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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Mar 1900, p. 5

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. ions and g-e; common {chi o mmhn} .. : Incurable Throat and Lung generally. .1 . fl ,-.-. tiy I Troubles. beacon to show the way to health 5 and the haven of health. .t 3'“ INS Great 38!“de Bumsl‘he healing of catvrrh has received, Mrs- J- H. Harte. of 223 Church 3d . . I: :the unboundvd euIOgy from pvople in Street. Toronto "1 t1’11!!!“ Of her f o , . 9 aith l and Prevents Colds, Dmes m. positions. many. pablicly 0.. mandcurmunswondem. lrvmedy. c professionally, as Dr. Amww’s Ca- 933-“: "Icauuot. Speak too highly of out Catanh Germs and mm“ pawder. iv.- Ag"e“.,s Gatflrrhfll pngvflo‘o D-.. ' Mr. John Sirrs is expected home, from Dakota one of them: days He; is going: to take charge of the Varuay ' blacksmith shop in the absence of; Mr, A. Little. who is going- west John [warned his trade in Vsu'uey,. O O I . but- has smce had a. vaned expert-1 once in {In- work. ' Miss Agnes Baird came h3me from Toronto on Saturday to sueud a. Weeks wuh he: fnends and relatives \ I..w.. .u -\.-.y puul llfii‘lltll and had to Messrs. Ben Crittenden and A. be removed to the Hosp'tal- Baird are faithful workers and NONI-l Mr. W. 'l'rimble has added to his hlyso since theycomineumed clearing Durham stage line business the the number 05 a piece uf land for Mr. iCeyion livery. purchaswl from Mr. E. Johnson. but the-y Were fouui i W. Taylor. of that. place. ‘0’“"3 a 00“?” Ofid‘W-Q [3‘3" “'cek- Mr. M. K.Beaton. timbr-r merchant Yet. for the sport {may enjoyed. too made the sale of timber ,0 Boyd Bros. much should not. he said, as the place reported by us fast week to have is said to be szlded almost ready for ’ hm," made bv W, A. Armstrong. Mr. Spring crop. and a skunk put to rou'ei ' Beaten purchased the timber on the ”I?! has beet: 8. ten-0r tO poultry I Arxusll’OllK property and disnosed of rasers _ Monday and Tuesday’s Storms blocked the l'OddS running North and South completely up. and has conse- quently reduced the summex's statue labor somewhat. besxde-s proving who has a right to the township grant to wire fence budding in bad drxfling places. Miss Jessie McIlvride, of Norman- by, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Gray, completing her education infancy Imu. making, and other de- coratious. . A selection of light hearts from Durham. Hutton Hill, Buriessau and this line gathered at the home of Mr. Wm. Sirrs on Friday night and spent theeveuing ii: chit chat, music, games and good knows what not. Your Bunessan man must be about as font! of wine as he is of babies. judging by the way he hangs round that old Rob Roy Hotel, and butleys the bashful scribe. oi: that place, out. of his bits of scraps of news. 1 Monday and Tuesday’s Storms : I n - ‘ ‘ l The Rev. Mr. Campbell Miss Lizzie and Mrs. Margaret Pollock. of Hpnfryn.are renewing old acquaintances and visiting rela- tives in this part. They report. iiking their new abode very much Mr. Jas Baird is putting thinge in shape for Summon": lime burning. Summon-40.11:. PARK, MILL STREET, ._ DURHAM. .- IuIJIIIII uU' hy. Companyaud P:'i\:aiâ€"t'<twl“";;nds to Loan at 5, a; and 6 Der celgt. in sums and upon terms to szut bur-rowers. A General Financial Business Transscted OFFiCE-l door sown of S. Scott’s Store. WPICE-Mclutyre Block. (Over the Bank) Money {0. Loan :1: reasonable rates and on terms to sun: burrowet. "° I Mr. Jas. and Miss Rachael Hillis -- ___ drove home through Tuesday night’s Storm from Walkerton. Althorwgh E. J. FREEI, M. 0., c. M. the drifts got too depp to get the rig ONOR GRADUATE or TRINITY quite through ”I“? houswd :ha horse romp Torontu: Member at the 0min a neighbor’s barn and footed it 1029 of thsiciaus and Saran as. Oum ' This is a vary fair sample 31 b.- H 1).. “ed' 1 d I ‘bm; 'hmugh‘ emorotre trait; ma: .1 nary, ft . , t ° Aunt-ration. Sixsearshou-italexperience. :2” 35:12:“ that the peeple of his RESIDENCE-rose: fink Building. oppoakte C. , . . .- l mum.“ “9‘3“” UpperTownJUBHAl. é .