West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Sep 1900, p. 4

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DURHAM CHRONICLE: DURHAM, SEPT. 27TH, 1900. Dr. Landerkin has reprew South Grey for twenty-three } What. has he done for his con speaking péOpIe, hordes of the \Vea‘t..’ ents? The Honourable Premier Marchand, of Quebec. is in a. low State of health. and very little hope IS entertained of his recovery. Since Dr. Landerkiu has been a financial loser through poluics, the burden should be thrown on Mr. Richardson for a while new. Why do the Liberals give them- selves so much concern over Hugh John, if he is such a. weal-{ling as they “Va-I, .- -cv â€"‘ would make him out to be 1’ Very heavy rains are India. The country 81' is inundated for miles. tives were drowned 2 are reported homeless. A Special report from Ottawa. to the Mail and Empire says the (late of dissolution was fixed on Saturday. but that the exact dates of nomina- tion and polling have not yet been decided. The last week in October or first week in November is said to be the time the electiuxs will take place. Many South Grey Liberals would be glad to see Mr. Richardson eler'ted if Dr. Landerkin had only been pro- vided for. Twenty-three years in power, without any return, has caus- ed the Doctor’s supporters to "‘ grow weary in well doixw.” Vote for Richardson . “ It means four years of constant agitation for aFrench party in na- tional politics. “It means four years of submis€ sion by the head of the Adminstmtion to a colleague wno laughs at Anglo- Saxon integtity and glories in a double‘facezl attitude. “ It means a. lowering of the public morals; 2!. distrust of the honest politician; reliance on Tammanyized methods in the government of the country, and the installation of lob- byists in power at Ottawa."â€"â€"Galt Reporter. “ It means four years of uncertain- ty as regards the tariff. WHAT 18 DR. CHASE’S NERVE FOOD? In a )pearance Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is an ova . chocolate coated pill. In this con~ doused form it contains all of nature‘s most strengthening and invigorating tonics and restoratives‘and for tliis‘ reason it is unap- ..‘ A.A.--0A I C5Invl “in! v vn con.“ proached as a blood builder and nerx:e restorative, 1t cures all diseases caused by thin blood and exhausted nerves and makes pale, week nervous men, women and child- ren strong and healthy. 50 cents a box. W. Irwin, is, by no means, the dreadful disease it is thought to beâ€" in the beginning. It can Eilways be stoppedâ€" in the beginning. The trouble is: you don’t know you’ve got‘ it; you don’t believe it; you won‘t believe itâ€" till you are forced to. Then it is danger- ous. Don’t be afraid; but attend to it quickâ€" you can do it your- self and at home. Take Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, and live care- fully every way. This is sound doctrine, whatever you may think or be told; and, .if heeded, will save life. If you have free sample. LET US DROP TARTE l VII-'- y rains are lepox ted fxom country mound Calcutta for miles. Twenty na- drowned and thousands have not tried lt. send for uple. Its agreeable taste will Cu. '1" a BOWNE. Chemlsts. Torpnt9._ â€"â€"._JAAA Etiitor and Proprietor. 'the _ fanziiical represented 20 years. conszitu- For some time we have been free from fire, but on Mon - '7 p. in. the sound 0 d. told us once more that the devouring element was still capable of produc- ing its usual devastation. Smoke was seen issuing from the 3 Mr. '1‘. G. Holt, just in rear of his residence. and as other stables were closely adjoining, it was at once eVi- dent that considerable damage would I be done before the Fire Company, at ‘ best, could get the engine under way t and the hose in position. The building contained a number 105 high class hens. and these were lremoved uninjured, but beyond the ‘removal of portable articles from this and the adjoining buildings very little could be done without the en- gine. Before long the firemen were on the scene and everything was in readiness, but the steam, for which there was some delay in waiting, but not long. The adjoining residences seemed in danger, but the two well-directed streams from the engine soon damped the order of the fire and the neighbtr- hood began to breathe more freely, feeling