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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Mar 1900, p. 4

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The Bill for the Emancipation of summary, in the BUUSII Qbauonions'. passed in 1833. 134 mg busts to have Cape Colony and settle in ch; :Orange Free State and the Transvaal. '11) 18-32 Britain recoznizcd Lhe'iude- 'pendunce of these colonies, and had little or no further trouble pi}! 1877 when the Boers were tbi'eateimd 53° the Zulu: and Ba-antos. when upping .cntiou was aggixg ‘made to England iwbo saw (I tii‘e‘m‘ftotxn eXtex Inwaa iou', ~"and notwithstanding tins chry pre- paration t9 deazi-os' :zhcir rcscdmg and hbertygiy'mg s'ugypners was at. :Odée made ' V ' In 1331. after ’Zle bank: at Majuha gill, which was fought. agd you by Britain’s claim was next discussed, when it. was shown that she had a right through conquest and through purchase. and moreover the “arid had been enriched through the ex plorntions of such men as Liv iugsmn, Baker, Mango Pmk and 'many others. The vacillating policy .oer. tilaiistcne, the speaker said, retarded the rescue 0! Gordon at Khartoum. but, to day, through the influence of Kitchener. the Country is opened on both sides of the Nile "and the Bl'ltiSh fig}; Waving OVci' 'lKhartoum A brief reference “'83 -~'theu made to the enterprise of Brit- pin in Opening up railways which ever Carried with it a. broadvuihgand enlightening influence upon a nation. The Spanish-.flmerican war was nexc referred to. anda reference was ’jmade to [ha glorious transfigl'matjou 'which had taknu place in the whole 'l-luud of Cuba. In one year,‘ he 'said, more good had been done ugder American free-dam than had been previously accompliished during the four hundred years 'of Spanish tyr- fanuv. Turning to the South African Gov. _ermnent, Mr. McGregor charactermcd it. as a Government. of narrowuess and depression. but be depicted Brit- 'aiu’s Intimate success in bringing about enliglztcnuwut, Christianity and freedom, Lard Salisbury. he said had told 11:} of me dViIIg and liviII-r IiatioIIg and pointed out, that. BIiInIII and Ike Unite! States are egoiu ,2; [mud III with :14; port. 003 of the Anglo Saxon race winch had been entrusted [Osrlt‘ai of the EIIglIsiI IOIIgue, and the broadening and liberIy- giving iIIflII :ence of our common Christianity which by them Io an; is ggeipgcauied round the wozld. The Rev. Gentleman then referred 3,0 the horrors of war, and said he fwaa not here to advocate, or (xx-fend ‘such horrors. only in the event of failure of a'l Other measures. Some "nations, be pointed out, \\ ere 0; Chad "by diplomacy. some by momlguasion‘. ,and some by the sword. China. he ":said, was opened by Baituin and to ‘r’ay the Gospel of Christ. is preached; jn that heathan land under the BrxtJ 3511 flag. The address preper \\ as iIItIoduced “'1”! It quorum!) from Hell!) Cizu w ho once sand I y'oula scum: be. :flght than be: PI esideuc ” and then mud he IvgaIded BIILIIIII 5 cause as one of right. Iighteousness. tIIIIiI 'lIberty and equnluy Ito IIIe lIuIIIzu. race, and MI (hos reason He took up on lIiIIISe-lf t9 Spruk III behalf uf 'Britam’s enuSe, “bicb \\ as actuated :b; the vitalizmg plinci} [es of UIIIIs- 'IIan- ty, am! the wa II. of IIIIICII lead It. :the downfall of Babylon. Home and Other places. After the usual iIIIIuduI:'tor3 ser- vi'c',es the Re».geIII1eIIIIIII referred in highly eIIIOgIsIIc (runs to th» able ’sddress by the Hon .