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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Apr 1900, p. 5

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It drives out the causesâ€"â€"â€"â€" Cleanses the system â€"â€" Paves the ' way and helps to perfect Health. OF ALL KIND. Monuments Repaired and A. GORDON Swedish, Scotch Cunadi: Granite and Marble Work MCIXTYRE BLOCK, â€"â€"â€"â€" Lower Town, V "..'.-'J’J- w, - pruniEtfil‘yfi attended t0. LOANS and Insuraucq effected without de- lay. Company and anate Funds to Loan :t 5, {>13 and 6 per 69’3“, in sums and upon The Great South American Rheumatic Cure ushers it in---The days of suffering from this relent- less disease in all its phases need not be prolonged. uni-v v-r u..-â€" - __ , ‘ ‘ r - terms to suit borrowers. A Sexeral Fixmncial Business Transacted. OFFICE-l door North of S. Scott’s Store. CONVEYANCER. comussmxm; in 11. Q J O 1 . LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. Collections Money to_ LOan at reasonable rates and on terms to smt borrower. OFFICEâ€"McIntyre Block, {Over the Bank) RESIDENCEâ€"Old Bank Building. nmmsiw C McKinnon's Imp't Shop, Upper Town. DURHAM‘ The This Powerful Specific wins daily en- comiums‘fln’ its Splendid work in dispelling pain. It gives perfect relief in 6 hours. I1 College Toronto: Member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario ; Member of the Detroit Medical and Library Association. Six years hospital experience. Only those who have been its vic- tims-whether for a. shorter or long- er periodâ€"in its milder forms or in its more acute forms. can really have any correct conception of the excru- ciating agony that comes to the sufierer from Rheumatism. Only those who have been its victims and have been cured by that most powerful and never-failing remedg, South American Rheumatic Cure.‘ can really appreciate- the blessing it has proved to mankind in Dr. Burd, M. C. P. 83 S. O. MILL STREET, -â€" 4â€"7 DURHAM ARRIS’I‘ER, NOTARY, CQN- * VEYANCER,-Etc., Etc. ONOR GRADUATE-0P TRINITY E. J. FREEL M. D., C. M. Inscriptions Cut on Shortest Notice. . L. MaCKENZIE, April 19, 1909. Successor to Dr. PARK, Importer of and Dealer in . s. DAVIDSON, McCalmon, Watchmaker and Jeweller, â€"-â€"- â€"â€" DURHA )1 DURHAM. P A very peculiar accident happened fat Palmerston on Friday night of Mast week, whereby two young men had a very narrow escape and their horse was killed. Mr.‘ Wm. Dul- mage. son of Mr. Adam Dulmage, iRothsay. and a companion were . driving across the R. R. track. when {they pulled up to let the train pass. g’l‘he train had part box and part flat cars and when the box cars had passed they did not see the flats and ran right into the moving train. The horse was killed and the cutter damaged but the two young men es- caped anything worse than being thrown out on the road.â€"-Fergus ‘ Canadian. - A- ...--.â€"_ l Old Henry Gay, after Spending all ;winter in jail was let out on Tues- iday forenoon. He bade the jailer farevtell and struck for pastures new That same afternoon a con- ‘stabie found him on the north side of the rive1,half frozen and as full as a. goat. He was promptly re- ;turned to jail for another thirty Edays. Just how a man like that {could get “hisky without «mum is .a. httle of a. mystery. It is pre- .gsumed that he begged it.