symptoms of , heart; disorder are: {Palpitatiom shortness of breath. weak and irregular pulse. smother. , jug spells, swelling of the feet and left side. chilly sensations ' uneasi- accepted the greatfankies, tenderness and pain in the ness if sleeping ‘ou mtne left side, fainting’smlls. hunger and exhaus- {to = day well and strong. In these days uf hurry and bustle, nervous strain, poor digestion, the :. , Struggle of the humble classes for an exi «awe and the eve‘ luring run of 6, the m..r-ied man for mgr» mane-y. the heart, the human epgine, is trough; “PO" for don-ble 't‘he anti;l that Providence originally assigned it. Tgus it is that. we may pick up! The jury brought in a verdiCt that the- Said Catharme Kenny cam» to her death on Thurs lay. March 221M, }900, from senile» dewy. <- O. S. Sun. In auswvr to questions it Stated that Shr' had frnends in ham who We-re P‘xpected up at :0 romove the body home. Canada and “as a thhoiist. Dr. Lung, the jail surgeon. said ghat he had bevn in attendance on decsaeed since May last. Her death was due to a. gradual exhaustion. gneutch and physicdlly. Governor Miller in his evidence Stated that Catharine Kenny was a. single woman 69.5'ears of age. She was committed from Durham on Oct. 20. 1897. as being insane. She was considered a ï¬ patio-m for an apt sylum. but had never been removed' to tax InsritutiOn. She was born in Canada. and “as a Mvihoiist. i 0 Yesrerday morning at 11 o’clock Catharine Ko-nny died in the Owen Sound jail. The cus:on:ary inquest was held 1:09! night in the gauler’s room at the court hcuse. Inquest on the Death of Catharine Kenny, Formerly of Durham â€"â€"â€" wrv- terms to suit borrowers. A General Financial Business Transacted OFFICE-l door North of S. Scott’s Store. I OaN AND INSURANCE AGENT. 1 CONVEYANCER. COMMISSIONER'in H. C J. Collections pr. mptlyattended to. LOAN S and Insurance. eï¬'ected without de- hy. Cmumnyand Prlvgate Funds to Loan n 5, Menu! 6 Der sums and upon ‘Aâ€"_â€"_â€" A_ 7 , _ “,7 _. --‘ .u n..\.‘ a; unwal LC“; Linked I but. pshaw! it makes me tired Readin‘ the papers my eyes get dim ' } pity the poor old case \t hat‘s the axe of a man like him. Hittin' a man like no! “ Go to sleep." the. old woman says. And let them ï¬ght away," But a fool like them in all my days. I never see. I say. What are they trying to hammer at 3 “Hunt is this terrible fuss ! B'hat is the use at a man like that Hittin‘ a man like us? “ Lie over and go to sleep." says she; “ Never a hit " says I; “ I'll ï¬nd the reason that these things be. And why these things are whv. Now. don‘t get a. tantrum or a whim, Don‘t kick the hedrloths thus. “'hy does a darn old tool like him Fight with a than like us I OFFICEâ€"McIntyre Block, (Over the Bank) Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit burrower. Iv'e searched the Scriptures like Kruger does, But this is what puzzles me. No mane:- how much his Maxims nzz He's in the nuunrity Readin' the papers my eyes aredim. Me and my wife discuss ‘x What's the use of a man like him, Hittin’ a man like us I" Liekmi? he was licked before be staged; Lickecl I he was licked before be tired';' Liekmi I and now he is xiieo-ly_thwarted; I :..!..--I 1 L..- - u . ONOR GRADUATE 0F TRINITY Collegejoronto; Member of the Q01- lege of Physical us and Surgeons. butane; Mewbpr Out“ the Detroit Mediqal and Library? Assoc-mum). Six yea rs hospital experzeuce. RESIDENCE-Old Bank Building. opposite 0.: McKinnon'a Imp't Shop, Upper Town, DUBHAI. i B Dr. Burd, M. C. P. S. O. Successor to Dr. PARK, ARRIS'I‘ER. NOTARY, CON- VEYANCER Etc. Etc. Not Good Grammar, But E. J. FHEEL M. D., C. M. w. s. DAVIDSON, . L. MacKENZIE, march 29, 1900. The Khan in Toronto Star STREET, â€"- â€" DURHAM. w" 0.9 9-4 home. in a verdiCt that Kenny cam» to Dun- once Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart is a peerless remedy. Thousands of cases where sure and sudden death see-med imminent, its wonderful cur- ative powers have been