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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 May 1900, p. 2

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”a " Oh, miladi. be careful,” sh Heaven’s sake be careful. You have whip the stable-boys,” was the prompt wonnso muchâ€"mind that you do not reply. lose. The more she conversed with him, EVERY THuRSDAY ”oufllllo “I cannot loseâ€"and of course I the reater becam h r ' ma â€"he i‘ 8 6 8 dds y ‘Tmm‘lmmm mmflc HOUSE, W m : maid rose with a white scared face. “I shall eat all the grapes and e said, «for peaches miself, shoot the birds. and THE BURKE“ “Mum . .‘v. . l - n ‘i' _ a . g. 35 PUBLISH)“, llead gffiéze. Tog-onto. How Teachers my Prevent the .1... n . . RFJ , be careful“ I mu t ' in self had .' ' NCI'VOIISS stem . s on”! y . so few qualities. He seemed to Manager. Breakdown OfthC ’ ., . . . or of what use would my money be i” have inherited his mother’s disposi- DURHAM ONT . . "" 7000000 Which often Threatens. CHAPTER XXIV. my defective education, you have said «Marie looked. grave. tion. Hard, stern training and good 9 - 333% “mowed ' ' ' ‘I’ooo’ooo In the interest 0‘- 1“” half'bmthe" 1 $5.10? 10%;? (ill; 5'3" 2'38 iio'ikl'i'i h E"; at.” “"11 00m. e at it. Hannah" teaching might make him different; "‘ -"‘""\ 388 VpF" d ' ' ' ' '500'000 and Vivian had determined to forget all] f m d s I; et cg s e 33“? If you “H.811 yourself and but these things Vivien knew he could , - j ‘ er e un ° _.__.' ' ' ' ' tell past differences, and to make a friend 't' y outr 0:? gran em; I ow ‘ t's my éour Child well. you Will not return to not have. Evil indeed would-be the SUBSGRIPTIUN '13:,“ g":°“°;“-‘fiyfit‘m‘?:g , .fi. Agencies to all principal points in On- - . eand of Lady Neslie; so one evening she og;nm; Vii-33:1. ,Ianmeafineatrg 3e33,; (“fianceâ€"you wullremain here and go day when Lancewood became his- RATES . . . .;w',°§y;§i¢°inp§'dv-Mgm ,.‘i;l"”c 1 “1'30, Quebec Manitoba United ' ° good said to herâ€" Jou for ev r ins lt v or ” “$3 3:011 are 80mg .uow. . She found also, that although he becliarged if not so paid. The date to whim -- ‘ if St tes ' d England. a. "Valerie, if you are not engaged. y “I h e y ‘ .u ’18 “3' an“, '1 , hich I do not intend. You can was six years of age, he did not even subscription is aid is denoted by 7b: numbcron . ‘ -- . . 9 a m u a e as on H . “1de a . opapcr isccxiiinu um: a '3 W111 you spare me a few minutes? ave never insu '83 you a one prepare 37 1 88 g as soon y know his aphabet. There was abat- . ””31 .d ‘4 W3“ â€"never angered at you, lake. I shall 80 in a few_ days‘ time.” tle every morning in the nursery when unpaid,cxcept at the option Ofthc proprietor. M Durham Agency. A general Banking businesstransact- ed. Drafts issued and collections made have none of it.” you to seek .me,” She replied aloud. I you the guardian of the family honor. ”I on all points. Deposits receive: and in- d Wh t do you . . ' a . ,, , , tore-t “lowed at current n as 3:211:33?" engage Out 0' sheer revenge for, those words mllad‘i" .. Whom I Should like to 9“ directiouswillbepublishcd tillforbid and charged " """" “I want you to walk out into the Ifhiaqvela gtfiat aims! to drag”the name 33943;" GE PROPERTY cardingly Transicnr notices-“Lost,': “Fou . rounds with me. I have sometthing ° ,9? “3 OPS he mire. .. ViVien wondered if she remembered _ " For Sale,"etc.â€"50ccnts for firstinscrtion, as SAVINGS BANK- go say to you” Vivien recoxled as though Valerie refusing to invite these same friends P03 am for ac}, subgequcmimmgon, be .H, . d It was an August evening, and the :23 :ft?