West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Aug 1900, p. 8

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Some of Our Prices Whips Chums Granite Cups Last Chance Mrchine oil, 25c; binding gloves, 20c; \vhetstones, 53c: oil cans, 10c; whip lashes, 103,. Gasoline, Canadian and Amer- ican oil always in stock. SW; $94 §2$VZ$VIZSVI4 / I/ § 0?. of?- 0?. 0?. 06‘. of’No 0?. A If you are desirous of keeping your house (3001 secure one of our screen doors and one of our window screens. \Ve are doing the whip trade of th’s countrv. and therefore you can get both qualit) and price from us A few bicycles on hand at knock-down prices. W. Paints A fresh supply of ready mixed paints just in. Our paint is getting widely known asthe only paint in the market. Butter is up in price and yuu should have one of our Buttercup Chums. the only churn that the baby can works. Call and examine our new stock of granite-warp, (“Speci- ally the granite cups. Another Shipmvnt of grain orcdlos has just arrived. This is your last chance. W. BLACK. and Tinware Granite g This patented invention secures perfect ventilation from both top and bottom of the f window, or from either. It has given the : greatest satisfaction wherever used and is 3 strongly recommended by the inspector for ‘ South Grey for all schools in his inspector- Zate. t is very simply and easily put on ,‘ and is very easily worked. It also forms a . perfect lock to the window. Now is the f time for the school trustees to leave their iorders so that the adjuster may be put in : before the school reopens. All public 3 buildings should be fitted with this patent 3 adjuster: cheap, simple and effective. A ‘3 model may be seen and orders left with the « undersigned. who hold the patent for the 1 County of Grey. : JAS. McGIRR. G. L. McQAUL. ‘ "Q‘ ‘L To School Trustees. Factory and Others. NEW . . v -u-w.\ o -vu I Itliltfll rmuirml. \erte for partwulars to THE IDEST. mumux « Pun'n-ztrrn'I-z (’0. Ltd" Ground floor, Temple B‘ldg, )[untreuL AGENTS WANED Supplies at MAcFARLANE’S ”5,92 8741 4t DRISCOLL'S SASH ADJUSTER. Scbool arithmetic of Geography and Grammar and Scbool THURSDAY. Public ull Stock in even “to“n and -- ‘uuo‘ ‘Q \‘illagv.m â€" \0 ( :lpital DRUG STORE Durhain. a Miss Minnie Hamilton is home from Toronto visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hamilton. Editor A. R, Fawcett, of Toronto Junction, with his two sons visited friends here Friday and Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hamilton visited friends at Meaford and Thornbury part of last week. Miss Ethel Crossley with friends m 'l‘orontoi.S Mr. Fred Sheppard is on his holi- days this week and with his wife are visiting friends in Clarksburg. ‘IO last. Mrs. J, E. Hansford and two chil- dren. of Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Henderson and other relatives here. Mrs. J. \V. HendeISon returned from Toronto on Monday accompani- ed by her nephew, Master Emerson Bellamy. who was visiting her for a couple of weeks. ' Mascer Sam Ranton left on Satur- day for Manitowaning to learn tailor- ing with his uncle, Mr. Edwin Leith. Miss Bert Smith left on Saturday to attend the millinerv openings in Toronto after which she will return to her situation near Colborne. Mrs. John Bellamy is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Patton, at Inistioge. Mrs. J. Runstadtler was called on Monday to Hamilton to attend the funeral of her’aunt. M r, and Mrs. E. \V. Richardson and daughter have reported a pleas ant ocean voyage and safe arrival in E11«r1and.All escaped sea sickness and were able three times daily to do just} ce to their meals. \Irs. John Harrison, Toronto Line, is visiting her son, Mr. \V and Harri- son, in