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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 May 1900, p. 5

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Pfi. . . sflmam - up“, writes 1;. U. Uvel‘stl‘eot. 0 The 24th passed off quietly in our Elgin. Teu::.. " but your wonilerl‘u rwighhcrhoml; some went fishing. medicine (:0211}.ilc!wly curml her, and while others washed shut-p in ihe saved her life.” Satisfaction is gum Saugeen river. The guodold Queen ranleeil by all (li'nggists who give has as much respect {or the man that trial bottles free. Large bottles 500 spent. the day behind the plough as and $1.00. McDougall Bros. purchased a. top buggy from Mr. Chas \IcKil of Durham. Top buggies and are all the «70 nouadaxs am voung man that has neither of is numbered awm back .0 th ginning of the ]\th (:4 n nrv David Hinks shot two foxes some day lately. There is no danger of Raynard catching Dave’s hens for he has his Winchester loaded always so as to be ready when an." alarm comes near his chicken house. “'0 saw by last week’s CHRONICLE that the bachelors outnumbered the Opposite sex by nearly two to one in some parts of the States. I: is nm the case nt'l‘op Ciiffe for three of our most prosperous farmers have nine- teen girls in round numbers so that there is no danger of our young men becoming old bachelors with such a good crOp of beautiful young ladies to seleet from in the near future. Councillor McCanneI. of our “En-(1., attended Court of Revision on Saturn! day last. We are all through seeding in this part some time ago. The dry weath- er of late has kept. back the growth COHSiu erable. Abundance of grabs to be seen in the woods and orchards all round us. Fall \\ heat looks fairly good and b5 its appearance a wood crop is anticipated \\- hen the time (f harvesting comes Our Teacher attended the Con ren- tion at Flesherton on Friday and Saturday 25th and 26th inst. â€"\ number of our 5oungr men andi ladies attended the picnic at Ha5- wand 3 Falls on the 21th and ieport, a gOOd time- i Miss Christina M¢Phail and M15. Thus. Fishel spent the 24th visiting tiwix sister in Hamilton and xetuzned on Saturday last. terms to suit borrowers. A General Financial Business Transacted OFFICE-l door North of S. Scott’s Store. I OAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. J CONVEYANCER. COMMISSIONER in H. (I. J. Cullectiuns prumptly attended to. LOANS and I "sum ucq effected without de- lay. Companyand anate Funds to Loan gt a, 0:2 and 6 per cent. in sums and upon UI-‘i-ICEâ€"Mclutyrc P 1,0ck (Ox er the Bank} Money tqlman at re: terms tu smt borrower. 1 College Toronto. - Member of the Col low: at Pln siciau» and Sur germs Ontario. ‘ Mexub r ut the Detroit Medical and Libra: v Asst-f1 latiljn. Si x yea rs hospital experience. RESIDENCE-01d flank Building, Opposite c2) )iclx'iuuou‘s Imp't Shop, Upper Town. DURHAM. 1% -\P RISPER \O'I‘ARY. CON- VEY-XXCER. Etc. ,Etc. W. I... MecKENZIE, Dr. Burd, M. C. P. 8'. S. O. E12: ILL S ram-z r DURHAM OXOR GRADUATE OP TRINITY cure all such \iiseaseslby killing medicine prescribed by regular revitalize the whole body. Th and receive a large “"63 can prove t} old’s English Toxin P free of cost, just. fill 11; have v kidney disease UV gorms . E. J. FBEEL M. 0., C. M. w. s. DAVIDSON, HEADER, ARE VIII SEEK? OFFICE-In MAY 31, l 900. an away back :4 the 13th ccn‘nry TOP CLIFF. 11 Mr. Chas. \IcKinnon ’l‘op buggies and bikes ;0 noundays and the at has neither of them away back to the be- E-In Calder Block Durham Pharmacy. at reasonable rates and m: you rheumatism, lame ha se. diabetes. stone in the I If so. as you know that - _.~ .AVIL‘ \‘lv'vlo‘tllki Pills. But we prefer t6 have you up the CO“Don below. Sign 11:. m'esc be killing the germs that cause them. The ' are by regular physicians. They cleanse the blood, 1: body. They are the best medicine on earth for al this by testimonials from thousands who have hnor “'1‘ -\ sample, absolutely free 0V0? I] e \V EIgin, Teu::., "but. your wonderful medicine complcn-Iy cured her, and saved her life.” Satisfaction is gua- ranteed by all drnggists who give The gallant Major Svaine tells of being knocked senseless by a lion that laceratoil his arm, His thrilling escape from the jaws: of death is only equaled by Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. which has saved thousands from elvspex'atp Throat and Luxg troubles. “All doctors said my wife would soon die of Consump- tion,” writes L. C. Oversn'nm- nf' The sheds at the Presbyterian Church, Priceville, will he in course of building in a week or two, The timbers are all on the grounds and excavation will be proceeded with during the coming week. We get Tm»: Cunomow every Wed- nesday evening witnouc fail if we go to the ofli’ce at four o’clock in the afternoon of that. day. which speaks well for the punctuality of the pub- lisher. etc. We hope our roadnmsmr will pay more attention to the repairing of the concession than was done the previous year. \l1'..