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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 May 1900, p. 5

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One week in the editorial chaii‘l The Caifadian recently placed in was enough for Rev. C, M. Sheldon'court 88 cases againsc subscribers and he will have nothini.r more to dc Who would not pay UP after being He has found notified, In every case judgment Dr. Burd, M. C. P. 83 S. O. Successor to Dr. PARK .5 Are Youss , 1 with editorial work. MILL STREET, - Licenses in South Grey. The License Commissioners of. 1 Q . . - . , - .oath Gie me I ~ ' . .., \. a . ithat it is easier to talk abou: running was granted at the rate 0f 51-00 per Holstein lai‘ wt‘kn tdhenjllhge 10f ‘“ DLL‘HAJ' . . 11 .x- ' .d't d "0 war. About 200 more cases are be- . 3'“ cc an giante “9 a pap i an gite tne e i or a we. 3 _ 1 {01101111111011cenges1 __ 11 _ 11-: 1 35' Ire . itlian it is to edit the paper himself mg prepared, and W1“ 1319. placed ”1 ° . F ° .5: ‘ lThere are thousands of Other news- court in about two weeks 3f the arear- Moltke. Christian Hergott. Grant- E J FREEL M D C M ‘ lpaper critics who would meet with ages are not settledâ€"VViarton Can- ed. .1 . . ’ . " . g Just remember that all your lthe same experience if they were to adian. Neustadt, AligUSt Mei‘kel Granted. ’1 ONOR GRADUATE or TRINITY . strength 1must come from your 1try what. they could do in this line. ‘â€" Neustadt. Louis Himmier “ 1 College Toronto: Member of th": (.‘ni- fOOd' Dld you ever thlnk or i 1 â€"\Vroxete1‘ Star. On the strength or a. telegram sent; H George La France “ l lege of Physicians and Surgeun.‘ ()ntai'iu: thgt pha. 1 d ’___ by Chief hicAulay, Edward Sprcule1 1 H Philip Young i; 1 Meinbenot the DetrOit Medicala:.d Library er 138 your muse es nee g 1 D‘ 11 1 1 _ 11 1 11 “1110 a painter. was arrested m Toronto on Ayton Peter 111 Dierstein u 1 Association. Six yearshospitalexperience. 0 more strength, or your nerves; Milli-T l ”- P’fiSt “69‘ ‘l mu ' Tuesday dimmed with h-wino- stolen u H R' 1 '. l or perhaps your stomach is 'states that he hails from the Western 11‘111'11'1 8' 1 h 1 ‘ hf 11 1. 11 . inge 1 1 RESIDENCEâ€"Old Hunk inildiux. ”l'lm‘ll“ ‘7' weak and cannot digest What States and is buying up thoroughbred 3 180 ° 11 0t “a 0 mm a e ow1 John Zettle held over tlll l maximums imbashup,171.1...i..p.,.m.L'U'itiIAM. you eat. 1.111118 (m. a wealthy 1.1111c11man out painter7 Albert Young. Both young1 next meeting. . ' If you. need more strength west has been endeavoringtoswiudle men were amnpflst Master Painter1Normanby. Henry Bieinan, Granted. --â€" ~--- - then take 1111111818 and 110011111011 111 111811811111- Dean’s force which was working on1’ Varney. VV.Crawford ‘ w S DAVIDSON ' g ,- 1101110011 of Stratford. In only one the C. P. R. steamers. When the 1 Allan Park, Sarah Ann Forsytht“ . . ’ 3 ' sea 1 I 8 case is it known that he succeeded. men were Paid 050” Monday 5PV0019'E1mW00d. John Lake .. _1 ' ‘ ‘ ' J - . u . 