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Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Sep 1900, p. 7

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" Whole excretory system and per- manently cure the most serious cases 0' constipation, bfliousness and “$9!an In. W. 3. Fisher. Preston, Ont” ’ Constipated Bowels :19!!!) their functi-our‘s without the aid 'of medicines. They also act on the lip god kidneys. and so revitalize tipation can never be cured by the useosf salts and similar weaken- kc and debilitating purgativos. Dr. (‘2’: Kidney-Liver Pills not only guns the natural action of the bowels but ”strengthen and invigorate thm gs bogniablg them to regulate per- The head aches. there is dizziness, weakness and dim-mess of vision, Pains in the back, sides and limbs, the accumulation. of wind and gas on the stomach, pains and fulnesa in W of the stomach and depres- any! despondenoy of spirits. Give also to Dyspepsia and Other Bodily Derangementsâ€"Dr. chase’e If Kidney-liver Pills are llnlque as the Only Treatment \Vhich Permanently Cures Constipation. She body of a Viking, in a wonder- ful state of preservation, has been dug up in a peat bog ct Domendort, in Schleswig, and placed in the Kiel mu- seam. The hair is red; it is clothed in coarse woollen material, with san- dals on the feet. Kiel experts think it was buried 1,500 years ago. K The potato, hitherto grown as a tuber under ground. is now being pro- duced like fruit from the stem of the plant. The flavour of these really “ new” potatoes. is excellent. are constipated the kidneys become “083%. the liver torpiud and the atom:- 80h and whole digestive system oom- pbtely interfered with. Constipation, or inactivity of the bowels. is probably the cause of more distress and sulfa-ins than uny other organic dexangemant. ane the _bowels upon the symptoms of the trouble. and that lathe reason the trouble al- ways neturns when you cease these medicines. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills ia and kindred diseases. But be sure ”on get the genuine which bear the ’ 1 name Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for le People on the wrapper around bury box. course of a couple of w eeks he noticed: an improvement in his condition and| he continued the use of the pills until L116 had taken some ten or twelve boxes, when he not only felt that his cure was complete, but also felt: that i in all remote his health was better than it had been for years. Since that time he has been continually driving his coach between (hledonia and Liverpool, and has not had the 1 slightest return of the trouble, not- ' Withstanding that he has to ftcze atl times very inclement weather, that l l nightbmell bring on a return of the ' trouble had not his system been so strongly fortified against it through the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. f If the blood is pure and wholesome 'diaeaee cannot exisr. The reason why Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cure so , many forms of disease is that they : act directly upon the blood and . nerves, thus reztching the root. of the trouble. Other medicines act. only conetitution- generally appeared to be Shattered. At this juncture he decid- ed to try Dr. Williams’ Pink‘Pills and got a half dozen boxes. In the ’gam'a reporter of this paper the bfollowing facts: About three years ago he was taken very ill. .38 had the best of medical attendance, but made very little pragress towards re- oovery, and the doctor told him there was very little hope that he would be able to return to his for- ’mer work. The trouble appeared to have located itself in his kidneys, and ton eight weeks or more be was con- fined to bed. He suffered greatly from constant pains in the back, his appetite became impaired, and his '“ kingnierit. The Enterprise has occasion to investigate a num- oI cures effected by this medicine, ndt knows that in some instances at relief. Recently another care under our notice that cannot to increase the popularity of . \Villiams’ Pink Pills in the local- 1ty in which it occurred, and as we can vouch for the facts, it may well ‘ bring ,hOpe to sufferers elsewhere. i Mr. Walter H.J01hnstonisone of the best known residents 01 the’ northern section of Queen’s county. ‘ Be resides in the town of Caledonia, where he keeps a hotel, and also; runs a stage that carries passengers; and mail between that town and Liverpool, at distance of some thirty Not Only In Gamma. But Izslilvery (‘lvnlzc I Country Thrc-ughom the World-â€" ”or" Atoue h~ GIN-n