demonstrated and in most acute forms of heart dis- ease relief has come insude of 30 minu'es after the ï¬rst dose has been taken. Some of the most pronounced any newspn per any day and lead of the sudden taking uï¬ of this, that and the other'perso'n. here, there and yonderâ€" the cause assigned, heart failure, Strain too great, and no as- snsmuce oï¬emd nature to help her cgrry her load. Victims to stomach. liver and kid' hey troubles as well as women. and all fetal the results in loss of appe'ite. poisons in the blood, backache. nervousness, headache and tired. listless. run-down feeling. LiSten to J. W Gardner. Idnville, Ind He Swys: “ Electric Bittprs are just 1h; thing for a man when he is all run do“ n. and don’t care whether he lives or di; 3 It did more to give me new Strength and good aimpvtite than any- thim: I Could take I Can now «at anything: and have a lease on life.†Onlv 50 coma, at any Drug; Store Every bottle guaraninpfl V 3 Some wecke ago the Rev Mr' .‘Newell. of this plan», published in ; the Toronto Mail and Empire a poem ~enfitled “ Canada to Duï¬erin.†being an elegy on the death of Lord Duï¬er. iq’s eldest son. Lord Ava, who fell‘ ï¬ghting in the early days of.the3 :prvsmlt war. It seems that some: one Sent His Lordship a copy of the! paper containing the poem; and last- Monday Mr. Newell was agreeably surprised to receive a most kindlv and courteous letter from Lord Duf- ferin on behalf of himself an-i Lady ' Dufferin, expressive of “ the deepegt ! gratitude for the tender and aner-é ous tribute to the memory of their; son. Nor are we,†continues‘Hisf Lordship, “less sensible of thef friendly spirit towards ourselves' which brearhes through your beauti-f ful poem.†Mr. Newall feels a§ natural satisfaction at the flattering recognition which he has unexpected- ly won from Canada’s former Goverw ncr-General.--.\larkdale Standard. I l I All that was mortal of the late ' Miss Jennie Pritchard. of Louis». gwas interred in the Williamsford Cemetery on Tuesday morning- She is a daughter of Mr. Pl‘llChal‘d, 'pommaster at. Louise. She was only .16 years of aye and to be thus cut 05 in the blush of youth is very sad indeed. She was a bright, intelligent .maideu and a general favorit. with 'all her girl friends. She has been suffering from lune trouble for about a. year and her anxious parents could ‘ see but too plainly that their dearly beloved daughter was passing away from them. An elder sister, Miss Annie, succumbed“ to the same fell disease a year ago Christmas. The .sorrowing relatives have the sym- gpathy of the community in their ’loss. Mrs. Robert Laidlaw of this ‘place is a sister of the deceased.â€" ' lHanover Post. ;! Mrs Baines. wife of Mr. J R. ’gBames of this place, died suddenly ';last Sunday evening, aged 56 years. .; Deceased had gone East week to visit, ; her «laughter, Mrs. Richard English.‘ .‘ of Glascott. and on eunday morning] l was szricken with paralysis, and com: {tinned in an unconscious State untili fafter 8 p. m. when she passed away. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Baiiies mun-d tc: Mark-g [dale a year ago and were among our? 1 most respected citizens. Deceased ghad been in the enjovment of her gaccustomed good, 200:1 health right; _' up to the day of her death. The rev: I mains were laid away in the family plat, Baptist cemetery, Sullivan on, Tuesday. her sons and sons in-law . acting as pail bearers She leaves a; T family of ï¬ve daughters and two: sons, all of whom are married but ‘ two.