assured that no damage would be done beyond the burning of the stables. To confine the flames seem- ed all the company could do, and this they did with considerable skill. Capt. Torry, Lieut. Harbottle, and Ed. McClocklin showed considerable coolness, and like all the other mem- bers of the brigade did good work. The buildings destroyed were all Stables. In addition to Mr. Holt’s, the one in which the fire originated. Rev. Mr. Sharp and Mr. Jas. Carson‘ were also losers, each of the threei buildings having been almost com-é pletely desrroyed. The fire originat- ed through children playing with I matches as near as we can find out. There was a small insurance on Mr. Holt’s but. we understand, there was nothing on either of the others. The ' loss will amount to three or four r hundred dollars. Rainfall. one inch. Hours of sun. shine, 39.8 Direction of the wind very variable, but generally veering from S. to N. \V., occasionally a profound calm. but often in stormy gale. The temperature about touch- ed frost. on the evening of the 18th. 1900 For wm-k ending Sept. 22, 1900. TEMPERATURE MR. ROBERT WADE, of Crawford, has purchesed the fifty acres owned by M 1'. James Cross. This gives Bob. a clear scope of 400 acres across the block. THE Post Office Department has issued the following notice to all Canadian postmasters: “ Porto Rico, Hawaii. Guam, the Philippine Islands and certain Islands in the Samoan group being now United States terri- tory. correSpondence of all kinds posted in Canada 'addressed to those Islands will, on and from the lst 0! October next, be subject to the same regulations generally, as apply to ccrrespondence sent- irom Canada to the United States.” The result of l the new order will be that letters from Canada to the American Islands of the Samoan group, Guam, and the Philippines, although twice the dis- tance that England is from Canada will go at a less rate than letters be- tween Canada and the Mother Coun- try. To these American possessions the rate will be two cents per ounce, while the rate to the Mother Country is two cents per half ounce. D (-pt Supt Seattle. Washington, are spending a week or two with the former’s father Mr. James. Brown, and other relaw tives and friends in Durham andl vicinity. Though it is about eighteen years since Mr. Brown left here, he seems never to have forgotten the home and associations of his boyhood days. In a very brief interview we ’learned many things of the growth. and development of the “ wild and woolly west ” through Mr. Brown’s geniality and superiority as a conver-l sationist. Seattle, he tells, has nowl a population of more than 100,000, though twelve years ago there was very little over 30,000. The increase is largely attributed to the excite- ment in the Klondike, and the new importations to the town are largely made up of a rough gambling and lawless class. who care little or noth- ing for the value of human life. It is acommou thing, he tells us. to find anfunltnown human body float- ing in the bay. These, he believes in ‘-‘--- A: “-s. Ma. AX!) MRS. Jon's R. Baowx, ofi 9 I ID a vvsunaavn --_-_ I find anfunknown human body floatoi ing in the bay. These, he believes in 1 many cases, are the remains of red turned miners, who on landing with their little bags of gold. have been robbed of their treasure and disposed of in this inhuman way. Lawless- ness and crime are evidently common characteristics of the place. Mr. Brown is a careful reader of THE lCHRONICLE. which he gets every Thursday, just a week after it is printed and he pronounces it better than a dozen letters keeping him posted on the doings of the place. WEATHER BULLETIN. LOCAL NEWS. 16 1‘? up“ STABLES BURNER \VADE, of Crawmfold the fifty acres ownei Max M) 40 11in. oil O36 m m To say that a fellow who gets his back up and won’t speak no you is an old granny, would be too much of a reflection on the granny. n1 RAISING CHICKEN S FOR PROFIT. The farmer s throughout Ontario ha ve not as yet recognized the importance and value to themselves of a great Centre station. where they can send their chickens at any Season of the year. and where they would get a fair price (which they would know be- fore shipping). There is beyond a doubt a great deal of money to be made out of chickensâ€"that is to say. to be made out of the right kind of chickens~â€"-snch, for in- stances, as Plymouth Rock and Wyandottes and some of their crosses. tor the larger birds are certainly the most in demand a when sold for 100d. and more espeoially so , when sent toa great fattening concern like I the Canadian Prodli‘ce (20m Rally, of Christi AAAAA A.