West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Nov 1900, p. 1

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. ash house and out buildings {the school were burned on Sur- ' morninglast. between nine and , o’.clock The fire originated iron -~ tashes that were placed in a box ”‘ (long side the building. The loan will be perhaps a couple of hundred dollars. but distributed as it is over the whole town. it will not be a heavy burden on any one. The ah- aence of a tank in the neighborhood necessitated the firemen to get water ' from the river, and much time was LL11“ bolero anything was accomplish- E;- A Snoonxo MATCH will be held et EONharrlville on Friday of next week. I“ E'lovember 23rd when 75 turkeys, 50 E geese and 40 ducks will be competed for. Rifle and ehot gun angel. John Collins, Proprietor. Hrs. (Din) Gun is at present at the Eloma 0! her son, Mr. J. R. Gun. of Dwight. who is just recovering from lovers attack of appendicitis. a year only 100. To the and of ,3901, including our handsome prom- an. only 81.00. LT“: Cnnomcnn for the balance of Vol. 34--â€"No. 1758. LOSTâ€"The day after the election, 5 pair of horse blankets end a low wticles rolled inside. Finder will blouse leave them at. this office. WI: understand that some money hnged hande es the result of the bexion in South Grey. Betting on I election or a. borne race ie elweye titty way to invest money, nd e fink of luck in one cont.“ mny be by financial ruin next time. R lucky ones. of course, fee! hep” ' . but nevertheless we cannot enance the custom. ' The Canadian Annual Avermxasa CARsox handled the unmer in diSposing of lot No. 66. u. 3, Bentindk. the Daley farm. bid: was sold under mortgage on My lag: at the Knapp House hon be inrchasers were Messrs. Limin McClocklil and the purchase price I100 which is considered : good You SALEâ€"-A first class bicycle. an be sold. A. H. JACKSON. A me care with a pink lining, lvortised some time ago. is still ulnimod. The owner may huvo it ' aquarter, though it is worth a deal more. HBM'Y Snowfall yesterday. Send In Your Subscription 10-day! II Young Peoples’ Society of the ”toxin: Church purposes hold- tacotch Carmen, on St. Audrewe’ “Friday, Nov. 30th. Further b next week. ABSOLUTELY FREE. your neighbor doesn’ t take Tm. luau: tell him to send in a dol- I once and get. it to the end of 3 together with our handsome mun supplement, “ The Canadian which we intend to give II a premium to Cash in advance aub- scribe" who Kay up to the end of won. We ope there will be no mistake about this offer which can only be given to cash aub- ncrihers on the above conditions. and as the magazine will be ready for distribution in the early [fart of December, all orders wi be filled in the order in which pay- ments are made. The magazine this year is a magnificent work ol’art. the cash value of which in fire. To speak dcaert'ingly of it would apppear like boasting. and as we do not wish to enter into any laudatory commendationa. we trust our readers will have full faith in our offer and renew their subscriptions early. Sub- scribers at a distance wishing the premium will be expected to add or: to cover postage. The Chron- icle tor the balance of this year tree to new subscribers. LOCAL NEWS. Our readers this your will III [lid to learn that we are pub- ii-hiug : limited number 0! olflnkerman Foundry, better perhaps as Cochrsne’s, is now u'ug repairs. and intend o! unsightly wreck it will soon [,ruod into s producing Chsrter Smith now :lhilding. and during the . used the old moulding .~ l purposes. The main "now roofed and floored e )slow. and it is only 3 3 low weeks until the $39 be transferred to it. "a ‘will he in s position. of” before, to cuter to in) wsn‘ts. We wish him s in his enterprise, which is I the result o! determined .u persistent energy. ,. 