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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 May 1900, p. 3

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‘ "fir“ llIl TARIll LEGISLATURE. APPALLIN G DISASTE mm... W... are Doing at Toronto. $20,000,000 Damage by Fire “WNW” WWW“- in Ottawa and Hull. Mr. Joynt asked: “Is it the inten- Otta.wa, Ont., Friday, April 27.â€"Fif- 2 safety without “iv -\_. x s -â€"‘,.' a. Q n ‘ E tion of the Government to place a. sum in the supplementary estimates for the purpose of erecting amonument in front of the Legislative buildings in memory of the Canadian volunteers Ii was 1.31) when the fire was discov- i mature to place a sum in the esti- ered on the Ottawa side of the river. of $20,000,000. \ In reply to Mr. Matheson, lier explained the vote of 840,000 for lexploraiion of that portion of Ontario llying north of the 'Canadian Pacific {Railway. He said it was intended to ale 0f 69 miles ? send out ten or eleven exploring par- - flamesinto such ties. beginning at the Quebec boun- fury that the museum structures were briagde made a plucky fight to stop the fire at this juncture, and save the power-house and the Booth properly, but it. was in vain. The immense deluge of water had no more effect :han if fired from a squirt-gun. The wind was blowing a g an hour, fanning the situation is the position Ufa large por- tion of the labouring people, Whose dwellings and sources of employment have disappeared together. OTTAWA FIIU‘IMKN GET OFF. The fire started in the chimney tefzi i ,. . . 'wlhavctit ’ "':- of the real extent of the danger. An credibly short time more than thirty; and ' 6 , ctr a n erritory wl‘lv hour later the main street of Hull was houses were burning. The soatlonand l 9.13 It “118 1.11 ended to begin operaâ€" all in “an,” The firemen of Ottawa freightâ€"sheds fell :in easy victim,:indl lions early in June and work until hathed h, ,1”, W, on >4in the greedy element until thelaboui the middle of October. Each “SSH-mpg "f whole district to Pooley‘s bridge wast . . . . . . ' ‘. ‘ ‘ " ' ' irt' would be in char- i )‘ '- neighbouring city, With the result a veritable ocean of flame. pt. 'l _ , go, I ӣ581 a Provincial The old i that they were presentlv cut Off and frame houses, for which the district l ble, 0f - ' .. was noted onlv served to add fury to l and would I. ' . i l 0 l unable to return. it hen the tire le iped ”I? blaze, and hundreds of the poorest ! suddenly across the river, tltib'tftjylng 0f Ottawa‘s poor fled wiih only thel, rricul‘ur inits course the planking of the scant clothing on their backs. The ; d5 ‘ e. bridge “th formcrl the ‘only COm- household effects, upon which not one municaiion. .in a hundred had a cent of insur , , ~ . were a“ 108,, and crying women and g of the location of all heights Inf land, This rendered the city of Ottawa to a certain extent helpless, Little could be wailing children were struggling 011: rivers. lakes. etc. It was intended every side. The men worked 3,3 with t that the reports would be all compiled f done but watch the flames lead their way steadily all afternoon through the superhuman strength, and many mav. together and presented to the House ed their furniture three or four times, next 3855103- ’ western p':irt.of the city. For a little while it lacked as if nothing would be only at last to see it. go up in smoke. ELECTION LAW. left of the capital of the Dominion. C l land surveyor, i p include among its num-l . . ' .. . . 1p here a geologist and a man skilled in; They would makecare- . l l The most pathetic sight was the aged The House again went: into commit- women and helpless babeS, Wh” were tee on: the election bill, when the At- WVJILDOUt friends or shelter, and knew not where to turn for help. I l l the . people. . , All Canadianst with true (lana-i bu‘ldmgs. l dian he 1 arts beating in their breastst | ought to come liberally to their assist-l churches. schools, public and stores without numbel l l Mr. German's/bill permitting the sale of liquor to guests at an hotel during limit” be! fixed at 20 per cent. Mr. Hoyle, North Ontario, suggested collectingil that the hill be :made applicable to visions in l municipalities which were now sub- lmitting bonus ‘oy-lawe to the people, ', ruined thousands who are wandering 1108893 _ the streets- The Dominion Govern- the Boer Government is “nt authorities have taken energetic ,_.:2__ d of. the problem. and the druhlenormous quantities 9‘ pro _ .