°k her a b'lho'w'h \‘ghg: mid: during Sir Arthur‘s life-time, but she ' lN THE TOWN OF DURnA‘ bfigigzgéifmm‘smknd 1” “m3“ mu“ ‘ j Interest allowed on Savings Bag: 0; warm still air was heavy with the lmar . dgnan was t is er a er a 'said nothing. She had long since dis- , , Conmctmesfor mlyadvmifiemnw furnished ’ 9081133,“ ‘1 and “Dwar.d?' 0mg fragrance of the tall Ascension lilies. ,. rie . , icovered that words were use-less. Va- County 01' ,Grey. includingavaluable Water application totiieo cc. . _ . attention and every facility affor - The sunbeams lingered‘wiih a golden l Ihaye (yiite. made up my. mind to l [Orig was unusually gracious. 53mg. Â¥n0k droning, and many elegible t? Alladvcrflsemcatfi,tocnsurfafnscnionf'; .' 'one thing, said her ladyship. ‘ Your ‘ " While I am away,” she said. " I A1130 1:? N'dl'séo? bdi'i'e 280% ‘dmif gogggilgtdf Xgfiisgwm be b'ow'h' m ”0' a man u ' p o a o. - _...-- -. ____ _-__-______\‘ ' ed customers livin at a distance. A J. Y. Agent. . l x ‘ . th drooped their heavy .heads. Ear, ,have plenty to do. Your family honor ;____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"“'â€"'â€"â€"â€" ' land sky looked so fair that Valerie . . ,, ° ' and shattered am To such m m‘saw no particular reason for refusing; 811,?” require some looking after. that I can trust you with him.” . luadlcal DlI‘BCEOl'y ' fidently recommend Milburn’s HM and 1 and Vivian led her to he" own faV'Ol'ltO . mali tgoTEI-lt. you averel a, nobfierl wo- . " You may safely trust me,” was oct. 2nd Apply t°JmE§dEeDgifi P O DEPARTHENT ‘3 “Infidel! flocked .. Nerve Pills, and in domg sowe are sup nook, where the sun dial stood and the zso . uturmeric , for swa ,d a sa e am 3 the grave reply. But Vivien did not a . . . .. . all NEW TYPE, thus . "Y *- you are DOt- . feel as hopeful as she would have felt ' "" .---_..._.__._.._._ “‘41:! Mm for W’ 3 out F" . we: . . . ‘ v of Mrs. Reill , ° ' . ‘ . fitted by the testimon, fountains played in the sunlight “No, I am not. Nobility is not myl DR. JAMIESON. Durham. Office and Residence a short distance , , 038! Of Knapp 8 “Diet. Lambton Heart and Nerve Pin“ are, beyond 9393“” i there dreaming of the noble deeds shel Street, Lower Town. Office hours from . . _ 12 to 2 o'clock. exhausted conditions of the system Iknow; scene again. She remembered her. "Th . n . .. . of. My daughter,asa result of over studyi anger, her passion and dismay, when “h en, Valerie. said ViVien,.sadly, 3 in Which there was a note of con- and close application to herdutielasschoolgghe received her father’s letter; shcll fwgnl pleaded to you quite “’jtempt. ._ teacher, became much run down and de-Fremeinbered how she had inveighed .Vagn . a! . l "On my return I shall expect to The Chronlcle bilitated and was very nervous. TWO'against his marriage, and how impot_l: Quitel. A. sad wpste of time and , find a grand moral reform ,, she said. . months ago she be an taking Milburn’sfiem, how worse than useless, all her SOIfuprlde, is it not 2. . "'1 Suppose my boy is anything but Contams Heart-and Nerve Pills. They actefizquicllrly : struggles had been. How 102g was 5 say'Abrddof"il)s~':'g’ r‘igt‘liiéggtottligggedmigbt l What you would like him to be. For my I! n eflectuall in or 0880. ma m eIzit since she had sat there in t e sun-g ,, . ,' ’ ' - ~ Epart I admir i . - - his tal- . Officezâ€"First door east of the Dur- firing and building up her entire sysfiem.” light? ‘: Nothing. . You had your way when 4, ents. I hopeey'r'): alll'lisotulgintradict Each week an epitome of “I -,‘ h‘m .Pharmacy‘, Calder's Block. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure. A few years-+33 men count time; to YOU were mistress ‘bereâ€"now I Shallihim, Vivien.” ‘r world’s news articles GM 0‘ Residenceâ€"first door west 0' the Palpitation, Nervousuess, Sleeplessnees,§,hgr it. seemed that a life-time had gtlagdflli'fi- . " i “ I will be kind to him. butv-I cannot ’ -.' _ Post 0.fire. Durham. , Anaemia, Female Troubles. After Effectszpussed, And now, she had lost all, lindeed all'i'ann'vi'i'r'imiguligzctl“£3311:ng ! promise to indulge him foolishly. .Va’ household and farm, and , , ‘fi _ hip of the honor : . . . sa . y. . lcrie, did you never read these words,‘ . I serials by the most popqu ; of Grippe, Debility. orany condition arising ? except the guardians "'7 '6'" i " "' :-.._... h K .- from isordered Nerves. Weak Heart or? of her house. But she was there to; , ,. Legal Directory. w...“ Blood. Price 50c.abox. iplead wlih the stranger who had 133%,, due €101”: ”mi had “been" hffamake thee afraid?” ~â€"-i~â€"â€"â€"â€"~~-â€"~-~-â€"~â€"-~-~â€"-r- --'~-â€"- supplanted her. 1 3er could' the 82:): 23;}; (132683103 .5113; U "NO,” was the laughing reply. " 1 authors. - “Valerie," she said, " 'ou wil not} ’ . - 9" .do not ~ - ' that . .. J. P. TELFORD- . ‘ :1” thr.fiU.i. TEA misunderstand me.” Bu't Lady Nes- lgolf'df man 2 i kind 1 gait“:Iliufto'tw'r'inr'e'q'li'gsgts'lfo makei In these days of mutations it is well for Its Local News Is Complete M ‘ ’ r ‘ . ' '- 7 v v ‘ ARRISTER, Solicitor. etc. omce over he imerrupled 118*? . 'One' iii”;e“’.§“.”‘f.s§,5’.“°lmble lqhelr'I-rdo n01- teach him wise saws or to :3”??? t-°. :9 “ref“! “3““ he buys' and market reports accurate ~ 4} Gorious new jewcuery 3'01‘0. IJOWBP “Once [Or 311, V'iVIen, let me tell 1 . d . g 3 bd. ened her was!) t‘}e l Sing- psalms 9) and u mlladi n \Vent away DPQLXA Y I? t IS ”CCCSS‘lry When a matter ' _ ‘v ‘own. I '11 h' ‘ ° t: f ‘ c I .LOn “(31 0f the servants. Now that bli‘, - ’- _ - - - ~ 0f health 15 involved. W ' in" amount or money to loan at '3 per cent you. - “'1 ave no m a eien e. Arthur wasd (1 th ‘ * w'th laughing disregard 0f wan s ' kt ' on‘mfim proper.“ ' ° am misuess of Lancewood, and I Shall insti t' 1 .ea . 95’ turned to he‘ 1 flushing indignant face. There are so many imitations of Doan's , ' do what I like.” ‘It Sizlgedy it? ”If" bead Of “.16 house. 1, Lady Neslle went. to Paris that same K‘dney Pills on the marketâ€"some of them . . rm... ----‘~*--â€"--â€"-â€"-_“"- :‘Do not mistake me,” .returned lmake ”fem “ m3“ ‘t'lmp'OSSlble 1:03 week, and to Vivien it seemed as ab50101§1)’ worthless-that we ask you to R I PAN'S G. LEFROY McCAUL, VIVMD; "1 am not about to interfere- ' French strar'imererb an: gm.“ l't'tle f though the Sweet spirit of peace had be particular to see that the full name and __ 1‘1“,”qu “elicitir etc McIntyre»; I have seen nothing that calls for in- ! boy were reall 8‘0 b an‘t d'ed b '1‘ e 3 sottled over thc Abbey. An impulse thetrade mark of the Maple Leaf are on 1; Block. Lower' Town: Colledtion and “. terfCFP'K’e- 1 “'38 313011t t0 38k you, 1 their own y 1,3 5.9 le , e airflcame over her, when Valerie drove every box you buy. Withouttnis you are The modern stand- Agmwy 9'1)!“th attended to. Searcher-imam) ”:3: climate 3 Valerie.”wheiher we cannot be better l ed to her igiéngw 11' ftp-{1193’ Elpl'mil ‘ 1 away, to have a“ the windows open- not getting the original Kidney Pill, which , an we liexlsll’y Office. ‘ ANT 70 _Hz TEA C__ friends. . lders they' refe'rr cputt ti" . e! 191 or: , edâ€"it, Was as though the very atmos- has cured so many severe cases ofkidney ard Famil NlCdl' FROM THE TEA PL ' Heaven knew the effort it cost that r . 