Tish Medicine- I“ r“: urea: Framing-nee Che-r ('olngncfltors ,4 Everywhere HAS BEEN ACHIEVED 8'! DR. WIL- LIAMS' PINK PILLS. A; Great Reputation Mr. Henry Moore, Pickering, Ont., sta tee: “In the fall of 1895 I used three or four boxes of Dr. Chase’s Kidney- Liver Pills for Constipition and Stom- ach Troubles and never found any- thing to compare with them. I had suffered from these complaints for many years and taken many kinds of medicine, but it remained flor Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills to cure me, 1 din now well and strong but continue to take one or two pills a. week to mantel-act the uric acid condition in the blood and to keep the bowels per- fect ly regular.” Dr. Cb ise's Kidney-Liver Pills, One pill a. dose, 2.3 cents a box, at all deal- ersn or Edmansun, Bate; 00.. To- states: "I can recommend Dr. Ch'ase’a Kidney-Liver Pills for Constipation. I was troubled for about nine years, and have spent hundreds of dollars with doctors and for remedies I heard of, but they failed to even give relief. Hearing of Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills I procured a box and they have cured me of this longstanding com- plaint. I ’don’t have to use them any more at all, which goes to show that thg'cure is complete and permanent.” Formosa now controls the camphor product of the world. The Japanese annal production has dwindled to 300,- 000 pounds; the Chinese has never exceeded 220,000 pounds, while the For- mosan supply averages 6,000,000 pounds a pretty penny. The Rhine has enjoyed a novel sen- sation from the visit of a flotilla of German torpedo-boats, which the Kaiser sent up the river, in order to show the islanders a sample of the new navy that is costing them such dead !" He then. locks the coffin, gives the key to the prior, the palace of the W1 contains also alarge mimastery and church. and taking his staff of office, breaks it in pieces and flings them at the casket. .The booming of the guns and the tolling of bells announces to the nation that the king mg place». Senor!” After asolemm pause, he cries again, “His Majesty does not re- ply. Then it is true, the king is coffin and says in loud tones, “Is your majesty pleased to proceed on your journey?" After a short sil- ence the pmcesaion moves on, and winds up to the grand portal of the palace. These doors are never open- ed except to admit a royal personage,j dead or alive. When the casket 'con- taining the remains is at last placed in the vault, the Chamberlain un- locks it, and, kneeling down, calls with a loud voice. “Senor! Senor! kings, queens and mothers of kings are buried there, the coffins of the kings lying on one side, those of the queens on the other. After lying in state for several days in the throne room in'Maerd, a procession is form- ed to accommny the body to the Eeâ€" curiul. A h‘alt is made on. the way, and the corpse rests there for one might. In the'morning the 10nd high ohamberlain stands at the side of the Strange and imprwsive are the ceremonies attending the burial of Spanish kings. The pantheon, or royal tomb, is at the palace of the Ewunial, situated. three thousand feet above the level of the sea, and some distance from the capital. Only The gum is quickly found; it is on most of the air or gas has escaped. almost any tree; the cotton grows When our brains begin to work at right at hand. The bee, too, is ter a refreshing rest or sleep, they art found in almost any sweet flower, 3 full of nerve fluid which the absorb buried head first in the dusky pol-‘ents of the body and brain have glen, drinking in the nectar, and , stored up there like bees fill theil {showing quite plainly whether its ' comb. 80 soon as work begins, thi: , honey sac is full or empty. It moves ; vital force is sapped to meet the de- fa little in its eager haste to secure 5 mands upon the brain, and the pro- ithe delicious liquid, but perhaps a loess that goes on during the whole f quick dab will fasten the cotton on its! time it is working may be described I back. Do not try it. As the little { in the following way: 3 boy told hi smother, the bee is a very Imagine that these cells are small “quick kicker." 