West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 May 1900, p. 7

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_'¢.‘ N‘ «guumerous in the northern provinces, , where scattered about Asia and north- } intelligent _"‘:--7»,. - 8‘0}! SGOfiOD. '3 the vast. business 9 crop, which is important in.this lati- ’ carried on With the greatest sec-' --And what did sh d - y. _ ~. tude. The careless preparation of coolly, She now" glayHlttfisâ€"‘f‘zzg P06!- Thefi‘fi': Long Tom, was put , the ground means, in nine cases out of ’icksâ€"I see; Ibo took . ‘1 h' g “with” "9 “we yards. lten, tardy germination, slow growth, word. m a " ‘1‘“th t3“ ." ‘ . ,t N ' '. .2“: ' r it b, l ’43:“; ‘ - "Iv-Z“ it" 4,‘ ‘i: w’ ..-'--:!l(“"‘zf'.’; ' *5.» E} m, in g; ax. M ,_ .-. ‘_.“'.:fml;£‘$t$}d“.2~.gtavdz difficulty in all subsequent Operations on the crop and meagre returns. In EDITORIAL NOTIFIS. ASK YOUR GROOER FOR I ‘ late sown grain crops will . used a few boxes of the pills and now l make a heavy growth of straw. which consider my cure complete asa has since passed and I have not ex-i ‘ . pericnt-ed a pain or ache. I am now 3 Ml“ 13- Germanyâ€"What ‘10 you mean able to follow farming pursuits with f by buying all these things? Mr. E. pelicct ease. My wife also speaks as ; (.‘onomvâ€"Don't get excited dear. I. warmly in favor of Dr. Williams" Pink i didn‘t ’buy them. I had thorn charged. Pills as I do, having used them for', i, . headache. dizziness and lose of appe-i Customerâ€"Give the ten cents’ worth tite, the pills always giving comfort . of pciregoric, please. Druggistâ€"Yes. and relief. Since my illness I have . sir. Customer. absent-mindedly â€" learned that a good remedy is none ,’ How much is it 7' DruggistIâ€"A quar- the less good because its cost was j ter. 3 so much less than Iexpected.” The Spiniards are swarihy' as a race, ‘ ”324?: 5355.“.iii‘giii‘ i.“iԤ2i¥“€€.~fr§: a "99% “and W 53.5 W» W1 NW (1. -, , . S ciopand poor quality of grain. l‘hen tlfic lblood Uy'h‘ilith'CX-tfi and red hilt. 3again. we avoid mini”â€" by the forced T ‘ : .. H .t c y is no. in proper condition. through numerous .n ltiily. lhcy are must stress of time. There is of (‘OUl'StKll proper condition of the soil in which the land should be turned, if we could always choose is; but. it is doubtful if land can be injured by plowing when dry. On the other hand it receives permanent. injury by being plowed when wet. even the lightest of soils.’ Inyury is also done by driving overi maist land or allowing cattle toi needlessly trample over He-â€"Possibly so’s the public can tell year . the top from the bottom. where there is lllt‘ greatest infusion of Germ in blood. And there is no girl in the world prelt‘er than a red-haired Italian or Spaniard. In Ireland a redâ€"haired girl is made miserable by being called a "Dane.” This epithet. is :t it‘g.tl‘y ot’ a thousand years or moreâ€"~‘.roiii the time when Fosterâ€"Do all your employes drOp their tools the insanl. that the whis- ; tle blows? Ployerâ€"Oh. no, not all of -â€"._+_____ MAGIC MIRRORS. ._. H..- - 0‘- . ~ - Wet fields . . . 7 . ., . ,\ . _ . . , . . ‘ ~ 3 have tBli-erggnes did meirue the coasts of ploucd orunplowed. pasture or “11hr; In Japan what is known as the iiigilrl toolrim pmlzieiio‘iggerlgefzn‘: that? Iiri . '- ~1 . . ible' Sip-ring plowmg should tnvari- magic mirror is seen everywhere A i ~' ' .1 811111 arwmanner the horsemen. ably be followed quickly by the har- _ _ p . - c- : time. who invaded meily centuries ago and rows,‘before the ground dries out. as cording to a Japanese myth, the first ; -â€"-â€"â€"-.-â€"â€"- intermarried with the inhabitants, left; descendants with gleaming THE BUTTON CRAZE. it will quickly do if in good tilth and 3 magic mirror was invented to tempt ‘ GARDENS AT KIMBERLEY. . A DELICIOUS cop 0F TEAâ€"r . . rs ' The ard ' ‘ - ‘~ - ’â€" . On the Farm. in “W” m... .. should not .â€" t. i...“ dumb? K‘mbtr‘v a... .. . . The prediction that Russia would. k neglect .to cultivate if possible after ' ema y lfatmtiful. There are . take advantage of England’s engage-i .