7 . :XRI{IS’FER, N()rlv:x1{1’: (1%))- 0 “1111 in tllal Cilse, fOl‘lllllilt813's hlS left forâ€"1‘10iont311and Yougg S ‘vatCh1 6‘ A. RuSS‘VOl'm ‘6 VEYANCER. Etta, Etc. § EMULSION 11111-11 W115 not large. His scheme is was missmg 19:,- “818 oth board-1 Hanover, Mrs. Winkler “ 3 ~ to 0381. .1 ”(011 rice {01. S101.11 much ers at the Coulson House. Young1 " V. Kirchner ~- Monev to Loan at reasonable rates and on O .. . . l P J p l , laid an information against S iroule I “ P ' ' ‘ terms it? suitborrowei- 01’ Cod-L1ver 011 With 331”" . more than they are worth. and thenl . ‘ b ' l“ 1i 1 eter Seip held over till 1 ‘ " ' 'â€"'§â€"â€"gâ€" ' - ,' . . - , - . i U‘ .wB__\g,I11.1.e 1,111.1. ,U1.1.1.11,1_11._1.1..1 phosphates. The QLtlBthe most i get the farmers to advance the nec- “”11 the d 0‘? icsu t” Ch'ef MC 1' “93“ meeting. ' W'll . ., - z H ”(I l 3 ) ) M l h l m Wged of all foods into essarv amount to brovidc for the ARMY “'91” to Foronto yesterday af'101’0hm'd, John Collins. Grant-ed. '0 11 ‘81) soon be all done on a C8181] baSls’ and *5' . ' . . .. ‘ ' o \ ~ . .: \V . . 7 v o v . 7 -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-~â€"- - . § strength; and the hypophos- 111115181101 the 1181111118,, 111 1119 On- ternoon’to bring the piisonei back.1Hols1eiii. Geoxge Klemp .. _ :» 11131"? 10“ 59“ eveiythmg else that 9:083 : 1 g phites are the best tarp, Stock Bookâ€"Mt. 1911...)“ Rep- Sproule 3 home is in Markdale and he Dunoalk, Dan. Ried “ I4 0 youi place for “as", and why not sell Butter l W. I... MacHENZlE, . . tonics for the nerves. 1.9891111111101 is said to be the son of a former ho-l “ Martin Boiger "- i; :l ““1 Eggs for cash 1’ Old-fashioned-folk think 0 l \' \‘D IV‘TR \\‘C ‘ \(‘I‘V'l‘ ‘ 800113 EMUL" â€"-â€" 1 tel keeper liere.-â€"O. S. Times. [Since1 ‘I J, F, Magher .. Q’lé because a merchant offers them in Store Goods ' E 1 0A. .~\.CU\11.11:151.1\1:01111 . .. .. . g 1 SION 13 tile eaglest Three weeks ago Tuesday. Eugene the foregoing was put in type we Durham, S. Beatty .i _ : a cent a pound more for Butter. than it is really . 1 1 : weak throats, for ~ , . _ b 0. dl Ed 41. . - - \\ tr 1' rr ' t k' ' ‘ C()“.\:ISSI().\.EI: 531 H. (J J. C'illfK'tlUllS, . coughs ofevery kind, Of CO“. 2, NOI’ITXKUb)‘, left 011 the e {5101111 858.â€"- '] C. lxnapp " ‘ :’ ac 111° 01 rue lug Wlth then-1' : pruxnplly attended to. , £ ardforallcases ofde- North-weSt excursion fiom Mt. For- .........._.â€"__. Dornocli, “.1 O’mai'a “ . 9% *1. 110113.15 111111 1115111111100011'11011111 “111111111 111.111: blhty, weak nerves, § esc along with the crowd which de- Rob Roy, \V. Ryan H . :1, : 1 1111.1 Companvaml Private 19111111,. m 111,111,111 § and loss of flesh. 2 parted then. On Saturday his dead A THOUSAND TONGUES. Conn, \Vm Curry “ Qé *l Rt 5, 3; «'Uld 6 D6: COIN} ”315111111115: .‘Ulll llpuil1 g SOC. and 3:100:31! druggist. g? body arrived bile llel'e l‘l'Olll (ilenboro Could th express the rapture of PrOtOU Station, J. A. V'll'tua “ z}; : : term-””5”” ""“"‘U-‘° g SCOTTBO‘N):E,Chcmists. Toronto. 1; Man. _It appears the young man. Annie E, Springer, of Philadelphia, HopeVille, John Scarlett " -§§ There’s a Cash Price for Ever thin *l A General Financial Business 'l'ra:i.-acted.1‘ QWWWWWU aged L.) years, caught a cold on 1118 Pa.. when Dr. King’s New Discovery ’ -â€"Hanover Post. ' - :1, y g : 1 OFFICE-I door NorthufS. Scott'sStnrc. E â€"-â€"â€"â€"__.__._______________ “EU/'10“ “'lHCh developed {Ni-0 pneu- cured her of a hacki 1g cough that Qé In 111 . ‘ld d , %‘ ‘ 1i anl-llil. and tel'lnlnated '1‘111 death for lnai'n‘V' ).ea1rs had made life 31 bur- ,.__ -.â€"1â€"o-00 5f ..._.â€".... .1 .:\ 1:12)“?ionlced, igattgle bestl farmers. 8:8 n0“v : 1 W i ' _ _ ' 7 . , - 1 . ,- 1 c . .l . v1, . 4 ' , , . le on wa IS 0 l #11 1 Exchange Echoes \\ BdUPSdclj Of ldSb \\ 89h. 1 It: fllnoel 1den‘1 Sue says . ‘ Aftel all other NORMANBY COUNCIL. 1- ‘Ié Y .. y % 1 1 1 0 al took place Sunday from the family1 remedies and doctors failed, it soon .1 .\ o l â€"...â€". .â€"_..- . v. _ > . . . . . . 