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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Dec 1900, p. 5

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IA"! IX he genenl nbfle mod to do all ind; u myth. 30311 u.“ We Have a. full and com. plete line of Fun: and Demeatic Implements tad fiachinery. Ianadian FOR THE FARM we have Deerix u M“: Kunming Machinery, Maxwell 0 Fifion, “I! Elders and Mowers Clmtlmu ,‘fi3;ad Snow-ball “agons, Ca gt”- and Buggies of all th " ‘ 'r.:,_._‘ , 3 but makes. Bucxsurra. AT OLD "K89 Int“. Gum-m, Peels, Figs, I. M :1! ma. of canned h. lowest prices. 16k to}.- z Wlmreas it is deemed neceour and ex» NOT'CB I lpedieut to build and erect aTownyHall in i the Town of Durham : '"‘ . . , ‘ ndlwhereas the estimated cost of the aid Lka‘?f$§§nurafverxfii “If; 11):: f . own Hall is the {sum of 31,000 which sum it ‘ ~ 0' ”[5008 relativeyto tile prodIu-u uf.’ H _l(.lecesaa}'y todrea'steh?ggw {firm ‘fore. - .' ,sm .an m or r r . I W! neces- ‘7 “"9. 0' of g" chattel “‘"eoi" \.\"‘-‘:.','::t: sary tn issue Debentures of the Corporation .7 Jaz'ie :1; 0%. lg!) DOTSON 9”“ ° 01:33 Town of Durham as hereinafter pro- 9 ‘ "I : ‘ ‘ r x. . . . . w" ”A” 03:52; 1,. U. . And'r'hereasoxt 33 deemegl Aex‘pgdunt that |A1_r.-. h, 3.. WTown. â€" -â€"- DURHAM. A. GORDON Having moved to' our new «and a few steps south of the Hiddsugh House. we are pre- wod to do business better than over, and at. the lowesc figures and best terms. DURHAM, ONT. B HOUSEHOLD we have -3013 Pianos and Organs, flock Organs and Pianos, bout] SOWing Machines, a [3” of McClary’s Stoves [MINI WAREHUUMS L is complete “ithout u Separatorâ€"41m best :mlled separator in the H 'Ioparate skirts i gear this is :nfice prices. Cream eparator ust be Ir stock. ted with applied, now of obtain- f‘reduc- Scufliers, Turnip Vs, SGW‘WBIS Cultixn In fact everythinu the 1. McKlNNON. Durham Ids from it until all kinds constantly premises a few doors a Middaugh House. “IN; \VI, ‘ a. 9 ' 35 00 30 00 2.5 00 15 00 18 00 15 00 wmm 3.08 75 60 Ind Jeweller, ,8). I). (J. I And whereas it is deemed ex isnt that the said principal sum of '7. so to be â€"="' burrowed by the said Corporation shall bear | ,. interest at the rate of four per cent. per an-‘ _ nun: payable yearly: and that the said ‘ [print'ipal sum shall be made payable in twenty annual instalments in the twenty years next ensuing, after the takin effect at fills Bylaw. and that such insta ments r n 9W shall be of such amounts that the aggregate of the amount payable for principal and interest re up. In any year shall be equal as neall ' as may ’ p " ’ be to what IS payable for principa and in- betler l tcrest during each of the other years of lowest [ such period : sir: 1 1 is a true copy of a proboegiué'yflaw, which has been taken into consideration. and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Municipality (m the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto) atterone month from the rat public ation in the DURHAM CHRONICLE the date of which first publication was Thursday the thirteenth day of December A. D. 1900, and that the votes of the electors of the said municipality will be taken thereon on the «toy and at the hours and places therein 5.--..-1 v‘ vv" v \‘IW‘ III the furenoon. at. his omce' in the Town 0 Durham. the Clerk of the Town of Durham will proceed to sum up the number of votes given for and agamst this By-law ' 8. On Friday, the fourth day of January. A. D. mm, at the hour of ten o clock, in the forenoon, the Mayor of the Town of Dur- ham, will attend at the office of the Town Clerk, in the Town of Durham for thgdpur- rose of appointing in writing si n by iimself, two rsons to attend at t e final summing up y the Town Clerk of the votes polled on this Bylaw and also of appoint- lllR‘ one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of promoting the passing of; this By-law and a like number on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of opposing the passing of this By-lsw. 9. ()n'l‘uesday, the eighth day of Janu- ary. A. D. 1901. st