meat. have we struggle now in progress between two Christian peoples prompts the fear that were all the world Christian, there would still be different views of rights and justice for which men would find no settlement. but the award. It is possible that an inter- national tribunal, appointed by the conviction that Dermanpnt mm“ m-.. The Was Lhe scene . in the last ha] ture does not I of them receive the education. From the of civilization, Paris, as the {irst city in the conventions present no panacea. Nor, apparently. does the extension of civili- zetion. The higher the civili- zation of a race the more willing it is to fight, and the greater the prepara- tion it makes for war. The officers 01 the great armies are chiefly from the cultivated classes, of them receive the education. drawn and many highest possible : From the mere View point .‘ of civilization, Put-is, perhaps, ranks! as the Lirst city in the world. Yet it ' was the scene of the hardest fighting ' in then !nu+ 1..-.1: _ ,- SOUTH AFRICA VOLCANIC. :38“ “my (.U 1! of course. little ground ,7 product therefl for hope that The Hague Conference 2fif procured Wi? would do anything to st0p great wars, f The cream in the conflicts growing out of the tra- be put into a ditional and rooted aspirations of the 2110161 a single 6] Were the latter willing to } temperature of accept the existing situation as t0§Well every ï¬lm territorial limits, position and influ- funtil the Mn“ ence in the world, etc., and to_agree.Then warm up to remain content with it, universal gthe required peace would be assured. But every {temperature to one of them hasambition for the fu- fit is ready for tare, which, whatever its professions, without inside it will not give up. France wants to ithoroughly, the: ° ° ' .water, put in prestige, and to create a great colonial ‘ing and proce empire, and Germany to greatly ad- ,quired to bring vance the Teutonic power, and ad- in stage should quire Asia Minor and possessions in utes. Stop tin South America. Russia's ambition is granules are abc the Slav leadership, to make the Slav §e€di (put .1901†the dominant power in the world. "-1 our 93mm)†3 . . , . tion, give the 0] Great Britain wants to consolidate her. I There was, 1 1 ng a strainer 11: the United States. No one of them 1100!) about the ‘ i will deliberately cut itself off from 2:: ciloltip’g‘lhiorze the realization of its aspirations. But ' . , . _ oi†butter. Aft“ as these aims come into direct conflict drawn, wash with with those of other nations, the only “flat? is quite. 91% possible be e of eac i . i t . VOL I e salt, gtvm p p e 18° n he" gturns backward a abandonment. ' under way since the iflgrlLUIturalg , a.r began, exceed in W magnitude any for which rovision has : ever before been made. P The naval'MAKmG AN'D MARKETING FA estimates alone introduced into the BUTTER " British Parliament total $150,000,000. I have yet' to taste the first cream- The German Emperor proposes to ex- :ery butter that excels the make of Pend $10,000,000 a year for the next {very many private dairymen writes twenty years for the increase of the Mr. M. 1‘. Allen. Many keepers of imDeriaI navy. The French govern- ismall herds have an idea that to manu. ment asks for appropriations of near- :Iacture their own product it is neces- 1)’ $150,000,000, one-third for the comâ€" asary to have quite an array of machin- pletlon of warships now in hand, the ‘ery, which is not the case; $255 will; remainder for new construCtion. And cover all necessary apparatus with the so on. ggravity system. We have been told how land what to feed our cows and the There was, of course. little ground product therefrom will be 800d cream for hope that The Hague Conference gif procured with cleanliness. ‘ I "Innlnl Jâ€" â€" _c, “ ~~~~~ Vb, Lures 3f the Wa-cwxckshxre reg:- viaited thl towa. recognition of this limits»- :‘ed with the was hope that the con- {the ladle