1‘ v o ' - . l The Cement Question Again. . . .. le‘slde‘me and (““01” “mm!" ‘\3 ton ' removed the WW1 “1 my chest and I The council of the townshi) of -' 0'3 SE“. FOR CASH the" BUY our GOODS f0! CASH I .tlr. lloiikzns. irom near Orchard to the Orchardville cemeterv and was . 1 (11 1° 1 . 1 ~ \\ y 1).. .. «11.13. 1.1 \’,--,..m.u.1,\. Tum“. . , . 1 D , can now 3 eep 50“" Y» 5(1)th 1mg 'Normanby met on April the 12th in » ‘ " " “Fm he'll“! 1"» “'1'” “will”? C011" M. cousui of Mr. John Heaucv. of Pick- I f ’31 l'k l' 't ' ' ' ‘° ° D 1 1 1111 111.1 _ 11 101111111111 11111 1110 11 Cl b ,1 1-1 11 e. l e $0111“ ing 1511Plalses present. I‘he minutes of former ._. .__ .. - ._. .-, «)1 t. till \lli.‘ .\ - ' tr“ \ r'_-1 . ‘ ~ ~ 1 . . eai Sn. It is .t1pleasm1t to ste1 1- 1 1 111 11 _1 .11 1 111 1 11 d)“ b 7 0 e ”009” t 0195‘ throughout the Universe. Dr. 1 meetings were read and 0011511119111 SLXCll a Ie')1yr}le (111(1 llltf.l.(sllll‘r z(.t_1lil‘3li.\.hll'. ‘1‘.)II(L1A\Q \\ Ill.) '9 C alllllfi ‘5 I\'§L)1.esel)t:ltl\'e. 1" O" N D. , . ° . t 3d _ n ., 1 .â€" 1 1 11 11 1 _1 1 1 “.1111 1 1 1 ring s - ew 1800\813’ IS guaian 9" The followintr answer was received ter in your last week s issue. treat- ' ‘ :10 1‘11“â€"â€"‘ :1 1“ M1110“ Hilf‘va-‘lb - - â€" - to cure all troubles of the ' hroat, from the (11811211111 \lanawer 0.1 1.18 mg of cement. l‘hat is what the 1‘” “‘l“‘1“‘1~1- “llw‘lil 1. 11. up In? x The home of David Willis. Norman- Chest or Lungs. Price 500 an $1.00. Grand Trunk 3.11““; 0.1; on . 1.8111 ‘. . . .-. . â€" '. £.".“Il'i{é L'. l'. ' ' ‘.'A"¢ ' . ‘ . 'l' ' “' £~ public looked fOi for some tinm. 1“ H _‘1 ’1 , f-‘t‘ m ”on” by. was- the scene ofanotlier salerial bottles free at all drug stores. t' , t 11., ' k p 5’ . It is the fir-it ct) , 1., (h. “3.1” 11:1.131.,.1*.e:ti's so it l.\' Sltlél. Aâ€"llerzild. , T “d , , g , n, ”e 0 00ml) “Hts as to accomOdi‘ltlon . . b ‘â€" (I ‘ L n . ‘ â€" ’ 1 e‘ent 011 lllllb a) ltlDl. \\ hen Elléa -"““‘â€""~.°. .â€".-gâ€"â€".~ for the tI‘ 11' (7‘ b1' ‘. V “t' 1 tion in the discussion of this very? '- - ._.- C l' ' 1' t 1' ll 1. . . \\"11° . ave ”15 pu 1c M * eus ‘1'“ t 1 1 1 1 onno 5,. ie in 0 ie ,t L 1 mm DI ‘TRICT D and A 'ton . .. All 11858111,..1. t important question. However. it is; .\(il_l(3i1"illlil'l1\'. who was returning Brannigan, passed away. aged, 86 b OTS' st )1 b '1 1 tale '1“; 1‘11”}8 not quite correct to S:LV that tlieifrcm a visit to ,l“c:‘<"'.:s friend“ ' . -~ 3‘ (1991- .. l: vdlr . "“‘ 01). a or) savions. m tiain .. 1 ,. b a yeais. > mos. an __ t.t1\s_. 1.11 3 two 1, h h 1.1 1 j 'b peoplehere are at ease and llll.llH0l'-1c‘ft)ll1ili_' ol' days ago. applied to the weeks after the death of her husband. [10ml ”3°”th head sawyer Of pasggng :1}?ng “EMU t d 0}” 1-1 a. Gilt about the "1111101.. 11.1191.(,;151 the:l);11«__5<_f:35_»10311:111 111 11111 (1". T. R depot [0 She llild been 21. victim Of Lil. Grippe BlOtte LO'S. Sit“: 111]”, Tara. \Vlllle anino \zyhlicll 31011 18 911.1). I; 8.11 l'elglylll fact is that the citizens. of Durham have her lriliy t_';ii'i'i:ige checked for fora few weeks. and tlie death of her funny; 3.0”“? maChmer-y was dragged ' CI 13111 SO“) 0 say, “6 are exceedingly anxious to sw tlief this city. 'l‘o llf’l' surprise the lady husband on fitnday, April 8th was up agalllSt “ large saw: and befm'e Gamma Stop at eustadt and Ayton. works established 5nd pushed to :t12 found. on l't'? ii‘iiiiigr to where she more than '1 lndv 011.1191 ”we 'tnd fr'til; the m‘mhmery could be StoPped had 0]“ ac.co.m.1t Of Very liettvylrlgl‘ades m successful 13.151101111111111 1111111. 