West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jul 1900, p. 4

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No Discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. It’s severest tests have been on hope- less victims of Consumption. Pneu- monia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough it is the quickest, surest .cure in the world. It is sold by all drug- gists who guarantee satisfaction or refund monev. Large bottles 500. and $1.00. Trial bottles free. Council adjourned till Thursday. McKinnonâ€"-Paterson~~~'1‘hat Re- port No. l of Education Committee, as read. be adopted and engrossed in the minntos.â€"Carried, Mr. Rainage. Editor of the Re- viwe, on behalf of the Young Peo- pIeS’ Christian Endeavor, invited the Council to attend a. Garden Party on the grounds of Mr. Alex. McLachIan, on Thursda3 evening at 8 o ’cIock. Mr. J. P. Telford Solicitor, ad- are: sed the Council in reference to a map of the Count). A letter from Wm. Richardson, :1 County Commissioner of Bruce, in reference to fixing road on a portion of the County line of Grey and Bruce, Allanâ€"Schenkâ€"That Report No. 3 of Finance Committee, as read. be adepted and engrossed in the minutes â€" Carried. Patersonâ€"-Browuâ€"--Thac Report No. 1 of County Property Committee, as read, be adopted and engrosscd in the minutes.â€" Carried. Repoxt of\ ..\V Campbell Public School Inspector for South Grey. An account from Geo. Watson, E:.q., for inspecting bridges and mileage $5.50. Guarantee for costs in the case of Arbitration’ in the matter of U. S. S. No. 1. Proton and Dundalk. An account from the Herald Office. Dundalk, for printing Promotion Ex- amination Papers, $80.23. Mr. \Vatscn presented Report No 1 of Education Committee. DURHAM CHRONICLE Application from I. 15. Lucas and a number of others asking this Coun- cil to make a grant. of $400 for the improvement of a portion of the To- ronto and Sydenham Road. Copy of a resolution re Crispin Bridge. Petition fxom the Council of the village of Hanover, {01 a grant. to assist. in repairing the mad noxth of Hanover. Mr. Stone, a member of the Han- over Council, being present was per- mitted to address the Council 111 ref- erence to the CriSpin bridge. Mr. Preston presented Report No 3. of Finance Committee. Council met. .Warden in chair. Roll called. Members all present. The Warden presented the follow- mg matters to the Council and re- ferred to their committees: DURHAM, JULY 5TH, 1900. County Council W. Irwin, IT DAZZLES THE WORLD. (Cinninued from last Issue.) ‘V ED): ESDA Y B VEX INC: . Editor and Proprietor. m . Mr. Paterson presented Report No. '2 of County Property Com., as passed in Com. of the whole. Pringle mTot-tenâ€"That Report No. No. 2 of County Property Com. as passed in Committee of the whole be adopted.-â€"Carried. Willismoic â€" Preston -- That leave be g1anted to intxoduce a By-law to appoint, Nominating officers for the Count} of Grey for the ensuing te1m. --Carried. After opening the Council and reading the minutes the Warden pre- sented and referred the following accounts viz :â€"- ‘ On motion Council went into Com' mittee of the whole on Report No. 2 of C. P. Committee. Richardson~ Williscroftâ€"That By‘ law No. 583') to appoint Nominating officers be now read a second time. Council adjourned till 10 o’clock Friday morning. An account. from John Sh’ewell for $18 00 for building abridge on St. Vincent and Euphrusia townline. An account from Mr. G. A. Brown for $4.20 for letting and inspecting bridge on townline of St. Vincent and Euphrasia. Account of H. Brigham for $3.50 for attendance and mileage at meet- ing Joint Committee re CreSpin’s bridge. Account from N, McColman for $3.80 inspecting budge over Hurl- burt’s creek. Mr. Totten presented Report No . 