West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Apr 1900, p. 1

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'9. THREE or four weeks ago. we re- ' ferred to a large pane of plate glass {having been broken in .‘iIcKechnie’s knew Store, which being insured was ~u'eplaced promptly by the company. fOn Thursday last. a. byStander on lithe sidewalk heard a peculiar noise and looking round saw a. small crack‘ afewzinches long in the bottom of the new pane. He etiiled the atten-;‘ tion of Mr. McKechnie, who witness- ed the‘crack move mnmrds the full length of the pane which is about ten or eleven feet high. The com~ pany has a.~ain been notified and the glass “ill shortly. we presume, be replaced by another. Strange Mr. Blvidge, whose horses backed A t, rough the first one, was standingg‘ he sidewalk to watch the second '1 _y it up withoug any apparent cause ‘ ’\ tever, asit isnoc tight in the i w at any point. . f A packei pecllar was pulled last week for selling goods without a li- cence. At: first he claimed not to phave enough‘money to pay the fine. but on a threat of Mayor Laidliiw to confiscate his goods and send him to jail, he fished out his other wallet and passed over the cheques. It’s a time to put a stop to dry goods and jewelry tramps, whose presence in- terferes with‘the legitimate business;1 'of our local dealers. who pay taxes and help-suppor; the town bycon- tributing tO’eveiy good movement. There’s not a single article needed that our cownsmen will not supply and in case-of misrepresentation the! purchaser has easy means of getting redress. Yet scores send their r noney out. of town, anal then wonder why ‘hey place doesn’t prosper. ’ 3‘3torey will be added shortly to the inorth wing. This tOgeLher with the Tanticipated veneering will add much to the appearance of the corner. THE Knapp House 1> 1101 undergo- its [18113.1 11111111111 01e1'1111111111r. 1'13; the \1 11019 building 1% 119111;: inted and tastefully 11133011111311. 311111113 1:001} 1211111111 (we: 0:) 'lookout to see that (111111111111955 attended to for the comfm t of 11 1211' ;gneSts. \Ve understand 3120111131" store) win be 11111811 5110111" to north wing. This 10gct11e1 111211 ”1113 .7118 4R. HUGH Emacsox SAYS :-«In thé gnagement of our millinery depart- 7 :nt. we have to announce it change. we have secured the services of Miss Munro, who comes to us very highly recommended. and feel confident that under her management this deput- 'mént will retain its previous ‘" fix-5r place ” position of high clams, stylish miilinery.â€"-Arthur Enterprise. \VE regret to learn of a sex-fame illness of Mrs. Joseph Mack, who had a paralytic stroke, on Sunday lust. For some time Mrs. Mack has been rather delicate. and though this last affliction may go hard with her, we Hope for her Speedy recovery. SOME men are worth Others should be charged the space they occupy. weight don’t always count. ' BIG crowds of both sexes attonded the millinvry openings at the three showrooms, Thursday, Friday and Saturday last. Till-3 Spring Show, Fair Dav Calder’s Implement Delivery coming on the 17th, shouiol quite a crowd to town. GET your Hoxse Bills at Cunoxxcw Otfice. Esely {ac-iii first. class work. AS a reader Mrs. S_\ at born artist, and clex e1. â€"â€" Town Hall. Tuesday 17th. JR. HUGH FERGUSON SAYS SAWYER \\'A.\"ral). «First class man. Apply to J. W. Bun), Flcshrrtozx and Proton Station. MR. C.‘ Mclexox for a business site on just West of Caldwell MISS KING will sin Empire” :1: the E Concer:, Tuesday 17:. A NUMBER of houses are likely to be built this smnmer to meet the demands. BUY your hm.»