West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Apr 1900, p. 8

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g ___________ § Ireland We intend making extensive alterations in the interior of our store this month. Contracts have already been let for tak- ing down wad-ls between. our two stores, putting in new shelving, plate glassfront in store, plate glass counters, re-painting, Kal- sornining, etc. How we are going to do all this Work and carry on our business at the same time we hardly know. Our present stock must be very much reduced to enable the work to go on. The carpenters, masons. plasterers and painters will be hard after us. and we want to rt cluce our stock by Two Thousand Dollars. Can we do i: ‘? We will try hard. What will our store look like when finished? We will tell you more about that later on. In the meantime gather together all the money you can andvinvest it in Dry Goods as such an oppor- tunity to buy first class goods at CUT PRICES will ' not occur for a long time. ' ‘ " ‘ Is now on and will continue until we secure the necessary space M Remember Our Alteration Sale CHSH 0R PRODUCE. Great Alteration Sale ! fififi Co. i \Ve were informed that a. peddle;- .went along the nOrth line the 0 {day with a. box of stuff and {some of the women alot of "11p be- Ecause they would not buy from him and keep him over nighx,‘ N0“. the people do:noc want. to be bothered heir old trashy 5 finer gave 3 z :e put to breaking gscone awhile and see how they would ’ like that. 1y am? ‘bought two head from Mr. m tr! 5.." 7? U '5 *‘h 9 ’1 P. D‘ 0 (p 5 B 0 n. Gk ml 0 O C We regret. to fof Mrs. John Lawrence ;Monday the 16th inst. g years old :rnd one of the first. set' {and was hlghly respected by all who fiflfiflmamamammmmflw Wood and stone beea “sue. the or- der last week Somg \veze Mowing, or lathel trying to La g1ippe is going its 101111112; and nearly eversbody has hada tussle with it The spring is opening,r Slowlx Rik-‘1' everybody is ready to ges‘ a}; the seeding. We’ll hem- great crowing from Varney Scribe when they get hennery started there. A. pzyg-Lx o£ young folks, gathered m. tthq 11.03.18. of My. E, Acton. one even- ing Lately and; enipyed themseives in (la using and wher games. Mr. and Mrs. John Bacchus, of POplar Hill, were visiting at. Mr. Geo. Adlam’s lately. Mr. James Forsyth is going. to. make some great improvementsmn. the honel here when the warm. mean ther comes. Jim isa. hustle» and don’t you forget it. Mr. '1‘. Bailey has the Mer-vyn property rented again for the sum- mer and intends to make things boil. MKS. Jsohn Hicks is very 10“." at present with inflammation of the lungs. We how to hear of her speedy recovery. We understand the saw mill here §hut down this week till after seed- mg. - ~.We take netice, Mr. Editor, that you have a new press in your office, and we might say that, you deserve credit for the trouble you have taken in trying to make your valuable paper a more. pleasing sheet in the eyes of the public; Some of our farmers have been ad- vocating the feeding of figs and prunes to their stock lately. Where will the profit be? Mnand Mrs. Wm. Borter. of Han- over, moved this week into the house lately qccupied by Mr. .Thos. Flem- miug, of this place. We wish them success._ ALLAN PARK, Jr the sum of $76.60- to announce the death Lawrence, who died on 6th inst. She was 86 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. the the 309. P1111. was placed in a. hypnotic or cotalepcical- condition on the plat.- form and a rough stone of over 260 pound-s weight. was placed by four amen upon his chest. and there broken unto several pieces with a heavy sledge hammer in the hands of Mr. ETheo. Pull, without any inconven~ {The Beginning of . . . Heart Failure James Brodie and sons; are qute busy getting material i11}:.diness for their mammoth, bank; barn to be erected this season. Rpm. Goodwell Sis also in like manvggemployed‘ pre- paring to build a. hmxse on his farm. JDSeplx Lee will shortly leave our ,‘bm‘g, and move over to Emphrasia Tp. where a situation awans him, wolljclxlhle seamed. £10m M120” Min- m $,.0f.’13{;3*r Ecad Mills. Aprib 12th,. -1‘he \\ eather has been sqmew hat cold and backward, but, will, no doubt, be w anner before this appears in. prim, Fan Wheat looks quite promising at present It needs rain and sun- shine. Considerable horse buying and selling has been indulged