2 of County Property Committee. Account from M. Richardson for 92.00 inspecting bridge on townline of Proton and Artemesia. Account from Chas. McKinnon in connection with Scott’s bridge and Crespin’s bridge, including mileage $8.60. An account from J. W. Rennie for $68.50 for building two bridges and filling in between them on -townline townline of St. Vincent am' Euphras- 1a. By-Law introduced, read a. first time.and numbered 585. Mr. Preston presented Report No. 4 of Finance Committee. Council went into Committee on Report No. 4 of Finance Committee. Mr. Watson in the chair. After Council resumed Mr. Watson present- ed Report No. 4 of Finance Commit- tee. Passed on motion of Mr. Willis- Committee rose, Council resumed, Warden in the chair. Mr. McKinnon presented Report No. 2. of Road and Bridge Committee An account from W. B, Cruicksbank for material and work at Heathcote bridge amounting to $3.25. An account from Samuel Walker for $14.50 for building bridge on townline of St. Vincent and Euphras- 1a. Mr. Richardson presented Report of special Com. re publishing Report of “ Good Roads " Convention. An account from Robert Hammil for repairing approaches to bridge at Snake Creek $5.00. An account from Chas. Gordon for time spent and mileage in connection with Crespin Bridge, $8.00. Report of Thos. Gordon, Pubiic School Inspector of West- Grey. Minutes of Wednesday morning and afternoon sessions were read, confirmed and signed. The \Varden presented the follow- ing accounts and duly referred to their proper committees. Council met as per resolution of ad- journment from Wednesday evening session. Warden in the chair, Roll called, Members all present. TH URSDA Y AFTEROOON. l-‘RI DA Y MORNING . THURSDAY. The Warden read an invitation from Mayor Laidlaw, inviting the Council to attend Garden Party at the residence of John Clark, Jr., this Friday evening, Paterson -â€" Brown â€" That. By-law No 586 be now read a second time. - Carried. 'The Warden presented an account of $1.00 from Miss McCaul for type- writing, Engineer’s Report. re the Crespin bridge. Mr. Schenk. chairman of Printing Committee, asked permission at this stage to present Report No. 1 of said Committee. Permission granted. Report was read accordingly. Division No. 8, Joseph M. Rogers, Sydenham Tp. ' REPORT NO. 4, FINANCE COM. In the equalization of the Munici- palities the following schedule gives the old and new ratings :-- Old New Artemesia $1,140,000 1,140,000 Bentinck, 1,335,000+ 1,165,000 Collingw’d, 1,360,000 1,360,000 Derby, 740,000 740,000 Egremont, 1,345,000 1,345,000 Euphrasia, 1,170,000 1,170,000 Glenelg, 900,000 900,000 Holland, 960,000 960,000 Keppel, 684,000 700,000- Normanby, 1,570,000 1,570,000 OSprey, 950,000 . 975,000 Proton, 996,000 1,025,000 Sarawak, 226.000 230,000 St. Vincent, 1,420,000 1,420,000 Sullivan, 1,214,000 . 1,225,000 Sydenham, 1,230,000 1,230,000 Owen S’d 1,640,000 1,750,000 Meaford, 466,000 466,000 Durham, 200,000 200,000 'l‘hornbury, 160,000 160,000 Markdale, 135,000 145,000 Dundalk, 115,000 115,000 Hanover, 200,000 + Bentinck included Hanover in former equalizations. REPORT NO. 1, EDUCATION. Recommended (1) that apportion- ment of Legislative Grant to Schools as per printed statement be filed and further that Clerk be instructed to correspond with the clerks of difier- ent municipalities of county notify- ing them of importance of sending correct returns of papulation, and number of school children between the ages of five and twenty-one. (2) That prayer of petitioners re appeal , against Arbitration Award 55 No. l Proton and Dundalk be granted and that a By-law be passed for the ap- ; pointment of arbitrators. The Council went into Committee and on resuming, Mr. Allan presented Bylaw M0. 585 as filled up and pass- ed, and announced that Committee had risen, asking leave to sit again to fill By-law No. 586. Willisizroft â€" Preston - That Byolaw No. 583, to appoint Nominating oflio cers, as filled up and passed in Com- mittee of the whole, be now~ read a third time, finally passed, signed by the Warden and Clerk, sealed with the seal of the County and engrossed in the By-law Book. â€"Carried. Frost â€" Schenk â€" That the Warden be authorized to issue his warrants or orders to the Treasurer of the County for the payments of contracts for building verandali at Court House, and construction of granolithic walks and steps, on receipt of certificates from the architect and fromthc chair- man of the County Property Commit- tee that said contracts have been satisfactorily completed. Watsonâ€"«VIcColman -That Report No. 1 of Printing Committee, as read, be adopted. etc. Council adjourned till 4 p. m. REPORT NO. 1 on PRINTING. Committee recommended payment as follows :â€" To J. H. Little for advertising Spring Assizes, $8.16; County Court. $8.14; and Council Meeting, $2.00. Total, $17.30. By-Law No. 