- at. Mockler’s. Wm FEWEA 1:. wear skirts. a: DOR'I‘ buy a. trunk our stock. H. \V. M SPRING now. 5‘ '23“ (If. Vol. 34-«N0. 1. 726. EASTER bonrmts will be out Sam Smuxc. Show '1‘ y. es \\' .ueu's neavv (303:5 for oniy $3} Waterproof Coats 1 LOCAL NEWS. ll La‘liPs’ [Hack '1 Cape for 333.50 Men's H ay J. J. H wrapper Meanin ipwor h, :ed rent for )s negotiat anbton St)‘ 3 livery. OCR air Dav: and 0t U!) At GRgNT’s Beugom h Sons of the ["11 League : at THE acilizy for 8U weed a twin \‘s' fl. W .f WI: regret to 'learn that. Mr. Geo. Kress, Sn, had the misfortune, on *z'iday last, to meet ' painful, and at his age it serious acci- dent. The old gentleman, 7:3 yea‘rs of age. was going down celler when he made :1 mise-tep; and fell, break- ing his thigh bone just. where it genters the socket. Medical aid was 'at once called and the facture reduced. mg wxll researe him to h' ready :0- mom. oi last summer and the early I Unis” yourself, 01‘ breaking the $1353 winter. He tells us he has not yet { “NS alarming the sentry on 9035- ‘deciiied as to what he will do, but! l . We put out of Manila on the U. S. the probability is he’ll take up lanleransport “Indiana” and in about {out west and after a time make his 36 hours arrived at Iloilo. This is a. {home there. We wish him abun- 'very pretty place. Although We. Idant success. {didn’t get 05 the boat, we could see - {the town uite lain. The insur- .\Ir. Chas. Mason. of Shelburne,‘ q p § , , fl ., ._ . _ ' . ”rents were, at that time, outside the l \\ ho \\ as setelely burned some \V eelxs l town only a. short distance, and when i “‘20.. by his wraps ”comm?“ 15"“th ! we were there one man had his head “while taking a vapor bath: or sweat, fonts 05 with a. bolo. has sufie: eflIseYerely. but is recover- ’ A bolo is a large knife, something EMBR'QUIKI Wit. the aid of extenqye ”,1. l _' b v n1 the blade is skin grafting will in a few more I he t 18.0“} a. o e, o y .1 . weeks he presentable. It is said that j very thIP’ fwd the 613d sharp y poult- over one hundred persons have shah 39:1“ This ’3 .a man S worst enelmy ‘ ed their hide 'with the unfortunate ; here, as a native, being copoer-co or. . - . . I V . n 1 man in order to furnish him with a . ed, cf“ flip PD 011.??3fntztenfi?:s 2m? § co\‘ering. -â€"-â€".‘~Iarkdale Standard. [It on y :1. es 8. Stub o \011‘ see 311:. Jim. A. Lsmxmux, of Dor- noch, gave us it. short call on Tuesday. He intends to return this week to Brandon, Manitoba, where he spent. most of last summer and the early winter. He tells us he has not yet decided as to what he will do, but the probability is he’ll take up land out west and after a time make his home there. We wish him abuzz-l: dztnt success. zpplies atin of the reb daughSers mourn the} ‘.\' , c --_ «unduou wct'h. 1:15: at the residence of her son Rev. Horace Bray, English Church Clergynum. of Hanover. The re- mains were taken to Petrolia for. interment. The deceased was born in Devonshire, England, in 1822, came to Canada in 1832 and had a clear remembrance of many incidents AC LL” Y -ucw Store, now occupied by Ireland Co.‘ by a new plate glass front, and modern tables instead of the old fashioned counters. The rare parti- tion is also to be taken out and shelv- ing; extomled back to a. distance of about one hundred feet. Mr. Ireland says they need more room for their new goods. W Mn. Dzrxmx MARSHALL, well known in this constituency as the Patron and 'l‘cmx-ex'ance stump orator, has purchased the Thornbury Standard of which he took possession "last week. No doubt he will make a success of it. through his character- istic push. and all-round energy. Mi: ARCEUE DAVIDSUX. Division V ‘ ‘ , Irwin Writes to His Sisters lvin some Lauri Clerk. ere“ hasn't moved downi 1‘ x (mm yet but 2:0 has moved into an} uziicc a few doors south, which, we: In a letter to his sister Maud, pk'eslnnt’. 