'goblets filled with liquid, and that E Watch the Australianâ€"and he is a 5 they have a tiny stem, through which E very stupid fellow, too, in most : runs a tube or opening; the liquid in things. He fills his mouth with wa- ! the goblet is drained by the demands ter, has his snow tuft of cotton = of mind and body. and slowly trickles ready summed. finds his bee. gently § through the Openlng, drop by drop, dnenohes it with water spurted from 5 until either the work ceases or the his mouth, picks it up while it is 5 goblet is exhausted. still indignantly shaking itself freeI This latter condition is not often from the water which 0108’s its wings, reached, for the simple reason that and with a dexterorus touch he af- 4 the owner of the brain is very much fixes in an instant the telltale cot- 2 more likely to collapse. When the sell tom Very much out of patience. no I has yielded half its vital fluid, you dOIIbt, W'ith the sudden and unexpect- ‘ begin to experience a feeling of f3. ed rainstorm, the bee rubs off the 1 tigue, and if you go on drawing the tiny drops “from its wings, tries them, I contents of the cell's, you are doing rubs again, and 50011, buzz! buzz! ‘ yourself injury in a proportionate de- away it 8093’ unconsciously leading { gree, and Nature will make you pay destruction and pillage to its happy i for it in some way or other. i I 1 l E CURIOUS BURIAL CEREMONIES. In under to be followed the bee must have a distmguishing mark that can be easily seen, and with such a badge the Australian provides it. He gums comparative ease. But the question now comes up, how is the cotton to be put upon the bee’s back? [he a Clever Trick for Slat-king a Ike WM: Cotton. hus gone to his final rest- HONEY-HUNTERS. I know I am not worthy of your loveâ€" Then we do have some views in common after all. A new cork for poison bottles ought to be very effective in the prevention of mishaps. It has a kind of anchor attac’hed to it so that the cork can- not be entirely separated from the bottle, and it gives a warning click when the cork has reached the limit of withdrawal. 6. Washing‘butter wtih water at 40 degrees and under does not injure it: firmness when subjected to high tem- peratnre. 4. Washed with water at 40 degrees and under and worked immediately shows a better grain when sufficient- ly worked to insure its being evenly colored than with any other treat- ment. 4. Mottles can be preventâ€"ed by working the butter sufficiently to thoroughly distribute the salt. is the cause of unevenly colored butter spoken of as mottled butter. more working necessary to thorough- ly distribute the salt. 0n Brvilian railways no baggage is transported tree, and a passenger in allowed to take into the carriage a small handbag only. Coloured. globes in the windows of chemists’ shape were first displayed by the Moorish dvu-ggiata of Arabia and Spain. The longest plant in the world is a species of aubtmpical seaweed,which grows to 600 ft. in length. The strength of a lion has been shown to average only. 69 per cent. of the strength of n tiger. The thirty-three largest towns 015 England and Wales have a total papa- lation of nearly 12,000,000. There are 256 railway-stations with- in a six-mile radius of St. Paul’s Cath- edral, London. llmns Than “1" lawn-st From .UI for mars of the World. 4,000 tourists arrived in Europe dur- ing the last season. During 1899 Spain bought sixty- seven vessels in England. Germany has one doctor for every 1,957 inhabitants. But it follows that the part of the brain which is called into activity for bodily exercise is now getting tired, while the other part of the brain is still at work to some extent, and so the whole of our brain cells become fatigued, and total rest in the shape of sleep is absolutely essential. But all the cells are not involved in any kind of mental work, which means that one part of the brain may be very actively at work while the other is resting and storing up nerve fluid. Thus it is that a man suffer- ing from brain fag, may leave his books and go golfing or cycling, and feel that he is really resting ;. other cells are being called upon for work now, while the tired onesâ€"those re- quired for mental activityâ€"are enjOy- ing repose. Imagine that these cells are small goblets filled with liquid, and that they have a tiny stem, through which runs a tube or opening; the liquid in the goblet is drained by the demands of. mind and body. and slowly trickles through the opening, drop by drop, until either the work ceases or the goblet is exhausted. When our brains begin to work af- ter a refreshing rest or sleep, they are full of nerve fluid which the absorb- ents of the body and brain have stored up there like bees fill their comb. So soon as work begins, this vital force is sapped to meet the de- mands upon the brain, and the pro- cess that goes on during the whole time it is working may be described in the following way: Small Goblets Which, Are