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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 May 1900, p. 6

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- «,.-.â€"»w<~.‘ufim- q..- 4 -. ' ‘ . . . I . ‘ e . -. *~ " a?” h. " ., :' -‘ aw, ‘1‘" , p. .. . . - . .4 ,' a . . «a: “PM ,. . _., g. ., , -. r. g -'~"(. «I. ‘1'." ~ mm, o , ‘ ' r _ .« Ma. While Russia’s position as respects. Turkey in Asia is thus greatly t h ed, 't not improb- :bll:ntghtatelher Janiggaa: regards Tur-é Rev. Dr. Talmage Tells What He key in Europe may also be increased . h! the action of Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria. For there seems little Should Avoid. doubt that the Prince will, at the first opportune moment, declare his i°d°';Some Forms Of FOOd AffCCt the Moral Nature-.. pendence of the Ottoman throne and' Proclaim himself king, being moved thereto partly by belief that his poet- The Dr. Pays His Respects to the Gossiping Woman--The Infidel and His Daughter. tion will thus be improved both at . . , ,, . : 'ith leaden wing home and abroad partly by that deâ€" A despatch from. W ashington says: itezsir‘bfigngbbli;dtfgtdtlg-fields- Wilson, sire for higher i‘ank which princes -Rev..Dr.. Talmage preached from the ihe American Ornithologisl. count- But as a foreign “be“ following text “And these are they ' ed 237 vultures around one carcass. . ' W . . in abomination r ssin the desert when there is invited by [he Bulgarians to u" ever “huh ye Shall have 30 csizn 0% wing in the air. acamel - ' ' lt , . . _ them as prince, he cannot carry out among the fowls. the ow l. theilviti) ure perish outof the caravan. immediate! his Pro-3““t in face or the bitter oPpOSi' and the bat’ these also she e un- ? ly the; air begins to darken With vué t' r of the Turks an‘ of a faction of clean unto you among the creeping tures. There are many professem mi 1 I I . 9, time , things that creep upon the earth; the 5 Christians who have a vulture l . . the l ' "â€" ’ ‘ . ’ their souls. They prey upon chair elon and the snail. LeViticus :1 'character nad feelings of. others. A doubtful reputation; is abanquet for never lose. his own subjects, and at the sam . further Bulgarian aims in Macedonia, without assured support by Russia, 13. 29, 30. We never choose apeculiar subject them. Some rival in trade or profeg- To insure such support he must in return advance Russian interests, that l ,3 “an as king of Bulgu'ia make of preacher of the gospel, coming so many his kingdom a Russian outpost on the l hundreds of times before the same lpeople. muSt 'seek avariety of sub- store and.- say, "have you heard the ‘sion falls,, and the vulture puts out ljeots. or lose their attention: and for; news! Just as I expected! Our 81111 I because. it is peculiar. But the . p y its head. These. people revel in th: details of, a man's ruin. They say. told your so." They rush into some Turkish border, a condition which, with his arm officers-d by Russians, ‘ . . armed from )Itussian arsenals, and i ”“3 "“30“ the Blue offers every Russian loan, I possible variety of theme. of argument, neighbour has gone all to pieces!’ “Ha! ha i” . _ That professedly Christian woman, having heard of the wrong daing of some sister in the church, instead of hiding the sin with a mantle of charity, peddles it all along the streets. She takes that afternoon to make her long-neglected calls. She tells the story ten times before sun- down, and every time tells it larger. She rushes into the parlors to _tell it, and into the nursery .to tell it, and into the kitchens to tell it. She says, "Would you have thought it? Well, I always said there was some- thing wrong about her. Why, I should not speak to herif I see her in'ihe street. Is it not horrible? But better not say anything about it, beâ€" cause there may be some mistake. I do not want my name involved in the matter. I guess I will just go over and ask them at No. 863 whether they have heard it. Guess it must be so, for Mary Ann says that her husband saw a man who heard from his buSi- partly supported by a is already being fulfilled. But with Bulgaria occupying sucha position, the obstacle to a Russian invasion of Turkey would practically . disappear, the Balkans no longer pre- God gave the Jews a list of the am- seating a barrier, and possession of u mals that they: might eat, and alist the Bulgarian port of Bourgas open-'0t the animals that they might 00l- eat. These Jews lived in a hot clim- ate, and certain forms of animal food corrupted their' blood, and disposed capital would be. hopeless unless Aus- them to scrofalous disorders. depraf- tria 0,. England came U, Turkey's aid, , ed their appetites, and bemoaned their and Austria may be counted on to souls. A man's food,.when he has the give Russia a free hand in return for means and. OPPOTlu‘hlty 0f .3815“th expansion south. to Salonica, and Eng- and catechisms notwithstanding. The land, in the ”Than” that India will : reason the; Wild Indian is as cruel as m. 9., mfg in any event as it is now, the lion, is because the has food. that l . . . will not assist the Turk. For with 1 gives him the. blood .01 the hour A limp! protected beyond the possibil- missionary among the Indians says ness partner that his blind old grand- lty ui l'OIl‘ILIt‘St by both; Illllltt and Eng- thai by Changlng hls Stylff 0‘ fOOd 0 mother had seen something that 100k- l.