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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Dec 1900, p. 1

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lbn of I I. 0mm; LAwnzxw wnll have “ more lighted with acetylene if)!!!" in your fowl to-morrow- $3.150” price paid at H. W. .Vockler’s. h Harlock’s range of silk and it hadkerchiefs, also gauntlets. “ Shewell Furniture been well known to the vicinity. and the ‘,. the hill side, where [has been conducted, lquarely we believe. n land mark. This 7 09 has been vacated. ing been transferred j h. For many years ‘. Vll, Sr. At the time . :cesed into the hands re Mr. J. A. Shewell, " ,eparture. four or five‘ ,_ es Shewell has been business, assisted for ”"3- by her brother-in-law, W ahan. Concurrently go of place comes a Kgfie management, a part- hving been formed into uglaenahan entere as a memo the business will henceforth {on under the Firm name I and Lenahan, ee may be fiheir announcementin en- Imn. We wish them every I the new partnership. ~ . i 13A!) 3! ockler’s ad. if your Christmas nuts and [at \lmzkler’s. it“ millinery annTmncement of [Dick and De Lyon. n6. Shoeman, has a full page _’-ilsue. It will pay you to American coal oil at Mac!"- Try itu kgains in horse blauk'ets PI thirty days at. S. I“. {Tr-Pure Bred Jersey Bull rred Pedigree. Apply ,- t! P full stock of Dundalk r UACPARLANE has re store in the McIn- d with the new cases, as well as a 11 have a. very at- See his ad. in yhis of buyinga neck tie r immeme stock of all N. Calder; Receiver, ;Recorder, Bro. '1‘ to. G. L. Hughes; I. McCracken; 0. W. 'I'ay; RepresentatiAvle ..Bro W. Calder; 1- L. Grant; Auditors, >hJ. Kelly, Trustees, I, Allan McKinnon, hon. teacher, writing t,N. W. T. , says she an advance of salary. ‘ and the election of ham Lodge 198. A. "place on Dec. 11th. ing are the names Hosted for 1901 :-â€"P. t L Grant; M. W., Rh; Forema'n, Bro. peer, Bro. D. Munro; Nelties mu). â€"Misses Dick ave purchased Miss lincry Stock. and ’ness for a time in , r S. Scoct’s store. {In many of our busi- I putting on a very appearance. All are a for basin as. l’ Co. tw-eeds. blankets F. Morlock. Fe Co. are turning out some designs. some be seen in the show ‘ Kress. mce will last. as number is much ling fast. Everv one lry Sermons of the b, Durham, will be inday morning and lav. William Kettle- l the Mount Forest lmnsie prepared for lbe rendered by the oflerings taken at Lid of the Funds of iods at cost, the re- in season’s goods.'â€" LDe Lyon. Successors hon. Over 8. Scott’s -â€"}1. VV. block- et capy We had a short interview with Mr. Adam Little, of Varney, whojust re- turned last week after spending eight or nine months at Lumsden, working at his trade as a blacksmith. He is 3 looking well and likes the place very 3 much. in fact so much that he intends to move out there in the spring tak- ing his family with him. Business. he says is good and peOple have more i give and take about them than they have in this country. Money of less value than a 5-cent piece is not tak- en into consideration and prices jump up or down at the rate of 5 cents at a time. We are pleased to see him looking so well and to learn of his prosperity. IF young men or women who call at our oflice after getting married would be good enough to give us a him, we would most cheerfully ten- der our congratulations or extend our sympathies as the case requires. We believe that during the past two weeks we had two in for a minute or so and never thought to wish them the usual joy. In fact we didn’t know till after they were zone that they were guilty of standing before the Minister and taking upon them- selves the matrimonial vows. THE Roland Bijou Comedy Company gave six very satisfactory plays in itown last week and a matinee on i Saturday afternoon. The attendance was not large enough to make it very profitable to the Company. but those who attended were well satisfied. During their stay here the Company proved to be ladies and gentlemen, and should ever Mr. Rowland return to town we’ll have no hesitation in recommending him on the strength of this visit. Our readers know we do not go into hysterics over travelling companies and the fact that we can say a good word for this one ought to have some weight. JUST as we go to press we learn that a telegram was received this morning by Mr. NJMcIntyre an nouncing the death of Mrs. Lavelle, in Toronto. The sickness was a very short duration, but of what nature we are unable to say. We join the 'whole community in extending sym- pathy to Mr. Lavelle and his family of nine or ten children in their sore bereavement. The deceased was a very fine woman and highly esteemfi ed. The remains will be interred in‘ Stratford. THE Cement Question is getting red hot now in Durham, and whether the local company having the matter in hand pushes it along or not. the cement is sure to come. Capitalists are now turning their