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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Sep 1900, p. 6

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Buller Captures Several A. Wtch from London War Office has received :1 tram Lord. Rom:â€" Metkmen attacked Vam Malapao Sunday, and d} enemy. He took thirty p1 were seen. to fall, and mi incomes were noticed. “General Butler is at K driving the Boers before capturedé several Loans 04 Doers destroyed a gum tux teem waggons of atmm an vent, their capture by the British. “Tm Mowoted Infantry which start- eds from the Ventersburg road sta- tion attacked the enemy at Cppergat kopjens on Sept. 9.3m!) captured cattle and merges that had been stolen incur the farmers. The British casualties were two killed and two slightly “The: British nfficer tured by the Bsers were fairiy The food in wished to the non-commis- aioned officers and men, however, was . inadequate in quantity and inferior in quality. The inhuman treatment of the sick prisoners reflects the greatest diffiredi't on the Bfwz‘ authorities.” 6811. French has occupied Barberton. A despaioh from Lorenzo, Marquez, mya;-Prer;3dae:m Kruger. with several including Piet 5 who were cap- treated. ' ads. is staying at the residence of the} Transvaal Consul. State Secretary? Real did not macompany the party. Many statements are current re- garding President Kruger's intentions for the future. but none of them can be until-antitrust}. It is. said that he was examined by two physicians be- fure be left the Transvaal, and as a result of their emmmation he was ‘ A“ -vâ€"v __ result of {hair emminsation he was given six mom'hs‘ Leave uf absence. He will sail for Europe on the German The lud'ws \xhu manage \Home at H1m1l'on 111m} 1: ‘dLSm'LSS-al of bliss V13 Isbu ‘eachrer 111 that 11111110 for 2 News: Items About Ourselves and 113m 0111‘ Neighborsâ€"Something of ’ 133111111) S'I‘A'El Intemst From Every Quaro A falling tree killed :1 babe near Binghamton, ter of the Globe. new“ â€"m.-. Iiarvest latxmsrers ‘Manitoba. Alex. McLagan, a sen of Hamilton, is Chief Red Crow, 01 reservation near Ma dead. Lord and Lady Minto Vancom‘ver, en route to Dawson. Lightning cauSed the (1‘ Patrick McCann's burn a near Kingston. Tramps set fire to M epb Mothersells near ‘ He lost 60 tons of hay. Ht: lvab w xv“... -- __-__, Fred. Otto, cigarmaker, was caught 3‘ :1 London last ‘ between the street cars 1 night. He may die. . i] The new rifle range park at Otta-g am: is to be called Struthcona Park;j . ., 5 11'. Lord btmthcona consents. { George Robinson, a yardsman. was} . . s fatally squeezed between cars 1n the: Grand Trunk yard at Brantford. Colonel Anderson, engineer of the! Marine Department, has gone west to 'i look after the construction of the new _; lighthouse in Lake Erie, Opposite Point Pelee. A {la-st of freighters Lint ire-m. Inks Erie rm. via the 'f Oi ta “‘3 by death. by a m‘ found the fl t of cap-ed, moths»? life and breath on .ed Varmas camp at and dwpersed the thirty prisoners. The .agan, a well-known critic .ilton, is dead. Crow, of the Blood Indian near Macleod, N. \V. T., 15 CANADA. that the drove the g..-- â€"v T he police arrested one of and a mob smash-ed most 3 in the police“ station. ,meellam an“ :10 u. wr--V ‘ represented canada' ‘Gen. Stiller Meet With Considerable 5 3“ WW“ “1‘ “W W” -- - , â€" ‘- be summarily shot. awn, s to be a Pam-American 0 osition at Na. ‘5 uchb . ‘ I . o mg‘res; at Havana in De- _ pp ‘ g ,ePg . t Duringtt-he robbing of the dead not its officers sent word to London, sept. 11.â€"â€"The “var Office {only were ingers cur; off, but ears Ihas received the following despatch iwerel stripped from the head in order l to secure jewels of value. A few G-ov- ; “*9 t 10. eInmentlfroOpS. who survived. have d 3011 of John ‘ ~ '9 ° ~"' been assuming in patrolling the city. 'Mauchberg after considerable resist- Private citizens have also endeavour- «:46 to prevent the robbing of the dead, , Hamilton, naI‘I‘OWIF 8‘5 mince. He? says the mind is too bad ‘ t-h by a murderous cat. to d' , . . H . ' . _ and on several occasnons have killed he feline sucking the r eacripuon. e is no“ movmg on the offenderS. Singly and in twos and Spitzkop. Hildyard reached Griezlâ€" threes the offenders .were thus shot total of those thus th slight down,nntil the executed: exceeds fully fifty, London and ’ , §trom Lord Roberts, dated Pretoria, by way of dozen officers. 3 , _ Xesterday Bullet occupied .I . Luigi and t ' r unconscious . . . . 