: 5') pct cent. m ImporLance. 1n ‘ ”“035 and an injury to the reputaâ€" Lac. -Lrvur is about: tn»: who-Le end of: .ion of the province. The davor and , mo matter. No matter now corrcch 5.1m grain or the color, DULLGF that. 15‘ “23.14” Of' every 11an product 0‘ "'UL flavor" id also off Linc market on Lgrxcul‘ure are governed ‘largely by {any paying basm, 11111;) ()‘hlaf puknLS L58 quality and adaptability 0f the raw :in buxom are wunolly, due to a good or produc'. from which it is manmactur- g 0-1 bad bail}: {Haf‘fi‘it 0:” £33236? . . . .'- . 1 avor. e 1‘ a m Bd' Especrauy 13 Lbas 30 With butter. ltho davor or butter from any of our Good bu.ter can only be produced from Lac.ori-as it is we common pracuce or good milk. In tho summer months Lb.» patrons to [June the, Lactory man-i grass is this almost universal food of ; v. --.â€"'â€" agar. 1.1 the bucter is hum: mane, Lhe . . . . - manner muuhy lays Lhk) bums Up'uu “1” daily mm" and If the pasture 1.3 3hr, alreauy Lug-annexing wire. Tins is than and SW and the cow allowed fiwhchy Wrong. In 59 cams our 0r ev- only to drink tho purest of. water the iery w.) Lhe maul}. is at the “nor end- mix will ha in perrect condition as it {Elicia-3w mateitl. blhvet m.1k,fihat “£33 s .. .. 9 -u 1n [.0 '3 m at mu'cr. w 3- leave: rhe c..ws udder. As most cows , L or at home or in the iacwry. Phrr- are make-din summer our of doors the 3mm in hemmed. to hue comleed 11.3 milk can only be spoled. by dirty. milkâ€" leapims to make moderatdy good 5 r l .' o W . ers. unclean vessels and. subsequent gbIICK-S out Of straw, bl“ 110 13010?! . . . . zmano or or farmer; wd.-e can in those Improper ‘f‘WF‘em- It. 13"” rhe wfn’1proaafi: days produce bu..ter or good ter. and. it 15 wznter darrymg Ill-Which . damp and good qualiry out o- mulk there is more art and more profit, fwnich pofsessed neLh-sr of these vir- khat the, duirymun had more to do with “3’35' , (1W hen-Icky, stock, care, d‘eLermininrg the ihawr and quality of {cl--anhnoas, aerauon and corrcct Lem- p-eracur'e go a long wuy towards 3. 1h» milk than the 00W h1i5~ N63: ‘0 irucoensrul issue in Lhis matter; but [cluaulinesskthe proper feeding oi dairy E aha Ioedar has also a very inrpcrtant Em "ht-w meow w imwrt- zfizteiargug":gaziwas:Per11:3 gal“ 5““3“”: that. can “3“‘36 the at- ill-mot in hmber an it comes out or the éteutiun all the dmiryman. liacrory is re-guhted more largely Lhdn ; Tm Bridal: nmrket is the market gum-St farmers appear to realize by ‘ hat the cow gveLs betwecn _her_r_eeth. £F..r .J‘ 1' lorrznlilni'!’ 'nn‘fnr an.” DVD“ in K“ A GIRL WHO HAD SUFFERED EOR NEARLY YEARS WiTH ANAEMIA. Sew-r4- Headache-s, nz-art I’nlpltathm, Mn. voumuem ..ud Extreme l’rrbmm-ss made "n- LIS‘e Mimwubivâ€"«Ilc-r Doctor To“ Hs-r slw (mud Sn: Sicmwcr. Doctors have given the Greek name anuemxa, meaning " bloodlessness.” to a (linens: wmch is much more preval- em among young women-Luau isgen- e-raiiy believed. in its early stages the disease is not. marked by any de- aided symptoms, and often makes con- 5i..iez‘uble advance ’ere its presence is noziced. A feeling of fatigue after slight; exercise, breathlessness and pailol‘ of the face are the first no- ticeable signs. Unless there is prompt and effecuve treatment. the disease then makes rapid progress, and the viczizn presents every appearance of going into a decline or consumption. - .. - .I ,1 -1 A.__...-;. The only successful method of treat- ing anaemia is to build up the blood, and the best medicina in the world for this purpose is Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills for Pale Pubpze. 5V bvv- vâ€"‘vâ€" ...