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Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Jan 1902, p. 5

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Inst perfume". stock. than u good re one of the ocks in town. hoe Man '2} g. «)9 9::(0 A" ;Q;;.:, "’4? ’49? #i all Kinds. 3 promptly :nd prop‘ l to. Fur This Week: tore novelty. A any person I, but are use to the wane: «ices are low vlinders. NOR m $2 upward. ll’Bl‘ and Iron Pipâ€"- Brass Lined Reefer. IIIS .. ore PRESENT W. D. CONNOR. afternoon RANT. “If: M) l1 GRAY}. Sun! I! tmen: of 34 00 DD _\ 98!. P tin ID 8 f1 H a nic. and u Inning: ‘, I. raVil‘ niluwm. tuwnl lovnes I look "Q. Sizes: "'I ‘5 A! r. and Mrs. Mcutnner lll|cuuuu .... lebrate tllfiil‘ ”out?" “'Pdlm': 00' After many unsuccessful attempts ‘3“ w W? 10th of January next. 1 ast been installed with and con- = the gas has atl derable preparation had been made l success under the boilers of the Hep. .r the event. It was thought at ears of age. ' ‘. hat on account of the low pres- hole community a, .U ' w line would " '. have to run direct from the well for .cCannel and the family fiction. which was evidenced in the domestic purposes. However, before NY “"89 turn 00‘ M ”18 funeral.-â€"- doing so the Tate-Jones Co. of Pitts- ara Leader. Pa... were correSponded with, , . and thev naranteed to install the~ L-mmsn‘m; handed In . r. , ‘ g ': a . . . . . lhlrk\v00d burners so that thev would - he following Cllpplllg for publication: ~ , od joke is relatel at the expene lwork on the 10“ pressure lme' L g0 ' t - ,- - l .f a modest younrv neWSpaper tn .he‘r propout;on “IRS accepted: and e 1, h is mine the rounds sim in Saturday. 28th Inst., the Co 8 rep- 1 ‘ Hl't 1 tot n etch n we It Isto it ‘ tative, J' F. Kruse. arrived ( " n : ' n k I I ‘ ‘e‘ ‘ H “ "‘ h the burners. and IDStnlletl them 'flect that the pH:- h" 0‘ the pencnl . on the Monday evening following. N9“! out to report " P3"? the other I 00 “count of the very low pressure eveninlg. \z‘heredthehlti‘ome ha'd bheben “only H oz) it took about an hour and LeCt‘llt 5 .999” w‘ “ no a y'ia half to raise steam on 'l‘uesday.!' Accompant 0‘ X . . Q h ~ g 9" htyhmd b9“ 83.133353 with the water cold. Mr. Kruse incl the 09"“- 3 at. 9 OCT. an a Hortnsus that With a live 02. pl'etfiurei usual salutanon 3* b ‘ J l “i The he?! . “Slit: $2:!whien will be on the mains here as 8 l) 9 ‘9” ’°_ ’} 3 ' lsoon as all the servmvs are installed. dpaf and “gnu”: from the i he will guarantee to raise steam with bought he was asking about l the Kirkwood burnersin 30 minutes. ‘3 told him though she had l It has been demonstrated that our is a t r t' nter 'h w 3 he we 3 lgas can be successfully used for man-‘ one every Wi . ~ 'r ', t. awake: . one she 9‘" h’“! t‘ hep h" ‘nlacmnng purposes. Now let our influence . ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ . r t con- . . R} 01‘1“ 3 ROhOd ‘hwl‘ “Ellie: Ihtci‘ficin icitizens unite as one to hnet er to er en. . ‘ 55. man ‘facturerg to locate here. Hep- - .‘ , ' l and. that the scribe “ 3“ 29”")‘3 pa e Worth Journal. nervous. she said she could tell hy‘j oing to have - ...e - W E t] e. V! b ll A reader of THE l i 1. quite urippa, t .._..'â€".-.â€"-_..â€"â€"-o‘ ..- 'â€"_..- ......p - . .â€"...â€"- h . go and lie down. The paper was out. as! IISUSL next. week. but the 13;: 313%” e itcr u gm: enquiring a “PM!!! “I" EXCHANGE ECHOES. I‘m; Cnnmxwm handed in clipping for publication: 9 related at the expeno young newspaper m in: the rounds aim, 1 exchange. It Is to t ity goes out'to Mr. the family in their was evidenced in the out. at the funeral.â€" livs lately! I Just put up mm. and ‘. At the sittings of the county court - before Hls Honor, Judge Creasor, the case of Julian v Thompson of E1 Euphrasia was heard, judgment being reserved. The action was brought to recover damages for the loss of a horse by drowning on a roadway in the township. The circumstances were that the roadway was narrow ,and there was a ditch three and a p. 