XWmmmï¬mm~W sesameemananaaaw NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT to R. S. 0. 1M. Cap. 129, See. 33. and amendin aeta. that all pereoae having claims a ainat lie eatate of the said Walter Tucker, w diedoa the 10th day of September, A. D., 1900, are required to aend by t prepaid, or to deliver to John P. Telfortl, ao itor for the execu- ton. ea or before the 10th day of October, A. D. mo. their aamo, addreasea and deecriptione. and a tall ante-eat o! particnbra of their claims. and the flare e! the security (it any) held by them duly eel'tiI'edni and that after the aid day, the executor. "weed to diatribnte the aaeete ot the deeeaaad among the parties entitled thereto havia re on] to the claims of which they aha“ veao . Dated this 13th day of September, A. 1)., 1000, J. P. Tmoan, Solicitor for Executor ' In the Smog“ Court of the County 019:0}. the Estate of Walter The Selvetion Army Life Saving Crew enteruined ecrowded house in the Town Hen here on Tuesday evening of lest week. The young India, nine in number, were neetly contained in eeilor games with heed ‘The home of Mrs. Robert Taylor, “Tyrone," was the scene of a quiet but happy event on Wednesday even- ing of last week when her eldest daughter, Miss Ethel. was united in marriage to Mr. John Blackburn, eldest son of Mr. John Blackburn, Artemesia. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. L. W. Thom, of this place, in the presence of about twenty-ï¬ve immediate relatives and intimate friends of the contracting parties. The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss Rachel Best, while the groom’s brother. Mr. J. Albert Blackburn, discharged the duties of groomsman. At the conclusion of the ceremony a dainty wedding sup- per was served and the company spent a very enjoyable social evening together separating with many good wishes for the young couple who had joined hearts in life’s voyage. The bride was the recipient of many beautilul wedding presents. é'eEâ€"ito much. The program was moody of t sacred chat-note: and consisted o! Scripture texts, Bible NDTICE TU GHEDIIUHS. Dnrhun,’ in the Cdmitâ€"yâ€"(If Grey, Gontlexpan, Do- FLESHERTON . ', late of the Town of Mr. Joe. Cornï¬eld moved his fam- ily last week from Mrs. LeGard’l !place a mile and a quarter out to i Mrs. Dinwoody’s house in the village i and Mr. W. Petch, who recently sold I his farm adjoining the village, moves this week to the house vacated by ‘Mr. Cornï¬eld. Mr. Petch has been 3 ailing and unable to work since last .spring and is still unimproved in g health. Hie numerous friends sym- l pathise with him in his long aï¬iction. readings, recitations, solos, duets, choruses and a wand exercise so prettily executed as to have to repeat it to satisfy the audience. A con- tingent of the Army soldiers at Feversham were present and joined the Crew in their knee drill and march before the entertainment com- menced. Politics is the absorbing question here now. Both parties held com- mittee meetings last week preparing for the 7th. Mr. Richardson’s friends are conï¬dent of success. Dr. E. K. Richardson, of Toronto, spent Snndny with his (other, Mr. M. Bichnrdson. here. Miss Irwin. of the Public School stall, is suï¬ering from s sprsined ankle sustained by a. slip from her wheel while coming from home Mon- dsy morning. Misa Minnie Munshuv left for To- Over 100 Stoves sold now to our customers and every one delighted with them and not one single complaint. FIRELINSURANCE PROMPTLY A TTENDED TO Farmers and Others. THUBGDAY’. We have now in our Show Rooms a full line of Cutters of all styles which will be sure to please you both in quality and price. Also, Don’t forget that famous TOP DRAFT STOVE. J no. Livingstone, midnight. AT the annual banquet of the To. ronto Board of Trade. on Monday night last, Lord Strathcona, whose patriotism and liberality in furnish- ing at his own expense the Strath- cona Horse Contingent to South Africa. has given hima world-wide reputation was the guest of the evening. Hundreds of guests were present at the pavilion, and many short but pointed addresses were maileobefore the meeting broke up at Misc Bella McKenzie. of the Mc- Kenzie farm, has gone for a month’s Visit with friends at Duntroon and Colliugwood. P. Crossley’s, and Miss Oâ€"live Wright of the same place, visited at M: . Jos. Smith’s. ronto on Tuesday to further pursue her studies in music. Mr. Norman Wright. Mr. John Willis. Miss Pheme Hawson and Miss Ruth McMurchy. of Colling~ good, visited over Sunday at Mr. W. West of the Middaugh House, DURHAM é %ém h“....