‘ ‘ ‘ “ 1II . ‘ ' each; rain,th:0 lmfitter Iggy. Ofgien, as in the gardens radiant beds 0‘36”!” - i -I (112111 in South Africa to further her $1.13: “fish I: ”the 118 a: (mum ly d37' ' lw’ fuchsias, verbenas, .1181”th . - ' ' ‘ aspirations in Asia has been 'ustified TILL AGE. d .l eep an romi caking . a mignonette and .occasmnally a .. - ., F. m it ~ J. u... - - . . some“ Itear“.amassed-hi is? it “cart sky-1W - . - O 81'813 S e i 1' IS an 31101811 an erroneous ' . 2 IO . . any 8 0‘1888 are covered Put. , “ohm. 1%,“!!‘1109 “mu. by guaranteeing a loan running for'saying, which has been attributed tol figsfildfalieal 11331;?“ Wilitailgoabgrglang CEYLON GREEN TEA With beautiful flowering creepers. CEYLON. option ”mummies.“ LEAD :flm ”'30.“.“mm -‘ ; ‘ ' : . eeds. “hummflawruilmnonlymmdflm seventy five years, and secured by the, many different writers, to the effect 5 mistake to let the enemy appear well - . -â€"-â€"-..._..__ “W . ‘ ‘ receipts of the Partner) custom houses, that tillage is manure. Yet, while; m endgame and become thoroughly I . .. .‘~"“"".~‘ ~' ~~“ ‘0‘" . . . I. obtained railway concessions and a tillage may not be manure, it is agmobilized before commencing the in- EDT 0F CLIMATE A TOUCH OF There’s a iefined financial control which should esâ€" fact that careless preparation of theievnahle battle. . ' . elegance about our paints, 3550' tablish her ascendancy in the king- soil rarely gives good results and that' PIGS ENRICH A DAIRY FARM. o . ----â€"-- . ciated with gentle uplifting sur. dom beyond dispute. Russxan gar- thorough tillage is the best substio . . . . . ‘ ._ The Great Lakes Influ Il . REFINEMENT . risons have been ushed down closer to tote for manure \Ve shall in mosti One ObJeCt m keeping swme on the, - . 6 cc 1D ~ ‘ ' roundings and quiet good mtc‘ ' ‘ p " ’ I - ' , ldairy farm is the making of manurel INTERESTING ITEMS ABOUT OUR Weather CODdlthllS on the northern border of Afghanistan,,cases get a better crop by 800d tillage Where the dair is an average sized OWN COUNTRY Q til 0 . ' especially in the vicinity of Herat. and than by heavy manuring; but, as in . y . . ‘ ”on em ntario- ’ . ’ . one, and espeCially where there is milk __ a demand made on horea for land at _ animal husbandry the best results can the ear aro d the ke . . of swinel Val-lab! N ‘ Mariampho for a naval station has re- only be obtained by” the combination y un ’. (5ng mm.“ "m” v‘m’“ Pol?” m“ m" e ‘ "3°.“ ”mm“ In In,“ I” ‘ . . . , l . can be made fairly profitable. Thai At! a t th P m sum the “use of Kidney Disease . -. suited. it 18 stated, in a compromise of. good breed and good feed, so ln‘fa mier ch 3 s't at (1 should kee‘pone . an c o c .uc c. h _um B. “minim...“ “no” ' . .. . by which a tract within the foreign agriculture our best dependence is in: r b u-d.l 11 iv t least enough t BrockVille now has a telegrap sys- "than, (30.. Cured by‘oodd's a -, l , ' PaI “ts settlement there is granted instead. a combination of fertility and thor-;or “1°.” ree 103,80 3,21 l . - em. Kidney pm... ‘ ‘ , . . .g . ‘ _ ito raise a sufficient number of pigs; Owen Sound Y,M.C,A, needs larger . . ‘ a Fun her. the demand for control of all , ough cultivation. From compnra- I 1‘ his w . Have them read f, quarters. I Burlington, April 23.â€"The County of .. railroad concessions in the northeast- ' lively poor soil well cultivated we can? or . o u use. . ‘ . y . ' ° t 1; th Bolton at the head 0f Lake Ontario ‘ ....... f d . t . . . . . : sfor the market at Six or eight months. St- Catharines ‘3 0 3"" 330' or is t the 1 t f - - I . are ready or use an 1‘15 cm districts of Asxa Minor. which as get. better crops than from rich . paper mill. l no - eas - ruttful held or .. .. ~ ° . . . . . : . . . l These are the kind most generally . , ,Dodds Kidney Pills in the Upper about a grade higher than confirming Russm in an important, land carelessly or unintelligently till-$ wanted and to so ly the demand it Si-lverton, 13.0.. is