Seeding is the order of the day now. and everybody is b1.» tniug to ï¬nish this week. Fine. but rathcx frosty weather for our business. Defect in manners is usually the defect of the ï¬ne perception. Ele- gance comes of no breeding, but of birth. - Emerson. EDITOR anoxxcw - Seeing you have no correspondent from this place I thought I would send you a few items to let ~vou know we get the news too. ' Horses changed I: ands -- flank Moore bought of .A. B. McDonald :1 ï¬ne driver for a good sound sum, while Norman Molntvxe bought ol McLean Bros. 2!. xtvo ~\em- -old colt at the sum of one bundled and ten doi- lars and D. Ferguson bought of Chas. Moore a. ï¬ne driver at seven†ï¬ve dollars. I may come again when the weath- er is warmer. â€'m â€" W‘ "W » -. A '.-.I It.’ 3 nothing new to see F red along the line. Well Mr. Editor, if you xx. ant to go to Maple Park you leaxe Pxiceville, go south three miles and a. half, then east 3 little bit. and you are in it, and you will know it by all the woo-.1 and timber you will see. Robelt meis. of Regina. \isited at' the Park on Sunday last. also Dan. McKecbnie of Proton Station Dan ' Ferguson, of Balsam Valle) and Archie Calder of Farewell Corners. o-» Mr. J. Ferguson visited at the par: ental home on Sunday last. Crash Skirts, 3 rows tuck- inrr, at $1.00 each. White Cotton Corset Cover. Ladies’ Shirt ‘Waists. odd sizes, old price 75c, for 20c. ’1 , Children Dresses. 40c each. Ladies’ Ready-made Suits, Blouse and Skirt, $1.85 each. Buys’ Ready Ma das :nade 2,000 Yards of 50 Prints! MAPLE PA m N E AND GET QUOTATIONS from us on Hardware, Paints, Oils. GEMS, Varnish, Garden ' Tools, Sprayers; White Pique Shirts, nicely 8. See them. All worth 70 at the l<_).\\est Scarce ga_>t):lsâ€"-but we thuml this lot, zmd oï¬â€˜er it. at the very low price of :30 a yard. Makes- good (wilt lining. oâ€"QO..-¢«-â€"â€"1â€"- Ready=t0=Wear Clothing J. £5. HUNTER. J. A. HUNTER. C, IMARTUUI: has (311:: cf rs: stOcks of boots and shoes If your baby is delicate and sickly and its food does not nourish it, put ï¬fteen or twenty drops of Scott’s Emulsion in its bottle three or four times a day and you will see a marked change. We have had abundant proof that they will thrive on this emulsion when other food fails to nourish them. goes Baby Thrive? ‘ It is the same with larger children that are delicate. Scott’s Emulsion seems to be the element lacking in their food. Do not fail to try it if your children do not thrive. It is as useful for them in summer as in winter. Ask your doctor g7 this 23' not true. scan a gowns, Chemists, Toronto. Don’t bother making up a. Wrapper when you can buy one for 75 cents. Surely every housekeeper has enough to do without making her own clothes. Your time is worth something isn’t it. Come in and see our Stock. It'you don’t like the article you buy you may have your money back for it. THURSDAY. the Ian-g- in town. 1 \‘v Oxud [' ;Ont.. H aciéxma 3- “.1523 5. fasting]; 'V '1: â€" -MQ°.Hâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" HOW ONE GETS BILIOUS. A sluggish liver fails to ï¬lter the bile from the blood, and when the [)nisonons mntzer goes tln'ungh the body in the circula- tion. the whole system i4 tainted and (le- ranged. This is (-allml hilionsness and can lmujnnplctcly cured by Dr. A. W. Chase‘s Kidney-Liver l’ills, which met. (liz'ez'tlyml the liver, making it healthy and active. Une l’ill’n (lose. 2:3 cents :l box. The cheap- est medicine in the wm‘id. V Mr. .J. R. Atkinson, Dentist, is on a visit to his parental home at pre- sent. He is now a full fledged Den- tist, and we understand proposes to start for EurOpe in a few day's on professional business. A western editor who believes in telling the truth, printed the follow- in; recently: “ Willie Shortlike and Bettie