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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Nov 1900, p. 6

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1h .. - - ' ‘luns. .Additignal forces. numbering that which effects the quickest 00m- ' MW W . “limes ll? THE WARSt ' Q If theincuhator beine odd will.“ ported against his breast by a line ..... 0 Oil lllC Pam will more are to keep the tensor- secured to the dashboard. Shouldthe mm or isrsszsr raoii we a x :3” m“ ‘Mm‘ fl" ’“ mm" “a?“ luhlooae‘rignedht, a: "alumni; SCI-Lites 0F cosmcr. W W - 1- Inn”, w on e Incubators cannot be successfully falls to the horse's knees. throwing him and breaking his legs. Another ”genius. after citing the danger from will displace all japan Tea. the same as runaway“ t only to the passenger Salads black is displacing all Other black teas. but to the steed itself, calls attention M to the absolute .waste of energy ex- CHUIECH OF FOUR STEEPLES. erted by the horse in descending bill. ‘----a - He also mentions the exposure the The German Architect's Fanny Story at animal is subjected to from storms SEED G arms. ed nless the grower w'll shift the leelh Crises ier sire-an freon-ni- 1.: It and" us u l larch el’ the Guards-Irene. Ante. All, F801“!!! re: 8. ..mu:‘n°ow eggs every day. build" the met. condl ions w m g". l ' reversing of the trays. Shifting will Carts. e I . a Th0 number 0‘ Allied "00?! 00W in bi. 81);! I.“ the rifhfepioglgz: a up- aid to bring an even hatching. . p y o “1’ mole u . If the legs of your hens are per- China amounts to 11:8 106 with 326 . s v , ' t r BOW 19 . The best tune to plan 0 aistently scaly, dust them thorough- 121,000 men also l7: guns are how- 4 ly daub the legs with lard and sul- ’ ’ ' eed nd ts strong ' - , mg up Of the s ' a 1 phur, and keep up the treatment until Poultry, Butter, Eggs and other Produce. If you have any correspond with us. We want loo 0‘” - . ' . E." ' “5 way'. A subsequent growth: the a" and I Ills Experience iwmi ii. oat r umnn Ictinc (:1th 0:39.009: warloiizetrejg grou must be warm enough for the thgllliecglfezio 1:11:18 2111;! will thrive on Tu“ pllst “mm" e co" 0 a and Si: or the Tim in . 01'. With to supply our tr ado. e par-i . . one o strok e l ves ll conven- i nate. . , , e on a m, ,0 Wm. sweet “I. Use glass 8mm“, Mm cm, “meets draughtmm “on“ methods Mimi The home is The Dawson Commission Co. tissue-.1 r. Bock, was a severe-looking Ger- placed under the wagon instead of LAW ON BABIES’ FOOD 11361) CHEER; loutll Africa under Lord Roberts Hastening the '08 up of the have been offered as much as $0 a . , , th - . . . . seeds is of great advantage, as e 4 day to take service With the British plants grow up in advance of the vessels are not covered With soured troops now serving in china. weeds, which lightens the labor of milk. 4 4 Large numbers 0l 308". fully armed; keeping the field clean. Soft food is necessary for chicks. All and “11’9““ "in! “388003. 0190, {blunting the seed by steeping in- soft foo-d8, capec'lally starchy ones. '"d horses, have taken "“133 in the dams a quicker and stronger growth ferment quickly. Therefore Watch ing veseels, and be sure that the ’44 man, Who rarely cracked a smile, and ~ - , - __ more rarely told stories. When not :3: fggz‘teoilfi. chi-441:??? riggii It is not generally known that in Men of Rugby, cried oh i = , otherwise engaged, his favorite oc- protei-ted fr.m the w“ h 1' “14114140. France it is a penal offence to give to political honors. if youare so cupation was to keep his limekiln gm an unobstructed view. m strong can- any form of solid food to babies un- ward in coming forward we ing; in other words, to adult and light vas and leather band encircles the deir a year old, unless it be prescribed all behind, as we were before! his pipe. One evening, when the. sick animal's body, the ends of which ms: in writing by a properly qualified Then he ‘sat. down. " medical man. Nurses are also for- -â€"- M‘dluintn .110“an Swaziland, of the plant in the first 14 days, layv- carefully. 