â€"Maikdale Standard. l" On Monday evening, about a mile above Procou Station, the main driv- ing Shaft on the engine of the even- .ing exprrss bake and went throngh ithe cab. The ï¬reman had a narrow .escape from death. The cab of the engine was badly wreckedmeDun- dalk Herald. ‘ 1 I I 1 5- bottle guaranteed. Exchange Echoes. BRAVE MEN FALL Stomach, Iivar and kid' as well as women. and suits in loss of appetite. (be Ablood, backache. Isymp'oms of,heart;; disorder are: {Palpitation,. shortness of breath. Eweak and irregular pulse. smother- ;ing spells, swelling of the feet and Taukles, tenderness and pain in the :lel’t side. chilly sensations ' uneasi- 1ness if Sleeping on __tne left side, 'fainting'Spells. hunger and exhaus- tion. Any one of these symptoms is enough to convince of the seating of heart disease â€"and an) of them if neglected. may mean sudden death to the patient. Dr. Aguew’s Cure for the Heart not only gives almost instant relief, but it: the most stubborn cases it will eï¬ect a rapid and permapeut cure. It 18 not an untried mostxum. It IS a eï¬ec‘s or depression. It acus direct- ly on the nerve centres. induces net's; Vuus energy. dispels all‘ weaknesses. . - , I an generally tones the syswm- n garry. Miss McIntm-h will leave‘ next week for that place. It is un- dwrsmoo that MES° McIntosh is the sole heiress ywugh some of the other relatives seem to believe thay wilt come in for a share of the fax-tune. â€" O. 8. Times. Urpnaned ea: ly in l'fe she was throu n on her own resources when a young girl. and entvred donestic service. Now, at the age of thirty, she ï¬nds hHrSPlf hairess to a fortmm of 314.000 bequeathed her by an aunt in Glen- Extrgmely fortmmte is Miss Luoy McIntosh, a young woman who for several years has worked in Owen Sound and vicinity as a domestic servant, and who is now in the em- ploy of .\ r. A. W. Danard. of Derby, Orphaned ea: ly in l'fe she was throu n terview with a Globe correSpondem in Octc be last so that for a mattvr of fact, th gply of Sir Wilfrid last week was a reply to the. Sir Wilfrid of last October.-â€"Kincardine Révww. Mrs, John. Fitzpatrick. of Ganno- That Was a magniï¬cent patriotic Speech that Sir \Vilmid Laurier made lasx week in reply to Mr. Boumssa a. .d every word he uttered was true It is quite as true. however. that. Mr. Bonrassa’s StrongPSt arguments «gains: sending a. continge t were drawn from Sir Wilfrid Laurier’s in- Some ill-disposed person or persons entered the Salvation Army banacks one night last week and deliberately cut the heads of the big drum and several tambourines. There is no pOSItive ‘clue to the guilty party or parties, although several well known characters are under suspicxon. It is to be hoped that the Salvation Army oï¬cers and the local cou- smbles will not relax their eï¬oxte until the guilty ones are brought. to justice,â€"Meaford MHTOI‘. :ï¬f’lacFAREANE ($00. Mr. M. Neithercut. while climbing into the mow in his barn last. week, fell and severely injured himself. When found he was lying in the yard. He has no recollection of the accident, except that he was going into the mow. His him was severe- ly bruised and also suffering from a. had cut in the head. At present he is conï¬ned to his bed.â€"~Duudalk Herald. ' j _ . _- -----, I.-....--u. wvv . 3 UI u". A W. Chase’s. Ameri-a’s greatest. phyeicm). Thismeat kidney and liver cure is sold bv all dealers at 25 cts. a box. and has proved mast gtfectnal as 31 remedy for the many ills to winch woman :3 subject. Women who have te-ted the merits of Dr. : A. W. Chase’s Lidne -Liver Pills return the verdict that fur backache and kidney disorders there is no preparation in any “'aylg‘e‘qn'al‘to tpis gyeaf. di~covery of Dr. A ‘l.’ Druggists and Booksellers. The Opinion of Women. IS obtainable th rotigh the aid of THE DURHAM CHRONICLE; 3 Dr. Agnew’s Ointment will cure blind, bleeding or itching piles in from three to ï¬ve ights. One appli~ cation relieves t e mom irritating skin diseasPs; 3:) cents. i Dr. Amiew’s Pills, for consripation. gsick headache. biliousness and scan.- :ach troubles generally. Oulyifo et.