m . necessary an in do somethmg to put 18 ready for wars on trivxal disputes. i Use such VOICanic origin vicinity of K‘m following the con- even ants of precusely tri'v'isality cul- ’ .the fifth box Mrs. Cleveland re< -; the dose to one pill a day and b; 3 _time the sixth box was gone a plete cure was effected. Miss Clem is now as vigorous and health could be desired. He ‘ are persuaded that Dr. Wilha-ms’ Pills are alone? responsible for her iamd are devoutly thankful for t1 sults which, under Providence. have produced. ,- 2.30. by addressmg the Dr. Willi EMedicine Co.. Brockville. Ont. Do fbe persuaded to try something 5 said to be "just as good.†give Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills a trial. Developments showed that their con- fidence was not. displaced. When three boxes had been used the condition of the patient had improved consider- ably. Then Mr. Cleveland bought six boxes more and continued their use as before. The sufferer rapidly began to rPnnvar IVSâ€... -L- l. i .wilh their Wishes accordance that “'8 give to ithe public the fac' ' 3 ' ‘ Ls of this 1‘ ‘- : if“? cure. Early in llkcem.ber?m?8r§‘§, were entertained, hOWeVeI‘. brought .' maladv- bur .i-Q 154's the “CI -_vubuv Lnrough this malady. but it left. her .symean in acompletelm run-down condition. This showed itself pun- cipztlly in: a weakness of the nerves. In January symptom.“ of St. Vitus da'nce began to show themselves. At flt‘St these were not very prominent. but it was not long before she was rendered altogether helpless by this terribly malady. In a short time she lost all ontrol over the movements A: L_â€" ‘ ‘ j ‘1: their grand-daughter was. asource ,of very- great ' . j Mrs. Cleveland, and the neighbors who learned: of t ' of the little girl gravely shook their heads and: said to themselves that the fears.- of the fond. grand-“wears health of Miss Cleveland had stored, he hastened to interview Mr. Cleveland as. to the facts of th: ° When he explained his erra-nu both; She “'1†First Ahiu' the After EG‘N‘ lance-Friend cover]. The mails from VVolfviIle to pez'ezuz are: carried every day 1 official who is noted; foi‘ his wi mess to accommodate and the innlu. ' km wnh'm ¢ ts Running In 8!. s â€(Impaired of I! ST..VITUS’ GUHED mess, cut circular to cover package. , jusé But smooth. and the mom“ -Wcmai-y and no more, and the butter is ready for the package. : Use such package as your market 'demunds. 11' they are to be of wood, ash is the best. Rinse out with cold water, Sprinkle sides ‘ and bottom 1 ’ , then fill, not trying to pack _ too great an amount at a. time, so' that the package will be filled solid, ; with a sprinkling of salt between : V "' IU lar stage should be from 40 to 45! min-t j a utes. Stop the churn when the ED granules are about the size of clover :1 seed, put in one pound of salt, which .9 in our opinion gives better separaâ€" “3 tion, give the churn two or three 1‘} turns, then draw the buttermilk, us-‘Lc ing a strainer made by covering a i“ hoop about the size of the pail used I“ tor that purpose with cheese or butâ€" 3“: ter cloth. There will then be no 1088711.l oi butter. After the buttermilk is .f‘ drawn, wash with cold water until the ‘8‘ water is quite clear, put in‘ a portion itâ€; of the salt, giving the churn a few/,1,“ turns backward and forward, add the 35.0, remainder and give a. few more turns, :14' and the salt will be sufficiently mix- Lon. ed with the butter. Then work with 1115 the ladle in the churn just what is i. ' _ Ewell every time new cream is 2 until the required amount is obtz Then warm up to 70 degrees t1 the required acidity. Reduce temperature to about 58 degrees Fit is ready for the churn 1m.- {it is ready for the churn. Use one without inside ï¬xtures, seald out thoroughly, then rinse with pure cold water, put in the cream and color- The cream from each milking should l be put into a can large enough to: hold a single churning, and kept at a , .7 --.