- , me from my suffering. A. this txmea friend brought me a newspaper in match was the Story 01' the cure oia gu‘l whcxse sympt ems NSumbled mine. through the use or Dr. \‘v'tlli-ams’ Pink Pills, and urged me to try them. I sew for abox, but they did not seem to help me, and I was, afraid they would prove like other medicines,uoti suited to my case. My parents 1n-1 sxsted that I should continue their use and my father go: two boxes more. More these were all need I had no longer any doubt. that they ;were helping-fie, a-nd Iprocnred gm- {other half dozen boxes. They com- pletely. {9.110er my health, a.ndI am able. to gr. about and do work with an ealw {have not enjoyed: for years before. I think Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills are agrent blessing to the melt. mud Iahngs urge my friends who are not well to take them. until WI“ be glad gt th'fs statement 18 the means of bringing new courage anal health to some other sufferer." ' FEED AND QUALITY. WAS SAVED. aro gone. wlfla the dmmmd for qual- ity is steadily on‘ the increasaonrld wide compegitlon, the improvements in 051“} mock and dairy methxls. the oenu'iLugul separawr, the owpcrauve creamery have all been impunant 13c- {tors in cheapenmg producuon and in 'heighwn-ing the qualiuy oi butter which is placed. upon wortminaJug markets. Tm resale is that the bum- w can only now be proxiLaogy con- dumed by up-w-dta’te method-5 and that Lb: greatest possible care must be ex- amined in every de.-a.ik in oruer to 113-! ’ure opt a Liv-mg prmit. Every cuw phat 16 hp: 101' anter-makmg must' gbo a profitable (wiry ouw w mart {$1.11. Sacandly, J1» must be. 19d __. A.- rv ;pa,e‘ures. Al-sike «luv-er, as far as we 1kmsw, cannm be rated. upon to pro- 12‘duce. hunter that will sell at the top gprioe; and pastures full 01‘ noxious “weds cannot produce good milk from {any known breed 0:1 cow. The change "7' ' back again to winter feeding is a hard ulc Lime for the da‘fryman. For the main 'lt {end of the winter 166d, both for feed- a ration that. will produce a given quantity 01‘ butter at!“ km a coat as ‘ pduSibI-é; and 1218.. but. 00L least, that! bu.t.er must in these days 9" 01; a Obvioe qunL.y in own: to realize the higbast pawâ€"«and. it is the mghest pace only that. returns to the, wary- mnn a premix. in any Lair- equation to bio labor and ingeldgwenoe. 1n the ordinary "wore" which is in an in judgmg tummy. duvm‘ is allot;- Led abv-uu 11.4,. the pal-into; Then come grainuchr, .sang and. pauxmg, 1n the amber named as ngums scumg. Bu. Wham it comes in puacuioa, to 5d;- iwg bu-Ler to a monmiuuuug cuatu - ‘81“. or in a woman-4.111; nugget; it; 11'. is Well known to all intelligent dairymen that it is a bad plan to change the food of cow‘s suddenly. For instance. when the cows first go uuz. to grass in the spring they bikini}. be. sun-bled at night and given good, clam hay at lent. The Chang-3 in flavor 0.2 11133 milk is then gradual. There is, 0:33 course, much dLi f-grence in peas and oats, sown together. For “1 dairy cows hay should, we think, be q 1 :cu:. much earlier than is customary in 1 i Ithis province. Bali the buy that well ihave seen in this country would in} England be considered as overripe .and woody. if not musty and bleached l1 fby Cdmh‘B meiherB of curing. Here, lwhene no oil cake for linséed is used. lpeas, oats, and wheat bran will prob- l lably compowe the best grain ration, while the bulky part oi the ration should consist largely of clover hay, 'p.‘a.:". and out hay, oat Sll‘aW and chum, gwi. h corn enmilagxe and mangels as the {succulent part oi the daily winter al- llowauce. \Ve have never shared. in the enthusiasm oi some over the silo. though undoubtedly where a man is a L born niloiSL, ii our readers will excuse the phrase, excellent results may be c-bzaviued; but it takes a genius,. in . our opinion, to make good ensilage - and bad emilage will certainly make sgbad butter. Sour and motu ensil- t {age cannot be led: to dairy Cows i; we ‘wam to be consistent in blaming the l, butter maker for the bad Mayor of his a product. Barley us the ideal feed {or t bacon, bu ii {ed to cows the creaml - ;ls\' apt to be slow to ripen and slow to ' .