-snd. :‘nn feasibility of blockading the correspond With! theirs, his tempera- ed very suspicious l” The most loath- Russggm fleet in the Black Sea as com- ment was entirely changed. There some, miserable, God-forsaken wretch . . . . , . . . . t ave on earth is a gossiping woman. I can 9"“. “lib Russ” m Constantinople as I are certain forms Of IOOd tha h tell her on the street, though 1 have is no“, gt”. ground for British inter- . a tendency to affect the moral nature. never seen her before. She walks veniion would disappear. indeed, a Many 8 Christian is trying «to do by fast, and has her bonnet strings loose, reason for encouraging a Russian prayer that which cannot be done ex-lgfgcghshffi .331 tilt: tlgrgzssgzntégltlgg advance might be found in the in- cept through corrected die,“ F“ m' l looks both ways as she passes, hoping {'cntivc it Would give to an Anglo. stance, he ~Wh0 “383 SWihe‘S “93h for ‘ to see new evidencesbf depravity in Austrian 311mm,, in the Eastern Medi- constant diet will be diseased in body the Windows. I think that when terrace-an, for Austria would be un-‘and polluted of soulâ€"all his liturgiesisatan has a 50h 30 infinitely mean l and of illustration. We care not much :in wnat kind of a pitcher the water lof life! is brought, if it is only; the clear, pure water. ing the way to the advance of Russian i armies upon ConstantinOple from the Black 993. Indeed, defence of that 13001) FOR THE CIRISTIAN . , . . Th that in all the pit he cannot find a “MP W S‘UHFd a frontier extending and catchisms “OtW‘thStan‘i‘n3' ° devil mean enough to-do it, and all to Saloniczi against Russian attack Gadarene swine were possessed 0t thO bribes and threats have failed to get " devil, and ran down astee , place in- 009 willing for the infernal crusade without the hell) of a strong sea . P ’ inco; he says to one of his sergeants, ”Go “I; Power. to the sea, and all the swme ev er s - . , . ito Washington, and in such a street, seem to have been similarly possessed. on such a corner, get that gossiping In Leviticus, God struck this meat woman, and she will be glad to do it.” ' . , d placed And sure enough :n v. the more if, followin the Ot‘to- 0“ ”1° W019 0‘ “3° Jew! a“ E ; u“ 3 g before himi a bill of fare at once LIK A HUI“ RY FISH' man collapse. that power should assert , , she takes the hook in her mouth. and her claim to a part of Asia Minor, in healthful, nutritious, and hge‘ferlms. lSatan stilziickfns the line, and lets her ' ' . rea- ~ ' _ which we", England would secure} But. higher than this p ySica run on ur her and further, until at . . . ison, there was as iritual reason why . ter awhile. 118. says, “It is time to what she most needs, allies With inex- lGod chose certainp formsof food for } haul 1n the line,” and with a few ha ustihle supplies of men, and opposed l the Jews. God gave apeoullat diet to, strqng pulls he brings her to the beach to Russian ascendancy in Western I His people, not only because He éwant- ‘ 0f fire. “ hat do you say? That she Asia. As [ho Turkish government ed them to be distinguished from the :3? E F613;)? of‘gie church? I can- '11 .. 1- .11 1h "b'l't' surrounding nations, but because cer- f“ h e Db a - hen Satan goes a m .ea me .4 ese possi i i ies tain birds and animals, by. reason of is ing. e does not care what school clearly enough, it may bend every their habits, have always been sug- the fish belongs to, whether it is a energy in defeat Prince Ferdinand’s gestive of moral qualities. By the list Presbyterian mackerel or an E01300- project, though :is there is little doubt of things from WhiCh they were to ab- 2:11:31“ ofsgliiil:i?.Godusihlicil,t'l‘l'l‘htoliiughzli that Russia will come to his aid ifalL ' ' ‘ ‘ ' t i . , Sti‘m’ “Od’. wished to_ prejudice be r not bear false Witness against thy . . .. . . . minds agamsr. certain OVIlS", and in nei hbor” A d . L 't'. h lzil'h't'li, the probability is that It will the list Of lawful things given, H8 8' - n in 6V1 lung, 9 content itself with protest. A Turk- wished to suggest certain forms of! says, “Thou shalt not go up and down lsb war against Bulgaria could not be i good. When God, solemnly forbade as a tale-bearer!” Take not into l His people to eat the owl, the vulture, your ear that scum Of he“ that peo- the bat. the chameleon, and the snail, ple call tittle-tattle. “’hoever will- thnt of Turkey against Greece, and He meant to drive out. of His people ingiy listens to a slander is equally , guilty With the one who tells, and an any attempt. of the Porte to thwart a all the sins that were thus emblemiz- old writer says they ought both to be desire of Prince Ferdinand. backed by 5 Gal k h t' f th to t hufga [the 0119 by the tongue and the R s.':, : d . . are t e sugges 100 9 0 1 0t er y the ear. Do not smile u n Apps“. “1 [Tm opposed by the Triple and say that one of the first unclean 1 such a spaniel, lest, like a pleagZd . more, may prove disastrous to the things the Christian needs to drive'dog, he puts his dirty paw upon you. Ultvm'ln POWER out of his soul is the owl. The owl Throw back the shutters of your is the melanChOly hlrd 0f hight- It soul. 0 Christian men and women, hatches outl whole broods of superstl- and, see if there be within you a vul- DOUBLE IRISH CHAIN. tion. . IT IS DOLEFUL AND HIDEOUS. When it sings it. sings through its. Such an alliance might include Ger- liluiimi to the belligerents. as was _-+u_.