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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 May 1900, p. 8

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The Band Concert on Wednesday evening of last week was a. very pleasing entertainment and worthy of a more liberal patronage than that uccorded it. Though the audience was small it was highly appreciative of ‘the excellent program rendered antl thereby lent inspiration tothc artists of the evening. Miss Ceoku. elocntionist, sustained her reputatiun elocationist, sustained her reputation and was compelled to respond to en- cores in several numbers. Pleasing duets were given by Mrs. Blackburn and Miss Christan, Mrs. Sheppard and Miss Joy. Solos by Miss J 03', Ali's. Blackburn and My. Sheppard and u quartette by Mrs. Blackburn. Bliss Uhrisnoe, Miss Joy and Mr. Ban-u. house. Air. )1. Richardson occupied the chair. The Band made their first 3 q “‘4 appearance in their new uniform .- looked quite neat in the same. A few days ago Messrs. A. Mun-g Shaw and W. P. Crossley drove into’ the farmer’s orchard with a spraying ; outfit on a single Waggon for the g purpose of spraying trees. At the3 firm whiz from the nozzle of thel machine the home, not accustomedl to it, took fright and ran scattering} occupants and contents of waggoni broadcast. The vehicle and harness " Suffered wreckage by the latter com- ing in contact with a tree and tllo‘ frighted steed had a. race course } gallop before being captured. The gen tlemen suffered only the unpleas- ant bath of bordeaux mixture, but. which we should say, will prevent any flies on them. Principle Slaughter reports having a first class program prepared for the Teachers’ Convention entertainment here on Friday evening this week. The Orangeville papers Speak the highest praise for Mr. Embury, P. S. Inspector for Peel, who is to deliver his interesting lecture on " The Forces of Education.” Artemesia Township Council are taking steps for the improvement of the Valley Road having spent Stttm'o day in a body inspecting the same from Louck’s millJ to Heslip’s farm. A slight deviation can be made-at one point LO advantage, and, we un- derstand, only a limited. expenditure is thozght necessary to make the road fairly passable. Clerk Bellamy, County Councillor Richardson. Edi- tor Thurston, Geo. Mitchell and A. Mnnshaw accompanied the party. P (3-- Karsmdt has made an ad- F. G. Karstadt has made an ad- dition to his real estate by purchas- ing from the Lever eState the lat mi- joining his premises on uurham street. This lot is well situated and is a. valuable acquisition to Mr. Karszed’s property. The price paid. we under-Stand. was $1.10. The news of the reli ef sent. 3th: Llof joy 2 .r ug flags were boiszed in all qua. the rejoicing: xx as general. pa‘ At a business meeting: of the Metho- dist Church choir on Friday evening last the eleCtion of officers resulted as follows : â€"Leader, Mr. Baruhouse, ‘ re-elected; assistant, Mr. E. W. Ritchie; organist, Miss Christoe, re- elected ; assistant, Mrs. W. Trimble ; Sec.'1‘rea.., Mr. F. W. Hickling, re- elected; librarian, Mr. J. A. Boyd. At the Quarterly Board Meeting of the church Mr. Bert Armstrong was FLESHERTON . If you wear Shorey’s Clothing you cannot be otherwise than corâ€" rectly dressed. Shoreyj§ Kilmarnoc Tweed Suns? Retail at $|2.00. 1 LI Button Sack fiamwt So Weak she couldn‘t Sleep or wornâ€"â€" Hands Trembledâ€"Could Scarcely Walk â€"Restored by Dr. Chase’s Home Food. Mrs. Margaret Iron, Tower Hill, N. 13., writes-«“192: Chase's Nerve Food. has clone me a. world of good. I was so weak that I could not walk twice the length of the house. My hands trembled so that I could not carry a. pint of water. I was too nervous to mom and unable to do work or any Sleep, and unable w uu no... v- ....,, kind. " Since using Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food I have been completely restored. I can wall: a mile without any inconvenience. Though 76 years old, and quite fleshy, I do my own housework. and consider- able sewing, knitting, and reading be- sides. r. 