A British steamer has arrived at London having steamed from Koetei Borneo, to. London, a_distance of’9,25£1 miles; using only liquid fuei difficulties. all of which have been met and handled by Lord Cumun in a way that has won ’great admiration. He has made his mistakes, chiefly be- cause he was anxious to introduce a progressive policy, but these were not nearly as hurtful to the Indian Empire as a do-nothiug plan would have been. Some English papers go so tarasto say that heis farand away the meet governor India bee had in the present generation, but this will handly be conceded by Canadians who are such warm admirers of Lord me knew India so well hhat old preced- ents could be safely ignored. The difficulty in his case was that he was without a title, but this was get over by making him Baron Keddleston. and the wisdom of this unusual oedure on the part . men: has been shown by the results, Lord Curzon has only been in India,‘ since the latter part of 1898 yet in the intervening time India has passed pro- have any record, and this was fol-3 lowed by the plague. The) floods, the; price of silver, and uh: .lessness of i made a new reoord‘ in India. Curzo'n. he rose very rapidly ticai affairs in Engiand ant amputation for a wide know foreign affairs and particm Indian matters. Lord M says of Edmund Burke that, he never visited India, he had ed a greater knowledge of its than many men who had. SPEJ lives there. This remark we ply to Mr. Curzom --previ:ou~.s appointment. Lord Cn‘r'rnn’I- .. It seem to be the general under- standing that Lord Curzon. Viceroy 01' India desires to retire Im‘fOI'O the expiration of his term of office be- cause of the ill effects. of the clim of India upon his own and Lady sun’s health. This w‘ ate telegrapbs and the intention is to have all the telephones controlled the same department. (Another very impo progress in London i miles of tubes cont: wires, and cables. A ion was divided among a' nninber of small bodies, each having jurisdiction over a limited area but little could be done toward beautifying and moder- nizing London in a large way. Now, however. the London County Council rules municipally over the whole great , metrOpolis, and it has already inaugur- ated works looking to the improve- ment of the city as a. Whole. Fleet street is being widened and rebuilt, while the Strain-fl has been considerably widened at different points and the work is still in progress. Perhaps the most important undertaking in regard to street improvements is the opening of an avenue, one-hundred feet wide between Holborn and the Strand. To get from one of these great' parallel arteries of traf- in' to the OCh-nr LQ 9f . Mnann‘ . !bondon, the world's metrOpolia is being rapidly changed and modernized by that powerful and energetic body the Union County Council. In old days, when the government of Lon- are. This remark would :tp- :‘Ir. Curzom previous to his seat. Lord Curzon’s case has unusual one from the at art. Notes and Comments admirers at Lord Duf- v ecause‘Lord Curzon has record in India. As Mr. me very rap: dly m poli- in Engiand and gained y .myuuant work is in ndon i.e., the laying of containing telephone es. About a thousand engaged in this work. important work 'itde knowledge of :1 particmlarly of Lord Macaulay hat, though had obtain- its affairs Spent their arrived ‘ at Sam-Churn, and another thousand from Canton are marchin to the disturbed district. It is Tent thousand more M'OOpS from India have Leen x'equis'tioncd for Bong Kong. The Loch Bengal Lancers and the 380ng Kong Regiment have been ‘ Hong Kong. Boxer “w“... - Outbreak Similar to That Which Occurred in the North. ' The whereabouts of Hinterland is not kno nese. troops took up a Chung yesterday and ed there to-duy. have received information that a general rising in the southern pro- vinces has been planned for the month of November. _‘-â€" wear G 10111] [08 'Does Not Want the Court Removed WSW“ 1‘3“" from Em?†to Singan-fu. Su, In this letter the Emperor of d t h f Sh h 3- Japan urges the Emperor of China to ,‘A‘ emu c rom , ang “12383, '_ dismiss all his bigoted advisers in Lz-Bu'ng-Chang, Viceroy LimKun- :short order Yii, of Nankin, one of the fpeaceocomi It is reported here that the court mrssronera, and Yuan-hhnhâ€"hai, the . . Will return to Pekm. Governor of Shantung, have tele- graphed a protest to the Emperor and Dowager Emprese against the removal . of .the court to Singani-fuig They say . . . 