4 where they intend to stay and de- ing a sure foundation for a subse- Never put eggs under a scale-legged 0f camp lore was near lowâ€",water upward through the bottom of the b'dd to f .4 14 POIOVEIK ’m '8‘” ._ lend their position if attacked. quent growth and enables it to quick- hen. mark, be was, after much“ persuaswn, wagon and are attached by chains ,0 i to!!! t661:!sz ob; their Icvlarges any Ill mm" mama I"!!! 44 A mo“ extraordinary Offer has juSt ly outgrow dangers from insects. W induced to ,unbosom himself. a Windlass above the flooring. Shou'd :3: tube 1:134: tiled hating a full)” , “'1‘ wgwafldmflgz "f been accepted by the German Govern- The infancy of a plant is its criti. . ‘ Dere isnt much to tell. I came the horse be descending a hill or un- t4r. :1 t. ‘4 'cseh‘an o hertlcqul;e y ““31“”,L‘M “mack merit. Herr Mathew Hollner, a toy cal period. Seed manuring “Wm-[es A STRANGE BASE to'Te'xas fifteen years ago, and as clertake to bolt, the driver calmly surlliltgizinb 14:: 1“ lvehrecen y 49:14.“ b...‘ mm...“ 4 manufacturer has shown his patriot-l um nutritive properties directly to the d I didn t know a vord of PillgllSll, vent winds on a crank and lifts him 0“, (f3 Yzoned y. f 4 renc 4 nil-inaugural}. ___ “"1 by Offering to Present 6,0130; “,qu plant at the time when its EYE TROUBLE WHICH DEVELOPED to ban Antonio to look lOi' 3. JOB. l ms feet. , ‘ (4"‘4v41‘24fflzllll41r0 “twmdlslnb 4 1“ " 4W'hen an employer has trouble, mouth-organs to the German ”091’slol'gans are yet unfit to seek its pro- lNl'O RUNNING SORES. am an architect unzl vol‘ked [or you This latter shown is certair‘lv‘ more 3.2L" 1h, 1-” (Eon-u :5: ley 3;" 5“,“? I h;.s hands it, wouldn't do him ’ n China. A very large “umber 0“ Der lluti'iment over a wide range of .__. Old (Jermain rascal two years wt ‘15 reasonable than the 0““. f0" ’lml’r‘wcd offing. I u I..nlulo tliven e 1:8 good to consult. a man.cure. t'hese have already been dispatched to' 8041. ”mm“ mm It “4“ (”mumpn‘m of’ a" a mont. und board. I hot to make illl canal-boat pronulsion, which, ”1_ f Lb colntglia m; hind llum 4r .â€"â€"-â€" 4 their destination. l The vigorous development of the 8.001.983!““O‘OOVQ‘I‘Y Was Looked mum (1.8 designs and galculations, but 1 though not patented. is related by 0 i ‘83 w 0 are orn. “00 Reward' 800° 4 The strong mounted (nice under’ plant. while young, m4 moreover, a sure in .ilmlm llopeles‘swlbr.WIlllmuw‘ Pink vas so green dot ii dook inc dwo years some writer. um Ul’JWL to bc altaili- W “3:1?33339-4“: ‘l'é‘lfol'd'lrliafii Colonel do Lisle, will, belongs to ille' gu,,,,,,â€",,,,e of m, mu perfectionand """‘““'“=="""““" ‘0 [”1“ 0‘”- dOt my ‘fUl'k V33 ”“11“ ed was to continue the use of the EVAPonAl‘lox l‘ilOM 'I‘l‘il-Iii‘i. :3;§.:“f:§9,,“;f E‘j‘ignfl’,‘,‘?,,“‘fi‘§“f: “(R‘- DUl‘llLlln Light Infantry, which was ripening. From the Herald, Georgetowii, Ont. more money. De” I got mat um] mule, but while. [note-Hing him from Some sux‘iuug {mtg concernilg m...“('It'oiethecnK ire-inve4ur iii-\vfikllO started in pursuit of De. \Vot, hlislielenl """’" Our reporter rGCently bad the quit mm hung out my ()Wllfllgll.’ the weather, flit-“S. 9104, to “0 away have been discovere'l. A single 01k f lli‘ul‘i‘:lli‘lmdlrr‘ltf-h1'qur.;:”;".