'Chase’s Nerve Food has proved of inestimable value to me.” n, mqaqp'g Nerve Food is the world’s elected representative to the District1 meeting in Dnndnlk this week. ‘ The 1.0. 1“. Band here is engaged to play at Owen Sound on the 24th. At conclusion of practice a. few even- ings ago Mr. Fred. Bunt invited the Band into his new ice cream parlor and generously treated them to very palatable cooling cream which was much appreci:-zted by the boys. 31 r. Will Sinclair ‘upplied the Methodist. pulpit here on Sabbath morning last. The paswr preached at thoughtful and intsresting educa- itionul sermon selecting for his text lProv. 24: 1:3,14. "' My son, eat thou 'honey because it is good,” etc. Mrs. W. K. Flesher, of Markdale, visited among old friends here last week. All were pleased to see her in good health and in her usual lcheery inooxl. Flu V cu UL 3.. w-----â€"_ _ Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food is the world’s greatest restorative for pale. weak, nero vcus men, women, and children. In pill form, 50 cents a. box. at an dealers, or Edmanson. Bates Co. Toronto. Don’t cough, use Dr. Chase’s Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, 25 cents a. bottle. \Ixs. Poison. of Toronto, is visiting 11121 2111111, Mrs . J. H. Hoard. M1. \\ 111 H01111lrc't111ned to Kem- ble 1-1151 week 111131 11811111” 11131110111- or. Jo': .1 11121111, here. 3111'. 111111 \11... GLO Cill'7te1' 0f k‘eS' 5911011 1110 Spending 11 111011111 fox the I {011111118 118111111 with 11311111165 in nv-v-_V this vicinity and gave THE CHRONICLE Scribe a. call on Saturday. )1 1'. Huxtaifle and Miss Harnden, of Dunkalk. visited Mr. anti Mrs. R. N. Henderson on Sunday. . Mr, and Mrs. P. A. Baker, of Mark- dale. visited at Barnhouse’s. ' Mr. Andrew Wilson spent from Saturday till Monday with frien-ls at My; . Alex. Molioclmie, of Mark- dale. \isited Ins: we'ek with her Sis- tel..\11s John Hales, hole. .11{N'.\Va.ld retmned on Satul- dux‘h {101.1 Montreal w hele he had b em on 1-. \xsic oulx and not to leSlde as xcponczi t) '15 last, \V eek IT DAZZLES THE WORLD. No Discovez-v in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr King’s New Discovery for Consumption.1 Its severest tests have been on hope- less victims of Consumption, Pneu- monia. lzlemorrlmges, Pieurisy Ind Bronchitis, thousands of whom is has roszored to perfect health. - For Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Croup, Hay Fever. Hoursoness and Whooping [Cough it is the quickest, surest cure in t} to xx 011d It is sold by all drug- ginS \\ 110 guzuamee satisfaction or refund money. Large bottles 500. a. “151.00. Trial bottles free. THEIR SD 11“? o fierves. “W. v.11 Mr. David Donnell)? will have his barn raised on \Vednesday afternoon. This is the first of the season in these parts. Mrs. ’1‘. Hum, 01' Billnmn, Mich., is en an extended visit to her mother and other friends in this part... Mr. J. W. Vickers has purchased a new bicycle, also Mr. D. McCormick. M r. H. \V. Hunt Sundayed in and did not. return until very lam. Mr. John \lilligau may now be called pa, and will, no doubt, be proud of the name. Mr. Robt. Smith has treated him- self toa new top buggy. Mr. Sam Vickexs is, we hear, to join the matrimonial bonds on Wed- nesday the 23rd inst.. the lady of his choice being Miss Derby, of Hamp- den. Congratulations Sam. Mr. Frank Livingston is now on the load sole agent fcr cream separ- moxs and is doing a good business. Frank is a hustlex. Receives a setback, if she has offensive breath through Constipation, Biliousness, or Stomach Trouble, but Dr. King's New Life Pills always cure those troubles; clean the system, sweeten the breath. banish headache; best. in the world for liver, kid- neys and bowels, Only 25 cents at all drug stores. 