to have awater"Province. It has its share of Kidney strategical posiition would, twenty-five ed. Even [if we have applied a heavy. isnecejs‘ t k mine animals thrifâ€" works system. iDisease like every other district in. 4" the best. years ago, have brought England to,dressing of manure, thorough tillage! ' A cry .0 eep . t London, 3-0.. band lacked support i the north of this continent. No vill-t the defence of Turkey, has in effect is indispensable so that it may be; ly and gfiowingtfromfttheblfirst, aid .3 and dlSS'OllVBd. ' ' age, togvn or city in the northern, ‘\ mom i . . . . lsecure l e H.105 pro 1 a. 8 reel} 3 1 K3810 3.0" not“, has a thriving min- zones ‘ as ever lescaped. Climate IS - n Rflmsuy 80“ 0 been conceded by the Ottoman govern :well distributed in the surface scil . m.” be necessary to feed and care for ers’ unibu. the principal cause of Kidney Dis.- “ ~W.‘ , ° ’ Pllllll Mute“ meat. This demand, the bargaininggand thereby put to the best advant-lthem in the most approved manner-l The Population of Kent county lslease’ though 0‘ course the“ are vari- ' "O‘TRE‘L ' about which has been in progress for? age. In our comparatively light soilslThe must be ke t warm and dry in estimated at 44 713_ ous causes. . . . some time, was ostensibly made as: the acme of intelligent cultivationlcoldy weither andpcomfortable at all Rat Portage‘s new C P R station mihyoildfg: isKtlgney lgisease in its OWWw~ ~‘W“WM . _ .- - it , ' ' , i. ' ‘ ‘ ' i ' . e mos common at - ~.__...._.._u.__. compensation for the grant to Ger]- ilmight be summed up in the effort to} ”mes. In winter this means 300le almost completed. . . . lmfmt. and the [commonest cause of _ many of the right to build the rat - i secure a.fll‘.m subsml and a fine sur- L quarters and plenty of bedding. )V here _ Bellevdle citizens think a public IKidney Disease in this province is the* way from Konieh, in ASla Minor, i face SOIL Although the subsoil; much ml'llll: g: otherliguid food 18.1giv- bath is needed there. variafblet naturebof the climate. These through Ba dad to Bassorah, on the . should be firm,"of course it. must 3.3.7-3611. ‘t “" .aS-OQ‘S ing 0 see ow Melita Man. wants Northern Pa- two 30 3 PIN"?- ly eXplain the case of AV Persian Gulf8 er be caked or impervious to the action soon the bedding “11-1 become saturat- 93150 railway connection. Mrs. R' Fitzstmmons Of this place. ' _ . ___ I, , . ' . edhand. require additions or change. Du , 1899 ‘ t d k ‘Ilalton County being under the try- L . ’of sun, air and “rafter. When lune This. will require a large amount of titm‘i] J_ on y two "Iron 5 wereémg weather conditions governed by ON TB. BEACH. Aunt“, City, New Jam. 4‘ As. however, Germany offers a real 5 has been applied this is apt to‘be the'material for the purpose, and it may, sen O a ton.coun y J9“ ' ithe Great Lakes. Mrs. Fitzsimmons The Workman“. YmMMMfim consideration for the concession 'she , case and in all soils continuous plow- seem to S01E16. that the manure thus Gait. Free Library Board seeks a ! 19.118 0f 1.19" experience With DOdd’S " fl ' - has secur d th t . f t i in t 0 d th will b d1 made,_containing so much of strawy grant of 81,000 from the town. . .Kidncy Pills. . .8 ' ' 6 ex "“310“ 0 a grea 1. ”g a m: cp .. cause a. f” .y materialnwould not be very valuable Hugh McDonald, of St. Helen‘s, n31 'jSorne time ago I got a very bad trunk railway through the heart of . packed su isml. buch a condition mine. a fertilizer, but egqierience proves now teaching 3013.007 in Manitoba. lptim In my Side. It was that bad at A5“, Minor, and thus the increase of i known technically as “lime-pan” or that it is. The rations of the pigs 13 new two-room Public school is t0itimes I was hardly able to walk, and the political and economic strength ofi "l>10“'“Dim-” All land ShOUId. there- Sgtllifldhcogéfip a tp'raper glamour}; 9;: be erected in the South [\Vard afggghéggdthaig .2001! seelmtedbto day“? i' . .. , . , ‘ . '5 l a ion 0 e suimmi i . . ' . i seecme o e ge ing ..