-!:.,I.Hft.a ‘- alpeclully equipped for the lliillrzrtzlk-l HEIVER CALVES. pli:.;l.sure of calling on LIP. “rm. 1“ “'0? days 1 got, my limit ”lat“ Will) the 1053 of time necessitated in of good 5174613 Still to lift 1413,0443 of l:4l43:;ni:l:4".inilH(tl4':44((:.44l\'4irrll‘tkl 31¢:le 4 "" ing. Elie/ll man in llil' forts». has two3 Femzll- mpg, are our (hipy recruits j'l‘lloilipson, paperrnaker, at Will. Bar- pendent 30b: It V“ a Pd” [91‘ 83581"- having to stop the boat. and lull UUt water during this months it is in 1hr, l niuljlua sorrel-oil «: lie 33,0...) that,” homes, ”,,4. gun team, 4.“.8 (4,4,14,48,44 and (UN on ”1444“. proper rearing largely her Bros. mills, a well known and list church in a town :t'lxay miles lronl n gungplank to the tuwpalh in Cll :llg- lhis mois‘..ure is evaporated “I.“ ”,5“ 4 Elana ill;Jolgldfpti‘tzz4t bullish-it. “6 Wd I W a W W "'1‘“ mg annuals. The mule kept in it. to form clown. in... we l .' ' l's curative p“\'\.‘i‘~,llml they Min .0 ' “‘4'” ”3051"” 18 carried U“ (33W UNITS- depends them iutui'e llStlLulllv;S.‘$. 501110» respected (citizen of our town, for the _ _ , . De Wot his witl 1' 9M) , . d . , . . .- . , .4 . . _ . :Oi Von imitation Ulllllll'. church. V1! . -' ' " lh‘ ‘ ' ‘7 ’ ' ‘ ‘ a. l ma non an (ldlI‘yInt-Jl 0i scant experience imagine purpose of acquiring the details of boat at all times. The bottom 0‘ “ "UL" 0f ”13' “in" ”f 3““51" ”‘1‘ we .4 d til 4 . - “WW guns. 'tllat when it calf (lflVitlU-Dfl into the HHS son's long illness and his r - l V0" fine decorated shim-p10, und den canal 18 leveled 0” 31“ lh“ 1““ I’Mh can gain 30111,, ,“LH 0‘ the immense ‘ :S'zgd h";if:“fist?5"2“;"':l"lf‘- t. it ““9 '0 l' ll took lily book of dealgns und de 4,” osed of Four holes are male in {04;08Wl1l0l1 :h.,>im-e:sts t’xm‘i int-out Add ca... F ,H ll4.1\l£\'(‘.0..1‘.i . .p .. - izillg the 6V3’1X)l‘.lllt)ll :liil pl't‘ltlpliil- . Hall‘s Flt-12h l’..lv~ ale the best M'U‘ "I'd-"”1”“ Bil‘lt*fi-[’(>W’Bll. i3 HUW proportions of a cow, no matter what mark-ably recovery through the use . 4 50m warm ,4, - , lm CUMUIL’lndl ”f m“ 333 ”’0 l‘Ulwe for lh c'l l 4 i1 d l‘ll‘ f D W'll" ’ 1" k 1"“ Mr lblan “u“ veilt t“ dat town to see 4 r {hi i) l thlou l1 \lllli'l] - 4 - 4 - W "l' I 8 Violasl U, l.S Site BDCUUH (I3 U .3 U r. l Lde in l 5. . . lht‘. bottom 0. i. la . g ‘ 1,0,; and prevcullug lltfl‘lifllb' uf ”lun- ll. {UHVJELl and Ul‘élngl‘. lLth’J.’ Lollllluy. 11"“. gl'U'\~'th, She is tlllil] ready to be' 11".,” ‘lllp\il,lll klllllly give}, llfl ll)... Illllt)\\'- !(le deaC'Oni-l. l.)el‘l‘.4 V3.8 only five (103‘ lhe 1083 Of the mill“ I)l‘()lerdQu 1{\' i (14,413,011 311d drought. ThP ‘ f . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 cm 9 i " . It is ionsiderezl, howevol, that the come a Lulylng :illlmtil. l).ll.ryillen I p .1 I H. be Uhned St caisume ll is Sll'l. 30;),01Kl.030 u - - - - - - l 2 . . " : . ' 4' - e v A .4 lmls’? information Wthh W1“ speak for 4(0ns, but do, nude me troubll (nouoh really walks on the hell of ill» (~al:a.,| presence of Regular (“MM will be should banish such false iii,)tloll"lll'0h1 itM-lizâ€"“Aliout two and a half years 4 {Ct at dozent. Von deal-on be llkl‘u although thoroughly pl‘O’eiteu by 1..3 “A "unis a “an (401,“. That.“ of pom,“ a” 11 - - 4 -. . ' . llul . and tin-1r heads if they desu‘e to DOSSt‘Si‘Si'ng my eldest son, barnt‘ti, who is, _ . . l y didn’t Vzint ally chinchol‘bl‘eat Voi‘k driver may “While at his lam, liwl 48! ., l ., .. . , . . , , l 4 _ - _ 4 him In his report oi his (in, ”(-1 l iii 19.. is a stlmlgor. llapplel, am 4 l f ion it at all. De Oilel‘ deacon didni _ ’4 4 , l , 4 . e t 4 ' _ pellment to the duel tors .illl stoc..