83th 00‘ 0‘ he - bursts yesuerday. He met w: opposition.” '1), says zâ€"l-ne the followinz ”Rem through the hills eas: Ito have reached to Ottawa, from the barn of Jos- ' Glen W'illiams. are wanted in destruction 0f ‘ g and contents 1 at burger 1133 ed wing Krmgfifs OJ w- heret of or e. a nd wa ria re 'wholl y. A despatc â€"â€"0wing to country on are gradua h from Maéhadodorp says: 1 the d'Lffiout nature of the‘ 1‘ advance is slow, but we fly gaining ground. with the Guards‘ Bri- and pro- ’. Hutton is ho mono“ gxound south of the railway and pro- ‘ ’-Care\»'< u'ght flunk. But- mg: LU 111:5 suppvxu w _._,,_ ssed the Komati river at: Qlomoslot cro ber 10 and went in the direc- ‘ on Soptem tion of ‘W est Barbemon. § “Bullet has occupied the cross-roads'; near 53" itzkup. The enemy divided“; some going to“ and Nelspruit and the} 1 rest northward. "Ian Hamxlwns command armed‘ at Helv etia to-da), and xx '1'. '2 tervalonder ‘ 0- «narrow. Sep‘ember 11 between Ottos Lichtenburg. A ' . ing Douglass drove the 911-9111 captured a quantity of g _stores. Seven British were i “ iements is clearing the betWeen Kru‘gersdorp and R Elie engaged Delarey on :53; 2.and drove the enemy from I i tions. The British 1053 Was 1 and 14 wounded. 3r Herzog ab‘ :11 endeavcw' intervention. Lm- isonment' in London. me 00â€"; . , . .ptr . , a _ __ , . _ - cmur‘ged *W"bth < mun-ed credit by Luwo pietenceb from: h b (1' c . . 1' . - c 1 " 0' the propnetur uf a London hotel, 3 _ ex» “ w .. . ' ~ .. - a ‘ be dls’pemsed xx He. hm an mterebung hzato‘ry. A H 1‘ The. medical authoritim at Glasgow" 11 ' ‘l‘fn’eg‘ ‘ - . f , ; ‘- report, that the spread of the bubonw'; “ ‘0 aruv h on v w ' ‘; ' ' '5 plague has ceased. [here have oeen noz on) nine 0'“ y ' . Car 7' v ‘» {fresh cases durmg the past four days, 1 “fab" ”0'1“” 11 3 The state-mgm of the British Board i wmh dead bod 30f Trade for the month of Augum' ’- - ». - - i NEGRO ,shows LECTQAISQS of $1.403,700 Ln nm-i '. ports and £2.726JOO in experts. I, 1 Shipping firms engaged in the Cana- 2 Mn- ‘ . .0. L? ' ' a Y O c t 9 311010 per c15:nt,.mi {a-re‘etti t tan aseVance A defipxtch - r ) r .- ta“ c-us ' 1 fp: Cadmt 1n .eLg‘n 1 bad the suys;-A m} A t a ' 'C . ‘ .. . - _ ’ a vane :11 no.3 Jun 0 “Efrem La Pm: s ‘ I ‘ o ‘ o The statement of the of Trade for the uncut ,shows inca'euses of £1; ‘. ports and £2.726.100 3m i Shipping firms engage :31 10 per cent, in agreed ‘10 per cent, in freight :of the advance in cc {ship stores. 3f Food.-Kruger at g Over um» hundred person ‘ arrested at Cunstantinop‘e complicity in a plat to kill ’1 'lwelve Lures were 1081: :plcsiom of a boiler ci a E The discovery of an 1agaimst the Sultans life :what marred the glory : 0 511 ubiLee. _L. GEXERAL- 1 death of. the O'XLE‘ILUt'L'as u“, 9..-...“ Over one hundred persons have been; wane “01.35113 an orgie over the dead. arrested at Cunstautinopie for alleged E. The mfljgrity of these men were cc-mphcity in a plot to kill the. Sultan.‘ (wgrlsefi, but there were a 139 whites 'lwelve Lives were 108E by the 9X5; who took put in th: desecration. P16355100 Of a 130.1131? 0‘: 3 steamer on"; fiamfi- of them'were muives, and some The discovery 0f another P1013 had been. allmwed to go own from nga'msr 111‘: Sultan‘s life has seme- i Lhe- mainland under the guise. of Re what marred the glory of his silver 2 Def Not only did they rob the jubilee. dead. but they mutilated bodies in. i The two- American students. 105‘ ‘3 ar-dmr to assure their ghoulish booty. 1 and found in the catacombs, were pre- 1 A In“). of ten negx‘uz-us were return- gsented t0 the P099 yesterday. HES ’; Lug from a looting expedition. They :HOHZWSS had ilSkf‘Vd i0 See them. ‘; had stripped corpses of ail valuables, '3 A’ member of the Geographical SO- and the pockets. of some of the looters {c'betyx with two officers and a num- 3 were fairly bulging out thh fingers fiber of soldiers. have ascended the 3 of me dead, whim-h had been out off Egreat. Mount Ararat, according to a beca'uSe they were so swollen the 1‘ St. Petersburg despatc‘h- rings could not be relieved. Incens- ' W ed .n: this desecrathon :and mutila- - $ ANOTHER 905.110“ CAPTURESS than of the dead, the Looter's were shot I 1 down, and it has been determined that â€" --7 ---- mm. rancmgpame} all found in the act of robbing shall ‘81-- "L"; 6 'zog about Septembsr '24, ieavcrm' to obtain Euro- ention. General Schalk- been or will be appoint- Bre'sident, during Mr. dies who Hamilton have aske 1 of Miss Marsh-311,3 coloured ' 2.0 years. She manage the Girls’ d for the UNITED SEAT ES. 1g tree killed a. mother r Binghamton, N. Y., Transvaal. . Elmâ€"l 11 t ' . . r , fl, . 111' 5.13;) 0min"... ...Ueu---,,-. m Machduotiurp edSS. Alta ,le‘nm ‘ ..... . Town. destroyed £3: fiffiuun nature of the Altair: ..... ~y houses wrecked 'Wh mace is slow, but we Clodzianae ......... ...All houses :mzed WV!) uining ground. Richmumd ......... -M.a.ny homes wrecked W}: , ‘ , . Fu’lyhnmr Sixty battles bloiwin- down Out With the buards Brl- East Barnard ...