- {ch-urn, and lb: butter in the end is; apt [110 be dff flavor. Of roots, carrots are t lgenerally conceded to be the best. for 5.1daoiry cattle. Mangels induce a good (1 film“ or? milk, but. should be‘fed in lim- 3; 'ed quantities. Turnips are doubt- .s , i. if our object is good, sweet butter. s.‘ course a good deal of a he above le must be qualified where milk f sub- ;- jected to pasteurizationâ€"a process 39 which has admittedly a good many ad- t- Imam-gee, but which, after all, prob~ :h la-bly kills about. as much of the good Li- Ilflzzvor as the bed in butter. It is the u- had dnirymun’s salvation; and that is lg probably the best that can be said in .v. its favor. ing value and flavor oi the product. prbbably nOLhing equals bright, well cured clvwr hay. W'baxever is against clvxver a: pasgurage nothing 0411 be said aggmin'sc it as hay. Next in‘ val- no 1hr: best dairymen puca hay _ of Mrs. J. Wei-hem, of Mount Forest, 0m... says: “For a number of years I have been a sufferer from ASthma. and during that time I have consulted many doczors on my case, and have used many of the soâ€"called cures for Asthma. but never got relief. At times 7 I have been so bad that I found it ne- cessary L0 have all the doors and win- idows open to get my breath. I had gmen up in de~pair of ever being cur- ed till I heard of your preparationâ€" Catarrh-ozone. I have used it and am now perfectly curedâ€"thanks to your wonderful medicine. I recommend it, as a positively sure cure for Asthma." Catarrh-o-zone is a guaranteed cure for Catarrh, Asthma, and Bronchitis. Sold by all druggista. Trial outfit sent for 10¢ in stamps by N. C. POL- SON 8: C0. Kingston. Ont. Proprie- tors. The first step is often so expen- sim amt you can't. afford to take the TerrEDFe Suffering From Asthma. It may be difficult to believe in the exwtence of alake of sulphuric acid, but there is such a lake in the centre at Sulphur leland, off New Zealand. It is titty acres in cement, about twelve feet in depth and fifteen: feet above the level of. the sea. 'The most remarkable characteristic of this lake, ‘ however, is that the water contains vast quantities 0E hydrochloric and sulphuric acids. hissing and bubbling at atemperature of 110 degree) Fahâ€" redheit. The dark green colored wa- ter looks particularly unmviting.‘ ‘L‘emse clouds of sulphuric fumes conâ€" Eetantly roll off this boiling caldron, land care has to b3 exercised. in ap- iproachiug this lake to avoid the risk ‘t‘oif suffocation. On the oppo::ite side i or the lake may be seen the tremend- lous blowholes, which, when in full 1 blast, present an awe inspiring- sight. The roar of the stemml as it rushes forth into the air i3 deafening, and Softern huge bowlders and stones are huried our. to a height of several hun- dred feet by the various internal forces of nature. ' EAMAZINGWOVEBY ”Hum aficium (Jun Juan. w Plait". Startling Decrease in the NI ber of Deaths From Kidney Diseases. Interesting Investigation at Prrtlt â€" Miracle at Mmlorn ado-lance -- Inseam Bring “11wa Out by Rudd’s Kidney Putsâ€"Tho, ( use at Owen lh‘rne. Perth, Mareh 5.