- . Let not this unclean thin t 'n The sample shown. which is sent by g roos l 5113- “7 R. Wilkins, is pieced of tur- key red and white. The blocks are nose. It loves. the gloom of nightt . . the vulture.” about 12 1-3 inches square the pieces i better than the brightness of the day. are 21-22 inches square and’zs in num- Who has not slept in the cabin near her. ' ‘ g the woods, and been awakened in the '8 l. and m setting he blf’fi‘i‘ to 'nighu by the dismal “too hoo" of the': ou 3:3? "3' owl. Melancholy is the owl that is! is an. unclean b‘rd' and needs m belhands, young and old, are against it. driven away. A man whose sins areint is half bird and half mouse. pardoned, and who ‘3 on the road to ' seems made partly to walk and partly heaven. has, no right to be gloomy.l He says. ”I have 80 many GOU'hlS-" comes an emblem of those Christians That is lbecause “you are lazy." GO ‘ who try to cling to earth and heaven your doubts will vanish. You say. "lion earth in worldliness, and yet fly have 108-14 my properly." but I reply towards heaven in Spirituality; and heaven. You say. “lam weak and constantly perplexed. Oh. my breth- sickly, and going to die." _Theu be ten. be one thing or the otherl congratulated that you are so near Choose the world, if you prefer it, eternal health and perpetual gladness. and see how many dollars you can Catch a few morning. larks for your « win, and 'how much applause you can ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' as you Soul. and stone this owl off our pre- , gain. and .110“ large a busine mises. 3 loan establish, and how grand ahouse ' ' ' ‘ . - 2 ' ' ' t a span As a little child was eating, the sun , you can build, and_ how fas dashed upon her spoon: and she cried, i at horses you can dFIVe- 10“ may be ,, . _ ,, , , . . . . ms red until you can fail for five square aewed on at each corner makes somnf ni‘luéfahséig‘lp-e \sgflléoroegoz hunii’fed thousand dollars, Instead of «hr chain complete both. ways across 500 'u 0- lit 11 me, 1 e in the same having the disgrace of failing for‘only ihe quilt. It could be pieced of light ‘ at we mig‘h at l (u g 't: k T h. ten thousand as some unentel'Pl'lSlhg calico and dark, or light and polka- beverage. L ee'r ,u “98%” 1- ma eh I e people do. It is quite a reward to be dot-blue calico makes a very pretty hardest mattrass SOfi’ u runs the ° . . - abl for ten or twenty years to be until. homely face handsome. it makes the ' calleed one of the solid men of Wash- loom that weaves bu-ttercups. and ""m' ington or Boston, and then to make “+"“ bows and. auroras. God made the ' ’ . our fortune last as long as possible NOT HER BUSINESS- grass black? No. that 7" 1mm be? too he will give you a Splendid funeral: sombre. God made, the, grass red! No. and you shall have Tessâ€"l see you have a new you w, 1 . _ ' _ man visiting you now. He‘s a profg tfiilgm’s“; d,f;,,‘,°°,§,:‘;dg, 3:; m: 1‘“ ENTY-FIVE cannincss sional man, isn’t he? ble all the; world might be. led to a following you, With somebody m ”‘9 Jessâ€"My, nol He’s too young to subdued cheerfulness ' most of them, and your coffin shall more than an amateur. Hoist the window of thy soul! m have silver handles on the sides. and Tess-Don't be facetious. What‘s this the twelve o’clock of thy spiriâ€" we will mourn for you in splendid his protessmm l ' . pocket handkerchiefs bound with Tessâ€"Really, I don't know. I be. tua might PM the gun to your . sh ld r, n ‘ he ' crape, and with bombazine twenty lieve I’m the objec’. t of his calling. frgi: :hfgh dthémhzgting bcfgfisfung“ full yards long trailing half across the m 7 parlour, so that all the company may AN ADVERTISING NOVELTY. PULL-THE TRIGGER stand upon it, and we “:111 write our - . - “‘1 drop; that creaking, loathsome. letters for the next six months on First Wayfarerâ€"What atremendous hideous owl- of religious melancholy paper I ed with black. But, my crowd standing around thfi new barber into the; bushes. friends, your worldly fortunes will shop! The man that runs it must be Again-t taking the suggestion of the not last.