\V'i'pe:l out. of existence loai and pl'O- A (lee-patch from Houston, Texas, lBa' tb- Itswick, which l H}; {Jiteged (math t , o Goodwzin station In is holding the high Z the railway and pI‘O- brought aldditiomi det. ' right flank. B‘ut- 0:13 Sunday were as nothing compared ID]: with Monday's. An attempt was ’, BI: bury the dead, but the ground lEg it was imipossiâ€" 2g}: Aid. McMaster 3 D1 ‘ew’s that French was heav- nzilled that he was go- to-dzty. French was full of. water, and Slomoslot ble‘ to dig trenches. and. S. P. Marriasey secure-d authority iP‘ ltu have the bOdies taken to sea for ,B‘ l burial, and a barge was brought- up to 3' made to» port ntiti river at J and went in the direc- 1rbxerton. ccupieti the cross-roads; ‘ The enemv divided ; the Twelfth street wharf for that pur- : M ‘ ’ - M , . . and me 19056- L l'h'e firemen rendered herow ; L bodies to the : .vatrd NelSpruit ‘ , _ , . iservwe in bringing this as ulmnust impossible to ; l. . Jn‘s command arrived ‘1 “11341111, but It W . (lay, and will go loXVa- get mg“ ‘1'” handle them’ ‘. l‘ I-morrowt ' \DULLLD-g the storm and afterwardsm . _ . great. .dcal (pf looting was done. Many? , h attacked Douglas on! , , a , l . 'a galore: had been mosed, their owner-:2 between Ottoshoop and“ - . . . , leavmg‘ to look utter their families. . E ‘ G -‘ (ter game hours‘ fi h" ‘~ ‘t u s. L .- . g t A bulletin received at noon states ’irove the enemy off and! , , . . . that buvernor buyers has placed Gal- quantity of gram :mda _ .. . . , - 1 ' . ‘ , teston City and mlaml under martial: n Bl‘lilSLl were \x'ountled.§ . . i ‘ ‘ _ : ‘ _ ‘ ,luu. Adjutant-henna :curry 18 oar-L [as clearing the country , . ! ' , .. dered to have the btut-e troops to take ! erquI‘p and R..3z-Bnbux.‘y", H . . l ‘ ‘ charge at once. lhe order includes in- s Demrey on aeptember. 10, . .. l. . . : _ i structions that the troops compel the: .2 enemy from two pom-n , ; . _ _ . .peopie to bury the dead. 2 lilSh loss was two killued H _ » l l lhere seems to be no ground for the . e‘ o ' ' | hope that fuller details would show" -â€" -- - â€"-I - ~ - a reduction in the numberori liVes lost,; tive estimate is given} c... who manage the Girls’ . and a conserva nilton have asked for the , at one thousand dead. all tOId. The; Miss Mnrshull,a coloured property loss is perhaps even higher 2.0 years. She than at first given. ; FIVE THOUSAND DEAD AT GAL- VESTON. sky 5. ~ , ‘ \ller [\[L 'lh-e last estimate from the Post; ”“9 mm“ a. mother and . wrreszpondent, just back from (3111- 7-. u ,_‘_‘__‘ N v v . ‘0'5‘ "out an. nlaces lhe number Of dead. at iut harm: for 311-911 of by Inspector Bail- aeau, alias D. Essauer, need [.0 tht‘ee months’ in London. He obâ€" v {alga pz'etences from U of :1 London hotel, Se, as the mu; mu... ,_ ......$10,~300,000 ...-.0 "Wired than GaIVa$ton ...... Town swap“: awa y L guerxlla Aivin; ' , Hi chuck ............... [o.'w:n.des1,~roye,d ' 3615 of $3.030 000 :11, former- ., Sugamlamzd . ..... x , Fv‘ee btate. \V'ailis 7: houses wrtcue‘dalovs $113,003 Se;,mr.;ouke, summer re.-orL ...Destroyed Peuri, 5.1112111 town..." ...Destroyed ‘ " ‘ Town deaf. 1‘0de T A Myr) A ..... o TON CITY AND ISLAND UN- GALVES DEB MARTIAL LAW. Looting During the Storm- snow That the Disaster V t Supposed. ’- A“l‘ ‘ spread ’l'ha‘ Ga 1 “215311911. ----- Alma ...... Ma 133371 5‘ At variau-S 'Ih-e last estimate um“ ”w h“- ‘ u back from (3111-? umber of dead at 51c ‘r' and A wrreszpondeut, just 395* . veston, places '1 he I: 5,000. mm . The wind fumed in the windmvs andl I‘m“ Left the goods prey for the 1m -. :t'uders. ‘ ; Ghouls stripped dead bodies u t syn- Levy and articles of value. Captain * ‘5 ”I Rafferty, commanding the United: ' States troops here. was applied to for 'i well- I help. and he sent in ‘1 gutâ€" of the, battery of artillery, to do 5‘ ay. ‘ duty. They are patrofil'i'ng the streetsx I jewel- .t t .u‘ t . . - . ‘. ' under the du‘ectton of the chtef of po- hls - .. . 1108. n [0| 0) 9 3 ‘ z , At .. ocmock bunday afternoon 3 ~. LOUIS ‘ .. . _ . . I E k , meeting of prommznt cmzens was (Jr . ‘ . held at the. Chamber of Commerce for t ' . . . t , the pmrpose ott' cmgcmzzmg to relaeyef sauer . ‘ ’e the sufiemnsg and to bury the dead. nth." . . . I ~ :A Banal Commnttee was appomted, 3 0b-; . . . from ; U‘Mr‘ged twtth collectmg ztn-d biurymg " the bodies of all dead. Inquest: will hotel, . _ ‘ . K be dls’pemsed w 1th. usgow: A. Hnamalisn. a travelling salesman. ' who arrived on the tugboat. says that lbonic ; , , ' 0an one house 16 left stundmg at 89111103 ‘ rw . ‘ . . days fibecabxrwke. lhe :mmsnland 1,3 srrewn ‘ with dead bodies. Banal pd ..... a (Pity... lble Scones Folluwed the App-uni): lizaasu‘r at “alvesum. i \ i A idessp; tch fimm l-Io-usmon. 