9 0 91- M“ N W35 ; phere 0f the Abbey were charged with com laint in the United States, Australia y . gproud girl to 'humble herself so. She- - IN ITS NATIVE PURITV. . . Miscellaneous. ”M . , had so heartily despised the woman “Monsoon" Teais packed under the supervm. by her side. â€"’ â€" isoon saw the punishment. Any set-:3 vant who so transgressed was sure,l -â€"â€"â€"â€"o~â€"_»- _ _,__ __ - """‘""*‘“ "‘wr----~â€"-â€"~ *1? c T a row *rs, and is advertisw and sold by th " l. . ~ ~ :i'sanipigetift'hc best qualitiCSof Indian and Cey'. Let U§ be better frlends,” she beg- 1 they see that none but t' ged. “\V e havc but one interest in Licenses.l)urham Out. .""°Shl"‘“°sg , . . . Tlmtiswln'”Mot-800m ihcpflfcctTeaomK‘ Wald. If we live in peace and liar-._ ‘ . ithe truth. The result was that in as 33‘ th'v‘ 51‘“ 9““ “Sim““m‘ea' niony we can act so much better for: | w. 3 UGH llacleY, Durham, Land Valu- l . ‘ t d6», star and Licensed Auctioneer for the -"““ds°ldm“identifitaifofél'fgétzwwi "What do you call peace and bar. ‘ " ‘V . 9 fi“ 33$ . \ ' ‘C y s ' T I - . ’ . ’ o t ounty of (rrey. bales promptly attended Fligg‘l’";,§‘,fcp '3, ,0?” and I. Fr“. 5', mon'y i ’ asked V alerie shai ply. . '. . , “haever disagreeing,” replied VIV- on ' 4‘5"!)h 1’. to and notes cashed. u ' ' t to u bein: #191 dggtguhrtmfa:;S$I::l?e.a"?£1will h Then you have-done worse -- yogi That same morning Vivien was sur- the nurse tried to teach him his let- Yave tfeafigd me With silent clpntemri . prised to hear from Valerievs own lip8 teI‘S, and he always came off victor- vmnsmc Forrmrsiomadvcrtiscmemssccna ‘ “It is not a very usual thing for our. at r, ,too. has added is quo a that she intended very shortly to go ions. Vivien was grieved and d‘ t All .. â€"-.he insulted me when he appomted to Paris. 18 ress- RATES . . . fine md‘wmuminsmmn_fl 1i lit on odorous flowers; the roses . , . l 8 . office shall be no sxnecure. You shall i' should be really glad, Vivien, if you Bentinck. 100 acres, adjoining Town p103 iw°u1d take charge of Oswald. I know Durham. Mortgages taken for part purchase money THE JOB , , lborne Street. Chatham,0nt.,whom ‘ How long was it since that, sunny , . some time before; the Child's 6‘7“ mm. the following statementz~ CCMilbnm" summer morning when she had stood {lizard-6'1 fY°§dunderSta9d_me’ M13} Nes'l‘its were becoming so confirmed that or i you to interfere in any 1 she almost despaired of correcting the best remedy for nervousness and all, would do. She lived through the twal' With my. Ohild‘ He Shall. b3 : them. itrained as I wish, not as you WlSh- l Lady Neslie looked up. With a laugh 'EVil .days' were dawning for Lance- i‘Give thy son his way, and he shall :quite In vain that she assured them‘her mocking spirit. She felt that and ngland,as well as herein Canada. ver C , _ . . _, . y shortly afterward, to be dismiss .fatherls house, and, but {01. the noise .18 ?J.' ' . t' ‘ ‘ ' l ' - AMP BROW‘V. 133“" 0‘ 3‘43"“? ‘5 For m' rcoa'3ii'~ Monsoon packages. common â€" the welfare of little OS- zed. by Lady NeSl‘e dismissed on some . Of the oun' h if the terrible past Bul ('0ch . trivuil preterit, though every one knew would all hav'; sezm'ed a dre-im to her ‘ Once more she was mistress of the ”is out “Pin 8:33.31 cnddicsof zlbnflhag him]; ish-ort time most of the faithful Oldlhouse where she hid “fled so long. Blond .servants had left, and the Abbey was ‘ and the. only drawback was that “ xiii-l gilléedwvggtlimndew faces}; The new-(insm- ; ladi " would return. Vivien waited one ‘ I . never noun anyt ling,or two days before she tried to do; Eli-tars, .she had no authority. She and Lheyflhrough every room she must have The Dean Kidney Pill (30., Toronto. \ .Oi Vivien treated her with neg‘cvtilanything with the child. Then shein- ‘ line for the first insertion ;.3 cents. 