480,000 POUNDS oi: POWDER this action Will block the. peace : negotiations and lead to hostile! de- monstration, by the allies m the .- Russ.ans Also Capture Fxéom Chinese SOuthern provinces. If this Should 00-; ~144- Guns and 26 lags our the court would be ‘in such apoei- ,5 M despatch from MOSOOW, 53y33-It tiOn that it would be impossible to for- 3 has. been ascertained ward supplies from the south. {months or Juiy and LI-HUNG-CHANG PROTESTS. “Stewart and one private was killed. two officers and five 'men were severely wounded, and one officer and ten men were made prisoners.†“An unfortunate accident occurred yesterday at Kaapmuiden, owing toa train upsetting om the division over ; Kaap river. Three men were killed and fifteen injured. An engine conveyihg two Royal Engineer officers and eigh- - teen men from the Velmkfontein: gar- rison proceeded to ascertain the na- ture of the damages. The Boers were lying in wait for the ipur'cy, and open- ed fire. On hearing of the attack, Capt. Stewart and forty men of the Rifle Brigade went to thasupport of the engineers. lanemy‘s Success at Kaapmulden Russians Said to Be in Completi Reported by Lord Roberts. Possession. A despatch from London says;-â€" ' A despatch from London sayszâ€"I‘hi In a despatch to the War Office from English correspondents in China an Pretoria, under yesterday’s date, t again agitated concerning the control Lord Roberts ms;â€"“Delisle’s mount-30f the railways and are denouncing :ed infantry engaged De Wet’s force 3 an arrangement. which is also semi- ffor three days at Reitzberg. He'officially announced in Berlin, by ldI'OV-e the Boers north of the V331, which the Russians have charge of the : near Veniterskroom railroads from Tien-TSin to Shanihaik- E “De Wet has been speaking freely wan and 'l‘ien-Tsin to Yangtsung, } of Late, assiuring the burghers that 2 while the Germans control the line be- the European powers would stop the t tween Yanstsung and Pekin. The war by Oct 10. Thursday was the an- Times’ Pekin correspondent declares niversary of the whtimatum, toâ€"day that this move strikingly improves the in Kruger’s birthday, and toâ€"morrow; POSitiOD 0’: Russia, and is a detriment it will be ayea: since Uhe ï¬rst shot i to the British, who are willing and was fired. The Boers have been “1.; able to undertake at once the restor- terested in these dates, believing that ,’ ation of the roads and‘ to work them something would imam-mug. to end .j with almost the same staff that was the war in their favour. I trustiemployed before the crisis. The cor- that they now realize that their exâ€orespondent remarks that this sur- pectations are futile. render of British enterprises shows “An unfortunate accident occurred. the humble position the English Gov; yesterday at Kaapmui-den, owing to a i ernment is content to occupy in North tram Upsettinig om the division over! China. BRITISH WERE AMBUSHED. ! been transmitted to Iii-Hyung-Chang. This says that Ying-Nien, president of the ce'nsora‘te; Kang-Yi, assistant Grand Secretary and President of the Civil Board; and Chaoâ€"Shu-Chiao, President of the Board of Plinishment, will be. decapitated and that Prince Chwang, Duane Tsai-Lan, and Prince Yih will be sentenced to life impris- BOXERS’ HEADS 0N POLE-S. is not known; but miles north of the E detachment of 1,000 ': up aposition at 5am r and 1,000 more arriv- the rebels in the there Chi- province, that his 30,000 tgo adequate, ami'he needs at k A despatch from Sl-mmcghei,’~ sews:â€" Sheng, the Taotai, has received atele- gram from Gen. Su reporting that a serious rebellion has b“oken nnf ' ‘ in 311413335 was the diaoowe supposed [army of 5010 only 40,000. ' ' -v-vv, “U LI! leads to fresh correspondence and to further delay. We can only hoï¬e that when Lord Salisbury is free to turn his attention to China he will find some middle course that will secure [the support of all the powers.â€.’ , The Shanghai oor'fespondent of the Mornfng Post, wiring Tuesday, says; --“1‘he Taotai of Shanghai. and the Viceroy of .Nankin have ‘protested against ademon'stration by foreign troops.†they believe this is the only way of estabhis'h-Lntg pence in the kingdom.â€, ’ London, Thursday, Oct. 11.4.50 a.m.- 1‘he. Standard, commenting editori- ally upon the attitude of the United States lsays:-â€"“Every dissent, Russians Also Capture From Chinese .144 Guns and 26 Flags. L4 despatch from Moscow, says:-â€"-It has! been ascertained that during: the months of July and August} the Rus- I Shanghai Thinks That Emperor May ; Come to Pekin. 'A despatch from Shanghai, says:â€" Tbere is great excitement here be- cause the foreign troops have gone outside the concession limits to drill and patrol. This action is deeply re- sented by the Chinese officials, because south-western â€Russlans Said to Be in Complete Possession. A despatch from London sayszâ€"The English correspondents in China are again agitated concerning the control of the railways and are denouncing an arrangement. which is also semi- officially announced in Berlin, by which the Russians have charge of the ‘ railroads from Ti-en-Tsin to Shamhaik- wan and Tiein-Ts'in to Yangtsung, while the Germans control the line be- Trustworth-y Chinese reports say that the Dowager Empress 'is serious- ly ill at Taiâ€"Yuacn-Fu, Province, of Shansi, and the free band 013 the Em- peror in affairs of state of late is regarded as confirmatory of these re- tier as a onment, and that Prince be banished to the 1m] CONTROL OF RAILWAYS. that his 30,000 mop; COURT MAY RETURN. the disoovery‘ that his specials say thgt the the suspension 6f Yu- 5‘ dangeg, â€Whiéh is the Mfmchusg- (wad Punished by the a broken out in Part of Kwangsi 50,000 numbered uumuu. 0!. 1n. Province of than? Elbe areih- Quotations fox provisions are as fol- I hms ,â€"Dry salt s71~~shoulders, 80; long iclcar bacon, loose, in car lots, 100; I and in case 1013,1014 to 101-’cshort cut pomk, $19. 50 to 3.30; heavy mess, 817. 50 to 818. $moked meatsâ€"Hams, heavy, 120; medium, 121-2 to 13c;light,131-Jc; breakfast bacon, 13 to 1311-2c; pionic ht,1ms 100; roll bacon, 11¢; smoked: hacks,_13c. All meats out “of pickle;1 lo 1 933 thin prices quoted. for smoked meats. †: Lardâ€"heroes. 100; tubs, 10 to 101-4c; , pails, 101-4 to 101-20. 4-" h, .4 Tmonto.Oot'â€"16. Th‘rannintg in? Dressed Inge continue scarce an ï¬rm. Provisions are also very: fifn and are getting scarcer. There i very lit'tle ‘bufrel pork here. Hopsâ€"Quiet. - Grdwers generally are holding for better prices.." Sales of 1900’s were made at'13cx‘toâ€"day. Netw crop is quotéd. at 13' to 14¢; ahd yearLiDGS .at 8 to 100. ‘. _ ’ ' DRESSED HUGS AND “PROVISIONS; Baled, strawâ€"Oar lots Olf good oat atraw are quoted at 85 to 85.50, on track; and ton Bots, delivered, at $6 to on HA ‘ $6.50. Ito 3 1-20; and evaporated, at 4 1-2 to had beep killed, and that Gen. CI‘ODJO. . , after the fight at Magersfontein, wir- I Beamsâ€"New beans bring 31,20 to ed Mr. Kruger that he had counted i31.25. thiee hand-picked beams are many thousand ‘Bri'tish dead on the quoted at 31.40 to.$l.45. ‘ ; battlefield. , j Honeyâ€"Dealers quote from 9 to No i " Early in the campaign Command-i per lb for 5.10, or 60-11) tine, accord~ ant-Gen. JOUbel‘t appealed t0 Mn: ing to the size of the order. Comb Kruger to stop the Boers’ leoting, but honey sells at $2.25 to $2.75 per dozen he received on reply. Later on he wir-‘ sections. ed from Colenso, advising the Presi-f Baled hayâ€"Steady, No. litim‘othy, ' dent to sue fozj peuee. Mr. Kruger re-f oar Iota, on track here, $9.50 to $10; plied, u Have you lost all faith in GOdg’i twoâ€"ton lots. delivered, sell -at $10.25 "On another occasip'n, when the: to $10-50- ’ . ' ' .- Boers weâ€. â€Jena-.." _'___ ; Field produce, etaâ€"Turnip; store, 300 per bag; onions. 