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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Apr 1900, p. 5

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A. GORDON In these days of hurry and bustle, nervous Strain, poor digestion, the struggle of the humble classes {or an existence and the everlasting run of the married man for more money, the heart, the human engine, is wrought upon [or double the duty that Providence originally assigned it. Thus it is that we may pick up Lower Town, Importer of and Dealer in Swedish, Scotch Canadian Granite and Marble Work OF ALL KIND. Monuments Repaired and MCIXTYRE BLOCK, â€"- DURHAM. .â€" - term-s to suit borrowers. A Geaeral Financial Business Transacted OFFICE-l door North of S. Scott’s Store. con 31155103111: in H. C. J. Collections pmmptly attended to. LOANS and Insurance efi'ec‘ted without de- lay. Company and Priv_a.te Funds to Loan at 5, 5§ and 6 per ceqt.‘ m sums and upon UPPICE-Mclutyr’e Block, (Over the Bank) Money to. Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to smt borrower. . ONOR GRADUATE 0F TRINITY College Toronto: Member of the Col. leae of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario : Member of the Detroit Medical and Library Association. Six years hospital experience. RESIDENCEâ€"Old Bank Building, opposite C. McKinnon's Imp't Shop, Upper Town, DURHAM- w. s. DAVIDSON, ‘ Dr. Burd, M. C. P. 83 S. O. W.’ L. MaCKENZIE, (5.x): AND INSURANCE AGENT. J coxvnmxcsx. SuccmrtoDr. PARK, . MILL STREET, -â€" â€" DURHAM. ARRIS'I‘ER, NOTARY, CON ' YEYANCER, Etc., Etc. Inscriptions Cut on Shortest Notice. E. .I. FEEL, M. [1,, C. M. April 5, 1900. McCalmon, Watchmnkcr and Jeweller, â€"â€" â€"â€" DURHAM. f Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart is f a peerless remedy. Thousands of ‘cases where sure and sudden death iseemed imminent, its wonderful cur- 'ative powers have been demonstrated éand in most acute forms of heart dis- ;ease relief has come inside of 30 [minutes after the first dose has been 1 taken. Some of the most pronounced any newspaper any day and read of the sudcien taking off of this, that and the other person, here, there and yonder â€" the (331198 aSSiPnDd_ hoovf It was with feelings of universall . . _ I regret that the friends and neighbors, of Mr. Malcolm Cameron heard of; his intention to sail out and join his 5 sons in far away Dakoca. It was all-' so felt that it would be impossible to let Mr. Cameron and famin 00 with- out showing, in some way, the esteem in which they were held. A surprise party was therefore arranged and their commodious house proved none too large on this occasion, when friends and neighbors crowded ,in to pass a pleasant evening and then say good bye to those whom they had learned to love and respect. After a number of games were in- dulged in, the gathering was called to order and a short program was gone through, Rev. Mr. Graham ‘ was unanimously chosen chairman, ‘ who spoke united in expressing sorrow at the denmmm AF u“ ”a l ‘ Dances galore! Last Wednesday one of the old time dances took place at the Leitch homestead, and on Thursday night Mr. Arthur Jackson gave the young people of this locali- ty an Opportunity to trip the light fantastic into the “ wee sma hours.” Everybody reports a. good time. On Friday last Mr. Robt. and Miss Lee were welcome visitors at the home of Mr. Lewis Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes were in Chesley last Thursday, while Mr. Frank Skene, of Johnson, paid hie father and numerous friends in this locality a short visit towards the end of the week. Mr, Wm. Lougheed 'is at present busily engaged in moving his effects on to the farm lately vacated by Mr. Jas. Skene. Mr. Lougheed has, we undersnand, rented the place for a term of five years. One pill a dose; 25¢. a. box at all dealers. or Enuwsozv. Barns Co., Toronto. 2 Prudence tells everyone sufi'ering with backache to set their kidneys right. The experience of tens of thousands of people tells them that to accomplish this there is no. means so successful as the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pillsâ€"the world's . greatest kidney cure. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills cure permanently by making the kidneys healthy, active and vigorous. They are purely vegetable. act naturally and directly on the kidneys, and are wonderfully efficacious. ‘ As a prompt and sitive cure for kidney g disease. liver comp aint and all the compli- ’ cations of these filtering organs, they are un. approached by apy remedy ever discovered. ' Backache is in reality kidney ache. The kidneys become clogged. and falter in their work of filtering the blood. Backache is nature's w;rning that the kidneys are on strikefimd that the blood is going through the system laden with foul poisons. which will cause Bright’s disease. dropsy, diabetes. rheumatism or other equally painful and fatal complications. Weak, Lame, Lame, Aching Backs, the Result 3! Sluggish, Inactive Kidneys. LATON A. 'aeys. Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart not only gives almost instant relief, but it: ' . effect a rapid and permanent. cure. It is not. an untried mostrum. It. is a heart specific, leaves no bad after effects or depression. It acLsdi-rect- 1y on the nerve centres, induces ner- vous energy, dispels all weaknesses. -_-â€"v-uauoo ctuu plum 1n Elle chilly sensations, uneasx- n_ess if sleeping on tne left side, fainting: spells, hunger and exhaus- tion. Any one of these symptoms is enough to convince of the seating Of heart disease -â€"and any of them. if neglected, may mean sudden death to the patient. ' symptoms of heart disorder are: Palpitation, shortness of breath, weak and irregular pulse,' smother- ing spells, swelling of the feet; and ankles, tenderness and pain in the lg‘f 0:3- 7‘ "‘ Mr. John Duncan. a farmer of Arran tp., Bruce Co., was in the vicinity in quest of hirea help. of which there seems to be a shortage. Mr. Christian Schemsman arrived home last week from Godrich, where he has spent the last twelve months, and expects to return in a. fortnight to take. his former position on a boat. His brother George arrived home on Friday from Pike Bay, and will try his hand at farming the coming sea- son. Both are looking bronzed, hearty and handsome. Mr. and Mrs. W. Duncan left last week for Toronto, where the former has secured a good situation. Though sorry to part with them, yet we wish them prosperity and happiness in their new home. . "vâ€"vvâ€"VVY [J generally tohes thévs‘yv'gt‘em. Mrs. John Fitzpatrick, of Gamma- Mr. .733. Sullivan, who has been lumbering with his team in the vi- cinity of Walkerton, arrived home on Monday last. Mrs. McKay, of Toronto. (formerly Miss Leitch), is a welcome guest at the parental home at present. A new lath machine is being pinced in theWeibeck mills by the proprietor, Mr. J. TruaxLWho is bound to make his mille second to none. A good stock of logs are on hand for Lhis season. Mr. Robert G. Lindsay leaves the beginnipg of next week to fill an engagement with a farmer in the vicinity of St, Marys’. \Iiss Clara McDonald, the lattel part of last week, visited with rela- tives in Dmham. Itching Piles. False modesty causes many people to en- dure in silence the greatest misery imagin- able from itching piles. One application of Dr. A. \V. Chase’s Ointment wi!l soothe and case the itching, one box will completely owe the worst case of blind. itching, bleed- ing or producing piles. You have no risk ‘Lo run for Dr. A. W. Chase’s Ointment is gunmntcd to cure piles. On'Tuesla y evenmo I" of last ‘Mr. Galdxvel!3 of Allan Park, is moving on the Teasdale farm. We welcome them to our midst. Mr. J. Dalglish sold his farm, and intends going west shortly. Councillor McLean took in a social in Glenelg, and we hear he was gen- erouslv applauded for his platform ability. Miss Kate McCormick visited her sister, Mrs. D. McQuarrie, one day last week. Mr. John Putherbough is visiting the homestead for a few weeks. p. m., when their youngeSt daughter Eliza, ‘was unithed in Wedlock to Mr. Laughlin Alexander McLean, vof ,Glenelg. The bride was dressed in "pale blue French serge, with cream [satin and pearl trimmings, and was lably assisted through the trying or- deal by her cousin, Miss M. A. Campbell of Aberdeen, while Mr. A.