2-“; considers a step in thefFrank Irwin of the 19th regiment right. diz'ucifou. (Says: s-â€"â€"â€"- Mn. {firxmx MARSHALL, well known , ".v'... ..: J..,.i .. I . , . ,.. HA 11'115 LOllbtitULUL/‘y (13 tile Parlontszud, the bpanlsh Flllplnos are very and Perm-Minute stump orator, h , ' E’ul‘cEHLSL‘WI the. 'J‘hOX'nhHI'V .Qt-on.-1n».1 i ') ‘U (I. _-_--â€" .Iov' v 0 \‘cv , ,u ml the I'Lt‘el‘ “le“ 'is now Mr. G. W. Thompson, of Toronto. ”TWO. ' ‘ k n ’ ‘ L 1’ “’" '- . , is in town in the interest of the Can- occuwed b\‘ .on‘. Ireland and fall)!” . . e. . . . , “+3,“ we “3 mm} 1 .ts (ftizeus to 0m. 3 auzan Home, Circle an orgamzatlon (. "x 11 'L" ‘ L ‘ ' j which has for-its object; the protection L) ' . f ___.e j of the home, by furnishinginsurance, LucaS, Wright Batson~ Will clOSe ; total dlsability and old age annuities their {Mrhum Office until the end of; to all persons between the ages of 18 the l’au'limnourary Session at Town-411d ‘30 years. ' to, after wMCh time Mr. Batson will; ‘ m.- at their Marham Office every Mon-i day as used. u--. ‘« ... M‘â€" of Mrs. Jackson’ Station, and the] occupied by 311'. I whom we welcome town. ,.uxoa ucua oecame the wife of Mr. .-X<.:<__I()1:I)I.\'(} to the report of the In- 3 spcctorof Prisons (01' 1899 just. issued f â€"â€"Post. the tote-:1 number commuted (Inx'ingf the year was 5305}, being: less Lhuu‘ Mt- James Ireland moved hIS fam- for any year since 1595}. Out (July to Durham thls week- x»)! We are ,thti-ie Sb.” were found U . . Dc. 5 . . why and .3011} to 10.58 these good c s«_-11te::<.:;:«,1. 1353 being cut to the E from 01.1.)“ IPCHECOIX'JU'V. ’nlunb' frlellds here in “'IShing them gthc best of health and prosperity in 311:. Juux I).-\1-:.LI.\'¢_: has moved out I thenr "6W home.â€"Blyth Standard. ‘1--. - ~.â€"~._.â€"â€"‘- p O (3‘ ‘\Ir3o n]ét(I.I<S()II?N hnnan ‘|‘ ”I- ACCORDENG to Speccorof Px'isg the total numl the )‘931‘ was 8 ._.â€" â€"- vvtlvuo “GUI. The old gentleman, 7:3 yea‘rs was going down celler when \ , :1 mise-tep; and fell, break- rhigh bone jgsc where it L OWISG t r a. somewhat serious attack of Diabetes. Mr. John Jack, Jr., has been quite indiSpO'sed for the past few weeks. We are pleased, however, to note that he is much improved. I’f MR. 131) . uoy’s famous horse “ Phenomenon ” will be on the Same route this year as he was last, The cards will be out this week, MR. ED . Hor’s famous “ Phenomenon ” will be on r‘ the gradua snow prev freshet. attractive )l' BUY one fawn Wat ones at :32. wear BRA? died on Saturday week the residence of her son Rev. Ii. Bray, English Church nun. of Hanover. The re- were taken to Petrolia. for. ant. The deceased was born 'onshire, England, in 18"" dd, ‘ SPECIAL sale of first class goods {reland Co’s. to make space {or tensive alterations in their stow J. Tim reserve seat plan is fast filling up for the Concert. Tuesday 17th. LADIESâ€"see Idockler’s new stock of durable dainty corsets. 00 THE River is now clear 00f Tux Milli telliou of 1837-3. and uvo sons rem loss. J. Hunter’s so the newvst things An all-woo : Yard. Call and me of Madam-'5 velvet collar . aterpzxofs [or $4.50, black W uuuery Uepartmc Co’s Store is a 2 sight these days em: . 