1c apples, per bbl, 50;: to $1. Dried fruitsâ€"Dried apples 3: to 3 1-2c; and evaporated. at ‘ 160; Lined; 16c; and culls, 9 to 10¢. Poultryâ€"Receipts are larger, and 'will increase from mow: on. Prices easier. Quotations are “follows;â€" Chickens, per pair, 30 to 55c; ducks, per pair. 40- be 600; turkeys, per 51b, 10 to 110; and geese. per lb, 6 to 80. Potataes~Market steady. Car lots, on track, are quoted at 28 to 3001 per bag. Sales, out of‘Itore, are made at 35 to 40¢. ' ' PRODUCE. Eggsâ€"The 'e-gg buyers in the coun- try are reported to be stapping oper- atbons for the. sea-Son, and this sends rather better Supplies .h'ere. Prices of fresh easg‘eiy. Qudtations are as followvs;â€"Fresh, 17 1-2 to 180; held, 160; li'méd; 160; and culls- 9 ho 100- DAIRY MARKETS. Butterâ€"Supply of creamery, boxes : and dairy tubs, and pails is ample, and prices are easy. Choice dairy prints neatly packed, sell readily at 20c. Creamery. pounds are firm. Commis- sion housee sell to the trade as fol- iows:-â€"-Dairy, tube and pails, choice, 17 to 18c; and second quality, at 14 to 15¢; dairy prints. c'li'oioe, 19 to 200; creamery, boxes 20 to 210; and pounds, 22 to 23c. . , Cheeseâ€"Full cream, duly and Aug- ust makes; seals at 11 1-2 to 120. Apples, pe-r bbl. Beef,- hindquarters Beef. fomquarte‘rs. Beef, carcase. Mutton, . , . Lamb, spring, per Veal, carcase. Dressed hogs. 113°. .' THE STREET MARKET. Toronto, Oct. laâ€"On the street to- day 300 bush; white wheat sold at 69 to. 69 1-213, 200 bush‘. red wheat at 69c, 600 bush. goose wheat at 68 1-20, one load of Spring wheat at 69 1-2c, 2,500 bush; barleya't 43 1.2 to’ 48- i-2c, 300 bush: oats at 28-1-2. to 231-20, and one load, of $703th 540. Twenty loads of hay sold at $18 to 814, a'nd{ two EEKETSMIJFJPHEWDRLD bag; onions, 16 per 1b; s, out of .; and Imperial Government. Now Consid- - ' 1* " ering a; Plan. [ONS.'; A. despatch from Cape Town Says:â€" I and Parliament will adjourn next Monday. firm The treason tribunals will be conven- v Theglmpeu'ial Government is consid- aring a plan fur the assistance of prisoners of wax when they return to the fauna. .. _.vâ€" '“V B0011; were suffering ï¬gvere reverses, Md‘. Kruger wired to all the generals that 10,000 men ware coming to assistance from the Cape.†"in... their ed from Colenso, advising the Presi- dent to sue for: peace. Mr. Kruger re- piiyd, “ Have you lest all faith in God?’ learn that there was systematic tampering with all telegrams during the war in order to mis- represent pperations in favor of the Boers. He says that Mr. Kruger was , bi-r' Redvers Buller, while passing : through. Machadodorp, and Udding farewell to the troops, said he should} : be greatly pleased to tell Lord Strath- cone. of the magnificent work or his Systematic Deception Practiced on Boer Generals. A despatch from London, says;- ThelPretoria correspondent of the Daily Mail sends the following inter- esting despatch;â€"“Fro\m an English telegraphist. who was controller; of things for the Transvaal, I learn that there was systematic tampering with all telegrams? troopers.†SURROUNDED, THEY R SURRENDER. Earl: Killed Three Boer- Pauly Were livenlual Bullets. TAMPERED WITH WIRES 5 STRATHUUNAS KILLED ‘Hogs are firm at the Tuesday. Pr‘me 11088 ("Singers 63-40 per lb Bows are worth‘ 31.: stage Zcper 1b. Fat and liahf 1mm -. Good* veal calves are calves generally are wa 82 to $8 or 810 each. Sheep and lambs stronger fig-urea. sold readily to-day, have sold; Both stpckem a: shade easier, :bmt changed, and light 13088 are hogs ("Singer-3’ ') are selling at rec Jim-rs, But the Emu-e livenlutly Riddle“ With at the advance of last to? price must be ‘1 scale not below L‘Ydenbulrg says; $6 per 1b, REFUSED T0 firm at 51-2 ., says :â€"-A is light .A plot-to-kiif-bhéépresident sort of message has caused a suddep increase in the number qt guards at McKin- lay-’8 'home Lat Canton Fireman Bowker was killed and Fireman Kimball and a passangert The British 3teamer" Benedict blown on Pelican 13.1and during the recent storm at Galvestétn, Texas, was. float. ed the other (13y; 2 ,- I Dr. Munn, of Ne“ Westminster B. :C†and R. C. Glute', Q. C., ofToronto, are at Ottawa, discussing with the "Government the scepe of the enquiry 3 they will make into the question .‘of {Chinese and Japanese immigration; in de- .The Lake of the “loads Millihg Com- pany, at Montreal, ‘yeqtgrdai declr-z red a. dividend of 10 per cent" gaze $2,- 500 to the Winnipeg General Hospital, $580 to the St. Bonifac'e, Man. H08- pita'l and elwted officers with Rob- ert Meighen, nresident. UNITED STATES. 