4 WI: ommitted last week to men- tion the return for a few days of Mr. John A. Black. who spent sever- al weeks on Manitoulin Island, en- caged in the fanning mill business. His lake voyage home was a very stormy one, and Mr. Black tells us that the crew even were forced into an acknowledgement of being sea lick. The island has no permanent attractions for Mr. Black, though he look. as though his term there had agreed with him' He is now enga- épd in the vicinity of Chatsworth, in lthe same business and with the same Movsn bows TOWNâ€"Last week saw the removal down town of the old established drug business of Mr. Henry Parker. and now the fittings and goods may be seen in the store, which for the past six or seven years was occupied by Mr. C. L. Grant. Without anv attempt on our part to antagonize the feelings of the two business places still to be found up town, we extend a welcome to Mr. Parker, and feel that his removal will be not only gratifying to him- self, but satisfactory to the general public. A couple at our prominent citizens heard the engine whistle Sunday night and went down to the Station, thinking to interview the big officials of the Grand Trunk Railway, and perhaps tall: business for aught we know. When they got there they found engineer Blackburn had just re- turned from the watering place after giving the engine a drink. LoS'r--The first of September, a black Berkshire sow pig. about six months old. Finder will be reward- ed by giving information leading to her recovery. B. CRITTENDEN, Var- ney. 3 Axorun Dave STOREâ€"Mr. John Darling. the well known dispenser, whoserved many years in the em- ployment of Mr. B. Parker, is Open- ing out a drug business in the stand formerly occupied by Mr. J.R. Gunn. of the Durham Pharmacy, This will make three drug stores all in a bunch. We hope they may all pros- FOR SALE.â€"-A thoroughbred Dur- ham Bull Calf, eight months old. Registered Pedigree. Will exchange for a good working horse. Apply to James Bay, Varney. Tm: Csnsdisn Annual, which we sre publishing this year as a premium, is away ahead of any of its predeces- sors. A yesr’s subscription in ad- vance will secure it free. \VAX'I'Enzâ€"Bosrd by a single gentleman; near the business part of town; in family of good social standing. Cnllat this office. â€"4. Everything is so khaki now, that it will soon be an act of disloyalty to the new color for a man to Wash his face. Mu. 80011me teacher of elocu- tion in the Toronto College of Music, he: accepted on appointment as teacher for n clue 1n Vlotoria. Univer- sity, where she will lecture on expression, English literature and phyeicel culture. The class will not interfere with her position at the college of music, and ehe will be able to fill both eppointrnente. The new. position is n remunerntive_one;a_nd is WI would like to give our readers away from here. as much news as ._.oulblo,o£ a character that would be of intern. them, and, from what we know. tsiders’ appreciate per- sonal ment' 11 perhaps more than any other! are of a local paper. Now it is impogsible for us to find out all wlo are? ing and going, and our friend. town can help us very materially? giving us infor- mation in this nection, and we assure them such assistance will be appreciated. As we go to press on Wednesday about noon each week, we should have each matter in Wed- needay morning “file latest. n decided promotion. In will be gratifying to her mnny friends to hear of her success, nlthongh it will be no surprise to lenrn thnt her nbili- U h“ received dne recognition.