5‘ .."' 18“ man (1 ' . "’ said W measure. Professional cards, not exceeding one . ~_ y ear “lends there' $4.09 per annum. Advertisements without .~ -3" r~"7--‘“--.~. . W. IRWIN . Enrron AND Paorais'roa. cine : Cures the _ common every-day ills of humanity. fresh current of air. Once more she was alone in her -m_____._.._.________.____________ ien. , .--. ‘ v . u . . . . ‘ i’ I because they saw that b ’ 8'.) doin they! - , . . ' -_ rinks UARsoh, Durham, Licensed ,1 “,9"? In)" wanted to disagree, ? ,1 , d L T . 5 g ivned him to go out for a long walk : J .. ‘t' r. I, ~ . said ‘iniladi. ‘IL was you. Brom,Pedse ady~.l\eslie. . _ .i it . ' I'lh B t .._.~_,__-.--_ -_ - _ L80(l1\'{:llloalj::r llfflirihc': Ltgugltgi lliv'J'ey D UR H A. M ”1,, very first you always disllked me... It was a miserable life. She won-l w..glf;rl slide 2,. he asked looking 6 as d' ‘ . , I “on” \‘alea 2”“; a“ other ma“ 181311; ”on were always Jealous of me; you I dered often how it would end; ihere‘ anxiously at her ’ . I 0 . matters 2;”. even worse than she .. ;.,e,1d'edto_m h f memfprompty ,would have sent me away if youswel‘e times when she could almost. 'IYes- and what is more Oswald ihad feared. ben she returned with f _ . _ g eat to clencea urnished lcould.” ihave died in her despair, when the:I '11' "k M D . t t ach vou' prlng 'ithe child to the house, she went at _ ll reuiiired. l The beautiful face flushed crimson . weight of her sorrow seemed “,0 great } tows'kat'es Your'wil'lr'lxi'kf: ”fat?" 3 l once in search of Gerald Dormau, and _. - “"‘“"’ ’Ww ---â€"- {with humiliation; but it takes more ,. for he? t0 bear; and then, during those? “B'ribed'by these promises the mug d. I ‘ told h'm' , ~ 0H3 QUICEN,UKUHARDV1LLE has: 1 '71 {llltll'l ilie Spizrai’ul wards of a spiteful dark hUUI‘S. she began to appreciate} ~- . . . . , . ’. _ ' e IGIne- l " It is not often," he said, “that t, _ . . . ’ . RISTING AND UHDPPINlI DONE: ' ~ bir Oswald consented to go, and dur _ _ . . , P resumed lllx old business, and iS prepar , 1Woman to shake the resolve of a n0ble } the deVotion Of Gerald Dorman. ling their 'walk Vivien “.in to lay , . . . mother 1S so completely blind to . 3, ed to loan any amount of money on real 0“ “WW” 305i“ and satisfaction ‘mind. l bhe knew nothing or the fact that. l the groundwork of her plan to awuk-i Removes "1 possess and impurities from Cpl‘ldds ”Haven.“ 3.x must be that Lady estate Old mortgages paid off on the guaranteed, "There is some truth in what you ihle loved her, but he was the only per-len'in the child‘s mind the first faint ; the system. , _ Neslie keeps him ignorant on purpose . say, Valerie. 1 did not like you. I§SOIn livmg to whom she could speak. .: 5 id . of . th . d h n r . GWGB strength and ““hty in P1930 0! that she may have the more infl - ' gunmermg l e“ ”u ‘m 0 0 ’ . weaknessand languor. sum over him A good tutor we ,3 ii, if ' '~ ' had married you. But now that he mostliberal terms. Fire and Life Insur- au‘ esi' ' ‘ 2 ‘ ' ’z ‘ \‘* ml - nd ‘O‘I‘ that m father‘otf her father, wh id .‘t r ' i .' .. . . . . . ' . . L88 ectedin the best mm“ bompanies l FLOU R, OATMEAL and FEED “ '5 KM“ '1 b I y y ' least how bitterly")p"ii'i'iffi'l"zi't)i':l‘1 ll'l'3mi'l'lfi} Of '93-'11” and honest). lie 3' db terribly. The most wonderful blood purifier, ' in some degree remedy the ev . '.~ .. .. d ' . ideficientâ€"the result (it her quesuon'éreetorative and atrengthener known to one could be found who would take N at lowest rates. Correpondence to Orchardville, P. 0., or a call sol' "t d M e 1 offer you what I neverlthe library at times that she might l different. _ m... --.