~- I will buy out now all that 8 great “1313935- , text. drive out the vulture from your you will be worth in worldly estate Women-Y es. He hasn t named hll soul. God would not: allow the Jews seventy-five years from now. I have pin- a " ton-nodal cation" to eat it. It lives on carcasses; it fat- the money‘in my pocket with which to gather. a white block 121-2 inches square with a red block 21-2 inches lhold in abomination among the fowls,’ Again, taking the suggestion of the! ,text, drive out the bat from your; No wonder God set this bird' to fly, and does neither well and be-i I ,place today; go to-morrow and you years. Choose the world, if you. want to; but, if not, then choose heaven. That estate lies partly on this side of the river, but mostly on the other. It is ever accumulating. The prospect of it makes one independent of earth-- ly misfortunes: so that Rogers, the martyr, slept so soundly the night be- fore his burning that i .ey violently shook him in order to get him awake in time for the execution; and Paul exults at the thought of. the “joy unâ€" speakable and full of glory.” 0h, choose earth or heaven! Make up your mind whether you will walk in earthly joys, or fly with heavenly expectations. Be not a bat, fit neith- er to walk nor fly, having just enough of heaven to spoil the world, and so much of the world as to spoil heaven, Christ says that your present condi- tion nauseates him to positive sick- ness: “Because thou art neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth 1” In the ruins of Pompeii there was found a petrified woman, who, instead of trying to fly from the destroyed city, had spent her time in gathering up her jewels. She saved neither her life nor her jewels. There are multi- tudes making the same mistake. In trying to get earth and heaven they lose both. “Ye cannot serve God and Mammon.” Be one thing or the other Tread the earth like a lion, or mount the air like the eagle; for my text says, "Ye shall have in abomination among the fowls, the bat.” Again, taking the suggestion of the text, drive out the chameleon from your. soul. There is some difference among good men as to the name of this creepin thing which God pro- nounced unc ean, but I shall take the opinion which seems best suited to my purpose. ‘ ' THE CHAMELEON is a reptile chiefly known by its changeableness of color, taking the color of the thing next to it, some- times brown, sometimes red, and sometimes grey, but always the color of its surroundings, a type of that class of Christians who are now one thing in religious faith, and now in- other, just to suit circumstances, al- ways taking their color of. religious belief from the man they are talking to. They go to Boston, and are first- rate Unitarians. “Jesus was a good man, but nothing more.” They go to' Princeton, and they are Trinitarians, almost willing to die for the divinity of Jesus. Among the Universalists, they refuse the idea of future punish. merit, and going among those of 0pâ€" POSile belief, 311110111109 that there is a considerable increase in attendance hell with a gusto that makes you think they are glad of it. Drive out that 0 thing for you to do is to plunge in full run, shouting “ go ’long,” until INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAY 6. extinction. large sum to offegor all you .will $03821: Oftulsl‘hgiltionfihgndhigsst 33:23:61: THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. agilihh‘i'nagngf 2:11,,le this“ 8[ii-titriia thought in either case. Sodom 8° the rowels and put your horse to a nod; it was punished by overthrow and Caperrraum sinned, npt the Rocky mountains echo it. The foes _.., by committing greater sins than. {lad 0‘ GOd are pursuing 118. The world, “Jesus Warning ".4 Invit'ng.” mm, 11, Sodom, for sins cannot be clasSiftel the 133311. and the devil are after us; 20.30, Golden Tex, m,“ n 23, into less and greater, but by sinning and our wisest course is to go ahead PRACTICADNTOTES ° against greater light than did Sodom; . , , at swiftest Speed. When the church " and its punishment, also, was extino- of God gets to advancing too fast it Verse 20. This verse seems to con- tion. Will be time enough to use caution. . ' - .. , ‘ q H. - No need of putting on the brakes while nect Immediately “'“h the discourse ‘4’ “”18 lesson, up to the “1°89 0‘ going up hill. Do not let us sit down about John the Baptist, whose plain ““3 ""83 Shows malice“! lh‘ waiting for something on ID turn up," pl'eaChing had left his impenitent consequences Of Immnllence, and that but go ahead in the name of God and hearers ,. sin is greater or less, not in propor- . 9 D I p t O r 0 turn it up. The great danger to the “1 hout excuse, how great, tion to ,the greater or less breach of Church now is not sensation but stag- then, must, be the responsibility 0f certain ”Wands, (out; to the great- nation. Oh, that the Lord ,GOd would those who hear the Son of man him- , er or less turning away from the spirit ~ ' Stand a host of aroused and consecrat- self! Then began he to upbraid. 0r girgfvifiwthatlgigrgsis ffragdifififg e men to set the church. on fire, and to rebuke. There is no hint at hot in a sense that nations and cities can- to turn the world upSIde down. Let us go to work and catch the last or but“ temper here; our Lord‘s spiritual and permanent, for the deeds snail in our souls. With divine ve- words are rather an outburst 0f holy done m the body. 