â€"4â€"_ On Satnrdsy. evening, the 27th Oct., Watson’ s Hall here. was pack- ed to the doors by the largest, most attentive and orderly political meet- ing we have ever had the pleasure of attending for a long time. - The Italian string band. furnished a var- iety of most pleasing music during the assembling of the audience. Sharp at 8 o’clock the meeting was called to order and by a unanimous vote appointed John McArthur Esq. to act as chairman, a position which he ï¬lled with his usual tact. I. B. Lucas Esq., M. P. P.. of Markdale. was the ï¬rst speaker and in a master- ly and able manner placed the cause of the Conservative Party before the meeting. By some unfortunate ac- cident his notes and address which he had prepared for this meeting had been lost, so that his address was entirely extempore. However, we can only say. as our time and space are limited,that he handled the Laur- ier Government without gloves and on concluding a most satisfactory address was greeted with unlimited applause. We observed that many of those present were old time Lib- erals and evidently felt that their favorite Premier did not show up well under the scathing remarks of Mr. Lucas. Following him came Geo. Binnie Esq. representing Dr. Landerkin who endeavored to explain away some of the charges made by the former speaker am inst the Lib- eral Government and brought up several points not touched upon by him. His effort fell entirely flat, as there was nothing really new brought forward by Mr. Binnie. In fact we have heard him deliver a far better address on many less important oc- casions. Mr. Richardson on coming forward at the conclusion of Mr. Binnie’s ad- dress was received in a most enthus- iastic manner by the majority of the large audience. He stated that on account of the lateness of the hour and it being Saturday night his ad dress would be brief. He took up a few of Mr. Binnie’s statements and effectually disposed of them, show- ing that notwithstanding the claims of the Laurier Government to the contrary that the debt of the country had increased, that there was a def- icit in the Postal Department last year and that although the Pom; master General promised there would be no deï¬cit this year, there are grave doubts whether that would turn out to be correct. He described in a few words the Drummond County Rail- way deal. showing: the poor state of the road and general equipment showing the attempt that was made to make the country pay an extrav- ogant price for a worn out and useless piece of property. An attempt that was defeated by the Senate, that, ac- cording to Liberal ideas, useless body, vetoting the completion of the sale, showing plainly that the Senate is a most useful body especially when such men as Tarte Co. have the spending of the money of the coun- try. Mr. Richardson also stated that Dr. Landerkin was bound fast. to the present leader, voting with the Lib- erals on every occasion through thick and thin. never taking an in- dependent stand on any question. Mr. R. also credited Laurier with the power of eloquently laying his position before the electors, but con- demned him as being under the-paw of Tarte, whom he characterized as a totally unreliable and dangerous element in any Government. Mr. rooa as it hurt me to eat. M friends laid, ‘ Why don’t you try B.B. .’ I did so, using two bottles, which mode Inch 5 complete cure that I can now out any- 231"} like without it causingmo discom- It tones up and restores the stomach to normal condition so that it digests food without causing discomfort. Here’s proof positive: Miss Mag 0 Splude, Dolhoullo, N.B., wrote the allowing: “1 hon been a caterer from Liver Comploint and :- popals for the put two you: and sit very miserable. I could not take much food so it hurt me to est. My friends God Save the Queen, a vote of thanks to the chairman, cheers for the candidate brought the meeting toaclose. A good feature of this gathering was the presence of quite a number of ladies who evidently took quite a lively interest in the proceedings. The best of order pre- vailed and each â€speaker was man courteously listened to, all present evidently anxious to give every speaker British fair play. Public Opinion here since the above meeting is that Mr. Richardson’s election is a foregone conclusion. The pain, nausea and dis- tress that Dyspeptics suffer after eve meal can all be permanent removed by Bur- dock Blood Bitters. It R. drew his remarks toa close by relating one or two campaign anec- dotes and appealed to the electors to. on the 7th of November, vote for good and honest government and himself as their representative. IIB. RICHARDSON AT PRICE- " I have been troubledâ€"with eczema ; in almost its worst form for the pest - ..â€"-â€"-A â€"â€"..â€"._ three years. At times my back and shoulder blades were literally covered with patches like water blisters, and these. accompanied with terrible itch- ing on my legs. put sleep out of the question. I tried various well-known olntments (names mentioned). and did . everything possible to obtain relief. but with little success. I had frequently heard of Dr. Chase's Ointment. but - meeting with so many disappointments. I had not tried it. Seeing the advertise- ment one day I concluded to get a box. Since using Dr. Chase's Ointment. I am like I. new being. Its soothing and healing properties are simply marvel- ions. and I am honestly grateful to Dr. Chase's Ointment for the release from long suffering.’ Paté’ntq takexi' 5a; 15a»; “H 65 EEée'iGé'E'e'étaz notice, mthout charge. in m: PATENT RECORD. an illustrated and wldely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy PIEI. Address. VIOTOR J. EVANS a co. (Patent Attorneys.) Our fee returned it we fail. Any one sendinlg sketch and description of any invention wil promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same. “ How to Obtain a Patent " sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertisedfor saie at our expense. - “AAA_A_ L_I- __- NEW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. DIG, DRILL, CURB, RFoCURB, PRESSCURB To PATENT Rood Idea: maybe secured by our yaid. Address, THE PAIENT RECORD, Baltimon. I6 Dr. Chise's OintInent, a positive cure (or all ltchlng skin diseases. 60 cents g box. at all dealers. or Edmanson, Eaton and 00.. Toronto. ' ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live and Ilwwâ€"II 3;.†“â€"0; Gun-command... lumunm Mr. John Kelly. 7! Trinity ctreet, To- ronto, In an Interview. made the fol- lowlnx verbatim statement:â€" Pumps. Ecezm‘a in Its Worst Form. Mar. 23. 99. y BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUS- TOMERS and the public in geum'al that I am prepared to furnish WELLS. All orders-taken at the old stand near McGowan's Mill or at. Shop at Charter Smith’s Foundry. let live†PRICES. GEORGE WHITMORE, WASHINGTON. D. C- DURHAM . Is what Count ot Grey Furmerr would hke to know. e cannot tell you but. we CAN TELL YOU that H. u. NlLLER. the Hanover Convent oer is lending money on good farm mortgages at lower rates of Interest than vou can borrow elsewhere and on very liberal terms end It unall cost. That is the reason whv people all over the country pass by other lenders and travel miles to borrow from him. N. B.â€"-â€"â€"A Special Bargain is ofl'ered on Lot 28. Con. 2. W. Gr. R.. Beutiuck. 100 acresâ€"Durhau‘ six milesâ€"owner gone West and bound to sell. - H. H. MILLER. Aâ€"QG mom How to BMW '5, He Eu seven} V917 "Fine Twenty years†experience and resideglce in the neighborhowd counts for something and enables H. H. MILLER to do your business with proï¬t to you as well u to himself. 