-_d and, the public. buildings have the Lydenburg district. This lendslr and also that all bonus by-laws passed . ._ -. -n thrown open. 115 temporary shel- colour to the reports that the burgh-f since the. lst of February be brought “’3' Time has “my“ permitted: the ers contemplate. making a final stand l under its operation. organization of vouch: for the statement that lot l l l l B t beingi carefully framed. He advised Mr. Hoyle to prepare one and submit it Yell ' '° 'n' . ° , _ 47 l asburg is ‘ 2:11:11 the bill («the up! for third read annesbiurg and Pretoria iextensively entrenched. Begbi'e's foundry in Johann _ are The blaze is said to have origina.ed in the: house of A. Kirouac. on Chau- diere street. A. burning chimney is producang 700i shells weekly. laid to have been the cause. This Enormous quantities. of silk have house was in the thick of a lot of been commandeered in Johannesburg wooden bull-dings. and in a very short. l to make balloons. while more than thirty houses onl â€"â€".___. Philomen. Bridge. Chandlers. and Al- WEPENER IS RELIEVED- PUBLIC scuoots ACT. Hon. Mr. Harcourt's bill to am the public schools act w back and amended by reducing the age limit of teachers applying for super- of b annuati‘on from 35 years’ service as teachers to 30 years. end l-Zc .. . a ' bort streets were in flames. ' The Hull fire brigade summoned assistance, and soon the E. B. Eddy firemen. the U bountyâ€"Mr. Ross. the Commissioners for the Queen Vic- the Pl‘emr- re“, merit. Much of the cattle was held over for Friday’s market. There is not much enquiry yet for A general impression existed doubting ful investigation of all the agricul {spring lambs, which sell at from $250 the sincerity 0f the endeavor to 38" ance, tural, mineral ‘and forest wealth, and l to $5.50 each. 1... ‘200 lbs, the top price is 61-40; light hogs are bringing 51-24: per lb. l tions: l’torngy-General consented to an amend-t ShlPPNS, per OWL - zmoderate demand and the market is , or countries. .about steady. :patents and $3.70 for strong Millfeedâ€"The market is steady. Cars shorts are quoted at land Barleyâ€"ls steady. 43c east and 42 east and 50c to 51c westt. any further relief . _ p . , l The Attorney-General pointed out,' R, mm ~ massacres.litre...J..-i . w... ..... ORIGIN: or THE FIRE. ' ‘ Cornâ€"Is steady at Oatsâ€"The de {market is stead lat 28c, east as referred asked. Oatmealâ€"ls stead Peasâ€"Are steady To amend the act to establish forest reservesâ€"Mr. Davis. _ . For preserving to Canadian officers, non-commissioned officers and men, now serving her Majesty in South Africa, their rights of franchise in On- tarioâ€"Mr. Gibson. , To amend the San Jose scale actâ€"- Mr. Dryden. To improve the high schcmls actâ€"Mr, Harcourt. _ . To improve the public schools act- Mr. Harcourt. Respecting the HEALTH. ~\-\l'\z\.‘\ NERVES AND NERVOUSNESS. Margaret Sangster in a talk to nervous women speaks some pertinent truths. She tells us; "Half our worries spring frOm some occult occasion, which we may over- come, and much of our so-called nerv. ousness, it is acknowledged, is born With a Withering Fire. London, Wednesday, April 25.â€"It is (if payment wolf tBloemfontein says that the only dam- a d b h in worry. Some of it comes from sub- . . . . . , 1 ° ' . ° _ e - - ,. - - . . - shoes or stockings. . ' 11 ‘h Respecting the industrial schoolsâ€" F181! that the British operations aim wgorksoil: tliye trgmgiiglsoftihhe rather tle springs which are located deep m .. Scores of women carried babies ‘in who ha.e fallen, or may fa_. on t e Mr. Gibson. ’ . ing to defeat and pOSSibly capture the 'valve‘ of th‘ . . e s i g the fountain of our being, and these “3°” thousand people are homeless, " ~ . . . ° field of battle in South Africa in the To amend the trustees investment. Boer f . ' th 3 e pumping engines. . ' ° ”he”. arms and “mm at a distance - . ’ ones In 8 south-eastern part A deSpatch from Maseru. Basuto- are oft n so ncom rehenSi-ble to out here toâ€"night, 3,000 dwellings have V'wgitching everything which they pos- defence of the Empire '2” “ actâ€"Mr. Gibson. . of the Orange Free State are on a land reports that the Boers on Tues- e u p gone up in smoke. $20,000.00!) worth of lsessed go up in flames. , The premier said it would be pre- To confirm an agreement between , -... , , property has been destroyed. Ottawa- . friends that they never survey our great scale. The army is being ,de- day morning made asevere attack on . . . ~ - , Weakness with little patience. , g . . . toria Niagara. Falls Park and the ployed on a long front extending from fnm‘ galgfitis “Snyder” pfic’l‘t‘ou’l‘ff: “Generations of us from Mother Em and Bull toâ€"night are suffering IN)?