586 to appoint Nomin- ating ofiicers was filled in as follows:-- Division No. 1. Thos. Gordon, Owen Sound, . Division No. ‘2, Wm. Benton, of Kilsyth. Account from lcCallum Pratt. $3.00 for subpoenas and copies. Ac- count from McCallnm Pratt for missccllaneous printing, $18.08. Ac- count from Dundalk Herald for print- ing returns of Convictions, $26.16. Account from Dundalk Herald for printing PromOtion Examination Papers, $71.03. Division Durham, Division Division Dundalk. VVatsonâ€"-McColmanâ€"-That leave be granted to introduce a By-law to ap- point arbitrators by way of appeal from award toU. S. S. No. 1, Proton and Dundalk. -â€"Car ried. By-Law No. 585 was read a. third time, signed and sealed. Division No. bury. Division No. ford. Richardson â€" Williscroftâ€"That the Report of Special Com. re “ Good Roads ” Convention be received, etc. «Carried. By.La.w, introduced, read time and numbered 586. McKinnon -Brighamâ€"â€"That Report No. 2 of Rood and Bridge Committee, as read, be adopted, etc, - Carried. croft, seconded by Mr. Preston. GEO. WATSON, Chairman. No. 4, D. Allan: Holstein. No. 5, w. J. Wardell, No. 3, W. A. Anderson, 6, Ed. Rorke. Thorn- 7, Geo. Albery, Mea- 1,140,000 1,165,000 1,360,000 740,000 1,345,000 1,170,000 900,000 960,000 700,000 1,570,000 975,000 1,025,000 230,000 1.420.000 1.225.000 1,230,000 1 ,750.000 a firsr By-law No. 588 to levy a rate to meet current expenses and liabilities of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Grey for 1891, showing the necessity for raising $35,939.S8 passed its three readings, and appor- tioned the amounts to be contributed by the various municipalities as lol- lows : Artemesia ............ $2029 20 Bentinck ........... ... 2073 70 Collingwood .......... 2420 80 Derby ................ 1317 20 Egremont ............. 2393 50 Euphrasia............ 208260 Glenelg .............. 1602 00 Holland .............. 1708 80 Keppel ............... 1246 00 Normanby ............ 2794 60 OSprey .............. . 1735 50 Proton. 1824 £30 Sarawak .............. 409 40 St. Vincent........... 2527 60 Sullivan ....... . ...... 2180 50 . Sydenham ............ 2189 40 Owen Sound.......... 3115 00 Meaford.............. 829 48 Durham.............. 356 00 Thornbury.. .. .. . 284 80 'Dundalk.............. 204 70 Hanover............. 356 00 Markdale.. .. .. .. 258 10 The county rate as fixed by the By-law is one and seventy-eight one hundredths mills on the dollar. Council adjourned till 9 a. m., Sat- urday. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment. Minutes read. Roll called. Warden in chair. On resuming business Reports No. 5 Finance, No. 2 Education, and No. l on Memorials were disposed of. Watson-~McColeman-â€"-That leave be granted to introduce By~law to define and regulate the duties of Commissioners for building and re- pairing Roads and Bridges, and also to provide for’the payment of the same. Said By-law which was put through its various stages and pass- ed, made provisions for the payment of all sums for contracts less than $200 on presentation of certificate of commissioner, or commissioners of the Division of Engineer, if any, and in the event of large contracts that 75% of stipulated amount of contract he paid on same authority and 25% be held in abeyance till the session 'of the Council. Harrison Sons for lumber. $8.54; John. Miller, rent of'store, $10.00; Christie Bros., repair of Court House , $41.02; R. P. Butchart Co , ac- count, $llG.91; Wm. Miller, paint- ing, $23.60; John Raskan, painting, $21.60; John Miller’s account. 313.60; D. Rutherford for wheelbarrow, $6.00; James Kenary, account. $5 00; W. Stephenson’s account, 5 3.30; Priest Sprauge’s account, $2.50; A. M. Anderson’s account for trunk, $4.00; and (2) that a. flag be purch- ased for County Building. (3) That tender at John Weldrick :for grano- lithic walks to -County Buildings amounting to 31-95 be accepted. (4) That the chairman be empowered to make repairs to Judge’s chambers. (5) That the tenders of Robert Mor- row for stone at 37¢. per yard de- livered in gaol yard be accepted. Report No. 201’ County Preperty Com. recommended payment as fol- lows :â€"â€"- - Contract for wood supply was awarded to W. E. Johnston for $53.15 per cord, his being the lowest ten- der. ‘ A meeting of the committee to con- sider repairs was