-â€"-â€"Walker- § ton Telescope. SHE WAS A CENTENARIAN. \Vhen the late Mrs Corrigan, of Holyrood. was born. Geo. III was king in England, so that she lived‘ during the reigns of four monarchs of the British Empire. that of our, present sovereign being one of the! longest on record. The Younger, Pitt was Prime Minister, Daniel, O’Connel the great liberator of Ire- land had not yet appeared, Napoleon Bonaparte was just beginning to stir up Europr. She was a young woman when \Vaterloo was fought and steam power and telegraphy had not been thought of, and great ad- vances were being made when she was Still young in reorganization of the postal system. If she had lived another year she would have lived in three centuriesâ€"Kincardine Re- view. I I l l Geo. Campbell, of Palmerston, a brakeman on the Grand Trunk Rail- way, met with a terrible accident on By the death of Mrs. Buchanan, wife of Mr. W'm. Buchanan, the aged and respected postmaster at \Villiamsford, which took place on the 4th inst., in the Slst year of her age, this section has lost one of its oldest settlers. Mrs. Buchanan was a daughter of the late William Halli- day, one of the first settlers in Sul- livan, and a sister of Mr. James Halliday also of Sullivan, and her marriage with Mr. Buchanan was the first known marriage of white pe0p1e in the township. For some time she was in failing health, and at her advanced age an attack of la- grippe found in her a ready victim. Her husband, who is also in feeble health, survives her, together with a family of grown up sons and daughters. Deceased was known for her kindness and attention to the sick, and many a woman who has experienced her kindness while being nursed from sickness to health will regret her taking away. Her remains were interred in the Presbyterian cemetery at Williams- ford on Friday afternoon and were followed to the grave by a. large num- ber of sympathising friendsâ€"Chats- worth Banner. ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN. DEATH OF MRS. BUCHANAN. relieving pain, dissolving and eradi- cating from the system all the foreign matters, the irritating acids, the unatural substances which through cold and exposure collect in the joints and muscles, cause swellings, stifien- ings, inflammation and oftotimes cripple and incapacitate those who have been so unfortunate as to be caught in its meshes. South American Rheumatic Care is a specific for Rheumatism and Neuralgia in all its forms. It is not. an experiment, It is compounded on the mosr. scientific principles known in modern medical science. It is the concentrated essence of the best. and most potent ingredients recognized as being the most searching and heal- A PECULIAR Accmxaxr. GAY GOT GAY. Exchange Echoes. \Ve regret to chronicle the sad and sudden death of Mrs. James Peter, which took place on Saturday morn- ing last. The deceased was delivered of three children, two boys yet living and a little girl still-born. There still remained a fourth child, yet un- born, as the mother died before it could be delivered. Mrs. Peter, whose maiden name was Eliza Brad- ley, was only twenty -nine ye MS of age, and the bereaved husband and relatives have the sympathy of the Whole community in this sad trial. 11‘ must be humiliating for a man to publish over his own signature an acknowledgement that he lied, and particularly so when he admits hav- ing lied about the character and chastity of a woman. Of all kinds of slander we think this is the meanest and most inexcusable, and the vile- mouthed slander monger who circul- ates Such a tuff should not be let off easy. One of our local exchanges has every week, for a number of weeks past, letters from men ex- pressing regret that any word or words of theirs should in any way reflect upon the honor or chastity of a certain young woman. Now we are not anxious to be called on to publish such retractions, but if we ever should be our lowest charge is a dollar an inch for each insertion. A slanderer is the next, door neighbor to the murderer and if he who kills the body is recognized by law as deserving of the death penalty, the man who kills a woman’s reputation should be made to sufier a more severe punishment than a simple public acknowledgement that he lied and was sorry for it. The Brown boys, who rented the Caldwell Bros. farm have commenced ploughing. The Roads are very bad. Farmers are nmking ready for spring