71T-exas. '3' gsuysk-A reaps-net has zeicgruphed 1 !. 2cm La Porta the gnory oi the rob- 1 i bery of the dead in Galvewto-n amid the 2 (119.; th of the offenders. The ghouls 3% were holding an orgie over the dead. ”(he Imxjerity of these men were but Lh-ere were also whites desecration. Terr . (W‘gr‘se'ui, ": mhsa too’k’ put in th) I Summe- of them 'were muives, and some L3 hm} been. allowed to go OVeI‘ from â€" ' L A.-.:.n'l.-.n11 nudpi‘ the 211L513 O'f “Rf," UV w‘aâ€"d '9, seems to be no ground for the 3 mm fuller details would show" ction in the numberu’l‘ liVeS lost,; conservative estimate is [given] 3 thousand dead. all told. {l‘hel :‘ty loss is panhaps even higheriI at; first given. 2 o’cfiaock Sunday afternoon a rug of prominent citizans was :u the Chazunbear' of Commerce for mrpose Olf m‘gunizmg Lo relieye unfieu‘insg and to bulry the dead. urial Commit tee was appointed, ged ‘thh collecting and burying hmlies of all dead. Inquests will be goifimarily shot. During ’t-he robbing of the dead not ‘ only were fingers cur; off, but ears ‘ were. stripped from the head in order me. A few Gov- to seetxre jewels of v31 ernmenb troops who survived. have been assisting in patrolling the city. Private citizens have also endeavour- ~56 to prevent the robbing of the dead, and on several occasions have killed wk- “cumin-s 8111.713: and in twos and gout... .0. atanIâ€"heneral :‘(urry is 0:1- Lavetju>statztxoop¢.x)take, 1118 order im Index m- o. O once. s that the troops compel the , bury the dead. 3 N EGRO GHOULS SHOT. 00'0"" LOSSES. an and afterwardss. .1 g was done. Many? dosed, their owners LfL-er their families. ived at noon states yers has placed Gal- siand under martial n_u‘e Details Was Store VVldc- v.0... 1.000 to 3,0?9 coast..- impossible to . f t . 1 4‘ .‘.‘-â€" ‘ ‘ v . - r . - . o 0 ‘V ;. I. . ngs Q‘ualllyl o the s l(Jul: animus ; mg has (rave-m afterwards I). 151gradually£lngr0flriig€ 1“ 136m ls ; doubtless is st 5 done. Manyl ‘. still a lot;e o dqlia 1 Ensign): ngsé The correspond - ' . .' or . UL A u . their ownem arrlvmgh , mfan h' (‘1’ teem $81418 '3 every indicutum their families. good.d 21:81 If” 33‘ .x t k0 l 70’ ' Salisbury has < ' , ~ , "o c* m .oor s u a' c.' . noun slates SHED 5" P10 1‘ I‘ . ,c l t ent subundmu ~. [at sâ€"â€"- . my ' cwmimr m. m : .. is placed G-al- 0 _ 09. 3 ° , ' must be still 1 . ‘ there IS a free movement here. Dealers \ under martial; . must remade . . :zu‘e buyrng cur lms an track here all a “ scurry 18 oar-L . ; gmuzml, thougl “001“..0 take'25 to 30c. peyr‘bnug. and sell, out of: 7- ‘ .. l. ‘ g . _ _ l W 'stor'e, at 3:) no 400 per bag. l . .er includes in- s‘ . . 1 )ps compel the: Field produce. elmâ€"The Windstorm - (l i i hills gl'utt‘ed the apple mzurket. and ihffie £1383, be . . ‘ ’ . ' : ii: 1 gs, De] -..1.awa. d wn (l‘l '. "urm - , - , ground for the 3 grams 6 9f y 0t )5“: .‘330 ,1 1. ps - Heavy hugs, p -. 1* -.~_, :~.r~;1..'- .s would show ; Se j out 0 M0 ‘8" a. 0 1 pe t g :3)“ S: ’. ‘ , Omoms Sell. mm: of store, alt 10. per l Stags, . ‘ Buffa lo, 8:91p lero'i liVes lOSt,. . . ~ lb. Apples. per bbl.. sell. mm of store imute is given! . , , I at 30 to 79c. 1. N0. 1 hard, : Che-ins» bland-picked. New 1 Norther all tOld. {th . ps even higher“, Beansâ€"Quad. , .__ . beans are quoted at $1.70 1.0 $1.75. {“heatâ€"M‘mm ‘ Honeyâ€"ll‘wilr .move-me-n’t. Dealers 7 6d. 7514-36; N 5““) AT bAL- 3 quote from 9 to- )0: per lb. for 5. 10,E ~Stmngwer " ; av: 60-lb. lizns. 001mb honey sells ax; yellow, 460; from lhe PUSt " $2 to $2.25 pelt down sections. , . Wk from (3'31" Bale-d hayâ€"Steady. No. l. timothy. " 451-36; NO- “ber or dead at } cwr lots. on track here». $99-75 to $10.1, Steady; N’J- 3- ‘. Two ban lots. delilvezred, sell at $10.50. . 13 “'l‘n‘lmv‘“ andl Billed strawâ€"Car lots of good oatsf mixed. 2231â€"4: "the mmu'uders. lure Quilted at $5 1.0 $5.50. 0:11 track. l'ewaillle (L 8 \ A bOdiBS UljeWRIW Hops~Sl-oi\v. Sell at 13 to 140 far i ~Q‘uiet; No. value. Captain l Canada, ’99‘3. ' 3 5351-10. FM "g ”‘9' United! DAIRY MARKETS. 1; Der-M‘s = as applied to for i ‘ .5. Na). 1 CilElh. Butterâ€"Lamar twpâ€"day. especially . . ’ ' W -. beptember, l 70,. the remnant l a; . . x - fhnmfl'h there 18 no quot-l 0, “.mn a I ”41)., ‘r 1 000 15 Prices of bushel; one hundre sold at 680; one fhlundre bushels of spring, ' thousand bushels of barley, at from 44 to 470 per bushel; two thousand bush- els of new oats: at 28 to 29 1-20 1961‘ sol-d: for three hundred bushels of am 66 to 670 per bushel; of hay sold for from $12.50 to $13.50 pe: ton. Wheat, ,wm., straightfi 068 $ 069 lwneun, red. . . . 