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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Apr 1900, p. 4

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DURHAM, APRIL 1‘2, LB lull: uvu§ vu oâ€"v .â€" There in Maui; £531;me for a From the boys of the city of Dublin \Vho have "cue to the war in less «2] They are q of_a pivfgq, and the star) 7 â€"â€" An-- anim“ ‘1‘ -_~ ߤ And wave. as of old. in it‘s own native sk v. And tho right. to be Irish we'll win by-amf-bvu For there's nothing too good for the Irish. The Prince of Wales is likely to visit. Canada during the coming sum- mer. Jack Roach, of Napanee Bank rob- bery fame Was arrested in Montreal, on an old change on Saturday last. An unsuccessful attempt to kill the Prince of Wales was made at Brussels last neck. the would-be assassin being a. crazy-headed boy of sixteen. 7 Private Wallace, son of Hoxl,;\‘. Clarke Wallace, of Woodbridge, is seriously ill of entric fever in the hospital at Bloemfontein, South Africa. Premier Hugh John McDonald just escaped death or severe lujllly kri- day last, a. massive centre piece in the legislative building having fallen so as to strike the floor just behind him. Attempts have been made on five dif- ferent occasions to assassinate Queen ; Victoria, and many are apprehensive lest evil befall her during her Irish tour. The intense and almost uni- versal loyalty angers well for her safety but there may be, and doubt- less are. some inspired idiots who would do anything for the Sake of notoriety. THE CHRONICLE. If town property be worth twenty or thirty dollarsa footfromage when a prospective purchaser bobs up, it should. be approximately near the same value when the assessor is mak- ing his rounds. Prohibitire prices prevent. progress, and the Town Council should see to it than a suffic~ ienc revenue be derived from vacant lots. Bathing too Good for the Irish A flood, almost as disastrous as that which occurred at Johnstowu Pa" a few years ago. occurred on Siturday last on the Colorado River at Austin Texas. The lower portion of the town is submerged through the bursting of it damn which oven flowed the city. causing much death and destruction. Over a hundred houses are said to have been swept away, and many inhabitants were drowned and missing. The Queen’s visit to Ireland is pro-i ductive of much kindly feeling, and.: the sons and daughters of Erin are giving her a right royal receptiond Everywhere and every day brings tidings of a profusion of welcome. It is eStimated that fifty thousand loyal Irish youDgSLers did honor to Her Majesty in Phoenix Park, Dublin, on Saturday last, being it is said one of the most. gladsome days that either the Queen or Dublin has seen {or years. What a grand sight it must be to see ‘° miles of cheering children under acontiuuous canolry of flutter- W. Irwin. A special despatch from Ottawa? says that the Conservative partyf have decided upon a vigorous cam-? paigu from this date forward to the? day of the election which is evidently '- not far distant. It also mice that June is likely to be the month when ‘ the contest will be held, and that or- ganization on both sides will be car- ried on vigorously. Preferential trade merging itself into Imperial Federation will be the main issue, and in the meantime the various members of the House are putting themselves on record in Hausard dur- ing the budget debate on this topic in particular. A. London musical paper relates the following story, the truth of which it voucues for; "A north country curate a. good tenor singer by the Way, who was much devoted to cricket, recently created a sensa- ~tion whi.e conducting the Sunday morning service. As he closed the sacred book after