‘ A _1.:-.'_ LHU U‘aununau ; .Vu..vv v w"-.. _- 3, , Street, Toronto. This firm fatten the chick- ens and put them in shape for exporting to the British market. where a large bird is in demand, The Canadian Produce Company have agreed to send single crates to any .A-- A: “11Il“‘." nl’l "(L‘U aetuvu uv uv -------- F _ _ farmer. In this way a raiser of poultry on a small scale would be able to dispose of his stock with the same facility and at as large a price as the man who raises in large quan- tities. The Company Will not only semi one or more crates to those who write for them. but they will pay express charges both on the crates going empty as well as on the crates returning full. This includes the express charges on the weight of the birds themselves. as well as on the return- ‘ ing crate. In this way it will be readily ‘ seen that the farmer has nothing to do but write for what crates he needs (each crate holds about thirty birds). to put his birds in the crates and send them back addressed to the Company in Toronto. where the birds will be paid for at the weights when they arrive. and cheque. or money order will be sent the same day in payment. This is not only a great boon for the farmer at the pre- sent moment. bnt will be the means of cans- ing an unlimited demand for early broilers in the spring at prices running from sixty to seventy cents per pair. according to the the market. There is one requisite. how- ever, that every farmer must consider. and that is, unless the birds are. strong and healthy they are of little use for exporting. The birds do not need to be tat. but they do need to be large. healthy and strong. and sooner the farmer realizes the ad 'ant- ages he can obtain by raising the correct kind of birds the sooner he will be able to make a considerable amount of money. in fact. a large amount of money. out of a department of his farm which has hitherto- t'ore been considered of little value to him. Full instructions as to the proper care. feeding and management of the young chicks from time of hatching: to marketing, as well as particulars as to the breeds which make the most rapid flesh formers. can be had free of charges on application to me. A. G. Ginnnn'r. Manager Poultry Department. Central Experimental Farm “1.. â€"â€"uâ€"â€". ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED Up to MonQay‘ Octoberfilsth, for aint- firm and xzraimng of the new Mc ntXre 1 Up to Monday" Octoberfiléth, for aint- ing and graining of the new Mc ntyre Block now being erected 111 Durham._ 'lhe lowest ornqny tenger "0- neqessanly ac- A._‘A--__‘ un-O LA IU" 030 VI $.qu â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" cepted. Plans and speéificafions méy be seen by applying to the underst glued. N. MCIXTYRE. Durham. 0' To PITEIT Sued Ida: may besecnred by our yaid. Address, TIE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore. Idu KITS AND mssns. {SEND MacFAHLANE Efl. Tenders ‘Vanted. Some of our annual importation of Fancy Goods will be in, and we know they will interest you. If we can be of any service to you, use us. 1A5 415 415 415 l I I. ,5. a .. lit“ In? IA? In? fl and magazine Drnggisu .‘x- B‘mrksollors. The - Vary - Bcs-l Shulvnts from Manituha «m the west, Sew~1 fomulland on the cast, and Trams um the south! are in attendance. this your. Distance proves nu hindrance lo Ilium: \vlm (IL-sire tn gut the best. St-vu'al Canadian Cum-gm and many large Anu-ricuu Schools employ our graduates as t euclnurs. This. is a, strong proof of superiority. Enter unw if yuu can. Blacksmithing ! W. GUTHRIE. 1n ('uziada come letters from persons “A” have been rescued from the mis- u‘ius of piles by using Dr. Chase’s Lilllillt'nt. .\ii'. 1“. Stokes. 116 Dunlop street, Bar- r”, (JUL. writes:â€"” I was troubled \x Mind. itching piles for years, and coins. get nothing to step the constant itching. 1 was always in pain umtil a {Lit-Lid of mine told me of the won- derful cures Dr. Chase's Ointment had made among his acquaintances. “ I only used one box and am entire- “. emu-d. 1n gratitude for this marvel- 1(;;;.