\1I.C|IarIIou, fdelivered II few Ila) 3 ago in the House of Commons and II-purtcd at length in the Toronto 61069.."th be It'- farded as the ablesc much: he had seen on the SOIIIII AiIII'aII queptiou. and acquaIIIIed his hear'cIs that 1IIs address would b» 10_Su!ut3 extent Iashioned aerI' that III IIcle. .Mr. McGregor sho red a thorough ‘acquaiutancc with the “'10“: qursuun 'am’d during the hour demoted to the sy'oject gate as clear glut-id tiou of :zmun of the citcumstances which :culmiuated in the present. misis The tlUpllCii\ of Presulent Kiugct and the falsifying attitude a§sumed "towatds his 0“ n subjrcls both it: the "l raus and and the Oaauge k let: State yet-e gt‘a pthfti l v portrayed. On Snndm maxing last the resid cuts of Durham and \iqinit) had the privilege of lustenmg 10 a veay able. :riuslructihe ednfyiug and ins-pith”; Patriotic Addiew. delisered in the- :Baptist Church b3 the pasmr. Rex. ALB-titain and hex colon es is no“ fight lug our. BRITAIN WILL WIN ‘Mr. McGregor and we have no doubt tfut maux in the packed audience “en: hope with difi’meut views on ithe South African War. and wane more than ever satisfied of the: Irighleousness of the vaase which ,DURHAM, M ARCH 15, 1900 m EHRONiGZLE. ‘W. Irwin, . Rational Patriotic gates (B! Rn. Wu. McGamon.) Editor and A scientist says “ If the earth was flattened our. the spa would be two miles deny) a“ over the world ” Al'- xer mrdirating. a Kansas edi'or gives our the foliowing: "If any man i: caught flattening out the earth slmot him on the spot. and don-'L be LOO blgmed particular what spot. A great. many of 11.5 can-’3 grim. DRESS-GOODS -â€"'I‘he nmv The Big Sto 8 surprpm: ever shown in Durham look over the range of 8 different values. Give us men . Men. from every rank. Freah and free and frank. Men of thought and reading. Men of light and leading, Mun of loyal breeding. ' England‘s welfare speeding. Men of faith and not of faction, Men of lofty aim and action : Give as men, I say again, give us men. Give us men : Strong: and stalwart ones. Men whom highest hope inspires. Men whom purest honor tires. Men who iramples self beneath them. Men who make their conntrv wreath them. As her noble sons worthv of their sites, Men who never shame their mothers, Men who never fail theirbrothera. True. how ever falee are others, Give as men. I say again, give 118 men. Givens men: . Men. who when the tempest gathers. Grasp the standard of their fathers, In the thickest fight. Men who strike for home and alter, (Let. the coward cringe and falter) God defend the right. 'l‘rne as truth though lorn and lonely Tender as the brave are only: Men who tread where saints have trod. Men for Country. Queen and God. Give us men. I say again Give Us Men. The. National Anthem and the Ben- ediction brought the meeting toa close. The call for help to Canada and the nohlp t'OSponse of our temple in giving the verv heat. of her jewels for the defence of the mother land. to his mhtd had a tendency to cement more firmlv than evvr the bonds of union he’ween Great Britain am! he!“ colonies. and he furthermore thought that never again would Canadians Cull out. for sepm'atitm from the Brit- ish Empire. In em clnsion. Mr. Mc- Gregor read a poetical extract en- titied “Give us Men,’ which we append hereto. with the sincere hope that the sentiment expres‘sed therein may give an impetus to the. patriotic wave now flowing over our land. Hmir dptprmin: Mon to an on conquer- i112 and to thon', as England is doing and will:' .0. Austin rarm'ring m mistakee mad? during tlmxxm'. Mr McGngor. b\ illustrm ons fmm history “em