The New Store. Tho undersigned begs to intimate to the residents of Durham and surrounding country that he has Opened a Flour, Feed and Grocery Store. one door north of Campbell’s Livery, and solicits a share of public patron- age. A full line of Fresh Groceries. Confectionery, Flour, Feed, Etc alweys on hand. Highest price for Produce in exchange for goods. muwww'c' J no. Livingstone, WWI-Y ATTINDID TO Over 100 Stoves sold now m our customers nnd every one delighted with them and not one single complaint. Farmers and Others. am US A CALL. We hsve now in our Show Rooms at full line of Casters of sll styles which will be sure to please you both in quality sud price. Also. Don’t forget that {smous TOP DRAFT STOVE. Waste! the Middsngh House, BUREAU J .‘ C. HEALY. HOUR. FEED and GBOCEBIES. THURSDAY. SEND Thc - Very - Bast Students from Msnitoha on the vest, New- oundlsnd on the east. and Texas on the south are in sttendsnoe this est. Distance proves no hindrance to those I o desire to get the best. Several Canadian Colleges and many large American St-hoole employ our natee as teachers. This is a strong proof 0 superiority. Enter now if you can. Miss Lottie McNally, of Grand Rapids, Mich.. formally of Travers- ton, Ont., and Mr. Jesse Piercy, of Dayton. Ohio, were married Wednes- day evening, Oct. 10, at. the home of M1. and Mrs. W. R. Pelton, 82 Maude Ave. Rev' Mr. Sturgis per- formed the ceremony. Miss M. Burns played the wedding march. The wedding was quiet, only a few relatives and intimate friends being present. Mr. and Mrs. Piercy will reside on 84 lst Street, in this city.- "mummiï¬ed“, and!“ I bhm'fllm the can :- BQWN'E, ho: The Proton Fair was a huge success. the gate receipts being $375.00 and the concert receipts $140.00. Three thousand people are reported to have been present. scorr's EMULSION of Cod When usual food is a bur- den. it feeds you enough to restore your stomach; baby the same. The body-builder '8 food; the body-restore:- is of Cod Liver Oil. Tilt. One of Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills after dinner. It will promote digestion and overcome any evil effects of too hearty eating. Safe, prompt, active. painless and pleasant. This effective little pill is sup- planting all the old school nauseous purgao tives. 40 doses, to cents-13 nothing but food; and you! baby wants nothing but food. But, when not quite well; you want to get back to where food is enough, The most delicate food, that is known to man. is [‘8165: arid _kind'red'ail'mer;ts, take wings before the healing qualities of South American Nervine. Thomas Hoskins, of Durham. Ont.. took his preacher's advice, followed directions, sud was cured permanently of the worst form 0! Nervous Prostration and. Dyspepsia. He has recommended it to others with gratifying results. It's s great nerve Wildenâ€"ta A new Lodge, of the A. 0. U. W., was formed last week at Cedarville. The Lodge is called “ Carder,†after the indefatigable, M. D. Carder, the Grand Recorder. Nineteen members were initiated at the organization. and it is expected that nineteen more will be added at their next regular meeting. Saturday’s Ontario Gazette con- tained notice of application for the formation of another Portland cement company with headquarters here. The name of the new company is the Canadian Litholite Company, Limit- ed. and the directors are John Lucas Toronto; J. E. Murphy, Hepwortb; W.H.E. Bravender, Onondaga, N.Y ; R. P. Butchart, Shallow Lake, and D. M. Butchart. Owen Sound. On en- quiry of Mr. D. M. Butchart, the Times was informed that it was not the intention of thenew company to manufacture Port-land cement. but that the Company was formed for the purpose of dis posing of the patent for the manu-facture of cement build. ing blocks known as litholite blocks. The Times was shown a sample of the blocks, which can be used as belt courses. window sills and caps, corn. ices and corners. The patterns will be supplied by the company and the right to manufacture will be sold to builders, and the required blocks manufactured at the place where the buildings for which they are re. quired are being erected. Consider- able of the litholite blocks will be used in the erection of the Owen Sound Portland Co’s ofï¬ce, and also at the Lakeï¬eld works now in the course of erection.