the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon. at his office in the Town A: 7. That the votes of the electors of the Municipality of the Town of Durham shall be taken on this By-law on Monday, the seventh day of January, A. D. 1901. com- mencing at the hour of nine o’clock in the morning and closing at tne hour of five o’i-lock in the afternoon of the some day as follows :â€" I n North Ward at Norman Kelsey’s. In East Ward at Town Hall. In West Ward at Pascoe Saunder’s. 4. That it shall be lawful for the Mayor ofthe said Corporation, and he is hereby authorized and instructed to sign and issue the said Debentures, hereby authorized to he issued, and to cause the same, and the interest coupons attached thereto, to be signed by the Treasurer of the said Corpor- ation, and the Clerk at the said Corporation is hereby authorized and instructed to at- ! tach the seal of the said Corporation to the said Debentures ; 5 That there shall be levied and raised in each year by a special rate suflicieut there- for on all the rateable property. in the said ‘ Town of Durham. the sum of $515.07 being a sum suflicient to discharge the several in- stalments of rincipal and interest accruing due on said ebt. as the same res tively become payable as herebefore set orth. 6. That this By-law shall come into force or} the final passing thereof. by this Coun- Cl . o! a. The said Debentures as to principal and interest shall be Eaid at the Standard lBank of Canada. in t 6 said Town of Dur- mm 3 Totals 7000 00 3301 40 10301 40 V Ail}? ANOTICB THAT THE ABOVE 1. That it shall be lawful {or the Corpor‘ allull of the Town of Durham to build erect, construct and maintain. a Town Hall in the Town of Durham, together With all appurtenances thereto belongin , under and subject to the provisions ot ” he Man- icipal Act” and subject to any By-law of the said Corporation lawfully to be passed relating thereto : Now therefore the M-unieipaléoâ€"uâ€"ncil of the said Corporation of the l‘own of Dur- am enacts as follows : And whereas the present existing debt of the said Cur oration, amounts to the sum own 591 an no part of the principal or interest is in atrear : And whereas it is deemed necessary, and expedient with the assent of the electors of the said Town of Durham to build; erect, and cunstruct the said Town Hall: and to borrow and expend the said sum of $7.01) in the manner and for the purposes aforesaid : And whereas the valueot tfie'whole rate' able property of the sand Corporation ac' cording to the last revised Assessment Roll being that. of the year 1W amounts to the sum uf $515.4l9: , -__ --..--.-- gnu-llwlw unv 'JI uua By-law for paying the said debt and inter- est, which said sums amount to the annual sum 011615.07 to be raised in each and every year during the term of twenty years : "a w--- -v- uuuuu ywo “gnu su' wrest dglringreach of th; other years of such perlod : And whereas it yvill be requisite to yeise the several sums In each year respectively set ‘forth in clhuseJnumheredtwo 9f thus A By-law to raise the sum of «.000 tor the building, erecting, constructing and maintamiug of a Town 11:11 in the Town of Durham : Bylaw N0. 381. WILLI A M ANDERSON. Clerk, Durham- NOTICE. The new monthly, THE LADIES’ MAGA- ZINEâ€"the Canadian woman’s newspaperâ€"- is in its second issue with the Christmas number, and already its promised growth in strength and brightness is very appar- ent. The December number appears in a liandsomelfl tinted cover, printed and us an ilustrated article on the work of the ,Victorian Nurses; a sketch, "Christmas a with the College girls ;” two pages of {ash .ion notes; the Monthh Weddings With protraits-one of the popular features of the Ma asine; “ The tab e on Christmas Day.” Wit illustrated recipes; “ The Knack of Happy .Gift-Making,” and other holiday s gostions; Answers to Correspondents; an . {We of news from Canadian women’s societies The whole number is brightâ€" one of the best. and in price the cheapest. Christmas publications of the yearâ€"and a credit to Canadian journalism. Ten cents t wpy.