Drawn! by the Demands of .Vllml and Body. 1116 cells of the brain, when quite fresh and vigorous, may be likened to small balloons inflated ready for an ascent. {They are round and full, and when seen under the microscope, they give evidence of being distended. The cells of the tired. brain, on the other hand, are seen to be shrunken, as an air-ball or toy balloon from which most of the air or gas has escaped. WHAT MAKES MOTTLES. HOW YOUR BRAIN GETS TIRED. uneven distribution of salt HERE AND THERE. {the fruit with a skimmed: td _razre and care and c'ust the apples in halves or quarters. Take as many pounds of the best brown sugar; put a teactup of waterfio each pound. When it is dissolved set it over the vme leaves and a bit of saleratus or soda with them, and Set them over a slow fire until they begin to simmqer a bit of soda or saleratus the size of a small nutmeg will have the desired effect; then spread them out to 0001, after which finish as several- 1y directed. say a dozen bits to a kettle full; put enough ‘water to cover the fruit, cover the kettle close to exclude all outer air, set it over a_ gentle fire, let them simmer; when they are tender drain off the water; if they are not atine green let them become cold, then put vine leaves and a bit of saleratus or soda with them, and Set them over a slow fire until they begin to simmer; a bit of. soda or saleratus the Apples, pears, plums, apricots, c. for pleserving in sugar or pickling vinegar may be greened thus; Put vineleaves under, between and over the fruit in a «preserving kettle; put small bits of alum the size of a pea. ' and then this dose every second 'day. I, Between third and fourth month give ? two or three teaspoonfula aday, un- til relieved, and then every second or third day. From five months to a yewr one to three tableypoonfula every two or three days. Over this age give as needed. The butter must be given unchanged; not warmed nor mixed with any substance, as this alters its composition. In an experience of six years every child has taken the butâ€" ter with realiuh. It increases the nourishing elements of the food in small compass, and is the nearest ap- proach to milk. ‘A part is readily as- similated and the rest is eliminated through the Intestines. Pale, pasty children become red-cheeked and hearty, and the benefits of this butter treatment are evident up to the fifth and sixth year. Chronic constipation in otherwise healthy children, is not a disease, but an obstruction of the intestines from too much food, am Austrian physician asserts, in most cases. This con- the first two or three months of life until normal defecation is restored is ill, no one org-an can be said to be perfect] y sound. ~ These are the direct causes of de- cay of the teeth. But there also exist indirect, or contributing, causes, and these may be anything which will lower the general tone of the system, and make it less able to resist the action of deleterious agents. Among these secondary causes pro- ducing decay may be mentioned any protracted sickness, the lack of out- door exerczise, excessive study, anxi- ety or worry, which undermine and weaken the system. When the body The process of fermentation is of itself but the growth of multiplica- tion of these miinrute organisms, and in this process of their life history they produce the acids and other poisonous materials which make them so fatal to mankind. Their number is inconceivable. Micwobes are minute vegetable organisms some of the many species of which are so small that they are only visible under the microscope They are the cause of a large class of in- fectious or contagious diseases, and between them and the body there is acomstant struggle. The dent'ine is of a tubular structure and in these tubules the microbes which constantly exist in the mouth penetrate, where they continue their destructive effect till the tooth is completely destxroyed. Chief among them is the fermenta- tion of particles of food lodged be- tween the teeth, or in their pits or depressions, dyring mastication. When through carelessness or indifference, these deposits are not removed under the influence of the warmth, mois- ture and the {microbes present, fer- mentation, or chemical change, takes place and an acid is generated, and this dissolves the enamel and dentine leaving a cavity to grow larger and :l-eeperr. DECAY IN TEETH. Judging from the questions con- stantly asked the dentist, it is no ex- aggeration to say few people have a clear conception of the causes which lead to decay of the teeth. CBYLON