-â€"There has been a remarkable falling-off in the number of deaths in this district, of late. So noticeable has this decrease become that it had the result of causing sev- eral interested persons to investigate as to the cause. This investigation has revealed the fact that the falling- off has been entirely in Kidney Dis- eases. This disclosure led {0 further m- vestigation, to discover .why the nun)- ber of deaths from Kidney Diseases should decrease, while those from oth- er causes remain at about. the same figure, esvecia'lly as it was known that mne cm of every ten deaths are caus- ed by Kidney Disease in serge form. - J ‘ :nvoci‘lu LAKE 0F SULPHURIC ACID. cu Uy nauuCJ Muvuwv .. _.-_ V This discovery startled the investi-i gators somewhat. For the decrease; *as traced, in every case, to Dodd's; Kidney Pills. It was found that a few , years ago, before this medicine was in- ,1 troduced, the recoveries from Bright’s v Disease, Diabetes, Lumbago, theuâ€" 'v matzsm. Sciatica, Neuralgia, Paraly- sis, Gravel, Stone in the Bladder, Urinal ary, and Bladder Diseases, Blocd Im-i . P-urities, Diseases of Women. and} Heart Disease, was Very rare. But{ since Dodd‘s Kidney Pills have come: into general use these diseases never , prove fatal, when the pills are used. ‘ In proof of this claim, Owen Byrne of _Perth, states that he was completely gcured of Kidney Disease by Dodd's' lKidney Pills. He suffered for a long’ lperiod, and no other remedy did him; jany good. His sufferings were very distressing, and he was in a totally} [hopeless state, when he began to use . Dodd's Kidney Pills. They cured him lit) a few weeks. This is only one of! t l hundreds of cures in this county. l HAVE YOU TASTED A man who is tied to his wife’s ap- ron string is well connected. The Spider is seldom in danger when his life is hanging by a thread; m 1'0 (HERE A COLD IN ONE 0" Take Laxative Bromo Quinino Tableau. All dnggiuu refund the money it it fails to cure. 25c. 81. W. Grave’s signature is on ouch box. Many a man who humbly speaks of his own insignificant-,2 gezs mad if other people refer to it. If the hens form a trust they will prdbably try to control the egg plant. BRITISH-AMERICA ASSURANCE CO, The sixty-sixth annual meetingpf shareholders oi ihe__B_ri.Lish-Ame.nca Dun I't “Ul\nvn A~suranee Company, held on Friday last, developed a most satisfactory re- port from the dimmers. In both the fire and marine branches the losses have been comparatively light, and the net profits on the increased business of the year enables the directors to pay the regular dividend of 7 per cent. and add $7,000 to the reserve. In View of the year’s resuhs, the man- agement contemplate increasing the cam-.31 by $250,000, making it $1,000,- ,000,end explore new fields f or business. iThe report: in detail appears in an- ,0; her column of this issue. Before marriage a woman worries because she is single and after mar- riage she worries because she isn’t. df RELIANCE CIGAR l8 Tosoana. 10°F.\CTOR‘1.Monu-oa Schoolboys say the hardest branch " learning grows on a birch tree. Evigogien :nd Sty-n them. LLOYD WOOD. Toronto. 0 ERA!» 10m. CBLON EREEN TEA ? Sold on” in I met an old enemy of yours to-day, Robert. I didn’t know I had one. father. Who A bachelor says a wife is undoubted- 1y! 0. good thing to have around the bruteâ€"to blame things on when they go wrong. Moiherâ€"I'm surprised . at yap! Couldn‘t you tell hewas 301113 to kxss yell? C l C. H‘ _ L__L ‘LA‘A .".nn rfidugh‘terâ€"Yes, ma, but there was no one for me to tell, except him, and he knew it already. “ Pharaoh 100.‘ V--- The “ Balmoral,” Free Bus 35:2; 01'. B. ButiomaMosnrlr_cul. Goo. Cusluoac mgr»... a. as it 1 Your Ediâ€"OT Carslake, AVENUE HOUSEâ€"4 81‘- JAMES’ HOTEl--?..¥°:§‘fi":£a.”6.’°§t Mm. Nut-91w Commercial Hon... lotion In. .A _~L_ The Bear losses in killed and wound- ed are estimated by authorities in Somh Africa to be neaylyA 7,690. n Dr. IJV“\â€" -â€"-â€"â€"v _ Laydis. théver', says (hit the Boers have only had 212 killed, about 1,000 wounded and 203 taken prisoners. 