11111111511111111 1111.1 .1111, 111,1.111111111111111 and her 1111111111 11011111. 5111111.. 1.1111 {111191.111 his left .eg cut off .tboxe the knee. 1:1;161311\citc110iiit31.1t10 dlo $3\\10l11( pausc l1ll€ . , , ,, 1 , 1 ( - ‘1 . capamt)’. .lialie. lli:il llit' mild. too. had been took place from the resnlcuce of her \Vm. Beckett, an Owen Sounder. 11111 11 "9 11.81.1011 11““ 131,11c8u 1t 9 l- ‘ . o 7- . n . - . v‘ a v ° ‘ ( ' 11“ .4- There can be no dis mtc ‘Ll)O'l' the J “”"V-‘W‘l {"1' l'm‘ll‘ll ”ill-l “'flS peaceful- son-iii law. David ‘vtllis. last Satur-‘ pleaded guilty 1335 week t0 Stealing L" n 0.1” “H l 1 ”l 0 mm (’ 1mm” .1, .. ... ~., 1.11 1 .1 1 1 1 d _ 1 - , 11 ,1 b 1 1,. .1 1 th ant busmess offered. While at all Clll:lllti[\' allll 11111111\- Of till) “111111.l_\ h.lt1i.llq l.l Llil .).l1__~“tlgb C(ll L111 81 (1:13' :lftel'llOOl) for tlle WVIlZOl.‘ CCllle' llte {US 0 t0] 8t soap. r0111 e {fines ynxioug to qtl'onx‘ “3e cannot and clay" both are lic‘i'e in unlimwml 1““ “3“”? C‘U'UOf ”10 baggageman. terv, the remains being: interred Seldon House, and was let off on 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ " p. 1 ‘4 _ _ - 1_ 1, 1 1. . . 11111111 1 1111111 -1_ . .. 1- dd t 1 as you Will readily understand. quantity anti COllVCllleli'H' loctttul . L l”1 him- beSide those of her liusliiiid. She 31°99“ ‘3 sen ence. . - __ ' 11 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 _ 1 1 - 1 undertake additional expense that lliere remains in; doubt tliit’ therp' _‘ “"‘ "’"“ “-‘lb it membei 0. the Plush} tctian “10$. Grimes. proprietor of the 1 b - ,- _ , ,1 1 - 1 . 1 1.1 1 , 1_ 1 .. . 1 1- , . tie uSiness will not “attain, but in 15 1111911111. 1111 0111111 1111.11.11.91 1111. 11111- .- tl:1)lttc0\t.‘t tne ownership ofa church for many years. .- nd Rev. Mr. Pacxfic Hotel, Owen Sound. one of this instance I 111111]. the 11101.0 " 1 1 ' i ‘ .1 1_ 1 . ' . 1 1 -‘ . . n _ u n _ . ' \ l 1. cement 111111 can be 1.11.01111ce111 11111111111ilm lll l.).'liillt'lhit_)ll (tciiietely has 19- Ui‘ttigie Ollicu-tted at the rsoi'ViceS of the first engineers on theold 'l‘oron- should convince 1.011 111.1: there 1'- no ‘ . . . 5 ( A 1111.931 1110511111111. 1-1.1. 1111, {111111.111;s.iitel lli action against the town for the house and graveâ€"Post. to Grey and Bruce Railway. died really good 191151511101.“1111111111111. s \Vllilb the“ (full hinder l)lll'llltlll f1'1)1ul'1:‘1~"l-:l~) ‘l1illlliL1L’1't'S. ‘1‘ ill!) ilCthll ‘3 mm "“ fl'Oln l3. gl‘lppe laSb “.881: at the age . ‘ . having 14.1111191111 \VOZ'liS? Tlltfl‘tr 1111.111 iii: llglil Hy Alls. l‘.ilZ;t DCUOHSOI). Of The fanfily of \Ii This. 01111101111 Of SlXty years. A by'la‘“, was passed to COllfil'lll [he STRATFORD 0 t DURHAM. ‘â€" V' l . 4‘ , _ . - ' o . ‘ V‘ o shrewd. enterprising; and public- 1 Ml'lll.m\m'\ ‘QQH”[3" 0“ l’t‘llilll 0f the on the back line. Melamnlion are Samuel A. Cameron, proprietor of appomtmentsof the followingolncers: ’ n spirited men in Durham. There :ti-.;>.‘""l”“"“ 0" '1‘“ 1”?" L-‘lll'iS‘ODllC-‘l' mourning this week. over the Vei'v tli R'o * H " O ' S d d' l " athmastev‘s: D' McCi‘ie, \Vm. YMNG'MEN'AND WQM‘EN SHOI'ID'EX - ‘ ' Ultili is'I)” 'tiil il“‘1‘-1trs‘-\‘ .11--. 111111161 1 1 _ , , . 8 7 Sb OUSe. “911 0111] , ieo Cl’an'Ol‘d I Wulk 1 I, ‘1 ll‘t J t-rt-ist- great care in choosing a school. ll ' moneyed men here. who made lllUll'1 1f: * ‘ ~ ' - .. ~ 1,. ~1 - t ' t sur den death of a in: lllllfl' Of tllclon Wednesday of last week, Just one ’ " l 1,1150?” M ‘ O ‘L " ' M‘m‘h" l“ .