~\|l:111 llcliinnon, of l.1')11l111111 “113 \ isiting his son Donald, of I‘ are- 11 ell. Intel}. Mrs. McNulty will be commencing her brick house in a short while. The other day while Mr. John Nichol was driving his Sheep to the river for washing one of them drop- ped (lead from the effects of heat while driving. A large numbe1 of cattle and hogs leaxe hele “eekly for Dulham and othex parts. Donald Gillies was confined to his bed {or the last two months, but is able to be around again. Farquhar McKinuou arrived 1 from the lower part of the couu week or so ago. He Says the farmers down in that country tough seeds to work for. The Teachcls’ Convention on Fri- den and. Sat uidm failed to bxingr rain xx hich \\ as a \ ery unusual occurrence. _ John A Graham, teacher, paqses through our section every Friday evening on his way rejoicing to his homein Durham. Mzs. Laidlnw. of Bentinck, is Stay- in; with her daughter. .‘Jrs. John Mather, for the last, few weeks. The brick work of .\ 1'. John Bur- net’s home is nearly completed and will be a good design when finished. The weather is dry and rain is lmucln needed :0 give everything: fresh looking appearance. Woods are all out in {All blown. but the -;:Ierpillers by all :tp;_n::1rancc will soon strip them here. . Miss Maggie McInnis, youngest daughter f Mr. Duncan .‘Jclnnes. Durham Road, Glenelg, " united in mucrimc ny at her brofi’s resid- ence. Calgary. M. W. T.. a. Conpie of weeks ago to Mr. Joseph Shannon, of the same place. Mia‘s .‘iicInnis’ many friends in this legality extend, to Mr. and Mrs. Shannon congratula-i (ions wishing than long life and} prosperity in their journey through; life, 32.9 has for the one who took advan- tage of celebrating: Her Majest;"s birthday bécanse it was a holiday. Miss Kate McDonald. of Tor uto, is Spending her time at, home in this place for the last few Weeks and in- tmnds to stay home this summer. me back, boiis, thin Winery blood the bladder. bright’s disease, or a IN THE JAVVS OF A LION COUPON. s Luau cause them. ms. They cleanse tlx e best medicine on e The ' are the only proprietary 0 blood, brace the nerves, and arth for all female complaints. from xhousmds who have been cured by Dr. Aru- ‘er to have you test, them for yourself. sign It. present; it at Address >on die of Consump- C. Overstmet. of mt. your wonderful I111 blown. but the .H :1p;,u::waucc will arrived home the country it says the old country are d, dyspepsia, indigestion. any other disease caused ‘ Mr. \Vm. Ritchie is a very busy man this Spring. He has put in a large (:I'Op on his own farm and is now busy putring in 'the crop for his brother John who lives in Port Arthur. fxiis. Henry Williams Sr.,a_former resident of this line, but now living; in Durham, visited old neighbors last week. Although she has reached the ripe old age of cighty~eight she is Still halo and hearty. While Mrs. Reynolds and her danghter Vi were returning from Durham late Saturday evening their horse stumbled, throwing the occuo pants from the cart. Mrs. Reynolds received some very swore bruises, but; we ho; e they will not prove ser- ions. U1.JOS.F‘,ilth Sr. ., is spendinga \\ eek in Duiham “ith his dai «rhter, st Fox. and othei friends. Unite :1 1111111be1 f1om this vicinity attended the p1c111c held at; Hay- wwud’: Fall 3 on the 24th and all re- pom a good time. MI. I. Staples is engaged at Glen- xoaden mills fox the sumxm-r months. Mr. Jack Firth is busy hauling brick to brick his kitchen. Now that seeding is finished we find time to give you a few items. HIS WONDERFUL NERVE. Alone sustained Eidfor F. M. Higgins, of Seneca, 111.. when all doctors and medicines failed to relieve his pain from piles. Then incklen’s Arnica Salve wholly cured him. Infnllible for Injuries. Pains or Bodily Eruptions, ‘Cnre guaranteed