000 0 68 Ptheut, goose. . . . 066 0 {3'7 . Wheat, spring. . . . 067 0 63 , l0uts, old. . . . 1 . 031 1â€"20 32- 1. " '2 Oats, new. . . . 028 0 £9 1 ’ ‘leu'ley. . . . '. . 0 44 0 47 3 1 Bye. . . . . . : 000 0 53 1,1Peas. . . . . . 000 0 56 s ‘ Hay, per ton. . . . 1:1 50 13 50 d I; Straw, per ton. 000 13. 00 l Dressed hugs. . . 7 50 7 ‘75 020 021 .s 3 Butter, in lb. rolls. . x o ‘ 1" 16); (114 ”wwâ€" :Eggs, me“ 121111.. . Chickens, pm pair . . g-','J.‘u.1‘lzie:,s per 1b. . . IDucks, each. . Potatoes, pet bush. . Beef hindquarters. . Beef, fmequarters. . Berti, cmcuse. . . . :Mutton. . . Lambs, Spring, per lb. of Cattle, Cneese. Grain, in the Leading Markets. Butterâ€"Eusié‘ ticâ€"day. especially: cmumary. thoiigh there is no quot-i able change. Dairrv buitteir in fair; idemmznd. but the majwr'i'ty of the ar-i iriivals are of 'iIflfG-I‘LOT grade. 0021])»1 :mSSicm thc‘r'uxes sell to the tlrade as 1 follows; -Dairy. tubs and pails choice 18 to 19c; and second quality at 14: to 16c;k1xaizar3 prints, choice. 19 to 20¢; i » mmmm rm boxes. 21 to 22c; and pounds 1:cxemm xry, boxes, 21 102.2- ; and p1 l 22 to 23¢. ICheeBe-â€"Full crmmex‘y July Augmvt makems sell at 1:20. “ o 5.....- "7 | M... q. . .) - 0.7.. .. " \.. . â€" -â€" .- 212:1:13321'3; boxes. -1 l0 .. ,, and pounds .‘ day, October (210$th 1.340,- highm'. ; Cheese-42M“ crmmm‘y. July and Flam closed 5-8c,.:u.1d 011:5 1-8 to 1-40 August mzikars. sell M; 120. 1 unpmvved. ihravxsmua cicscd 21-2 to 3‘ Toronto, Sept. 18.-â€"~Tlhve .reoexitpts at 1; 5c lower, {.1‘Lm'Ll‘y recengxs were 1.- ‘. . _ 1012.000 humhu campumd wuh 1,187,001) J the western cattle yards [0-day to- . b 4 ‘7 ‘ . .. V' ' 1“ ' "i tall-ed just under fifty lauds. icnclud- ', , “"3" “M 56““ ‘*"9“9“1’°,'°~f”: Lug 1,100 bogs. 800 sheep and lambs.’ Duluth Ijeported 311 cars. a'gumm 5.0 700 cattle. 2:3 culVesS, and (mm dozcn' weax, MM 879 :1 y ear 3'5"," Local receipts were 435 cars, 1'2. of contract . i mulch cows. l ‘ _ . .. Little was dome in the export (wat- 1 grade. _bs.1;n.1ted receupt..3â€"â€"\\he.u I ‘295 cars; com, 265 cars; oats. 320 the trade; oznly a few buyers were here. i ' ' . _ . car-s»; hogs. 19.000 head. :and prnces are nmn~.nally unchanged. M? m 1, S t 18 C1199 . 1 mm 1.9., .e . .â€" a. .. â€"- The trade m buutchem cattle was a ‘ p0 .. p ‘ . . _. \Vheatâ€"hevpt" 731-4: D90... 751â€"8 to htll-c {more u‘cmve. but buyers are; . , , . ' ' - ‘761â€"40: Mav. 78 7-80 m urt'me; 33,. 1 ! holdmg back (0:? toâ€"‘xmmrrmv. Prwes ‘ . * ' 1.118 “911 mt'tntained G001 cattle hand, 781-40; N0. 1 Northern. 761-40; . 1.. ,1 J , '1 1 5 . I ' . o ‘ ‘ I ‘ ' N0. 2 erihter’n, 74 3-40. Is [our and 3's in short supply, and is wanted. 'rhere '8 n‘) quotclble Change in thCk- t branFâ€"‘UILChQID’gBd. . ‘ k Duluth. Sept. 18.-\Vh<-:1.ll-No. 1 I 1 3 1 \ ers, feeders, and bulls. ‘. ,_ . Theme is a demand fior choice milch‘ hard, cash. 193-40; to urn-.ve. 79 3-40 No. 1 Northern. cash. 77 3-4c; to an Dec., 7' cows up to $50 each. , . . . n ' nve, 77 3-4c; Sept}. 77 3-40; Good veal calves are “dated at irom 7-8“ May, 810; N10. 2 Northern». 72 3-4c $6 to $8 or even: $10 each. Common . 1 ' ' 1 ‘ "- . Co. .--40 3-4c 3 calves are a. flow sale. at from $2 each NO' 3 WM’ (’9 0 4c rn 0:1 1:51â€"23 1â€"4 to 240. L w. - LQLZZIdi-an‘ ‘hve “ cm 1 l d M'il\v:.1'u!kee, Sept. 18 â€"\V.heat - ’ s ', . . 6p 1 e, an Higher. No. lNorthern, 770; No. 3 )rices Show a downward tendenc . , _ , , .. 3. E’ot all sold y Barthern, 791-20. Ryeâ€"-mteady, \xht.st1mght.§$063 « ted. . . . 000 goose. . . 0 66 spring. . . . 0 6‘7 [(1. . . . 1 . 0 31 1- 028 . . . 0 44 . . 2 0 00 O 00 B \x'.’ O 0 O 0 er ton. . .12.:30 pex ton. . . 000 ‘ hows . . . 7510 , 1n xb.1‘0118.. 020 me“ 121in . . 013 115, per pair. . . 050 ,s,per1b. . . 011 , each. . . 30 es, per bush. . 02:3 hindquarters. . 700 furequarters. . 4 O) th359. . . . 550 [no 0 O O O {300 Lambs are also weak on accoum an Diver lepply, but prices can scarcely called quotably changed. Prime thugs and light and heavy hing-s were advanced 12 1-‘2c per mvt.‘ to-day. Prices are firm. For prime hogs, scaling from 160 to 200 lbs., the to}; price is 61-80; thick fat and fight hogs, 53-80 per 1b.; and corn fed 123138, 53-80 per lb. Following is the range of quota- 1 Lions:â€" Shippers, per cwt.... . Butcher, choice. do. . Butcher, med. to good Butcher, inferior. Stockers, per cwt. , Export bulls, per cwt. Sheep, per cwt. Spring lambs, each. Bucks. pgrfigyt. C'ows, each. Calves. each- rid for 56c per bushel; ! bushels; oi rye 5 per bushel; and bushels of goose wheat hr bushel; twenty loads‘ from $12.50 to $13.50 per PRODUCE. etaâ€"The Windstorm aupple- mzurket. and down to-day. 'l‘urnips a, at. 25 £0303! pe‘rbu‘g. of. store... at 10 per bbL. 5.9.11. amt of store 1113, per cw.t 3.50 Sheep and Lambs. 