~ Turkey. f.while Rosina offers nothing, l fore. be plowed deep. or better St‘lltlsuitable growth and maturity are ex-. Dual-1.8. 1 . ‘ d -. gworse I thought I would try your ‘ i: i is ilif-icult to see where the com- , siiirei up With a subsml plow every l. pected, (.onsoquently this adds to! ver 3 1,000 to customs .utttswere;Pills, and before I had used one box . ;."._.j Wusation comes in. For what the ‘ few years. The time to do this.‘ the "“1““ 0f the .nianure {Dads icollected at Stralford during erch. ii Began 1: feel bbetter. 33’, the time i :.': northern wer ask l war not the however, is in the fall. De , 5 rin it common practice is to allow Upwards of 500 new names ave! a use two oxes the pain all leftl ’ right to bficid r “‘5‘ .Q I; . If h tl "lowin or ('ult'V‘ t' i‘ .81“ p g? swim? to Work over the horse manure. been added to the Silocan, B.C., vot-lvme. and I felt better than I have for: - . a 30-1 “58 ~ ‘1 :9 g 1 a 103 b 5‘? .O-m’ 'Righily managed. although it may ers’ list. [Dyer a year- I tell all my friends of' that no concession should be grantedgever, to be recommended. It is only contain much straw or coarse material 5“,.th Brant and Onondaga Town- the 800d DOdd's Kidney Pills havel to others north and east of the Ger- ‘0 be recommended 101' land long; used for bedding, '1‘ “'1“ become thor- ship Agricultural Societies may amal- done for me." man trunk line without. her consent, ( unused or scandalously neglemed~of£ alibi; 23%qu (liver illldt "$11" 0‘11; ”113: gamate. i A Ed "" "_‘ ' ' . , , ,- .. , _ 3 . '. - . . - , - -. 3 ' 139.3. 11. 9"? 9 0“ ,.. .,- -. ' - n ucation.-â€"Micke -\Vhat ,. ' _ ”Ht ‘5 00".“91 0f 41.1 {1111‘le (01f- : “but? there ‘5 “”5 11”“ m ”“5 l'ro'lbe enough of this material to keeplhe A 5391118541.“) "5 .“3 be $1150.93 1"] doin’ mudd r? L k' . yt d yer . ' ' ' lirUCllOD Within these limits. A5 [hig;gl'eS.SlVe province. Even then if theip'tgs busy and Still not become too "0.11“?““0” “Mb 0mm“ (U‘Iegl‘t e nâ€" , e 00 m a euldver- ' ' " W - l” ‘0 retard ”the" than t“ furtheri [and had ““1011 Vegetation U“ it oriwet 0" muddy' Shim? M f M P t r Ya e ioiiiiiieiiirsioidiiiisinbiiicigliâ€"ixbfi lf'lt burl th at co th e bu ~ i” l! _, - .. ,. . ‘ . _ ,. ‘ ,. r , _ . .. '. . :ira, wriner .. o :1 '1 . 'r niv- a o p or man u ‘n ox 1|.“on page. m. comprise, and to depiive .th. bultan l a fail sod, dtep plotting would not be -â€"â€"--â€".â€"_â€" land Caribtio. will reside in the future er know thitre was half as many things proved. ver 80 Private Bathe. 80* Ma ,Roogondmdluélm m by so much of control of his own ter- 1 adi‘isable. In the fall it is different. in Victoria B(‘ ' to ate an’ drink. l u." ”I” “am ‘6‘ ”w" on ‘9 ‘fl‘nflcm I" .. ‘. g . _ i ,. . , . ' - . . no octane. Exchange and uPMondoubtodln one. 03mm, . ““A’Ut‘fii [he (”tum“) government “11- ‘ Deep 910“”13 or Shb5(llllllg may then; B John Fraser B.A’.. of Parry Sound, b D. a. WHITI. JR Owner-nu hop" turally objects. offering in turn to; be followed with very beneficial 112-, ' has been engaged as principal Of Em- Cure Yourself 0' Rheumatism. ’ ‘ ' . give Russia preferential rights over-{Bulls and such treatment should beI ______._ hm Public SChOOl- The application of Nervilineâ€"nerve- ‘" ......-.._..-_..___..*.. «---â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"--â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€" 02h” “New, but reserving the right L :neted'o‘u‘t to all arable lands every! A WELLAND COUNTY MAN'S IN- . During January and February .5630 pain cureâ€"which possesses such‘ mar- Mrs. Newbrideâ€"You know, John, ‘ to build the railroads itself. and that 9.