7! son's house, near the: disappearance : the usual Hunter’s south window st things in summer remodelli 119: ‘5- “ extendxe . A 0010 IS a large knife, something . few more :1 like theone above, only the blade 18 t is said that a "91‘." thxn, nnd the end sharply pomt- Shave shun :ei. Thxs 18 .a man’s worst enemy unfortunate 1 here, as a.nat1ve, belng copper-color] him with a ‘5 ed, can slxp up on .a man at. night, and mm. ,1: only cakes a wash of the bolo and â€" 2 your head IS off. A "not? 1min m-.. apartment in Ire Four aim to busy and Feb. 23rd, Cebu, Island, of Cebu. Philippine Islds where. But I Mafid, besides I w for some other ti will not tire you. ant. to save a little me. Well zoocLbye'. h 13 nosed, shorz. treach ice, and ofâ€" the spring ,__v wâ€" your head is off. A good bolo man is more to be feared than a good shot at night time. JOOJS. at l l Manila, the principal city of the Islands, is situated on Luzon. In time it will be a very nice city, fiwhen the Government gets the bar. l bor dredged out and the city drained. ‘ It is a very miserable place in the rainy season, being- all a kind of sticky clay, into which you sink up to your knees or farther. Of course } the principal streets are not like this, ’but are very disagreeable. The Es- cotta, the principal business portion {of the city, is a fine place, The Iwalled city puts one in mind of the old and ancient cities you read about, with its narrow streets and massive walls. The Spaniards, when they were building these walls, built them about twelve feet high, and on the top put a coat of mortar about four , inches thick. There are really no Filipinos now at all, The Filipinos are an extinct race. a race that absolutely refused to be civilized. These people are really Malays. The principal Islands of the Philippines are Luzon, Penny, Nejros. Cebu, Sulu, Jolo. Mindinao» and Mindoro. k’Llfllb ' I c I 1 Mr. H. H. McKague. traveller for ) (ICE ‘ ‘ ' w". J. Cage 85 Co., of Toronto, was I: in town last. week, on a business trip. 1 1.1L; Ur. Dugald McCormick. of Price- ‘mj é VIHP~ gave us a pleasant call on Fri.l ‘ Jdaylz-tst. - ,1 Miss Finnegan, of Ayton. is the and .’ guest of her sister, Mrs. '1‘. Russell, the; South of the town. A Very pretty wedding ceremony was consummated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hudson, of Bentinck last evening, when their daughter, Miss Bella became the wife of Mr. John Peart, a moulder, of Brantfordw â€"-Post. last week from Toronto, and intends to spend Easter. holidays at. the par- ental homestead. peogle aye very lazy, flat A..- I Mr; F. A. Lewis. Piano Tuner, is Spending a few days in town. 3 iss Jennie Lamb is spending a .few days visiting in Ddrham.â€"-Post. Mr. Brvson Cochrane, of was in town last week fox so. ' Rev. Mr. Ferguson, exchanged work with Rev. Mr. Ecker, of Drew Circuit, on Sunday last. Mrs Philippine Islands Again. Mr. H. Your brother, Sudden c . . vi ired .th daughter. bottles, bits of glass that would out. So 'ould be impossible walls Without cut- PERSONAL. Durham, Ont hrane, of Brussels week for a day or Next week we shall make an effort to describe some of the leading styles displayed in each of our three up-co. date millinery show rooms, but, a pack , , IS ver 313,3, 1‘ MORLOCK’S. \ low, so much so that there IS ver _1e At Mr. Morlock’s the department ”“8 hepe Of her recovery - ,5 agaln presided over by Miss Slack Norman McDougall has taken Job} V. whose success in pleasmg so well th McLean 3 place on shares for tw< ;‘ general public last year fully Justify years. ' her retention, and the assurance that Mr. McCuag attended a meetmg o 1? her tastes W1”. prove a great trade the Grey and Bruce Fire IN a neighboring town a Salvation t nge pleasure to the Army adverti ’ and Mr. Morloc with the season’s commencement. IRELAND co’s. next day and wrote underneath, “Take Carter’s Little Liver Pills.” Shortly afterwards the Salvation Army man noticed the sacriligious work of the medicine man and print- ed below, “ And prepare to meet thy God ” , also the sales on the O'L‘ICE Is HEREBY GIVEN PUR- ‘ “ " d Statutes of opening days were far 1n excess of S.Uf}NT t0 T119393!