- rum,- th which he discharges his {is name is Mr. Bierrkuer and- his home is. in Gaspar- a he resides with his wife mid to thezhselééi 5:32 the fond, grand-“wears means groundleg. When ItahA-i * . * "'9 "'"D“‘“ an she had consumed Ens. Cleveland reduced pill a day and by the 1 the churn just what is i. When the @eaVcslhave 11:! no more, and the butter gmg â€my begin. Cut out all the dead 1‘ the package. {or broken branches package as your market éweukor shoots. Some recommend out- Iz‘ they are to be of wood, ;t1ng buckï¬he strong canes to three best. Rinse out with cold :bufls, leaxfmg from 20 to 40 spurs. But inkle sides - and bottom :thxs prungng should be conducted With men fill, not trying to pack ’curosu} Judgment. Many of :1 amount at a. timb, so â€memes WWII“ endure With ' ckage will be ï¬lled solid, :Pumiy the‘rlgld pruning Which Ger- nkling of salj: between 5%“ and “89°11 Brave raisers ' 3 thus making it easier for innem. Ou.r.vmes are planted farther :r to cut out. ' :u'kccl wm-Ia Grlnpc. w. Radiating In St. Vitus‘ Ibo-spanned of “or Be- IS gone acom. M_is.s_' Cleveland 1d healthy 3; grand-parents Yilliams’ Pink about 58 degrees and the churn. U53 one i ï¬xtures, seald out I ,_ rinse with pure cold 3 the cream and color-6 I “L The time reâ€" I 50 degrees, stirring sen/t post boxes for '. Williams" her cure r the re- lay by an. L9 willing- the punc- not also The: road-bed of the I is ballasted with rock, a. movement over the old or other ballasting, and Summf‘r D'a‘QSPn DA 1‘: CIV‘ TBA VEL B‘ETXVEEN CANADIAN POIN'l‘S AND NE‘V YORK. I . . particularly desirable route Ls of the Province of On- ' ' in going to Newdork. This Co. runs through train service in connection with the Grand Trunk Railway from points in Canada, and Provides for the public “l service which meets all the requirements of the most exacting. Its solid vestibule through trains be- 0 ‘ and.comfortable coaches, its a la carte dining car service, and the use of steam heat and Pintsch Gas, are features which are highly appre- traveler, and are guar- ever-changing D8110!" aina of scenic splendor, delightful to the eye. Pill? many fold. ard lands con- these materials in So they should be soil in good fertile condition. A couple hundred pounds per acre of both muriate of potash and acid phosphate should be added. Then clover should be sown. The lat- ter will add nitrogen. then the three important elements have been fur-l nished. Muriate of potash and acid: phosphate are ’ ' ' think g’t bqst to summer fallow , . This puts th< in good thprpugh tilth, the air hm “um uauzastmg, and one which lmer passengers, when windows open, appreciate, as the rock bal- does away altogether with the common nuisance of dust. You can try it â€"l' taken care of? Glance over t0~duy and what do you trimmed trees and unimprc you wonder at the occaa results? uremems of; the ï¬dgt solid vestibule through an PhilaQelphia, New t’ (can be grown, it is best to choose the E excellent quality of rapid growth: 3 'with that of delicious eatableness. If l 2more ground can be spared, then it is a ;a good idea to have several varieties. : IConcord, Worden, Delaware, Brighton I and Niagara are all good and grow : g readily. 3 Eur a grape patch of larger size, the {following directions are recommend- ied. For most varieties, plant 10 ft japart each way with the rows run- :ning north and south. Smaller sorts 111:: y be nearer, while vigorous plants :upun strong fertile soil may be put 12 fit apart, and even more. For the first. two seasons they may be trained ;‘ to stakes, one shoot only being allowed [to start. Alter this, use a trellis of. Iltwo wires, the lower one about 4 it 1 ,from the ground, the top one 2ft :higher. This will allow the air free circulation through the branches and lessen the danger from mildew. Spray the vines before the buds start .0 in the