1 Mr. 0. C. McFayden, of Edge Hill, spent the latter part of the week with bosom fliends in the vicinity. The death rate amongst. horses this vear around here is unusually large. Last week Messrs. Murray, Hodgsou, Trawford and O. Speight each lost horses and the most, of the animals were Valuable cues and drapped off very suddenly. The placing: of 21 ring is genemlly considered :1 delicate ope1atiox1,buc Iohn A..\cho11a1d “H.116 assisting in a ringing exent on Satmduv last, sustained the fiactme of his “list. AS a consequence John “in take an enforced holiday. Mrs. Wallace and son Fred, who have been in the vicinity during; the last. six months left last week to make their home in Hepworth. Lawrences’ gang of jolly axemen are once more in the vicinity having been nearly two years working around hexe. They me a. sociable, maul). lot. and axe under the fowman- ship of the stalwart B Stone. Mr. '1‘. Graham, of Whitfield, Duf- feriu 00., was lasuweek the guest of his brother at. the Manse. Rev. Mr. Graham leaves this week to visit. a sick brother in Hamilton. Miss \Voll'e resumed teaching last week after a severe illness ot a fort- night, duration. Her section welcome her back. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKinney, of Milton, moved up a couple of weeks ago and have leased the Riddel‘l {arm just south of the Village and are busy putting in a crop at present, Mr. Donald Stewart, who has been the Met thirteen months in the Dauphin District, Manitoba last‘ \londay 5111 pneed his hiends 11e1e by coming home unannounced \lr. Stewait has seen considemble of 111111 disuict and is entliusastic ove1 its future The Soil, climate and loca- tion being very much to his liking. Donald looks well and will return in 21111011tl1 or two having invested in Lcousiderabie property there. The village anal vicinity Was sad- dened on titbhatth morning, the 20th, to learn that: Mr. Hugh ltidtlell had died the night previous at the resi- dence of his brother John, of King,- hui'St, where he had gone the evening before. Deceased was a little OVer the three score year mark, but up to Ian [cw years ago was one of the healthiest of men. Since then he rented his farm but. always lived thereon Mr. Ridden was a. bachelor a sociable, kind and obliging man, a native of Scotland. He leaves two brothers, John, cf Kinghurst, and Jas. of Beaton, to mourn the loss of A WIDOW’S LOVE AFFAIR. an affectionate brother. The funeral will take place from his brother’s residence on Tuesday to the Lutona cemetery. M: . Chronicle, as you seem to have no correspondent I take the liberty to send you a few items which may interest some of your readers. Om founel blacksmith, M1. 8. Todd, has secm ed employment m the North \\ est. We know he’ll give satisfaction. Mr. McLeod is tickled _ over the birth of a young son. Z‘Jr. Vinthill is engaged during the DORNOCH. 0*0‘0.-0 râ€". 0.9 5â€". BOOTHVILLE. frge. wileâ€"£11.23. or“bi.‘A.'w. Chase Medicine Co- Toronto and Buffalo. W"- â€"--- 1 Catmh and H'iy Payer; is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers. clears the an» passages. stops droppln in the throat and pemanan y cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower Do Your . . . ' Cows Pay ? FRANK LIVINGSTON past week repairing Merchant Pat terson’s store at Swinton Park, Tom Wilson has invested in a new Armstrong: buggy, and will now be able to use his strong arms in good Style, A number from here “ill picnic at Hamilt.’sou L: LkO the 24th, and others along “ith :l Balsam Valley crowd 3:0 to Eugenia. The. people 111et1yi11g to enlist. the. 531111121013 of 'ei‘ acher (a‘rmham to get 11 ) 3110:1101 big 1ic11ic this summer. I I The {he 3011113.: {0110“ 3. who were? hunting [01 3411111 in 0111 Ememont 011111 01ch.u d and missed the cat, the \\'ildc.