“‘-"_"-"~“." 1" ii” ”WWW?“ it» 51'0““ "0‘ e z 5 (ap " monev in the town. and who stiilf“-” ""-‘l"‘-"‘ ‘11-’5'3‘i3-1'RWOIL Sale Will familv. a vounw man about 91 Years 1- ' f .‘ l 1 l {\l' G-‘ . f Calvert, H Le‘V'S- Plios. Rogel'si "Him”l"“l“"“l~"- ““11”“3""1d““i*l°.t051'0"“ " - - - - ‘('o)l \‘t"'\‘li)l‘ of ill" Not in I‘ lle‘d' " ‘ "’ - " (a) a ter t 18 ( eati O ‘ !' “meb’ 0 Wm C ' E W B rd '° W a “HUI!" 1“! "Hurrvs‘imul with .VMI- Our t'ata' have an interest and faith in the: ” '1 ‘ l ‘ ,L l' 3 ion. of age. He had been at a, sawing bee the Pacdic Hotel. in the same town. ‘ ameion. . ‘ ° 1‘1 “m' m‘ “5‘3”“ “‘“r‘ .“m ”IN-HIT 0UP Wiwrim‘ mlvantagw -.,â€"-â€"â€"â€" Prospei'itv of the place. 'l‘liei-a are. i din. the remit) \'.ti and loss oi the 1'0- on both Monday and 'l‘uvsd'tv. racing Ovens. “7111. Ward. E. Petzverl. I). “WWW“. your Vlmrw mm. mm attendance ‘ ' ‘ 1 . -. . I n. 'i'q . i 1. z. - 'i 1,..._ ' ~' .. I . H u . «â€" .- c o..._-~~â€". ' ,7. . " - “‘ IS llll'l't":lSlll_‘_"}‘:H' ’3' V33“ â€"‘\ h I‘ll” ‘1 If f lilaliiy other advantages and filljllllit‘Sf1:141“: 1"l1 E“‘1 a l‘ll‘ll‘ll -‘ ‘Hl‘Uuml-â€" it great (lettl 0f (lit! tlllll. DOCOllllllg -‘ o Blown? J' “ Cttt, JdS. ‘ eb1be17' 5' rem-iii. stndcnls llln'dQHH't-plml gloud 3:131:33]: which Durham has. that might be 1 (-"“l'-‘“"”“ “My" heated. the blood gathered in the. One of Sheldon’s Troubles. Caldwell, Jas. Marshall. D Lextlr, A. ‘1‘3131‘1‘1‘1V1’1'lg1‘1‘l1“‘131‘11'1‘1‘121‘1‘1‘1. {1111i5115‘fi1lr from (“Midas . 1 1 1 1 , _ . ..° , , _ V , ‘.,.:i's:t-t" ; , . mentioned. which go to show clearly; - ~~- -n head causing inflammation of the] . )lcllyiide, A. Stew ait, C Bl) th. J. " I“ "H , that there is nothing to hinder hay-1l brig-.1.“ :0 ._‘;,_.g1,.11;.- by hc-r failure to brain. On Wednesday morning 1191 The advertisments seem to have Cornish. 13- Boll‘le: ill. Donaghne, ' W,J1 ELLIOTT,'Principa1. ' ing cement works, of such capacity. 5 1,11,11,11. 1;“. 1111.,1.11.g.11,1-g1.gof1111. 101.1191. felt a pain in his head but thought it 1 been a great source of trouble to Chas. “ m- Moore. J--'1ayl0ra :L MCPLQG: _ ' ' ' ‘ ' L11 .1 1 I in Durham as would guarantee llll‘1f111-11115-1 1.1 1.1.1,;111111 11.15: 191.1111“, nfght would work off. It grew worse.1.\l.Slieldon'inrunninghis paper. He J' RObe‘tSO‘“ R" Owens. L. Holliday, _ . . . . ' _. Lqéglilliliifif‘iiylgrglilflzlméigfidfllfifg'pfi. ' , u ' ' ' o c . ' I y - . o - ‘ . I ‘ J‘ _ L’: 059 ' ‘O t o growth and PI‘OSDH‘MA’ (if lllL‘. town 1’ took lim' lbw: «children to tilt) (Queen’s however, ”HUI the evening When h“? tenders the {OHOWIug ndvme: N If M. Clem) , H. Millet; In Long, Joe B aCkS lthln ' AT OLD Halli (.1urtain_s,.31.2 yards lqng.$_1.and $1.23 a W‘- tor all time to come. Being con-13 \‘t'zHH-f 1..» :11... 1.1,; 01' Baum“: street asked that a doctor be sent for, in the Christian business men in every Slioen, W- LOW-5: M- henna. AI'1C‘LI" _ _-_1 _1 .-- g ' . "amli’filfiff’r’dflm new (’“m‘m g “ 3‘“"““" vniced of all this. the question that l and :ii:.,.m1»,.;..1 1m“)- times to get what prove-kto be his last words. as city or in every country town would mount, A” :lznmerman. D' H3119“)? M ' ‘ _- PRICES. 131’?) Line", 553'?“ will“, 3503311“: ‘ presses itself is- â€"(‘)l{<_l.\.\’l'/..\'l'li’).