__.Mr and. {lathems us rncoxel mt:- ARRISTER. NOTARY . VEYANCER. Em, Etc. CORNER CONCERNS fiat-ch 15th '. s. DAVIDSON, compounded for . of 01‘- “he healing of catrrrh has received lthe unbounded «salary from pimple in hivh positions. socially. publicly or professionally, as Dr. Agnew’s Ca- tan'hal Powder. Dr. Agnew’s Camrrbal Powder is a. Specific for catarrh. It. gives almost inelant relief. not only in the acute forms. but chr‘onk cases of many YPQJS" St: Aiding yanisin under its per- siswn: use I; wi‘l' break up a cold in the head in almost quicker time then it takes to pen it, (t is p pleas- Miss Meredith. teachpr furlough part of last “'er the marriage of hm‘ sister m Staff. Mr. E. V Ew sevured the position. Mr. R. J Spronle hate, in order to kpep up with his increasing businees, heed cc InpeHmi to add a practii'ai 311° sun-unce and office hand to his prvseut Staff. Mr. E. V Everitt. of Barrie, on........_J .I, _ o â€"---ch-Vllfio “Ilu *Beat-on purchased the timber on the ‘Arxustronx property and disposed of part of it: to the above firm Mini Beaten has four gangs on squam: timbur and has altogetlwr about fifty! men and a. large number of teams} emphyed ’ ’ Mr W. A. Armstrong spam the past fortnight at Lucknow where he purchased thp jmwllery stock of his Ihrother J W. \vha has accepted a 'position in Vancouver. Mr Arm- strongdisposvd of part of the stock r-efore returning home. 'he balance he has added to his already complete ‘8tock here. ' ! .3 . 3 .' Mr. Ed McNea. formerly of this} M‘md“) s‘stm m 6““ "D the 3'38 Place «an some d-we ago burned out, roads comp.erely. and has unnamed “8 9 0 x d . o _ . ' . . s - in Cleveland where b? has been “v- to get back and form a~ u .ual. con in” for some time M rs \{cNea has sequently a short budget this week. been in very poor health and had to { Mr. Harland Matthews has been be removed to the Hospital, [negonatmg for a homeSEeal dow 1.1 on Mr w 'l'rimble has added to hisid'e smtee-mh. The gn'ls are Just Durham Huge line business the:w:utmg breathless to see huu close 09.340” livery. Durclmgad frmn up .the (lea!- l (Condensed from lastweek‘s budget which i came too late.) ’ A large delegation from the Pres- byterian Sabbath Schonl here visited the home of Mrs. John Ben'ham. West back line. on Friday evening last and presented her with a. beauti- ful silver fruit dish and Spoon accom- panied with an address expressive of rugret at her departure for New York. Mrs. Bentham has leased her farm to Mr. RobL Waller and leaves shortly to reside in New York State. A NARROW ESCAPE. Thankful words written bv Mrs -' {Ada E. Hart, of Gromn. S. D. ” Was itaken with a bad cold which settled gon mv 'ungs: mugs. set in and final-E 'Iv terminated 3n (.‘onsumpti m, Fnurf Dru-tors gave me up. saunas: I could .live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior. determined if I «could ncr smv with my friends on earth, I would meet mv hsem onee above. Mv hnchand wan advised to ,2” Dr. King’s-z New Discnvwry for 'Concnmption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it. a trial. took in all eight bot- tles. It has cured me. and thank f God. 1 am saved and nmv a we” and l beal'hy woman.” Sold by a” Drug- ‘ I; it I gisrs 50cm. ancLSI.OO Guaranteed or wire refunded. . i more. is to preach in the school house ° my Sunday night. which will mean a full house. and a general turn out of all the Presbyterians in’ this part. I' uv‘vl INC- from a painful case of blood poison- ing I: started from a simple ssru-‘ch on the face unheodml, but developed imo work for Dr. Jamieson' FLESHERTON. teacnpr was on L3? new]: atte.; ding r sister at. Durham. in a‘nd cure by this wonderful remedy. 933w; " I cannot Speak too highly 0f gDr Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder. For {years I sufl'ered intensely and con- srantly from catarrh in its wont .form I took everything I could purchase that promised me a cure, without any permanent, results until I nied Dr Agpgw’s Qatarrhnl Pow- dpr. The first application of it-and it’s so' simply to apply-â€"- gave me ggrea: relief. 