-â€"'Ifan HUGH C. Macbnan Coir-l PANY, Toronto. “It often made my heart ache,” writes L. C. Overstreet, of Elgin,/ Tenn., “ to hear my Wife cough un-‘ til it seemed her weak and sore lungs twould collapse. Good doctors said she was so far gone with Consump- tion that no medicine or or earthly help could save her, but a friend recommended Dr. King’s New‘ Dis- covery and persistant use of this It’s absolutely guaranteed for Coughs Colds, Bronchitis. Asthma and all Throat and Lung diseases. 50c and 81.00 at all druggists. Trial bottles free. 1m One of the Good Things This Year. We understand that Mr. R. J, Wilson is now at the head .of the Lewis ship-timber gang a position which he won on account of thisal- ent and industry. Mr. Jas. Kinsman is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Scott, of Ventry. Mr. 8. Todd is working in Dundalk at present. Mr. John Hannam has gone tim- bering for the winter. Mr. Arnold Phillips. of Lucknow, is visiting at Mr. D. Kimerman’ s at present. Mr. Vint Hill has started his crush- er and is doing excellent work. The high wind storm last week did considerable damage to fences and unroofed N. Wilson’s implement shed. Mr. H. Anderson, of Proton. is en- gaged with Mr. Donald McCannel for a few weekS. Some people may be troubled with a thorn in the flesh but during the cold snap of Sunday the person with a long nose was troubled with a thorn sticking out of the flesh. “ I sufl'ered such pain from corns I could hardly walk,” writes H. Robin- son, Hillsborough, Ills., “ but Buck- len’s Arnica Salve completely cured them.” Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Perfect healer of skin diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by all druggists. 25c. 1m We would like to informthe Sporty hunters that Moses Jacklin was in hot chase after a. bob-tailed fox one day last week, but the fox went so fast Mona. did not get him. We have learned since that Messrs. G. Brown and H. Brunt, two more famous hunters, have been after the same fox. They had not got him when last heard of. Keep right on agoing, boys, and you will be sure to get- him, the fox not the tail. 1 '. Miss Selina, to Mr. Win. J. Adlam, youngest son of Mr. Geo. Adlam. " Bentinck. At five o’clock the bride and groom entered into the parlor while Miss Ball, of Hanover, played the Wedding March. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Good, l of Elmwood, in the presence of some fifty near relatives. The bride was beautifully dressed in blue broad- cloth trimmed with white satin and buckles and wore a boquet of morn- ing glories. The bride was attended by Miss Sarah Hopkins, who looked ‘Mr. Wm. Hazlett, brother of th bride. assisted the groom through the somewhat trying ordeal. At the conclusion of the ceremony appropri- ate congratulations were warmly tendered, after which all sat down to a sumptuous supper. The bride re- ceived many valuable and useful 4 presents. The evening was spent in : music and games. Ata late hour the guests dispersed to their homes . satisfied the knot was well tied. i The young men who were out on scout Sunday evening would find it rather blnstering, but never mind, boys, we have all kinds of weather and its either wet or dry, but it was a little rough that time. visiting at Mr: Edward HOpkins one! day last week. The two men put in the afternoon in hunting and had a pleasant time. i Mr. Clark Torry was in Hanover one day last week and his horse took fright and ran away. The buggy was badly broken but Clark came of safe. SAYS HE WAS TORTURED. SAW DEATH NEAR. BOOTHVILLE. “HA... 0â€"«â€"._ CHRONICLE. Eyes and Nose ran Water.~ C. G. Archer, of BreWer, Maine, says: ” I have had Catarrh {or several years. Water would run from my eyes and nose for days It a time. About {our months ago I was in- duced to try Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder, and since using the wonderful remedy I have not had an attack. It relieves in ten minutes.” 50 cents.â€"17 Sold by MacFarlane 6:. Co. Councillors for services at meeting of date 12.90. Commissioners Dreier, Brusso, Gardiner, and O’Reilly re-' spectively 20.00, 6.00. 