2r cwt. . . 3-59 mbs, each. . 3 51’ er (mt - 2 5" Milkers and Calves. also weak on account. of 31y, but prices :an be 5 00 0 12 Catt-lo. 51191 3‘ ems shall be wt to dwth- “ ”8 PARTITION OF CHINA. .I and Â¥ v A d-esvpa'tcm from Loud-011.. suySF-Th'e ‘ rheat ,b loads} Pekin cwr'refipondent of the Times, 1111 . SOper adespat‘ch, dated September 4, says I i .' that Russia has d wedded to: withdraw i ‘ '53 her Legatlon from rem-1., leaving a 3 .157 purely milhtury cvcmmtmd. He adds} )63 that (t was expected that an an-E ’33 1-3 nouncemmt of this deo'rsimn would be ’ -) -9 .. , , )“9 1 “ . made tgli-x-cuully to the other powers ' ;g cm Septmuhem 4. The other powers .2! D 56 will presumably also withdraw their 3 $33 Legaticms, Pekin remaining under 1 77 75 the military control of the powers 021 during the winter. At the last meet: 01:1 ing 0f the cummandeirs it was an- 3:? Bounced that Ruesfira would maintain 0 40 15,000 troops in China during the win- 30 hem. The German commander said (518 that Germany would keep the same 50 number. '11)» J.; puma.- o rmmtunder announced 5°19 b-e establisl Owe 2 rrmm 7 50 “um Isl-vac . ‘ ‘7 00 '1 hi‘ 37513111295»: 0 émmflmdez' announCed 1‘ MR 0 12 1â€"23 that Japan wwuL-i maintain an army Ethe T iot 22,000. The, British commander i‘asser' _ . fi can.“ {nuke no announcement regard- “”09 rrlvmg 1 mg bias. Gaveranment’s policy, which {a “'3 “he“ ‘3 ; doubtlegss is still being considered. Th0 3d “3835: The correspondent adds-;--”The!'e 13 19‘3“” lere 18‘; every indication, biowevm', that Lord 5 tq 14C; 4 Salisbury has decided that cut pres- '; 3k at 76‘ ' can-t subordinate posiucm in Pee-kin 2091'” H‘ but. 3 must be still humblcr, arm that we Etions Dealers 0 ~ .. - M $-so'um must remade tunher 1n. the bthL- ; here at: gl‘s'umod. tho-ugh the ovbliLurutLon of {Chm . éSIod 50.00 10.00 says:-â€" our influence in Pe‘kin will react A desrpatc‘h trom- London, ‘ A despatcth to the Central News from against us throughout Asia. In the 8‘ Shanghai says the allies are treating best informed quarters the opinion is a with Prince Chang for an armistice. expressed that Russia and Germany ‘1 w are acting in accord, Russia is seek- mg the definite alienation of all *1 ' the territory north of the great wall, and Germany the annexation of the Provinces of Shantung, Kiangsi, and seems also to The basis of the negotiations is; 1. That Mannhmr‘ia shall be made a buffer State. 2. Then; European garrisons shall be established at treaty ports. 3. That the c-hieis of the Box- Yang-tee. Russia en's shall be pit to death. want to restore the power of the PARTITION OF CHINA. 'Dowager Empress and Emperor, A duespsaacth from London. snysz-Jl‘heg3 rx'ie}.d»izng infln 8:108 through them over Irv/akin correspondent of the '1‘ fines, in 1 bib}:- (1; :$:;“:§x:::fl:t:eso $.13 081212;; adespatch, dated September Lsays ’ ' L . . A _. .‘ that Russia has demided to withdraw :Llnlosthmewwble. [th rs not antler- her Legatl-on from Pektn, leaving a tinted. that Rugs“ WI” ‘Ylth‘dlflw m . . __ zany Circumstances, but Will remiorce purely mxlutury command. He adds ‘i her troops mow occupying Man- I 1 3. E ‘. Cthur'm. - I ~ . udl- ; 3‘ e . r: ’ w ‘ it“ why to tb other powe ‘ 'etnce of the Emperor beyon l “gut-mm: Pck‘m “naming under ‘ kin. Prime thing‘s sun is detzuned l hai correspondent. of the nounced that Russia would maintain iT-imes, wiring \Vednesday, nonfirms that (t was expected that an anw Prince Ch‘nfi' before returnâ€" . . . . ‘ ":93 ~ 3; home-9mm: of thus deoxswn would be 3 "Lg to Pek‘m went to have! an a '. 9 M‘ 4‘ 9 . d the grant 0111 5913393111)” 4- the other powers "wa-ll. where the Imperial journey had wrll presumably also wrthdraw thcrr 'tbeen arrested, pending events in Pe- the mummy control of the powers 1 by the "Emperor as a hostage for his dumng the wmter. At the last, mget; '1 father." ing of the commanders it was an- K The Shang ! . , ~ . . . t ; 1:: mm vrnnnn‘: ~m Chma durum: the “111- t the reports of the uneasy feellng there ' Litâ€"11", “VD-u, ‘1‘... _ g. . S01v5. . . . .. 3.00 3 "5 51‘ . Stags, . . . 2.00 2.2.5 ! . . - . ‘ Buffalo, Sept. 18.â€"â€".Spr1ng wheat - " N0. 1 hard, 51pm; c.1110ud1s,863-4c , 10,1E «Stronger 31 higher: prices: No. .. at: \leW, 460; \0. 3 yellyw 45:49; No. 4 yellw 441-40; \0. 2. com, 451â€"4 10 1y 1 451-2c;1\'o. 3 c0111. 450. OMLâ€"o Oghten':1y;30. 2 white..260; No. 3 11.11119. 50.19434 to 250; N3. 4 Whine, Me; No, ‘3, ans’ mixed 231â€" 4c; N0. 3 mixed 2315.811- ck. "ewaittle doing; good enqu'uy Rye fur. ~QuLet; No. 1 m1mtmully. 561:; No. 2, 3 ,- 1 = :11) 1â€";0. i lwurâ€"Steddy. buffer State. 