-...._._........- THE SAWMILL 1...... y... of... .1... 1...... menus to him. and l... 1...... so... ..... i - . _ ' l you acceptlpainful to her, were hours of bliss: “Nb 11;,me found Mrs Coriy; ",TWO 3'93" “801‘“? very poorlyint e; Vivien’s noble face brightened as .; , . .. ' spring, had no appetite, felt weak and 3 she looked at him. and loyal friendship. Will ol‘custom work. best for you an But “miladi” was suspicious. She 1 his love for her became a passion be- “w‘- ._ _.- â€"-â€".â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"~ ,_, .- . - -. 1. s . . . - W15 “lends“? W‘ h herse f be "I think," said Lady Nes'lie to her i i'ned abru tl to herâ€" . ,, $th is 'i't yyou want, Vivien g l maid, that I may safely lessen some; of my grief now." Speak plainly. You must have some ,, . , , - , design or motive in thisâ€"tell me what Magi: what way, Im‘hl'dl?” asked it is.” .. t . . Vivien raised her patient face to , 1 may 53:91)! mix a lit-“8 gray the‘clear blue sky before she answer- with. my “'1le, and. then gradually subside into a becoming shade'of law; ed. "l have no (native, Valerie, but the 90.9913" _ f I hope you W'l-ll be careful, milaili.; wish to help you in the training and , the wish to l have noticed that the English poo-t A i-‘iicsT CLASS HEARSE IN CONNECTION Embalniing a specialty. Jaoofganss. _, J. SHEWELL l l TRADE MARKS, Dealer In allkinds or DeSlch, education of your son, _ . COPYRIGHTS one. help you make mm a good man.” ple are very particular about their Anyone sending a sketch and description may “In plain words,” thought Valerie mourning; any impropriety in that re- 19 . :ickly ascertain, fire, whether an invention is nhnbly pate'itable. Communications strictly to herself, "she “rants to have her spect WOllld beâ€"-â€"- “ I do not want a lecture,” said Lady Furniture -.nfldeit' 1. Oil ..t a any; i‘ r ' ‘ t - . Ame‘rfia. wghufe :- .4133333 33.” share in the management of matters , , ‘ â€"â€" i‘ziteiiitsttakentgirough Muiin kCo. receive _3nd she shall not.” Valerie, haughtily. ' DO what 1 tell . . :13 no room e i «1 do not see any need for all this you. Relieve that somber black silk , q . , _ ‘ i . . ’ . . UllllBl’lilKlllg dlltl Emllillllllllg DDIENTIHB AMERICAN, Vinen,” she said coldly. “I am Will- “flth 3.11““? gm)“. It ‘3 Six 11103018 ASPECI‘LTY :tifully illustrated. largest. circulation ing enough to be on friendly terms Slnce 8” Arthur died; surely that”. is Y ' n .ill-£23332Ernadbzzgfiff’g‘é’fisfig‘éa,'f’i" with you, but you must understand ' long enough [01‘ crap-e.” I’lnfli‘l‘l9 - "\l' iii 0): PATENTS sentfree!‘ A'Idrcs'e .. quite distinctly that I Will allow no There was wonderful familiarityhe- MUNN a. co , interference. 1 will not yield one tween Lady Neslne andhcr maidMai‘ie “- 36‘. i:--.»:. iota of my authority to you.“ book the Silk dress in her hands and “l have no wish to usurp it. Oh, began busily to trim it with ribbons believe me, Valerie, the good of Lance- of soft shining gray. 'wood, the honor of our name, is all I ”Marie," said Lady Valerie. “ lam 3‘ ‘ " ' " f" » _ care for! 1 ask you in all good faith, going to Paris." 4 LAXA LEVER S in all iruth and loyalty, to let me be} The maid looked up almost in alarm. - jPlL,LS-* g your friend, your adviser, your coun- ‘ Her ladyshlip continuedâ€"â€" --- To .