“ it broke out. in the lumber district; mates this year, but after the war, oFort Eric Ferry Railway Company. and Karree siding to “repener a distance f g e. .0 por. .n 88' e‘v p dce. , . l' . t I the effects of the worst (“’llamlt-V 1“ adioining the C.P.R. station, and to- and when the volunteers had return- relating to the said company - Mr. of 70 miles Th f. ht' h, h {pur ggns ”1 posrtion, and under the” down, have shrieked ”1 every no ,0 o ' 't. ' to '. A fire her-an '{r :_ \3 st mu com risin' thew st- , . . . Ross. e lg .ing, owever, as .re a vanced ‘Vlth 81'9“ determina- the gamut at such of our pet aversion. the” CUFPON-e his r) l‘ man a 9 a ,. _ p. a, 6' ed, .ihe matter might be favorably Res ecting the Education Depart been practically confined to longâ€"range tion. They were checked, however. by. h h , (1 th 'hOl‘tlY before 000D Thursday, and egrlfi'ieqcllll?“ 8; 2:33:14“ 1353130332 considered. motif-3311‘. Harcourt. ‘ ‘ ' artillery/and picket firing. the fire of the garrison. They then as ave crossed our pat say, an 0 raged fiercely until one o'clock this Ry“; {8 (1:31“) :ed «XLIFV LABOR. BILL DEE‘EAT‘EU. Respecting Upper Canada Collegeâ€" According to the latest reports, the rec-Oiled and extended across the flat woman of the twentieth century has 1 . , , - , _ , d .0 ' -. . _. ' . 3 . n . . ‘ “ ‘ G'bso . Boers Still have ample room in which country, fromt where they maintained in her brain the wayworn tracks made ”0‘1"“, “be“ 1‘ “db 6““ “n 9‘ l ”- \cao» l‘Hh HIVLRI\I‘O cinch . . . . . . .. Mr. 1 n. . , , . . . t 1 At sent ,1,‘, d.,u,.,gp cannot ‘ I, ’ ' * ‘ , ‘ Mr. W ardells bill provuling that ___.___ ‘0 m'ove northward, notWithstanding a long-range fire for hours. {of her by her forebears. ro. . pre. . .( .. f V\ he“ the hp,“ (5,03ng the river, alien labor from countries having an the seizure of the vsaggon bridge The despatch a_(lds:T.««Artillei'y can “From knowin the t 1 course of so- be estimated wirh any great accurac). the lumber piles beta-ecu the McKay l" l b l . _ f a 'iinst C‘in- - spannihg the Modder river at Kranz be heard. in the directlou of De Wow. . . g. 3 °. , but it will undoubtedly ummmi m cm. mills and the river caught first. and a “’11, a 0" a“ ”1 orce ‘3‘ ‘ {1' .THE TURBNTD MARKETS kraal, If they 30 elect, and join forces dorp, but there is no sign that the [1?!) is unwise and inocnsiderate to see. "a1 million dollars. Conservative 93. in less than flVB'mlnuleS were'a‘iag- ada should not be emploi ed.0n Pu ’ 10 with those at Brandfort and Kroon- British relief column in that quarter ing what may be done to rectify it: ll . . . . it h (1 ins mass. It was only the “01 , 0f works aided by the Provmce was """ stad, as they appear to hold timates make it in the neigiiour 00 a few seconds when the small build- strongly ' has adv . , ' Toronto, May 1.-\Ve had a light run anced further The natives re- 1 't the country from Sanna’s post to port: th t th B 't‘ h f h often the step that costs most and . . . . . - thrown out b' the specia commi tee _ _ ‘ . . . g a ano er n ,8 orce as counts for most. Ever' time when Many large m.inu- ings between the piles and the mills a , ointed to (ionsider it. '(5 only 35 carlmtdfl of live stock, in- Basutoland, .ncluding Thaba Nchu and been detached from Blomfontein. If we remain Silent, though’the desire to facturing establishments and lumber 351:” bgimciile "'{g‘Kd'lge mgiifft‘gg [p ' 1‘. NB“ 0N1 10 eluding 1400 hogs 500 cattle, about Lafggrzfid- d d . d so, the position of the Boers around Speak beats insistently at the door 0‘ ' . . ' . ‘ r , - . r . . I" r v *v a ,' ‘fl‘ilh . 3 I - '- t an ar 98 c( , , ‘ -r . . . . ,9 almost beyond mnul’uumm havebecn soon in the cauldron of fire. The IXPLORJ G 70 sheep and lambs, 40 calves. and a irrespon ent at “ epener 13‘ precarious. destroyed. A distressing feature of the our lips. every time when, though ready to rush or fly or exclaim with vehemence we are simply quiet. holds ing ourselves in with bit and rein. it. make a real gain in self-restraint. And self-reSLraint in women marks the ling ' of divergence between the untraine person and the thorough-bred. between milkers. The market was again dull and un- nte-resting and showing no improve- ‘ _ . the gentlewoman and .her of low ‘03-. . , . . ltle. The'better stuff sold fairly well BOCI' BOIHbaI'dmCllt COHUHUCG U [0 A 1‘11 9 and time- Voluble self-WY, “WW” . ~ - daiy in the east and extending as. . 