-â€"O. 8. Times. bred Pekin Ducks. Apply to w'm. Ritchie, Edge Hill. tf. Tax Commercial Hotel, Priceville is oflered for rent. See advertise meat. on page 8. F03 Slumâ€"Pure Bred Jersey Bull Call. Registered Pedigree. Apply to F. Pan. tf H. Pawn. Draggiat. has moved to Gran": old stand, Lower Town. 800 ad next week. Ir you want the latest in millinery at the lowest price 30 to Miss Cul bertson’ s. FOR_SALE-A number of thorough- At 8 p. m. a torch light procession formed and led by the I. O. F. Band. marshalled by Master Willie Crossley on horseback, (horse and rider uni- quily decorated in colors of red, white and blue) proceeded to the house of Mr. Richardson, where he was hoist- ed upon the shoulders of {our stalwarts, Messrs. M- K. Beaton, '1‘. A. Blakely, Robert Best and W. J. Boyd, and borne in triumph to the Township Hall, which, under the supervision of R. N. Henderson and Dr. Murray, had been beautifully de- corated for the occasion, and taste- fully spread tables had been laid by the ladies of the village. Mr. Geo. Mitchell took the chair, and after congratulatory opening remarks. called upon Mr. Richardson, who was heartly cheered and resronded in a felicitous manner with remimscences of the campaign. Upon invitation from Durham, Mr. Richardson and about twenty-five of his friends started for the old town, where joyful celebration was kept up all night and most of the next day. Thursday evening was Flesherton’s turn to celebrate and to do honour to her esteemed townsman and hero. who had returned from Durham, ac. companied by a. number of the citi- zens of that town. (From our Flesherton Cor.) Mr. Richardson’s political meeting here on Tuesday evening of‘last week was a Splendid closing to his campaign in South Greyâ€"a precursor to the magnificent victory recorded at the polls the following day. Never before. perhaps, was the town hall so literally packed with human beings and many turned away. Mr. Richardson. upon entering the hall, was given prolonged and almost deaf- ning cheers. followed by “He’s a Jolly Good Fellow," and later, upon rising to Speak, amidst great enthus- iasm, was presented with a beautiful bouquet by little Miss Elsie Barn- house, who in return received a kiss which was enthusmstically cheered. Mr. Richardson’s lucid and eloquent address of an hour and three quarters duration on the issues of the day. was received throughout with the warmest tokens of approval and ap- preciation, Short addresses were1 also given by Principal Slaughter. of? this place, and Mayor Laidlaw, of. Durham: The Italian Harpers, of Toronto, and Mr. W. Logan. Owen‘ Sound, gave very pleasing entertain-. ment throughout the evening. the, latter’s comic songs and taking hits being rapturously encored. Dr. Christoe presided in an emcient man- ner, and the proceedings closed with cheers for Mr. Richardson. Sir. Charles Tupper and the Queen. A Special wire had been placed in the town hall to receive the returns on election night, and as soon as it was learned from Durham that Mr. Richardson was elected by 150 of a majority he ascended the platform and announced the good news to the audience. who made the building fair- ly ring with the about of victory. Mr. Richardson heartily thanked all Liberals and Tories alike, who had zealously and unselfisbly worked and voted for him, and expressed the hape that if any party feeling hadl arisen during the conflict it would now be buried, and that all would. as good citizens, live in peace and her- mony together. Mr. John Frost. barrister, Owen Sound, being present was called and tendered congratula-j tions with a very neat speech. Short congratulatory speeches ,were also given by J. A. Doherty and H. Mock? ler, of Durham; F. Carr. of Eugenie; Jas. McMullen. Ceylon; Reeve Mc- Tavish, Councillor Boyd, Principal Slaughter, Jos. Blakely, M. K. Benton Jos. Blackburn, F. W. Hickling, Rev. J. Ward, and Editor Thurston. of this place. Mr. A. M. Gibson was called upon. but owing to the illness of his wife had left afew minutes before. The band rendered several fine selections. After the speeches refreshments were served, and en en'-' joyable social hour bron lit the proceedings to a close. ' e boys wound up the celebration with a bonfire on tile square.