1 The steamship NOme arty, ten days;4 from Cape Nome reports another out- break of gmallpox att‘Nome. 7 f ' Mr. Ry,ley of the Department of the; ‘ :Interior, just reLurned to OLtawa from I the lukuu,‘rep01Ls LnaL many who ; joined Lhe rush to Cape Nome, Alaska, have gladly returned to Canadi: in Ler- rito-ry. During 1899 ‘nearly 12,000, emi- ggrants came to Canada from the United States, compared with 71.3 in 1897. The number has reucheJ 8,091) 31'. nu] _- _19 ALL n A . - .. W’. E. Sanford, Manufacturing Com- pany, of Hamilton, have finished ship- ping the order of 11,000 military over- c'oats For "the ‘Br’it‘iSh‘ soldi‘e'is in 05m. The whole order has been completed in three w.-eeks ---.... ' McGill University, Montreal will tender a reception to Lord Strain- 3 cona, Chancellor of the University on ,lhis return from England Saturday. ’ A fleet of five vessels, each of 15,- f000 tons capacity, will operate next ‘year in connection with the Great Northern Railway, according to a E Qnebec despatch. Dominion Government Surveyor Deane says that the land claimed by the United States in the Washing-z ton-British Columbia boundary al.3- fpute, belongs to Canada. Charles Andrew, a youthful de- sentenced to two months in jail at London for theft. Ottawa Protestant Hospital returns show a deficit. The expenses were $25,763, in-door patients numbered 1,324, out-door 1,796. meet the reduction in the price of sugar in the United States. The drop will be 10 cents per 100 lbs. Five Canadians, engaged to work, on a farm near Medina, N .Y., were de- ported from Buffalo yeSterday. Herbert 'Ruckstuhl, aged 15 fooled, with; a gun at Millbridge, near Belle- ville yesterday. He may lose an arm. City Engineer Gall, of Ottawa, re- signed, may get aletiring allowance. Newton J. Kerr, assistant, may suc- ceed him. Sir Henri Joly, Lieut.-Gov. of British Columbia, passed through Ottawa yes- terday, returning to the west. The Hamilton Branch , of the W0- manfs Missionary Society is in 6th annual session at Ingersoll. James Boyd, wanted in London charge of biga-my, is under arre Hamilton. Adam: Warnock and wife celebrated the 50th yea; of_their‘ marriage at Galt yesterday. CANADA. ? Quebec’s new Cabinet has been sworn in. I Over 140 students have registered at l the Ontario Normal School, Hamilton.z Work on the new. drill hall at Lon- ] don, Ont., will be commenced shortly} R. 'B. Angus has resigned asa direc- g tor of the Montreal Street Railwayi Company. . - Newey Items About Ourselves and Our Neighborsâ€"Something of Interest Pram Every Quar- ter of the Globe. A “Match-{from London, \Vednes- day 53Y§§+Despatches from South ms WETSV FORCES ROUTELL ['he Boer General. However, Again Managed *0 ~ Get, Awayâ€"Had Located in the V'rede- . n - fort Mountains in Cape Colony. Lu. uaraon has resigned as prin- of Maple Avenue schbol, London, arrest at railway north of Bet ed a British outpost l Corsage of coral pink ‘ror the fronts, back an chemisette is corded an trimmed with straps o ribbon, fastened with buckles. Stock collar. lengthwise straps 01' w .required, taffeta, 20 it 'yards. ‘ F Box coat of biscuit cloth. trimmed 3with rows of stitching around the bot- tom and stitched straps down tin front. Triple collarette. each‘ trim. med with stitching. Material tequila ad. for girl of 8 years, cloth. 50 inchel wide, 11-2 yards. ' GEN ERACL. Ulster this winter. ' Tehe rumour that Lord Salisbury if LII is without foundation. Premier Bond, of Newfoundland. 3'] favour: a free market in the United ‘ States to Newfoundland products. bin Harry Stratton, were probably tau] injured inarailway wreck at Ne port, Vt" recently. Stratton was‘ his way to Newport to get He had both legs and one an .orughiy demoralized.†The fight! has been going on for three days†the mountains near Vredefort. The deapatc'hes say that De W61 men were disdodged from N stronghold, and are fleeingin variq directions. The Boat losses are not given. . The British casualties are said I have been_ very flight. 100 Boers have entered Picking routing the podice, who fled acra the Basutoland border. - .o--. .o- "Goa" orded and the betthe' straps of black velw -3 “- thn small collar. trimmed Of velvet. 'Ma 20 inches w taffeta. tm 8} 81 North' of one arm broj “D marry