Bloomers were married at the church last evening. The church was very prettily decorated with flowers and potted plants. hor- rowed promiseously from over town from peotile who didn’t want. to lend them. The decoration was done un- der protest by some of the members of the church, who were asked to do 90 by the bride, and couldn’t well refuse. The ladies are of the opinion that if the couple were so bent on having a stylish wedding they should have been willing to have paid some one to chase all over the town for a day getting: flowers together and taking them home again. Surgicai Operations 65 a Cure for Piles. . . Mr. G. L. \Vatson had a. visitor last Wednesday morning. We be- lieve it has come to stay at least we are informed that. G. L. says so and he ought to know. Congratula- tions on the arrival of the boy are in order. Mrs. Hector McKinnou, Gravel Road, slipped and fell last, Fridav and hm] her arm braken. Dr. Hut- ton attended to the injury, and we hear She is progressing favorably. She and her husband have the: sym- pathy of the community in their trouble. Mr. J. Hutton, of Georgetown, is at present visiting his son. Dr J G. Hutton. here. The old gentleman is an ardent ï¬sherman. and hopps to have a few days Sport in this vicinity. Mrs. .‘sluPhattcr, of Owen Sound, visited relatives and friends in this place and vicinity last week. She spent Sunday visiting at Dr. Hutton's and attended the Presbyterian church returning: to her home in Owen Sound on Monday. A thunder-storm and very wel- mme min visited this burg on Mon- day night. “ The bride wore a handsome Silver- stein gown made at home. and the groom was clocked in a. $10 band-me- down suit. The ushers wore cutaway coats, borrowed for the occasion. Sallie Potts was maid of honor, and the consensus of opinion was that she was- ° to 1 better than the bride. The vo 1111;: couple took the morning train for St. Louis where they will Spend more money in 21 £011.11 days than Willie can earn in three months. The ï¬shermen, who have Opened the front season, have met with var- ied success. Some got fairly good strings. others a single ï¬sh. some none. \V'hat has become of the old sports this year? “'9 hear nothing of the big ï¬sh of the past. Have the fish run out, or have the sports turu ed over a new leaf? We are anxious to hear a good big ï¬sh yarn. Hurry up and keep up the reputation of the fishermen. oi the Saugeen Bridge and the mill Dam. “ Willie says that now he’s married he’s going to settle down. Some of our merchants think it would have been better if he had settled up ï¬rst. The groom gets a. snl- my of $27 a month, whi: h is the 21110“ ance B’ettie has been used to [’01 pin money. We wish for Willie’s sake that the old saying that it takes no more to sup- port two than one wasn’t a. lie. “ The bride sent up a. shoe box full of a conglomexation of stuï¬ supposed to be cake. If this is a sample of Bet- tie’ 5 cooking \xe feel sorry fox Willie. Our janitor’s dog fell heir to the cake and now he’s lying in the cold, cold ground. But this wedding is none of our funeral. If Willie and Bettie are satisï¬ed we’ve got no kick coming.†Among persons operated on for pilot and afterwards cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment we would mention Rev J. A. Baldwin. of Athena. Ont.. H. H. Sutherland. Truro. N.S., and W. D. 'l'hornton, Calgary, N.W.T. Dr. Chase's Ointment truly works wonders for i t positivciy cures the worst cases of blind, itch- l 2;. Liccdmg and protruding piles and all inning <‘:_3n diseases. 60¢. a box it all dealers, or 321:}: -\2{£O.\', BATES Co., Toronto. 