-l 144 C _' l-' _ 4 4 ,4 4 4., 1. are about (he Shtepptp, but salt] holders Of lht) (‘UlnllitllV “114-0“ h“ llhdl (.53 “I.“ ..\ll.i(..l0r dil- Qt‘lS Ill. 0 4 ‘ ‘ ! lllt‘ unsightly (wins painlessly and at CALVERTS ---. [Mfr-lull fil‘l' Bovine little in COIIIB, _ , 7 I . Unit we shall have to keep an army cows oi any Blunt. Remember thatlflitoeli ye of truni 891,000 to lUf),.’lt;t)'i men in South calves cannot be raised too well. It lpOSlOLll to be inflammation in his ' "the slitce 10 V01" mu 11. Ul‘d tl‘et' surrounvlillr bout silo-lure. and the , . p 5 ' l’ luvcn if he has corlls on both lei-t. “. I’ ,, are old, took what I sup-l _ "’ I ’ \Vlh‘tjl inrln ll lll‘ Uses l'ullluins Pall.- Africa, at any rate until the ques- pays to force their growth all thatleye. ll?- WIIS taken to 3 physician, lie (1 d U l ’ ‘. . ' . -4 . . z " (g . ,l. ‘ " 9, ".1 ‘.‘il_'- ‘ l ,, . . t , )-,.- - ,4 lr,;.; 3'; ‘ {' ' ' .4 was t)- - k i _ ' , lilo recent marl-ll of the Uuard’s both LO them in a fresh stato- Tileylfmd ”“1 that he had 103‘; the SLghtl n or a 4:11,”, . .’ _ a single canal-boat that was 1101 18' ”Lu”â€" ‘M (m "Ju '1 l m‘ excellence. Tho-tr filial...” ‘ RPM-ill", under General l’~.»le-Cai'ew, should have the free run of a partial-lot the eye coxnli;eti-ly. The disease ' for a Baptist ('hu""‘ll° Do five ”News leaky. and St range t” say (in ”me 0: new I“, ' Ml" “lngWâ€"umv do 1 mpg-ease. bk] ’0" “2" b V' (null Orange River Station to Koâ€" 14,: shaded pasture in Which there islsl’l't'l'd‘d from his eye to his wrist, 4 van I‘lt‘b gattleman llllfl inlde a great the assurances of the owners of llle knw-a i haven’t seen the bill yet. up I ate muwrm“ ' , which became greatly swollen and ;de:il of fuss aboud de blan, und be- boatsto the contrary”. lhif‘ Double 4 4 4 ._.__._.. 4 w e c. CANE" ‘ 6's. . ’ . ‘ invariably made its :ipiwm'iV-t'e ~38. 'lliluLl‘.AllNlu‘D SO.‘IlaTll'b IAIOHIITII . 4 u mati Ponlrt is as praisewort‘uy as that a good growth of mixed grasses, con- of Clit‘ C..l.V'.s, who a short time ago taming some clover. Offensive sur- 4 marched 2.3.; miles in fourteen days. roundings, like proximity to a barn- “‘3 WhOl-e arm was completely “33": , . . The iiuards llLil'Cll, hUWt-v'ul‘, was ac- yard or stable, is inimical to the '16”, although he was not suffering l “kc dem fellers ‘f I tried a hundred 0d ”- lany pain. From his wrist it Went to lyears. Von got shot in de arm, unil Willem-shed under harder conditions, healthy development of growingl , . the foot which Was also lauoedacou-lde breacher he got a black eye, Vlcll ivols intended for anodei‘ man. 1 fore the meeting vas OVer dcy got . ' , - r zl‘el lll‘ bltloln ., soon as he had l) 891 u i t 'Through their members haw» t mill- to Ii htinOr aboud it. I couldnt swear ' z . _, g 6 Of the boat for his mule and hum“ led to the great efficacy of Putnam‘s was lanced no less than eleven times. I SLATE, TlLE and DOUGLAS METAL ROOFS 14,331,343“! Painless Corn lixtlai-tor. It ploâ€" vokes no line of demarcation, iii-cur- iiig zll‘lkl‘. the goal will of tho highest - mflrrngeâ€" he; Imam In‘ .I V ,L t 4- . .' .1) ‘11 [no rib-1n “a..-“ and the. most llUlllnlt, and “1th sillct ' “We” PARK, Fitment-tutu)” g... impartiality, [running with equal seeing that at one time they had to calves. go nineteen miles Wllll'lul. Wannabe-i vaet skimmed milk as it comes pie or times bl” Without bringing re- . . atoll-5 h‘lVIIlg to out {ll/01'] Step 0‘ lllclr'fI‘HD the sel)ur{1t0r Ur Creamery “rill La‘tie Jdll‘ ur‘tixl lillcl'vtfi it like liullllle EJuIand Otld Of (161 Vinder Lind run celelity the COrIlS ()I e‘ch. Irry I’llt’ _ way through thick bush. lmako bone and sinew for calves, es-lw‘w to the upper part of the leg to de