reading a prOpor- tiou he said. gravely, “ Here endeth the second innings.” .to': and Proprietor. Mr» Ben Sharp was engaged with a gang of men last week takinv out timber for McKinnon’s new mm, which he has the contract for build- ing. ‘ Q â€"'â€"<7 Mrs. Eliza Chapman took the pre- vailing la grippe a week ago which has developed into inflammation of the lungs. Under the care of Dr. Freel she is slowly recovering. ' Mr. Dave Gordon has gone to the vicinitv of Mt. Forest to Spend the summer. Mrs. Sirrs, who has spent the stormy winter months with her son Mr. Wm. Sirrs of this line, hns re- turned again {or the summer to her abode near Orchardvilie. Mr. Wm. Amos, of Mount Forest. has engaged for the summer months with his father-in-iaw Mr. Jas. Mc- Meekin and is again at. his old occu- pmion of farming. ‘ -...-. ,.: r There is an unusual amount ofi illness in this part at: present. chiefly among the aged and infirm. Tm; CHRONICLE looks brighter than ever printed by your new press. It is now withom queSlion the loading local paper. One of the penalties of old age and infirmity was laid on Mrs. Joseph Mack on Sunday last, in the form of a. slight paralytic Stroke which affected chiefly her speech. and although al- ways patient. she is now unable to Speak of hersnffering. Mr. John Dcnnett. who recently returned from the North West, in company with .iiss alinda visited his brother Elijah, of Sullivan. :6 week ago. week ago. We 0min \om zefexence to Miss Barboul’s leath as we have a blief account of it ahead) in t} pe.~â€"[Ed thuse roads running parallel to it. but. on sule roads rmmmg l\m't.h and South itis tough work fur teams to get along. A good CORNER CONCERNS. Sun‘y i,- nearly {romeo}? (3-111ch Road and Miss .\Inth~':.~'«m. a sister of the Rev. J. A. Muthesum, uf l’ricmiile, who has been visit« ing her brother here for a shut time leaves next. week for Munmna. \Ve understand that she intends making her home. there, with another hruther who is engaged in ranching there. Mrs. Mathew): accom- panied her as far as Tunmto where she will visit friends for :1 few (luvs. Messrs. John and Arch. McLean, uf Glen- elg South. aim leave fur Montana ull Thurs- day week. They have muted their farm to Mr. Mannie". McDmxgnH, Mr. R. J. (_.'._mk9}' snhl 1" fine 0:” to lfr, J}. H. Um g\\:lil Ht Huncv me Iasc u'ueu. mr E! u: hamlmmc figure it ‘S'JJ 00. It pays to raise guwl stuck. A cuileccinn u ill be taken up nextb Qabbath mu: Him: in the \letlumlist Cl xmm here. in aid of the ludizm bamiue I and. It is to be hoped it will be a liberal one. The saw miii. here. has been running day and night fur the past week From the number uf inspectors pre>euf nightly there is 111i) doubt that the lumber wi!l turnout we . Xutnithstanding 10110115 to the c011t1a13 \11. (i. L “1115011 is still getting genuine oak tanned leather 101‘ his har mess busiueSS. This is 11:) .1d1e1tisemex1t but onlv :1 quiet hint for people 10111i11d theii 01111 busiueSS. A 1101'd tn the 11ise is sutiicieut ‘ A Fleshy ‘ Consumptive l) PRICEVILLE. .40°|-* \Ve regret to somewhat linger Hunter died early April 4th. The re J \\'E HARBOUR. \liss Jane 13111110111, of Egremcnt, (11011011 S11111111y;'\p111 1.111 1101 40111} yem, at the residence of 1101 b101311erM l .\i1.J0!111 b.11b0111Ab0111 1-011 yams ago 1113001501111101 with 1111 accident 111 11111011 she 111111 0110 0f1101‘ 101.18 01‘011111, from the effects 0f 111‘11121111111: 11131111“ f1111_1 1e00»ered.:\bout 111110 1110111118 11:0 11111111111111 50101110110 0111, {011011- ed by 1111 011911111011 5111110 11111011 she 0111111111111 511111; 1111111 11111-1111 1ea 111111-‘111191'0f 111:1 [111.11 One 81511313 3115‘. John 11111111131, of “1111110111111 15111111], 111111 :11‘0 broth 111's, .101111111111 Robe-11.01 13141121110111, $111"'1i1e her. The remains 11e1e 1111011911 1110511111 111. Ba1"’b0111 s C0111ete1'y, the services Heing conducted b1 Rev. ‘111. 