GREEN TEA hm flavor as 13939, only more delicious. SOMBT "1N0 QUITE NEWâ€" TO PRESERVE APPLES. PRESERVING FRUITS BUTTER A CURE. her mind, you know, ehie said. That’s right, he replied brutally, and I don’t blame her a bit. If I had the average feminine mind I’d change it myself. However, he already had the reputa- tion of'be-ing a mean thing, so very little harm was done. Rheumatism for years, and Nerviline is the only remed) that has done me any good. " so writes Thomas McGlash- an, North Pelham, and his testimony is supported by thousands of others who have experienced the wonderful- ly penetrating and pain subduing power of Nerviline- the great nerve- pain cure. The costliest paintingeof modern times are Meissonier’a "1814” and Millet’s “ The Angelus,” £32,000 was given for z“ 1814 " and £30,000 for “The Angelus.” TO COLOR FRUIT YELLOW. Boi'l the frwit with fresh skin Lemons in water to cover them until it is tender; then take it up, spread it on dishes to cool. and finish as may be directed. rise; than take off the pan, Lay a slightly wetted napkin over a basin, and than strain the sugar through it. skimming. Repeat the skimming un- til a slight Baum Otl‘ foam only will It’s a woman’s privilege to chiange WOULD CHANGE IT HIMSELF. Put into a preserving pan as many pounds of sugar as you wish; to each pound of sugar put half a pint of wa- ter, and the white of an egg to every four pounds; stir it tog-ether until the sugar is dissolved; then set it over a gentle tire; stir it occasionally, and take off the scum as it rises; after a few boilings up the sugar will rise so high as to run over the side ofthe pan; to prevent which, take it from the fire for a few minutes, when it will subside, and leave time time for 88, boil the shrup thick, then and the firmit Ln jars. again pour it over; after aday or two put the trait in the sirup over the fire and. boil gently until it is clear, then take it into jars or spread it 011 dish- T0 PRESERVE FEARS. Take small, riczh, fair fruit, as soon as the pips are black, set them over the fire in a kettle, with water to cover them; let .them simmer until Take small under-ripe peaches, pare them neatly and put them into a kettle with water nearly to cover them, and set them over agentle fire to each quart of peaches put half a pound of sugar; let them stew until Dodd’s Kidney Pills TO CLARIFY THE SUGAR A woman’s reproductive organs are in the most in- tense and continuous sym- thy with her kidneys. he slightest disorderin the kidneys brings sbeut .‘ corresponding disease is the reproductive or us. Dodd’s Katee Nils, y re- storing the ki neys to their perfect condition, reveet and cure these tonsil dis- orders peeulisr to women. Pale yeung h ween-out mothers, :1 wives a“ 39mm «5% “9°- .; spread it to cool; then place T0 CAN PEACHES. “ I Have Had : about I disease i1 v; 01' m. Pins, y rc- acyn to their on, rave-t 1 dis- aches put half 3. them stew until Serve for tea. or |, your of the Criticâ€"I shnuld say so. I have noticed thzai: every war adds a new diabeob to our magazine literature. RUIN IN ITS WAKE. Bigheadâ€"War is a terrible curse, isn’bzit? field. No laxative Bromo Quinino Tablets. All (1 ' Mac! the money it it. kiln to cure. E. W,r(¥£:2 mm is on «ch box. 25c. There in more Cnturrh in mm cacaou or on. country than 311 other diseases put to that. ad until the lust tow years was cuppa: to ho incurable. For n at mnny gears doctor: pro- nounced it a 1 disc on rcscribod loco] medial, and by con-tun y t to cure with ooul treatment. pronounced it incumblo. 8d- cnoo hno prcygn custom-h to be a. constitutions] __ _ __1_-_ -‘â€"-‘thM-' I“ ll.- ylvku “m..- w Irv â€" 'vâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"a-~_. U Illeeeee, end therefore requiree oomtitn Menu. Hell'e 08th Care menu by r. J. Cheney a: Cy. Toledo. Ohio, is the only Mention“ cure on the market. It is the! Well! in doeeetrom 10 drope we teaspoon- an. It aet- direotly on the blood end moon meet the eyaeem. They offer one hand- reddeueretoreny one it tulle to one. Seed ”Wad testimonials. - ' nn-‘m‘TA-m, ”M- n The Doctor-Above all things ma- dame, your husband mustn't worry. Perhaps you’d better not show him my bill just now. But I did, doctor, and it didn’t make any d'i'ffemntce. He said he knew he couldn’t pay it anyway. Oh ,it might have been worse. I wonder-that she did not take me along to look after bier trunks. AN ESCAPE. Too bad, old man, about your wife running away. m. WINSLOW’B BOOTHING SYRUP he hen a? by mothers {or their children teething. It soothe elm. eoelttenethegmne. minimum-um