1" or bronchitis. croup, coughs, colds and £1“?me no rcmed can be compared to Dr. LMcLSC'S Syrup of mood and Turpentine. n cure. It frequently happens that after people have endured the torture of pï¬es for years and sub. mitted to operations. that they are ï¬nally cured by Dr. Chuw's Ointment, the only guaranteed Fortunately this is a mistaken idea. for phy- sicians have learned to use Dr. Chase's Ointment mstead of applying the knife, not only because it is less expensive and less risky, but also because it is a more effective cure. Besides the acute misery produced by tho itching zmd burning of piles, this horrible disease is the more dreadqd because a surgical operation is commonly consxdered the only cfl‘cctive oure. A Tell-The-Truth Editor. Are Painful, Expensive and Dangerous _.-The Oniy Certain Ours is Dr. Chase’s Ointment. PRICEVILLE. THE Entrance Examinations will be held on June 27th, 28th and 29th; the Public School Leaving on July 3rd 4th and 5th and High School Exam- inations begin on July 3rd and end. July 19th. McCannelâ€"Mclnnis-That an ac- count of some of the ratepayers com- plaining of irregularities in the ac- count of the commissioner for ward 4 for 18“,!) and after nu examination of the cheques “e ï¬nd thes aid commis- sioner owes this Township the sum of $4.70 and the Clerk is hereby in- structed to request the said commis- sioner to settle this cconnt forth- \\ ita. «Carried. Arrowsmilhâ€"McCaunelâ€"That the Clerk be paid 3300::32-11:u'y.â€"â€"Cm'ried. McCauncl-miVIcInnisâ€"-'l.'hat this C uncil pay no more than 3 cents per load for gravel, to be certified to by the pmhmaster requiring; the same, and that the patlmmstvers are hereby requested to usva the gravel in the hills on the road wherever practic- able.â€"Carried. Firthâ€"Mchmnel-â€"â€"'1‘hat A. Bell be paid $2?) on salary as assesqor.â€"Cur- ried. Arrowsmith» I‘in thâ€"u'l‘hat the Clelk be [mid $1. 00 express chawres and $1. 27 for postage. --Cn.xried. The total assessment of the town- ship of Kincardine this year amounts to $1,577,980. a reduction of $33,840 from last. year’s assessment. Dunnville carried a By-law lass week granting examption from tax- ation and water rates for ten years toa knitting factory to be established in that: town. There was practically no opposition. '1 he Council :uljomned until notiï¬- ed for Comt of Revision .-. .9. Wâ€"~â€" HIGHEST price paid for butter and eggs at C. McArthur’s, McCannel«Arrowsmith«'1‘hat the School Board. of Max'kdale. be paid the sum of $120 00in anticipation of their School Levy for 1900, as per R S. 0. Chap. 992, sect. 67 (53)---Carrie.l. McCannelâ€"Firthâ€"«That \Vm. Irwin of Tm: CHRONICLE be paid for printing and advertising the sum of $32.23.â€).â€" Carried. “You are in the last stages of Consumption and cannot live more than a month,†were the words of doom heard by Mrs. Rosa. Richardson of Lau1al Sp1ings, N. C., from her docto1s, "but she began to use Dr. King’ 5 New Discovery †writes I». L. Daughton, of that place, “and was wholly cured by it. She is now a. stout, well woman.†It’s the su- preme cure for desperate diseases of the throat and lungs. Infallible for Coughs. Colds. Bronchitis, Asthma, Group, Whooping Cough. Guaran- teed bottles 500. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at all drug stores. The Guelph Pavement Co. have tendered for Orangeville sidewalks foflthis year at 100. per foot. McInnisâ€"-â€"Arrowsmithâ€"-'I‘iiat lots 9 and 10 on the 13th con. be taken from road division No. 73 and added to road division No. 74 and that. Neil Livingston be patinnaster in division No. 73 inStead of Joseph Sproule.â€"â€" Carried. Firth--.\'IcInnis-â€"â€"'l‘hat John .‘xIc- Kechnio of the Durham Mills be paid the sum of $1.80 for 100 lbs. flour for Mrs. Dillon.â€"â€"Carried. Arrowsmithâ€"Mc'[nnis~â€"That Geo. Pilkey be appointed pathmaster in place of Alex. Black. he declining to act.