01d Squilldigâ€"Waiter, there has been a mistake made in writing this bill of fare. Waiterâ€"Yes sir. OM Squilldigâ€"It says "barley soup." It should be “barely soup.” 1 Catarrh Cannot be Cured VRS. WINRIDW‘S SOOTHING SYRUP bu been used by mother! for their children caching. It. soothe: the child. softens the gums. nuaya puin. cures wind colic. 3nd in the but. remedy far diurbma M. 5 box,- 00. Boldb d! dmggists throughout the world. Be um sud ~ tor “ Mrs. Winslow'l Soothnng Syrup .1: LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they cannot Egon the so at of the til-ease. (‘ntm h is a binod or conmimtjom} fiisensc. and m «.rder to cm}, ’_,A_.._-I â€"A--‘AIIIA‘- u..l._ 01' [UIIHIItHU'UII'vL uuâ€"kuv, w--- _-_ ,_ _ ,, _ , {r you mu 0 Lake internal remedu-a. Ham. Camrrh Cure is taken internally. and acts di. room: on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall’g Catarrh Lure in not a qua» k medicine. It. mm preicribed by one of we be-t pnysn Lms in thin country Jor yeavs. and is angular prescripti n. In is Composed of the beat, tovica known com- binvd with the beat. blood purifiers, acting di- rectly on the mucous aux-facet, The perfncc combination of the two ingredients is what pxwuces such wonderful remiss in curing Catarr’n. Send fnr testimonids free. F. J. CHEN BY 8: 00.. Props., Toledo. 0. Sold b drugs-sou. price 75c. Hall‘s amily P1118 are the best. What is arbitration, pa? 'Wcll. it is a good thing for you, Tommy. Wham your mmher wants to whip you I coax her 022‘, and when I Want to whip you she coaxes me off. Carbolic Disinfectants. Soaps. Oint- ment. Tooth Powders, etc.. have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Thvir regular use prevent infecti. ous diseases. Ask your deaIcr to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free on application. A- penmncnfly cures ( uturrh uf nose. I throut. awn uch and bud-den 5J6 81: 5 box. Write for particulsn, Th. Indian Cntarrh CurcCo..146 St. James-at... Montreal. HACKNEY STALLJONS rm: SAHk-WW your-oulu; coaching type; 1151‘ “mm; fashionable breedmg: Prices V“*“‘°"“"“" M' H rams. illlhumt. Starr 1!. Qm‘ GOOD ENOUGH REASON. CHANCE FOR. ARGUMENT. v ”-9.1. -_â€"â€" .â€".__ mama. or 381 Queen W. Tor-ohm. ____________ â€". v- w“, _ WI IV! “can u Montreal,'l‘oronto, Ottawa, Quebec. ' ____1\‘cw "upon moms Duo" Sausage Gasmgs Wm sum-and Am orican Hoe Casingsâ€"reliabic 0043 at right. pnes. PARK. BLACK ELL 3 00.. Toronto. W ' Books, Bowl eru- Catholic Prayer om», mam. Religions Pictures. Statuary. nnd Church Ormmonu. Question! Works. Mail orders receive prompt atten- hon. D. J. SADUEB 00., Montreat. taflor’a A. FATHER‘S JOKE. » I N SEKSE KiLLS Betcha. Bed 30:133. Rau‘gpl‘l‘ nice. Sold by s“ - A_. “1 I'll-_,-__‘_ “MINI“. INTEL DIRECTORY. "’r. c. CALVERT 00., naucussjraa . . auauuo. " ifiifiéfiwifiiféii Wampum}; Look for “out. in your “3;"..- or and direct. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS PEACE MEASURES. CALVERT’S A CORRECTION. 9‘ 9.11 v -u- â€" --- -- it never harden: s. is {VG-annual Water )9: proof. A5111 1' itmske ho other. Bea _' wr Rubber Clothing 00.. Montreal. “ BEAVER BRAND " Mackintosh u m 9! (Ir-93:7. im- _MoGlll-â€"Cofluo Avenm. Funi}, Howl m 81.50 "deiy. European Plan. Room "II'I-‘ DUO-qu .â€" Burrismrs,ew..rotooved to Wesley 816mm. Rich- mond St. W.. Toronto. mm; mm. a Hales) \V l’ C 1014 complou SHIU MUSIC CITALOOUC and SFSCIAL RAVE 0F DISCOUNT. W0 I. U '1-'r 7 v ' .. MO MUSiO "Re" Ella Canada “£10,! as: You. an. "noun. OI To and '21 tho Load Packa too. Tbe Directors have pleasure in pre- senting the sixty-sixth Annual Re- port embracing the financial state- men_ts of ghe Company to the Blst De- For cemlber. 