20.00 and 16.00, the reeve 17.00, total 79.00, for let- ting, superintending and inspecting jobs. Egremont reported having exâ€"l pended 22.52 on Garafraxa road (townline), Normanby expended 21.20! balance to credit of Egremont 66c.§ Communications from clerk of the! Tp. of Minto will be acted on at next 3 meeting, which will be held as pro-: vided by Statute on December 15. _._.....- UV‘VUIU‘O.’ LUL I [jurors 10.00, Economical M. Fire In. Go. insurance for town hall 9.00. C. Heise, Sec.-Treas. Normanby Ag. Society, magistrate’s fines for 1899 *and 190014.00, C. Evers 8 weeks’ keep of widow Weigel 16.00, C. Heise coffins for H. Adams and John Beck- er, paupers, 30.50, including 2.50 for conveyance of Adams’ body from Neustadt to Ayton cemetery, J. Wesch attending J. Becker, Sta, dur- sickness and refunded expenses (3.75, Jas. Ruane burying dead sheep 50c. i lG. Holliday repairing road on side- line between lots 56 and :37, con. 2, 7.50, E. Petzold building tile culvert between lots 70 and 71, con. B.. 1.50, commissioner Dreier to pay parties for cutting hill on sideline between lots 15 and 16,_ con. 7. 108.50, E. Reuber and C. Yennsen, Jr., building culvert at lot 5, cons. 5 and 6, 15.00, and culvert on sideline bet 'een lots 5 and 6, con. 4, 4.00, total 9.00, G. Koch repairing squall bridge on side- line between lots 15 and 16. con. 6, 2.50, Goodeve Brigham 4200 feet hemlock planks 42.00, selectors for u---\g qunvplu A, R. Acton railing bridge on sideline between lots 63aud6-1. con. 3, 4.00, P. Hassett timber {or said bridge 21.50, J. Helms repairing approach to bridge lot 65), cons. 2 and 3, 1.50, â€"-v-v‘ \- Vll Llrusurer: "' H. Braun, filling approaches to Ne- Ville's bridge 12. Phil. “’eber 137 yds. gravel 9.20, J. Hughes 136 yds. 6.75, V. Damm 467 via. 23.3.3. Mrs. '1‘. Rance 155 yds. 7.75. 103. Taylor 60 yds. 4, C. Murphy 40 yds, 3, E. Fish- er 95 yds. 4.75, ditto 6.3 tiles for culvert opposite lot 2:2. con. 7 8. 1.30, total 60:3, G. Arthurs and Wesley Long Normanby’s share gravelling townline at lot 73. con. 2, 10.65, Win. Kenna gravelling Albert and Arthur streets in Ayton 8.25, C. Reuber to pay parties Normanby’s ”6 share gravelling Normanby and Car- “ rick townline 60 30, C. 11. Seim; gravelling sideline between lots 20 and 21, con. 17, 5, J. Hughes timber for bridge deviating road at lot 8, con. 18, 23, J Hertzberger piles for bridge near his place :30, J. Helwig to pay parties building gravel walk on Hanover street in Neustadt ($7.20. ditto repairing bridge near corner Hanover and Queen streets 5.430. G. Heipel opening‘ ditch opposite west part lot 5, con. 8, 3, G. Damm ditto ditch at lots 14 and 15, con. 8, 9, H, y Damm do. ditch opposite lot 28, con. 0 13, 6, J. Gibson do. ditch baseline 10!. 31, con, 14, 27.530. Jas. Morris do. ditch on new road between lots 26 and 27, con. 1:5. 1.50, H. W. Leeson repairing culvert near cheese factory at Varney 1.50, Time. O’i"arrell re- pairing crossway Opposite lot 18. 7 cons. 7and 8, 2. V. Fisher haulting piledriver, driving piles for Hertz- ‘ berger’s bridge. teaming planks and ditching at sideline between lots :3 3 and 6, con. 17, 233, P. Girodat repair- ing bridge Hanover road 5.8.3, repair- ing Gross's bridge 4.80, also Hertz- berger’s bridge 15.79, total 26 it), do. driving piles and building townline bridge lot 8, con 18, 3.3.75, 1). Willis Opening road and covering crossway on sideline between lots 10 and 11, con. 17, 60, Joe Taylor to pay parties grayelling sand-hill on sideline be- tween lots 42 and 4:}, con. 2, 15.50, “7. Moore do. 21, building culvert opposite lots 44, cons. :2 and 3, 6, total 27, F. Curran removing stones 0 same sideroad con. 3 2 E. Holliday 9 "'9 to pay parties building and repaiiing culverts, ditching and improving sideline between lots 63 and (3-1, con. 2, 30, A. \Venger to pay patties im- proving sideline between lots ‘25 and ‘26, con. 12, 21.15, A. It‘ortney repair- ing crossway Opposite lot 31, cons. 11 and 12, 2, H. Ford to pay parties for building and repairing culverts at lot 6, cons. 1.3 and 16, 7, C. Miller 55 four inch tiles for culvert at lot 16, icons. 