Only 250. a box: Sold by all druggists. Weak. Nervous. and Run Down, would ‘ Shake with senousnossâ€"A Terrible, easeâ€"A Remarkable cure. Mrs. Chas. H. Jones. Pierceton, Que., : writeszâ€"“For years I have been a] '2 great sufferer with my heart and I nerves. I would take shaking spells and l a dizzy, swimming feeling would come ' over me. Night after night I would, never close my eyes, and my head' would ache as though it would burst. ' At last I had to keep to my bed, and .l though my doctor attended me from 21:11 unzil spring, his medicine did not help me. “I have now taken five boxes of 231'. Chase’s Nerve Food, and it 1188 (June me more good than I ever believed a :zndic-inz» could do. Words fail to ex- x“ .3 my gratitude for the wonderful cure brought about by this treat- front." L-r. Chase‘s Nerve Food makes pale, t-uk, Nervous mm. women, and chill- .ym) .-L:'c:)n:;', healthy. and happy. In uiil firm, SC- oents a box, at all dealers, . r Eidmanscn, [34:th Co., Toronto. 1 am Eieadache EDGE HILL. ffifir- m At the request of the Educational Department. the Minister of Militia has arranged for a course of instruc- tion for school teachers, to qualify them as instructors for cadet corps. to be held at- Staaley Barracks, To- ronto, commencing July 3rd, next, The Deputy Minister of Education is making arrangements. ‘ WHEN IT HURTS TL) COUGH. The cough that hurts, the cough that gets tight in the chest. is dailv gettin r dee er and deeper into the bronchial tubes an is making directl for the lungs, to become pneumonia, in animation of the Inn 3 or consumption. Such coughs yield on y to the wonderful efficiency of Dr. Chase’s. Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine which loosens the tightness and cures cough and cold together. 25 cents a bottle, Family sxze fiO cents, sold everywhere. __ -_ v-_----v--4 ¢u Au Ifitllfillh’ lllUCU me in heaven,” " Three brothers and three sisters, Robert, James, William Elizabeth, Mary and Annie mourn theirloss. James went to \Vi nnipeg Saturday, 12th, and arranged to ex- press the corpse to High Blufi on Sunday, Mav13th. The following Durham boys acted as pallbearers in Winnipeg: 'Robt. Culbertson, Fred Hamilton, Wm. Swallow, Thos. ,Storie, Samuel Lawrence and Jas. Allan. The pull-bearers at High Bluff were: Leslie Dilworth, Jas. Owens, C. Young, Thos. Stait, and Ed. Gmnmel. Immediately on the arrival of the train the corps was taken to the Methodist Church where i a double service was conducted by} Rev. J. \V. Runions, for an aged lady and the subject‘pf this obituary. Alarge concourse of people followed the remains to the grave. The sym- pathy of the community is extended to the surviving sisters and brothers. â€"Portage La Prairie News. Mr. Daniel Bell, youngest son of the late Robt. and Mary Bell, of Durham, Ont., died in the St. Boni- face Hospital, \V‘innipeg, of pneu- monia. Deceased had only enjoyed 19 summers, 2 months and :34 days. His illness was of short duration, about eight or ten days. Dan, was a young man of quiet disposition, genial temperment and, unassuming, thoughtful and kind. Until coming to Manitoba about two years ago Dan always attended church and Sun- ' day School, which was the result of the careful training und prayerful attention of his parents until their :death. He had grown somewhat careless and indifferent to these mat- ters while in Manitoba, as is the case with too many, but during his illness the good spirit of God sanctified his affliction and blessed his early train- ing which led him to trust in Jesus as his Saviour, and about one hour before death triumphed over what is mortal, he had victory in his soul. being at peace with God. He called the nurse to his bedside, and these were his last words: ” Tell my sis- ters and brothers it is alright; meet -v-vâ€"- v--“‘...b er the pole he unhesitatingly plunged off into the water. He next caught his foot' in an ivy and rather than use the pole to save himself he plunged head first into the under- brush, scraping his face till it; bled, While his cap, loadod with extra hooks and lines, fell into the water and disappeared. Bareheaded and bloody, he wended his way home, but the new pole was all right.