spring with copper sulphate ’a who ion or bordeaux mixture. Thefu latter application may be repeated‘ once in two weeks as long as very moist weather prevails. l° II ‘IYI wu AID OF OUR GROW GRAPES ON EVERY FARM. butter will hold it. Cover with a thin layer of salt and work it into the meshes. gently removing all surplus. Fasten on the cover, mark with stencil, then tag, and it is ready‘ for market. Our greatest aim is to have as neat and attractive packages as possible, as neatness attracts the eye of many would-be purchaser . The farm dairy, {like the creamery, must look beyond Fthe local market for an outlet for its product, in order to receive remunera- ‘tive prices. We are quite well satis- fied with private customers at a set price the year roundtthe surplus go- ing to a commission house, whose sales are satisfactory. With private cuscomers we cater to their taste and there is no trouble in holding them so long as we do our part; well. [siurprised EXQYQEeruyggg respond and bear fruit. oouplo of ear ' S L ‘ ro‘).q “In!!! Â¥n h .1 - _A h:8, trees are ougn the most picturesque the eastern part of Ameri- s an ever-changing panor- mic splendor, delightful to T-bed of the Lehigh Valley I wzth rock, a decided imo over the 01¢} style cinder “Y1-_L'A cast to summer fallow until e in July. This puts the. soil borough tilth, the air has had Livity and then you are ready final step. Some chemicals on asmall scale .d unimproved soil. Do the occasional crap 0113 they may be trained shoot only being allowed tor this, use a trellis of .0 lower one about 4 It und, the top one 2ft will allow the air free rough the branches and are realizing more ORCHARDS 7 negledted state we 18.11611, prun- mt all the dead Lnd remove the recommend Cut- Let the air W'BTO w1th our m... "wu. 'x‘mnto. cumin Aam. m After one skirmiah near Estcourt the Boers could be seen through field glasses playmg at leap-frog and hav- mg wrestling bouts. give Observaxions made to test this ques- tion showed that bees can carry with ease twice their weight in honey. Several bees were caught as they re- ‘ turned to their hives laden with honey. and, after enclosing them in a little box, they were carefully weighed. \V'hen the bees unloaded their honey they were again caught, placed in the same gox and weighed a second time. This experiment showed that. when laden weighed thus . much as when . ' 1-9.. fore proved that a bee can 0 . . any twice L its own weight m honey. and c . . an fly i very long distances wuh that v _'fl:lrk ' O'KE E F E’S $3133: Inv' antes sad 8er hem. LLOYD W D, Toronto. GE 'ERA have given it a fair tri: to say that the medici claimed to be. It apf well in case of Catarrh. . cellent remedy for a ih [arising from public spe gPubiic Speakers, Mini: ,‘ persons troubled with ir g Catarrh or Asthma. Cat [of inesiimable value. motor traveling, good accomplished with the aid of these machines. - .l nave suttered with Di- 'five years. "My feet were always cold. I had {pains in my lions, and a. terrible ;thi1‘3t. abeEeâ€"s' for noihinz on earth I Pills can cure you ’ _ - '_ ____.,- "nu unltttlllfll I'UIHOQICB. Hull's . U- -.. -..-v H" owuu Lnroug‘h ;Cgt,arrh Gun: is taken Inlernally, and acts di- g’defectlve act1on of the kulney ' 8, who}: , reotly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall‘s f should filter it out. iCatarrh Cure ianot aquar-k medicim, . ' t b is‘ ’1 ti"; ' g. 9 Heal and strengthen the kidney and ipreeerlbed by oneo the e tp 1.; fans xn tl ,. , . . « country for years. and Is a regular prescription. they wxll cleanse the blood. Then :10 is composed of the beat tonicn known com- ;Diabetes will vanish. zbinuld with {he beat blood furinorg‘hsotlng! di- , -. - ‘rect on t e mucous sur aces. e per ect ct qufi 3 kidney P1113 are the only ,‘comb’ination ot the two ingredients is what fmedlcme on earth that can cure D13... ;bet~es. They are the o I d' . toduoos .8202! twosdgirtul .rclastilts in curing my me lczne' scan-h.