13 and 14, 90c., P. Skelly re- pairing town hall gate 25c... reeve to pay parties grant for grading and gravelling sideline between lots 14 \‘é and 15, con. :2, 45.60 including 4.60 for gravel, R. Eden repairing culvert re] at Varney l. G, Schram repairing ha culvert lot 10, con. 1, 2.00, Egremont clc to pay half, J. Williamson, Jr., At building culvert on sideline between Ofi' lots 21 and 22, con. 1, ‘28, V. Eurig filling approaches to said culvert 1. ll in; era notify Wm. Neville to open ditch at 2. to take away Joseph Williams’, Jr.. surplus water. The following orders issm d on fl'pucnvnn- y 'L'ne council of the Tp. of Norman- by met on the 19:}: of November in the town Hall, Ayton. Members were all present except.- Mr. O’Reilly, who was sick. The minutes of for- e . \Venger Bros. allowed to m...“ n u _- n The council of the T; by met on the 19th of the town Hall, Ay to were all present except ”L- â€"‘ . unhuu opposxce lot 25, con. Gibson do. ditch baseline GEO. How. Clerk. G. [Arthur‘s or m an by ’s 9 and share l Communion service was heldlin the ‘? Presbyterian church on Sunday last land. considering the inclement 'weather and bad roads, was very gMaxwell. preached an edifying ser- ;mon at the preparatory service on Friday. The Methodist pulpit was supplied on Sabbath by Mr. G08 and Mr. A. E. Armstrong, the pastor. Rev. Mr. Ward. being in Markdale.‘ Rev. Mr. Buchanan. of Merkdele.3 i patched for Mr. Wed at the re-opon-l Lovers of the ice and ringing' steel are anxiously awaiting Jack Frost’s in sufficient strength to secure the needful for rink paStime and pleasure. The rink will be again under the patronage of the Band with Mr. F. Dafoe manager. latter’s farm near the village. Mr. 'l‘histlewaite had a bee on Thursday last, when about 50 cords were cut and the young people of the neighbor- hood were given a party'at night. Mr. Alf. Thisdewaite, Torontoline, has the contract from Mr. A. Mun- slnaw of cutting and delivering 100 pords of stove wood to be cut on the _ â€"â€"vw‘"J in each quarter. Members of Young People’s Societies are to be admitted members at 25 cents a year, which is only half the regular fee. All mem- bers receive The Advocate published by the Alliance. Messrs. J. Felstead, C. Stewart, and G. Wilson were ap- pointed a committee to do organizing work at outside points. The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Presbyterian church wound up the business oi the year at their last regular meeting held at Mrs. A. S. VanDusen’s. on Wednesday after- noon last week. 'l‘he_Sec.-Treaa’s. report showed that successful work had been done during the year, which closed with 36 members on the roll. At the conclusion of general business oflicers were elected for 1901, result- ing in the re-election of the present staffâ€"Mrs. James Dyce, President; . Mrs. A. S. VauDusen; Vice-Pres., and. ’Mrs. Jos. Blackburn, Sec-Twas. A vote of thanks was tendered the offi- cers for their efficient service. The ladies have rendered valuable aid in carrying on the work of the church. A meeting of the Flesherton branch of the Lord’s Day alliance was held in the Presbyterian church on Wed. nesday evening last week. when the Constitution of the Alliance was regularly adopted. The Society here begins with a membership of thirty. the officers being Wm. Henderson, President; J. F. VanDusen. Vice- Pres.; T. J. Sheppard, Sec.-Treas. It was resolved to have regular quarterly meetings, the first Tuesday lne undersigned begs to intimate to the residents of Dnrhnm and surrounding country that he has Opened 3 Flour, Feed and Grocery Store. one door north of Campbell’s Livery, and solicits a share of public patron- age. A full line of Fresh Groceries. Confectionery, Flour, Feed. Etc. always on hand. Highest price for Produce in exchange for goods. The New Store. noun, FEED ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live let live” PRICES. N my PUMPS AND REPAIRS. Dm, DRILL (Anus. RIC-CURB, PRESSCURB. “'n' I L‘ A II ‘ â€"-v .u.