811111.11 Mlh‘ JANE DEAN. On ‘6. ednesday last. April 4th, Mrs. Jane Dean, relict of the late Joshua. H. Dean, died at her home inl Glenelg, at the age of sixty-six years. Deceas.:~.i was born in Quebec in 1844. moved to Toronto with her parents; where she ‘.‘. as married, alter which she and her husband settled in Glen- elg, where she lived until her death. Two sons and three daughters remain l to mourn their sud loss. The sons,‘ ‘Hardy and Hiram, live on the farm “about it mile from town. The daught- lers are Mrs. Smith. of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Mis. O’Douohoe, Toronto, and Cordelia, still unmarried residing in Tort-Jim. Her mother and sister, of Rot-homer, also survive her. Two daughturs, Mrs. Smith, of Grand Rapids, and her unmarri (1 daughter. iCOl‘delitt, were prescnt at the time of iher sickness and death. The remains iwcre 'me:red in the Etigiish Church ICemeti ry on Friday last, the Seniors liming c inducted by Rev. Mr. Fergu- ieon. 'l‘he CHRONICLE joins in extend- ing sympathy to the bereaved rclzr How complex is this life! So‘ closely woven is sunshine and shadow light: and darkness. joy and sorrow, to-day radiant with smiles, to-mor- row saddened with teams! 'In this bright spring-tide one of our fairest blossoms has been plucked by the great Creator’s hand to deck the Eternal Home. On Sunday morning April 8th, at. 9 a. m, the Spirit of Bliss Kate Firth passed peacefully awav. She had been ill for eleven weeks, but nearly everyone had hepes lof her recovery. hence, the sad news came with dread suddenness. “Kate" I was but ‘21 3 ears old on January 29th and was name-.1 after her mother, who passed away at. her birth. She was a favorite with young and old, because of her \viusomeness, her bright speech and her generous NIL-l ture. She was idoliZed by her brothers and sisters and their grief is deep. Had her health not failed. she was to have been, ere now. the bride of one of our most popular youths, but she is called to he a. bride 'of Heaven. 1t is most comforting to the bereaved ones to know that she had a firm faith in Christ, "All is well.” The remains were [carried to Zion’s Acre by these her former comradeszeGeordie McDonald, Will Jack. Tom Blair, Will Green- wood, Tom Timmins, John Green- wood, followed by the many mourn-1 ing relatives. Zion’s Sunday School: pupils and Epworth Leaguers, both of which she was a member. and a great throng of sorrowing,.r neighbors. The service \Vzts most impressive throughout, being conducted by the pastor, Rev. John Ferguson. Hav- ing expressed a desire to be laid close beside her mother. the remains of the latter will be removed from the Rocky Cemetery as soon as possible, and mother and daughter will rest side by side. All hearts go oat. in sympathy to the sorrowing parents, brothers and sisters and her betroth- ed --'[‘raverston Cor. OBITUARY. K ATE FIRTH THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Three weeks ago, we are told we shocked some of our good readers by publishing The National Prayer to} the Almighty Dollar which first 3p? peerefl'iq the Rev. Hugh Pentecost’s Twentieth Century. At the risk of a‘si‘milar criticism we publish here a hymn which the Rev. C. Sheldon sel. ected as worthy to appear in the Topeka Daily Capital «luring the week that he was in charge to show how Jesus would run a paper were he in the world to-day. The hymn which is a lullaby which Mary is represent- ed as singing to the child Jesus is as folioxx‘s : Sleep Little Gml! HIV mother's breast 1s softer than the ei‘lcr’s nest, An}! throngd tuggn‘t‘luy childish crest, _ A 1-- .