1 persevered in the use é Dr Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder is ' the permanent ermlicator and perpet- -ua.l exwrminmtor of this mosr. insidi- gous and yet common foe of hum ' generally. If you are a sufl‘erar take counsel of the thousmds to whom it 'has been a. sovereign balm -- the beacon to show the way to health [and the haven of health. Mrs. J. H, Harte. of 223 Church Street. Toronto in telling of her faith in find cure hr this wouderfnl Mama”1 0 Some of the leading roads have been somewhat biockad for the last “’Pek or so, eSpecinHv tlw ro-ads run- ning north and south. Mrs \chill of Hamilton. who was Sandillg‘ a few wneks with her mothvr in tlfis Mac», luft for her horns on Saturday last The young: poop!» in the locality gave her a surprise party the evening before she left ‘ A m1 nber frnn our side availed The house Mr. Joe Patterson built. last smnm-H‘ is the best locker on the. line, but has never bven thorourhly warmer! yet. The young- folks are preparing to put it right in that, matter on Friday night by way of a genuine hoe-down. Some of our citizens are invited to be prerent on Wednesday at the marriage nf Miss Runciman and Mr McKmmel. Both are very favoura- bly known in this part, and all Wish them a very happy mnrrivd life. The new Posr Office will not return much revenue In its present location. as we lindm‘SiaIHi less than in.” a dozen fnmliies use it. In fact. we were informed the OHIP!‘ day that three families were the exact number using it. H for work. and had grown so impatient. waiting for it that difizerenc Iyings were invented to try to keep it. quiet but the last inven'ion proved a. fatal one. as he hung himself. Mr. \V. L. Dixon was so unfortun- ate last. week as to luse a valuable: horse om: of his best. a large highly fed animal which was jusc itching Miss Katie Black returned on Sat. urday to her home on the second after Sandiug a mouth with Mr. J G. Johnson. Mr. Jas. Maine. moved at? last Thursday bay: and baggage to his farm in Glenelg. It is a big job that. he spends more than one day at. We wish him health and :00] luck in his new undertaking. He will do the rest. Mrs. Wm. McFadden has: been suf. {ering considerably of late from imuries recm’ved by an upset. out of acutter. near her own door a. fort night. ago. We hope she may be able to enjoy a few more drives yet. before the snow goes away. Mr. Ben Heslip, of Thornbury, is spending a. few days among old friends here. Miss Iva \Ioore. cf Oranueville, is the guest of Misses Hattie and Carrie Sullivan this we 1:. Mr. Ganclin. of Enphrasia, is as- sisting Rev. \Ir. Thom this work in Special meetings at Proton Station. Mrs. Barnhous’e and Mn. Black- burn spvnt Monday with friends at Port Law. Mrs. W W. Trimble is attending the m'rl'liaery Opening in Toronto this week Mrs. Samuel Thompson, Sr., of Minesing. Spent a day last week among old flieuds here. Rev. L. W. Thom was called to Arthu. last week to officiate at the funeral of an esteemed friend, an eld'ér in his late change. HENRY’S CORNERS. TOP CbIFF --.-.¢.o our side ava l led moved 03 last baggage to hiq is a big job that. one day at. We :00] luck in his THE DUR‘HAI‘ CHRON1CLE .Dr. Acpew’s Cure for U gives relief from the most Spasms in heart. disaases in 11:68. It saves life. Dr. Agnew’s Liver Pm. ._‘ JV“ ‘1“ to treat them lightly. for dire consequences may 1 neglect, for all victims of lung troubles have been catarrh. .ue nose stopped up? Does your nose discharge? Do crusts form m the nose ? Do you cough Sometimes until you gag? Is there pain in the hack of the head? 18 there a pain across the eyes? 13 there tickling in the throat? Is your sense of smell leaving you? Are you losing the sense of taste? Is there a. drappiug in the throat? Is there a burning pain in throat ? Any and all of these- symptoms indie catarrh, and while some of th of it for eight months. and today I am fully restored. not the slightest Isyu'mtom of the malady remaining. tand I am thankful to be able to give this testimony for so worthy a reme- dy after. trying so many so-called ycatarrh cu res, only to add disappoint-I ‘meut to disappointment ” ‘ Have you a cough? Is the voice husky? Is the breath foul?~ Are you losing flesh? Do you ache all over? Do you take cold easily? , Is the nose storped up? Does your nose discharge? Do crusts form in .1 cough Sometimes until you gag? Is there pain in the back of the head? Is there a pain across the ems? 1c um..- .:..n..-_A_~ 2-- The funeral of John McLachlin, lately of the Durham Road, Glenelg. took place on Saturday the 3rd inst. It. is only one year since. Mr. McLaeh- lin moved to Owen Sound with his family. The remains were taken down on the morning train to Flesh- }ecl, to pay a last tribute of respect tn ' an old fries d and neighbor .