‘ In: W W!!! nay Whahtngmufl)w .tur their 8.1.810 pri: t at two hundred Inventions ‘7ng t d_A I Who can than £35] 0?:- Idens: [lav dea gfimsg'gpiflfifi ' ma 3 ' Write J 11.x WEDDERBURN 3:: 63?“pi$‘n?2%€$: n , , ‘géshgashiugwn. D. t . fur their gig» prgso one of tum hll'laim.l.Cn-pn...x..__ M wantedr-An Idea Mrs. H. A. Smith, 132 Manning av- enue, Toronto. states :â€"“My daughter has had a wretched time of it for quite a while with liver complaint. causing. among other troubles. weakness of the stomach, very saliow complexion. and a most miserable state of feeling generalâ€" ly. My husband had occasion to use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, and spoke so highly of their merit that I concluded to have her try them, and Dr. Chase's ‘ Kidney-Liver Pills." One pill a dose ; 25 cents a box. When the liver gets slow and slug- Ellh in action bile is left in the bloml to poison the whole system and give rise to serious bodily derangements. When there are bilioueness. headache. constipation and indigestion Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills make you well in n EIIrn-ln8u_l-- _e_, A Sluggish, Torpid liver WELLS. All {)rd'ms near Mofinwan's Mill Smith's Foundry. I BEG LEAVE TU INFORM MY CUS- TOMERS and tho public in general that I am prepared to furnish um ps. GIVE US A CALL. The undersigned begs THURSDAY. FLESHERTON . GEORGE WHITMORE l'-rs taken at the «1 Mill 01‘ at Shop at DURHAM old stand .t Charter and MON[ To PITEIT Gui Ila: any be secured by our dd. Addnu, - TIE PITEIT m Ida-n.“ box. at all dealers 00.. Toronto. \‘C'hcnever there is: an ache or pain. when the appetite fails. when there are szlo_._-pi.-.~;3 nights and momentary spells Hf mmlkm-ss. look {or the (38118., and . 5' t- lirilt it is removed at once. (‘vltix'ate good health while yet there smwtlting to build on, instead of waiting: until the nerve force is depleted and vitality completely exhausted. To persons suffering the results of thin blood and wasted nerves. Dr. (int-.ae's Nerve Food supplies ell the r: is- of the system and brim perfect i'vulth. It occupies a field by itself and is unique in these respects: that it cures by forming new. rich blood and nerve force. buildln up the system and increasing the welt t. It is a reconstructsnt. restorative end revi'alizer of the most unusual merit. u} ir-h sends new life All new r to t“'.'t'i’y part of the body. end (r uelly Til"?! permanently cures til nervous trou- b? s and diseases resulting from week m :01 and low vitality. 50 cents e k...- -L â€"" ’- . \I; ‘0' Mr. R. Schhofi, of London. paid his cousin. Mrs. W. Trimble, a. short visit last. week. Miss Maud Riclurdson accompwied her father to the city {or I short visit, Mr. M. Richardson Spent from Thursday last till Monday with his son, Dr. E. K. Richardson. in Toron- to, and was accompanied home by Mrs Richardson, who has been with her family in the city for some time. \1153 Hannah Bellamy, of Toronto. is visiting relatives here. Quitivate Good Health Miss Fanny Wilson is visiting her sister Benton. Mrs. (Dr.) Reid and visiting her sister. Edmunds, at Welburn Your correspondent was kindly remembered last week by Mr. Chas. Munshaw. of this place. with a. gener- ous roast of moose from the mammoth elk brought to Dundalk ty J. I). Brown aushort nounce it A. 1. ing services of Wesley church. Mea- ford Road. Evans awash: we patentamlity of saline. Patent" sent upon request. through as advertised for saIe at our e u now' to Obtain": Patents locus-ed xpenee. Patents taken out throu h as receive modal ' . Any one lending promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same. “How to Obtain a liatent": sent. npqu yequest. Patents lecuml ,_ Our fee rgtqrncq il_ we fail. .nAnL â€" Exexxuan for .D. I‘lcNab short time ago. Wow hrs: Fresh Groceries, Woollen Goods of All Kinds at lowest Prices Call on . C. HEALY. Ontario Lam“ Civil and Dr; and GROCERIES. WASHINGTON. A flowick, Winghw. 8m little son are Mrs. (Rem) of Markdale, Mrs. M. K. m u u

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