- n or en moms a too. gthat can cure the kidneys. F-J- CHENEY 5‘ CO , _ -. Propm. Toledo. 0. Here is proof: Mr. Sam Desrochers, 3°†bgggï¬ffggï¬pnce 750. ‘ n' th be :of 167 St. John St., Quebec, says: as . are e at. n “I have suffered with Diabetes for The Majestic left Calpe Towm for 'five years. England with 170 wounded, including TMY feet were. always °°ld° I ,had Genera! Featherstonhaugh, Major ‘ Dalrymple Hamilton, and Mr. Knlght. of. the London Morning Post. "Five boxes of cured me comple well and strong.†Reader! Have 1 toms above? f Any one, or two. .these appear in ‘ Diabetes is ca 3' blood. .‘defective action :should filter it Poison gets into the blood t seldom more, of the same case. hrough of the kidneys, which out. p Heal and strengthen the kidney and fthey will clean se the blood. Then gDiabetes will vanish‘. 5 Dodgi’s K zdney Pills are the only '%W%%wa lï¬xcept Doch’s Kidney Pills, the Only Remedy on Earth That Removes the (‘nuse of the Dlsmueâ€"Dmld’s Kid- m-y Pills Never Fall. ' . brain and dry.u.p the Sprmgs of life, besides, Pierce and Ravenous, ls Diabetes Which Deï¬es all Medicines Excellent for Public A well-known magazine writer has recently stated that in matters per- taining to the advancement of women the Anglo-Saxon race seems to have made greater progress than any oth- er nationalities. In Germany women are not permitted to form political as- sociations, wiile in Russia neither men nor " men can band together in any organization of a political na- lture without special consent of the I imperial government. In Holland Such an act is unconstitutional, but in France, long before French women dis- played any desire to study medicine or obtain a university education, the doors of scholastic institutions were thrown open to them. And even Eng. lish and German women availed them- selves of the privileges of becoming first to study your conditions and to get your bearings. It will lead to but one conclusion: apple growing re- quires an improved soil and available plant food. Both: are obtained in the above simple, inexpensive suggestion, I {1 ES M. McKay, of Goderich, Ont, : “Some time ago you- sent me e of your Catarrhomne. We ven it a fair trial and are glad that the medicine is all it is i to be. It appears to work case of Catarrh, and is an ex- remedy for a throat irritation from public speaking.†For Speakers, Ministers. Singers, troubled with irritable. throat, ‘ or Asthma, Catarrbâ€"o-zone is imable value. It is a guaran- lre. Sold by all druggists. CEYLON GREEN TEA â€" will dISplace all Japan Tea the same Salada black is displacing all other black teas. WAR AUTOMOBILES enczosmg them in were ca‘refufly Weighed- bees unloaded (he? again caught. r honey waved in the m! weighed n. “Mum: .L:_ ‘0 WOMAN AND POLITICS. _ -â€" “Ulla! 'Ln caught, pincer] in the weL'ghed a second time. .t showed that. the bees LIA‘n-knn' ‘ L A RE MAN KILLER you any of the STRONG. for 100 m stamps , Kingston, 0nt., t, was there- and (can f),- [h' '11: V,‘ (‘iuhty Sneakers. us may re- ‘Vith honey, being used mont d} *- -----~..... OHIO" g Butt, 1 0 Dragging, H ACKNEY yen-o! fuhionsble h nae. Hilhun â€"‘ - Religions Fianna, Educational War}; __â€".â€" "Iw yen-01%} ' coaching 613:: S; {uhionsble brooding; Prices rouonm nae. Huhunt suuon. Que. HACKNEY STALLIONS FOR BALE-4 b†'Q‘Pmlt’. ‘ -A-Ak‘h- L--â€"_ - Tn: uu mamas mounronâ€"soot and cheap»! 0. Rolhnd. 5010 cut for the Dominion Send 300. «any for «News. 3 8t. Pm! Street. Méntrul 0 100. Garters 02:50 “I! "mo: 3 00.. Cure: in a :18, l Alena. Moncml. Tue nu HOINBS mount“; A DAII-__! _ 1 0X4 want IA R R IS ï¬rszap'zsm Wholoulo only. Long Distance ‘I‘olephon 01 729. WILLIAM 8T., TORONTO. With LOCAL APPLICATION reach the seat of the ding“. CS ‘1‘ ‘b er cannon oz- comtltutional disease, and 12333 in a blood it you must take Inter ...