work. Newspapers that publish the words of popular copyright songs that are of a patriotic character may think they are doing a commendable thing, but three or four Canadian papers are said to have been proceeded agaist for substantial damages for having published the words of the song “Soldiers of the Queen.” i * 4; * A terrible accident by which 'Oliver N'chol, son of James Nichol, of Harriston, may lose his life oc- curred in M. Connolly’s bush Wed- nesday morning of last week. It appears that Geo. Lang was having a bee and there were about ten men present. George Reynolds and Oli- ver Nichol were sawing down a tree and a short distance from them an- other man was engaged in chopping down a sapling about eight inches in diameter. Just as the sapling was falling a gust of wind came, carrying it the wrong way with the result that it struck Nichol on the head crushing his skull.â€"-Monnt Forest Representative. As correspondents frequently write to neWSpapers asking them to print the words of such a song; editors should be on their guard against in- fringing copyright, the penalty being heavy and the right to collect dam- ages undoubted. ing. The formula is the outcome of years of study on Rheumatism in all its forms; its causes and medicines that are calculated to give the quick- est relief and are most promising of a permanent cure. That the highest results have been attained by South American Rheumatic Cure that has been attained by any remedy oi mod- er times is attested by the Splendid testimony, the thankful words, the encouragement and faith shown in it by the hundreds and hundreds who have over their own signatures told how it has healed those who have been bed-ridden for years Lthose who have through its use “ thrown away crutches”-â€"those whose stiffened Joints that were afiected by every whim of the Weatherâ€"those who have sufiered the deathly pains and 994388 that are incident to the inflam- matory and neuralgic forms of Rheumatism. i I I Words cannot, too strongly express its great. merit, and sufierers need only to put to the test what: others Tuesday a: Harrisburg. He was braking on a freight train, and while crossirg from one coal car to another he lost. his footing and fell between the cars. The unfortunate man was caught by one of the wheels and had one of his arms torn off. The wheel also struck his head and gashcd it very seriously. He was taken to Brantford and was re~ moved in the ambulance to the hospital. He is not fatally hurt. Editors, Beware. ORCHARD. S';_~;.afi$fi THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. South American Nervine is a power in restoring wasted nerve force; cures nervous prostration. stomach troubles and‘ general debility. It cleanses the system and builds up the waste places. Sr. V class -â€"â€" Amy Edge, Vi. Rey- nolds. Sr. IVâ€"-James Edge, Winnie Greenwood, Dan Firth. Jr. IVâ€" Sarah Edge, Ethel Greenwood, John McCracken. S‘r. IIIâ€"Katie Kenny, Arthur Greenwood, Lizzie ledle. Jr. IIIâ€"~Bella Firth, Teanie McDon- ald, Mabel McKenzie. Sr. IIâ€"â€"Eva Banks, Edgar Ritchie, \Villie Wil- liams. Jr. IIâ€"-Mary Edge. Maggie Edge, Maggie Firth. Sr. Pt. II~ Kinneth Vaughan, Becca Park. 81'. Iâ€"Johnny McDonald, Herbie Ritchie, Arthur Edge. Jr. Iâ€"-.Johnny Mc- Kenzie, Willie Ketmy, Kinneth Park. V class-Ethel Eden, 3905, Bella Grierson, 3295. IVâ€"Edith Allan, 5069, Nathan Grierson, 4071, Minnie Johnson, 3679. IIIâ€"Jl‘honlas Allan, 5490, John Queen, 5214, Elda Mc- Laughlin. 4265, Wm. Patterson, 3195 Sarah Tucker. 3820. James Ector, 3605, Lizzie Grierson, 33:30, Wm. Morrison, 9780. Sr. IIâ€"Lizzie Gras- py, 4310, Vinnie Black, 409?), David Morrison, 3045, Tillie Grierson, 969?). Jr. 11- Nelly Allan, 1890, Ella Ector, 1890, Joe Patterson, 1385, Annie Crittenden, 1400, Ethel Morrison, 1300, Linnie GraSpy, 1095, Maggie McLaughlin, 1050, Nettie Pollock, 940. Pt. [Iâ€"Jol‘in Graspy, 9800, John Kreagers, 2250, Arthur Black, 2200, Bella, Ector, 1400. Pt. I-â€"â€" it is rarely that consumption is ever cured. but it can always be prevented by a timel use of Dr. Chase’s Syrup of Linseed and urpentine. the most popular and fa?