~. i8 Vial. ' ' Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder re- lieves coid in the head in ten minute.» and has cured cataxrh cases of ï¬fty years’ standing. What it. has done for Mrs. Fitzpat- rick Et can do for any sufl'erer from heart disease. lque. Ont., was a great sufl'erer from ' heart disease. Hers wasa stubborn *case of over ï¬ve years’ Standing. She was treated by several em'nent physicians and heart specialists with- out any permanent relief. She be- came so bad that she went to the hospital. and was in a short while discharged from there a hopeless incurable; but to use her own words. “As a last resort, I bought a bottle of Dr. Agnew’s Cure. for the Heart“ One dose gave me almost instant re- lief from a very acute spasm. I felt encouraged. and persiSIed in its use ' lt juSt took three bottles to cure me completely. and I gladly hear my teaï¬monyto this wonderful remedy as a life saver.†‘ There’s a curiosity in the country out. :his we}. It’s a young man with a third eye-brow. Quite a number of our people at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs Moï¬at, Edge Hm i W. Britton’s sale of srock. etc, happened on' rather a stormy day so _ Hugh Macliay had to talk to a small- ‘er crowd than usual. Prices were hardly up to the usual mark, but quite a snug sum of money was real- ized. Mr. Britton and family moved away laS't. week. to Stay with friends in Benrinck. They will ï¬nally set- tle in Western Ontario. This neigh- borhood loses thereby some of its most respected people. We hope they may ï¬nd a good happy home our. \Vest and always keep a spot in their hearts for Bunessan. ' Miss Mary A Beaton left here last .Monday “eel: fir British Columbia, ;whet-e she intends to remain and lwork at her trade. Few young lwomen would brave a new. rough mining country like that. She will gbe much lDlSSPd by her manv friends lhere. who, while they might wish her still to remain, cannot help but admire her sptrit of progress and de- termination. No fear of her failure. ’Miss Pe'tton was accompanied by Duncan Benton. her cousin. who has Spent a term of nine years’ suc- cessful ranching near Kamloons. Duncan has nothing but praise for the count)“; tho’ there are some hardships. yet. money can hcmade easier and more plen‘tifully than ever it could here. There will soon be a colony of Beatons in B C. C. McKinnon’u hay-press was near- ly a week at Otto Kouold’s, pressmg some ï¬f'y or sixty tons With the lassistance of some neighbors Otto {has it all now in town. l‘hat’sa § snug: $300 or so. How many of a family have you got. Mr. Gander? We alwavs thought. you were a bachelor. but by the familiar Way in which you talk of children and bliss. we imagine you must. have a Ion. Pomona man will doubtless give us a treat. If that. Holstein Binder Twine fac- tory fails to be a success it. will be through no fault of Geo. Binnie, the provisional President. He Spends a good deal of time trying to push it on, and is meeting with some encour- agement. Billv Ryan is around with a petio tion So that he may get a license for the Rob Roy. He will get the re- quired number of signers and soon we’ll be able to get our whiskey close at hand. Note that Corner Concerns. Spring ought to be here soon, and with it. we suppos» witl come the usual cargo of Spring poetry. That M. K. Beaton and wife. of Flesher- ton. Sant a day here a couple of weeks ago. There “ere sevezal social gather. ings in the neighborhood in honor of the young people who haxe left. here lately. The Government ought to supply our P O. with n flag-pole and Union Jack to be hoisted at every important holiday or British victory. Miss Eliza McCormick was visiting friends in Bentiuck. Maggie Benton go: the meals ready for Dan while she was away. Angus McArthur hauled a stick of timber of about 125 feet. with one team. That’s a big load for two small horses. Miss Kate Ector after an eight ueéks’ visit here has gone back to Collinguood. Mr. A. Broun. of Bentiuck, spent a few days Visiting friends on the North Line " \ BUNESSAN . Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pins, 95¢. a box Dr. Chase's Ointment for Piles. 60¢. a box. Dr. Chase’s News Food, 50¢. a box. Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. 