\~, cure and {or the benefit. of others Bug-”Icing as 1 did, I send you this re- cufj} 0: [fly (13.59." \‘J‘m-n operations and every other means have failed to cure 33011. You can begin the use or Dr. Chase's Ointment “am perfect confident-e that it will urge you. It has never failed to cure pies and win amt fail you; 60 cents a. 1.5x, at an "‘t‘iili%'.“5, or Edmanson, Bates 9 m1 Co.. Toronto. $314! ID FOR ourCataIOgue and be convinced that, we do \\ m‘k in business mlumtim: in Canada 10 day. STRATFORD. 02m W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. HE undersigned wishes to in' timutc to the general public that he is prepun-d to do all kinds Blacksmitlning at one prime to all. Factury Imulu Slums, 250 cash. Hand mum's Show, 1500.. Setting, â€"â€" â€"- 10c 'asll. self almost crowded out of your place Our trade has increased so than our " Big Snore ” is not ases for Fall, and we are at reduced prices to Imagine your of business with new goods. much in the last two years large enough to hold our purch selling; off odd lines of Summer Goods make Space for Winter Goods. Cotton has advanced about Fifteen of the largest; mills in th down for want of raw material. nelettes, Etc. are sure to go hi require now at “old prices.” Boats. Boats. Boats. LADIES’ Women's Ready-Made Velveteen Blouses. Durham’s ur Capes, Collarettes. Capperines, Ruffs, Caps, Muffs, 1 -- S!» “m \VI, 9% Ladies’ Ladies’ Ladies’ CHRONKCLE. ES’ FUR COATS, same kind as we had last season, made by Silvermzm, Boneter Co. Every coat guaranteed. L’s Biggest Fur, Dress Goods and Clothing Bl'..~\(JKSMI'I‘H. AT OLD PRICES. Coats, Coats, Coats, Um: .. e . . r%%%%%w%%$% . HUNTER. each, woxrh $3. :30 {01 $ 2.530 worth 23.00, for '3. '75 each up as high as 14. 00 each In the Matter of the Estate of Hugh Riddell of the Township of Bentinck in the County of Grey, Farmer, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES PURSUANT * to Section 38 of Chapter 129. R. S. (1., 1897. that all persons havin claims or demands against the estate of the aait Hugh Riddell, deceased. who died on or about the nineteenth day of May, 1900, are required to send by post prepaid. or delivered to James Riddell, Beeton. or to John ‘tiddell. Kinvhurst. the Executors ot the estate of the said Magi: Riddell, deceased, or to the under. signed (3._ J. Mickie, Chesley. on or before the 12th 01’ October, 1900, their Christian and surnames and addresses with full particulars in writing of their claims, and statement. of their accounts. and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them " duly verified by statutory declaration. ' And take notice that after the said 12th (1:1 y of October, 1900, said Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of wnich they shall then have notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for said assets, or any part thereof, to any person «W per - sons of whose claim notice shall not have been re- tined by them or their solicitor at the timi- of such distribution. Dated September 6th, 1900. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. In the Estate of Walter Tucker, late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Gentleman, De. NOTICE T0 EHEBHUBS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1'1 KM AAL ‘o 12. S. 0.. 1897. Cap 129. Sec. 38. and auncncling suns. that. all persons having ('lzlims against the estate of the said 'Wnltcr 'l‘m'kvr, who died on the 16th day of September. A. 1),, 1900. are required to solid by post. prepaid. or to ileliver to John 1’, 'l‘elt‘ord. solicitor for the. oxwu- tors. on or before the 19th day of October. A. 1).. 1900. tln-ir names. :uhlressos and descriptions. and lawns. and a full statmnent. of particulars; of tboir «2 NW nature of the security (it any) 110le by ”Him 1 fly. 1 m duly certified. and that- nftcr the sail executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the ch-m-asml among the parties entitled flu-veto. having: regard only to the claims of whirl: lilo-y shall them have notice, A 1\ 1l|nn Lower 'l‘own. Wanted-4n Ide if?“ E may bring you wealth. RN .9: CO. Patent Attor. for their zi.aoo prize otter _â€"..-o¢nn- want“- no, wummn. U. U0. ‘0‘ VHUII .Ang y. -- tnd t at two :mndred Inventions wanted. NBTIEE TU EHEDHURS. Datml this 21 Muffs, Gauntlets. 