7 dislike ex-i erated statements labouring man's cottage in Hull. A soon reduced to a heap of ruins. . . . l“ from 3 3.4 to 40’ and occa'Sionally - _ . ' .gg‘ . - a h' h \n d , .q bl: winr .,t the \Vhile the brigade were fightinglf'ar weal. as Rat Portage and the” 14,0 1' ound Other rrades had _ , . emotion, uhreagomng terror, all heln very ig H!) n. . J . g . . these, the embers were carried ‘lve'lManito-ba boundary. Each purLyi _ [)6 p . g a t There IS Much Slckncss to demorahze the nerves and make the “HIP-.1)!” unbod." had the sl’g-bl-GSl‘dea to the C.P.R. station. and in an inst weakening tendency. woman a sort of nervous degenerate. and her power to control herselfâ€"her power to shut off steam, to siddtreoI .un annoyance or conquer a fright-q grows as she practices it. By ever! act of calmness she gains in the on, . in a deSDfltCh t0 sentials which keep her spirit calm Mall. from Mafeking, dated and free from agitation. 1191118. says I- "To sum up,'if we are at the he 4 . "Last Friday thirty-three natives of a household is it not wise to set its issued forth to recover some cattle machinery in operation as smoothl’ and as judiciously and as early as p0 ,si-ble every day and °hen to let it , to the Boers, who surrounded alone? Is it not Wise to allow othe them while they were sleeping, and to carry their own burden and n3 shot them all but one, giving no quar- force upon them, with even gentle deb potism, submission to our will in mach ters involving no principle? And is . ter. One escaped to tell the tale. not self-control, after all, the mood “The natives are now mad for re- winsome and beautiful accomplishment venge, and lit will be very difficult to} control them. “The bombardment continues. Our ‘which can ever be attained by a hume‘it up to the end being 8" of March aggregated 368 in killed and W'hile stockers are quotably un- hanged prices are weaker. Bulls, feeders. ' and malarial typhoid. . . . . . , , , , Lady Sarah Wilson, Being in such unusually light sup- exam of the garrison’s spirits, owmg to the Daily ly sheep and lambs weie firm at the reports that Gen. Me thuen had sus- Sunday, rices which have lately ruled here. tained a reverse at Fourteen Streams. sist the town. The signs of the siege continuing until the end may be producing strong reactionary effects. The bombardment continued, though the deepatch does not indicate that it was any more severe or more dis- astrous than formerly. The bread eaten in the town, being Hogs are firm at the prices of last esday. ° For prime hogs, scaling from 160 to Following is the range of quota- Cattle ‘ casualties to combatants .3425 s i 75 , , , . . made entiiely of cats and full of wounded.” EXERCISE AND BEAUTY. l but. fortunately, the wind kept the _ .. ment providing that re-counts' mightlBl-lwherv chowe, do. _ - 362, 4:31“: g . . fire away from mos; of the business HELP THE HOMIF‘LESD’ ' be had" where the majority did nothuwheri “96¢ l0 good‘ - g“) 300 . - â€"~~'----’â€"-â€"-â€"--â€"---~ ~--â€"-â€"- The greatest impediment to haunt: districts and from th t ~ Fifteen thousand peOple have been ' exceed 200. géhtcher, inferior; . . :75?!) 3:91 9 not in any way responSible in this and the one most constantly met with . ‘ 3 11103 preten- rendered homeless by Friday‘s conflag-i The bill was reported. lockers, per 9“ ' - - 3 a 3 ~ "‘- case. is a tend no to embon 'nt tlous reSidental streets. Those burned ration in Ottawa and Bull. It wasl INSPECII'ION OF BOILERS Sheep and Lambs. Mr..McCleary said that; he had also e I p0i ’. out are chiefly the ‘Korklng pOpula- , the work of but: a few hours. Thei‘ The s 3,1 ‘ 'tt . t.d t gSheep, per (3,“, . ‘ 300 ‘4 35 . said inthe House thattheie was no The luxury and ease of the lives they tion which [act .v t fire commenced in Hull,‘.swept through: . pea“ commi ea appom e .