“. “‘5’: . . . . v~ .. E ‘“ fin“? "ml ‘82“ were 0"“8‘31‘9“ ”1 l 9 vellous power over all nerve pain. has you Promised to let me have all the , . . the obJects of cultivation are to' TERESTING BXPLRILNC - 'Brovkville Police Court. d ~ .3 - . . Russia and Turk ' sh uld ' 11' "l . . - . - l l prove a remarkaL e 83100888 in rheu- pin-money I needed. Mr hewbndeâ€" ' ‘ ' 9'3. ‘ 9 your 5 ‘0 100.39" “"51 PulVeFl-Ze Inc 5011 50 thutl Dr. Graves of Fergus. has been of- matism nndi neuralgia. Nerviline acts Y . - the work. 8‘” Russm Stead”), re” ; {nominal 1813 ”Eagled {near ghe S“‘"ifle llml Suffered for Mars From Khlmyi fered a position as surgeon in a lead- on the» nerves, soothes them drives l 573331,??3: gndyygussihgél htegzglt! $1.21? '"‘t':“"““’ D'""" U”“°"" 3“" {Used tomodif' her tit-m: nd. tl * ”2.1“?" W et er a. ing 1'01” 11 0V9 01" ' i â€"-,\ ' .‘l lo. . w. s-l. ' . -' ' ' . tin 'r ' ’ '- ' F.- ’ . .' e I . . ¢ . 3 g ‘ i ' Imugh i rismg by capillary attraction from} :rii‘u;‘l:"e;aul: 3.111.122“. 'zle'I‘I’xui ing .tmei'icin ble9il'dl ' Iiiid lihu’tcoiiniln 5‘31 gu es relief. Try it l1 saw a. p.29 toâ€"day “1th diamonds and Every Iown can have a Band intimatlng that CUIDIHL‘nce “ on"! pre- 3' below; [0 make the so“ so porousl "“ " " r. ' ‘ ‘ Judge Vance, CI 1'0“. Huronimwh-i ‘ V c' - pearls in It, and I do want it so. Invest. prices over noted. Flu cataloguefiOOillul V91“ PIPSSW'U {01‘ payment at present ' that the plants can Spread theirl 7'3“.“ Mm. . . l is dead. He was a native of Bosanquet T , ”"7"" . . "mm" mil'dme- 'mmhnumn‘ln -" . '. . '.yl " \x' O -« . . . 4 ~03 --5"I‘~l" "" " ,. i' ' ‘ D Le " "' no of (he wwmu} mdmnmty to “huh ; tomb (mu) m search of food, tol m. 7.1m. .1 .99 ',. f U_i,.ni,{,\{,f“'::“;! mwmhlp’ Linibton (.mm‘). .- he) 8137 that .111 time the hors “Pharaoh 100.”"’“°'“"'""“ luslocr lusloal Instrume to i the Sultan l9 bound by the Berlin : have the soil sufficiently firm thatigegtiemillll “{E‘lwklnhjsvlli:I)II'I(1llll':tltlil“ ofi A new post office n-imed Iadysmith ““1 become practically extinct, Bald MM wha'oy Royce 00., Tomnlglhgllleh.m‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘ hints c; 1 t. m t - - ~ 100 n Y- 1'. 'PI ' , l" ‘ ' l ‘ ’ "- . ’ ‘j ‘ the oun w. - . . --- -.---..,._..-..-...-. ...__-_. ' - treaty. and also for the recall oi the guiount ti”: gigging: “gangligefg the village hotel for over thirty yeai‘s.i has helén established In MOOFB town- Bronfiho gob Iliiilglad ?:efita:?:“eli?fi Of all the towns in Scotland Falkirki W ' p T - E CRAVING .. -. .i .. " .' “.‘ ,. 3 â€" . ~;!'»‘.l >i...‘ i338 . '1. ‘. ’ ‘.‘ ‘ : ‘ AIIIAEIILIDS who crossed the llussmn have the land in the bestIpOsSible; and f‘" be“? [fln‘nguift‘le’l‘.( ‘flf‘lw‘: h p ”ms (05,19 ‘9 poslniistei save a powerful Sight 0’ lynchin’s. holds the worst (131308 in regard to? kin-.9008 HQ 0'. N 0,1“, frontier to 959,;ng Slilughlttl' by the (‘UndlilOZl t0 (lbb‘Ul'l) and fetal!) SOlIlI‘ l, J ITJVUHPI ltl‘édnlf‘. ll 'IiilNdnf'ltl‘lU: AIllllIlg Recorder, T'hiOS. Taylor. â€" ldrunkenness {1.090111ng IOtbe 'udiciall a? J. LQJONES ENG. 90‘>'=‘\". Turks. {ht-:11?” to allow artfi‘ee passage of air: l t:3';g:(‘:::f‘:g: :3::::;;9:(Â¥in ()l.:;llgpl Trout Lake B.(‘. has resigned. He 1‘. (Will A ('0le I! ON" 05! St itistics published Oiut OfJ every EinS'I’OtADELAIDE STW TORONTO. .____.. to 'l weeds. ’ ere z ‘ l“ ‘ ‘ . .- ' . * ' ‘ ~ . .- . .2 - .' . ' -. _ 1 ~ ' . -' r._..__. _'_ ...____ ‘ . . . lather reasons for goodmttillazte ctglhiiili’ and lVIasonic- ('ll""1“-“- ”‘5 present. "“0"“? lull be d (dmhd'lm (”I the Legisla gggfiffiggg 3?,mngnqoyfixi: $33.3.ch ten thousand of pOpulathn Falkii'k has, Al the 53m? tlme- Russxan tr001’s to', (10 no; occur to us .th this ‘momenl l [ion is Iiil'IlllIlg and ill lhiS czllllllg lie: ‘Ule- 85c KW. Grave's “.1133!" II 013mm; 838 cases of drunkenness, Glasgow i POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES. iht’ number 0f 1!. Klllal'ler Of a million; but lhe above are sufficient, ,l has been very SumYBSSful' LVIl‘. [){ptpul‘ The appointmenl 0f HOD. A“ H' Gil' COIIlEfS next. “'ith W, and Ayr has 571‘ é I'figomfiramggvamoniigihré:umfi;\mÂ¥ We”. “waged near the Turkish fron- ‘f It is a j(flatness illIld an improvidentl§;‘(:n::e:1n:l)lb:‘[:‘;::r iggqgergbkgg‘nfi mour to the Senate gives 29 support- Hicksâ€"How did he ever come to gigging ilfopbrtioln 13 Very much? 9..