in during this Spring. R. Moran paid as high as $130 for a three year old colt. W. J. Bell is right in it. Helms nine or ton on hand at present. His sales are turning him a. handsome profit. I Mr. Wm. Malone Ie‘fi a week ugoi for Dakota, still endeavoring to; seek a cure for his cancer trouble, £20m which he has suffered a. gxw deal for the past three years. Wocd bees have been daily occur- rences during the pasc week. And, i 0 say, Mr. Ed! it \xould surprise you to see the quantity of wood that some eight or ten of om giitt) \ouths. mixed with u sprinklingr qf olde1 hends,c can put up each day, {tom 8 a. in. till 6 p. m Joseph Boyle has; again become a. permanent set‘fim‘. on his farm. and will, no douh’g‘stay right with it” knew her. She leaves five sons to mourn her 1033. Her husband died a few yems ago. The familx have the sympathy of the community in sheir hour of sorro“. Mr. John Littlg. Jr., ofl Chatsworth visited in our ‘qapm'g' {of a day or two last week, Sorry to see John nurs- ing a czfgpled hand which, we trust, xvi}; 390». be restored to its,,f,qrman- figiflness. Newel FMkingham has left the Ritchie fa:,m_,. and is now dominiled in Berklsx‘. Mr. Ritchie has, we; un- derstand, engaged anothgr man to go Mr. Neil Livingstone f9}; hecmfiallr ed to the bedside 03: hi3fi§§.¢91'. {,hlts. \11. John VVinlaw will cease cut- ting co1dwood this week His out.- put will run up to abou trgco cords, a big season’ 5 cuttinc so: The Pulls. with their assistants, exitertained here, under the auspices Of the I. O. F. Band, four nights last week, and proved themselves to be side-oplitting fun makers, but withal chaste. The program was varied nightly, but each night; a number of our citizens were, under hypnotic in. finance, made to create much merri- ment for the audience. Mr. Theo Pun isa clever hypnotist and mind reader. His demonstrations were both entertaining and instructive. Mr. Jos~ Pull’s baton exercises, with lighted torches. were beautiful to be- hold- The stone breaking feat last evening, was a marvel to all. Mr. D. McArthm, near Pmcevllle) who IS. we understand, sexiously ill at pre- sent. Hexberx Q Lamb left a week ago for, Winnipeg. 11 here a. profitable sit.- nation aw aits him 011 an extensive fax 111 nem the city. John Livingston came home a week ago fxom the Bruce Peninsula, north of Wizuton, whexe he has been lum~ beling all “intex. Miss Eliza Duncan came home from“ the city a few days ago, where $31.34 has been for some time. on 339. manage the afiajrs uf his {filmy Once the bloo 1 gets thin and the nerves starved 'm t exhausted the waste gradually become: more x; .5 I th at the restoring process and finally some n- -v. ms shock or over-exertion causes the beating t; rate and life departs. - ii :ndaches. pains in the back and limbs, sleep- $51355, weaknesses and irregularities of the Feminine organs, palpitation of the heart and :zea-v-ms disorders are sure indications of thin, weak blood. Dr. Chases Nerve Food forms new red cor- pusclus in the blood, puts vital energy into the .tet't'x‘s. and stops the wasting process that would [Itinxxtely end in heart failure. nervous prostra- tic: or paralysis. ‘ It i, t'ze world's greatest restorative for men. worry :t and Children. In pill forty, 50 cts._a box. bl .. . l m 1385 thrâ€"ohgb. John A. Lamb am‘i'K-d‘; home from the Owen Sound Qoilegiase Institute for the Easter holidays. Persons subject to thin blood and nervous exhaustion may well tremble at the mention of limr: failure, as they have in their system the beginnings which lead to wmkness of the heart. The vitality of the heart is amazing considering the immense amount of work it does, and so lob: as it is .uuppiicd with plenty of rich. red blood it pl 24 m‘. urztiringly, rebuilding its waste as the _L .M d._.â€".lvr.~:, cr Bmmxsox, BATES a: Co I m: 1:0. Book free. 6 Thin, watery blood, and weak, exhausted nerves the real causeâ€"Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food the preventative. FLEBBERTON .. @LéSCQ.TT.. >-â€"‘ m. Raunmarry Stewart has returned! to ‘Nifi fmmer POSi‘tion in the cheese and ibutter factory‘ at Tavistock, Among those who. spent Easter holidays abroad were Miss Meredith to Durham; Miss Irwin, Markdale; Mr. E. W. Ritchie, Orangevilie; Mr. Chas. Richardson and Mr. Reg. Ward Owen Sound; Mr. J. F. VauDusen, Chatsworrh; Dr. Murray, Mr. A. M. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, Miss Kate Bentham am] Mr. F. Shep- pard, Toronto. Visitors here were Mr. Ernest Armstrong, Mr. Fred Strain, Miss Claim Strain from. Owen Sound; Mr. Henry Watt. Markdale; Mr. J. Miiémmoronto. a guest at Mr. '1 R, “ “A GA“_‘._ A ,Marriedâ€"Ac Greenwood, British Columbia. on April 2nd. by Rev. Duncan Campbell, Miss Frances Mary Beecroft, of Flesherton, Ontaria, to Mr. Michael McBean, of Phoenix, B. C. Miss Beecrofc has time, head milliner {at a firm in Georgetown, of which. Mr, McUuan was a partner. The young couple have connnene-eds business in the West, and. weir many friends wish them a Large measure of success. Mr. and: Mrs. Mark \Vilson are re- ceiving the congratulations of their friends upon the ar son in their home 0 last. rival of a young n Friday morning __- _-.--- II “D 1“ L116 Dim of condition on Friday last.‘ and manager Mosier gave pleasure. seek- ers in town an enjoyable. nfiternoon on the ringing street. __..,. - -â€"---â€"v, w suCDU ab 1“: Mr. J as. SpliL-LVan’s. Migifis Cameron, near Eugenia, is sgegzdmg a. week with her friend, Misslgda Ru tledge. r Mrs. J. W. Henderson. of Toronto. fis the guest of her brother. Mr. W. J . and Mrs. Bellamy. Mrs. Lefler, of Rapid River, Mieh.. is visiting her sister, Mrs. \V. A. Armstrong. Mr. R. Thompson, harnessmaker, Who 15 now in a situation in Arth: Spent. Easter with his mother, MIS- J 3113 Thompson. heie. Appropriate Easter services were held in the churches here on Sabbath last. Special music was rendered by the Presbyterian choir in the after- noon, and in the evening a song service was given by the Methodist choir. Dr Chrisme assisted the pus- tor by giving a short address. The Baptist pulpit was supplied by Rev. Mr. Brown. o'f‘Kenilworth, who ex- changed with the pastor, Rev. A. J. Darroch. Mm and Mus; Parsons and daughter ‘ who have been living here for severali years, have returned to their farm,‘ near Mildmy. i Mr. G A“ Moore. teacher at Port- law. is spending the holidays at. his 1101195171: Perth. Mr. J as, McCormick, who has been visiting his daughter in Teeswater. has returned to town for a few months.- The millinery openings were as usual Strong attractions here lasc week. The millinery departments were decorated for the occasion and many, and beautiful were the new creations in headgear, that were dis- played. . Mr. Geo. Bellamy returned last 3w eek to his-former position in a stove factory, at Gooderham. He was ac- companied by Mr. Jae. Field. Mrs. I“. E. Aikenhead. of Toronto. paid her. mother, Mrs. J. \V. Arm- strong. a. short. visit. this week. ience to the former. Winter term based on weekly ex- aminations. V class -â€"â€"Chas. Lamence. John JOhDStOD. IV Classâ€"Jeamie Derby, Maxion Counts. Sr. IIIâ€"Nellie Lindsay, \Villie. Derbsv Saxah Park. Jr. IIIâ€"~Hatt.e Lawmnce, Rebecca Palk, Joseph Lindsay. IIâ€"Edward Vickers, \Viuie Lindsay, Chas Reay II Pt. SI. -â€"I'Bessie Park Wilfodeiv- ingstone. Roy Vickers. II Pb. Jr.â€" Bobie Lindsay. John Corbett, Oliver McCaslin. Iâ€"flarry Reay. Ella Leg- getCe D. MCCORMICK, Teacher. The ige on the rink S. S. No, 3, BE‘snxm. HONOR ROLL. L. nus ueeu, 101' some inner iar- a firm in wide}; Mr, McUuan J'j‘k‘a-e young couple was 111 the pink- 'J \ As we intimated last week we give below a imperfect description of some of the new and beautiful de- signs in headgear to be found in our difl’erent millinery show roams, but our advice is to examine for your- selves_ the various novelties. Here are a few :â€" chifion rosettes and sunset roses at left side. ‘2. A white ° fr‘mn-anfl “A”. M--- --p_ n a n. - .. - 0 -_â€"-v yowtl‘l U llfll trimmed with gracefully 1 stVIish bows of white t: rhinestone buckle. Pink der brim at left side. 3. W'm‘ds fail to express what we now see, neverthelees we will do our best. A beautiful black tucked chiffon hat with gracefid black tips falling- over the edge. mam wings and rosettes in front. Hand- some sunset roses at left. side under brim. 4. A dainty “ Hobbs" hat white. Rolls of mauve and (chiffon, lave wings and osp: WIth mauve flowers aha a flux 01) the flaring front. n. Pascal blue: shephexdess. trimmed ! with huge rolls uf tucked white chiffon and ' 102%! bud foliam‘ ‘13:inestone buckle a t bath: and' white chifiozi rosettes under brim. (3. Rose put and black hat trimmed; with black ms» rilk roses and rasebudi foliage on my? 3 I 7. . Tomoif‘e braid and black tucked '1 chxfiou‘befmnful