“l Yearlings per cwt. , 450 .650 * ammunition in Hamilton, London ortlead, the small amount of exercise. . sex es 0 render the th "t t )f th t ’t l’ k" d th conSIder Mr. Carscalleins bill prowd- ., _ .. , ’ , , , "â€" lToronto readin- an article in The <t l . _. . . dlSI-m-‘S all the greater. luiiiliei‘ESilisland athglgilldcwiichpseg’ ing for the examination of stationary f Biilcllff l‘;:’::,tea0h‘ 3553 333 JAPANESE HVIMIGRATION. lCathariiies Stagi‘ in support of his xeither 9115751031 or mental, thCh {P91 J Trim gast- lumber piles and mills of arate Hull from Ottawa, and then “Queers and the inspection 0f boilers, . I ’ p Milkei's. and halves. Sir Wilfrid Laurier read a state- ,_statemonc.' ,take. the quantity of rich, indigestible d . ooth. the lumber klhg of (‘un- drove with irresistible force through ; met. yestlerday and decided to take nolOows, each. -. . . . 25 45 00 meat from the Deputy Minister oft Dr. Borden replied that, anyone who lfood which they habitually consume. to a and'llrlfbldent. of the (anada At- ,, populous district of the capital. The : 3051011., «ii-11008.11 appnovmg topomecx-l Calves. each. . . . 2W 1000 T d d C . - th f 'made such a statement did not know lall these things and many more, grad- 3(ntic railway. :iie gone completely. (irkfighters were powerless. Nothin ,f tent of:..he principle 0‘ the b1“. 1113i, Ho 3. re e an ommerce “'1 re erence :what he was talking about. As ama'ts l uall tend to 8 oil the ll ure and fee.- " 3150‘ are “ll-”1”“ “’90“ "1‘11‘035 could stop the progress of the flames. F recommended, however, that! steps .be g ,. -., to Japanese immigiation It showed 1ter of fact, the officer commanding? y p ‘ g l at luinlei' belo‘nglilg to the Unit Export No tiime was given to the peOple to: taken ”PIE Y6?!" to.-have a strict in- Oholce hogs, per cwt- . 99.0 0:5 that the number of .laps coming toéthis particular battalion had this day ! tures 0f women by burying then} 1‘ etc" and the hxpori Lumber to, both save any of their belongings. For them spectaon oi boners in factories. Light hogs, per mil." . coo §§0 this country had been reatly exagâ€" sent forward a requisition for the am. 3 layers of superfluous flesh. Yet it ll J . whlch are heavy 1956”” as are “3“" old and young. sick or well, it was luc‘kl LIQUOR LICENSE ACTS. ,Heavy “038’ per UM“ ‘ .5 L0 ”3’? g . fmunition which he Shuuld have had in lcomparatively easy for a. woman 0! “”30 thfi" BFQIISUWV“ “SI-8”! CO-i which if they escaped with t eir lives. Fif- Several hills to amend the inuni’c-i-i-S‘Ows' ° ° ' ' "300 3") gerated, and Of these who did comestore constantly. He explained that? t' d 'h l t' had still ill 1 i ,- h. . . . ' . . .' ibtags. , . . . . . 300 225 . . . . - . _. . - , . . , , . correc, an vs 0 esome propor ions to "ilmour anal H utilitieiI on and. Thai-teen thousand of t m are toâ€"daypml drainage and liquor license acts: Toronto Ma 1 “heat" There isa a gleat many “(:18 in transit to 0th .there is an ample supply. of 4313111111-. u C ,‘ . -‘ - _ l , ' .â€" ,' .â€" . . inill are gonzg :ggetuhiéixber‘ptiges and Without sheltei. They are our own , were Withdrawn. Among. them: wasl y No emigrant is allow- ' tion at Toronto and London, and a SUpi. ;retain them. But she must not b. are l ed to leave Japan except under Gov- ply at Hamilton. -i .S t'.'f' intifl Red and white Owing to the fact lazy he mus sacri ice so 0 r u . . , , that the ammunition for the l"-«pound it th ~ t' f h d 1 ok ,. .- -r _2. . .,.t , . , , .-- _, ,1 a. .90 .epreservaiono er‘goo‘os. Edd's pulp mm, we“, am on t he L t . d‘ .1 l . , 1, t‘ g the prohibited hours. 21:13:31? (till 11-2: xiii 8:310???) it'llcebnl: F ledgmdengturiliiili‘eiisudxfl, 2:11:33: Otliali: 531:8 Kastcorctlitti'and high. eilplaswl? It 3 IL 18 no easy thiilng to met 01f some . . . ‘ ' < " l-Z ‘ - ance. e in ivit ua s, inunwipia i ies,' , ,' . , ‘ ; . . - ‘1, .. g ' «' ‘i a e . , ep 3 things on an he eC :Of this “too, too so id flesh" When once in“ ti” succumb t" the flames. 511100 I in f8“. all P'Usmble 388110168. come at! . THE. 801‘ UbING PO? .ER 310“ 'f‘rei‘gh‘t to N?“ 'York.'_ bprlng l therefore, quite certain that: the .‘l‘api-i where there was good magazine 80-. ‘it gets a headway in one's system. 0le In the afternoon the city has l once to the relief of the homeless. In 00m3mtl98 on the municipal ;1m-,\Vhed.t 1‘" bt{Md-V “l “6", 64*" Man“! . . commodation. The batteries were 'However it can 1).. done Embon 0mg been almost. CR1! Off from. the out- . endment act, containing the amend- l toba wheat; is steady at 80" f9" NU° L l connng to Canada are not pauper-s, be- allowed to take ammunition home loan be treated successfull. and health- side world through the destruction of ' l’mients to the municipal act; madeghard grinding in iranSit Sal-nia, (38 l-Zlc ; cause that class could not obtain the from camp with them. ‘full in but one wa all ,vaunted an” the Canadian Pacific railway station WILL RETREAT To MOUNTAH‘Sl during the session“. Mr. \Vhitney oar-afloat F0” “"“mm May and 79 11° l certificate Of character required to en-s ‘ F0 '- ' ' t - l ‘y ” d ' y. d' ' ' t t and the. ruin of the track the tiesl .