- nm.ugm:amm. “:10er . . ~ . . ‘ . . . :rmer w ose 1m" emenis are not 3.1-! . '~ ' ’ 1 " ‘ ' ' a . . . - marr h l ‘W' k â€"-0 - ' ' tieis. arrange-tutors made for theirI I , V . . .1 1 h- d . ll r‘l'h . Hou ers to the boxeinmen. in the Upper y 81‘ 10 S 11 account of -_.,-_, . _. . - . lways ready before the round or the‘ that-good hea ill a. .i ()ge. ei l... i ' . . ‘ . , â€"-â€"--â€" l . . , ‘ 75 ‘ 1, g m - “I“ ”“5““ to firm“ terr‘toryi f crops Upon Which thcygmust be em- 3 8“ him “3'2 but the» “m” ““1“".‘Vh‘m l1“. twink"? “n. ‘3 1.303156} (3381' Of acon- her name’ I presume: He 3, a 9’00" lama“ new. iii-arm. M°€v’.’:§.‘iޣҎ%‘f.‘62ӎ.iu‘féi': S,”},‘u'§,,§°§’,m$f’3 1 and the Black Sea fleet mobilized forlployed are ready for their use- A found a (‘Ouiplele cure and is again serva "9 “1‘13““ 3 0 " ’ reader, you know, HEKSf-VV 811..Wh3t u "I lmfg}?glfliiffi‘fig,°fp§§“€3°fiimaféjifill‘f" the protection of the transport As I plow that is sharp and bright. will Sll‘%}lg. Ihj'tlllly MU} 1:180“m*11" “’gagd Mrs. Samuel Redmond, who recent- {1“}: thfilt GOt to ‘30 WEI/It'll 1:3. ‘VleSâ€" 11!. u Balmoral, "'00 '03 $3.“; 3.1.; . . . A -- - - . . v ,- ,t .9. g . 1'" Sit ness not cure .P . ,. . , , , er name was *3 rtnc . W. WllllOlll. assiistance the Ottoman go; . liaisbfiatgér “izrkmiiidagiiugeggi” “1%,: l 823'5;:â€"‘ Iiip‘lkz-Mnlier of 1897 l wzisl ly (lied a! Millbtoolx, many years 330' Y is e "OtOI carEIakO. m Plan. Iz’l’s:catholi° Prayer 80$:,Ioo:riee,cru- ; ernmi-ni could not hope to successfuily 5 same applies to all implements . but; pl'OSll‘and with a severe form of kid- walked from Millbrook [‘0 Toronto ”1. TH? VICTOR’§ CROW'N amtmmlontrul. “.0Nmt‘a3‘mfn. 13.5mm. Pictures, gum...” “a (3.3% 0:2,“: l resist Russia. and Germany. her only ' to commence cultivating the 9 landl ncy trouble. Previous to this I was; three and fl half days._bhe carried 3; . J * - ' ‘nlul HOUSEâ€"WW“ M...“ “W Worh.Â¥u'.l:nrfil‘1.n‘odovoopru¢mpt nu.- j friend. would not commit herself to a f right not every man recognizes the l slightly j‘ffllCted in lb“ 33m“ ““333le Six months OM baby “1th her, {00' , Should adorn the brow. 0f the inven- firing? n“. .150 “a. .' . ., on ! “'11? in “'thh she would IIOL h’lvt‘ the i {LICK "that the art 0f plowing (I085; ill lhhlh' Ill-119 Ifflulflfll‘s came to a {fllmilx 'l‘ht’. (“flowing have been elected £01: 01f thngreat COI'IIJ tCUI’B.IPLItn8H;SO if JA'E” " TIL-IO’M“G . m "I". MI". ‘ HQ... . ‘ j . root to tntireiy in turnin' over the'ilb‘ l '1“ ”3811 l- “ exposure im‘ "V91" 0 . .. ' . , - ain ess orn Extrac or. t wor s ' two Huh: 0. r. - I ht'll‘i 0f All-Sir“ and Italy, ShbmlSSIOD ; soil. Good Plowing (if!) only be: exertion. To say that l suffered does h'Jlfhmf 0‘ the anlbh (olumbia law , quickly, never- makes a sore Spot. and mums”... Imu- 33%,”??‘i3‘f3’5'hc. w“ inevitable. Under the agree- l done. by an implement: in perfectl not exiii...ss it: the pains in my back ffctfifigfififiéifs L“ gsogi‘.f’3§?il.phvg. is just; the thing you want. See that ' mond 83%..1‘brcinm. meat Turkey undertakes to rrant c0n_=condl’~{0n llnd It Will pay better than! were lf‘l'l'lllle. lgradually grew Worse ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ '1 1pc, ° you get Putna°m’3 Painless Corn Ex- .1’ ‘1' fi_, H _,_,- _‘_,_____,_ ___-.._. a... . : g . ll . . ”If: _ imos'. farmers realize to turn the soil ; and was compelled to keep my bed i YnBU’dE‘WH’ D; M' Eberts, 1} H MM” ' tr:ict01‘,the sure, safe and painless cure I suppose, she Siild at the break 3 e'ng I cleanln l commas .o .‘ unsia 101 . e .tonstiuc- . 0“”. in straight “lands,” so that the; and for months 1 existed as though inl Neill, ( E. Iooley, and (J. b. Cor- . for corns. fast. table, that you know something‘ g i‘?"“ “f 1%” lines m the (“5”th Spec" i5l1‘3‘lilb' ftli'mers’ method of "cut and 3 a hideous dream. .[ had considerable hOI-L’l‘l. lhey are ah Q-O- l about the open door policy? He nod-5 u ?T?°'m~'“mm‘°m . l y _ it-(l. which 511,. huge“ does m, wish cover’ may be avoided. It tak’es no! nausea, and loathing for food, was _____.