'half feet deep alongside. The horse tl while being driven along the high- e‘. way, bolted across the road and into |G ‘the ditch and was drowned. On‘t' .Monday Judge Creasor handed out 13 ljudgment dismissing the action with v Hosts, holding that the deiect was d 3not in the roadway but in the run- r ning away or bolting of the horse. c {£111. Dyer. of Thornbury, for plain- tiff; Lucas, Wright 85 McArdle for the defendant.-Owen Sound Times. | One of the pupils of a neighboring -. high school was sent home for insub- ‘ ' ordination the other day, and there- l‘ ' by hangs a tale. The teacher of the :. 301338 in which the disturbance occur- \ 3 1 red is considered to be quite a beauty, ‘ i and is never lacking in the Society of 1 ’ i the opposite sex. The pupils are i 1‘well aware of this. On the day in r question one of the girls was sent to e the blackboard to write the word am- V ‘anuensis, which she had misspelled r lin a composition. She got as far as l “ aman,” and then hesitated. 'l‘hink- l '" ‘ ing to help her out, the teacher said. y: .. What goes after aman ?” " You !”‘ i t I I 1 r, l laughter from the rest of the girls. " !'l‘he pretty teacher turned red and 31 ‘ white by turns, and as the hilarity “’Econtinued. she sent the ofiender to ’9 the principal [or a reprimand, with 'y the result that the girl was sent sittings of the _cuunty court x'o he is around Engineer Thos. J. Gordon Fatally Injured, the C. P. R. Roundhouse Wreckedâ€" -Many Windows Broken. On Friday night at 7 o’clock an ex-i plosion of acetelyne gas occurred :tti the C. P. R. roundhouse with terrilici W‘ effect resulting in the death of Thos. i suc Gordon, and in giving such a shockl ”‘5 to the town as will long be retnem- it ald bered, The shock of the explosion”or was heard and felt for miles in all 1‘” directions. while many persons wit» 3 "' .nessed the illumination which it‘g ‘ ! caused. The acetelyne gas generator ( l by which the roundhouse and sheds, t“ . are lighted. was installed last June. '. all {:‘and was situated in the north end of the roundhouse. The cause of the"L explosion has not been determined! i'l‘he circumstances attending it arelG‘ gthat the engineer of locomotive en-l‘ ' eNo. 599, which had juSt come\ to 2'ng linto the yard, asked for more light ' and Alex. Bennett, a wiper employed i i at the roundhcuse, stated that he did i ‘ i not understand the working of the I. a, '\system. Mr. Gordon. the unfortun-' sc ’ ' ate engineer, went to the generator '1‘ and made some explanation to Ben- h nett, after which the latter walked ( 3 out of the roundhouse. Gordon H! ' l remaining inside. The gas explosion s _; occurred almost immediately, and l nearly demolished the roundhouse. A ' l All the large doors were broken open i a f and every window in the building“ " and in many houses for blocks dis-jt tant were shattered. An alarm ofi y fire was sent up town from box 34 at 0 the Pacific Hotel. but there was not h gmuch for the firemen to do when 't ' they arrived. As it was feared that 7 la second explosion might occur. a ' ! few minutes elapsed are poor Gordon ‘; ; , lwas extricated [romithe wreck and'I ' . ‘conveyed into the new bunk-house,l QAH ‘ W 'U re were soon on the scene and examined 1 :s- his injuries which they preceivedl h. must prove fatal. He was conveyed‘ he 3 to the hoSpital. but died soon after ; ild ': arriving, about 9 o'clock. , ie.l The noise of the explosion. followJ nd’ed by the hre alarm. attracted anl gp- immense crowd to the scene of thei -ed,disaster It was said that Bennett; em had also been severely hurt, but his1 1g, injuries were very slight. Many irelpersons, both outside and in their ind homes. received severe shocks from .the violence of the concussion. The lroundhouse and surroundings were lenveIOped in gloom owing to the , as demolition of the lighting apparatus, pd, which it is doubtful whether the 'ith , company will resume. ay, in- re, THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. TERRIBLE GAS EXPLOSION. The intprdeuominmional meetings held in the several churches in town during this week of prayer are much enjoyed by the Methodist pvopie. Remembering Paul's injunction "Add to your faith " they are working in addition and adding Presby- Simple Baptism stability ‘ terian perseverance. {1951 CHURCH NOTES. -...