'hemence let us stamp its life out; for grief and indignation, which marks in 3‘5- Jesus answered. and said. Th0 my text declares “ these also shall be word :‘answered” may refer to th. unclean to you among the creeping f g . woes just uttered. or to unutterea things that creep upon the earth; the o moral appeals and reasonings to thoughts in the hearers’ minds, 01' It chameleon and the snail." ahOlherâ€"a radical change in his me- may be. merely an idiomaticphrasa. I have thus tried to prejudice the thod of teaching. The cities wherein If it be. closely connected “nth th. 353.133.2353.: $3.135." $551 hiiiuailfi’i :35“ ‘2? Pi." {flightb' works were done ‘s’i‘i’éfiffififfé in??? 0??th 3513:: half experience, and changeableness, 93" ““93 were 311011 the north- as our Lord’s way of teach-i and sloth. Our opportunities for get- western shore of the Sea of Galilee. that God moveS‘i-ni a mysterious wa , ting better are 59108 rapidly SW8110W- The Greek word translated "mighty his wonders to perform. I thank the“ ed up in the remorseless past. This -. . , , ,1 ,. , , ., I praise thee; confess thee; abide by golden Sabbath is about to drop out works lm'r‘a“) means ”“81? They thy decision. 0 Father. A study 01 of the calendar. This moment may we repented DOt- DrOD theological pre-, the passages in which our Lord refers drive out: all the unclean things from possessions, and understand these to God as Father will be found help! our soulsâ€"the vulture, and the bat. words as Matthew wrote them. The full. See. for example, John 17; and the owl, and the chameleon. and - - , .. 11. 21: 12. 28. Lord! of heaven' the snail; and in place thereof bring 2:11.111“ flaw“. ”3959 People “d8 that and earth. Supreme Sovereign. in the Lamb. at God, and the dove of 0“ *5 “1“!le works had made Creator, Preserver, Destroyer. Thou the Spirit. The case is urgent. Arousal no change in their lives; which shows . hast hid these things from the wig. before it 'be' ' eternally too late; that our Lord's miracles were not per- 3hd prudent. The ROViSed VGTSiOh What'soever the band findeth t°,d°' formed for their own sake, were not brings out the meaning. plainer: do my , merel t f; .. 1 Thou didst hide these things from . - ' Y 3" 3 ii. (“Kine . bffhellcencé; , the Kiss and understanding." It is were more i an “'- eSSlanlC signs; anot er way of saying that human ’ . . . THE FARMER S COLLEGE. they were loud calls to change of life Wisdom cannot find out God. “T0 .----2 and holy living. So are all the works GOd'S milml'e “13de “'8 must reâ€" Guclph Agricultural College-Report for of' God lO-dfly. Rom. 3- 4; A0415 17- ii), ‘ nounce our finite wisdom," Isa. 5‘ 21; mosâ€"Large Increase In Number 0| 31- GOd speaks lhl‘Ungh them 5011 Oor. 1'18'27' Revealed them unto Studentsâ€"They Come From Near and Clt’lll‘ly that any man, “though a babes. The “wise and prudent" are Farâ€"New Buildings Neededâ€"A “M“ fool," might hear and heed. But l the ’Pharisees; the “babes" are our Record. the unbelieving majority in these ci-l Lords (118019498. “Children,’ 83." H- . . ties heeded not ; some superciliously ; Clay Trumbull. "can understand many The increasmg usefulness and popuâ€" and perversely denied the genuineness? things just because they are children. larity of the Provincial Agricultural (if the miracles; others accepted their 3 The 1109‘? 0‘ older 0393 is? in learning College andExperimentaI Farm is evi- pihysliczihadzaniages without any Epic-lgigfirgxhl‘ldreluheorefbelcominlg agair: as . , - i'ua e .ec , and sometimes wit outt ' , ~ 1” e 930° “'0 ‘3 0 ‘ denced by some of the details embodied ordinary gratitude. Slo to-day thou- l docile. humble. childlike disposition. in the annual report of that institu- sands treat the works of God. Every 26. Even 80. Father: for so it seem- tion for 1899, which. has been received refusal of God‘s mercy hardens {holed 800}! In my Sight. Infallible LOYO from the Department of Agriculture. W08- . . anddl‘quqom’ 0‘}an 8”" What u The interest now taken in all branches l 2'1 .‘VUe unto {health} expression ”3 18190 li'nldGOds Slgm must be 300d for . . , , 7 'siriking contrast with the “Blessed {5 c 1 rent , _ of practical as distinguished from , are ye .9 “f the I-leatitudes. Chorazin.l 27. All things are delivered unto the merely theoretical education is no . . . . Belhsaida. ,These towns crew: 1%yrFattlher'. (1:101. 933%? b3; Jelsus . . 'l ‘ selected as t 'iical of the lmb‘)’ region, 6° y a ressing S ”sup-63° doubt largely respousule for the in which the;l stood. Churazin is nowlThe-v are supposed 10 have the Child" . . . . . - . i like Spirit and so will b v t th w'll . . identified With Kerazeli, a few milesl ‘ ~ . ‘ UV 0 e_ i which is recorded. The people are be- north of Capernaum. Bethsaida Julias 1 of the I ather. which is also the Will of o o o “ - “' 1v 7 ' unclean chameleon from your soul. ginning to realize that courses of stood on the banks of the Jordan heat 5 Lb" 5"” 5'0 min knoueth the Do not be ever changing the color of study and methods of training should the northern end of the lake of Gali- your faith. My friends â€" Liberal Christianity falsely so-called, believes in nothing. God is anything you want to make him. The Bible. to be believed in so far as you like it. Heaven a grand mix- ing up of'Neros‘ and Pauls; O my friends, let us try. to believe in some- thing. An infidel was called to the beside of his daughter. The daugh- ter said, “Father, which shall I be- lieve, you or mother? Mother took the religion of Christ and died in its embrace. You say that religion is a humbug. Now I am going to die, and am very much perplexed, shall I believe you or take the belief of my mother!" The father said: “Choose for yourself.” She said. “No; I am too weak to choose for myself. I want you to choose for me.” “Well," said the father after much hesitation and em.