‘< .xxn :0 1:11.11. in, Some person he became unconscious immediately support their local papers with plen- A; Ebenau, (1- 19113130” J1Z‘71 (1- 1‘3““ HR Illillt‘i‘slgnwl wishes m in “31,3325;351131123533“.i‘f‘jfffl‘f;n{3,:§'}.1'-.,,1, “‘3me and the Vii-Tl” “10“ l” llll’1ll':l_l'il the woman's strange appeal to and remained in this state until his r." 0f Howl”. Clea" advertising. the “ 111' Ellis, J. Remt’sR' lmdall’ E. tlritli‘tmiltpn‘iiii'llli tficllbxililllklilill: C leach. ' -, ~ ‘â€" B.‘ . right place to ugcoxnplish this. 1 11,-.1. 1,1‘1‘g111.1'111_~.1‘- 1111.1 1:11“. 1111, 111111.1111 death the next morning. John. the publisher of the paper would have re- Reuber, 0- 17180118181). 513.10. Eierbstv Blzurksiuithing. at 0W“- Price 10 all- ”(330221?" Table Covers, 21.2 yards lung. The town 1.0111101] 5110,1111 .111.111.1..;711i 'l‘wo lilt'llllii'l's (if lll‘.‘ National Yacht deceased. is the eldest 50" or M l‘. moved from him one Of the conSta’nt’ Duncan MCK‘nnon. H. Femk’ (J. LGI- Fittm'vinideShms "it tish E’hiltcchdSireads.hu-gc size. $1.00each. . l . 1 . ,ki.-. 11.1. ‘_ 1 V _ . 1 ' _‘ ‘1 . o 1 . . ' . ‘ ' I..- 1 : 11A,. .‘3, _o_' '1': o ‘ (r. ' 0) .. -' b .’ . . .... . 1h. 3,111.0, of the .0111, 11. .1...” .1. l ..-.........u.1 omen. He manenemeucyome temptations winch now raceshnn- Pold; Wm' HOW i: F 151193.19 Demo 1...... 1.30... r~la:iiii“é’i%8§‘"1’;.i3‘diit“:argnts'érzagg; 111.. 1119911119111 1119 911.111.111160111111111111 ‘.-:.il.1i-..H 1'11, 31m»... Uf (171.1111 1111111 man and being of a Jovial. good nat- A temptation to take questionable 1" OF31T911~1Vi “3119f: 1”“ 0511111" ”"l‘mgi - “‘ 10‘" “‘3‘" Wide. M2501! situareyard'. .. “ ‘4 (1.1.9 .1111“ .‘t .11 .- 2.. . r i. . fdvputv ham.” “1.151.313 ~.\-},g1c1“..100k- ured disposition wasa favorite among advertisements on account of their van. F- Leiseiner. L“ Gerhard. F' r L .. c l HIV] 6 d Llllé..llb .0 .1_-1 11 - 1 _ 1. 11 . . . 1 , "P 1 lfi 1 .1 . r N 1.. . Grein N \Venfrer J SChne'. J W. GUTHRIE’ _ BLACKbBIITH. .1 tend .1111} be 111.911.11.911 to (mpwnmvd utter iliifll' immediate wants the hls companions. “0 funeial, ’lll “(WCMI“lducemellls Elle (JlHlStIan ’ . ° ‘5 ’ ‘ “’1 ‘ it; ~ ‘ .4 ‘ C , .4 3G 1 . l o o . ' ' . v . c . 1-1. 1111111. 1,11,11,51 T111111 1.181111 11.011111 1111'13‘dttlitiiiei;trial; .11... talisman m- um unusually large one. took place tolbUSIHCSS men have a Splendid Oppor- Fem" V“ Diel‘mt' V' RPe‘leli “1‘" ~ - ~ ,_ â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"â€" ~ Our Sprm Prints 81111111111110“. to 1111 1S 1110 1111111 11011 1115111151,“; 1111111111 1111.. {11315 were the Maple Grove CemctcrYthre the tunity here to help the newspapers {{enna, J- Em'al'dsi A- F111$1ngeri V- A GORDON Q g .t 1 . 1 J -1.1 11 1 11‘ 1 1 1 .1 1 1. . ' 1 '11 . . . 1 . 1 “ viction of guppyupl :1, 3.1.1 .l. ,J_ (.mnam of the remains weie iiitciieu. The family 1 by iallying to their support With (”:em: E' McMahon, A- “ ePPR”: H- __‘_,-_.________. ___~’ - .‘ . . .. . . ,. . . . o ‘ r y . ° ‘ . . . Yours 1111.1 funmwn .«1 3.1.: >Ji__-,;..;:1y1 am} be 151001;. have the sympathy of the whole such a quantity of good advertismg Hill. 13- Bender. 1" “0‘95““: J33. Watchmaker and Jeweller Are all in. 1 Come 9411) and 11-1111 111-111 111111. 1111111S___1T01.01110 community in the extremely sad that bad ones will apply in vain for Booth: J. Rewan, A. Lortney. J. . get your pick. PI'HUU UPI-V1033 l World. occurrence.â€"-Dund-.tlk Herald. ‘ an insertion. Hellwig, E- Widmeye'. J- \Veppler, LOWOI' TOW". â€"â€"‘ 'â€" DURHAM w 1. .. ' . ~ - . ~~ . 1 1 hi M 1 “1, Y e la\L a full line of Spring Shoes of all kinds - . l uri ay, . cung, J. McQueen, .__~_ “.___ 1 1 for Men, \Vomen and Children. at usual ’ ' ‘ '_ ~ A. \Vagner, C. Montag. Wm. Reli- . 