¢ooor° METHODIST. THURSDAY. JANUARY 9. and Anglican order to their fire and fervor a good evangelical) compound. .The annual meeting of the ofiicers,] teachers and Sunday School Commit.l tee ‘Was held on Wednesday evening. the Pastor presiding. The following appointments were made: Superin- tendent, Dr. Wolfe, Assistant, A. Catton; Secretary, H. Benton. As- sistant, F. Vickers; Treasurer and Librarian, J. Livingston; organist, Mrs. A. McClocklin ; Toachers, Messrs Redford, McClocklin and Watson, Messdames Wolfe, McClocklin. Ben- ton, Rodehouse and Kinnee and C -‘ l “ The. Man from Linengarx-y, u.) 3 Ralph Connor, is the. strongesr hock. ‘of the present times. a hook that peo-i - â€"- Iple are simply scranihlini.r to get, and . 1 Our fee returned it we fail. Any one sending '1 and what do you think has happened? The serial rights to this Story1 which 1 sketch and description of any invention will . , ,. . romptly receive our opinion free concerning ~ 18 creating a sensation throughout 1 the patentability of same. [1y , _ “ How to Obtain {(11 f n - , - ‘ ; e ' in'to; S ates, '1 Patent" sent upon request. Patents secure '- Great. Brltdln q‘ d th L i "d ‘t l through us advertised for sale at our expense. i have been SCld ‘0 the publishers 0f i Patents taken out through us receive special ' ' notice, Without charge. in THE PATENT RECORD. ‘ ' , u . W ' ' ‘r r . . . l the I dlllll) Hel'tld and. Bali“ S a ’ ‘ an illustrated and widely cuculated Journal. Wonders Wlll HEW?" cease, ; consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. l Montreal. ‘ “‘The price must have been enormous. l bend for sample COPY “‘55- Address. ax- '. and on this }con1lilleni‘, iIIis only 3 V'czgficggfx;:csyg‘)co' . ' a ,er like t 1e “ami y e:a( an T , “:21! gvgekly Star that could afford to buy l Evans Bulldlng, WASHINGTON. 0' 0' 09. l such a story. We feel bound to say} ' ockl that the readers of the Family Her-X 3m,‘Iald and Weekly Star have in store; xflfl “m {â€"w’c “21‘1“ ion 1 for them a treat beyond their imag-‘i H I all l ination. We understand this superb ‘ J A . J vit- '. â€"â€"we should say marvellously inter-i j itiestingâ€"ustory. ”The Man lromi F" " llengarry.” will be commenced in; 3 . E: o H M t. I‘; ‘ iel‘ls the Family Herald and Weekly Star ‘ 1 almost immediately. l I'll) UV“, -vvâ€"vwâ€"v MiSses Wolfe, Bennett and Burnet. A liberal appropxeatiou was made for a new library and a committee ap- pointed to select and purchase books. There was a large attendance at the interesting Covenant Service on There was a l the interesting ‘ Sunday evening- Next Sunday evening a series at evangelistic services will begin, to be continued by the Pastor. Special music will be provided. Obliging ushers will seat the strangers. The choir have just been supplied with two new sets of music books, the “ Crown of Gold ” and the “ Fin est of the Wheat.” ZION. The Rev. W ray R. Smith will preach on Sunday at 2:30 p. m. TRINITY. There will ne services at Aberdeen Sunday next at 3 p. m. Rev. '1‘. H. Farr, B. A., preached iiin Trinity Church Sunday evening 1 I 1 last. Mr. Chas. Ryan preached in the Episcopale Churches, Hanover and Allan Park. on Sunday last, PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. S. Young, of Clifford, will Rev. 6. loung, u: Ulllsusu, ...-_ preach here on Sunday next morning and evening. The Pastor, Rev. Mr. Farquharson, goes to Clifiord to con- duct anniversary services. HANDSOME American lady, inde- pendently rich, wants good honest husband. Address Erie, 67 Clark St. Chicago, Ill. FOR SALEâ€"A quantity of Prime Geese and Ducks’ feathers. to Mrs. James Atkinsonâ€"H. The first object in life for the Can- adian people is to ”get rich ;” the second how to regain good health. The first can be obtained by energy, honesty and saving; the second. efiects of Dyspepsia,Liver Complaint, Appendicitis, Indigestion, etc., such as Sick Headache, Palpitation of the lHeart, Sour Stomach. Habitual