- The inclem- ent evening prevented the Xerhdele band and contingentgf citixefls‘fgmfi joining in the celebration, The Last Meet of the Campaign and tl_1e Bri agt V_ictory of As we go to press we learn that the alleged charge for perjury against Mr. W. Calder was dismissed at the Court in Brantford, Tuesday. He is now innocent in the eyes of the law. ROBE Losr.â€"Lost on Monday be tween Durham and Varney, a gray robe with red lining. The tinder will oblige by leaving it at this oflice. BUY your groceries for Christmas baking at H. W. Mockler’a. READ Mockler’s ad. THE TRIUMPHANT CLOSE. Durham, Ont, Thursday, November 15th,- 1900. Mr. M. Bichardnon. No, Bantith ......... 401:» 38? 17'} {Input ......... 259 54 205 Durham . . . i. r -. i933 Artemenia . . . . .. . .287 Egromont . . . . . . .3383 0100013 .......... 301 “trickle .......... 5i Normmby ....... 4150 f‘\ THE Rev. W. G, Reilly, of Chats- worth, will preach special sermons in Trinity Church on Sunday nexn, morning and evening, and at Allan’s School House at 3 o’clock. OFFICIAL DECLARATION OF THE ELECTION IN SOUTH GREY. It is rumored that the Quebec pro- vincial elections will take place some time during the present month. , -, - - _ w..- “I'VIUJU sluts 0U nay a. word for Dr. Chase’s Syrup of Linseed and Tur ntine. It has been in use in our family. or. two years, and we have never found it fail to cure cou hs, colds and chest troubles. It is our regu r stand-by.” Dr. Chase’s Syrup of Linseed and 'I‘ur ntine is a family necessity in the houses 0 Cana- da and the United States. 25 cents a bot- tle. Family size 60 cents. Mr. Archie McDougall. who at one time was reported dead from Ty phoid. is rapidly hastening towards complete recovery and his friends are hopeful that his health will be better than formerly. We are sincerely glad to hear of his progress. Mr. J. Wright. of 126 McPherson avenue. Toronto. says :â€"-“ I am always 313d. _to say - “tn-t. ‘1‘- n- "I. _ _-. n Messrs. W. Lsidlaw. R Macfarlnne Jr.. and Miss Wallace were in Brant- ford on business Tuesday. Miss Maud Whelsn returned Sat- urday from Boston, where she spent sfew months with her sister, Mrs. Urquhart. Mr. W. Calder wus in Brantford this week" 401 381 97 77 Lunderkin’s Majorityâ€"20 HANOVER. 1 South of St. 124 30 94 2 North of St. 135 24 111 Richardson’s Majorityâ€"240 . MARKDALE. l Markdale 51 124 Richardson’s Majorityâ€"73 EGREMONT. .- vmvru, until, ”WW8! Biasardson Elected by a Majority of 144. 99 148 Richardson’s Majorityâ€"49 ARTEMESIA. Priceville 87 40 38 Orange Valley 25 53 Floaherton 59 147 Eugenia 33 88 Proton Station 21 89 McKenzio’a 16 34 Stone’s 25 17 8 Vandeleut 21 50 Ritchie’s Glen Murkdale Dornoch Tp. Hall Allan’s Alafeldt 92 Ayton 82 Neuatadt 111 Hampden 85 Blyth's 42 Name of wax-11.1.1"). Rich. Mij. Maj‘ Tobermory 75 30 45 Hutton’ s 39 71 32 Allan Park 50 95 45 Hanover 45 32 13 Lamlash 79 75 4 Louise 66 50 16 Elmwood 47 28 19 Mi. Forest 38 450 483 92 125 Richardson’ 8 Majorityâ€"33 383 357 78 Landerkin’s Majority-26 GLENELG. {itchie’a 49 97 Ilen_ _ 76 42 34 52 48 PERSONAL MENTION. A FAMILY NECESSITY. RECAPI'I'ULATION. A Tie. NORXANBY. 92 82 BENTINCK. 22312375 580 724' 301 301 62 287 527 46 286 72 62 31 69 62 107 133 66 69 55 95 32 50 28 97 42 66 34 62 Lnn. Rich 17 17 11 3O Haj. 77 15 51 28 14 55 18 32 45 49 12 49 28 73 “For two years all efioxts to cure Eczema in the palms of my hands failed ” writes Editor H. N. Lester, of Syracuse, Kan. “Then I was wholly cured by Buoklen’s Arnica Salye.” :Ic’s the world’s best for Eruptions. Sti‘ree and all skin dls- “8880 iny 25c at all druggists. 