1"" 13’34prices- COW-"‘MSWW‘3 kopf. Wm. Horst Wm. Marshall. F. H G i ' ' ‘â€" intze, . Aoore, F. Wagner. D. "‘P “ Lippert, S. Willis. J. Hughes. \Vm. 0W 0 r0“ ' Fritz. a. Whiteford, w. Snider .-ti11;1;...11..1i. W H B A I Thos. Derby. Jr.. P. Burns. A. Smith. 27:37” -- â€" :.,,..“’i‘....‘.’ o o . - â€"~2. Poundkeepers: H. Bieman, F. 1 1 1 Id ' " 0..., w... New... R. Cor-1e» R. m...lB-‘l-it‘ll."°““{€3.°c.‘.il.ii'.5?3’33?1113?... .__-___.. - ~ ~ . . . . 9 c , ‘ v v r 7 9' I, ‘\‘ . v v . ‘ 0 this dreaded disease, experimenting Ovens.1J. Kenny. Wm. (”33‘ f°r1di “ - ()A.\~ IbLL )Ol, that ll. H. MILLER, erS’ llcatl‘ DI I: with worthless, 111.111.1811 and ii‘i‘itat- J. Holliday. A. Hergott, H. R‘ingel. the Elaiiofver Coiiv1etyiidn1féar :Stliglllégfigiglii - . - . . I 4 . ( ; ' ' ' 5 ‘ ' ' “lg so-called cures, only to find dlsap. I‘d; Htfi‘lnlllel , fP. 130Ll‘ng, Jkl 1-) ”n, 3111;03:38; ”31:11] V33 gill? bOI’l'OlV elsewhere. . pomtment and a deep seating of the m. e ikop V" ‘3' hence-V ”we” ’ and on very liberal terms and at small 'Oln Forces malady which means years of misery G. .1Johnston. E. Ryan. P: ESClI. T- cost. That is the reason why people all if not checked. Why not trust the Dnignan, J. Robertson, Julius Schoen 0V8? thecountry Ila-5‘S by other lenders and ' , . . H s Miller M B 'le J Edward travel miles to borrow from him. 111mm 3 tcsmmony whom. you think ' '1. x - 03 ~ ' 3' ? worthy to represent you in the House 13’ Widmeyer, J' Widmeyer. H H S F' F 1' of Parliament -â€" the man you would Treasurer paid the following ac- e 3'? 1,11gvffa1le1,‘,7‘f}1'151f 11111111111311 3113111 men 1 tl‘llSt as your spiritual adviser1â€" the counts as passed by (BOllllCllI BI. 01 very‘easy‘ 181.1113? Fa?!“ lands are 1 man you would trust the education of McGregor, legal advice. 34; Binkle bound to increase in price and now is And Put the Gr 6 f Q a f T . l Thus it is considered 110 breach Of your 3011 tO--t0 be your adVlSBP ll] Bros cross barring- “vater.box near the time to [NY- eaJJ “88:... C elr.etiquette 011 the part Of tll" pi‘ofes- the matter Of your health. l‘ake school house in Neustadt. $1.15; JVII‘S. ”E ALSO undeitakes the collection Of - 1 1. 1 . . . ' ’ f warning, and if there is a mat of the Ann Corley 56 yards gravel $2 80 . hotes and Accounts, and it isapretty A 1 f, {A 9 1siona men, no lndlgnlt)’. 0“ the: 13.111111.“ t'iint applv Dr Agne‘v38 Ca- F “7.11 1’ 1" 1 . 3’11 'd ’ bad claim that he cannot make some ppro U a on 1 . gigging ‘3] S Ga- "benCll.” nothing unparliainentaryi ' t '. ° 4° 1 meyer. p- “1' lelialllna 3‘ 9" moneyoutofno charge forhis trouble Pro TESS of s V on the part of the lawmaker 111.111 110 tarrhal Powder Without delay. It walk and culvert Adam St. in News if not collected. g near Sight s discredit on the pulpit to,sav thel will save your suffering, heal you tadt, 31-553 The Municipal World, â€"_ tarrhal POWdel as the Greatefi or d 1 1' ' f surely, absolutely and permanently. seven copies $5.75° H. Witherow to . . 5 500 honest tiings that many 0 1 1 1 1 1 h' 1 1) en a slave one 1 i 17 1 1 H ”088 Flle “f8 1. . these men 111 high 111111183 have attest- w ict iei you are e 1 pay parties'removing ice and duft- e , . . i The smallest amount Of near f H 1 TS ed to over their own sinnatures month or fifty years. .It relieves WOOd from o 6th concesswn bridge, d A d l . i 0 ea 9 o H a cold in the head in ten mlnlJteS $2.50; M. B, Flynn on account of an 08' Blll "Surance ' Slght ShOUld DOt be C e13? “18 a few names 0‘ prominent printing contract, 31?); Alex. Mar- In first class Companies and at lowest P 1 Ex . . the best 6111 1111. 