‘ McLean, brother of the bridegroom. acted as best man. Mr. Graham, of Dornoch, tied the nutial knot, after which some forty guests sat down to a bounteous supper. The bride’s-cake consisted of a handsome, four story structure of excellent quality. The presents were numerous, showing the eStoein in which the bride was held by her friends. We wish them success in their united venture in life. A man pretty weddin" tOok place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald \IcQuamie on the‘ .8th inst, _ at. [7: 3O Mrs. ~Wmi McCalmon visiteti her old home last week. Look up Var- ney correspondence. week, and tock in the Cameron sur- prise party. ' DORNOCH. MULL CORNERS. '_“‘ ‘CD *4 -â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"uâ€"-.Ȣa> oâ€"a- heir new home. Duncan. a farmer of 0.. the week, . Dr. Agnew’s Pills. for constipation, sxck headache, biliousness and -stdm- ach troubles generally. Only 20 cts. a. vial. ' Dr. Agnew’s Ointment will cure blind, bleeding or itching piles in from three to five nigh ts. One appli- cation relieves the most irritating skin diseases; 3:) cents. Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder re- heves coid in the head in ten minutes and has cured Catarrh cases of fifty years’ standing. -.- v --v- vvv JA UV tub, “As a last resoit, I bought a bottle of Dr. Agnew’ 3 Cum for the Heart. One dose gave me almost instant re- lief from a very acute Spasm. I felt encouraged, and persisted in its use. It just took three bottles to cure me completely. and I gladly bear my testimony to this wonderful 1emedy as a life saver. ” What it has done for Mrs. Fitzpat- rick it can do for any sufierer from heart disease. que, Ont., was a great suflerer from heart disease. Hers was a stubborn case of over five years’ standing. She was treated by several eminent physicians and heart specialists with- out any permanent relief. She be- came so bad that she went to the hospital, and was in a short while discharged from there a hopeless incurable; but to use her own words,; 53m Wood’s HeasITd . . sootheS' the E’éorway Pmo Lungs and 4": cures Coughs byrup and Colds of the worst kind after other remedies fail. Pleasant to take. Price 25c. To MR. AND Mas. CAMERONâ€"The i onward march of time and the per- petual current of events have brought us together on this the eve of your departure to the distant west. Language fails us in expressing our sorrow on this occasion that we are about to sustain by your removal from amongst us. In the church you will be missed, as the Sabbath always found you in attendance at the house of prayer. As a neighbor you have been kind. courteous and obliging. We have found you a faithful friend in times of trouble, and willing to do what you could to render assistance. Your many friends and weli-wishers feel it their duty and esteem it a pleasure to show their good will and reSpect to- ward you. We therefore ask you Mrs. Cameron, to accept this fur cap as a slight token of our respect and. love to you and to Mr, Cameron.’ We present this Bible and Book of IPraise, hoping that their blessed 'contents may be your guide and light until death, \Ve also ask you Mary. to accept this album, and Archie and May these Books of Praise, hoping that you will not look upon these at their value, and that you, will consider the good will that is manifest by the friends you left be- hind in Ontario. We wish you each one health, prosperity and God’s blessing in your new home, and '0} $9- 1% Cg. You can’t be healthy if your ‘5 93. bowels are constipated and 7 your system clogged with eg poisonous material. There pg should be a natural move- 3 gm. ment every day, and the best *5 ‘13 way to'secure it is to take u» q. Laxa-Liver Pills. The most ‘5 ((33. obstinate cases yield to their '33: {9. action. They neither gripe, ‘6 ’f sicken nor weaken, are easy 53 to take and prompt to act. :2 - about 60 of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Cameron’s