â€"O. S. Times. Liver Oil. Nervousnou, Dyspepsia, ladl- VD FOR Our Catalogue and be convinced that we do Work in business education in ; Canada May. Another Cement Industry STRATPORD, Ont. w. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. builder. " God Save the Queen †by the au dience, led by Geo. Binnie, Esq., and a happy evening came to a. close. The chairman was right in his ele- ment on this occasion, and the audience thoroughly appreciated the excellent manner in which he fulï¬ll. ed hie duties. The eyening of Thursday. Oct. 18th, 19("‘. will be looked back to by future and present residents of Price- ville as a date to ï¬gure from. as on that date the memberslof the S. O. 8., I. 0. F., A. O. U. W. societies. also many representatives from S. Colum. ba church gathered together for the purpose of bidding God speed and good luck to Dr. Hutton and family on the eve of her departure for their new home in Durham. A supper and a short program of speeches. songs and instrumental music had been ar- ranged for, but when the guests began to come in, the committee found that they had not calculated on such a crowd as turned out. From 9 p. tn. until 11 p. m. Mrs. Bolger and her assistants were kept on the rush, one batch after another of the friends from every direction taking their places at the tables as room could be found for them. Ai- ter supper an adjournment was made to Watson’s Hall. when Piper Hector McDonald entertained until the most of the audience had satisï¬ed the cravings of the inner man, when John McArthur, Esq., was called to preside over the intelligent and respectable company assembled. Before singing the National An them. the guest of the evening, Dr. Hutton returned his sincere thanks on behalf of himself and Mrs. Hutton, ï¬rst to' the Committee in charge, second to the speakers. who had spoken so flatteringly and collective- ly to all present, for their kindness in turning out in such large numbers to show sheir good will and friendly feeling towards himself and family on the eve of their‘departure. The chairman proceeded in his usual happy manner to fulï¬l the duties of his ofï¬ce. by eulogizing the guests of the evening- Dr. and Mrs. Button expressed their regret at their departure from our midst. But my space is limited and 1 must use a little of Mr. McArthur’s tactics under the circumstances and cut the speeches short. The Rev. Mr. Mat- heson, on being called upon, respond-i ed in an address, recalling the many and valuable services rendered by Dr. Hutton to the Presbyterian church in Priceville, his readiness at all times to enter into any-,reasonablefpropositions for the beneï¬t of the church, his ac- tive work as manager and secretary of varicus branches of the church work and also the valuable services render- ed by him to the different societies in which he occupied ofï¬ces. The Rev. gentleman regretted the loss to the congregation, to the village, the societies and the community at large, but trusted that the move made would be a beniï¬cial one to the parties most interested viz., the Doctor and his family. John Nichol, Esq., of Glenelg, being called upon. responded with a Scotch song, and proved. that although out of practice, he could still time up the lays of “auld Scotia.†Then Geo. Binnie, Esq , was called upon and responded with “The March of the Cameron Men,†and receiving a most enthusi- astic encore, gave in good style that auld Scotch song. “The Barrin’ o’ the Door.†The Piper was then call- ed upon and the martial strains of the warlike music of the Clans pealed through the hall in grand style. The Rev, Mr. Varley, Metho- dist minister, on being called upon, regretted his inability to discourse at any great length on the special subject of the evening’s proceedings. From the short time he has been here in Priceville he has hardly get fairly well acquainted yet. He regretted the cause of the meeting although he felt satisï¬ed that had he had the opportunity he and the Dr. would have become better acquainted. Af- ter this the chairman called upon Messrs. Thos. Nichol and John Mc- Innis for a part song, to which they responded with “Scotland Forever†in grand style.