2. That Emroyemn .garrisonb 3 established at; treaty ports. :2 That the chiefs of the Choice hogs, per cyvt. Light hogs, per cwt. . Heavy hogs, per cwt. SONS. . . . . stlags, . . 3-40; December, 77 7-8c. Chicago. Sept. 18.-1-Iighe:‘ Livvr’ pool cables. small Norm-We“ reâ€" ceipts. and a lézzvy cash demand cau‘sed a good aidvaLLC'F in Wham tuâ€" duy, October cl rung 13- 40 highm. ‘ " A“ Minneapofis, Sept. 18. â€"- (Ilrrse â€"- 'NV‘heatâ€"Sevpt" 751-4: D90“ 761â€"8 to i761â€"4c: May, 78 7-80 to arrive; Na. 1 hand; 781â€"40; N0. 1 Northerm 761-40; N0. 2 Nurthzer'n, 74 3-4c. Flour and bra mâ€"«Unc ha aged . ,,__A . 1‘, ‘ i or ofa Millionâ€"nun : 1 hand, 51pm, unloads, 88 3-40; The Loss OveraQum-t 1 Northern. spot, 82 3-40.. \Vinlier l I’m-“ally covered by Insuranceâ€" I ‘: :r .nlford Sent. Ah! 1 garâ€"Nominal; No. 2 red. m; mix- pv - 1 - - ‘- ‘ 701-20; 50. 1 whzte, 700. Corn - . . § : . ' - . we 7 _) , . '- . > '1 ”0113.91 3‘“ h‘ghe‘ prunes, 30' - ~b‘orty-Lw0 bmemess. houses were 1 low 460: N0. 3 'ellnw. 5340' ‘ ' . . . . ; ’ 5’ 4 ‘ fl ” 3‘9 . burned m Lhe fire. which swept) Pans ' ellaw. 441-40; 50. 2. com, 401-4 L0 ’ _ ‘ h “T J. 1 ' . , -at an ear ' amt e‘nes'a morn- .-Zc; 1M). 3 com, 400. ()Jts.â€"~ . ‘ ‘3 , y ‘ ‘ _ . , a . _ ., . f- . . _ mg, and the. was W111 amount. 10 over udy, Na. .. WhLLP..-Go, :No. 3 whue. I '11" ’11 h . - . .e . ”LL ua'rze.‘ 0' a nu urn. A I 6 3-4 to 300; No. 4 whue, ".546; N0. 2‘. q. i J . 1h . i; , . , 1 remakes (esu‘o '8’ were 1n . e )rm- . Iced, Z31â€"4c; 1‘40. 3 mzxad. 23C. Bnr- a p. . 3 . I i . . . . expat busunasS-s seen-0n. 'â€"»Lutle (101mg; good enqmry. Rye} H . . . , . ,, - ) 1111:, frre was first observe/d by the Janet; Lo. 1 m1mlmully. 00:3“, Nu. '., , , . .. ‘ ~ ‘ . mght watchman :11. the Wincey mnl. ‘â€".'.c. 1' lwurâ€"hteddy. 1- . , ‘ ,4 , “ He, saw :1 .Lfirt 111 the c'upalzx of; the De I rent , hept . 18. -â€"\\ h an 1-,...(1 . use â€"â€" . } 1 ”lb 760 \I , ‘ h "'8 Meklmm null, and uhiif‘ul)’ afLer the . Ct“, ; .L 0. ;. rel: on 1-0' . ’ ‘ ' ’ ' gings [ell m and flames shot. fo'mh. I 3 .ptember, October. 790; December.‘ . 7 1 {e at. whoa Lumnei m a telephone 1 1 l e i l A deep-itch from Paris, Om“ says; . .-- . . . ,. , uln'm. and the. Vamlunteer brigade got at. Louis. he'pt. 18..»Wheutâ€"Closed . _ . \' 1 h "H 3 4 ‘ b 77 sqmaed‘uy to mark, but the hzgh gale. -.-. r'. (ms: , u - (3; he i ,r .r .. j. ’ l ' pm 11 9 ’ shawl farmed the wanihgmtmn to such {I Dfiluth. Sept. 18.-â€"â€"\Vh<-:1.lfâ€"-No. hard, cash. 79 3~4c; to arrive‘ 79 3-40; No. 1 Northern, en's-h. 77 340; to ar- ' ’77 3-40; Sept, 77 3-40; Dec., 77 7â€"8(:; May, 81c; No. '2. No‘rthtevm 72 3-40: 69 3-4c. Cornâ€"40 3-40: No. 3 Star? , Oatsâ€"~23 1â€"4 to 240. Milwaukee, Sept.18.â€"â€"\V.heat â€"- Higher, No. 1 Northern. 77c; No. 2 Narihern, 751-2c. Ryeâ€"Steady; No. 1. 5%. Bu.r'eyâ€"-i"‘i.rm; NO. 2‘ 51 to 520; ammplo. 39 to- 50 1-2c. Brave Colonel Had a Week’s Hard, Fighting at Zeerust. f rom Jo ha nnesburg, says:â€"-Co-l. Dal'getty’s third cavalry brigade arrived here from Zeerust aft- . er‘ some sharp fighting for a week. IT‘hoey got into a tight earner at Quag- gezrfontein, where the Boers captured their ambulance train. had twelve killed and thirty The 33ers had five killed and nine Li in. be was among A despatch The Arctic exploration par' fine Duke of Abruzzi, of Italy, 18 re- lt is sand the party d further north than the ponnt V Hogs. ; With Prince Ching on These Terms. ' 010‘s}: Lay-do halt: ‘45â€"'- [ON HUME J-Ghuw-. i an- i The Shanghai curr‘es-pondent of the‘ VMWLJ \ll. .. Mai-n i Times, wiring \Vednesday, nonfirms with ”‘15 win- i the reports oi the uneasy feeling therei anus of ‘11 said '; concerning Germany‘s intentiohs to-i KIWBI‘ «mid same '3 ward the Yangtse provinces, and 88m...“ try for HO] iciaily the Kiangâ€"Nin forts, One of thi ‘ tum to be. Limited 5 The, St. Petersburg correspondent 01Ws army ithe Tiane‘s says he is in a position to 90506 exec under iassert. positively that the Prussian! :g‘ard- I trqops in Munch'uria are preparing for ' which i‘a war campaign. i§(;UEI{II.] dered. The Shanghai correspondent of the' are is ’Associated Press, wiring \Vednesday, Botha 013 Lord and confirming the repurt as to '. i‘ITe-e. ' pres- Eof. the four conditions preposed by a3; ‘5. (16593 Pee-kin t certain DOWer as the basis of negoria» day, says: :it we itiODS. 835's he has it. from a Pekin Post! from back. ESO'UI‘CB, usually reliable, that Prince ‘Coiony, d: inn of } Ching has already begun to negotiate] Latest 3111' K (In fn 1h-1 .30. at. 1 11.. 01.7.7 00.5.3 ’DDNFLAGRATIUN AT PAR 1 , ITHE BUSINESS PORTION OF Taxi ‘ TOWN ENTIRELY DESTROYED. g ’. an exzen 5; was a bi: iouu‘rrl be. i .vas ih‘ed 0! 