on to shmv that history “as le‘Pfe With evidencps wherein grpawr Wanders were made and yet them: blunderc oul‘: strpngthmwd thmn in The. Boprs. tho sprakpr went cn to say. rpm] the Bible. but the Bihlp alone“. has a tandem-y to make a maple narrow in their vivws. In ordvr tiwn. to free thpm from this narrow rrmdirion thev need eniizh'eument Thpv arp intrlermit in religion, giv- mgno frppriom to Roman Catholics. Jens or other donominafions than their own Though frequpnrlvepoL- 9n ofasahravvpecplt- M) McGrPgor conid nor agrm- with this New 'i‘h»y are ecu-mini}. wily and fight “'9’“ nnflor cover, but in his: npininn .thp hravn man is he who fights in rhp Op?!) field. As to th air Ipligiuns character. Mr. V (Gregor save their religion is supprficial and iarhingin the viruliz inc; principle; of Christianifv. Paul K'nszpr from his boyhood has: always boon in Ironhiu. and the character- istics of his Pariv life3 are pva- pros- eut in hI-Peo‘ing dissomion. and mm» ticiIIgdprepIion with his own Donnie as we“ as with tho nations with whom hp comes in contact. V- - -vu' VVI nf it was pxmrted from thp Outlanc‘ff prs. and nspd lurgply but, secreielv for the purchase of 9mm and all munitions of war. 90 that in thp nrpssnt crisis the British in the Transvaal are fighting against the sznns that were purchased by their own money. i «£51,000 000. £22 000.000. or 309 Pr~_sMpnt. 'Krugpr is denominated as a slanfliing trickster. who npvpr .kapr .hi's promisps wit-h the ppnpls of fEngIand or with thnse he invited no the Transvaal. His promise of a rizht to the franchise after two years was shamefully ignored. and subsp- qnpmly increased tn fouween. with no definite assurance that. it would ever he eivpn Furthermore every scbsme that could lw devisnd for the destrnco tiun of British inflnpnso was at once our imo efTecr to prepare {or the naming struggle Ont 0F 21 revemIpI ,t‘ e Boers. a reace was concluded by Mr. Gladstqne in “hick tbwir inieo pandence was: aaknqwledged uith a urmi 0 that Britain was to exerciw a suzeraFnry over the comny. a pro- viso snbqunently ignored by Presio dun Kruger and the Boers. GIVE US MEN. l‘he nmv stock at sunrgms anything Cull aha shades and '4 gwill generally correct this: difficulty. If you will put from one- : fourth to half a teaspoonful‘ in baby’s bottle three or four l times a day you will soon see 1 a marked improvement. For | ilarger children, from half to ‘ Fa teaspoonful, according to: 3 age, dissolved in their milk, Iif you so desire, will very «i soon show its great nourish-I l ing power. if the mother’s milk does not nourish the lbaby, she needs the emul-i i sion. lt will show an effect ‘ at once both upon mother! l and child. ! Dr. Soon. received a pct-st card from ‘his son Cimr'es. now at Belmont. on the 15th. nlt , unique in character. On the upper lvft hand cornm‘ is a picture of a collection of South Ah i- «wularwploppslMJonging H)I?.I{.IJH Port Eiimbeth. On the umwr righr hand corneris a pkfiure qfatIVand Jinrickska. The llppwl' centre bears a p§cmre of the railway Station at Cape :own. The card readsz- Bol- mout. 13H) Jam. 1900. With kind regards and best wishes. My Dear Father. A“ we“! Am happy and contented Charlie Printed in G 1'- manv. The card bears the Orange River Cape of Good Hope Stamp. date Jan 13. 1900. so was one month and two days on {he way.--~Forvst Standard. Mr. H A. Hunter nf Minnnqnnlis son of “re. Humm- nf Durham. Om.. \\ ho with her daughter. \Iiss Blanche Hun 9r. has bueu in tonn for tiw winter. “as the most congratulated of its forpign representativee a? the annual moetin'.r of the Canada Life Assurance Compnnv last. week. 