1t 25% in the last. week. the old country are closed III-U voy- “ Prints, Shirtings, 1 lan- lnigher, so buy what ycu I (.1- CI MICI{[41‘;, (/ ‘IBSI('\ Salk itol fox the above mum (1 E m Silk Blouses. Wrappers, Etc. 20th day of September. A. 1).. WHO, J. P. TELFURD, Solicitor" fm‘ I‘wacmm‘s Watchmaker and Jeweller, â€"â€" DURHAM. â€"â€" ml EX'H' lltul‘n‘ House. fireai ‘ (In: Ewowrhofirwhrwfiflrktb firflcbyiifiviil ; nHrHrwr 1‘. Agar}? F HrHfiHanHchHcHLwc>CH¢E cHanchHoHHuHLHHLHcUMcK , rt“, 5'00. Read ’4? $4 MWINE SALE. 5w; C123} ‘7’ A game}. _ I} x 151L217; Oils and Paints Whiting), Paris Whit/2. Alabmstilw, Grimes, Brushes, Ym'nishes, Mzuthine on. Harness {)1}, Con] -(,)'11 and bumps. 7N ’/~\\ flu? ,1“? ’A.«\\ ’1‘.‘ 'O"‘ .6" "A | 3.7 \Er/ 53’ ‘57 3»? Ready They must Come amd i groceries a"! AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. cyâ€"QMQ unaware 'l'lw ".Inw-stnz‘s' Fund “ ni‘fc'énsan vxcunmtt Mtlmt‘tunity ’in- x-t-st mpitni whom! it will bring a regularmnnthlyInt-mug. Am the Surplus l’mtits if :allcm'ml t3) accunmlntc “:11! laygcly un-rvasv the original invvsttncnt and the Income dvrn'm’l tram 1t. _ ‘ ‘ ' Its past, n-cm'd is cum‘mmng. Last your use. atrnednnd paw. m- \'vst(,n's-~in :tdditiutt to the regular mumhiy dn'ulcnd 01 71 per cent...- Sur nlus l'rntits :n't-mging (3.15 per cvnt per month, NOT A DOL- LA)“ has burn lust tn any In \‘estor through the Fund and we have» at our. dissatiafivd subscriber. . n The. " Investors' Fund ” is NOT AS EXPERIMENTâ€"It is “up ductml (m smmd business pritu-iplos. and «only the most. reliable of the standard Railroads and Industrial securitms are deal It, in, The outluuk for the In\'¢-stors‘ Fund was never more I'I‘Omis. ing than at. present. \Vu vxcht the 1th SD; nmnths to be (bioep‘ tiunallv 1101“? 01108 in flu: financialnun:h_-t and )vc 109k forward 00:» tidcntl} tn this pvriod of increased :tcttvxty wlnch Win 888nm large: earnings for the. Fund. ~ . . ' ‘ Bt'tuflv outlined Its nwthod ut olmmtmn 15 as follows: The .. In- vvstors’ Fund ” pays Iln’cskn's 4 per 011.1111“? mouth on; of ' ' ' “ “'-" mm'hm- nf tlm bllnplus Profits 01m.- If you. want lim'gams no ly-made clothing boots ; 0110s zu'01t0 ,0 handled at. .. . - .r, or U)» ruuu. - . . _ . . ‘ _ . ‘ . ”1131;111-531: outlined its method at opumtum In an {0110“3 . 'lhe ‘ In. . ~ . . . .. mr (will wr mouth out of the ".0319? film-"Ll.“ I"? 23%;? $132311;ch Of ”"31 Surplus Profits 9Ver (lruwlLJ'T-l 1:111; ‘mux‘uhlyfilWidow! is credited. Investors and {llstnbuu and :1 M:\e ; . )th ('vvry :hrcc mum Ins as «la-snug], and a porpon qfnbe 1.11 ”r.n;;l-lli:(3'{INF“: as“ RESPTV" Fund . .Tlns RRSQYVQ. l‘llpd mthe {1:311:171; éui’eguard as it reduces an I‘ISKS on our operatlous to; ‘un‘l"|lltl].- v' '_ __,_ .4.-...‘u¢' nL...“ "Il‘ 21l‘.\'nllmg‘§§ {If t“e }‘und with. 'lhc plans uf invvstuwnt pnm- In in the reach of M'erymw. fuck-r 1!! $30 11 n'm‘ds is received for invostml manIyCOUpOM attached. (The CO 01‘s each month as they fall due and they will revoke prompt. attention.) payment plan also. Its past snake» and t]|t§(:ull-‘v!‘\’£ «1110th has raised the “ Investors“ Fl prominence and popularity. and it many of the shrewdcsn and amt-st b1 the Dominion. Established 1893. must; go. Every article up to-date. and investigate. “'x'itc us {0119111519 BUUKLET which explains everything. !I\I!|||!Iltl..|.l| 4 4 4rMHrNMHr§HcHH¢H§H C. McArthur, z “A? vvsnm‘nt 1.1;.“- thv advantages 01' the Fund With. "vmw. 13mm any regular plan any amount. from iovod for investment and Certificate issued with ttuchml. (The. commas an; endorsed by the bold- thm' fall due and furvrardml in our oflioe Where mnfpt attontiun.) “'0 INVC 3 SpeCial monthly 27, 1900. 132-1112211118 now is yul‘l' time ruggist and Seedsman ! 1 ,1“,vunwrvatixw- manner in which it is cm:- investors.” Fund " to a position of tifying .arity. and it includes among its Investors and abh-st business and professional men in a: «3 buying look throng wing at O U 0 ) w. E. wane co.. g I’m-chum Loan Bld‘g'l‘oronto. 'â€"â€"_ _ and «My the most. reliable of securities are dea It in. 'nnd " was now-r more IDfOlnis. next six months to be i‘iccp. irkvt and we. look forward co,” tix‘ity which will assure larger Durham , Ont and Shoes and .1 Shoe more as

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