\|r. Mc- Lachlin was one of the pioneers. of the Durham Road, for fifty years His remains were laid to rest beside his father and mother. He leaves to IDOUP'I his death a. widowed wife, six daughters and one son. Rev. Mr. Mrs. Thos. Fisher was away for the last week or two visiting her mother. at Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins Hepburn, all from Dur friends in this part a visit. days. recently Alex, Bell. our township valuato", paid as his anmml visit. Mr. Beli i< as regular as a twelva month chck for he always pays us his visit on the same day and date in each year. [How does he manage to get. the day and date to work in every year, Mr. Cor?â€"El] Mr. Alex. MnDonald, (Red Sand} who has been in Vancouver for the last two years. came home a week ago. He put in a year in We service 01 tha Messrs. Webster, formerly of Priceville. They are carrying on a. large and extensive business in Van~ couver. rr__.-‘-â€"--J VI ‘uvâ€" [tending the Patriotic Concert on | Wednesday evening of last week in lWatsou’s Hall. Priceville. and it “as {pronounced to be one of the best, {concerts ever held in Pricvville. Of lcourse Priceville gets the credit. but lDurham should get the praise for fmaking it a success. for the Glee Club cannot. be excelled in any part of the country. Also Flesherton is always to the front. in assisting the good people of Priceville, ac enu:r-j taiumeuts and such like. I March 10, 1900. themselves of the To Labor for all: much brain and nerve force And much precious time is wasted in small Jealousies and utrife. such as the children show Where b0 ' or girl more persevering than the rest. Earns lnigfiest marks in class, or in the play ground Wins tlw game. [:4 it not nobler far To stimulate our ‘workmates to new efforts "‘1. A.‘ A‘ . I . . - _ _ , _-_- __ --... .. .7. uu-u-vw I" "1"" VALUI’US To do sonwtbing better than has been achieved ? And seeking out the one’thing we can do Press forward with strong hope and purpogg true. ___, ..v. .- un. -‘I I... I! L " IIIâ€"“I . l-"I'II' [I Be a germinatin’fi period undemmth the soil, Before- the tinv mot. appears. a promise sure Of harvest tobe gathemd In due season. The beauty of our old- 'onng gospel isâ€" Aceeptance of its teac iing means a place ‘ of work. for everyone, who knows From his own heart‘s experience that Jesus is the. king of all true men and women. Many a time my heart hath found great comfort From that mighty truth, I am so glad to know That in God's world there is a place ’ Of work for me: and I N'joice to know That other hearts have from the same true source Been strengthen'd and led onward in the paths Of Righteousness and Peace. ' All work hath a foundation. and our care should be To have our labor founded on the Rock Of God‘s eternal truth; for truth will stand When all things else shall fail. Sometimes. \Ve find a man. a working man maybe. He is not learned in scholar's lore. Yet. in his stearling honest-v and worth he is a diamond in the rough. His one aim i _ Is to perform each task so well ' : That no man can amend it; in simple faith 1 ' He looks beyond his fellow-men for God's approval on his labor. . And we meet sometimes a mother, whose poa- sessxons -_ Are brave sons and daughters fair. Though she is 3 Not. what society calls clever she well kliows The world’s great. need is.â€"men and women Pure and true. And so behind the scenes She works to build the children up in love Of all things beautiful and good. Failures [ Do not daunt. nor disappointments damp Her zeal. She has a good in view. And she learned that from a newlv planted corn Men cannot gather a ripe earof wheat. there must I". .- m‘-â€"_:--_L:-- _ Snggmted by (ha Rev. Mr. Fa ulnrson'n scr- mon in Durham Methodint Church .‘ov’r 12 ‘99. and Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs F"? Pivot Pills: LABOR FOR ALL. from quhgm. pain as of throat and been subject to for the Heart cannOI afiurd or. remember. ' Aresult from opportunity of at- puts out troubles. for a. 'few Vuuuuem. at you prexer, sent a two cent stamp Importer of and Dealer in to these offices to pay postage on a free 5.1m pic. which will besent by return mailifyou mention Swedish, SCOtCh Canadian Dr. Chm’s Ointment has never yet been known to failmcure piles. It will not fail in Glanne and mafh'e wcfk yourhamse. _ Iggatters not what kind of piles on ve oro w long etanding. if you use Dr. L ' . éhase's Ointment {reely an; regularly it will OF A L KI ND cure you. , . . For womensufi'eting from itcni . Dr. Chase's 3 Monuments RBDEIH'Cd and Ointment IS a prompt relief, t also cures l I . .. . . C‘ . pimples. blackhads. eczema. gait rheum and f"‘3_“m'°“5 Lt 0“ bhortcst anorithching slut;u disuse; 'Itbi; 'o'f inestimable Notice. w inevery ome. been ‘x,atal_ldealers., «Edmnsw.83tesCo..Tomnto.' 