â€"C‘arried. Firthâ€"-;\IcInnis ~ That James Burt; be raid $1 4?) half cost. of l'epairiug bridge on Garafx'axn road south of Durham for 1899.â€"C:\rried. The Council met April 16th, pur- suant to adjournment. All the mem. bers present ; the Reeve in the chair Minutes of last meeting read and conï¬rmed. Communications read as follows: From R. E. English and others praying for a change of path- master in division No. 73; from C. W. Rutledge and Win. Irwin ac- counts for printing; from Dr. Ego, relative to school money; from S. J. Parker, notice of a government lot sold; from Alex. J. Black declining to act as patliinaster. Misses Grace and Jennie Brown left for their home in Alpenu, Mich, Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hunter were in London from Tuesday rill Saturday attending the burial of the farmer’s brother Mr. John Hunter, of the P05: Ofï¬ce Department. ' Mr. Ro' ert Holt, of Glenallan, paid aflying visit to his brother, Dr. Holt here, this week [rior to taking his departure next: week for Montana. Miss Kate Anderson returned to Hamilton Monday last. after a few days visit, at her home here. Mr. Will Harris left for Roland, Manitoba, on Monday morning last. He takes_a positipn_there as a typo. Baxristet I. B. Lucas. M. P. P was in town Monday on business. Rev. Father Hauck of Markdale. “ as in town Monday. Mrs. Daés, of Stratford, visited friends in town last week. DURHAM CHRONICLE. SENTENCED TO DEATH. GLENELG COUNCIL. PERSON AL. J. S. BLACK. Clerk. at the hour of 10 o ’clock in the foreuoon. And notice is hereby further given that the Councilwill meet for eneral business 3†o’clock in the afternoon of the same ay. J. S. BLACK, Tp. Clerk. Clerk’s Ofï¬ce, Glenelg, May 11th, 1900. HE FIRST SITTING OF THE COURT OF REVISION FOR THE Township of Glenelg for the year 1900. will be held at the Town Hall, on Saturday. the 26th day May, 1900, MONDAY, THE 28th DAY OF MAY, 1900. at 7:30 o’clock p. m. Dated at Durham this 7th day of May, 1900. COURT Of REVISION. ihe COURT OF REVISION for the town of Durham for the year 1900 will be held in the Town Hall, Durham, on OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT THE FIRST SITTING OF {or Mr. Petr-r Mel‘avish, of townline Sullivan and Elderslie. Mr. \Vatt has become so feeble that. he is unable to earn his bread, and Mr. )lc'l‘avish wrote to the more of Elderslie to have 311'. Watt sent to the House of Refuge in this county. Reeve McIn- tyre asked County Commissioner Mc- Donald if he would reconnnend that. Mr. Watt be sent to the house of Refuge, and received an answer in the negative. This means that Mr. \Vutt. being an actual resident of Grey County, will have to beg or he sent as a pauper to Owen Sound jail. It. is hard lines when a man get to be over three score years and ten and have nothing laid past for old age, is left by his natural procectors to the cold hand of charity.â€"â€"Hepwor:h‘ JournaL COUR 1‘ 0f REVISION. Small pox broke out“ Port Arthur and ~the provincial medical Health oï¬â€˜icer, Dr. Bryce. has been asked for power to expropriate land for an isolation hospital. There will be 110 place for the tramp in Ontario hereafter. The experi- ment was made last. fall of rounding tip the professional tramps and put- ting them in jail over winter, and it was so successful in lessening the number of oï¬enders that the Attorney (391101111 has decided to o1del the adoption of a similar polics every swing and fall. In. pect01 Rogers of the rrovincial detective force, w1 ll haxe special charge of this work. Last fall about 170 tramps \\ e1e ar- rested while stealing rides on ttaius, etc., and within a week or two, the news of the wand up had spread into the States and 1,500 tramps, who in- tended to winter in Canada, made their headquarters in Michigan, and especially in Detroit, where the vagrancy laws are somewhat loose. It is stated that Quebec will adopt Ontario’s method of abating the tramp nuisance.