DURHAM CHRONICLE DURHAM, DECEMBER, 27 I"! '0†{or a girl to [H ambit ions about getting a good chunk of a man, but. she should have enough foresight to no that he has ambition enough to can his own grub. To uy : thing out of the ordinary style makes it stick better than say- ing u “might. All sensible peOple b31ieve the Century ends next Mon-Jay night. at 1‘2 o’clock. The cranks on the other lids that aired tho-it vie-s s a year ago new to have all died out. According to our View of things, 3 “ins drunk isn’t. the best \\ ay to MIG a Merry Christmas. Mr. ï¬nd Mrs. John “Van, also Miss Emma Brown visited the parental tom 0! the 13“» on Smithy. This is the season for resflutiuu-x. but unfortunately the time for break in; them doesn’t extend far into the now your. Miss “my Bradley haireturned Iron a lengthy visit to friends in Pricoviflo .nd Flesherton looking greatly improved. We are glad to have her back again. The struggles that some peOp‘m make to any religious things abom Christmas time have forced us to nbandon the idea; of entering the ring. There’s an awful 10’. of wind wutad on transparent hypocricy. It will be 1901mm. and munv a naught. will have its face blacked to make 3 one of it. lmlll; out "V†[HUI'lIIS UNI .lIIU family moved from Stratford to Dur- 1mm and thence to 'l‘oroutn. 'l‘he deceued leaves a brother in S on. They were delighted with the way the scholars acquitted them- selves in their exercises, and pleased . . . t 39 the wa the treated the t ach- Louu and 3 Sister in St. Papal-t. Her 0 e y . . e . , . . er at the close, m presenting lnm dent». which was very sudlen, czt'uc s . . . . . |wnth an address expressmg their ms a shock to many friends m Sara: ’3 n‘essin r their a ) )reci'ition of his lorl whose sympathy goes out to‘ P! "' H . . . mernies with ti 9 am '1 handson Uonoluctor Lavelle and hlS faumly 1:: Fur 0"“ and 10:62:; inivi) in remeine their loss. Death was due to heart p g ' 'Ntlut'o' brance of them. Mr. J. Mack occu- ' , _ pied the chair, while Mr. Dixon _ The remains were lard to rest at maglea feeling andappropriate reply. Aw"l"'° 99mm" â€â€œ3 '“Cmmg- lSllOI‘l'. addresses were made by trus- Requiem huh masa at 8" Joseph’sltees and ratepayers present. singing chmo'i was sung by Re“ Fatherllny the school. and instrumental O’Neill 0‘ Kinkara. The “0““ 1 music by Miss M. Allan, and alter glaring: “0'0 VOW beautiful. The singing the national anthem they all aux am: of the decemed acted asyï¬llOOk hands and went home. pallbearers.--Stratford Beacon. l r M, M... “_ “an-“ __._ “-3- _ -.-.. Mia; flaggio Bogle also Miss Ednh Lewis have bwn very ill this past meek, but we are pun-14ml to hem- lh.u Inch are recovering under the skilful treatment of Dr. Brown. Rev. Mr. Wright, of Arthur, preached Sunday evening in the Mezhodist Church. His subject be- ing educational won k. Mr. and flu. Ed. Hartford, 0‘ Durham, visited with the latter3 par-ms, ï¬r. and Mrs. Galvan, on Stilt!†. Crowded 0m Last Wm-k. Mrs. Wm. Hagar and children have 30 u: for a visit to her parental home in flowick. Mr. and Mrs. James Brown n visited Hm l-uter’s uncln, Mr. \Veir. of Eye.» mt, on Sunday. Falling in love is iike mking the measles You never take it more than once. and no amount. of ex- posure can bring on a second attack. It seldom proves fatal. News was received in the city to- da; of the death at Toronto yeszer- clay of Mrs. J. Levelle, wife of con- ductor Lavelle. and daughter of Mrs. liu-h ards. Douro st., this city. The deceased was married in 1877 and town-es at family of ten children. nine how and one girl, the youngest child hem; but ï¬ve months old The fumily moved from Stratfortl to Dur- lmm and thence to Toronto. The deceued leaves a brother in S. Lou'u and a sister in St. szils. Hum death. which was very sudien, can“? as n shock to many friends in Strut fori whose sympathy goes out to Conductor Lavelie and his family in their loss. Death was due to heart imiurv. Friday waa the last day of school. Miss Issues leaves to go to Normal a: ()2 lawn. Her many friends will b6 awry to are her go. How we would enjoy °chool teach- ing now for the next four or five days. The winter term in the Central Basinâ€: College; Stratford. 0nt., bogus on Wednesday, Jan. 2, 1901. 