______ I Do you believe in heredity, Mrs. ded Am I right in believing thatl Look minuggfgngw 0.- l . ‘. . . , l r’ . - . (r , ' : 1- . . . ' V ' . . . . . - i to build. a Chilil’llUD which. as, finan- ilfinij-fét‘ tolie Zodt-ftZSltUiliii, $319113: iglel‘l.g3:51.”)“fillufigrem iiilftihher-ihlghelpgxotz SPRING SMILES :Simpsonl’ Indeed. I do; every mean you consxder it extremely ddesgablerfl “outreal,Toronto, 0t“... 0‘31)“ cull an} m building but»? also be Ob‘ tached to this funda‘ru-elntal opht‘zitiliiril li‘ttlve ileep: was left it cult, and cx- .. .trail Bobby has I can trace right back tsfizlgsssiieghe ‘ilegnatlnmllielngggliie. to 3:55; R 00" "a gnu an”: IONIC“ . taincd from RuSS‘W insures ”19 latter 5 Of ””1189 by the best farmers in tliehuusted and despaired of gettingl w ,. 'to his father. Does ms father be- h t 't, "11 be sus‘ ended in this house 3003le SLATE lnBl { the (Wired “mum lold country “ . H b'ffv 1- . V . t 'ed 50 the elopment on the automobile new. in heredity too? 'Yes he traces t a 1 WI ,. i-P’ ”Maroon. snarasucnoaansiw. uppl . I ' ' l ' _ . ,. . l“? ' 1 “sin" ”Pale” ”31‘" “I , . . ' . ' , " ’ ‘ ° ' unless you get away from the Club Nlowdlighhhooh Tonnnl.Roochlt.m l .. l. A gieai advantage of tall plowing’wuhout benefit. finally I was per- “'33 nipped ”1 the bud! 3.85; the Old , Bobbys {311115 all back to me. earlier than has been your custom. tantra. cu. noorm‘ortui BuNovOuy l NIL T H \-B lHlAI {is inl :hedability to get the land in lsuaded to try Dr, \Villlllms’ Pink Pills . man hid the gasoline can. ; ' __ “v P C 102' :9 '1": . don-h mtmyorwfiggiw.pr . . ’5 A ' " t‘. . {00‘ con ition and the cr0i seed ’and rocual g" b This was) - .. - ' .- My “my math ooun J'hon-l 1 Th g'Ol-l‘lphic'il ois'ri'iution 0,. d iPtll'llttl’ in the spring-an iiiiliorlaiiilaboutp Malls-lb list {hills I tool: the' YVhat do they mean by hypotheti-l OHKEIEFE’s‘u'igIgI MALT imagifl‘wulwidmw?mfmu *‘ T ‘, ‘-'* , g ""9 ° 3 ob‘eci. 95 mi: 11. .31” .~ . ‘ .‘ . . ~ f ’ J ' l . ,ca quesfion i" Why. it's one of those" mils" "I "9 “â€"“‘""""“"' M” "1‘ ' ”0 ' -~ «m headed 5.1.1515? tortunateiy, wide. Int-y $03ana iii‘eiy‘ Sho‘ri lira-It‘s“; in our pills faithfully .lll(lll all the lenfil of”! “o 3 questions they ask you when you're mnwoonffiumofifih mm. CALVERTIS I (crampingama. can be iUUlld in every inhabited m1“- , 'l‘l~ .. ~l' .. . . ‘ i. .i m5, b(,dsOll.!111011[hb l felt, no again an a e. in . tr in to k if . . i . Inc“ ar e “whim. Cloth... {er 0" [be “1)th i belitttll.) .130“): (jails. \‘v'lll usually (I0 attend IO "13' W'Ork. Fl)? f()ll(,)\\'lng y g eep 0 ‘1 Jury‘ l THE END Cap-bong Di.|nfe¢tant.. ‘0‘". Oin‘, i thing every one needs w.n.nmi imfiglzwblfigm. _ g u. i. d... . ,_,;::m;;n;m;;g typed u... a... . «Wm sight sueâ€"i .0... why mu. a.-. , , ., ....,, ..., . sci..'lm.5zrra°a.sswags: MW W... is: mm... s 1. - . quen‘tly glori led by glowing locks. ‘ a rule. ‘ ‘ ‘ large “(timi- As‘currence of the trouble and again i Ways so careful to Sign their pictures? AUIhOT-‘I V9 qux “I" l g g ' 'Pm‘llme‘C‘“35C¢“'llv”H’Opfldoz-O'mmrfiml ‘ excellence. Their regular use prevent infoctl. : in, one. you, money refunded it not “dam,“ Editorâ€"“Wat’s that for? one diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a in“ “and postage gummy. . . D. C. G. YOL'h G. 1 Adelaide Authorâ€"“Hall, I write a (Pack; the supply. Lists mailed free on application. i East. Toronto. other day and the b3“ “’3‘” 'e ‘ . 8° F D CALVERT 00 . . _ 1' .t. I I I, I think I have refined the m“ usucuzarm . nmuuo. l m...â€"-- .. ..¢».- a .- m. -.. .. ‘ Seventeen Acre Fruit Fem l FARM FOR 3AlE- near Hamilton. Cholccsl 3 fruit. new buildin and shipping facilities. firstcclau bargain. 80. our '3: for fine Stock and Fruit Farms. mm: a LYALL flamllton. l Loan and Savings Company. uooarourzn 1155. m Oldest and Largest Canadian I” ' mo corporation. How’s This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tor 3 any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by l Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY CO" 1.01on 0- -, - ____,_____.