-Lt.u11d the lynx. have women'- (mi [10111 theii f1i~vht, but the animal 1311;111:3131 it 1111-13 have been, is Siill at 111100 Seeding is about finished with Mr. \V. J. \\’i lsou mo \\ ceks ahead. '1 he cre11111e13' \\ anon is again mak- ing its lefrular hips to Ml. John I Wilson’s C1ea1nei3 21L l‘lesherton. DURHAM CHRONICLE. If you publish this Mr. Editor, we’ll send you another budget next week. But. we don’t want to wasxe our valuable time writing on spec. Mrs. W. Robertson, ofToronto, is Spending a few weeks with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Allan. ’ Mrs. C. L. Harm-0f Listowel, ls visiting relatives here. Mr. Geo. Sharp and family, of Dun- dalk, paid a flying visit to his brother here on Saturday of laSt week: Geo. is an expert With the “hook” and “ line,” and treated. his friends to some " beauties ” from Roebottom’s ()nr creamery is now in full blast for this season. We have made an exceptionally good start this year.] There are five teams on the road, and 3an additional one has to be engaged 5 to aocomodate all. The Executive of the Egremont Township S. 8. Association met in Holstein Monday evening, and ar- ranged the program for the coming Convention. which is to be held in Dromore on the 3rd of next July. Mr. W. Doyle has had a relapse, and is now confined to bed, although somewhat improved at time of writ- ing. AGENT. Since we last, wrote death has eu- tered our vil'mge twice. On Sunday evening; of last week, at. about. 10.30, Mrs. W. L, Petrie quietly and peacev Lilly breathed her last. She had been a sufferer for many years, and K3 to her. death was relief. She had been a resident of the village for up- wards of thirty years‘ She has left a husband to mourn her loss. Her remains were borne to their last resting place, in the Mount. Forest cemetery on \Veduesday afternoon followed by a large funeral preces- sion. She rests in peace. 94$. _u.\./o. m4 Mrs. '1‘. R. Clark, Mrs. R. A. Vair and Geo. W. Shields. of Berlin, at- tended the funeral of their aunt. Mr. W. L. Petrie, and remained a day or two to visit acquaintances. A few weeks ago we reported that Mr. and Mrs. R. Ellis had.,become residents of our village. Mrs._ Ellis] has not been, of late, of a very strong constitution. but was in her! lordinary state of health up till Wed-; Tuesday night of last week, when she; was suddenly striken with pneuinon-' ia, and, although all was done that could be done to relieve her of the grim monster, death claimed her at 9.10 o’clock Sunday morninrr. She was laid to rest in the Reid cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. She leaves behind her a sot-rowing husband and three sons, William and Richard, of Manitoba. ' '89 £2 Mrs. H. Ham, of Milvertou, former- of this village, 'visited here a. few days last week. IF NOT let us tell‘ you how to make dairy- ing profitable. The Be lavei . Steam Separator Will solve the. pro- blem for you. In the old fashioned way half the cream is left in the milk. With the Sep- arator you get- it all. ' Sold. on trial by We guarantee at the very lowest $8.00 a yet:- per cow will be gained by using the De Laval Sep- arator, which shows the machine not only pays for itself but yieldsa pro- fit in u very short time. HOLSTEIN. .4 6.0 O" Mr, E. Jamiesou, who had been working in the mill here for a. coupie of months, left for his home in Blyth on Thursday morning of last week. Mr. W. R. Clayton. of Listewel, organizer for the C. O. F., was in the village lasc week doing missionary; work {or the Order. As a result. four new members were added to the Court on Saturday evening and there. are more. to follow. Mrs. Frank Greeuough. of \as sus , Michigan, is at present spending a few weeks at. the parental heme. Mr. Wm. Sea‘umn. hardware mer- chant here, is now busily engaged in building an addition to his Shep and residence. The Ritchie Bros., Dur- ham. are doing the stone and brick wvrk, which is about completed. Mr. C. McKiuuou has the «swarm» of the carpenter won-hand is busily engaged at it at present. It will be gratifying to temperm'ice' workers to know, and that on very‘ unliable authority that Canada. is the! most temperate country in the world as to the consumpttou of alcoholic liquors. Mr. H. Bruce Jones in a paper read before the Royal