New York State. Mr. R. \V. Emmis, of Markdale, occupied the Methodist pulpit here acceptably on Sabbath morning last. The Y. M. P. B. A. lodge he1ecel- ebrated the Relief of Deny in a fit- ting manner on Monday evening last led by the 1.0. F. Band the membeis 111thei1 neat parade dress Inmched through the principal streets and then to their lodge 100m wheze 1e- freshments we1e served a-md :‘tve1y enjoyable social evening spent to~ gether. Mr Archibald Cairns, who upon removing to Demington. Assa., last Spring retired from the office of elder in the Presbyterian Church here has again been elected to that office by the congregation with whom he now worships. Mr. Cairns’ will be a valuable acquisition to their Sessxon. O. F. Band gave their services free and Mrs. McMullen as a special con- tribution gave provisions for thirty peOpIe. The proceeds, in behalf of the Indxan Famine Fund Sufferers, $22.00. A garden party was given under the auspices of the C, E. Society of the Presbyterian Church at the home of Mr. James McMullen, \Vcsr. Back Line, on Friday evening last which proved a pleasant and successful affair. Mi \V. H. Thurston kindly contxibuted the advertisinv the 1. Mrs. T. Morrow and children: 0‘ Mr. P. A. Blakely has our thanks for a fine bunch of new grown celery. Mr. B. possesses the secret for pro- ducing this palatable article. A load of our young people had a jolly picnic at Bell’s Lake on Thurs- day last. Mrs. \Vatt. of the manse, picniced her Sabbath School class in the Park a few days ago and the outing was much enjoyed by the girls and their teacher. Of the eight of Principal Slaught- er’s pupils here who wrote on the P. S. Leaving examinations only two failed. The successful ones are Bert Barnhouse, Emerson Bellamy, Samuel Ranton, Gladys \Vard, Eva Small and Carrie Rutledge. Clara Strain, who was attending,r High School at Owen Sound was also suco cessful. We congraeulate the young friends all. Building operations are very active throughout this township (Artem- esia) and contractors find it difficult to secure the mechanics required Mr. Dafoe, brick contractor, this place. is having a very busy season. He has already completed several contracts and has a number more to pass through his hands before the season closes. Mr. John Whitten, builder, informs us that he too is rushed and he too has found it the best season for cash contracts that‘ he has experienced for fifteen years. On Sabbath, the 5th inSt.. Mrs. William Chard, 4th line, was severe- ly injured in a runaway accident which might easily have cost her her life. Mrs. Chard. a 13 year old son anda little niece were going from home in a democrat and had just started on their journey when the stongue of the rig dropped to the 'ground causing the spirited team to run away. After running several rods the tongue ran into the ground causing the vehicle to capsize and throw the occupants with great force to the ground. The team continued their course for abodt eighty 1ods when captured by a neighbor. The rig was badly damaged. Dr. Carter was immediately summoned to at- tend to Mrs. Chard’s injuries which consisted of acut in the head and sevexe inju1ies in the side and back. 