- barrassment, “Mary, I think you had better take the religion. of your moth- er.” The time will come when we shall have to believe something. We cannot afford to be on the fence in religlion. Truth: and. error are set op- posite to eaCh.‘ other. The one is infinitely right, and the other infin- itely wrong. In the judgment day we must give an account of what we be- lieved as well as for what we acted. The difference between believing truth and believing error is the difference between paradise and perdition. I beg you in the light of the Bible, and on your knees before God, to, form your religious opinion and then stick to it, though business companions scoff, and wits caricature, and the air crac- kles with the fires of martyrdom. Surely truths in behalf of which Christ died, and angels of God troopâ€" ed forth, and‘ the whole universe is ture with filthy talons andcruel beak. marshalled are worth dying £015 Amid the most unclean things is this ever- your soul, for my text says, “Ye shall , changing chameleon of religious the- ory. AWAY WITH THE REPTILE! God abhors it with an all-consuming abhorrence. , Once more take the SUSSBSUOH Oilwill give additional space and meet among the 1111016811- It 18 an offence, the text and drive out the snailfrotm’the . to everyone. Let it fly into the Win-l perched in many aChristian soul. 1" 7dow Of a summer night, and all the! It is an animal to be found everywhere your soul. God has declared it unclean. between the coldest north and the hottest south. There are, fifteen hun- dred species of the snail. They have no backbone, and they are so slow iW-lll find it has advanced only a few . . . . . i inches. It becomes an emblem of that you have. infinite treasures laid up in their soul between feet and Wings is, large class of Christian people who go to work with a sluggishness that is wonderful. They are stopped by every little obstacle because, like the snail they have no backbone. Others lmount up on eagle‘s wingfi, but they l80 at snail’s pace. 0 child of God, arouse. We have apo- theosized Prudence and Caution 19118 enough, Prudence is a beautiful 8’3“. but of all the family of Chris- tian graces I like her the least, for she' has been married so often to Laz- ness, Sloth and Stupidity. We have a million idlers in the Lord’s vineyard who pride themselves on their_p.rud- ence. “ Be prudent,” said the disciples to Christ, “ and stay away from Jer; usalem," but He went. ~"Be‘pru'dent, what you say to Felix,” but he thun- dered away until the ruler‘s knees knocked together. In the eyes of the world the most imprudent men that ever lived ‘were Martin Luther, and d . . John Oldcastle, and ogihxighnis {hit ' ally Very proud of his offspring. and "Sodom is the most notoriously Wicked fireman» ‘hat man was only 10°“!!! \Vesley and Knox. My l _ . ., . . ' no one "â€"neiiher man nor angel. . ~ .. - s .b eto.~at,no . -. -. w as other institutions devoted to ”1 Tyre and “1““ trang ' lnor deVil. heiiher knoweth any man isame cause and the generous appro-;The Revised Version,» following the' 30, My yoke is “383.. :their agricultural colleges. llay for maintenance and salaries infShall go down unto . . , leach case is largely in excess of ours. '1 amount of light given and rejected is Love 10 God and to {pip-,“qmen, Such ldition to the value of produce conâ€" Tel Hum. Wilh- Kephar Nahum was .5011. but the. Father. The rela- , . . tion between God and J sus is a m s- , , , ~ lee. It was the home of at least thiee .. W, - - 9- ‘ 7 have reference to the future tocation of our Lord’s disciplesâ€"Peter. Andi‘ewl tor) . it as far transcends mortal [of the pulpit and fit him for his 318- and I’hilip. 1f ”1,, mighty worksJundersianding as does the nature work. The Agricultural 0011680 118 which were done in you, had been done l 2‘ GOd' The Revised Version 81"“ . . . . miracle recorded in the. ospels 15‘ -. . -. practical education “5 feeling the placed in either ('hoiiz'uzin orl the father, save the Son. and he to stimulus of the”movement in this d1!“ Bethsuida. Tyre and Sidon fire}Wh‘onisoever the 30” “'1.“ Few“ him. mentioned as the heathen capitals . Jesus understands the Itatner because ‘i 'll"t t1 b c lldk' . ., .. .’ MBI‘ .. .. .. c . ' . The had been 0 .u a may reveren y .e .a e In? thRbAbLDI‘U R 0b blUDLNLD 312:3?th tcr,11.'