1899. Till-ere has been a satisfactory growth in the premium income for the year In the fire and marine branches. The Canadian fire business has shown ex- ceplionally favorable results, and there has been a vmcderate profit on the ma- rine business written during- the year. In the United States. however. this Company has, in oommon with all oth- Eers doing business Lhere. suffered from the unuually heavy tire losses that ’have occurred in several of the larg- ,er clues. The sixty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of this bompany was new as. its offices in this city at noon on Friday last, the 23rd inst. . The President, Hon. Geo. A Cox, occupied the chair, and Mr. P. H. Sims, who was appointed to act as Secretary, read the following ANNUAL ADDRESS. TM Directors have pleasure in pre- reinsurance, show ._ senting the sixty-sixth Annual Be- ceims 0f upwards 0* 0n port embracing the financial state- million dollars. The most encourag- ments of the Company to the 81st De- ing features in connection with the oemfber, 1899. past year’s transactions were the . Tlhere has been a satisfactory growth steady and continued growth of the "1 UM? Premium income for the year in Canadian fire business. and the very the tire and marine branches. The moderate losses which have been sus- Canadian tire business has shown ex- tained in the Dominion. 'Whtle the Wpttonally favorable results, and there general experience of companies do- hi“ been a moderate profit on the ma- ing business in this countryhad been rtne business written during the year, favorable, owing to .the. fire 103868 In the United States, however, this having been considerably_,below the Company has, in common with all oth- average of preceding years, the ex- ers doing business there. suffered from perience of this company had been ex- the unuually heavy tire losses that ceptionally so. Fromreports of the have occurred in several of the larg- busxness in Canada that have been per cities. published, it appears that. the ever- ! The net profit on the year’s trans- age ratio of losses to premiums of Factions. $62,038.39, has been sufficient all companies reportins to th- had been 58 ‘tO pay the usual half-yearly dividends Dommion Government , at the rate of 7 per cent. per annum, per cent. The British America was 48 and, after writing 0.: an amount to per cent. In the United States. on the louver depreciation in ofiice furniture other hand, the general exper ence. as -and securities. to provide for an addi- well as that of this Company. had been lion of nearly $7,000 to the Reserve t much less satisfactory. the fire loss fund, which now amounts to $577,687.. ; having been tar in excess ‘0! those of 04. The reserve to cover the estimat- average, years. and‘ the loss- resultlnc }ed lia.bili:y on unexpired policies has from the Company‘s operations In that ,been increased to meet, the additional field had materially reduced the total lamount at risk, and is more than an .proiit of the year. In the marine I; ample provision, according to the Com- , branch. he was pleased to say that ”.PMY’S experiences, to meet losses that g the results of the past year 'had been '5 will accrue upon policies in force at. the ‘; such as to juStify the action of the Dtr- end of the year. . ectors in continuing the business 01 In view of the increased business of this department. notwithstanding the the Company and the contemplated en. adverse experience of previous years- lal‘gement of its field. of operations, land so far as can be judged from the the Directors deem the present an op- ; present outlook as to rates. and. gen- ..Dcrtune time to increase the capital l era! conditions .of marine underwrito l stock, as contemplated in its act of tniggthe prospects for the present year . Incorporation, to $1,000,000 A by- appeared encouraging in: this branch. law will be submitted to the meeting ‘ The President also referred ‘to the es- , to authorize the issue of $250,000 ad- ‘ tablfsh-ment of busx-ness connections . .ditional stock, to be allotted pro rata :at points beyond the limits of Canada I to present Shareholders at 'a premium i and the United States. where favorable '- Of 1° per cent. 