- famed remedy for throat and lung diseases. Dr. Chase’s Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pentine is composed of the best ingredients ever used for coughs and colds. It is pleasant to take, prompt in its action, and a positive cure for croup, bronchitis. whoop- ing cough. sore throat. hoarseness. asthma and coughs and colds oieyery description. J. D. McLeod. of Leith, Ont, says: "I have been a victim of Rheuma- tism for seven years; confined to my Led for months at a time ; unable to turn myself; have been treated by many physicians without any benefit. I had no faith in Rheumatic cures I saw advertised, but my wife induced me to get; a bottle of South American Rheumatic Cure from Mr. Taylor, druggist, in Owen Sound. At that time I was in agony with pain. In- side of 12 hours after I took the first dose, the pain had all left me. I continued until I had used three bottles, and to- day I am completely cured.” IV classâ€"Thomas McGraLli, John O’Neill, Angus McVicar and John Black. III classâ€"Angus Dunbar, Julia. McRae, Cassie Black, Angus McMillan, John McMillan. John Mc- Donald, Laughlan Dunbar. II class â€"â€"Teena Dunbar and Florence McRae Eflie McDonald, Ada 1. c.\Iillan. Don- ald McRae, Effie Black. Jr. II class -â€"A1phie O’Neill, Lizzie M. McAnliffe, Thomas McRae, Nellie McGrath, Mary McMillan, Donald Black. Pt; II classâ€"John Connelly. Alex McVicar, Angus J. McMillan, Annie McMillan, W. J. Arrowsmith. Archie McDonald, Annie Dunbar. I c1assâ€"-Katie Mc- Kennon, Vanless McCorrmic, Katie McDonald, Michael McAnliffe, Dan Anderson, John McDonald. M. SUL- LIVAN, Teacher. South American Kidney Cure is a liquid Kidney specific ; cures Bright’s Disease, Diabetes, Bladder troubles and all Kidney disorders. ‘ Helps in four to six hours and heals perman- ently. ‘2 . consumption always begins with a neg- lected cold, and how dreadful must be the misery of every mother whose dear ones fall pre to this monster as a result of mother’s neg act to cure the cold. say of it to prove the claims of the great South American Rheumatic Cure. Years of pain may be diSpelled in an hour, but; it’s only a matter of days at mcs: till the most stubborn cases will vanish, and in the place of pain and suffering there’ll be a joyous and lasting freedom. That one in every seven persons dies of consumption is proven by government statistics, and when it is remembered that it is usually the young man and young woman who succumb to the efi'ects of this terribly fatal disease, the ravages of con- sumption are more fully realized. Archie Allan, 900, John Brown, 500. And Consumption Begins with a. Cold that Could Be Cured by Dr. Chase’s Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. One in Seven Dies - . . . of Consumption 25c. {large bottle at all dealers. or E‘nmm. sou. Buns 8: Co., Toronto. 5 Report in based on weekly examin- ations and attendance. Names ar ranged according to merit. S. S. N 0. 2. EGREMON'I‘. SCHOOL REPORTS S. S. No. 3, GLENELG S. S. No. 7, GLExELG. T. \V. COLLINSON, Teacher. THIS is the sly drive editor Race of the Mitchell Recorder takes at a. reverend gentleman who soon leaves Toronto for Cleveland. “ Rev. “‘01- gan Wood. of Toronto, who told the Cleveland people a few weeks ago that Canada was too slow for him, has got a call to that city and has accepted it. Toronto will lose a good deal of, entertainment and sensation- alism by his removal, but it will not lose much spirituality. It was not. Morgan Wood’s weight of piety that was making him round shouldered. n ______ Mafeking and Maseru beiong; to the Zulu or some other native dialect, and [ can, therefore, not give any opinion as to the prunuuciation of these names. Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless, little workers-"Dr. King’s New Life I’ilIS. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing Indigestion, Bilinns- ness, Cntmstipation, Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure, Only 250 at all drug stores. flour. Pronounce ie as co in English Queen. Pronounce u as French 11. Pronounce v as English f. Pronounce j as English y in young, Pronounce y as English i in fine. Pronounce g as Scotch ch in loch. For exmnplezâ€"Jonbert. I am told. call- himself You-bert; Cronje. Cronnyu (short a. Potchefstroom. Pot-shefstrome; Venters drop, Fentersdrop: Nylstroom, Nile-strome Zoutpanus you would in English: Reitz Wrights; Boshof, Boss-hofi': De Aar, (In (short a) Ar; Bloemfontein, Bloom-fontine. It may interest your readers to know the meaning: of some of .the eommonest geogra- phical terms occurmg 1n these names of places. Thus :â€" L-aagte means valley. Sprnit (pronounced sproyt), creek. Stroom, stream. Modder, mud. Kloof, ravine or gulch. Laager, camp. Fontein, fountain, spring. Berg, mountain. Paardebcrg, horse hill. Burg, town. Nek, hill pass. . Poort, pass. Drift, ford. D0111). Village. Kop (literally ‘f head ”) round-topped hill, Kopie is the diminutive. “'fofieIa is Portuguese, pronounced Too- ghella (nearly): _ _ - ‘ - - rt ‘ Judging from our own difficulty in pronouncing Boer words, we make no apology for inserting the follow- ing piece of information furnished by Prof, VanorSinissen, to the. To- ronto Globe of :1 recent date. The rules, he says. are only approxima to, but enough for ordinary purposes :â€"â€"â€" 1y.) MS! “RN Pronounce 00 as 0 in English alone. l.’ronounce 00 as oo in English food. Pronounce a and aa as :1 in English tar, Pronounce oi as. i in English fine. Pronomxce ui as oy in English boy (near- ronounce aauw and on as on in English .__ P Egg . gm ”3:... H I016. cg 0‘“ 0‘.» 0% 0S as ow\\ o~\\ OV OW‘ o~\\ o$ Ow? 0 CV 0‘ 0‘ 0‘ 0‘ O 0‘ O x??? J???74‘.m2.74;.w¢33a¢3§§m¢m¢m¢m¢wa§m W 42‘» .V. m" azs‘ g. g A O O O A". ' %I<I"n [o 1. ' a; g 1* 14. 7/4. \x 7 9' 0 fl. ‘0 Q‘. v O C ‘0 ll. D-l d .21. "71$ m. A. W. was CATABRH cues“ 5.250 WORKING OVERTIME ' -_- -_- _-._ , Catatth and myrever. ’Blowex frge. All dealers. or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co- Toronto and 8115133; Boer Words. A Free Dress Pattern to Each 2000 11111111131111 W1nted f 01111 for E11111 is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers. clears the air passages, stops droppin s in the throat and permanant y_ pure: \ EVERY HO USE-KEEPER REQUIRES TEA. \VE HAVE 0 bought; a big lot; of Bulk and Loose Tea, and ofier it; at 25c . pound Black or Japan. The LEAD PACKAGES are very expensive now, costing over 30 for each pound packet. It stands to reason that. you pay for the lead. Buy loose tea an 250 every time. Customer buying a Dress Length from us until the lst June. Our new Idea. Patterns are the correct style. Free Fashion Sheets pub- lished every month. When you want a Dress call and see our stock. In the Matter of the Estate of John R. Morden, late of the Township of Glenelg in the County of Grey, Farmer, Deceased AV SUANT to “The Revised Statutes of Untario”1897, chapter 129. that all credit- ors and others having claims against the estate of the said John R. Morden, who died on or about the 20th day of December 1875. are required on or before the 28th day of April. 