held on Saturday last, the 23rd inst., and payments were recommended the. members as followszâ€"N. McColeman, $3.00; A. C. Paterson, $5.00; 'l‘hos. Willis- croft, $4.60; J. W. Frost, $55.00; Wm. Totten, $3.00; and they fur- ther recommend chairman to be paid one day mileage, Opening tenders, etc., $5.00 also $5.00 for letting con- tract for verandah, etc. Reccomended payments as follows : Bell Telephone 00., 75c ; Parker Co., sundries, $9.85. (:2) That the chairman be instructed to make nec- essary repairs in County buildings. (3) That the Presentment of the Grand Jury be filed. (4) That ver- andah ordered to be constructed at Court House in January Session has been completed at acost of $405.90. FRIDA Y A l“ l‘ERNOON . Council met as per adjournment from morning session. Warden in chair. Roll called, members all presâ€" ent. Shenckâ€"Allanâ€"That the thanks of the Council be and are hereby ten- dered to the Council of the town of On motion a By-law was introduc- ed to confirm the Equalized Asses- ment, also a By-law to provide for the erection of a bridge on the town- line between the Counties of Grey and Wellington. Both By- laws spas- sed through the vaiious stages ,and were passed unanimously. By~law No. 586 to appoint arbitra. tors, by Way of appeal from award relating to :U. S. S. No. 1, Proton and Dundalk, appointed Jas. Allan, of Egremont, Neil McColman, of Thornbury, and N. W. Campbell, P. S. 1., as arbitrators to review the award hereinbefore referred to. Mr. McKinnon presented Report. No. 3 of Road and Bridge Com. The neport was adopted on motion. Tottenâ€"Schenkâ€"That W. Irwin be paid the sum of one dollai for servxces taxing plinting account. â€" Carried. REPORT NO. 1 COUNTY PROPERTY COM DURHAM CHRONICLE. SATURDAY MORNING. $2029 20 2073 70 2420 80 1317 20 2393 50 2082 60 1602 00 1708 80 1246 00 2794 60 1735 50 1824 50 409 40 2527 60 2180 50 2189 40 3115 00 829 48 356 00 284 80 204 70 356 00 258 10 Malott Cream Separator No dairy is complete Without a Malott Cream Separatorâ€"the best and easiest handled separator in the market to-day. kept. on hand. C Call at the new premises a few doors south of the Middaugh House. Lower Town, Durham. FOR THE HOUSEHOLD we have the Bell Pianos and Organs. Woodstock Organs and Pianos. Raymond Sewing Machines, a full line of McClary’s Stoves. Dmbam fox the use of Council Chamber [’01 this session of the Coun- ty Counci1--â€"Carried. FOR THE FARM we have Deering Harvesting Machinery, Maxwell Binders and Mowers, Chatham and Snow-ball Wagons, Car- riages and Buggies of all the very best makes. Prestonâ€"-Williscroft---'1‘hat the Clerk be paid $10.00 for his expenses in connection with the holding of the session.â€"â€"Carried. _ Council adjourned to meet at Owen Sound at the next session. The Clerk is a. meat efi’icient office: and exceeding prooinpc and. cour teou .- to the press in giving access to his books and explanations where nec- eSS'o‘ ”)- Councillor McColmau met here thirty-one years ago, at the first session in Durham, and he has a lot of vigor left, yet when he comes to talk on Council matters. He carries his age well and doesn’t. seem much older than he was a quarter of a century ago. There was a l’arge amount of busi- ness transacted. The orderly character of the meet- ings and the systematic way of get- ting at the business has been com- mented on and comparisons made. There was some very nice fighting on some questions but as soon as the smoke cleared away there was an atmosphere of peace. Our own Charlie McKinnon was up and at it every time the interests of Division No. 3 were in danger. Though he couldn’t convince the Council that Durham isn’t prosper. ing, he managed to keep down the valuation of it and the township of Glenelg. Mr, Brigham was equally tenacious in fighting for Bentinck and Hanover. Now We Have a Gordonâ€"Schenkâ€"That the Coun- ty Treasurer be paid $4 to cover livery hire in attending session.