'Openinga might present themselves. - SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL STATE- The Report was adopted.'and a lay-t, law was passed providing for an in- l l -u‘ E MENT. K Total cash income. . . . 81.022.249-33 fgeaseoolicaptgtl‘fitfk Ofdgifigmpag , Total expenditure: includ- the allotme‘nto of two. hun- tng appropriation for idred and fifty thousand dollare’ losses under adJustment. 1,560,210,439 '3 new stock to shareholders in the pro- portion of one share to every three .) } _‘ _ _ , , , p, g Eg'gptfiga l shares held by them._ __A EI-itish AmErfinésu'ranEé 66mpany The net profit on the year’s trans- 380 MUG ' actions. $62,038.39, has been sufficient all cqmpan to pay the usual half-yearly dividends Dommion G u the rate of 7 per cent. per unnum. per cent. T and. after writing O-_f an amount to p61" cent. 1] cover depreciation in ofiice furniture other hand, 89d securiLies. to provide for an addi- We“ as that hem of nearly $7,000 to the Reserve , much less fund, which now amounts. to $577,687.. é 111*va beer 04. The rewrve to cover the estimat- ayerage 3'81 }ed liabiliiy on unexpired policies has from the C< ibeen increased to meet the additional fieldhad m game'un: at risk, and is more than an profit of [ample provision, according to the Com- . branch. he iPaOY’S 63periences. to meet Losses that g the results '. will accrue upon policies in force at. the ‘- such asio j i“? of the your. ectore in CI ‘ o o __ -1 ‘L::: JAM“! “M! "‘ V '-v JVV‘UV In view of the increased business of ; the Company and the contemplated en- largement of its field of operations, the Directors deem the present an op- portune time to increase the capital stock, as contemplated in its act of incorporation, to 81,000,000. A by- law will be submitted to the meeting to authorize the issue of $250,000 ad- ditional stock, to be allotted pro rate to present shareholders at 'a premium of 15 per cent. :SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL STATE- DO NOT TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT. MENT. Total cash income. . . . Total expenditure, includ- ing appropriation for losses under adjustment. 1,560,210.89 Dividends declared . Total assets . . . $1,473,536.05 £913 Total liabilities. . . 145,819.01i3m Surplus to policyholders $1,327,637.04 E L" The President in moving the adopâ€" P91: tion of the report, said that it wasiw gratifying to be able to refer to thei 1 satisfactory growth during the year i 5"" in the income of the Company. which, {eh after deducting amounts paid for} Vi _. h.‘ ”-0.- IF YGU’RE “WEB HE necessity ot uszng any purpose, you xvi] ested in. RAEE‘JSAY’S PURE MSXED P bxause they are the you can secure, and ; deaiers have them. A A. RAMSAY SON, MOI We want. (500d. RELIABLE. RSV-“GET“: men in ‘ . -. ‘ 1 Dominmu to «unreprescmwl mag-1c! E-Lg‘i‘3tugitl‘3§it9 :22“ “mung”: s ‘ ‘ll‘ at.)‘:k ‘0‘ “tve:‘ {flfi ”Q ' . ‘ I ’ I . i. n ‘ z t" :(gdodividcuds111533“?1““: 393d! ,ror “33"“ $3" $313 men? alsom svcluc apvhtalwm: .0136 O M pay liberal equzmiba'wus. Al-‘PLV- _ _I I -05.