-â€"Ex. For 4:") years John Watt was :1 mai- dent of the township of Elderslie, but unfortmmtmly for him he has been :1 resulent of Sullivan township for the past. {our years. During; those [041' years he has been working: Kingston, Ont, April 30.-â€"Mr. W. D. Lescuer of the Postofflce Depart- ment, Ottawa, will receive the degree of L. L. D. at Queen’s College this week. Rev. Armstrong Black. of New St. Andrew’s, Toronto. will be made a Doctor of the Divinity. D’Wzr TALMAGE says : “ The goody- goody kind of children make namby- pamby men. I should not be sur- prised to ï¬nd that a colt which does not frisk becomes ahorse that. will non draw. It is not religion that makes that boy sit by the store while his brothers are out snow-balling; but. xhe “ dumps,†The boy who has no ï¬re in his nature may, after he has grown up. have animation enOUgh to grease a wagon wheel, but he will not own the wagon nor have money enough to buy the grease. 'l‘he besn boy I ever knew before he went to heaven would strike a ball till it soar. ed out of sight. and in the race, far as you could see, you would ï¬nd his red tippet coming out ahead. Look out for the boy who never has the ï¬ngers of a good laugh tickle him un- der the diaphragm. The most so- lemn looking mule on our place has kicked to pieces live dashboards. Mr. W. Trimble has, we under- stand. sold his Durham stage and livery business to D. J. McNaliy, of Holland, at least such sale was an- nounced last week in the Durham papers 011 Mondav evening last week the Advance asked Mr. Trimble if the sale had been consummated and were informed that it had not. So just where the matter stands is hard to say. We believe, however, that Mr. McNally has possession. â€"â€"Flesh- ertou Advance. [NotwithStanding the forgowing. we beg to intimate to Mr. Thurston and the public at large that we had the best of reasons for making the anncuncement regarding the transfer. It may be there is a hitch somewhere.â€"Ed.] TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG. TOWN OF DURHAM. WM. ANDERSON , CLERK. *** ORDERS left; at W. P. Patter. son’s Grocery Store will receive prompt and careful attention. Terms Cash Bran, Shorts and Middlings, Oat- ChOp and Mixed Chop, Scream- ings and Excelsior Meal for fowl. Fall W’heat Cracked Wheat and Farina for Breakfast Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills are a perfect and ideal remedy for all kidney ailments. They act naturally and directly on the kidneys and promptly and positively cure Bright's disease, diabetes, dropsy, rheumatism, and the most serious complications of kidneys, liver and bowels. One pill a dose. BLACKâ€"In Durham. on Sunday2 May 6th. the wife of Mr. John Black of a daugh- ter. RENTON.â€"In Durham. on Friday. MaY 4th To M)" and Mrs. Wm. Renton, a daugh' ter. HUNTER. â€"- At his late Queen's avenue, on M hunter, late of the P meut. aged 76 years. 1 of Chester Street in the Town of Dur- ham, containing four (4) acres more or less. There is on the said Lot a brick dwelling houso, containing 6 rooms and a kitchen also stable and driving shed am‘ hard and soft water. This is a very dcszrable pro- perty and will be sold reasonably. For terms apply to G. LEFROY MCCAUL, Barrister etc, Durham. G before our Stock 9% is all exhausted. w > ‘llg. They Have been bonght in earload quantities from the 33% . as ‘55 94s $3,, 7“ gs Canada Carriage Co., Brockville. now to select from. â€0"" UVWGSTON; - {Lambton Street. $5; aï¬WWW%%Q as All styles and colors ï¬b m ; ’14 l was.» «‘3'» w ’4’? «IMWW We Have 1"} May 8th, 1900. GREAT L853?) OF LEFE from Bright" 3 DESCGSC A dreadfully fatal disease which is prevented and cured by Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Piils Bright's disease is a further development of kidney disease, and has for its most marked symptoms backache and urinary troubles. It is so insidious in its beginnings as to frequentiy escape detection. and with the single execptiun ofconsumption is the most fatal disease mez toman. Bright's disease is wasting away of the tissues of the kidneys, and in its later stages cannot possibly be cured. So long, however, as the kidneys are not in an actual state of decay. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills will revitalize the diseased parts and positively cure Bright’s disease. House Lot For Sale or to Rent. Flour 6: Feed Croup, bronchitis, asthma. and all coughs and colds yield promptly to Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. u 25¢. a box at all dealers, or EDMANSON, BATES Co., Toronto. ARK LOT NUMBFR TWO NORTH 1 + | E4 IMPERIAL Pmeur ' “ave Flour, Hungarian Process Manitolm Flour, Pastry Flour and Graham Fiouz‘. Call and see our complete Stock MARKET HEPUHT. Farmers and Others DURHAM, MAY 9th. 1900. When in want of give us a trial. BORN . DIED. R. MCGUWAN. To PATENT Good Idea: late residence. 259 m May lst, 1900. John 9 Post Ofï¬ce Depart- CVVt. may be secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, l Buggies '5: Democrats f2 00 90 4O 14 66 50 Baltimore. Id. bb-U'IO U‘CIJG} 10 (f) ‘35 2 ‘20 2 00 1 00 66% 530 15 An Important . Point Oflices : Wingham and Wiartom J. D. McNab, is the roller used, as nothing is so annoying as to have the Spainy playing: out a short time after the" shade is hung. The HARTSHORN is the only one that is guaranteed, and on thesewe have all our shades mounted. \Vhen buying be sure you ‘gez a HAR'I‘SHORN. Noth- ing will try your temper like a bad Spring Roller, unless it is .barliy ï¬tting Stove-pipes consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS 8: C0- _ _(Patcnt Attorneys.) Evans Building, AND DON'T FORGET this impor- ant fact, we trim emery r011 free of ccst. Wallpapers Our fee returned it we fail. Anv one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly reeqve our opinion free concerning the patentabihty of same. “ How to Obtain a Patent " sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sa e at our expense. â€ain‘t. ‘n‘rnâ€" A--L 4L..-_, , c - _ - MacFARLANE (it Go. NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. DIG. Dnnm, HE UN DERSIGNED OFI-‘E RS _ forsale lots 8 on con. '31. Egrennmt. l forsale lots 8 on con. '21. Egremont. and 3 on com. 4. S 1). IL, Glenelgr. Ln: 8 consists uflOOacre~'. 90(tlem'ed. well watered and fenced. 70 acres ï¬r. H) mm machinery Over. Good large brick house with Wuml shed 20x30 and driving shed same size and bank barn. small. orchard. 1.14 miles fr um school. Lot 3 cansists of 54 acres, L5 elem ml balance handxwml b: tall. Clear title. \\ ill be sold on ea. v texm<.1~‘or further panic- ul: u s applv to ALL WORK GUARMTEED at “Live and let live†PRICES. Pumps. March 27th, 1900‘ Wm. McQalmon, MCINrnn-r. 12:,03'. -â€"â€"-â€"- DURHAM importer of and 3231:: in Swedish, Scotch Canadian C ": Granite and Maris ::sr%z OF ALL 1:152) ‘ Mon uments Impaired :1 11d Mar. 23. 99. MAY 10, 190,0. ENGINEER fur Howick, Wingham 1 TCMERSaml the public in gcncgtlâ€" thva‘tI am prepared to furnish . CURB. RwCUIm, PRESS ZURB “'EL‘LSf A110r(!"'r.~'t.'lkv)l a: Hw 0111 stand near McGowan's Mil] nr :21 5.1va at Charter Smith‘s Foundry. BEG LEAVE T0 INFORM MY (IVS Druggists and Booksellers Farm for Sale. Ontario Land Surveyor,-.._ Civil and Drainage Engineer. Inscriptions Notice. Everybody has for our New They certainly and low priced GEORGE WHITMORE. To r0 member when purchasing JOHN WIMTMORE Durham 1’. WASHINGTON. o. c. Window Shades a kind wozd Wallpapm s. are elegant 0:1 Shortc NTE EDI DURHAM :;.