991-- _ _ If you could only look over these letters you woul i be sure to find the evidence of your friends and neighbors. You could not then be skeptical of the merits of Dr. Chase's Ointment. the only guaranteed cure for piles. Ask your neighbor about it ; ask your drugszist or dealer what he knows about Dr. Chase's Ointment. If you prefer, sent a two cent stamp to these offices to pay postage on a free sample. which will be sent by return mail if you mention this paper. . Dr. Chase's Ointment has never yet been l known to failtocure piles. It will not fail in your case. \ It matters not what kind of piles, Lou have or of how long etanding, if_yo_u use Dr. L,._.-_ A9--- . This is the substance of scores and hundreds of letters received at these omega from every nook and corner of Canada. “ I was wild with piles when I began to use Dr. Chase’s Ointment. It has com- pletely cured me." Lower Town Wild with Piles. .. A. GORDON Mr John McLeod cf Sunidale, is v .siting with h. s father, Mr. McLeod of this place. this \xeek Miss Maggie McInnis. who was visiting friends in this part since New Years, leaves for her home with her brother, at. Calgary, this week. §'-|\ IIU VI Ifl“-I, "llu on enquiry we learned that he has become more than a millionaire since the beg. inning of1900. by the addition of another family treasure by wav of another son. No wonder W. H. feels happy. We see that the Pomona writer is. getting to be an extraordinary comâ€" poser. So much so, that his com- posing faculties are almot equal to his excellent. peumnnship. We were wondering why he was giving such mm to his noble talent: of late, and Manhesor. preached the funeral ser- mun. Deceased was an Elder in the Presbvteriau church for upwards of twenty years. A Torturing Disease for which Dr. Chase’s Ointment is a Positive Cure. 4. 1h %%%%%%%%%%ww%%%w%%%*%fi# Watchmakcr and Jeweller, â€"â€" â€"â€" D U R H A M . In Pairs and by the Yard. will require some nmv l Colored Muslin Curtain a to you. , 1 Our Success in this de- partment lasn {nil prompted us to buy the latest designs and shades in some rf the very .goods made. Some people think our lashes in this part of the country will not buy a good dressâ€"a high priced dress~but we find that, our finest quality and consequently our highest, pricea goods always sell first. We carry the largest and nicest range of Dress Goods in Dur- ham We have a full range of suitable Trimmings and Lsnings to match each Dress Length. The Big Store ! rum's Prints; The best made. “'9 have We have made a specialty of Dr ess Goods and ask stock before you buy. Buy your spring Costume at Dress Goods. Idea " Patterns â€"- - ‘ -. ul\ 6 contract for as well as supply the paper at the \ pz’lperiug for you 'el'y lowest rates. gAsn FOR BUTTER AND -MCINTYRE Byocx, -.-â€" DURHAM. Drink only our Wm. McCalmon, Sewing machines CHAS. M°KINNON’S Winter Goods! ra. house-clawing is coming: on and you b ' Drapvry. One of our men eat things is a I at 250 per yard, with Fancy Full Border â€"â€" UPPER T0 WN -â€"â€"â€"- IMPLEMENT WAHEHUUMS STOVES--A large stock of‘ Mo Clax'y’s famous Model Cook- ing Stoves. Fancv Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves. Coal ' Stoves. etc.. at prices that will surprise you. BELL PIANOS and Omans NEW WILLIAMS and RAY- ‘MON D. a Very Large Stock of the latesc improved Cabi- net and Drop 'I‘Op Stands. at The Very Lowest. Prices. ROOT Pulpers, Straw Cutters, c CUTTERSâ€"Large Stock, Best Makes, Cheaper than ever. ROBEQâ€"Large Variety, from $4 00 up. ' Ery useful House-clc-mling SEE THE M 2 25c Beaâ€"Japan or Black é‘nli Border of White you to call and look at our . The Big Store. samples are in. We large assortment. Ail REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attended to. Shop will be open every Wednesday and Saturday. EGGS. Pumps of all Kinds. w. D. CONNOR“ Galvanized and Iron : Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Pumps from $2 upward. Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€" The Big Store !

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