at- tention this way, and seldom a week passes without advances being made to purchase the rights and secure the options. At the present time, we understand. an overture has been made by the Directors, which may develop into something of a profitable nature in the very near future. MR. WM. RITCHIE, of Glenelg. takes a sensible view of things. When he has anything to sell, he’ doesn’t wear the legs 06 himself to find purchasers. A fifty cent local in THE CHRONICLE brought buyers for all his Pekin Ducks, some of which he sent nearly forty miles; He says it pays to ad- vertise. and so it does, yet some people would plug around for a month rather than pay us a small fee for doing the work for them. THE Re-opening Services of the PresbyYfian church will take place on Sun ay next, morning and even- ing. services to be conducted by Rev. Prof. Balla‘ntyne. of Toronto. The church has not only been considera- bly enlarged, but thoroughly over- hauled and r,e-seated. There will also be a special service at 2.45 for children and young people, to which all are invited. JUST as THE members of the Baptist Church Sunday School are preparing for an entertainment to be held in the Town Hall, on the evening of Thurs- day, December 27th. Admission 10 and 15 cents. All are invited. THE Granolithic sidewalks are to be hept clear of snow this season. At last meeting of the Town Council the Board of Works were instructed to advertise for tenders from parties willing to perform the work. DR. P. C. PARK. specialist of Ham- ilton, will be in Durham from 23rd to 26th of December. for consultation and treatment in all diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. ALL parties not paying their taxes before the 26th, inst., will be liable to 3°/o extra. Please take note of this and act accordingly. ANOTHER shipment of Sterling Bros’. handmade shoes just to hand atb‘. F. Morlockfls - I agahn host of matter crowded out Durham, Ont, This .13!!qu is on every bog of the genuine Laxa tnve mm - THE many. friends of Mrs. John Kilmer. who left here some time ago | to join her husband in British Col- umbia, will be pleased to hear of her safe arrival. A few days ago Mrs. ' George McKechnie received a lengthy and interesting letter describing the ‘ trip to the coast and several bright little incidents in connection with the journey and settlement. Some fifty or sixty miles this side of Van- couver she was met by her husband whom she reports well, even though he weighs but two hundred and thirty-five pounds. Now that . he isjoined by his cheerful companion ‘ and in the comfort and enjoyment of his own family, we hope John will cease his fretting and regain his lost weight. On the second of December the long journey was at an end and Mrs, Kilmer found herself in Victoria. The subsequent movement was to settle down to housekeeping and as the letter was written arrrngements were being made to that end. The cost of provisions, strikes Mrs. K. very forcibly. as it does every thrifty housewife, and from a few quotations we are not surprised that she wasa little touched after the modest prices she was accustomed to pay in Dar. ham. A few quotations will sufice: Eggs are 50 to 60 cents a dozenâ€" Butter 35 to 40 cents a poundâ€"Pot- atoes 81.50 to 81.75a bag, and apples 4 cents a pound. Other things we . presume are in proportion. but if the ? earning power is high enough the living will be compensated. Mrs. Kilmer was an excellent neighbor ' and all those with whom she associ- ated while here miss her very much since her departure. We wish Mr. and Mrs. K. and family much happi- ness in their new home, and abund- ant success in the accumulation of this world’s goods. I: and very blustering. .6 11 H 6 u 15 u 21 H 4 Rainfall for the week, nil. Snow- fall for the week, 16 inches. Hours of sunshine for the week. 4. Gener- al direction of the wind, north-west Miss Dick and Miss De Lyon, of Port Huron, wish to announce to the public that they have purchased Miss Cublertson’s Millinery Stock and will continue the business in the same stand over S. Scott’s store where they are prepared to do the best work at the lowest prices. Your patronage is respectfully solic- ited. We had a surprise yesterday morning on seeing Mr. Archie Mc- Dougall drop in on us for the first time since show day. when he was taken down of typhoid. He is look- ing well. better in fact than before he took sick, and though he had the idea he was dead and expressed anxiety about the artistic get up of his funeral notices. we’ll be greatly mistaken if he doesn’t do justice to a Mr. J. E. Smith, of Brandon. Mam. arrived yesterday to visit his father- in-law, Mr. J. M. Hunter. Mr. 8. is a stock dealer. and was attending the big cattle sale at Markham. where he tells us the average price paid was $420 per head. Mrs. Graflety, of Montreal, daught- er of Rev. Mr. Stewart, is visiting her venerable father to comfort him in his afl‘liction, caused through the loss of his beloved partner. Mr. Peter Cole, of Flint. Michigan, a business man in this town many years ago. is spending a week in town, having come to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. (Rev.) Stew- art. ' The Rev. Wray R. Smith will preach Anniversary Sermons in the Mount Forest Methodist church on Sunday morning and evening. ‘ WM, Mr. Geo. Lamb. Glascott. was a caller on Saturday while in town for his son. who has been attending the Model School. in town last week. He intends return to his dental practice 3110: after New Years. Mrs. (Rev.) Stewart died on Thurs- day last and the remains were taken to Stratford Saturday for interment. 