black tips. black chiffonj rosaflqs thh blue forgetmmots under bum . § s; Chilfl’s white silk Joke hat, £65635 of wwo chxfi‘on and tnc'ed chifl‘oa facing. tam crown of white silk. 9. White straw Shepherdess. Tucked chnfi‘on on brim. white sxlk roll is a pliqued‘ with white lace, rosettes. foliage an flowers in from, foliage under brim at side-back. 10. Ladie’s “ Marie ‘tuart” bonne; im black and white lace wings. white chxfl’onz ro§ette_s and white ospreys makinga tulli tnmmmg in front. ll. Misses’ hat in white tucked chiffon; bows of white ribbon and white primroses rhinestone buckle at back. MISS CULBERTSON’S. 1. The Romanceâ€"Black tuscan. tilted at. the left side trimmed at the left corner of the front with black and white fimcyga and black and 11 bite ospreys. MOE d-razg finished with white fring ~e falling graceful y over the hair at the lext cannon; Binder- neath the rim are loops 05W velvet rib- bon and rhinestone buokb. .m% “at rt:',_'4..¢.vrt; \.â€"'-';L-‘- l 4 'l ,1 A 2 White Sailor. trimmedâ€"Trimmed with 3 black velvet ribbon white lilacs and chiffon. Two large tucks of chiffon standing high on 9? wire at the left side; finished at the tong? the crown with three tucks of chiffon li under chifi‘on at left side Ends of lilac: finished with a bow of vely et ribbon. Band - ot black v elxet around the crow 11.13 3. Anfill‘ Black Hatâ€"Se uin trimmipgd matter brim. top of hat made 0 folds of l sxlk ‘9 n-xmmzd at corner of front with two larval black tips: drape of black tucked chiffon? overlaid with narrow black straw. Under brim are loops of black velvet ribbon and rhinestone puL ! 4. Spanish turban-Pale green straw. ornamented with a large pomp of black chiffon, draped round crown with pale green gauze over mauve chifi‘on. bow of black velvet ribbon on top of crown. extending ovex' brim. and caught with buckles and fancy pins. 5. A Black Se uin Bonnet, trimmed with black tucked c ifl'on overlaid with nar- row black straw, mauve ribbon, large sequ- in ornament standing in front. finished in frout with loops of the ribbon and chiffon, and finished. at each corner with knots. of black velvet ribbon and velvet. ribbon ties. 6. A large and tasty assortment for the babies. the 1188 test nattiest things ever seen: in Durham. 1. Small» toque of black cri’noline and tuscan braid. pastel shades of silk onzwm- bination mat tulle and steels buckles. 2. Amazon hat of Black chifi‘bu: finely folded around the crown, apricot. velvet facing over which is a. drape of black real lace, ostrich feather and paradise mount being the decoration. 3 Black tulle is softly draped on a white leghorn which approached closely to quaint sheplierdess shape, a. bunch of yellow roses and foliage part1 veiled by tulle. The: effect is artistic. lue tzhifi‘on finely pleated: faces the brim and tulle ties. J. D. McNab, April 16-21:). HE THOROUGHBRED DTSRH AM Bull._ “_ Normanby Diampndfif :3qu tag: 1. Bull. “ Norm'artby Diamond.” num be: 128667, will be kept for service at Lot 46-, Con. 3, W. G. R. Terms. $1.“). WM. SCARF. Proprietor. Anril 16â€"2m. ABERDEEN. ces : Wingham and Wiarton. ENGINEER for Howick, Wingbam, c. Bull for Service. Ontario Land Surveyor,-â€"-â€" Civil and Drainage Engineer. S. I“. MORELOCK’S. The Millineries. vv-w-Q UUUIUVV 'gracefully' iiiâ€"ling white tips: 9f: whifitt} _taif_e_ta. ribbon and IRELAND‘S. )bbs " hat in mauve and awe and white tucked ; and ospreys. finished aui n rhmestone buckle â€"â€"-â€" silk rose buds un- ‘MacFAHLANM C40. W. GUTHRIE, Blacksmithing E E'Eggs- Eggs. It Pays to Use the Best I. Dozen Eggs Wanted READY - MIXED - PAINT. If You Require a Churn . . . . JUST Every Person. â€"â€" IN EXCHANGE FOB. “- Druggists and Seedsmen. April 19, 1900. RECEIVED an immense Ship- menu of Tree Pruners. and Pruning Saws. A large as. sortment, of Fence W'ire just to hand. Our American Steel Woven Wire Fence is ahead of anything yet manufactured. our Beatiy-MExed Paint. We have enough paint in our establishment to paint the whole town andj half of the country, -m1 it is the right quality. 500,000 HE undersigned wishes to in- timate to 11w general public that he is prepared to do all kinds Blacksmithing at one price to all. For sale oniy by us. Factory made Shoes 230 ash. Hand nudes Shoes, 300. Setting, â€" â€" 10c cash. BLACKSMITH. his own paint- (r by using AT OLD PRICES.

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