(i}rilyiflalienturiesy singularly Sh'p- "‘th the sovereignty 0"" all The number of students on the list wick d as well as sin ularl rosper- l things havmg been given him, be con- in 1899 was larger than -at any .time ous. e Cradles of the. grorshilp iii Baal, item a profound practical kh0W10d80 in its history the total being 366, Of the most vicious influences which h:1dl°t,,‘h“ Father upon hns‘beloved ones. whom 2'37 took ”1° regular course and injured eai'lv Israel had sprung from i. '8‘ Come unto me. 0131): by..°9rtg' 129 received instruction in dairying them. If such tender appeals could‘mg to me can you know trod. e ection. only. Of the regular course students have been made to Phoenicia as were ‘ . . . , 197 belonged to Ontario, 22 came from now being made of Galilee, it would merely that those who heard him other Provinces of the Dominion and have repented long ago in sackcloth 32:33 :11 gjheiruplgigcanllelI-lioghgiupget: 18 from other countries principally and ashes; a keen sense of sin would 0 m. . . England and the United States. This have brought kepn sorrow to its mvxted; and as he ever liveth, wmfl - - ' - . ' t 't the insli- . . . . , , , as well as they may approach hnim ls a pleasing indication ha ““91"“ “ML {On-“W“ mm'h‘ ”‘83 our souls. All ye that labor. All whose bodies or minds are weary with active toil; but not only they. In .ludea thousands of men in utter weariness tution is well thought 0f abroad as would have loved much. Some pupils capable Of impating a. .thurough may need the explanation that orien- soientifio course 0f instruction, Sully tals in their bitterest sorrow thrust; ' ario studs ts were nomin- . , , . , , .. . . 1.‘ 1' ~ . . 01' Lb. Out 0: themselies into (oarse garments ike and desolation 0‘ soul were laboring 3'th by County Councils. One hun- S'it'ks‘ with armholes and throw ashes . . . . ' . - - . , : ~ ~ â€", ' l nuts atten- dred and three students entered the on their heads. That Sinful 1).“, and‘ to bet ure 1101111888 )1 1111 regular course since the term 1’63"," Sidon were thus ready for repentance m September last. .“thl‘; this 30“” has pleasing illustration in the story Progress ‘8‘ highly Sims ”Glory. ““9 of Matt. 15. 21-28 in the fact that . . . . , . ' ' ' - ' ' z z w ' i ) l their lives tr ing obVious result has been to overcrowd thirty years after our 19,. :on Paul “hi ire ear ng in y o e O O . r . V d. ' ' ' - ‘ the - , . , . lio do right. All that any hate to the present limited feellllles Of found believers there, and m the lâ€"whetlier strength or comfort. be liieededâ€"is to come unto his Son. tion to innumerable exactions impos- l'llo-day there are thousands like them College which are entirely inadequate further fact that Tyre early became to the resent demand. . w, -. - -- . ' k l’ .i (hrislian cu). chavy laden. . ) ‘ _‘ . . . ' n. , 2‘... ll shall be. more tolerable furloul people. LIIORE ROOM NEEDED. . _ The laborers have had Each city, and i too much active toil. the heavy lad. There is an urgent need of more TY“! 311d hidOll- . dormitory accommodation as well as 93011 lDleldllhl SOlll. Shall be judged .100 much of 1,355,“, toil. I will c: . . s o _ e ‘ , . . ' «1 i ‘. 00 ° .‘ of larger . and more convenlent according to 1th 0“ I1 opportunll 185. ,you I‘f‘Sl . Other mil-‘LBI‘S en laboratories for in addition to the in- But corporations have no souls, Cities 3 legal burdens “grievous ,0 be bor J crease. in the size of classes the work and millions are said 350 be punished l 01 her "lords" dam-ind labor: I. “5' ~ of the professors is steadily exlendihg- when a due .pl'Olzfil‘LlOn m 0mm“ (id 5 Lord and Master." give 1‘9“- It embraces not merely the experi- between 1119.”. ,. degree . ml,- Sin? ‘39- Take my YOk" “I“"1 You ' Th” merits SYStematicalll' pursued at the and 01:. “lum' ”UL . !.m.h‘1“h.l',” iJi-ws referred to the Mosaic law. with farm, the results of which are given to souls "' every one 9f. uibhfi‘, glue “5 annexed traditions. as a yoke: hilt the public. but a variety of researches account of himself. to ('“ii'h r ” til-‘1 ' our Lord‘s doctrine and leader-ml? and analees carried on at the. rcqueSt 0f J'Udgmpi-“dlqu‘? (119(.;]'ul(‘:l$(listingmliiilt 5 were. easy and light" Laws hard to Of private indiVidualS, Wh‘} apply for l flvsifmiffcl‘lgflfulig fli‘ilr:l useid conceive : Obey, Slntul habll‘s, heart sorrows. final judgment 'WithOUl‘ affinit‘,’ date ' humaniiv's burdens; but the only bur- as to conceive a heaven without I don our'Lord gives is commnionshlp place. This verse would seem to in-.'wiih him, and that brings comfort timete what $991118 ti" he assmnedfand peace. Learn of me. As leach- l.‘ipl’utinually increasing require‘l throat-ghoul- th New fliestamcnt. that f er and example. Meek and lowly in information on all manner of subjects anxieties. sicknessâ€"these are some of connected with agriculture. The re- ports suggests the erectionof a new building costing about $35,000 which {merits of the college. President Mills 1 £119??