Startis: tical Society in London, England, on the 24th of April last, said that while in Denmark the consumption of spirits in the form of whiskey, bum- dy or rum is throe gallons a head, in France, Holland and Germany two gailons a head and in the United Kingdom, Russia and the United States about one gallon a haed, in Can- ada the consumption of Spirits has declined from 0.9?) gallon in 1890 to 0.55 gallon in 1898. But whether in lieu of the stronger stimulants the consumption of coffee has increoset‘l in the same period from 8 lbs. per head in the United States to 11 lbs. and in Canada, from 0.64 1b. in 1890 to 0.97 in 1898. In the ether colon- ies of the Empire very little alcohol is drunk the consumption of wine has deminishetl even in vine growing countries of Europe, but the consump- tion of beer has increased by leaps and bounds. Belgium stands first as a beer drinking country with its 4:3 gallons ahead per year. The Uniied King. dom not, far behind with 32 gallons a head. The United States 13 gallons, Germany 27 gallons. but the Province of Bavaria has the unenviable noro- riety of consuming 45 gallons per head thus topping the list of the beer drinking countries of the world.â€"Com. The beaming countenance of Mr. i Patrick McCullough, Barrister all Markdnle, was seen on our streets on l Tuesday. He left last night, nccmn- l panied by Messrs. S. Hill and D Me- Cullough. for a European tour. He, will proceed first to Rome, where liel anticipates with pleaSure an inter- view with the pape, from thence he will visit all places of interest. We trusr Mr. McCullough will have a pleasant trip. and will return much benefited in every possible respect. â€"â€" Clarksbnrg Reflector.-â€"It would be interesting to listen to Pat talking to the Pope on Spiritual matters.-â€" Ed.] It. happened this way, A young calf was expressed to Thornbury to a Mr. Wilson. The owner of_ t_he calf was a Mr. Wilson, of. Kolapore.‘ Word was sent to Mr. David Wilson, . of Euphrasia, that there was a calfl at the express office for him. Ger-i tainly ‘his was a mystery to ‘Davefli as a calf by express never ~ dawned ‘ upon him. He could not imagine who was so kind and thoughtlul as to express him a thorough-bred. However, he came to town and secured his prize and the animal was ' landed on " Wilsondale ” farm in the highlands of Euphrasia. Imagine the express agent’s surprise when the real owner came in and enquired about a eaif that answered the de- seription of the one that had gone to t“ Hm. nthpr Mr. Wilson.” l‘he calf “ the other Mr. Wilson.” The calf has been restored to its rightful owner however, and the express agent is just. wondering how many Mr. Wilsous there are trzweiling'on the same name.-â€"'l‘horubury Herald. COUR 1‘ 0f REVISION. MONDAY, THE 28th DAY OF MAY, 1900. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT THE FIRST SITTING: 01“ the COURT OF REVISION for the town of Durham for the year 19(1) will be held in the Town Hall, Durham, on at 7:30 o’clock p. m. Dated at Durham this 7th day of May, 1900. WM. ANDERSON , CLERK. 00 U RT Of REVISION. HE FIRST SITTING OF THE COURT OF REVISION FUR TEL Township of Gleuelg for the year 1900. mll be held at the Town Hall, or Saturday, the 26th day May, 1900, at the hour of 10 o‘clock in the foreman. And notice is hereby further givenfihat the Council will meet for general busuxess atl o’clock in the afterqun of the same day. _. ._ n' A “If h‘.‘ n'ni'b uay. J. 5. BLACK, Tp. Clerk Clerk’s Oflice, Gleuelg, Maylltlw IMO. . TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG. Pat and the Pope. TOWN OF DURHAM. â€"â€".c _â€"â€"â€"o*.