“ l 't- previous yeara and the Company is 90123110 1897, chapter 129. that al cred: . rs and others having claims against the more than pleased Wlth the opening estate of the .saigl‘Jphp R. Mgr-den. who died (In An n‘n-n‘ " fl Thursday. Friday at last were the days fi millinery openings, and in saying that never 1) finer exhibit shown in D1 line of head novelties, an ing appreciation in atte munication The report, how. 3- ing employed to give music lessons w'fl's - to the daughters of the Duke of »ml¢_- Edinburg . Since that time she has 5 had the honor ‘ ‘ of supplying majesty with a collection of ' paintings of natural flow hills of the north. only of Mrs. Duguid, is a Leiutenant of a __ . company in South Africaâ€"fancy her surprise and delight when, on the T' day of the relief of Ladysxnith, a telegram from the Tenders “ By order of'the Queen.” The same letter reports an incident that throws some light on the present social situation in South Africa. blacksmith s Monday, Ap Two young ladies (Misses Gordon) Chairm were at Harrismith at the breaking ‘I out of hostilities. Forthwith they found themselves commanded by the , Boers, and made to stay nolens vol- I‘he weath ens as hospital nurses at Harrismith. 1381; few days A :11 A's-b ‘3-.. â€" the 19th at the advanced age of nine- ty-four years. During her earlier years she was thought to be delicate but; has long survived those who] were so anxious about her. styles and ., Thursday, April 12 Notes From Scotland. May and Saturday days fixed for the gs, and we feel safe never before was a 0.. COIOFS differ from the opening 3 Durham in the F, and the grow- attending these was fully evi- ally large num- Eh ladies and aoucxtors for David H. Morden, Executor of John R. Morden, deceased. Dated this zlst day of March, A. D. H00. SHAW 8: SHAW. ors and others having claims against the estate of the said JohnR RMorden. who died on or about the 26thd day of December 1875, §T6_:I;eg})1red on or_ be ore the 28th dav ofi In the Matter of tII-Estate of John R. Morden, late of the Township ofGlenel in the County of Gre , armer, Deceased. IN a neighboring town Army advertiser wrote " What. shall I do to be : patent medicine man cam L neignooring town 9. Salvation advertiser wrote a billboard it shall I do to be saved?” A : medicine man came along the day and wrote underneath, 5 (Mun-uh 7 °-- re sorry to hear that Mr 9. McArthur, north line, is very much so that there is very no A: 1...... --- , 1 900. -â€"â€"â€".vâ€" VVVWL 13 now being shown in our Dress Goods section, where assortments are complete and Strictly up-to-date. The showing easily surpasses any- thing of the kind we’ve ever made. There is more of it, and a. much greater variety. The fabrics are better and more beautiful than ever, 5= ’1 2nd among them are some of the :35 .andsomest and most unique de- 3 Signs that ever came to Durham. 711’; n Ma. Alb All. A". .m. -\ .4 charming, every piece has been per- ea ‘0‘ sonally selected by ourselves. These ’4‘ H WHATEVER FABRIC THE ‘ fashion-makers have de- ‘ cided should be fashionable, for‘i Spring and early Summer wear is '1 “An‘ mute you to our DA LLA _-_- Spring For Early / 4‘5 Spring Wear. An all-wool Tweed for yard. Call and inspect. Tweed $1.00 Per Year and following days AtGRANT’ and Ww WM. «w, I4. .‘O. S, vs :14 _ '43s NI; ‘0‘ 7p :2. '0. _‘\E 350 a for

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