dhthebeutremedy mammm ea I] ell drama-mm bout the'orld. Benn ow’rgooahinxsm' Well, sonny, that was kind of him. - Yes, pa, but when I told him “no" he took some bigger nippers an’ most pulled m’ head off. ~ MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY. The “ Balmsral,” Free Bus ; Know from experience that Put- nam’s Painless Corn Extractor is the only remedy to be relied upon for the extraction of corns. This is the case everywhere throughout the Domin- ion. Be sure to get Putnam’s sure-pop corn cure. At dealers everywhere. AVENUE HOUSEâ€"3; - A FOOLISH ADMISSION. Pa, that mean 01’ dentist asked me ’f he wuz a-hurtin’ me. A Painting Pleasure. OEYLON TB A... the tact. that it is the peoples‘ favourite. should dispel any question in your mind as to its excellence, it you have never tried it. DO SO, and you will becomes constant consumer. In Lead Packets. 25. 30. 40, so and 600. W“ m PM w “‘m vs umum“ m T0 CUBE A C0140 IN ONE IDAY PEOPLE IN THE NORTH-W'EST. DIDN’T WORRY HIM A BIT‘ There cu: be no doubt as to the excellent quality and purity of l I We will give the above award to an person who will correctly I G I E I R , K R U arrange the above letters to spell t e names of Two British Generals and one Boer General. Who are the ? You may be the fortunate person to secure at least a portion. if not the full amount. For shoul there be more than one set of correct answers. the money will be equally divided. This ofier is made to advertise and introduce our firm quickly. »We do not want One Cent of Your Money, This Contest is Free. _As soon as youhave arranged what you suppose are the correct names. send them. A post card W91 d0. and you will hear from us promptly by return mail. Those who have tried other contests and failed to secure anything. try this one. All can secure an aw ard if they wish to try. without any CX‘ pense whatever. N. Y. SupplyCo.. B): W, Orillia. Cananda. FOR OVER FIFTY YBARb $200.00 in Cash, Free 'ntu' “ ' 8156 Am. Pun. 31.50 t up. RAMSAY’S - PAINTS until Loo: GGOI'SB Gooderham. Capital Paid Up, $6,000.00Il Reserve Fund, - l,500,006 g:;,g,_ Canada Permanent Building, TORONTO S'r., Buxcn Omcxsâ€" TORONTO. The Canada Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage Corporation. A. RAMSAY SUN, Est'd 1342, MONTREAg Paint Makers Give- . most thorough come of individud instruction in all Mae-e and 0M! m We, Type-nuns. the. Expert experienced teachers. equipment and um Inn-amassed. open enmre year. 2nd Vice-President- . a. seam. THE "IMHO and HARRISON °"‘£:§§$nr;n comes I. o. o. F. Bulldlng, Toronto. Red or anon, SLATE Public tad High Bohoo 00.! Tu. on. 300mb ‘9!!- ‘1'9'0010-7 .40:- by our 1| Int Vice J’mident 3nd Chat-mu: of Executive Winnipeg, Ham, Vancouver, 3.0., St. John, I... Every Town can have a Baal For thowvory boatload you: wt ‘0 the v “ BRITISH AIERIGAH ammo 00.” Look forum in your mm. or and m Montreal, Toronto. Ottawa, Quebec. motherPRODUCE. ntoemre hummus. ii The Dawson Commission Go. ., Limited Ger. Int-unmet cm 8L. Tm Dyeing! . cleaning! Brass Band mt. campâ€"Nev importation: mu m Sheep and American Hog Quinnâ€"rem floods. eight prices. PARK, BLACKWELLt 00.. Toronto. POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES, -_ .’â€"_~_ “Papa,” said little Percy, “ why doesn’t mamma travel with the cir- cus 2‘” “Why 2'” Mr. Henpeck asked, “ What could she do in a circus i“ “ She “t be a strong woman. I heard telling grandma the other day that she confld wind you around her little finger just as easy as noth- (:athglic Pgayer Religiou- Pictures. satiny. and Chard: M Educate-s1 Wax-3:; )5“! orders receive 939m! 989$ ‘--- -â€"- - A‘ are the right paints. They are well mixed, permanent colors. They retain their fresh, pleasing appearance after months and years of exposure. Catholic Disinfectant... Coupe. Oint- ment. Tooth Powderg eta. have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use prevent intentl- onl dleeaeee. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed tree on application. Those “ho use the right Paints find a great dealb of pleasure 1n them. They are made to give satisfaction, and are certain to accomplish that purpose. HILLS, HILLS J: Barristerr. etc. Removed to Wesley B1 ‘ Richmond BL W-. '1‘: Instruments. Drums. Donor-s. Bu. m" luxuriant: . . :uouiun. F. 0. GMVERT 00., CALVERT’S if! Iiiofliii William “ ' ‘ M Deposits Received and Interest Allowed Removéâ€"d fi'WESl'e'y'l-Z'ufldm' Richmond St. W.. Toronto. IILLQ, I'l‘LLS "ALIS, Money to \V l’ C 1042 My. Impri-

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