‘_- J\Il‘b UIIIVDCI'\. ‘. vV:-- - _ The torch of‘Goa burns ceaselessly. Midway between iuoou-silvcred spheres, The angles how adoring thee. Aml incense from their fervent tears, Suspires through suupiternal years. ..d vuâ€"â€"v-_~ Sleep little God! the niJht swings low, ()‘ur the wind-worn mistletoe; A million golden star-points glow In the (lthl) ether. holily A m1 choruhim and sum ihim Make mouth to glorify the Three! E'vu where the lamp of God burns dim The Sons of God still worship Theo. Rest little (End! the \\ eurv keep ()1' worlds is safe : throughout thy sleep, '1‘ h)’ Father hohls their rugged sweep All in the hollow of His-hand. Nor «loath. nor famine. nor decay Whilst thou art lml't', shall touch the hind, But over all life's tortuous way, Shall full his bunny. Vivid thiy. Rust little God 1 nor fear nor harm .\'or drvzul. nor tor shall thee alarm. Whilst thou :_u't._ou thy mother‘s arm Owen Sound is agitating for smelt in; works. Wiarton Baptists are preparing to build a new church. The collection in the Walkerton \IethodiSt Chum]: Sundzu School a xxee ekago Sunday amounted (0341010. '1‘. 0. Currie, :1 former Patron Louder has been appointed immigra- tion agent, at Stephen’s Point, \\’is- cousin. Salary $1200. John \V’nechter. of Greenoch, ship- ped eighteen head of cattle from \V'ulkerton, averaging 1438 lbs. Thou little Jesus, thou art safe. ('oxm: sloop! thou hast been sore depriven The souls outside \\ ho brood and t‘hafe Do little know what thou hast- given For them and “'11! 3'ch Child ot Heaven. SIN-p little God “'0 worship thct‘, 'l‘hou ututy ot the Holy Three, Blessed sucrlfico ot Trinity. There is a now] clock in the jewelry were of J. P. Vick. It. is one of the old square design and was manufac- tured by John Elliott, of London, England. in 1723), for a Spanish nobleman. “11-th owing to the ship be- ing 105:, the clock never reached its destination. It finally fell into the hands of Mr Henry Rixon. of Mait- umd Rixon, of this town, who prizes it .vch highly. In isa beauty. â€"-â€"0. S. Sun. ()ux‘ night-st: 1101119.»: to the aspire. 'l‘lxuu 11111111) of (£011! we know full well Thy halluwcd fame 1111111 set on fire 0111' wv 111‘ y breasts and saved from hell‘ ()11r thankless soulsâ€"Innnanucl. If warnings will doit the people of Cedm-ville might ‘cleftyly hear “ Prepare to meet Thy God” ringing in every ear. for they have been many. Again a gloom has been cast. over the village in the death oi Mrs. Walter Low; y formerly of this place, but now of Mt. Forest. A number from here paid her a last, tribute Sum-(lay. March 31% and saw her laid away in her last resting-place. We sympathize deeply . with Mr. Lowry in his bereavement.-â€"Dundalk H Ol'i‘llll, Mrs Hillis. widow of the late James fiillis, having received the sad inteli igence that her aged mother Mrs. Sinslair, of Hepv‘ortb, had died Suddenly, went up on Saturday. Miss Maggie Sinclair. daughter of the deceased, on entering hermother’s bed-chamber on Saturday morning found her cold in death. Mrs. Hillis just lost her husbanda few weeks ago, and now to receive this other blow, only confirms the old adage ‘Juv - “ tum soxrow never come singly.” Hanover Post. Last Spring the Town Council em- ployed a man to spray all trees with. in the corporation, on the public streets. By request, the Council permitted this man to Spray trees for l v' "" ‘ ' ‘ _ _ a number of private individuals at ten cents a tree. But- out of all who were thus obliged only three paid up. Rather than go to the trouble and ex- pense Of compelling payment, the Council have decided to refund those three parties their money, and to let the remainder off, this trip. But hereafter only the man who pays in advance will be permitted to make use of the corporation Sprayer. This is just about as it ought to be.