___...-._._- . - I Pgidq; Ca 'ta] . . $3 60° 000 We. the undersigned. have known F. J. -..‘”“ In: Gaming I H P Pt 9 O 9 Ch ey for the last. 15 years. and believe him m In a... l Reserve Fund ‘ ‘ ' M3004”. per ectly honorable in all business transact» PIPE AND . Haul tacoâ€"Tm 8L. rm w"? and naiagclgllyi' “31° to carry out any obli. 3 u on BOILER over "3 m "booâ€"W, In. Venom. u atonmae y or rm. ; ns'r 8c TBUAx. Wholesale Drugsiste. Toledo. - nnd lot and Cold Water Plus. Couscous. O. WALDING. KINNAN a: MARVIN. Wholesale Pins Kitchen Boilers. cu. DIPOII'I'B norm. In“ diam CANADA PERMANENT l l Dru lets, Toledo. 0. hr M In!) to l ntnnmm 1881711) for l. x a, G as”... l H31"! film"?! Gilli. iglotzilm ilntriilunchltiZ' 3: m ”I“. ”WIRING 00., 1:31!!! Mailman-1mm 2: rec u n e an . “MM {ages of thyo 5.9.“... Price, 75¢. per bottle. I‘m-to. low-d. ”db-duo In. , ”modulations!“ a... Sold by all drug ate. Testimonials free. ' ,. - . . _---. l --â€"- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Kall's Family ill- nrc the best. ".0h'gan Land for sale. J. HERBERT mason. ’ WWW-mt- . an «an «on minim ulnaâ€"amao Mn: Director. rm Tessâ€"How’s your club getting along? -- Wwwmwrm-Counuu Tin per- .’ c ' -. W... -.-..____.. brain condition. ‘ the sun-goddess to come out ’ ' ° ‘ ' . - ‘u. in! “My“ ' t . “um m ‘ ‘ m w . ., . ‘ . . of a cave - - Jessâ€"0! were ettin a bi member-, a x _ thutthes. . . . ; . lhe llmll. °.f tillage is hard to de-' . 'h' h h _ . 7‘ Buttons are qmte an important fea. . . . . 8 8’ 8h . 't' IQ... mm “MW. Magi. . . “‘“Mdm The 'lurks :i re a harm-haired, blue- _ fine. but it is certain that land in ' m “ w s e hdd secreted herself. 0n ‘ ture Of both day 89d evening gowns. ‘SIJLP now Since we reduced t e an 1a-} “memmn'mwhu‘u 1.; eyed race. and their children are every- good heart cannot receive. too much: the back of the mirror are seen birds, ? the stone cameo having the preference. ., tion fee. Tessâ€"I told you 35 was tool - ‘9’” I“ - r ' tflowers,_ dragons and mythological 808008. In raised designs, artistically “executed. _“'heu looked --at directly land \Wllen too wet. seeding} the real .m’l‘mr reflec'ts'the object in Moors and Arabsâ€"the glowing locks .too “(its cultivating t00 deep. lt‘ari front 9‘ "5 3““ the same “3 an ordin- i are com-moneSt of all. The women all :more injury, however, is done by’aa.ry "1.1”” does, b‘” when a bright l the their jetty tresses to a most love. farmers 30‘ fully realizing the aid-$118!.“ is rellected from its highly-i lyxcd with henna. vantages of perfect preparation of} 901$th surface on to a screen there the sail, or by the neglect to culti-l ‘3 .at 090° depicted on the screen 8 rate. at the right time. An import- bright-lined image on a dark ground ant itenu in judicious tillage is the “Presentmg the raised designs on thti compacting of the soil, which is V . essential to fpromote the perfect ger- mination o seedâ€"especiall rass ' 1:54 seed. Time Spent in they pgoper Hm he preparation of the seed bed will in- variably hasten the growth of the . cultivation, though crepe eru Africa. , _ {may suffer from injudicious cultiva- And where there aren’t any l'r-tl.1 Lionâ€"under thi'flll head‘ come work- . {'Seed pearls are also well favored. haired girls by natureâ€"as among the 1' ing the, . _ J. - - u i .- -â€"â€"-.---â€"- BUILT "LONG TOM.” There are about. 14,000 men employ- ed toâ€"day at the Creueot Gun W'orks In France. This firm will undertakel an order for a 13,000-ton ironclad or the rcâ€"armhg ‘.~f a nation’s artillery, . threatened all sorts of things, and finally he got desperate and 01013131941. Do your worst. Wicks c \ fthough numerous shell cameos are seen :much to expect any woman to pay. “as well as large tortoise-shell buttons. 'Jesg...Yes, that, so we I. I. W A t. '0‘ Ba 01311 n. . we realized l - . . -ouj” Ra W ' . . made it $4.98. ' " ’..- l Hallie Safety 3 ' l sue marine an “a“: «stun: 'umu 00 «can: “0 l IO! 0' 'lflc

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