°1'l0cux;o Clmfl'h {Turn in fair... ;_§§£_{Q{geaxca‘. Hun 5 loam oust mu noun... 3 Bugs. R“. and mo. _._8o_ld by :3 man-I..- -.. Q-- A..- .â€" A gratifying radixâ€"z; of the invariable courtesy Britzsh officers en route f dzsplay? at every station. [me towards the Dutchmea “ Pharaoh 100.‘ 9W a T 3 5““03. “cabal. Goo F. 0. CALVERT 00-: MANOHBSTER - - ENGLAND. PEI} DOG' GUARDED HIM, iwâ€"l s. or 881 Queen W. Toronto CALVEï¬Ti ’ Prayer 300'“, 30“!qu Dru. olflxoc, Scapulars. ea. Statuary, and Church Orngments, rkn. Mail orders recoivo prompt “ten- 0. I J. IADLIER 8 60., “outfall. Drums. Uniforlvng. Etc. Luoped. Vnte us far anything in Fine catalogue 500 (But ï¬morul. We . l (:luRiYc‘ilu 1- WI 5,01d imam £30.. to. vvvvvvvv w I '“I‘ Barrictors otp..rem9w eature of the war 18 :ourtesy which the m route for the front ' station. along the Dutchmen they meet. itish troops walked column four doep ‘V P C 1017 _Il Payne, of Gnu: s 0!.Q Tomato. $90.23 Jixiau 1‘368n open- Copen. “’ayleS' . Duties and fuel. . SEND POI! DBSCRIPTIVB CATALOGUE. ’1' 1: £333†â€m mcszgi W“ Melange: n. a...†am. 00.. mm The 0%“? Perch: Rubborhfl ML; 0.. box: Publuhms 00.. “salad: Mild!†vim MIX-rs at: be mu worth. 11!: no" anmovs. - _ ‘ ‘ . . ' A 3h (for. you > I 3:! 23:13:33"; 011:)?! 233331? 9:09 andâ€? BOIIOI'S. for A" Pressures, i uticfaction. I u: so {nil planed vith it that", u Duties and fuel. )Ou thi ch u f h x. om. ' 15.11331. ï¬aiï¬â€˜e‘, m" °‘° Y mm no. won DBSCRIPTIVB cAnLooua. Oak. The fouowing are the names of 1-0",me mum," “a,“ {913v promment utnzcns who are 1131: Ile'ges {git}: {inky-833L133 “1:331:04. ' this (Ellwet’ .and 'frox'n Whom we ha my h 31;}, â€a“ . very attermg testmonlals' ’ I aw?“ 13:31am; 5a.. 11mg}. Dr. D. L. Thom s n ld’mflm‘dlmntybomntm . .9 0 ~ ° fDr. C. F. Ferguson, Kemptville. On I ’ ' ; Dr. Ulric Gabourg, Plantagenet, On I ‘Judze A. C. Chadwinlr ran-Iv. - _ _ - _A The “Happy _Il_10ught †Range THE VlllllAN BUCK STOVE 00., Limited BRANTPORD, ONT., b the but. in the world. For sale by loadimr dmlm Michigan Land for Sale. 5-. nA-_~ m’swlss‘; JOHLIAIQMNM During the C EYLON TEA. EVERY DAY adds to the large list of drinkers of rld. For sale by loading dealer: everywhere. '-SIJPPER. Made by Toronto All LEA'mzns. For salcb allflrst-CEMs SHOP} EALERS. .. H. Packard a: Do. MONTREAL. PACKARD’S Shoe Dressing AVE OFTEN HI NE HOE ALI. COLORS FOR 1'9 tho Odorlou (ï¬reman C" ! Hamilton. 0... I: V‘DBAR sxn"AbOllt a van: a Atlantic City Neï¬ï¬e " b0 Y0†Health and M R My _--‘â€"~ “I. V“ "Uu‘b’ 01' M . Government And Mun cipal Bun etc. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. unmanned. humans ISSUED 2.: 1. 4 n... Um: imam coupons nuchod. ‘ I. or 5 MONEY LEN? on seth or m m Government tad Municipal 35.432; '- ~._._v‘- w gage Goiporaflon. Paid-up Capital, - - $2,600,000 Reserve Fund - . - 1,200,000 and Moo-Toronto 8L, Toronto. Inn": Omanâ€"Winnipeg, Nam, Vancouver. ~A‘Q- ‘â€" 03 mmumvm Everyone needsatonio upodjcine to cleamo â€no N once the ncneg. and rentallze, reinvigorate ch? wh body, in the apt: ng. The very best. they can get. a Dr. Arnold's august: Toxin Pun. They kill the germs of all diseases. purity 3nd 0 the blood. can boils. eruptions. akin discuss.“ mnknesa. and all other germ dis-cases. Sold by All arm/guts ; .arge box 75c. small box 250. on lent postpaid. on receipt. or price by The Arnold Chemical 60.. Limited. Canad- Life Bld'c Tomas Word: may not oonvinco you. but. 3 am «mink rm. lEAD PM! “658» 25, 30, 4D, 80 and 000. ï¬ SPRENG ï¬ESSAGE. For (II-tho: ponieulm tpply to J. HERBERT MASON. Managing Director. Toronto» 8mm and got mqoom W: Loan and 8a. mugs Company. .‘ge. ;.ndwcl vuant, AmherSt, N.s price list s‘fl'nto Tr “cameraman-y clout n-_.m-‘ 4* ‘ ‘ a m Ind But covering In thaws-ta. NEURALOIA. Spunâ€. nuacuun. tutu-Hue", 6001'. Lyn-no. flutuuu‘uc Putnam. Aswan ' 3319"?!“in at Room encl‘oaedi inn-kl-.. l_ mooxpunu‘xn 1855 r9 “aha, yum, .0. is reached by 0mm ’9“ 0,94