â€" Carried. It was interesting when the equal- ization question came up to hear of the extensive tracts of useless land to be found in every Division. Whenever Councillor Richardson speaks he says something, but; he doesn’t speak often. The session is now over and we believe it was a great success. While arguments may be made for and against the system of holding the Council meetings at different places in the County. we feel that it’s a good thing to go around espec- ially while the esential paraphernalia of government is of so portable a character. The members of the Council themselves by going from place to place to hold their meetings will form amore general acquaint- ance with the County as a whole while on the other hand it is a satiso faction to the peOpIe to get a glimpse of the whole body corporate to whom the business of the County is entrusted. We’ll welcome them to Durham again soon. T. P. SMITH, Eye Specialist, will be at the Central Hotel on Wednesday, July 11th. Consultation free. IMPLEMENT WAREHUUMS Scufflers, Turnip PIOWS, Sewers, Cultiva- tors, and in fact everything the farmer needs. Farm and Demeétic Implements and Machinery. Having moved to our. new stand a few steps south of the Middaugh House, we are pre- pared to do business better than ever, and at. the lowest figures and best terms. of all kinds constantly 0. McKlNNON. NOTES. a full and com- plete_ line of W. GUTHRIE, A. GORDON Lower Town , 1 Shoes made fo‘r all kinds of diseased )r deformed feet. A CALL SOLICITED. Blacksmithing ! fl Large Assortment ”“‘ CASH SYSTEM. 41$ afii’fiix 13v 41v “’13 '72? “’13? (av 330 AV; A aw S314, w s”, «L ggg!‘ $14 It? “IN \V\ '0’ \ ’11 gyé :3: ZS m Mill Streetâ€"In Rear of Calder’s Block, Lower Town, Durham ‘3” Women’s Dolwola Buttoned were $1.40, now ...... = . n ’ - %% Gn‘l’s Dongola Buttoned. were $1.2», now ......... 3% Women’s Canvass Oxfords, were $1.15, now ........ ’13 Girl’s Canvass Oxfords, were 900. now. . . .. . 336(- Child’s Canvass Oxfords, were «fOC, now ............ . 9% Men’s Plough Shoes. were $.12», now. . 2; .» ........ . \(g‘b ‘Vomen’s Dongola Strap Shppers, were $.20, now.. 71$ Men’s Canvass Bals, were $1.80, now . . . . ........... éjé Men’s Dongola Oxfords, were $1.60. MOW-m .. . General Blacksmith. [01 SESHOEING ASPECIALTY Teas and Coffees are a Special value. i$ S! A: $3 MRS. ANGUS CAMERON. Fresh Groceries \1/ db ’0‘ ’m.‘ Q» '03. “In“ Of new goods just arrived. Our stock of SHOES, etc... is so complete that you can get Footwear in any style at any price. The above are all good, reliable goods. Pick them up at once. The room is badly needed for other lines. The undersigned wishes to announce tn the residents of Durham and vi- vinity that, she has opened up :1 Grocery and Confectioncrv Store. one door east. of the Post Oflice, where she will be alcasod to furnish all goods in her im- at reasonable prices. HE undersigned wishes to in. timate to the general public that he is reputed to do all kinds Blacksmit- ling at one price to all. Factory madeSlmes, 25c cash. Hand mades Shoes, 300.. Settmg, â€" â€" No cash. Watchmaker and Jeweller, '. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. SOME GOOD SNAPS: PEEL BLACKSMITII. DURHAM. AT OLD PRICES. WQ are always 9 totlxe from. with everything in our line. and our American Steel Wire \Voren fence will be on the from of nearly every farm in this section. judg- ing from the way it has been going; out lately. Nearly every other kind of Wire for fencing,r always kept in stock. Hardware !. A ‘arse stock and HEADS for Mowers and Binders just to hand. Call early and secure your Scythos, Snaths. Rakes and Forks. We have the best HORSE BAKE in the market, and cheaper than the cheapest. Examine them Graniteware.. " ~ GASOLINE, Canadian and Am- erican Coal Oil always in stock. Another ____shipment of Buptercup Rocker W9§kly_.Shi£>ment Chums to hand. Secure one now ! “55¢th Our stock of SHOES, etc... is :wear in any style at any price. ’D SNAPS : “e 31.40, now ............. $1.00 .23., now ................. .95 $1.15,now............... .90 now ..................... .63) . now .................... .430 now ...................... 1.00 were $1.20, now ......... .90 ow . . . . .................. 1.50 30. now .................. 1.25 _. 1 good, reliable goods. Pick badly needed for other lines. The Shoe Man Eggs Wanted. ’é s2 ’II\ 504 ’l V \V .(é ! é) â€"--v---vll‘ of Ready- Mixed Paints has arrived. Be sure and PAINT your buggy with our Buggy Paint and Top Dressing. July 5, 1900. W. BLACK. now is the time. Did you get one of our 25c WHIPS? If you did not. An immense stock of Graniteware just inâ€"â€" and the prices RIGHT.

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