1900, to send by post Dre-paid or de- liver to David H. Morden. \Valkerton P. 0.. surviving, Executor of the last will and testament of the said late John R. Morden. or to Messrs. Shaw Shaw of the town of Walkerton in the county of Bruce. solicitors for the said Executor of the last will and testament of the said deceased. their Chris- tian and surnames. addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars 0t their claims, the statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities and liens, it any held by them. V0 'l‘ICE TS HEREBY GIVEN PUR- L SUA‘VI‘ to “The Revised Statutes of And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of thede- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and that the said Executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or Persons of whose claims notice shall not rave been received by them at the time of such distribution. SHA'W SHAW. Solicitors for David ll. Morden, Executor of John R. Morden, deceased. MacFARLANE Co. -I\I IVUL. 1: vv|l\---w 'â€" _. balance 11:11dnood b11511. Clem t1tle. V\V.illi be sold 011 011.931 te1ms. For further partw- ulars apply to March 27th, 1900. . "'fi 18 (m *3 obtainable through Our spectacles and lenses are guaranteed ' perfect imanfiiacus. J. £01 sale lots 8 on com, '21, Egremont and 3011 co114S. I). 1%., Glenelg. Lots consists «1f100acres, 90cleared, “ell watered and fenced 70 acres tit to run machinery 01 e1. Good 1:11 we b1ick house with wood 511ed20x30 1111111111111" shed same size and bank b;1111,sm:111 1111;11:1111, 1l miles from school. 11111 % c011~1st~ of 54 apres, '25 _.clea_1;ggi Dated this 2lst day of March, A. D. 1900. HE UNDERSIGâ€"NED OFFERS for sale lots 8 9113011,“ 21, Egrexyont: Eye Comfort 15 kV "m“ (”\3 obtainat .5 % 1“: through ' ' ogngu N 1 NOTICE TU EBEUITUHS. HUNTER. Farm for Sale. Druggists and Bodâ€"(sellers. JOHN WI I ITMORE. Durham P. O. Fire: Life, Accident, Marine and Plate Glass IX- SURAXCES placed at lowest rates, in Good Companies. ' Business Difliculties arran . Creditors settled with. Any and every ‘ d of legitimate busi. ness attended to and everything kept STRICTLY PRIVATE. ALWAYS PROMPT. â€" Never negligent. CHARGES MODERATE. Lace Curtains. 2 1.2 yards long, 250 a pair. Lace Curtains, 3 yards lon 65c and 75c a ir. Lace Curtains, 3 1-2 yards 0113. $1. and $1.35 3 pr. Rutfieq Bobbinet,_the new Curtain goods, "" , 30c and 40c a yard. Table Linen, 52-in wide, 30 a yard. Table Linen. 64-h: wide, 500 a yard. A snap, White {.incn Table Covers, 2 1-2 yards longs $1.40 eac . 0010304“ Linpn Table Covers, 2 1-2 yards long, GOOD FARMS and Splendid Hanover Properties FOR SALE or EXCHANGE. Properties Bought and Sold on commission Debts Collected. 01d Notes Bought. ' Ocean Tickets for sale. He has recently lent money to borrowers in Walk- erton, in Durham, in Holland, near Mildmay, near Southamgton, a short distance fiom Owen Sound, and \VH ' do people go to him from such 3 distances .? Because they make monei by oing so, ifgheybdidn’pthey wouldn’t go to im. Thev .s f th \ didn t thev mouldn t tobim.'1'h £27: ICHIE'APBR INTEREST and 13%}; it’mmse Has been at the business for nearly 20 years and knows the ins and outs of it, and always studies to give his customers a good bargain, knowing that it} ghe‘end it, payshim as} wgll ag theng, T_hat. -__.â€"- Vâ€"v vâ€"â€" â€"' n wâ€" -‘r ‘uV-u. AMD, in ma, is the reasB‘fiJQETI-xgiooday has the best business 'of the kin in Western Ontario. Deeds, Mort ges‘,‘Lea.ses, Wills and other Writ- ings care mly drawn. $1.40 each. White Bed S reads. large size. $1.00 each. English Lino cum, 2 yards wide, 50¢ a square yd. Floor .Qil Cloth, 1 yard, 1 lug 1 1-2 and 2 yards ALL IT WHAT YOU LIKE, Everybody seems to want MONEY, and IT IS SURPRISING hgzvtmany people go for l O MONEY; _$ $ $ 5; Our Spring Prints ig 4, Calder's Block, W. H. BEAN. “’0 have a full line of Sprinv Shoes of all kinds for Men, \Vomen anfi Children, at usual 10w Big 4 prices. Come and see us ! SPRING GO0DS: H. H. BIILLER, THE HANOVER OONVEYANCBR. wide, at 25¢ a square vard. Greenbacks ; CASH ! H- H. MILLER, The Hanover Conveyance: Are all in. Come early and get your pick. â€" H. H. MILLER â€"

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