â€" Mount Forest Rep. -Iv van w JV, which rolled and rather than endang er the 0016 he UHIIPQIfflflnnIIY “1‘1nflhl: The veteran fisherman, Mr. C. : Blyth, of Orchardville, was seen arm- ing himself on Saturday in one of our town stores with one of the new {angled fishingr poles, all folded up, ringed jointed. nickle plated, etc. Colin said he had lots of poles, of course, but this new business sort of caught his fancy and he guessed he’d have to take it. On Tuesday he was in town again, with the traces of a rough encountre of some description on his weather-beaten countenance. He said the abrasions were received while out fishing with the new pole, In the first place he was out on a lossy n-QL.A‘~ -“‘ Three peddlers named Murphy, Parker and Whitley were up before his worship Miller the other day for peddling around the streets of Walk- erton without alicense. The com- pound the agents were selling was called by them vaseline and was a sure cure for cracked lips, etc. The business they are said to have done was remarkable. Mr. Miller assessed the trio $5 and costsâ€"Hanover Post. A foolish local paper remarks that millions of boys have read detective stories, but have not murdered their fathers. The obvious inference is that: detective stories are not danger- ous reading for boys. Apply the argument to unripe fruit. Millions of boys have eaten green apples but have not died of cholera morbus; therefore eating green apples is not dangerous to boys.-â€"-Hamilton Herald Dundalk is much more progressive than many of its people have ever recognized. In the possession of the Electric Light Plant, the village haS shown its belief‘ in the tenants of progressive Socialism. The Socialist believes, that whatever is socially necessary; should be socially owned. This idea is growing fast, and we are glad Dundalk recogniz‘w its truth by owning its own lightsâ€"Herald. EXCHANGE ECHOES. -uâ€".â€"Q°.. 0.0 J. A. Hunter, “'8 “‘6 Store. LOOK IN OUR NORTH WINDOW. Blouses and Skirts all and See a few of the Blouses--in Silk and Satinâ€"- at $5.00 each. ORDERS left at W. P. Patter- son’s Grocery Store will receive prompt and careful attention. Terms Cash Bran, Shorts and Middlings, Oat- Chop and Mixed Chop, Scream- ings and Excelsior Meal for fowl. Flour Feed Made to order and finished in four days’ time. Latest styles -â€"â€"any size. Buy the goods from us and we send them to a London firm to be made. \Vc lmvoa full line of Spring Shoes of all kinds for Men, Women and Chihlrvn, at usual low 81;: 4 prices. (3mm and sue. us ! -uunu UU\\:1.$, ..'. 1‘; $1. 40 eagh. lnito Bed S )reads, large size $1. 00 (3 English Lino ocum, 2mm w ide, 50c :1 Flooroil (‘10th 1 yam, ] 1-,4 l 1-0 - :1 wide, at 25c a sqluue\ ‘ van]. Our Spring Prints ___.v-, v..\/ any vv .Jull Table Linen, 5241: wide, 25c: 3 Table Linen. 64-h) wide, 50c a 1 \Vhivte Linen Table Covers, 2' 1 each. Colored Linen Table Cm'ers. Lace Cnrtajus. 2 1-2 var-as long 25¢ a pair Lacie Qurtagns, 3 yards long, 656 and 75¢: a opair R (3;, (gurtamp, 3 1-2 yards long. $1. and $1.25 a‘ 11 cu Bobbmet, ‘tlne new Curtain goods "’ nsur] Ali“ .. __ ,H ‘ ucKt, racked Wbeat and Farina for Breakfast SPRING GOGDS: ' llu'V Flour, Hungarian Process Manitoba Flour, Pastry Flour and Graham Flour. When in want of Are all in. ( get your pick. give us a trial. H. M‘CGUWAN. IMPERIAL Patent- . BEAN. mu . a v.5; mo. v.3 v.93 Come early and 'ard. .‘\ SI];11)_ -2 yards long. $1.40 $1.00 each 2 1-- 0 yards long! g laidlaw’s Old Stand, .- , .. -1 . _ ‘ . . ‘ v a .....5 .-.lm ..-a I. :0. 4... ad“ m. ‘ "I. I. . E Ireland Big Reductions OUR QUITTING ,_TIME HAS W fi come for some lines of Stylish % and up-to-date Spring Hats and Bonnets, so we are fi going to let them go at, rigiculously low prices. 3;}; Clothing ! See our Leghorns and Fancy Summer Straw JUST ARRIVED: A fine lot of fine Colored American Shirts... . . . . . 750. â€"v â€"--vvv VVLI‘LU‘ santly profitable store in town at which to We have made a good start already. P nearly completed and we have great att THURSDAY. Shopping at Ireland 6: Co’s Are crowding us for Space, and we have many odd lines to clear regardless of cosr. 0 ' A large clothing manufactuler’s llng . removal sale enabled us to purchase much below cost a lot of Clothingâ€"- Men’s, Youth’s and Boys’ Suits and Bicg cIc Suits. wn at which to make yonr purchases. t already. Present alterations are have great attractions to ofieryon. most comfortable. easy, and plea- fine lot of Men’s Silk and ........ 750, $1.00 and 1.25. Co. Hats. IL

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