'lhe patient is recoy e11ng. The gi11 i sustained slicht injuries; the boy \1 as none the wo1se for his shaking 1111.6: FLESBERTON. holidaying We were somewhat surprised last week on reading over the “Corner Concerns” to find that we had re- ceived such attention for our feeble effort to write up our football match. Now, Mr. Gander. we do not suppose for one moment that you meant to attempt to check us on our way to journalistic fame,but that simply you were out of “material” for your bud- get and thought you could make use of our paragraph to fill in What you required. Now. we always advocate forgiveness, and hence- will forgive you for this time. but are not Sure that we will do so “seventy times seven” but will simply stretch your neck and be done with you. Mr and Mrs. Thos. Dixon, of Chi- cago, returned to their home after a fortnight’s visit with old associates. As Mr. Chas. and Miss \Vinnie Durrant were coming to the Agri- Pcultural picnic they met with a rath- er serious accident. As they were nearing the railroad crossing just north of the village their horse took fright at a large sign on the fence and became unmanageable. He dash- ed down the track, and as they near- ed the cattle guard the buggy upset and the occupants were thrown to the ground. The buggy was badly damaged. the horse’s leg was broken, but Mr. and Miss Durrant received but little injury, other than a few scratches and a severe shaking up. The animal had to be shot the next morning, and now, we understand, Mr. Durant is looking after the man whom he expects to pay the dam~ ages. ls sent direct to the dlsused parts by the Improved Blower. Heals me ulceu. clears the u: passages. stops dropp 1n the throat and anan y curel Catarrh and ay Fever. Blower free. AlldealergorDr.A.W.Chm - ledldno Co. rm and m Mr. and Mrs. \V. Robertson re- turned to Toronto Friday, accompan- ied by Mrs. D. Allan and Miss Lena. \Iiss Minnie Hepler of Listowel, the guest of Miss \I. Camer.on The Agricultural Society of the Township of Egremont held its first annual picnic on Tuesday of last week in Mr. W. 'l‘. I’etrie's grove. On account of the usy season of the year,especially amongst the farmers, there was not as large an attendance as might have been expected ; how- e\ er there was quite a turnout. The committee had taken great pains in making the grounds look as tasteful as possible. The ladies provided baskets filled with such viands as satisfy the appetite. and there was “Agricultural tea” to quench the thirst. The temperature being some- what torrid, Messrs. liedslie and Klempp provided ice-cold lemonade. Swings for the children were erected and hence all were in position to en- joy the afternoon. The program was no mean feature of the day. Music was discoursed by the mem- bers of the Methodist choir, assisted by Miss \Venger of Ayton, who also sang several Scottish solos in a man- ner that reflects credit on her as a singer. Dr. Brown was in his usual form for singing and did his part well. Addresses were delivered by Dr. Landerkin, M. 1’.. Hanover, M. Richardson, Esq., Flesherton, J. Hampton. Mt. Forest and Revs. Miller and Magwood, Holstein. Miss Wilson, of Markdalv, is visit- ing her sister Mrs. M. Beaten. Miss Ballantyne. of Stratford, is visiting Mrs. \V. H. Heard. Masters Richard and Robert Fogg, of Toronto, are visiting their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parks. Mr. Russel Smith left on Monday to take a position 09 the Durham Chronicle staff. Miss Blanche Moore, Redickville, who was visiting \I1s. M. Be 1ton of this place, letunmd home 011 Satur- day last. Miss Lottie Armstrong, of Toronto is visiting her cousins, Misses Add and Lou Armswong and othe ' relat- ives here. Mr,JosephSt1;1i11. of Annaconda, Mont. , is visitmw 115 p: 11e11ts, M1. and M15 ,.W111 bt1a111 this week. Miss Mattie Bush, of Markdale, is spending a few days with Miss Mable Munshaw. Miss Minnie Beatty, Patterson Settlement, spent Sunday with Miss Hattie Sullivan. \liss Edith Bellamy is home {1011 ’1‘010nto visiting: he1 parents, Mr and st. John Bellamy. Mr. and Mrs. \V. Barnhouse and daughter visited relatives at Dob- bington this week. Mr. Wm. Sloan. of \Veston, visited his brother-in-law, Mr. Andrew \Vickens, here, part of last week. Mrs. \V. H. Bunt left. on Monday for \Voodbridge to visit her father who has had both legs broken in an accident. Miss Bunt, of \Nood- bridge, is visiting her brother in Mrs. Bunt’s abSence. .