'l‘lns wellcknown institution enjoys an extensixe patronage because it does ï¬rst-class work. We under. slum! its graduates are very success- hri in securing good positions. Write to‘liie Principal. Mr. W. J. Elliott, Mrs. John Blyth, who has been uriomly ill, is slowly recovering undar the skillul treatment of Dr. Jamieson. Miss Mary Calvert sang at the en- tertainment given by the Ladies Aid. of the Mt. Forest Church, where she was highly commended. I: be- ing her ï¬at appearance in public: as a singer. We hope it won’t be her last. 1' fur a catalogue if you wish particm Ian-s about-his school. The advertise- ment of the college appears else- W'II‘I’O. W. Irwin, ' A Progressive College. KITS AND KISSES. DIED IN TORONTO. ORCHARD Editor and From ietor. Miss Watson. of Rainy Riva- Dis- trict, who is Spending a. few months “it. 1 her Normanby friends, Spent. "l‘hmsda; night in this part with the Sms him“). She bids fair to keep up the 112;, h reputation pf the WM- sun family as sweet singers. Egremont seems to be a regular Egypt for Glenelg farmers this‘yeur. from ï¬ve to eight big loads of the very best of straw per day passing up during the good sleighing. Some hay changed hands in the township, but foreigners have not. been able to indulge in such a luxury. Our l ew teacher, Mr. D, McDon- ald. will commence his duties on Tuesday. He comes highly recom- mended and we hOpe he will fully sustain his high reputation while in this section. Mr. Alex Bradley has settled in the handsome new house he built. this summer. What he wants now is a wife to preserve the neat, cosy appearance of it, the Chronicle to keep them postvn on the customs, actions and gossip of the country, and the premium given to cash-Tn- advance subscribers to peruse during the holidays. Then he would be happy. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sharpe. of Dunn- dalk, visited at the old home on Friday night. Municipal aspirants have not all Jegimered their names yet, so we can’t announce in lhis budget. who will be the council for 1901. but. will Stake our reputation that. we’ll do so correctly in our next. It is expected that Mr. Wm. Bradley will make a successful attempt for a seat. We hear that, Mr. Flank Grasby is going to eat Christtnzu Turkey with his daughter, in Toronto, and spend a few days looking around the city. And now, Mr. Editor,we wish you, the Chronicle staff, the menagerie, and all who read our stuï¬, all the compliments of the season. The directors cf che Mt woolen mills met at, Mr. .1. last Thursday to consider ( what Christmas presents 1h; give the shareholders As Friday was the ï¬nishing day of Teacher Dixon’s term in this sec- tion, a. goï¬ly number cf the old-Hr headsnf the sectinn visited in. 1118 afternoon to spend a social time and to see just \\ here he 1qu oï¬ and where the new teacher would come Jealous Rivals cannot turn back the :13: The demand for Dr. Agnew’s “(Mei-£11312; a marvel Cheap to buy, but dim: nals' m qualityâ€"banish nausea, coated tongue, ,vat er brash pain after eating, sick. hm lar‘hc, never gripe, operate pleasantly. 10 (2‘ MS -â€"- 37 CORNER CONCERNS. 3â€"37 SCHOOL REPORTS- Sold by )IucFarlanc é“. Co. Foxest Allan’s .x'e hear) y would The recent thaw caused some of our young people to weara long (use. but never mind there will 'be more snow yet before the ï¬rst of May or else we will have an open winter. Mr. John Beckenhaur had a gang of men on last week umking timber for his new barn which he intends to put up next summer. We might say. Mr. Editor, that the premium you presented with your paper )5 a very nice present and you deserve much credit. for the in- terest you have taken in trying to give the people good value {or their money. So far as we can hear there are. 1.0 less then about ï¬fteen new candidates aspiring for the council. Now, in general, these men are the very ones who are howling about the taxes and are the ï¬rst men to pour oil on the flames by causing a new election and piling eXpenses on the people. Now if you want to save money next your start in the right place, ' return the old Council by acclamation and save the expense of a new election for we have as mod it set of Councilmen as ever set at a council board, and if we were ts shoot them or drive them out of the country and put in a new council we would be worse than e \‘Ot‘ for we cmld not have as good work done by a set of greenhorns as we can have done by experienced men, so we :would like to advise you to think it well over before )‘0J jump because you may land in a hog hole. It is easier to pick a hole in another man’s coat than it is to mend one in 5 our own. you: paper a Merry Unrisnnas and Happy New