‘jected to limiting the amount of bonuslNorth 33)“ l h t - t IN. RELATION 9b [Hh MIDDLM" iducters an tpilttgl: as: mine. '0 he be"18‘ seti on fire and the rails spread "'- . iwhich amtunicipality might grant to 10? Flour~-Is Sl‘fadl‘“ C‘U’S 0‘ Ontario : able t em 0 emigra e. , __ , _ f hit: for“? ‘Baht?§’.”sl{9d that ci'lcoriihiirivazoigvzo agfpcnf‘cormc eye. by the heat of burning, lumber piles, l‘he Lydenburg District Now Beingi per cent. of its annual revenue. Heafgutenlt3 aretqugitttzdtgt $2.80 to $3.85 in; TRADE WITH WEST INDIES. to? the 3mg}: 3: Ltohg’éfi’nn JPIUrma‘L’F’” tem of diet and to take a reasonable Most of the tele ra h in . z ' ‘ ‘ said the effect of this we ldtbe to re? arre 5 wes . u 0 31'8" ml 3 “F85 .. _- . . - l ' . - ' a FM} 0011 18‘ ‘ , . down. g p “ 8 are 1130 Prevxsxfmed' lvent a small municip lity’drom glghhlgetting 20c to 35c more. Manitoba i 5” LOWS Dames informed Mr. KIWI" ents whoawere reported missmg somelaidl adequate amount 0f natural. . Every effort; is being made to re- The London Times Lorenzo Marques: ing a bonus, and- an gested that thelflour is steady at $4 to $4.10 for . bach that whatever trade arrange-I time Since, and of'whoml nothi lw 0 esome eaerctse. ‘_ have the distress of the homeless and «correspondent says. that credible Wit.- Any drastic and lsudden treatment should. however. be carefully avoided. One of the greatest magnates for attracting health is diet. But here it must be admitted that “what is one man's meat is another man’s poison." The fat woman and the lean woman. the rosy woman and the anaemic wo- man. the robust woman and the weak womanâ€"each one must adopt a differ- ent regimen. The woman inclined to embonpoint must eschew such fatten- ing food as breakfast cereals, Wheat, corn and graham breads; meats, soups and gravies containing a superabund- ance of fat; fish preserved in oil, such as salmon. sardines, anchovies, 6cm; , vegetables containing starch or sugar, at the young such as peas, beans, beets. oyster exhausted on plant, egg plant, potatoes, turnips, and t- carrots; sweets, pies, puddings, can- ng, had He made special re- ,Private Morris of the first reported, missing four and whose parents were ress for want of further bakers.’ est .’ Since been heard. lference to l contingent l I ; inents Trinidad or other British W l India Islands may make with the Unit- . .,. , $16 to 816“” ;' ed States, the Imperial authorities No. Bis quoted at f will not permit these islands to es- _c west. gtablish any uckwh-eatwls steady at 510 to 52¢ Canladu'. l RAIN Y RIVER RAILWAY. 9 , weeks since, I in great; dist discrimination against DQWS- Dr. Borden said. there were fifteen men reported missing some time smce, 6 west and 54° 5 ' ' . . . , [and Colonel, Otter, who was asked for i Mr. Busted was told by Mr. Blair , areport afterwards! reported they had l . lthat several contracts have been en- . . . . ' tered into with the Rainy River Rail- l fifiguigii digifigfigaihiyaiâ€"gglggfig . ,' lowing to. some impii‘Oirieties. ow-i last sesSipn, but_none of ever, he would make fiirther inqiiiriesl the money has yet "39;” V‘Id'w iin reference to; Private Morris, and 3. mi lied are quoted at 26 l THE PORI‘O RJCIATN' TARIlsF. , would be glad to give any information and white at; 27c bid and 27 1-202 In reply to ,Mr. Kaulbach, Sir Wil- ' he could obtain. {frid Laurier said that the legisla- l Mr. Borden explained th y at $3520 for cars 3 tion at Washington appeared to‘ be man in quiestion {an out r barrels here. lintended to establish a discrimma- the march from Belinon en the duty on fish and oth- bran at $15 west. yeâ€"Is steady at 5:2. . 406 for Canada, 0 F ' ‘ .. . - . i I ' l ‘ . all: Foisciiewixgllgf 1digital?)wqj’l‘ciitreodn{if l Way Company for portions of the 11116 mand is_ fail. and 8' l subsidized y- Willie al'fl QU'U'lLOdl age and $3.30 to at 620 east and" lion betwe 610 bid west. lei‘ products of C‘anada, exported to AT MAFEKING 3:23;}?