â€" Telescope. Ruby Freeinore is the name of the latest addition to the local string of promising colts, having been purch- ased last week by \Villiam Urane from Caldwell Bros., of Briery Bunk Farm, Orchard, Ont. Ruby is a. beautiful brown filly, 2 years old, and was sired by Freemore, by son of Sunrise Patchen 2:192“ dam Vol- prima, by Chicago Volunteer. She is a natural pacer. anci a full sister of Belle Freemore, owned at. Durham. Mr. Crane is proud of his purchase, %and is jusnly so. for she is indeed a. i very handsome ' animal. and though . only driven a few times." has given ! promise of the excellent speed she no ‘doubt possesses.~â€"Chatsworth Ban- ner. To Our Hypercrits. District Dots. For which the following prices will be paid. . per 11 MAPLE $9. 00 $7 .00 $5.00 ‘° BIRCH 9. 00 7.00 5.00 “ SOFT ELM 9. 00 7.00 5.00 “ BASSWOOD 9.00 7.00 53.00 “ BL. Logs will be classed according to quality and size, and to be cut as much as possible, 1‘2 ft. long, allow- ing three inches. I BEG LEAVE '1‘0 INFORM MY CUS- TOMERSand the public in general that I am prepared to furnish N EW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. DIG, DRILL, CURB. RIB-CURB, PRESSQURB Pumps. ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live and let live” PRICES. RICK HOUSE AND LOTâ€"-'I.‘HE Melligau Property on George Street. one acre of good land in good location, a desirable residenoe, will be sold on easy terms. Apply to ED. MILLIGAN, Palmerston, or to \V. CALDER, Durham. Jan. 17. 1900. if Jan. 17, 1900. March 27th . 1900. Mar. 23. 99. y Our fee returned it we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same. “ How to Obtain a Patent” sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out throu h us receive special notice, without charge, in BE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sainple capy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS CO- (Patcnt Attorneys,) -â€"â€"â€" UPPER TOWN â€"-â€"- IMPLEMENT WAHEHUUMS Winter Gaods I \thiS. All ord'srs'taken at the 01d stand near McGowau's Mill or at Shop at Charter Smith‘s Foundry. ewing Machines WELL BRED JERSEY BULL Sixteen months old. Apply to WM. LEGGETTE. Silver Creek Farm, Vickers. CHAS. M°KINNON’S CUTTERSâ€"Large Stock‘ Best Makes, Cheaper than ever. ROBESâ€"Large Variety, from $4.00 up. ROOT Pulpers, Straw Cutters, c. NEW WILLIAMS and RAY. MON D, a Very Large Stock of the latest improved Cabi- net and Drop Top Stands, at The Very Lowest, Prices. SEE THEM ! STOVESâ€" Alarge stock of Mo Clary‘ s famous Mode) Cook- ing Stoves. Pane) Pailor Stoves, Box Stoves Coal Stoves, etc. ., at prices that will surprise y.ou BELL PIANOS and Organs. Bull for Sale. GEORGE WEITMORE, DUR H AM For Sale. . W. ORA WFOfl D. WASH I NGTOK. D. C- 5.00 8.00 8.00 53.00 a? V71 av; ’0'. NI; 9’”. (\j CALL «um SEE 011‘ 9/ ~33 b“ ’m I “In Frost VVOOd Machiner 21:: “I, g' 'gm 7:? ’ 1“ \‘JL Clover 5: Timothy Seed. “‘0... ’m‘ he '.0.” S, $4 Canada Carriage C0. of Brockvilb (21311212054 ‘1] JOHN LIVINGSTON, - - Lambton Street. Our Single Flows and Spring Tooth Harrows are Les. Improsicd LagosNa Import of Seeds Now an Hand. unish White Oatsâ€"400 a bushel. OF ALL KIN DS. I '“â€"-â€"w and Democrats. A large Stock 10 select. from. All styles and c0101“. One carload Woodstock \Vng- gons, Steel Chums, Reacting \\':\sl‘.(;r and Ringers, Singer Sewing Machines. FIRE INSURANCE promptly attended to. us a. call, ‘Vesb of the Middaugh House. nos. bridge, where you can see samples. bk. April :2, 1900. .ders.

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