Year and many of them. Jr. John Vason came home on a visit and arrived just in tune to bid the last farewell to hisdyiug muther. There is some talk of Mr. W. Brig- ham building a new more next sum- mer and there is also some talk of a new blacksmith ShOp going up pretty 8 on at this corner. ‘ Kidney Cry-“Pain in the back is the cry of the kidneys for help. To neglect the call is to deliver the body over to a, disease cruel, ruthless, and ï¬nally life destroying. South American Kidney Cure has power akin to miraculous in helping the needy kidneys out of the mire of disease. It relieves in six hoursâ€"38 S ild ln’ MncFurlane Co. Misses I“. and A. Bailey, of Ham- ilton. are home to Spend anus week with tlwir parents. The girls are all looking well. MISS U. Hopkins. of H home on a visit to her p friemls. ()n 'l'ues‘ilay evening. December 18th. the ratepayers and scholars of S. S. No. 1), ionrinck, nun'ihering about '30 in all. gathered at the homes of Mr. 'l‘hos. Hustler to show their good will and esteem to Miss Hustle, their teacher. .\lr. \Vatt being chair- man. The following address was read by Mary Shewell, and a photo- graph album and 3 volumes of poems were piesented to her by Annie An- derson. Miss Hastie in reply thank- ed them kindly for the presents and also for the kindness they had shown her for the past three years she had been among them. The evuning was then spentin songs given by Mr. Flanagan, Mr. Milne. Mr. Orr, and Mr. McCarthney. An address was given by Mr. Stinson. He Spoke highly of Miss HaStie and regretted the loss of her as teacher. Mr. Mc- Carthney entertained them for an hour or more with his gramophone. The ladies having brought well-filled baskets. refreshments were served about 12 o’clock, after which the company went to their homes, hav- ing spent an enjoyable evening. THE ADDRESS. DEAR 'I‘EACHEn,â€"â€"\Ve, your boys and girls, desire you to accept. this album and book of poems as a slight indication of our appreciation of your services rendered during the past three years that you have faith- fully taught us We fully appreci- ate the painstaking efforts that you have put forth to instruct us. not sparing yourself, and as the time is drawing near when we must sever the connection that has existed be... tween us as teacher and pupils, we could not let you go without expres- sing our good will and wishing you will meet. with success in all future undertakings and all the comple- ments of the season. Signed on behalf of the school. A. Axiom. F. â€clams: A H.80um,, J. P. Wan. Address and Presentation. ALLAN PARK do,†mafia :uuilmn. is «rents and The most beautiful thing in the world is the baby, all dimples and joy. The most pitiful thing is that same baby, thin and in pain. 'And the mother does not know that a little fat makes all the diï¬er- ence. Dimple; and joy have gone, and left hollows and fear; the fat, {hat was comfort and color and curve-all but pity and love-~55 gone. . The little one gets no fat from her food. There is some- thing wrong; itis either her food or food-mill. She has had no fat for weeks; is living on what she had stored in that plump little body of hers; and that is gone. She is, starving for fat; it is death, be quick! Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the fat she can take; it will save her» Repairing Prompuy Done and Guaranteed W. ii. Macfatlane CHRISTMAS AGAIN. W. A. McFarlane has a larger stOck :hun ever in the new block. A 20-year gold-ï¬lled case, Wal- Hmm movement, for $12, special discount for this month. A lul'ga Stock of sterling silver, ebony in (-urlvr’s files,shoe horns. paper knives. salve pots, etc. prinesuwuy 'lown. Also a full stock of Clocks, Jewellery. Silo verwarc, watches. at prices from $2 '50 up. Call and see for your- self and get 9. calendar. Overcoats See Here ! Grocerias and fruit. ~X large stock 01 the beat freshest and cheapest in town. Examine our gzods prices. and we know where you “ill I): 1y. It makes. a man happy to deal where hoe-m get the best goods fox the least mum-y. You can always de- pend on this at our store, but digr- mg the holidav season we are [two iiug specialdlives in nearly every- t 1mg. Christmas else. Coprse and fine, at rock bottom prices. Suits from $4 :25 to $15.“). A. l goods for the money, and cheaper than you can get them anywhere DURHAM. A MERRY Tm g: nuine has this pletumon it, . e n .3 other. _,“ \011111 ve not tned it. Geld for1w sample its 1mm. taste “ill suxpnseyou SCOTT BOWNE. Chem'Stgo 500. and $1.00 all drugguu. McIntyre Block Toronto. scams I m. 2. 