hotel, but as I couldnt goth nams Corn Extractor. ”MW I”. The French military authorities have peel-ally if a little oil meal be addediw‘h'cm “* “Wk” “W, W68 quantum-‘1‘ :h‘wk "at evenmg I but to Stall" 4' 4 - 1 4â€"7.1} d t 1. R's‘i'é’li'“°'“v'i" 5-? been testing the use oi auto-cars at to it. ‘Of [nutter running from the sore, A11 , town. De congregation was getting ISEASE ‘A lof’kmg g “3 ‘3 ”1’,” ° “f‘ a” "' “'” " the recent lluilloeuvreci. The trialsl this time my boy was under the best .egcided, too, and I vas very anyone :11): “tin: 3133* becausel1t ““943”; our c‘tho‘lo Pr‘m elf turili-il out very flatle‘li’lnf l 't‘ DESTROY BLACK AVTS “leulm'flnt 1 (WU-id procure but WAD l t” get 13‘le to mine 310k Vlfe, web is the deadliest and most e 66 S O oursclies on 3‘ “but the Nwmfitm-n.“ ‘ i .4 y, am i I - i - . 44 l . , . . l (to r veals tli m to r [’4' .nd‘ W'oru “OHM!” ,. 4 , . . Little or no eff -c Th . t‘ bl 4 » ‘1 hmen i got yet. -* awful malady ‘0 which a “r e e 0“ “- ° an an was... is now proposal :0 Olgilmz” 3 com-l \V'hen yiiur fruit trees lose their 8U ' 42 ion 0 was A t 6 ' l k t r ' d mnundl““b530t DOdd‘S “'"‘ . ' . 4 , - . -. .4 ., ‘4 " 'ou 0c nex monin e ,_ . ' ‘ . l plvle at'l‘Vlce oi auwmlotnles iorcom- bark near the ground, look out for pronounced consumptwn Of the b“°Dd d a 4: 't 0,3 sh t in do ai‘m game kidney Plll§ Will cure any re (11m: A roll! I! on: on . 1-.“ and l was bond by the doctors thatb 9 ‘- n V”: V35 0 ’ use of Bright's Disease. Take Lanai. mom Quilting Tune“. All drum,“ I” refund the money if i-.. {at s to ours. E. W. Grows.“ r3 l-to my room and asked me if Lcould They have never failed in It in estimated Unit twcn '-1'our mo. ' - ’ ‘ - , . r to” ,_ h l ,. . 44 5 _ a girdle Of bark next to the wu' fire , mm it in [1‘06 thruuldred. When almost make a blan for anoder kind of shtec- anemic case. They are ___ es. . ,4 (dc ( ravilng two (dis, would re- quont ampectlon should be made, If' : 4 4 _ lo I showed bin; 0.. desirn book the only remedy that ever Tl l t . Vk f ll] ‘l 11‘ nt b no d "‘ Provmion an army corps of {indict} men the ants are found, trace them to d4.scouruged and M knowung what 4p ' l J. L b , _ ’ hascuredit, 13d they are u" ”I“ 0 e (' Op 1 as 630 ers 4 to do for the best. a friend of mine 4und V3” he saw d9 picture ”i do the only remedy that can fewer than 4.000 mil-StilOS-lll 194331. . 4 ‘ , There are imitations of k minaret on a Turkish musk, he was in twenty-four hours at a distance. of their nest, which will not be far fromi u l t t D Willl' ’ P' 130‘ me .o ry r. lama in , , , , Dodds Kidney Pills-pill, so said Olivier. the famous compara- . _ ° 1‘ , , . u tlve anatomist. lilo whole of the an e - 4 July-right mile-s, at. about tum-thirds the trees they are attacking Having . ' "-i, ..~, . , d' ' .“"‘. st t1 the cost of horse servuse for the saline found their nest. you can kill them Plus 5“ng “ha" he had a son who [V11 Wt delight. DUtb C9005 1:: ’ box and name-but imiia- ' Work. :L with bisulphide of carbon. Pour some was afflicted with a' somewhat sim- 3 am kamg [01" put dat m del an. tlens are dangerous. The m'ulecles of a ln-in 3 body added to- 44” lt is estimated that about 70 000 and of the poison into the entrance of the‘ “a" due/“5'3 and had been cured by ‘ Den 9““ “fwd“. demon’ and “’1“ me “3'23‘5‘ldh°3‘1)b§e““"l° 8‘6”“ only numb“ 537° . litia and Reservists. will be returning nest, (:oVer the nest witha thick cloth, the pike. I d'il’wi'ded to give Dr. \Vilâ€" lbs, dldln t “:6 Six-coli‘nercd gr 1;“er cure or {:3 is a mu. :;1: DIIIOI’MV. ,aâ€"Mimie-PH‘DTQ [4N6HA\ ml - . . ‘. .’ ' ' ' _ ' ' ' ' WW .3 11' " l t to civil life towards the end {Vo' - so well hted dow 'th t that [wins Pmk Pills a ”‘31 and Secured ‘8 eep es, 6 vante 4a goo a W 1 41:2 Jr #JONES t N(; (,5 o . V8111 g 0 WI 5 01163 l h 11 B' t t t4 r t t ~ rn rs "I. “ Balmoral ” "‘00 I“. "LP“ ‘7’ ‘ v her. 1g is 'ri'atif i 4 t k . the . t ed . t Th Dome of them at: the drug store, and ,s c ‘l‘p ‘8 owe '1 0‘“ co e ‘ j, “5°“? UHJOADLLAWEJYW IUHA 4 4 t4 yng o now that gas corm canno escape. 04 it Do 11 4 lI found von m de book dat suited van: “008E, loom-camp ”a" , . the National Association for the Elli- gas formed by the evaporation of the a or my y ad. takcn4two boxes I lhim e zacl 'Put dat on de church A "phi“! M B“! 0L“ w .M ..‘ ploynn-nt of Reserve Sl‘ldiers antici- bisulphide of carbon is much heaviei‘lcould "3"" the 001°” coming back tolsays hge un’d. goes downstairs Belor’c sud-s- BantiOF'fiF to» o I - . . . . . , ,4 . . . . E Z . 4-. ' L 9 - ' ““"" er reeu. ATI ‘ pate Lttle difficulty in finding em- 4 than cliff, and, therelore, it Will alnkihssallow complexuon and "0"“ a I could get to breakfast in comes P'LLS There never did, and there never 525‘?“ HuhBoh 616:3. ”é“, Plnynfint for tho majority Of Rescrv-‘ into the DGSt.- displace the llghtfiridec‘d0d Change for W batter. Hal ' ° 9 . #1] "‘1’ n 'thin ~ermanwt] noble “$32,534?" a. ‘ . ‘” ‘went on taking them and in a few anoder deacon und ”am he dldnt rant M" Km“? Pills “'9 “1 ’emb a ‘l. ' g L y. .' its-a. mil-sca- airlines 3...... fifty cents a box at all and excellent in the character which is puma paw“, .t t. aeerlliu alums no candle extinkwishers on do church, 4 und selecting a high, slender shteeple dm’t” from de book, he told me to put dat _ ‘. â€"- the ants. Even the asiranger to the exercise of resolute settdenial. - -- OLE A N ' N G * . LADIES' . .. Can be done pt‘t‘ft‘lfily by our French _ "If“. “ill.“ "I“ y IONTKIAL. TORONTO. OTTAWA .4 lsts, as “Lilly laurge employers of la- air, and suffocate boar have already agreed to take back ordinary conical ant hill can be clean- “Numb“ from the time he started to i every man who went out to South 9d out by this method. Another wayl use them 1 . ered him perfeCLlyy {cured and not a trace of the disease, Africa from their firms. and in some to destroy an ant nest is to pourI m de blan ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ . ' -- .â€" 4. ‘ ' . . left, «except his blind e e, the ‘i htl ' , 01MB hflVe signified their Willingness keroslne 01 835011116 ”1“? the 1184?: [bl- y b g "Vile I V118 talking v“ dese tellers 311(1):, BRA“ [NGROOMS to t . ' â€" » - r , - - of which he had. lost before he start- _ , . , \ :ke onefor hLwo extra hands. .1: «surfed ‘tlllo‘ugllnllié mass and then 4 ed to use the pills He has now be- de stage started for San Antonio und 'lhe socral weaver-birds of bomb .1. opus. o t fact that some of rm 1 . Dubai Wl .lttmct the ants.- - - - . I vas awful anxious to see mine sick Africa build their nests in colonies t .9. ‘ . . " ' . . p», ' 4 . CUID‘ u'be flesh and. ' .‘ , 4h Lt: V.s are returning to lungland 3L liter it freely din ut the nests. l one :fqm: m. 44454 t bl causal)“ him :vife. Dey notified me dat dey vould under a common, umbrella-like NO! I») a rut November nth, it 1.3 good When the second ration of sugar is «e M. les oys in e com-4 probably woven for defensive pm” . - . . 'hold anoder meeting dat afternoon. 