11-. A. Galbraith spent a few days in town last W891i- "A hum.)â€" a- Mr. Angus Cameron returned re- cently from Dakota, where he spent the summer. WEATHER BULLETIN. 10 ll l2 13 14 For week ending Dec. 15, 1900. MPBMTUBI. 9 Max. 11 Min 10 06 1‘ 06 n .. 17 .. 12 u 31 “ NEW MILLINERY. PERSONAL mnox. Min. 5 l4 ends to shortly u 5‘.” . LAUDERâ€"At Ksmloopa, B. 0., on Mon- day. Dec. 10th Matilda Jane Moore. be oved wife of Mr. Joseph D. Lauder, aged 56 yours, 8 mos. STEWARTâ€"In Durham, on Thursday, Dec. 18th. Mrs. (Rev. ) Alex. Stewart, 180d 66yeus.6mos. ' [Mr. Joseph D. Lauder, referred to in the foregoing article, is a brother of Mr. Thos. Lauder. Registrar, in this town. and the deceased lady is a sister of Mr. B. B. Moore, who re- cently resided here.â€"Ed.] A long residence in Nicola, where her husband was, for many years, engaged in ranching, and subsequent- ly in Kamloops, the late Mrs. Lauder was known and highly esteemed by a very large circle of acquaintances, who will learn with deep regret of her sudden demise. The bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of the whole community in their and aflliction.-â€"The Sentinel, Kamloops,‘ B. 0., of Tuesday, Dec. 11th. 1900. The deceased lady was in her 56th year, and was born in Grey 00., Ontario. She leaves ahusband and seven children, four girls and three boys, the youngest of whom, Fred, is now in South Africa. to mourn her loss. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon from the family residence. Rev. J. C. Stewart officiat- ing. She was a true and devoted chris- , tian; a member of the Baptist church 1 for many yesrs, and one of its most loyal and earnest workers. as well as president of the Ladies’ Mission Cir- . cle. Her place now vacant will be hard to fill, for the powers of orga- nizing and leadership were preemin- ent qualities in her nature. Her sickness was of nearly three months duration. starting with typhoid fever 1 which eventually led to serious complications resulting in her death. though every care was bestowed u p- on her. She leaves behind a bereaved husband, two brothers 'and three sisters to mourn her loss. The re- mains were taken to Stratford. and interred in that cemetery last Satur- day afternoon. the Revs. Mr. McKay, of Stratford, and Mr. Mac- Gregor, of Durham, officiating at the grave. The funeral sermon was preached last Sunday evening by the Rev. Mr. MacGregor, of Durham Baptist church, in this town. MRS. JOSEPH D. LAUDER. It is with deep regret we record the death of Mrs. Joseph D. Lauder. which occurred very suddenly shortly before 12 o’clock last night, at the family residence. The cause of {death was heart failure. Mrs. Laud- er had been ill for less than a week. and yesterday her condition appeared to be greatly improved. At a late hour last night she was chatting cheerfully with members of her fami- ly, who confidently heped that she would be up and about again by to-day, or to-morrow at the latest. Within an hour or so death had claimed her. A. Stewart, of Durhamrshe has, foi' the most part, resided in our town, nearly 25 vears. The deceased was born in Niagara District, but lived afterwards near Brantford. in the village of Hart- ford. Since her marriage to the Rev. Died 1:) her own home, Durham, on the 13th of Dec. 1900. Mrs. Ruth Stewart, wife of Rev. A. Stewart, aged 66 years and 6 months. Mclmmm BLOCK - - LOWER TOWN \ Sbewcll 8; Eeneban. H merrv Zbristmas find 5am new Year. v v.--“ v.-\|ul ' taking business formerly carried on by J. A. Shewell will hence be known under the firm name of Shewell Lenehan, a partnership having been formed for the transaction of business. Old Customers and new ones are respectfully requested to call and visit us in our new Show Rooms in the McIn- tyre Block, next door to the Bank, where we will be 'found night and day to‘ cater to the wants of all. in furniture . . During the Holiday Season. Thq Fur_niture and Under- DIED. MRS. STEWART. OBITUARIES. wéwaséwébébébwémnwwwo. “Fm WW ‘1' GRANT. Ledies’ Shoulder Shud- in Blacks, Greys. Cudinele. etc. ' Grey Flennele and Grey end ' White Flannel Sheeting. All Wool end Grey Flennel ette Blnnkete. $1.00 Per Year

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