- Farmers, Thrashers and Millmen selor, your right hand. I have no- “My fortune is made and secured. wish to take your place, and no wish l I have plenty of money, and [shall be :to wrest your authority from‘you. I l mistress .f the. Abbey for fifteen “What is it you want i" she saidlyears. I think now I may enjoy my coldly. “It is something quite new to , life.” You can’t be healthy if your bowels are constipated and car you talk about submission." on t ' b y igo:g:se$agfi§1ged1‘:uh ‘5 '_'[ wilhtell you what I Want, Val- merit," said the maid. p0 ' ere ' erie. Will you let me have some "Miladi," laughed contemptuously. should be a natural move- will be the first to set an example of “ Do you call such a life as this en- obedience and submission to you.” joyment? I do not. English peOple do I Only a noble woman could have} ‘pleaded thus; but the woman listen- a'r ms BRICK rousnx --WE MAKE-- Furnace Kettles, Power Stew Cut- ters, Hot Air Furnaces, Shingle Machinery, Band Saws, Emery Machines. hand or power: Creating, Farmers’ Kettles, Columns, Church Seat Ends, Bed Fasteners, Fencing, Pump-Makers’ Supplies, School Desks, Fanning Mill Castings, Light Castings and Builders’ so.» plies, Sole Plates and Points for the different ploughs in use. Casting repairs for Flour and Saw Mills. -- WE REPAIR -- Steam Engines, Horse Powers, , t i" ‘ . : I'Y $9133? “OPS, Mowers, Reapers. 4, “No," replied Lady Neslie; “you shall Circular and Cross-Cut Saws 0 y H 3 - - w 88.18 and 2 have no part, no share in the train- I'- 00d ‘ % ing of my boy. I will make him what Gummed, Filed and Set. . soothes the* . 'Il'k, T. 'hat' lik. 1 am prepared so on orders i0.- Norway Pine Lungs and a 1...}: 51.3., n.’ §§mri.y;1?.2 232i} ” You have had nothing but enjoy- ment every day, and the best way to secure it is to take Laxa-Liver Pins. The mOSt ing did not understanq. Obstinate cases Yield to their share in the training of your boy? He restraint and conventionality impri- g sure’ or gayety means. I call a mir- action. They neither gripe, % is to be master of Lancewoodâ€"let sonment. I long to find myself in it n-ival enjoyment; Irall, this life of sicken nor weaken, are easy him learn what will- make a noble l sunny Paris, where I can do more as to take and prompt to act. 3 Marie shook her head gravely. . “ It is not my place to lecture, mi- ladi, but I hope you will be care- ful.” “I have nothing to risk or. lose me teach him self-discipline, sel'f- ' control. He is quick to learnâ€"let me teach him lessons of loyalty and truth, of good faith and honor. I would énever be cross with him, Valerieâ€"I ‘ [would be patient and gentle; may I. . man; he is to be master of othersâ€"let {.1 like." .CURE’ ‘4’?”“W3W333W‘ (.ON»TiP/\TlON coup . I am going to be very gra- cious. I intend during my absence to place Oswald under Miss Nesliefs care â€"she will be delighted." “ The best thing you could do would be to put him entirely under Miss Nes- r pardon for the 800d shingles s curesCougha enjoy his life. Self-control . is all Ho’sparembeggipz you “HARTER SMITH ,I up find Colds of very well £0331poor peopleâ€"it keeps tracedttng,£mi-l%di _; you are?h "12'1"” at a“ the wor ' - them honest; ut it is not one of the 8. an e or raining a L - ’ St kmd after other "med‘e' virtues of a gentleman." "Miladi" laughed good humoredly. DURHAM FOUNDR‘YMAX fail. Pleasant to take. Price 35c. "Oh, Valerie," interrupted Vivien, .. It is very possible,” she replied. _ "do not say quot} things!” , . . . The Chronicle 18 i It most wide " ' - -â€" ~- We -. -â€" -.--- But “maladi’s’ onset was thorough- must not be surprised ’1‘ you ” ly arouse now. The “Chronicle is th" 0“” "You have triumphed over me,” she me. I am tired of these dull English. 1y read newsliapcr published in .,- I - m Coats?" ,f my, liegé'f; hnmfiflcwsmre in said, ”often and often. You have I want some one to make me 83%” ’ ' been pleased to laugh at my ignorance, Her words had a 8 ~ -, w. , -., new. . . ., . .-- ‘ .. ~ - ,. . ._~-y."