1n ï¬rst-class Companies ad It lowest rates, draws all kinds of writings. arrsnges business quarrels. effects settlements with creditors. sells Ocean tickets. buys old notes and always has on hand farm and village properties which lie is willing to trade or exchange for other preperty. He Does Fire, life . . and Accident Insurance LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. CONVEYANCER. COMMISSIONER in H. C. J. Collections pmmptly attended to. LOANS and Insurance effected without de- lay. Company and Privatb Funds to Loan at.) , 5; and 6 per (3th in sums and upon Ofï¬ces : Winng and Wicrton. HE ALSO undertakes the collection of J. D. HcNab, â€"-â€" , v‘ w“tiar'm's'to Knit borrowers. A General Financinl Business Tunucted. OFFICE~1 door North of 8. Scott’s Store. W. L. MacHENZIE, ENGINEER for Howick, Winghun. c. For rule at very 10‘ ï¬gures and on very any terms. Full) lands are bound to increase in price and now is the time to buy. nuUU uuum uses "IO Wllocuun 0! Notes and Accounts, and it is u pretty bad claim that he cannot nuke some money out of no charge for his trouble If not collected. Ontario Land Surveyor.â€"â€" Civil and Drainagg Engineer. But-hell {but to 'UD 0. .- “II. g'. u...‘ ---~ Female holding Sandor Third a Cortiï¬mte. A ' running or by > up to Novanlnrpptgthr'lm Personal .9: Strayecl from the n e _ undersigned, Lot No. 1; - Glenelg. about the lat rook in one awe and one lnmh, both w anh has short. tail. Infor ‘4 ' lending to . their recovery will «Q thankfully received. ' ' ' ‘EM ALEâ€"- FOR UNION 8031 Section. No. 2, Earqpopt gnd Nor [ Section. No. 2. Earemontnnd son-I by. holding second or third class. A" {D’OI'BOMUY or by letur up to Novembï¬ eruonnl upplication par and. WM. BRADLEY. Secrom‘ STRAYED to the premises of undersigned, lut M. con. 2, Non!) on or about the tint August, one E†one Lamb. The owï¬rguy have provmg property a p. ' 'l‘uo up] btt ‘ORU. s. 3. N01 Benn-nu and Normanbv. second or third- Ind Normanby. sooonid or third . .I. tspliationn. personal ferrod. awn-ll I†by testimonials m be receivon Nov. I. .I) (ilenelg, containing 50 acres of I 0118: land. about 44 across cleared. . hardwood hush. well fenced. good (and; house. good bearing orchard. convoniontm school. church and mat «mice. never him well.euy terms. ‘or further D‘W applyw _ __ __ ‘ " October loanâ€"4. cheap, on easy terms of payment. 24 and 25. concession l3. Beutinck. con ing :00 acres, 145 clear red. remainder wood buslx- two bearing orchards. fenced and watered, goud veneered house and bank barn 70x45. Apply to W. u conï¬ning 50 acres, about 45 cloned well fenced well watered house. hosting orchard good hmd on good late of cultivation my terms. forth! particulars apply to DONALD McUosxsm 378 King St. West Toronto. or to ALLAV CAMPBELL, Oct. 15-60) pd. Baum llalhgnn Pro rt on Gear 8 one acreo 00d 133d 5in 00d 1360-. desiruble residence, will sold on terms. Apply to ED. MILLIGAN Pdmerston. or to W. CALDER, Durh‘ EING Lots No. ll and 12. Con. N. D. R.. Glenelg. and II and II, Con. 2 N. D. R.. also 13 and 14. on Con. N. D. liq each lot containing 53 we. ' â€norms in all. nearly all cleared. watered. well fenced. good outbuildings dwellings. good baring orchards. [a class state of cultivation, within a low of school. 4 miles from Durham. Will sold en bloc or in semrate lots. as p 03‘ desires. Easy terms. For lurthor healers npplyto . ‘_ __ ,. Jan. 17. 1M. .l for sale lots 8 on con. 21. 3nd 3011 con. 4. S. D. R., Gleue . consists of Imacrel. â€cleared, w n end fenced. 70 acres lit. to run In ° over. Gwdlarxe. brick house with ' shed 20x30 and driving shed same use bank barn. small orchard. 15 miles school. L0t3 consists of 54 acrei. 25 balance hardwood bush. Clear tide. be sold on easy terms. For further uhrs npply to . JOHN WHITKOBI; Much 27th. 1500. Durham P. Sept. 19.â€"5. c. J. MICKLE, Che-lay. teacher “’anted. 303 s. s. No. 13,~ BENTmï¬ DARM FOR SALE OR TO REF For Sale or to Rent; male or femele. necouil or third mentions. [personal preferred. renal :ne undersigned up to Thursdey. Nov. ‘ HUGH R. RIDDELL. Secre _o'r NO.8,OON.1,N.D.R.,Glenol1 EING LOT ‘22. CON. 2. N. D. Farm for Sale or Rent RICK HOUSE AND LOTâ€"'1‘ Teacher Wanted.- Teacher \Vanted. EWE AND Lm FARM FOR SALE Teacher Wanted Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale Sheep Estray UNDERSIGNED OFFE. For Sale. HECTOR ucnm. ' Crawford I , Nb. 9. _BEÂ¥1.“.N°;‘5’ Otto ALEX. TAYLOR. A C. BEAN! Buncsml’. JOHN KER... Orchnr‘ P. u elsbzï¬exz \‘arney P;