5t red met 1 K t 1', CA?)' at . c ‘C St 13833: ’ :7 to § ’ ‘. swarm of t L" t Hm hum AID F‘ROAI BRAN'I‘I“()RD. ,3150 store T and a force went to the clothingo' and they were To have de (1. The 111 no way Chinese ge The chief scene by special train, Loudly cheered when they arrive Brantford men, after herculenn ef- ast and west sides, I flugration on the e “hsch the), did at Hall’s dry goods ‘ TE store and Scott‘s drug store. The Par- ’ It is a r is firemen, for their part, after a is permit'i brave fight, got the best of it, after Ber Briti.‘ the destruction of the office of the merits sh< wincery mill. The high Wind carried year ab a burning debris in all directions, and Fahrenhe ' ' with; pails effecmd! blankets were kept , air system at work in helping to check isolated pipes are ' cases of ignition. At one time all felt Eaddition as doomed, and pieced in that the entire town w , the residents had the roads filled with tables by ipiles of hastily removed furniture. éevery 0t! , M'hen the flames were at their are kept gheight an awful yet impressive scene as it is iwas presented. Nearly every building to carry ion both sides oi the great street to {the left of the bridge was a mass of } flames, and the high w ‘ 1; ind created a: 3 perfect eddy of sparks, which fell all; Vast < ', around in casca des. About four o’clock exported Ethe walls 015 the destroyed buildings sealedcz menced to tumble in with loud it faucet ireports, but, strange to say, despite .1500 681 the thousa nds on the streets, no one "fully eel ssustained serious injury. upon all .anonâ€"imh' Will Not The Dutch commander expe _ fight the pumuing British trqops {a}: at Ifast another mmth, and than' take his force. men and gun‘s, over, af the memavual. They regar-u u . dxefzilmltely osmfirmatory of this inten-~ 1 aka an‘ his part the recent! action of ' Government in do- EGUERILLA WAR D EKLARED. 5 tch from London, Wednes- ' day, sayszâ€"A despatch' to the Manning L PosU from Belfast, in the Val River . 9,0010ny, dated Monday, says that the .Zlatest information from Boer sources t it has been de {'15 to th? effect 1h") formally declare .éfinitely = decided to i ; guee'rilLa warfare against the British. 1t ’ tated that Gen. Botha objected to was overruled by council of Adespa : 13 s c . isuctu action, but he E the other members 01' the Wit} 0 The (1651111101) adds that ex-Presldent , Kruger, who was at Ne-lsprui-t an a Sept. 8, is too feeble to leave the rail- t way. It is expected that; he will go is unable to ito {Koommtilpoort He being governed m, the Boem ? realize the .sbtmation, 1 by his own formula 1h 'hnve nothing to lose, and therefore . A _ a- Transvaal tI nu" and vow war. VAAL Transvaal Will Be known by This Name in Future. '1 A dPSpaH'h from London says zâ€"A‘ 11) 1.0 the Central News from says the Transvaal Republin Pretoria forth be known as the Van] will hence‘ River Colony. .3. Opposed the Decision, But Was Overruled. itccupy :1 these . . . or five 6001' 1‘35 mgh, , 4 windows save .1 L- a conside with l tanoe above the grouuu, a side projections by whi might get in. These can but; are called pawnshups, more to resemble bankâ€"s. among the Chinese to d‘ possessions of value, when i m 'the-se establishments. . also store there is summer clothing, on which money To have dealings with a g :11 no way considered der Chinese gentleman’s digni executives. Permit Himself captured. ‘ It is a rule from which no departure is permitted that the temperature in Her Brit-1.311 Majesty’s personal apart. ments should be kept throughout the year at a uniform level of 58 degrees Fahrenheit. In the winter this in us of an elaborate hot._. . tem, and m summer the sang pipes are used to convey cold air. In‘ addition to this wood buckets are placed in the {ire gutes, under the tables by the window sills, and is éevery other available corner, and thy urn ken’t filled W'ith ($83!! 106 50 m ‘; CANNED EGGS. ‘3 Vast quantities of shelled 3883 a!“ ’ o . .exported from Russm m hermetically swled cans, and are drawn off bhro . a faucet. One can hows from 1, , 1,500 eng- The 6888 must: be are- :fully selected, 35 8 had 033 WM .apoil all the 0M in the am every Other 3V: Lhie north-eastern part. Thay regard as mull. CHINESE “moms" AUUXIâ€"lvâ€"â€" nv constructions. Some of 1m like squa re towers four :- ries high, with no outside We at a considerable dig. the ground, and no out. semble banks. It is u'sual ChineSe to daposit their . of value, when not. in use, stablishements. The 13-80911 9’ here is summer their win I n‘ which money is often 1421.. :al'mgs with a pawnshop is considered derogatory to; antleman’s dignity. 3 .1“ d1“ ' necessary to not due. l’laor in the 01'chth Sarial synem. houses there are ”1.0 the usual one- He : pro-

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