Cos- Qtiveness, Dizziness of the Head, lNervous Prostration. Low Spirit-. etc., you need not suffer another day. Two doses of the well-known August lFlcwer will relieve you at once. lRegular size 75 cts. You can get {Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies : at Darling’s Drug Store. The World Talking About It. u A Happy Beby’l cold my be cured in u night by nuns Vapo-Cresolene. which has been extensively in use for twenty-{our years. All dmzzists- “ ““l'1’~' - greeting is passing 1 From parent to child, from friend‘, unto friend; i' Tongue-spoken, pen-written, Wire! flashing. the message Goes ringing, rebounding unto thei worl s end. And the happiest year are trusting (No matter what-e’er their life-star tion may be) In God as a father who cares for his | children : ' W'ho from Worries of worldiness aim i 3 to be free. ' “For but one thing. is needful,”â€"â€"’tis g i . . ° , I It IS that we set our affections above To souls that thus trust comes the blessed assurance Of love that is perfect and knoweth no fear. ‘ They can sing amid patience With hopeful end‘ new year. Durham. Dec. 28, Man from Glengarry,” by nnor. is the strongesn book New Year Greeting How it is Done. evening a series of New Year.” Hark amid sorrow or trial of 28, 1961. .uranceâ€"A happy There is very little now to report this week, more than the fact that three of the large rotaries are now on the ground and two of them have been placed in position. The remain- ing three are eXpemed to follow in a very few days, and the machinists are at work getting them placed on their beds. The stock is now all sold, and with ‘ the exception of a few shares that were formerly purchased and either cannct or will not be accepted. there isn’t a dollar's worth to be had. I Delighted stock-holders are frequent- ‘ ly seen around the works. The block-makers are busy making ready for the walls. and as soon as the weather gets a little more favor- able for building. Operations will go on with a rush. We have no plea to cfier now. nor have we any apologies to make for what. we have said. Our references during the past year have 1been an under-estimate of the con- lcern, as all who know can testify. REA Yâ€"In Dmlmm, on Friday. Jan '1‘ human Rwy, aged 66 years. Our fee returned it \1 c111i1.A11v one sending sketch and description 01 any inwmiou will promptly receive our opinion free concerning u it A--- 6A nktnna '1 CEMENT NOTES. midrlrfl'flrfhgbflfl- W WW DURHAX. Jan. 9, 1902. Fur Jackets, Caps and Caperines, Men’s Overcoats and Clothing, Millinery and many other lines. 'ned it we fail. Any one sending :scription of any invention will ive our opinion free concerning ity of same. “ How to Obtain :1 upon request. Patents secured a 1' __ _-‘A ‘4 no... .9”"“. We begin the new year prepared to do our part to make it both Happy and. Prosperous for you. At this store we sell goods in their season, and so we are going to sell at clear- ing prices. our stock of winter goods while there is winter weather enough ahead that you may get the benefit of them this season. Among other lines, some that we are going to clear out are: RfMEMBER THE PLACE ppy and Prosperous New to Readers of This Adv’t Ladies Ch! 72 72 40 3. 1902 10 #1 afielfi‘li‘ICYX‘EI'I'I Learn the Lesson Wedding Presents Steel X-Cut-Saws Chopping Axes Raisin Seeders The Best Harness Hardware. Learn the lesson of true economy. Buy at the Hardware Store, where the value and low prices are firmly joined; where fair treatment is assured to all. and where every article is a worthy one. A few very handsome Wed- ding Presents left in stock at reduced prices. Now is the time to buy Silver Plated Hockey Skues at prices never before heard of. Also a nice line of Hockey Sticks. See our Nickle Steel X Cut Saws. There is nothing to equal them. If you require a Chopping Axe, be sure and see the 333 Axe. LAIDLA W'S OLD STAND. \Ve have a large number of Raisin Seeders and Meat. Chappers. See them. Our Harness Department is worthy of inspection. wouws ow 3mm. a;

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