(lgflgfélfiacgfizlfgffif' 53:31:: brigade of the C‘hau-diere. and a Sgfig'rhe Boers Are Fleeing Along the SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES. StDi'hssledhogs in waggon lots on the ‘ Porto Rico. from Canada, as compared 79000 ' vermicelll. c. . She. should never at the Ottawa fire departiment wer'e Lad b d R d T.h-e.sup-ple.mentary estimates of the $71.48; it €317e’6050-d‘iy’ .“816 quoted at. Wllh. grinds? Elf al‘Slgnflz‘u. Chillrdta'er .- . drink liquors, Wines, milk 01‘ malt bev- doing what :hcv would to‘keop down y Pan 0a ‘ Ontario Legislature were laid onlhe Porko :5, ' ,1 1pm 0“ t' _ _ [orplorsttet 0 la 18‘3" t “E? tfe thn- Town Can Hold Out Until the erages. a... ... ....... w... tabla r laser-3r .......... ii. " W W w 35......29:1...h2.‘f£."c.2.m;.‘;i .3: m... .. im- .5}. *i.:°:.:;:°:ir..:.° alas: a,” $333.13;ifilétféeigezfeila{331513;lEa: istsued tthe followmgd’rom Poi-d 8:31 vae-rnmenla . ain't.) ow; @1501)" Smoked and Dry Salted Meatsâ€"Longlmade any overtures to the United A. despatch from London, fl‘hursday, to eat._ They are suggested by the . m on the blaze‘ the fit; “pram m)“.- c. or a, do. ed B oemfontein. Apiil .5, Legislation. . . . . . . 400.00 cleai bacpn. cart lots. loose 8 l-4c. do‘States in reference to the matter, Sir says zâ€"h‘urther rep-Mtg- {mm distress- very things she must avoid, hem; idfy. Even at. Considerable (11%“,th l 32°91’13“ Administration of Justice. 3,750.00 (gased 1.5%,“; ,ton and case l0“: 3 3-40; “nil“! statedthat fit ‘{?S.€;q§:°:tlc ed Mafeking declare that though there the” 'dw’fetf“? oppoSites. away from the original fircarea many! ”The enemy retired from in “01,": .Educoation. , o, k ' ; - - 7555-00 treiiitf‘ifl bacon. 110 to 120; backs, 11° affair cancfirhfinthvgminiliénet (image are water food, and ammunition there Nii‘tht Lrevefi: Hating: £03m 43nd houses were set. :iblaze by burning'of Wepener last. might, and this Public Institutions. mainten~ . ,. f’ f -..c, shoulders, 90; blunts. 110 to as 19 “ ‘c e 0 t t' 0 id be h' ' l' t til the middle of bug d"h0 e 1 , a ’1) a. pro uo- embers. , " morning fled north-eastwards along lance. . . . ,, 2,263,00l130’ F0113: 9‘3 t0 91‘36; green meats out “0113“" any represen a 1°“ c u 83009: lo «18 un . -, â€" ~ . mg is es, :1 says remem ering. hour. It. was thought at first that )Liin the Ladybrand road. Agriculture, , , , , , , . 6,3“).00 0f Pickle “Te quoted gall. to less- than made. ‘ ., w w , May, they are only so on a restricted eveli’h'that till: Him-7’} "Ever .‘ndl‘lgf’. m estreet, the business DOrtion of the “The" "number was between 4'000 Government buildings, re- smoked. r l . ST‘DAMSHI‘P bU'BbIDY' 5031*". the food not being mm.” :han :gymaliltger hiiw Eligh 6:0(iindigesti town, might be saved, bl“ the fire ,hnd 5,111). - meS’ .‘ . ‘ ' ' ' 2’301'31' liar‘d-Jlierces 85-80‘ {tubs 8340' and H0“ Sydney Fisher has made ar- enough to barely sustain life. Two tempting it: may be D ucing “I came down there destroying all thel -- Pu‘blic buddings. . . . . 14,386.39 pads JG" rangements to continue the present t ° stores, the Bank of Ottawa building, E FRONT. Public works. . . 13,750.00 Buffalo, 'LBF‘T FOR TH Colonization roads. Miscellaneous. .21,oso.oo Steady: N pints of soup and two quarts of 0a May 1-“SP1'1'18 bran are everybody’s daily rations. hilt wheatn system of subsidies to 0. P. R. lines. 0. I Northern. * 59011 753-40; He gives notice of a resolution to ' t. e sie e lasts much lon er it will ' \ i - - - - 28,230.27 NO' 2 Northern. spot/13:3 4"; NO- 1 ha rd. provide for the lgranting of a subsidy It; tdifficglt to find more gnu”, one PRISONERS BADLY TREATED of Mr. Champagne. .\I. P.. and every- So-Called 0° S~ Ainbnlanee COPDS ' -; . -â€" 731-40; N0. lNorthern. 711-40: No. 2 for steamship service, between Bfl- ration. . -â€"‘ thmg‘ “8° 0" the ““5“" Fighting With the Boers. TOlal- - - ~ . . -8106.060.97 N9.”h°m~ 69.1“1"?«N0- 3'SPring. 67 3-4c. tish Columbia and China and Japan. A census, which has just been tak- The British Camp at Waterval Una The original area 0f the fire 8Xtend- . . ~ . In addition there is an item of $80,- W inter wheatâ€"No, 2 red, 73; mixed, the amount notto exceed £15” per ed over four blocks from the south The London Daily Mail’s Lorenzo - - ddo of Philemon 721-20; No; 1 white, 72c as en, shows that the population num- ‘ - . . es of legisla- ked. Corn annum for a monthly serVLce. 01‘ £25.