4) - . ‘ t ’ , c . ' "a ' I . m l t e If 90 ° ' WW“ to know that the pen’ent'dé’e ”i scattered mm a milefimium “”1 lt'i um} a.” W n 18 do“??? or. I vent to bed, sent dem my design poses against. the intruswn a} sunken deaths amongst all the Valuiiteers I‘ll-e ants cannot distinguish between ' knowing “he merits 01 D" “71‘“de b0 k d k d t b . d 1 The gardener-bird constructs llfi m" we" exceedingly 10““ Allugeth- the “gem" and sugar, and the diet Pink Pills you may direct them to vagn'tu2eelaizgevello Beinilifrlyazad highly-decorated nest with adjoining or about 1,800 men went out, and of will do them up. The best way to me, as [can b33111! recommend them ' , ._ . ,, . this number only 50 have died, which fight ants is the way that will ' anoder fight’ but do breacher he got ornamental spaces, a1.p.llelltl, ml kill to any person afflicted as my boy 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I l . nd I t (19 the uipose of furnishing an attlai- includes buth deaths on the field and kill the workers and destroy the eggs: dem to gompromise a 30 p was.” . - - . . order to change the blan. I put; tree We meeting-place for 800131 “1t“!- coui'se with her felaws. 'l‘ho spoti l d ._,â€"._ THE uosr NUTRF .. ' EPPS’ L i s ‘4 v - l A, .. -4 .l‘? , 1-" 4 ' ,4 from disease. ’ ' 4' 4 t the sam- t' ‘ . ’l‘l Dr. Willi-anis’ Pin-k Pills cure b , , the f t th‘ t Thu 18 “Ct owing 4to43 4“ 61.1216 h. w hung method oing to We root: of the d' , 4y different shtecples 'und one minaret ”a. fac 4 a they have seen very lit- W1 accomp ‘3 t “5' 34h . d b "d ”a” on dat church, und I just got the collar birdâ€"a cousin of the crowâ€"pro- Arot-Qtl;nfl::r'l‘.4: (misfit: J clonal BREAKFAIIMHM [ch-ungm. GGneral hmthhrnen â€"-- ‘ey renew dn' “'1‘ up the blow, blan finished lien in comes dc la“ pares its artistic bower, a sort Of an :zlxtlrlhei‘i‘rrl‘ifm lame 5" Loam: “0'! P003!) 0 “,6 “at“ {hit 8 0‘ i.h0 {LDESt mllullt- 4 _‘ and strengthen the nerves, thus der‘ . _ bl -room ornamented \s'ith 5h ll , All 3", ’3 tOf your boll)" (“1'0“le ’03 -OV‘u m ‘ POULTRY POINTERb. lung disease from the s stem A 'd deapon and vents de ioof changed, sem y . “owmg “(H440 and 0m , [Noumea Dandruwwiutmmimiu‘“. y . Vm und de breachel vouldn’t breach un- pebbles, and Other bright-COIUur‘d maevizh chum-akncsst , . ults from ab- PMIIII _ wing the laws of nature man WlLllLlli‘ ail infant” work has been done by Air out that hen house. ' ' 'V i m. Whale ”1 due “me fest: n in! ailments from ”also an . .r. l on guarantee you a my v onderiul Elei . them. 4 imitations by insisting that every -____.___ A comfortable hen is generally a box yqu purchase is maimed in a profitable hen. wrapper bearing the full trade dem. . . mark, -. - a. .. arent mutual admilation attenue __ Ven you go down to dat town, P . :4eslr:4agi.lluhwh ’0 4 4 "‘0“. “m“ u 'let‘au-‘etlwyhhvg filtreil'v 00 No :0“. ; , three months with ., i s which cures will:0 on sleep. Eiec ricily because ll rosters. "PLAYING HOCKEY.” Sh d . th 11 t tll . ‘1 ode urine 3 o wea or is Dr. W'll’rm lp'. p P' P 0 , . ~ 1 “I 8 wk ills for ale 8 you vill find a vooden Gothic church strutting and dancing 0‘ the mid“ ' "ill your body wit .~uew :tzilily rem in) Children sometimes pretend to be - . _ ’ very important. 1 If . _ . q , . , pe. your dealer does not Ree _ , , 4 , - . . a Gothic steeple. a taste for social intercourse to the Hi" the plane 0 ac. Joyous bap lines: wi : THEEQ '81:? 01! I OIL‘OO- witness wesoape duty is called in the‘male is half the flock. 50 cents a box, or six boxes for -mansard roof, d our an“ Wm m full r 3.1.50, by addressing the Dr. Wilâ€" Turkish. minaret, und dwo oder kinds tent of holding dancing parties. At £33833?” it“, "inureglful‘ndfti. “mrdealcrforfl. army mail-ingesting and is always 8‘ ' ' done so in that ultr on the . , 4 . . 