1111 111 1 1 111 1 1 and taxis who have used and are be- ‘ $113111 improving road and lot 1 con. 3 rates, draws all kinds of writings. arranges neglected. ersona penence 13 1~~ l1... . .t .t.~st1. 1m greater degree lievers in Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal DR AGNEW’S CURE FOR THE 83; D Quantz. 13 week’s keep of busy-11355 qu‘fii’r‘zls’ efliptfi fitflemenfif ““1 Exami t“ f lto t 1E)1.:L\';lurfs k) I lis u . ' 0‘ . - 1v 1“ o _ ‘ o ’ . I . . . o o e o - . . era 1 01's se S cean 1c 6 uyso noms deuce. and a man’s ownzwgo .1111. 111.41 the 10“. Emil-bill d1s £07“?! ' it” R‘S'” Re“? end D“ HEART gives relief ins.de of 30 min- Widow Weigel, $19.50; Wenpel Orf, and always has on hand {3}“, and village ' na 1011. tee. , S’ e Seals His Faith 1 10011 1111111 :11 11111 . - 11M. :1, tie a ea man, ord Bishop of Toronto; utes, and no heart trouble so hopeless charity $6; M. Murray on acct. of properties which he is willing to trade or i 1 ignatnr .1} .. . .uiai y come ‘.\lllllll its Rev. Dr. Lantry of the Anolican .. . 1 . '0' â€"~. - - _ exchange for other property. 1 101.11%. B111 11 1% 110. 111 1111 d :1 Ch 1 1 . 1 a n, mu not cure. so any as assessor, so , commissmn ac .. ' ‘ ( s 1. . s _ .g L 1 b ‘ ' ‘ ' o . . . t â€" Hundreds Of canidasi:t tli'tt such '1 -il't'\' of “1'30“ edre’ 0f F2210, olief‘lv D\l lethrow, edltor - 31'3 Dreler’ O’Reluy and Bl’l'l‘SSO il‘weutyggarg’exnerienceand reSidence . . ‘ . it ‘ " ‘ L" --‘~- mm as ana ian .' et in isc Marrazine' â€"__ res ectivel 9 5 and 4' th 1' i“ “9 “Gig 0" 00d counts for somethi ~ ' ‘ l 1 Most Illustrious Sons Are RS; oest men us have done so are Willing, Rev. A, R, Chambers, Toronton‘ Rev, DP AGNEW’S OINTMEVT heals 35.111111 clef]; 3:). tom-1311.7 feet :55: and eiiablest. H. MILLER to do will; m , . ahaving {1101113.}..93 been .1 . - ~ - . 1 . 1 ’ ' . ' s 1: , ' 1 ~2 . , , ’ usiness wit rofit to you as well as to . ‘ Heartlest Endorsers §‘-1et {hap- li«:ht Sllllle”s€lgetle::llel‘o (XI-:lgetnTa??lbrgth’ Tfilolltcl); H01? “pimply” faces and other skin afiec- missmn work;councillors for serVIces himself. p ‘ ‘ BU" for SCI‘VICC. l “.' -“ .’01‘eore.'conne.- ° ' - ' 9 ‘ " '° ‘ 1may be warned of the malady and M. P., Dr. Gddboutg M P Robert tions. Cures piles “1 from 3 t0 5 3-“ meeting 0f date, 31"00' - N.1B.â€"â€"A1.)Special Bargain is ofi‘ered “h ’“ Perhaps no ailment to which flesh 1 herald to the world the efficacy, the Beith, M.P..Hon. David Mills M P nights. ' Council Will meet as a court 0f on L“ 28’ Con. “’ W’ G'R" Bentmck, 100 is heir bring men down to a morelquick relief, the absolute cure they ' ’ h H. Cargill . common level than cat-arrh and ca-Ehave proven to be in so splendid a M- .P's and a . M. P.,.James H. Metcalfe Revision in the town hall." May 28th acresâ€"Durham six miles-owner gone West 1 _ 1 _ . and bound to sell. be kept for serv . . . . 1 1 hundred more as prO- DR AGNEW’S' LIVER PILLS. at 10101’clpck a. in. The assessor and 011.3. W. G. R. Terms. 31.3fm tarrbalafiections. W hen it is rated 1 compound as Dr. Agnew’s Qatarrhal mment public-spiritedmc‘n. smallest a'ndrch'eap‘est pill madeâ€"3O open for inspection. . 1 H. H. MILLER, WM . , ~. . 1 1 that ninety in every hundred are 1 Powder. . To‘o many people have dallied with | cents for 40 doses. GEOL‘ HOPFLClerk. 1 5,â€"9.5 - ‘ . HANOVER April 16â€"2111 - SCAE‘. Proprietor,

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