'I‘hou‘rh the \oungest of the branch manage-rs , of the Canada Lift: hp is the mow surres‘s‘ful nf H. 9 New Year. - Suturdav Night. March 10th. 'l‘nrnnm. 44'l‘ranhv avmnw, on Feb, ‘2'.)nd. 1900 Dr. Ghent dropper! (load on the Sheet in Halena. Mnmana. eight ypars ago. while on his Way to visit his son, who wa: at, this time pracrising mpdicinp in KaliSpvl.-â€"â€". Shelbourue Frve Press. COD LIVER OIL mummy/0512111755 aft/lifts SODA Mrs. Ghent, sister of “19. J _ H. Hnn'er of Durham. and “idnw of this lam Dr Byrun E Ghent. {011W IV of Privcviile. (“Ml at. hpr homp in ‘ ; . . Our fruit dealers were unfortunate 0‘? 103“)“ PP "up“! Read made enonuh to have 'l'our car lunch of a coilectton from ”W Rcd (£038 boxes I râ€" " . nipples on the Allan Liner California thh h"d been Placed l” the d'EH" :which ram on the rocks on Rams ent moms 0‘ H1” 3M] 3060'! Street l Island le’lue early on Sunday Feh’y [ SC“°°I3~ “Nd \‘ as ejml’led l0 forthraist P26th. The passengers were savedl‘h" $1“? or 364-4" W ”‘9 300'9'33 ybut the cargo V35 lost. There is pi'ovmcnal treasuier. ("the amount. some insurance on the apples shipped 5"“ 10 “'35 “O“U'lbme'l b) HI“ ail'eet , _ .__r\ :- , He‘rld. 'school and $10.35 by the pupils of from he”) lhornbn “ d ‘lBeech Street. The contribution is Rev Mr. Little. of Clintsworth, extremely creditable to the little who has bpfin hollingrevivnl services folks who took hold 9f. the Patrtonc at Proton Station. previous to emer_|.eiitet'yi'ise Wllh a 3‘31“} “hush gust- ing the minisngv was a blacksmith granteetl success ‘allOU? schemes As an evidence that he had not. fonui “"‘w inaugurated :0 ”“53 funds. gotten his trade he entered a black- 5 Concerts were prepared by the differ. Smm, ghop on Thursday in“ and put ent classes. magic lantern entertain- a toe cork on a litrsedioe as scientili- i nients Were g'VH': “”1 the little 03“). “S the host of themâ€"just. to gll'ln‘ made tall: and sold it among keep his; hand in. _ Flesherton Ad their ll’lelltlS. depositing the piocevds * ' in their boxes. Boyd Silt-Bl school Mm Ghent cister of MN ’ H made its contribution some weeks Hunter 0; Durham. and widow of ago to the hatmnal Patriotic kunu. the late Dr Byron E Ght‘nt. former. l “â€"Owe“ bound. Tubes- l -_._.__. . «.â€" Our fruit dealers were unfortunate enough Lo have {our car loads of apples on the Ali-«m Liner California which ram on the rocks on Rams Island 19’128 early on Sandav Feb’\'[ 26th. The passengers wem saveodl but the Cargo was lost. The”: IS some ins trance on the amvles shipped fxom hate. â€"â€"'1 hornbu:y Hearld. { Babies and .ehiidren need ! proper food, rarely ever medi- I cine. If they do not thrive? on their food something is i wrong. They need a iittle I help to get their digestive? machinery working properly. f " “7115‘ did yon place such a tcugh fowl before me ?” asked the indignant lady patron. of a waiter in a down ,town restaurant. “ Age before beauty alwavs, you know. madam,” was the gallant reply. And then woman-like. she smiled and paid her bill wiLhont a murmur. â€"Chicago News. 50c. an! $x.oo, all drugg'uts. SCOTT 8: BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. Unitedâ€"In Natal. on Feb. 28 Gen,- eral Buller to LarIySmit-h. Catlgra_t-. ulatio IS have been an a grand scale. The «lav will hereafter be knpwn as. Buller’s Natal Day.â€"-â€"Fie.~;herton Ad. vauce. Exchange Echoes. Granite Wash Bowls, large size . 25c 1 ho. 9 Nickle Pia-ted Tea Kettle Granite Pie Plates. 