-'* Temperance. .iu Fun Whean . .. Spring; W heat Oats . .. Peas Barley ...... Hay.......... Butter ....... . Eggs per dozen. .. . Apples per bag . . . . . Potatoes per bag. . Flour per cwt . . . . .. Oatmeal per sack .. Chop per cwr. . . . . .. Dressed Hogs per c Hides per 1b ....... Sheepskins ......... Turkeys per 11).. .. Geese per 1b ..... , Ducks per pair . . . . l Wool ............. A. GORDON Lower Town , 7 ‘HE l 13111.1. " Normaulgy Diamond? number 28667, wul be kept for service at Lot 46, Con. 25, \V. G. R. Terms, $1.00. ‘CM. SCARY, Proprietor, Am-il 16â€"2111. ABERDEEN. April 16â€"21)). D Mellig’an Pmperty on George Street, one acre of good land in gum! location, a desirable residenue, will be sold on easy terms. Apply to En. MILLIGAN, Palmerston or to \V. CALDER, Durham. Jan- 37. 1900. if Jan. 1 .4 § House Lot For Sale or to Rent. 1)ARK LOT NUMBE‘R T\VO NORTH of Chester Street in the Town of Dur- ham, containing four (,4) acres more or less. There is on the said Lot a brick dwelling huuso, containing (3 rooms and a kitchen also stable and driving shed and hard and soft water. This is a very desirable pro- perty and will be sold reasonably. For terms apply to (5r. LEFRUY MCCAIIL, Barrister etc” Durham. M WW? REPORT. RICK HOUSE AND LOTâ€"gum Shop Open every Ail R Ready-Made Slothing. Flanneis Flannelettes. Fresh Groceries. Try our 250 TEAS. N?) 712‘. VS :4 71‘s :3;- gOHN LIVINGSTGN, - Lambion Street. THO ROUG HBRE D DU RHA M amps of all Kinds. Bull for Service. Galvanized and Iron Pipâ€" ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. ‘ Dunn-xxx. MAY 16, 1900. Pumps from $2 upward. Our SUPPW quantities, is now In swcu auu “eunuw _ _ _ to Mace their orders; at once. Hundreds have tried the famous brand and can testify to its superiority over all others. %M%Q%.zuâ€"â€"â€"â€"é~“' ’E- HAVE STILL A___Ij‘EW CANADA 'lhe highest mice in cash (.1 txzme will be paid {01 any quantity of “001. For cheap and service- 1 able suits there at}, none f': better in Durham. For Sale. Our stock is always com- plete and the prices are the very lowest. Watchmaker and Jewefler, They are always fres} _. and are the best to be had in the market. Mumxfucturermf And Dealer in - per cwt. .d-_.__ _ ' . _ . 2'35 ' Carriage Buggies left. winch we would like to clear dating the coming “(3915.111 quality and price we defy competition. afternoon. of Plx mouth Binder Twine. now 111 stock and xer 11vite (SO (10 40 00 10 50 250 CO 00 00 DURHAM (S (>2 ()2 00 14 11 ‘20 00 1 (3 iPUI‘b Paris Green. gSulphate of Copper. EWhale 8i! Soap. iPure Hellebme. xDalmation insect Powder. ? iMoth Camphor. viMoth Bags and Paper. M AY 2 4', MacFARLANE 6?, Co. Pumps. NEW PUMPS .axn REPAIRS. DIG, DRILL, CURB. BIS-CURB, PRESSCURB \VELLS. All orders lulu-u at the old' stand near MMiuwnn's Mill or at Shop at Charter Smith's Foundry. ALL WORK GUARAM‘EED at “Live and let live” PRICES. How to Grow He Has Several Very Fine Farms ‘ " - A -.-..1 _ ._ HE ALSO mule: takes the collection of Notes and Accounts, and it is a pretty bad claim that he cannot make some money out of no charge for his trouble 11’ not collected. He BoesFHe, Life am! Accident insurance I BF 3 LEAVE TO IXFOI‘JI MY (IFS TCMERSuud 11w public in general that. I an: m‘vparml m furnish ~ and enables H. business mil; pr lumself. N. B. A. Sf on Lot :28. Con. :2. acresâ€"Durham six and bound :0 sell. D‘. lmporter of and Dealer in Swedish, Scotch 6’: Canadian . ‘ .- Ts PATEIiT Bond Edna: : may be secured by ‘ our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore. Ill. OF ALL KIND. Monuments Repaired and Is what. Cumny of (_ e to infamy. “'6 am â€"-’\I.‘ M chn-‘m: BLOCK, er Twine. bought 111 carload wejnvile all our old customers Hundreds Lave tried the famous superiority over all others. Drumvists and Booksellers RH Graaiie and Marble Work T‘WENE. For sale at verv very easx teum. bound to immense the 111110 to 111'). CO 1‘11 E to US of the abm' (T) Inscriptions Cut on Shortest Notice. GEORGE W HITMORE, Special Bargain is ofl'ered 2, \V. (E. It. Bentmck. 100 six unles-owuer gone \\ est 1 900. McCaimon, fl. MILLER, HANOVER. v 'â€" erx' luu figures? and on .15.Farm lands are :zhfe in p: we and no“ is 5 re 9y Farmerswould {or any articles. DURH AM DURHAM. 50 Bushcls â€"\\'13031 to â€"flw Acn- .2? v!.‘ 1 .84

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