1901. The den-d mode upon III during the hat thm you manhoo- college. for our Mum to “he pod I a teacher- in their school- bu been away a; time. the supply. This M w.1. ELLIOTT - - Principal. HE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Pricoville. newly bricked all round. 99‘1’__l_"i9k kitchen. new windows and other imrgovemenu. On the‘prelnieee are n at: lo and two never ailin wells. he place bus they}; done a. business sud will be rented right to u mad man. The furniture will be sold to lessee. For further particulars apply to. Nov 5 ti. BRICK HOUSE AND LOTâ€"THE Kelli?“ Property on George Street. one gcre o gpod had in good louuon. a desirable residence. will sold on any terms. Apply to En. MILLIGAN. Palmerston. or to W. CALDER. Durhnm. Jan. W, 19!). t! N. B.â€"-â€"A Spock! Bug-in is offered on Lot 28, Con. 2, W. G. 8.. Bontinck 1(1) ureaâ€"Durham an: milesâ€"owner (one West sud bound to sell. [1. fl. Ml LLER. U containing 50 acres. about 45 acres cleared, well fenced. well watered. good house. bearingr orchard. good land and in good state of cultivation. easy terms. For further particulars 1: ply to DONALD CCOSKEBY 378 King St. West. Toronto. or to ALLAN CAMPBELL. Oct“ 15â€"6m Dd. Bunessan “W -I"-Jv-_ vâ€" -â€"â€"-_ -â€" rtieef which he is willing to trade or on: age for other property. Twent rs ex rienee and residence in the 'rhyge‘ oodpgonnta for something and enables mkï¬ï¬‚'u “ILLER to do your business with proï¬t to you as well an to himself. In ï¬rstclua pompenies and at lowest rates, drew: all hand: of withâ€. era-em busipeu quarrels, efl'egta settlements with credttors. sells Ocean tackeu. buys old notes and elvgayl huoq hand {gym and ï¬ling. _- ‘- L__’- -_ EING Lots No. 11 and 12. Con. 1. N. D. R.. Glenelg. end 11 and l2. on Con. 2 N. D. 11.. also 13 and 14 on Con. 3. N. D. 1%.. each lot containing ncres or â€acres in all. nenrly all cleared. Well watered. well fenced. good Outbuildings nnd dwellings. good bearing orchards. In ï¬rst class state of cultivation within a tew rods of school. {miles from barium. Will be sold en bloc or in separate lots. as purcha- er desires. Easy terms. For turther por- ticulars apply to A. 0. Barron. Nov. lâ€"tf Bonesun P. 0. 1W0 THOROUGHBRED, CHES- TER WHITE; one six months old. 1 TER WHITE; one six months old. and one older, 1t lot 25. m and 27. con. 3. 8. l). 8.. Glenolg. Both took ï¬rst prize 1t l’riceville. Registered pedigree may be seen on application. JOHN ECKHARDT. Nov. 14. 4 m. Bunosun. STRAYED TO THE PREMISES OF the undersigned. Lot 3 of 8. Goa. l, E . G. R.. Egremont. on or ebout the ï¬rst (in y of November a red and white heifer. than t two years aid. The owner mny have her by proving property and mying expenses. JAMES MCILVRIDE. Nov. 27th. 4 Dd; Orchard P. 0. He Does Fire, lite . . and Accident Insumuce A THOROUGHBRED BOAR FOR service at Lot 22. Con. 3. E. G. R.. (ileuelg. Terms 75c. at time of service. Is what Count of Grey Farmers would like to know. 0 cannot tell you, but we CAN TELL YOU that H. H. MILLER, the Hanover Conveeneer is lending money on good farm mortgngee at lower rates of interest than vou an borrow elsewhere and on very [ibernl terms and nt small cost. That is. the reason why people all over the country pus by other enders and travel miles to borrow from bun. He Nov. '27. 1‘11). 3 pd. D undersi nod about the middle of Octo- ber last. a r and white two-year-old steer with two scissor marks on right-hand hip. also a little piece olf top of tail. OWEN HEFFERNAN, Nov. 27th. 4 pd; Geiy day. terms: . Flynn lands are bound to Increue m price and now is the time to buy. HE ALSO undertakes the collection of Notes and Accounts. and it is n pretty bad chm thet he cannot make some money ant of up chnrge for his trouble How to Grow Straï¬ord, Ont 'O'l‘ N_O_. Q, CQN.1,N.D:R.. Glenelg. ’I‘RAYED from the drove of the Boars for Service. FARM FOR SALE Boar for Service. For sale a Very low_ï¬guro.s and pg Hotel to Rent. Farm for Sale Heifer Estray. SEN D FOR CATELOGE. For Sale. Strayed JOHN MACKENZIE, pd. Reckv Summon. A. Burmns. Priceville. Mal-den P. O. 50 Rachel. -â€"Wheat to â€"-the Acts THE W. BLA< This week we 1 being two can Coal Oil we rec doing the Cot! Meat Cutters. $1 Cups. 5c. Cup! Stand and We extend t: year may br} us along; bus? A Good 5 Gallo Over 100 Stow one delighted FIR! (HOUR! PROUPTLY A Far laidlaw IP61: of