‘u'rs. Hewitt, of Uxbridge, is visit- ng her daughter, Mrs. F. Tucker. Miss Edith Bellamy is home from: Mr. John Sharp and daughter, Mis Lauretta, of Iriquois, are visiting: the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sharp, Toronto Line. Owen Sound are visiting at ex-coun- cillor Sharp’ 5. Miss Ada Brown, of Durham, is visiting Miss Flossie Richardson this week. 08. A. W. CHASE'S CATABBH CUBE” .250- DURHAM CHRONICLE. HOLSTEIN. a. 0.. 9â€"4 iS To PATENT Rood Ida: my be secured by our aid. Address, "I5 PATENT RECORD, I Dr. Chase‘s Ointment is recognized :y physicidns. druggists. and the nub- ic in general as the only absolute flure .,:‘ nilus: Eu cents a box. at all dealers. ° fidmanzon, Bates and Co., Toronta. Mr. O. P. St. John, Dominion inspec- tor of steamboats, living at 246 Shaw Sirect. Toronto. stateazâ€"“I suflcred for nine years from itching piles, at times being unable to rest on. account of the annoyance caused by them. After trying almost all remedies in min I began the use of Dr. Chases ointment, which entirely cured me. I cannot speak too highly of it. I have recommended it to several friends. all 'vawhoin have. been cured by its use.’_’ Rainfall for the 'week 0.10 in.. and on the 11th inst. 6-7 p. m. General direction of the wind S. W. A scifi breeze usually in the afternoons, but as if blowing over the steppes of Central Asia. Xany peOple aumer on year after year, robbed or their rest and sleep by‘ the terrible itching, when they could In: entirely cured by a single box of Dr. L‘jmse's Ointment. Dominion Inspector of Steamboat: Cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment. False modesty and tear of the sur- geon‘s knife prevent most peOple from appealing to their physicians for a cure for piles. Old Time Grey County Justice Revf Win. Tyndall, of Walkerton. who has been Spending a few days in town, has the distinction of being prosecutor in the first criminal case tried in the new court house in this county in 18:34. The home of the reverend gentleman. who lived a short distance from town. was en- tered in his absence and a portion of his wardrobe stolen. A negro and his wife were arrested for the crime. The woman was found guilty of the the charge, but the jury exonerated the husband. Justice Bell, before whom the case was tried, declared that a married woman had no exist- ance in the eyes of the law and he therefore sentenced the husband to three years in the penitentiary, a1- lowing the woman to go free. The negro threatened to kill Mr. Tyndall when he got free, but he has not yet fulfilled his self-imposed task.-â€" ‘ O. S. Sun. Had Piles For 9 Years 1900 For week ending August. 11, 1900. July It is our painful duty this week to cl11onic1e the death of one of our most 1eSpected citizens in the pe1son of \11.Wm. Doyle, who depa1 ted this life suddenly about 10. 30 a. n1 'l.‘11esday Mr. Doyle had been in 1001 health for the past few months but seemed quite well 011 the morn- ing ofhis death He had lain down to rest for a few minutes, during which time Mrs. Doyle went out to gather some chips for the fire. She had been out not more than five min- utes when she returned and found him unconscious. Dr. Brown was called in, but found that the 1ital spalk had fled. We extend 0111 sym- pathy to the bexeax ed family. The farmers in this vicinity are pleased with the season’s crap. Many of them have threshed fall wheat and barley and report the yield ttbOVG the average. Miss Sadie Sinclair. of Yeovil, is the guest of Miss Agg.e Seaman this week. '7. '_. vâ€" -- â€"â€"â€" ‘-'--v--" a-IIJ.