neighbors and well-wish- ‘ ers.’ who had heard, with regret, of their entended departure to their ' new home in Botteneau, North Dako- to. took Mr. and Mrs.'Cameron by surprise. by envading the comfort- ablv and spacious premises. Rev. Mr: Graham was called on to act as chairman. and called off a really choice program of singing,, music and addresses. The later by some of the old pioneers, who had stood shoulder to shoulder with their ihost and hostess in bearing the brunt of pioneer life, and had known and respected them, some of them dating their acquaintance a little over a half century. An interesting part of the program was the reading of an address given below by Mr. D. A. Smith and the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Cameron of a large bible and fur cap by Mr, an‘d Mrs W, Smith and a photo album to Miss Mary and to Archie and May a richly bound Book of Praise. Mr. Cameron very[ feelingly replied and thanked the Smpany for their well wishes. The llowing is the-address :--- DEAR anxns ; THE Big Score carries the largest assortment of laces and embroidery in Durham. should it never be our lot to meet again here below, we pray that when time has compassed our existance on earth, we may all meet in our Father’s home above. Signed on behalf of the company JOHN ELLISON. HENRY H. HUNT. ROBERT HAY. .Q. '7/‘\‘ VA‘ 0 'V‘ 0 “(AV 41}; We all feel glad to heal the mbin and swing birds once more J. A. Hunter’s ANOTHER big lot of the celebrated ‘Cote ’ \Vaterproof Boots to 065 O arrive THIS \VEEK. They are extra value in every wayâ€"«L better boot than any handmade or factory boot on the market. Codfish at ............. Extra Value Japan Tea. Sweet Navel Oranges . . Horseclippersâ€":§1.00 pair -â€"Lace Curtains. Sell your Butter and Eggs for Cash at ricz, $3750u-Cash. anu Nearly every thing Minded Beggar who he can buy them for monthly and annua money as our Dric‘ They axe High Cut Laced Bootsâ€" Large Lace HoIeSâ€"-Bzir Blu§cher Shape. Double Solid Leathm Solesâ€"and p01 TRY A PAIR. \Ve carry a $4. 000 of Boots and ‘ k vâ€"va-IlJ Horse Singers â€"250 each New stock Ha ALL UNDER ONE: â€"vâ€" .__-v~v--V giar wno pays-paysâ€"pays more money for his goods than t1 em for at 'lhe Big Store. Our trade is increasing daily, 1r. annually. Be one of the crowd if you wish to save our prices .are right. They never pinch the pocket. Look 1n and see our immense stock- At this season of the year. â€"Roller Blinds. â€"-Colored Muslims. Offices : Wingham and Wiartom J. D. MCNab, T. P. SMITH, Eye Specialist, will be at the Cenn 11 Hotel Durham. on \Vednesflay April 11th one day only. sun is so refreshing after our long, cold winterâ€"and it one of us feel as though we should 'discard our heaxjy inn; and look about for a nice Spring Dress or Suit. inge’r any doubt about which store has the fines: assort- ment as théy all say in one vioce : EXGINEER for Howick, Wingham ...8c 1b. .....25clb. ... 30cdoz. r; you want all under one OntariovLand Surveyor,___ Civil and Drainage Engineer Horseclippers â€"- 85c pair . HUNTER. CK may and Ma Fork Handles. Newest patterns, as our whole stock is new. No old stock at all. We have done a very large trade so far, and ask you to look at our SAMPLES. Speciall rates to builders on Hardware and Manure Forks. our immense‘stock. WALL PAPER Raw and Boiled Oils Turpentine. Paints. E Large Lace Holes-â€"Bright Ey_eIets-- Leather Solesâ€"and perfect fitters. $4,000 of Boots and Shoes alone. Finest Selected Raisins, 5} lbs. for 25c. Syrup atwm... ....31b. Extra Choice Black Tea-1 . . . . . . . . 25c1b. Wall Paper at 30 RON. roof._ He’s an Absent;- slins. â€"â€"Paints Varnishcs. ROOF. - Evans Bulldigg: . .. new w; bale at our expense. 0 us recexve special £3 PATENT RECORD, cxrculated journal, anufiapturers and Investors. Paints, Etc., Etc.., E request. Patents secured rd 1ior sage at our qxpense. t rou us recexve speczaz' :e, in fin: PATENT REcoRD, widgly mrgulated' journal- wnsmuc'rou, t-C. safe \Yrfi $3353. \7/ 0?: SW; s12 $32 £14. £32 ‘vr ' "

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