- bers 7,250, fit for Habitation. street to \V right Marques correspondent, telegraphing tion, public institutions, maintenance, -â€"No. 2 yellow, 451-4c; No. 3yellow, 000 per annum for a fortnightly ser- CANADIANS [N A FIX A despatch from Durban says ;.. .tgeat and bet“-een Chaudiere and [under date 0‘ Wednesday, says that and balar‘les of the OfflCPl‘S of the Gov. 441-2C; N0. 4yelm, 43 1-20; N0. 2 vice. 'COlflr'StOrage apparatus “111 be ' - . LIIIChGH, the engineer at the Pro. Bridge ”"8“" A fact that rendered lthe Irish-American brigade consist- "1mm!“ and Civil Service for the corn, 441-40; No: 3 corn, 43 3-40. Oats installed in the vessels selected, and , ' -â€" toria water works. who was expelled the 1"" “1°“ €1°Stmcme .WM that ing chiefly of the mem'bers'or the so- ”nth °f January, 1901. It is under- -â€".’Firin-; No. 2 white. 291-4 to' 29 1-20; every effort ma“ ‘0 9““ ““r "a” Got in a “right Place, But Were w i 1,. Transva i (‘rv h most 0‘ ”‘9 buildings which were lcalled ambulance corps left: Pretoria stood that. this is rendered necessary No. 3 whiteaizs 1'-2 :to 28 3â€"40; No, g with China and Japan in fresh meats, â€".. . m ”E trtcated. ‘ U1 , *, ,,_wza~-,.tl-ernmgqt,r,§e it”; . burned at first were of wood. People Saturday under C01, 313'“ me, being by the refusal at the Lieutenant-Gov- white, 28c; No. a igped. 26,120; No.8 eggs. buttergnytfi, 019: ,,, .. .2: .:..,.- W 3‘- «am-ES: 1‘}de [igfe- he reports thatftherBrlJ-J - “0 “"4. ”'0 °r ”"98 Sm“? 8W9)" addressed by President K'ruger. they ““1” to sanction an overdraft for the named. 26. Rye-4 fancifspot. 621-9ib KMLfiJifi'rI‘ON FOR THE MILITIA.‘ Bloemfontein, April 23--Durinsthe "a“. 5"‘3‘5‘7‘37‘3 .0811?!) at Wat-01““ l. on becoming aware of the flying on}. responded to the address with an purpose before the Legislature met 63c; asked. Flourâ€"Quiet, and steady, D r Borden r lied to the statement , course of General Alderson-‘s advance unfit for habitation. The mom? ' gigséessififig ligpepg‘fnsatiiigrtlig billildr American college ch09" THIRD READINGS. Cgifcavgvo’ thiamiéglam. closedz- made by Mr cCleary that when a l on Leeuw flip the Canadians found :gfaiii’fh (3333?: ofirwafi: andTfian-tq f". - . . . . '0 ' .08 an '. t, . ’ ' . . . ' ’ . . I . . .9 u l 8. . . lugs. Many more people commenced “$21331 ciggogdbills were read athird $1.73 biquay, 81t.7‘2;i:btptemb.:r. $1182; campaigy 0’ mgllltlétgeizd cglalsedngu;;:‘ themselves in a tight corner Slunday Jority. of, prisoners urge compelledmt‘c is“? 3'2]; £2.23: gimfiglgnifififiv 1: BURNED AS PUNISHMENT' mtg; th’sentral Canada Loan October, .l°15".' fixii‘iionmihfit yinduct; the battalion ' near Donkersport. The Canadian 3:356” “16,1096; N0 resident doc. T»- . e , -* ‘ . v - . . - ' . . . c " ' " “- .- ....... m... .. m... .,,,,-,,,.,, mam... Cm...“ 53mm... 5...... marital" eraser-a w m .irmirhr-mlfa‘ir tag: ' li°t22i “as pictures: aiflwfauiit'r‘éi‘ffd’ ll??- . . ,I a = - ° ’ v .9 0 o , ‘ o 0 , ' ° . . _° . admindaézzwminutes they were a we" Fm "POE su-‘rveyorsâ€" 1'. Davis. respecting land 71 1’2“ Maya ”1'2“ Jul” "1‘2“ :fm‘txhgnbdliihhn was albne 1i?) blame. ‘ ”Gerardo 0’an farm flying the hospital 18 ago“ andflilnuddy. Pretoria sym- ~ ‘ . y . ~. A d t h’ f Bl f . amend- th‘e act; to Nerve the W‘- By a: general» order, issued in 1898, ’ flag under cover of which the Boers an"? “H .prisoners ha?“ 3"” é DISi .thSSTNG SCENEb. . 839%: 0 tom oem 03““ P3133 forests from destructionâ€"Mr. Davis. MENTLY WMABBE' each' commanding officer was required opelie'd such a hot fire on the Cana- forte 9)? ”mum‘s them “nth ”a“ < Queen“? in! m Hull 3661,13“ to,“ “man"? 3 “f?" m." Leouyv 309. 'no amend the Algonquin National Was the lecture should I I - r to keep in reserve at: regimental! head.' dinne- that they were unable to at- ' . ,- -.-.--,._.,.¢.,,,. . , with not ;. the most distressing from which. while fliruyea white the. Park actâ€"Mr. Davis. . that the boturer npoko h. n. .1 quarters fifty rounds per carbine. or tempt to retire. until. another force â€"".'“ .3: ”mi . _ A?!” Many dmiuhélrenhwm hhd 3:9,, $32313;an vie?“ 112$” Richhtas Lino among. this not! mung the truth! ' rifle. of their establishment for use in l of Canadians covered their retreat by unsung..." mac 0; ”“9”“, ‘ “3 "0““ r 011193 ‘3 611' . ° 91' W 30°“ 7 0f Upper Canada -- Mr. on. 110' it was clothed in most pro- service in aid of the civil POW": 0" for threateni ‘ . ..~.~,. feet were compelled to seek 189* prisoner. Gibson. ' ‘ ' per innate. active service. v’ ng the rear of the Boerpos Headquarters was tion.

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