154° 32c Yard. Floor Oil Cloth, 4-ft. 6-in. widu â€" 400 Yard. Floor Oil Cloth, 6-H. wide Floor Oil Cloth. 45-h) wide He Sells ("heap ! “TELLS. Allord'ers taken at the old stand near McGowan's Mill or at Shop at Charter Smith's Foundry. ALL WORK G UAuAnEED at “Live and let live” PRICES. ' New PUMPS AND REPAIRS. DIG. DRILL ()mm HIS-.CURB PRESS URB Mr. William Davidson. St. Andrews. Que. state»: Ur. bhase’s byrnp of Linseed and 'l‘urpentine has cured me uf bronchitis. I have, withnut srccess, tried many remedies fur the past >ix years, Last winter when I had a severe attack and was unable to wurk l procured a bottle uf Ur. Uh_a.-e’s Syrup nf Ltn>eud and l‘nrpentine and am nappy to state that the third bottle made me a well man.” 2'5 cts a battle. Family size 00 cts. 'able Oil Cloth, 45-h) ,wide Pumps. Mr. and Mrs. John I). Ewen lean-e this week for their bum: in the golden west. To them we wash a pleasant trip, health and prosperny. Mr, Stephen \\ ade lechs this week for the N.‘ W. '1}, “lune be In- tcuds to spend the summer. Surveyor McNabb was in the vicium fur a few weeks back straigc- eunng Some line {woe tangles, and luCttLlng debputcd buuudazy hues. Lucasrs U Clark and A C unstou last chk pertormed serwce [or [new cuuuuy m Uncu buuuu m the: Super on; of jul'5mau. and helped to mac uu’ rigunuus jusuce on muse tickle minded 30mins, Mr. Rubt. J Corlett visited pro~ spcmn‘e xciuuves m the mummy of l‘lcshnrtou on Thursdays 0! last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mcuulmou. of Varuey, spent last. Fuday and balur- day may pleasantly \thh then auu m the Village. Messrs. Jas. Hay and Mack Mc- Donald left on Tuesday Jam 10 mn homes and fortunes m the tar Wear. Hat. 23. 99. y Mass Majurw Lediugham returned from Ana" u, Manitoba" abuut. a u eek ago. and Is x'ecmvxug many welcome and [warty (mud-shakes allcl «u M)- chCL: 01 newly [our gems. Mr. Davin Watson is at present busy getting uut legs and umber, preparatory tor buddmg on his («nu me coming bummer. Mr. and Mrs J. Hewitt, of Ben- tinck, visited in Owen Sound Hue inter part. 01 last. week. Mr. Jas. Hill has let: at our otfiw .two twigs when from a plum t'c'e affected by the tent caterpillar. I Around each twig is a deposit of eggs protected by a qovexing, winch is said to be impervious to the frost. Each . deposit. ,i'eweseuts probablv from 1500 to 2000 eggs, The cow-r- ing has a bright perforated appear- ,ance not unlike that of a. thimble and is quite hard on the sunfage. Fruit growers should eXamiue their are]. ands to 'see if any of their trees have been attacked in 8. Similar way. as uhe parts of the tree so afiectrd should he removed and destroyed be- fore mild weather sets in -.\leafoxd Mirror. IBEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUS- TOMERS and the public in general that I am prepared to furnish 'g 4, Calder’s Block, â€"- DURHAM. â€" GEORGE WHITMORE, BRONCHITIS . DORNOCH. 13c Eachâ€" 2 for 2.53. $1 35 20c Yard. 50c Yard. DURHAM orto To Manitoba and Canadian North - West] wil leave Toronto every TUESDAY during! M_ . h and April. Passengers travelling without Live Stock : should take my train leaving Toronto at 2 p. m, I Pamnngtgawlllng with Live Stock should I take the train loaving 'loronm at 9 p. m. Colonist. Seeper will 'be attached to each train. ‘ ' “ ' ' For ful particulars and 9093' of “Settlers” Guide" apply to any Qinadian Pacific Agent. Settlers’ ! One=Way 1 Excursions' wit II. A II 3) and eâ€"Hryiiml 0? lvgltlmate lnnziw Incas» attended to and everything kept