- MZ“ degrees ”f punishment and , heart. Dr. Robertson says that lb!” gmakes a strong, and. well-argued plea , reward in the eternal world- {for more liberal support. of an institufi , _ . étion that has done so much to advance exalted unto heaven. shalt be brought : satisfaction with outward circumâ€" lib? standard of agriculture and incul- 3 down to hell. The language”through; stances; for all. these iiieckriess is the :catc scientific methods of cultivation. I out Ls highly figurative. Heaven cure. that their movement is almost im- lpointiiig out him much: our neighbors 3 stands for the lufl'iest exaltation; 50,115 iperceptible. You see a snail in one actively to work in Christ‘s cause, and at the same time. They want to walk ' 7 , “causes produce uni'eSI in men-.suspi- 23- Thml- Capernaum, “h“‘h 3” cion of God. inward discord. and dis- Ye shall find rest unto youi Such :ibounding peace. within Pleusi ' priations made. by lhv States of Mir-.1»: best texts. turns the first part. of‘i‘his wholesome. .M'y burden is light. ’ igan, “'iseonsin. Minni-siita, etc., for verse into question and answer: Shall ilal‘lnonlzes Will) the densest needs 0! The out-- thou be, exalted unto heaven? lhou human beings. “1h,” is our “,1.de I Hades." "Th“ burdenâ€"the law the places upon men! {of the United States are doing for the 5' "hell," Hades, for extinction :15 :icity.f that pressure from without is 1111“”? The total net cash expenditure for the , the measure of the guilt of olhc nation _ love produces peace and rest. year is given at 8:57.433, ihe outlay on and the, individual.” The sue of Cap-fl -â€"â€"-¢-â€"-â€" the “farm proper" was 87,439 and the ernaum is still in doubt. For man)" MALCOLM Ill-DV'T OBJE'T. cash revenue therefrom $4,843 in ad- years Dr. Thomson’s identifivmifin - . - . . . . The proprietor of a, G-gasgow ship lsumed. Igenerally m-cppwd by English and yard having heard that: his men .did â€"â€"'.â€"â€" iAmeriran SCllUlal'S. Perhaps lhe ' not start work at the appointed .time PATRIOTIC BABY GIRL. ichief reason for this ideiiiifi-"I‘ecently paid an unexpected V218”: to ”up", In 3 resujnlilnnce of the ' his establishment at 6.30 in the morn- ASouth A'rican prOVinciul ”“98" him last syllable of each of the n:imes.a ln'lh He caught $5531.” 0; ajoiner idling the fOIIOWing: resemblance not made. very plain in f ”1 lh" ."f‘l'd. “flth h.” kft unopened. and , "‘A baby girf, born. 1;"er m a guu- ‘Engiish. But later investigatioi‘i, and , as‘kflhh’lh‘ namle. 89"}“8 “1““de that ‘t . urb of Cape Town. has a distinct mark, 'efilleclull)’ the il‘l‘gUUlt‘lllS 0f Dir-George m“ Malc‘dm Camp iell, 1h“ shipbmlder . strawberry color, on the right should- Adam Smith, have led to the adoption "if”!‘d lh“ manunto 1h“ office, handed er. The mark is‘ the facsimile of the of Khan Minyeh as the Site. Like Tel hum hm" days _my and. {01d him to British coatâ€"of-arms. So distinct are fill our. this #1308 is 0“ ‘1‘"."0nh‘le‘3mrn‘ MW" at once. “ hen the ”math“! de- theseveral outlines, C, that the-very ,(tollh’l ii-f' lht'. Sea (If Galilee: III has a Furled the head “’f lhe establishment features of the animals are visible,ifouiiluiii, ”fined to by Josephus,.“'*"ht to the foreman and told him the tail, and especially the horn, of the while the. other side has none. If the ‘hi‘L he had fling“ an example 0‘ Mal- unicorn standing out prominently, but '-mighty works, “'hN‘h 11","? fibheh “09° with .Caniiplbe I . y l’al'fng hm) 01‘ for not uite as conspicuous as the crown. ?in thee. had been done insodom, it. not lei-aft 11? his work at the prOper The ather of this wee mite is natur-W‘VOuld have “‘mamed ““t‘l this dill" ”me' (“eat Scott! exclaimed the the most imprudent and reckless thing prophesies great things for her future ? city of all history. Our Lord does not , for a 50h! is to stand still. It is well to hear on account of this singular distinction. imply that Sodomite ”in“ were rife in; , - . l . mm 9 ‘ e, when He says. Somebody ought to lhave p. “babyeCapernaum, but that Capernaum “as. W A girafifiu bridgijtzmcas important to, boy with a facsimile of the Union liturther than 39‘1““ from~repentance,: ’ hear it when He says, “ Forward l” [ Jack on the left shoulder'to match the :But why W610 30* such mighty works ' Ind Paul’s friends, “ and look out for l 's as l shi , made to plough the girl. a; a? fillieen gnots an hour, is not carve the Queen's bounty.” making three. Sometimes it is most Prudent to ride your horse slowly and Pick out the way for his feet, and not strike him with the spurs; but w hen very late novelty. DIS'I‘ORTED BY GLAMOB. - ' What is the honeymoon I .. ‘ wr ht In Sodom, and its repentance . .' pa , Such loyal parents should re “02.2%, secured? A complete answer? -Well,. the honeymoon is the only , may not be given; but much of the ‘ 99“?“ m ’1 man s M" “”ng “'h‘ =‘_ 1“. “â€"‘“‘.â€""â€"- mystery is dissipated when we remem- l Q-ns‘de‘“ “3‘“th to come hom . - _. 3.: White linen paillette trimming isa her that our Lord! is talking of these ; find that. his dear little Wife hasn't ~ nuns collectively. Sodom’s punish-i “we” may on time. invitation is to all, He did not mean '" ed by the " scribes and Pharisees." i Oversirained. worn- “ ‘_

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