‘ Not being prepared they declined a most enthusiastic encore. A thoroughly sensible speech from Arch. McCuaig, Esq, in which he narrated his experience in form- ing the acquaintance of the Doctor, the gradual strengthening of that friendship, and now he felt pleased to be able to give his testimony to the many excellent qualities he had found in him during their business fraternal and friendly association. He regretted the Dr’s. departure, but was pleased that although further away he would still be within reach of a friendly visit. A Gaelic song by Donald McMillan, Esq., gave. great pleasure to many of those present, and received an encore, but time wasl getting short. M. Riley, Esq., gave a most excellent address, touching upon his acquaintances with both the Doctor and Mrs. Hutton. Of course. like the big hearted Irishman he is, he heartily regretted the de- parture of the guests of the evening and testified to the loss that their leavingfwould be to himself personal- ly, especially. on Sundays. A song, “ The Kiltie Lads." by Mr. '1‘. J. Pat- ton, an encore bringing out the “ Laird 0 Cockpen.†A few further remarks by the chairman. Piper Macdonald played that famous High- land march, " The Cock 0’ the North.’ A Send-off to Dr. and Mn Hutton. PRICEVILLE. ° ‘TRAYED to the premises of the nndersrmred. lot 14. con. 2. Normanby. on or about the ï¬rst August. one Ewe and one Lamb. The owner may have them by proving property and paying expenses. ' THOMAS Germ. 1‘ . AA A ‘ Oct. 16, 4 pd NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. DIG, DRILL, CURB, REjCURB, 65 PRESSCURB To PATENT Good Idm may be secured by our dd. Addreu, TIE PATENT RECORD, Baltimon. I4 ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live and Pumps. Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment In an absolute cure for piles. and has never been known to fail to cure the worst formsof thisdisease which has baffled medical skill {or eges. ITCHING PILES. . . This statement may sound rather strong to persons who do not know the su rior merits of Dr. A. W. Chese’s Ointment. ut it is per- !ectly true. end heartily endorsed by the grate- ful testimony of thousands of men and women who have been cured by itafter years of suffer- ing. and after tryin many preparations and consulting the best actors. Mr. H. Bull. Belleville, Ont. says: “ I take pleasure in stating that after thirty years of sufl'cring with Itching Pilcu, Dr. Chase's Oint- ment bu completely cured me. I trivd every remedy that was advertised. with little or no beneï¬t, but as I have told different persons aft'cctcd as I was. Dr. Chase's Ointment made I. perfect cure. " Dr. Chase's Ointment has I. record of cures unparalleled in the histury of medicine. It is gu Irantccd to cure any case of iles. For sale by all dale“. or Edmunson. £tes Co. . Toronto. Mar. 1 TCMERS and this ï¬nbiic‘m 'gEfueI-Af all} "I am prepared to furnish WELLS. Allordars'takon at the old stand near McGowan's Mill or at Shop at Charter Smith’s Foundry. let live†PRICES. BBQLEAVETO INFORM MY (31's. Positively and permanently cured by Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment. Sheep Estray GEORGE WHITMORE, DURHAM arney. toGrow the Hanover Con ven ncer in lending money on good farm mortgage! at lower rules of interest than vou can borrow elsewhere and on very liberal terms and at an.“ cost. That is the reason wh people." over the country pass by other odors and travel miles to borrow from him. 'ggA‘Ig’Ti-SL'I'; )’01'¥“£"£'c"‘ii .7175? CHER 3° 1.1.“! 3.9"?!“ Vqry Fin. N. B. A Special Bargain is offered on Lot 28. Chi]. ‘2. W. G. R.. Bentinck, mo acresâ€"Durham six miles-owner gone West and bound to sell. n. H. MiLLER. For sale at very low ï¬gures nod on very easy tormn. Farm lands are bound to incrense in price and now is the time to buy. HE ALSO undemku wé collection of Notes and Accounts, and it in u pretty bad chum that he cannot link. tome money out of no chu‘go for his trouble If not collected. . Twenty years’ experience and rosidepoe In the neighborhood counts for something and enablei H. H. MILLER to do your business with proï¬t to you as well M to himself. He ï¬nes Fire, life . . and Accident Insurance In ï¬rst class Companies M et lowest rates, draws all kinds of writina'l. tram business quarrels, efl'ects settlements with creditors, sells Ocean tickets. buys old notes and always has on hand farm end village pro rties which he is willing to trede or exc iange for other preparty. Aâ€"96 . I“ What (‘0qu of Grey Farmer! would .Ike to know. ‘ '6 gang! to}! ’99“ M‘ we “‘Y MIDI I ‘11‘.’ _ A:- n .n“ OAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. J CONVEYANCEB. COMMISSIONER in H. C. J. Collections promptly attended to. LOANS and Insurance eflected without de- lay. Company and Private Funds to Loan at!) , 5; and 6 per cent. in sums end upon terms to suit borrowers. A General Financial Business Transacted. OFFICE-1 door North of S. Scott’s Store. J. D. McNab, ,...¢> Ofï¬ces : Wingham and Wiarton. W. I... MacKENZXE, ENGINEER for llowick, Wingham. he. Ontario Land Surveyor.â€"â€" Civil and Drainage Engineer. 50 Bel-hell -Whent to Struyeql from the premium .. undersigned, Lot No.10.Co.. Glenelg. about the hut. wail: 1:14,“, one «we nnd on. lamb, both '51.. Lunb bu abort h“. [chum lud' to their recovery 5. dunk ally rocoivoi _' “w J‘ Jan. l7. 1%. 1‘ Fannie balding named or Third on W10. App! ‘poruomlly or by loch! u toNovember ï¬lth. Personal up- two profound. one acre or soon mm m 00: “a desirable residence, will IOU .. a; terms. Apply to ‘ Eu. mutant. Panama. . A“ or to “LCALDR, _ ' " So, it}??? 1094 Eddâ€"19’ loath-h..- -.._ cheep, on eesy terms at on meat. lots 24 end 25. coucessmn 13. Ben“ . cont-b- iugsmecres, Mï¬cleqred. remeinder hell wood bush ° two beeï¬ng orcherde. Well fenced end watered. good veneered brick houue end bank bun 701%. Apply to apex. TAYLOR. 88 8. No.3. BENTINCK. â€ALI or Female. â€bound or third clan. £9- Fly pornoulworb letter. up w NM up icnuon profound. Jon: Comm. Asmnw Datum} Tram. T. H. LAwunxcu. Sept. 19.4. c. J. mom. Chan-y. D containing [(1) acres 75 acres «M bthnoe hurdwood bush. Wel‘ watered. and brick house. frame barn with hot mom sable good baring orchsrd. Fin miles from Msrkdsle. eles en from Durlull. EASY m of payment. For further psrticulsrs apply (0 MRS. Tuos. Axousol. 4pd Pomona P. 0. 1' Section. No. 2. Egmont and Nor-III- by. holding second or third chm. A Beruolully or by letter a to November ersounl npplicuï¬ou per trod. and Normnby. second or third dud. nations. perm! rferred. mm $5591» testimonials W510 be received up :3 av OT NO. 8, CON.1,N.D.R . Glonelg. ‘contniniug 50 news, about 45 not. cleared. wall fenced. well watered. :00! house, boning orclurd, good laud u in cute of cultivation. easy terms. For further puticularu z. rply to . DONALD cCosnucav , 378 King St. West. Toronto. at. ALLAN Gunman. Baum 1' second or third class teacher m I“). Appliuï¬ous. persmui pertarred. will be re- ggived by the undersigned up to Sunday. ,4 MAI, mloorMIooond or thirdchu up nation: wanna! retard recon 901‘ 0 underng up to hardly. Nov. I. HUGH 8. 81mmâ€. Secretary. 2 welbock P.U Oct. low-2 pd. HE UNDERSIGNED will receive applicntions till October 27th. for «ting the inside of school No. 3. Gland“. he lowest or any application not necessar- ily tempted. ‘ Teacher Wanted . OB. S. S. No. 13, BENTINCK. male or {email second or third class. R S. S. No. 14. NORMANBY. A second or third class tencher for new. D Glenelu, containing 50 acres of ï¬nk ch.“ 11nd. tbout 44 across clotted. M htrdwood bush. well fenced. good franc bonny. good bearing orchard. convenient to school. church and F0“ 0mm, never failing well. easy arms. ‘or further particylu-I apply to .- * ALEX "cum! October nowâ€"4. Bum For Sale or to Rent. :EMALBâ€"mu uxlox SCHOOL ARM FOR SALE OR TO BENT RICK HOUSE AND LOT-lm Melligan Property on MGM nnrn 0* grand hut! in 10d .1.“- - IO]: _U_._ s. s._ no.1. mammal-r EING LOT 19,0051. 4;, GLE new. teacher \Vanted. nwn an un mug?! Teacher Wanted. EING LOT 22. CON. 2. N. D. Farm for Sale or Ré'nt J. W. VICKEBS, Socymvickon P. 0 Teacher Wanted. Teacher Wanted. Teacher Wanted. Oct. 25, l 900. FARM FOR SALE Farm for Sale. Tenders Wanted , sumo. 9, _BE§TI_N§K, WM. BRADLEY. Sec. For Sale. HECTOR HcRAE. Racy. Crawfod P. 0. ' ' w. RITCHIE, Secretary. Edge um P. 0. J AMES PETER. Orchard P. O. JOHMERR. Orchard 1‘. 0. Vuuey P. 0‘