‘-~’fi-~. ' ,. -- ,~ - ~. - ., =1 M. , .5 ,. _ . _ .- .. you. ; '. , e: , . ‘ ,, , n .» , , ,. , . « . .â€". . . , ,. >2 ,. 5.- , ‘ .-.. . ,4”.- . , l,‘ _ ‘._ I“ I . _- _‘ .."-=" ,. 1 , ..- . m" is dead and we are alone, let it belating her position was. She went tul- . _ ,. ,. . ing alaimed \nien. ‘ science. ‘a true interest in the child’s wel- “'9 ar now prepared to do all kinds “ it Valerie 2 Win . 1 5 .' ~ ' ‘ , you at me do my to him. He drank in the beauty of! . , - t nd .11 m I d for little Oswald i" {her face, the music of her voice, until éifihi'tngqih:$noisfifseogce’ a s e l n,°"°‘?3' not able to work much and was I; “ You have anticipated what [(3. u . . . .. - Ttired all thetime. ’to say,” she said, with a gracic." 4, E's-3'- LUMBER SHlNGLES AND L! ‘ . . - U NDE r 1 A ‘ TH: lw'ls ioo ignoble herself to understand : yond the reach of reason or self con- ence for sacred things She was lit-i RTAKIN G “W“ 0‘1“““(1' la noble motive. She became suspi- trol. , ' .. ' . - grecommendedno gotabottle.‘ , t h b , . -f I d'd L' 1 \. 1‘ w uld' ~ ~, .. ~~ v ~ - . . - - . erally at a loss how to talk to him... ,, - 't d d 1 two . t e 0y, i .l , .iiy - es ie 0 .,, Price- Out ‘N" G' a J' MLKhbHA‘IE" leious. “ hat dld ViVien want? bhe "_“' “ What shall you do when you are i I started “km? 1 ' an insi_e o . {discharge him at once on her return.~ " could not, would not, believe that it CHAPTER XXV. mister' of Lancew00d 9.. she asked . monthaIwasaswel aseverIwann mylife. 3But, if you, Mr. Herman, would “'1”: . “I cheerfull recommend B. B. B. as a g him a few hours every day, we migc; him. ' ' ‘ . l . . ' , . splendid bloc purifier and spring med! do something mm m m." 8: .K 3 ‘K a not even know what the word ‘plea-l now,” said --‘Val~er'ie. “ I have made my- O " Did you 8"91‘ say your prayers i" , Mr. Geo. Heriot, Baillieboro, Ont, says: : fare." The boy seemed to have no rever-, ,, . . ‘ I 8"" Burdock Blood Bitters highly E smile. “ I dare not engage a tumr fo , To be continued. .._-. ... K- . g'BrK‘ K 'K ‘K8r'K K K' K A Book for Young and ma. K_ a - g. NJ :j 2 5'0 0 0 0 9 YOUNG MAN Have you sinned - 1 against nature ‘ when icuorpnt of the terrible crime you ~ were committing. Did you only conSider ' the fascinating alliircmcnts o_ this evrl habit? When too late to avoid the ter- rible results, Wore your eyes Opened to our peril? Did on later on in man- r?‘ ood contra ct any RIVATE or BLOOD ‘ K disease? Wereyou cured? Do you now K -_ and then see some alarming symptoms? a " ~ Dare marry in your resen con- . ‘ nd the public generally that. we __ .iave adopted the Cash System, .- __ w. t which means Cash or its Equjv. diuoniwromowu LII’ rimrrr. LIKE SON.” 'Ifmarried are you con- . alent, and that our motto Will be atantly living in dread? ls marriage a n , “ Large Sales and Small Profits. i K failure with on on account of any weak- l' nose caused y earlg’abuse or later ex- . ceases? Have you een drugged with mercury? This” booklet will point out to youthsresnltiogéhfieeifiisefieiug riff ' . .We take this opportunity of cut "how our NE MENT will positive cure you. It K thanking our customers for past, shows how thousandshave been saved by our NEW TREATMENT. 16 8% kgr'ddfi‘aggd old} 13%!) Pa . r-g-We treat ’d "cures-Egl SIGNS, _ a maintainers . . . on 'r (panics? U 'msâ€" K that. the new system Will merit. 3 *NA URAL CH 3 ES. KID’Nnrond BLADDER continuance or the same. diseases. cunts GUARANTEED n. ’ b 2v?“m°”‘.scori§ih§rliiofi f write r a ,_ .1 fl” ’K Rn . letpfc'all so a , ‘ ‘ sAsr'igarEoNyLBLAxn for K a“ ‘ D33. :3 .; w. ., G. t J. ioiicllNll

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