S'lkICTLY PRIVATE. ALWAYS PROMPI‘. Never negligent. CHARGES MODERATE. Businegs Diflimltios arran Derds, Mort ga res Leases, Wills and other Writ~ lugs unregtu ly drawn Finauliiftf._‘_\‘<_:9_i(_leqt, Marine and Plate Glass IX; GOOD FARMS and Splendid Hanover Properties F01: SALE or EXCHANGE. Properties Bought and Sold on cmmuission. Debts Collected. Old Notes Bought. Ocean Tickets for sale. â€" H. H. MILLER - Hns been at. the business for nearly 20 years and knows the. ins and mm of it. and always studies to giva his custuu'urs a gnod bargain. knowing that in the and it ‘, ays him as well as them. That, in fact. is the reason wh ' he today has the best business of the kind, in Western Ontario. He has recently lent money to borrowers in “'alk- erton, in Durham. in Holland. near Mihlmay, near Southam ton, a short distance from Owen Sound. and WH ' do m-ople 'o to him from such rrvatv distancvsl lit-cause hwy make mono ' by «hing so. it thev didn‘t thev wouldn't go to lilll. They ~ ‘I “‘fllT-fll“\\ "rm-n -44. -0. turn ,_ 'nnn Tnmn‘nnnn. so. u thex «lialn‘ t tum \\ oulclu I go In him. The get CHEAPER INTEREST and BETTER TERMS. A LL 31‘ W HAT YOU LIKE 1F. \ en bodv seems to want MONEY. and [1‘ Is SURPRISIXG lum many people go f0: it to I" Snow Rooms .Ovrzn acorr‘s STORE. MAPLE $9.00 $7 00 , BIRCH 9 00 7 00 SOFT ELM 9.00 7.001 8455“ 001) 900 7.00 SBEECH, 700 5.00 BLACK ASH ll 00 8 00 PINE cut 14h. 11.40 8.00 CEDAR 600 5.00 ‘stUCI‘ 7. 00 H F \I LOOK $4 to $6 accord’g TAMARAC $4 to $6 ” HONEY;$ $ $ 3; Shoes made for all kinds nf diseased )r deformed feet. A CALL smncn‘m) Mill Streetâ€"In Rear of Calder’s Block. Lower Town, Durham Logs will be classed according to quaint) and size. and to be. cut as much as pousihle, 12 ft. long, allow- ing three inches. 1 King 5; 3.4M Aberdeen haw Mill. SUIU ' -_vm"mw""" g Students Admitted Any Time H. 1-]. M l LLE R, Millinery! UR. X \‘(JES placed atilow est rate-3:- in Good onnmnies. General Blacksmith. OBSESHOEING A SPECIALTY . MORAN, THE HANOVER CONVEYANCBR. H. H- MILLER, I beg to intimate that I am still in Business, and prepared to supply the public with any- thing: in the Millioery A. H. NO'I‘MAX. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent. Line. Greenbacks ; CASH ! For which due following will be paid. The Hanover Conveyancer S. CULBEBISON. J. W. ORA W FOR D. 9.00 37 00 $5.00 900 700 5.00 9.00 7.00 5 00 900 7.00 500 700 5.00 400 1100 800 500 1140 8.00 5 00 leitors settled DURHAM. L‘aI of [and Plastet; *6 awe i a: to Lang. 4.00 6‘ %%%%%a%: «$93? .fléz‘ 4N. lmpart of Field and Garden Seeds at :g c. L. GRANT, - - DURHAM; $$%%%%%%%%%%§%%4 l __________ . .1 «knew M . \%%%¢w%%%¢w% 22$ 2% aki- 294* I4? I: kw £me fivtwmzw \74 x» .va «m I vs: I A Man: Whale Stuck High Cut Boots usna -00 tn 32.20 mm â€" Men’s:i :Nit I’lucl o-r were $17.3. no”! â€"- Men’ 5 Split (hanger. were. SI. 3:: mm â€"- \Vumen’ 5 “11018 Stock Laced. new: $1 50 mm Mia: 65 \\ hole Stuck Laced “etc 81....) ” .0. HOW Men’s Suits that we sold for $8.50. now Men's Suits that we suld fur $1000 now â€" C3 ildreu’s Suits at. same big redm-tiuu. A few Ladies" Jackets away down in price. Horse and Cattle Spice-«7 lb. Pac‘fages, 25¢ flAll Other Lines of Boots at Same Rate. LAST “'EEK we advertised a big reduction in all kinds of goods, and this week we quote a few prices so as to convince you that this MN: is genuine. Notice these prices: Cash or jigs Equivelant. Boots, usually sold at March . 15th, 1900. (9 v. 2"» b 3 $1 I0 3! 20 $1 07

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