1m. Waiter Dobbie, a ten year-old son of Archibald Dobbie. of the 8th Con- ceesion of Brant, was accidently shot last. week in his father’s home. No one seems to know exactly how the accident occurred, though it is known he was handling firearms in the house, which were .supposed to be unloaded. An inquest was not con- sidered necessary. Notwithstanding the belief that St. Patrick has banished all the snakes out of Ireland, and the fact that hundreds of sears passed with- out menu the reptiles in the “Green Isle ” two specimens of the ring snake have been found there. They were killed immediately, and the skins are preserved as great curiosi- ties The Irish press says they were imported from England. THOSE who have seen our premium for 1901 pronounce it a magnificent work of art. The stories are excel- lent and well written. Free to cash in advance subscribers. Balance of 1900 free to new subscribers. A WALLET, containing some money and other valuables. was picked up on the street here the day after the election by Mr. Wm. McFadden. Like a good honest man he came straight to our office with it, but as we were able to identify the owner by some receipts, it was not necessary to advertise it, and that night the wallet with its contents was return- ed to the owner. The point we wish to impress particularly is that Mr. McFadden is an honest. man, and we’re not afraid to trust him. To Starve to a. Fallacyâ€"The dictum to stop eating because you lmveindi- gestion has long since been exploded. Ur. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets introduced a new era. in the treatment of stomach troubles. It hat proved that one may eat his fill of anything Ind everything he relishes, and one tablet taken after the meal will aid the stomach in doing its work. 60 in 1 box. 35 own-24 Never Worryâ€"Take them ana go about your businessâ€"they do their work whilst you are doing yours. Dr. Agnew'a Liver Pills are system renovators, blood purifiers end builders; every gland and tissue in the whole anatomy is benefited and stimulated in the use of them. 40 doses in s viul. xo muteâ€"21 I?“ dqgturo 33 on every/“bog gt the genuine South American Kidney Cure is the only kidne, treatment that has proven equal to correct all the evils that are likely to befall these physical regulators. Hun» dreds of testimonials to prove the curative merits of this liquid kidney specific in cases of Bright’s disease, diabetes, irritation of the bladder. inflammation, dropsical tendency. Don’t delay.-â€"22 E e and Nose ran Water.â€" C. . Archer, of Brewer, Maine, says: " I hnve had Cetmh for several years. Water would run from my eyes and nose for days It a time. About four months ago I was in- duced to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. end since using the wonderful remedy I hnve not had an attack. It relieves in ten minutes." 50 cents.-x7 DURING the past six months we have added. without effort, nearly a hundred new names to our subscrip- tion list. Before the end of the year we hcpe to add many more. Every dian Annual, which we are giving away this year free to cash in ad- vance subscribers. THE Canadian Annual given away asapremium on conditions shown in our advertisement, contains over thirty pages of reading matter. profusely illustrated. Send in your renewal subscription at once. and be sure of getting a copy. ‘ The edition is limited, 7'5“. 1. ”66' UI LVLII‘ wood: Sidâ€"£5}??? I was nearly doubled up with rheumatism. I got three bottles of South American Rheumatic Cure and they cured me. It's the quickest acting medicine I ever saw.”â€"x8 When Rheumatism doubles a man up physician and sufferer aLke lose heart and often despair of a cure. but here's the exception. Wm. Pegg, of Nor- ----_.I n A GRAMOPHONE, complete, guaran~ teed for 5 years, for $15. Ask to hear it. Macfarlane’s Drug Store. Will visit Priceville Tuesday and Friday of each week from 9 p. m to 4 p. m. GREA'I LUCK OF AN EDITOR. Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Office hours: 9 to 12 3.111. 2 to 4 p. m Residence and office. Old Bank buildings Upper Town, Durham. J. G. HUTTON. M. D. C. M '4; «2 y 5 ‘0 §’:° . $1.00 Per Year.

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