1’11““th WM“ dbtemed- A child who farm doesn’t pgay thin? twiie ham-s Medlcnne 00‘" Br ockvdle, Ont. shteeples, und a bulpit dot looks like these the birds, who live in pairs, are trashing. .4 , _ , “ habitually Whine of headache just - ' ”W (1 ' . ‘ h' a d :i thr. kl» -' “ - ,,4- G t e desk of a ohustice of dc. peace. Dey Jained by a t lr , an a as. .tp , s _,. lve resh and clean water to the A GIGA‘NTIC WORKSHOP. paid me .150 for de job, and day “‘8 ing step, begin a rapid march, utter-lThree . onths Trial 4 4 4 44 4 A. 8 resonant drumming notes in time I An! 500'“ °" "m“ °“ ““° “‘5' ‘9’ ‘ * ~ ,4; f. 282:: 9050014“ ‘ d‘tifeuhou'“ be put 004fowls several times a day and espe- 4 mined to d 4 “Join, of“ DPT-t cially let the first drink in the morn- “ rm , not look at pictures; ing be clean water. Water standing and have a hire-water bag placed at over night or for part of a day is 22561:; [taxmment £2: ”:1 this E5 liable to be full of dust. poison and 0 0"»! mrasiten. These are not good for pliarce thiee ‘ all. all pay me only when 4- .4: 4. 4 :3, their movements. As the march ‘4 cured. or i will-enditai livery low price {191' The 3’63““ wonkshopm the world so vell satisfied dat dey vented to in cash. Write (a heeu'lful illustriied boot. is that of the famous Krupp at Es- put my name on the corner stone as with sen. It Bm‘PhOyS between 30.000 and architect. I paid the stone cutter ‘5 ceases the leader stands erect. Wm“ 1 which tells easily ”'10“ be cured, and 'ves I110? my method of treatment and 2.5.000. hands, liar” all at. Whom re- to forget all about it. the others how before it. and the visi-’ {mamas mm my‘riteful pat ent-. side in dwellings belonging to the "A gompromise is a grand dingâ€" tor returns to its own quarters, to “auto; “tree Caliaad conauli film- In the great mill 0'4t Essen sometimes." receive a return call from one of the m0 11'“- ,,4: . D. MLAUGHLIN. utilised; if it is giant-id bile silence and chickens 80-»: u e 9003!! ome so i'rksome chat ‘ 1,19' furnaces f ' ‘ ~ the culprit is glad to do anything to Esme under the hen will range in 3;; bong“; mmtyfiwgafim 22:: ----â€"oâ€"-â€"-â€"- others. when the performance is DR. .4 escape from them. Other affected temperature from 100 degrees for more of from :00 in to 10,0001b.;370, BRILM‘NT INVENTIONS' “p“t’d' ‘1'" serum on‘ steam main“. with a total of 87.- The examination of a host of pet- gxzzgog‘fin "11: ddggntlg‘; ents proves that while the inventors' who is too ill to go to school. and to hen shifts “10 0889 tram “‘0 00m“ high furnaces produce about 600 tons 9““ “' “"3“ ““1 their meth- hsm his lessons, is too ill to be out tetheeidee besides turning thempver d iron daily and42785 tons of coal 0d- extremely ingenious, the ' .. t o s y have (1 lied. If a child piay truaint the once or twice . day. and coke aroused each day for fuel. often overlooked the disadvantages m be )oees aha; hone in lib tiny-tire: rndnlahd: :Igtaht Pofiufl'm who are loom for a W incident to the use of ,the device , duck should not'overiook the Bones THEY HURLED BIN FORTE which are overwhelmingly against G I'm-H “be pa’m to see that this is done. so that he may find truaneyfiuck. The Rouen is a large bird. is will you answer mqusstion, Yes its employment, _ ‘3 ‘1” A! an example could hand. the ~ meditatio- Be may be pat to bed' ific is at of sen and whit a- Nof cried the booklet fro usoonasheremrnshomecntheas-‘md- nottyimid.l:tagoodhrooder. baeiko‘lfthe town-hum fill. ' . ' 4 urn B. puma should be treated as if they were those on the outside to 105 degrees for real. and it shrmld be distinct] _ dcmtmd in the family that theyclllill: those m th. center 0‘ the b03011. Th0 Certainly! replied' the , Have you left on heating T’y’oar Theputs d the incubator nearest was! Uproar. . .-

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