‘W\‘I‘IIIQ Valuable as ilus work IS. we have at,,\'ast expense PUlillSllL’d it thoroughly revised succcsqor, known ihrouglumt the world as Webster’s International Dictionary. AS a dictionary lasts :1 lifetime you should piloinh'pc (1)1)312-1 (,f a, hunt; (,1? ()\'Cl’ fin’y team mm, which in izsuluy \"ussold I'm-about, 14200.3:“1 which was mum: :rupcriorin Duper 12mm. and hzndim: 10 those imitations, beiné 31““?! ,1 \l'l‘fi"‘ I." ('lt‘.\.'| I.\l...7d .' (LI‘ Lang Since Obsolete. Illustrated pamphlet free. Address G. C. MERRIAM CO.. Springfield, Mus. â€"â€"â€"- 11111.11 : have 11': 1:1 111111001! 1111011 1110 1111‘ 14:01: 3101-111 1-111-11 11011111113 01'1‘11011.ulcw edition ‘1' ‘ \1' 1:115:01‘ s. Mic-.130. 1:11'1'. " The 11 ‘ 1 being I.‘ r"“ 4-1111 .1. 1:1. 1:11.13 _1‘11:11u(‘3 11 01.7 price I" Get the Best. Weather Bulletin. 3.3.1: “overs. ,Igcms etc.. and ‘9‘ ...;;;. z: .. :‘L 1.:cmium 10rsubscrip- "$1.. ‘zucnisof 1.:033 comparatively {SW/'01 Life-SS .' ).:..~lc:di:)g: for instance. l ~‘ (“I I b It: 1120 substantial l:i;.h(:°- m'iccd lmnzc, when in ‘ ‘5}: Inca-W. ;.:n(| lltlic‘l.t“ ‘l‘t‘y U 1., TEMPERATURE. Max. 60 M in. ictiogaries, I . hunk of (wcz' fifty .uy vussqld I‘m-about 64 “a 93 93 9:5 93 92 As witness my hand and the Seal of the Corporation of Durham this sixth day uf July, in the year of our Lord. 1900 To J. KELLY, TREASURER OP rm: TOWN or DURHAM, Town of Durham, [ You are hereby authorized and di County of Grey . upon the lands described in the save Province of Ontario. J unto annexed, the arrears of taxes To WIT: and all the costs and charges author ute in that behalf, and to proceed in the sale of said lands for and costs as the law directs. TOWN TREASURER’S OFFICE, J ULY 12th 1900. First published in THE CIIROXICLE, July- 19th, 1900. South part of 7 North of 8 14 15) 18 19 20 GOVERNMENT SURVEY N, E, part of 10 Garah'axa Street \Vest S 3 42 MOODIE’S SURVEY. 80 95 COUNTY OF GREY‘ By virtue of a warrant issued by the To WIT: :- Mayor under the Corporate Seal of the J Town of Durham, to me directed, hear- ing date the sixth day of July, 1900, COII‘IInandlng me to levy upon the lands mentioned below for arrears of taxes due thereon. with the costs, I hgpeby give notice that unless such arrears and all costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell the said lands. or so much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of the taxes and costs thereon, at the Down Hall, in the said Town of Durham. on W'ednesdny the 17th day of October A. D, 1900- ALL THE ABOVE LANDS ARE PA TENT-ED ARREARS 0F TflXEs The most complete exhibits from Farm, Forest and Factory. New and Startling special features. Chariot races by imported Grey Hounds. Bal loon Ascensions, Double Parachute Dron by man and lady. celebrated Gymnasts, Aerial Artists and Acrobats. Fireworks each evening. “ The armoured traiu’s attack on the Boer strongholds," and many beautiful set devices. Special trains over all lines each evening after the fireworks Send for Prize Lists and Programmes. Western Fair, London. L'I‘.-COL. WM, M. GARTSHORE. President SALE A OF LANDS \Vm. Hunter’s Survey ‘6 SEPTEMBER 6th TO 15th, [900 MAYOR’S WARRANT. Moodie’s Survey ’OWn of Durham. WM. HUNTER’S SURVEY. H (t Entries Close September 5th. Treasurer’s â€"In theâ€"â€" O‘ 6‘ â€"â€"F0râ€" vy re- due thereon Ptlforized by Stat- .nds described in the several lists he .ed, the arrears of taxes costs and charges a tho cola nl‘ fin:l: I--- ARREARS my mums 3 2 99 Aug. 16, 61 U 6 7O 85 7.) W. LAIDLAW J. KELLY . KELLY, Treasurer. J.A. NELL rd U) 439 “sync; tom-w mafia ‘3 59 , Treasurer . Mayor. Secretary TOT A I 6 ab 4 46 7 29 701

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