2 5c. abox. blawerï¬'eq Dr. Chase's Live:- Cure. soc. a bottle. ' I Dr. {Shasc's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentino Mr. G. A. Bartram. M. P , Liberal member for Centre Toronto, died las: week. The party loses a good man by his death. It’s hard to refuse the publication of some of these little poetic? eflu- sions. but really many of them should never be seen in print. We have actually known editors to swear at some of them. Obiturary poetry is the bane of an editor’s life as W?†as of the majority of the readers of the paper. Believ- ing this to be the case and having had to refuse a. contribution of this kind the past week, we wish to give public notice that. henceforth obituary poetry will not be given space in our paper.â€"-Representative. Obiturury poetry is frequently brought or sent to this ofï¬ce for pub- lication. The Confederate has no wish to injure the feelings of any of its readers, but desires to state that it is a rule of this office not to pub- lish any contributions of that nature. -â€"Confedcrate. â€"â€" â€" v-v-vvâ€" “â€"â€" br coughs and add; 95c. chunk. The Great Prescriptions of Dr. A. W. Chase. At a Discount. Plalds and Shepherd Checks are .Khdkl (Kurky) us tho very nexxesc $1): .09. It is a x cremcly fashionable this Roason. Thus is the calm rh WGoods POSITIVELY they are the nicest ycu could wish to see. It is a real pleasure to show them to you, for we know that if you do 110i buy at this time you may tell others of what you saw, and they will call and looks: them also; theli we have a full 'range of Trimmings for each Skirt End. The Big Store ! Are well worth lookirig overâ€"- among them you will ï¬nd a large assortment of 4 yard Shirt Ends. No two alikeâ€"from 250 yard to $1.25 yard. an! Winter Goods! ‘ «'-.r.‘-‘+‘~W ~ 3101mm BLOCK, ."""" DURHAM OF ALL KIM). Monuments Repaired and Importer of and Dealer in Swedish, Scotch Canadian Granite and Mable Work Wm. McCalmon, Sewing machines IMPLEMENT WAREHUUMS CHAS. MGKINNON’S Is a good amide to b11111ou 2? befoxe 1110 evacwd rise 1:1sz place $111119 [180}119 think '3 STOVESâ€"A large Stock of Mo Clary’s famous Model Cook~ ing Stoves. Fancv Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves. Coal Stoves. etc.. at prices that will surprise you. BELL PIANOS and Organs. NEW WILLIAMS and RAY MOND a Very Large Stock of the harem, improved Gabi net and Drop 'l‘op Stands. a: The Very Lowest. Prices ROOT Pulpers, Straw Cutters, c CUTTEBS -- Large Stock. Besz Makes, Cheaper than ever. ROBEQAfâ€"Large Variety, from Ilhvliptaous Lut uu blwltc Notice. V. SEE THEM ! $4.00 up. UPPER TO WN Have you seen our new Bright. Sugar Syrup, 40 lb. 2 lb. Selvczed Raisins for 250. Figsâ€"in 25“). lots at 4 1-20 lb. Kincm'a Black Tea, 25c lb. We pay Cash for Butte! and Eggs. This is the Color :8 are very fashionable this year. It is a regular dmt mlm. and ‘3 ex- :cMor the British scldiers now wear. Evans Building, ,,______ -v- "us uu. VII. 55â€â€œ Pate’nts talcâ€"en out through us receive Special notice, without charge, in THE PATENT Raoom an illustrated and widely circulated journal! consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS 8: CO. ‘ “(Patent Attomcys,) Our fee returned it we fail. Any one sendin sketch and description of any invention wi promptly receive our Opinion free concerning the patentability of same. “How to Obtain n Patent†sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sa‘ e at our expense._ DO‘-“‘R “‘-A“ A.-‘ 41__-t , Port Said EngL dated Feb. 26th; He saxs he expects to be home about the ï¬xst of Mav. John H. McLauchlan. son of Mr, Jas. McLauchlan. confecrione1-,Owex; Sound. and proprieroor of Balmy Beach Summer Resort. who left for atrip round the world about Chris- tmas last, has two intereSting letters in last ESsue of the Owen Sound Sun. one from Colombo. Ceylon, dated Feb. 10th, 1900. and another from Raisin Biscuit. 100 lb. ()rzmgcsâ€"Suwlioss. 30c doz. Lemons. 25c «lnz. Egg Gases, 25¢ each. The Big Stone ! WASHINGTON. o. c.