- flnmnan‘: loam. Ogemur and {:nwfurt’. (bunnies. Thue par- fgot. On Micbugan Central. Devon. Mac 323w and M We [intro-Mu. as pr can maxing {Km 32 :0 $22 an. These band: we Close to Eummr'ainc Nan owns, Churches. SchooES. em. and mi! be seldom 0a "' ~râ€"-â€"-â€" Ann-:fn 8.000 lGBES 0009 FARMING LANDS-«AH ENAO -vwâ€"' manila samu- .ud ache} iimimma The Dawsog I}: Stem Stem Wind To intmluoe Dr. Dejx: r: ‘1 for pale people. fcuiam. “; disease. nervousnesa. 'ucu give FREE ynur Chow“? plain or Ie;:gz_~zwed. or a A .. D:I\|‘\ Ln-uhfll' To immluoe Dr. Dru): Tonic rm: for making biood for pale people. femuie «witnesses, liver and kidney disease. nervousn‘ls-S. wcnknei of_t.hc :iyawm, cum. wq give FREE ynur choiuâ€" of 314k 003d Phued Watch. plain or e-:grzwed. or u (hm Ham!” Watch. Ladiu' or Mom's rchbzsic time kccpw'. “M‘NM t-‘d 5 58‘“- Thc pill: are 330 per b0: 5‘3 7:0 for 10 boxurs Read his amount and you mil ram-five 10 box"; and the watch; or write for parcicuiars. Agents wanted in even UN 0 and city. â€"â€"--- nil- fin ' ’ â€"â€" THE F! VEST PRODUCED. 'CEY LON TEA oeseRvBs ” ”*Mfivair you mm. m FACT TIT IS JUST 25 30. u. 50." m - .JA- Michigan Land» jig Safe. ‘ "“G 4 Wholesale only GRAfEFULâ€"fiOMFORTlNG. AA- other PRODUUA‘J. W ftlnuzu "\u- .-- a Dawson Commissmn Go. 001‘. West-Market 8t cexborno $1., Sun Savings and Loan Company, Tawnm. BREAKFAS'ESUPPER- ,- ‘mLii'éums‘rn macaw. AGENTS WM“ ED. “' 0"" 8:, City, won. Whitcemo. '.o Mich. THE DR. DENT P“... 00-! 31: grhfl “id ‘ St... . “I‘ I Buy“ Scruggs. 9 LEAD. covpfin. BRASS. Long Distance lecle. one} 729. â€"-â€"’ â€"â€" 7-. ensure bestgcsultw comma to ‘Tlm'mt' u "mt. TRY IT AND :32: FOR mum THAT Shareholders of this Company was held 1. RAMSAY SON, MONTREAL, The Paint Makers.- The following gentlemen. were re- elected to serve as Directors for the ensuing yearzâ€"Hon. Geo. A. Cox, J. .T. Kennv. Hon. S. C. Wood, Thomas __ -- iF-Kenuny', Hon. 8. C. Wood, Thomas Long, John Hoskin. Q.C., L L.D., 8:11. Penn, R. Jafiray. A. Myers and E. “7. Cox. At. a meeting of the Board held sub- sequently Mr. Geo. A. Cox .wns re- ,elected President and Mr. J ..J . Kenny i Vice-President. HE necessity of using Paint {61‘ W GOLD CURE 10c. Omaha a fifty 1 Garters formacx (30., Agents, Mania-u! itze til-:3 mums INGUBATOR-8est and cheat)“. n In“ and. mie mzem. for th»: lmuziniofl. Svnd 3“- IKE Following SECOND-HAND MACHINERY: hm bras used but, fime: is practically as good .3 cw: wit! be mid cheap: 1 Gavin Hand Miller; 1 Emery Pttld: I Lathe. :1 foot. Led. ; 1 Bliuvhkx. Lube, Sfcor; 2 (Amt-ks. 12 m.; 1 Power: Hack Saw: 3 Tuba Hogs, Iron Pedestal ; 1 Large I’ohshix-g Jul-k; 1 Speed Lube; 2 Spoke Threading .wwhineu: 1 Engine Lathe; 2‘2 Split. Pulie;s of different. sizes; 5 Rock Pmloyl. Apply to E. W NESBITT, Woodawck. Ont. --_F ' o. Roma. 3010 amp for catalogue. 90 the Odorle ss Crematory Czoset 00.. Hamilton. Ont Drum SIB’ «About 3 yo" ago I ”naught from M g. of your Odorloss Crematox, Closets- and have duo. anal it. constantny in my private residswm u ~in 59;“;de utiu‘acuon. 1 nm to well planed w! h ‘2 Um: you can an . me mother at once for my hotel. thnym truly, J. {i March. Mxx‘kdale. Ont. ‘ The following are the names of a few prominent citizens who are using this closet, and from whom we have very flattering testimonials: . Dr. D L. Thompson, Toronto,, Ont. Dr McGlaughlan Boumnnville Ont. Dr. M. L. Dixon Frankxille, “Ont. Dr. C. F. Ferguson, Kemptvillé, Ont. Dr Ulric Gabourg Plantaganet, Ont. Juzig‘ A C. Chadnick. 6231: 1b, Ont. C. J. Mickie, BHA, Che-“IQ. ,,Om. Rev. John Downie Watt-31' ’. 03‘. L. Dampier M333 Bani: ‘11 <oiig'merco. Strdthrby, but. Peter Hope, merchant. Penn, 0m. Jas Moffatt, merchant. ,Ami'ursf, N8 For cata‘ogggp aigiyripc lit} write‘tp F33 SALE! 'fiJomnmmmm 53:593. 8.9-! :em for thc hon inflon. Send 3d. 35: Paul Street, Mounted will i’AIHTS 3 best paints , all the best Ask for them. he intu-

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