West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Jan 1902, p. 7

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nod out. has R? rs handy. mndamo? 'E In the papers 10 c this agent of pol knew not how many a. r. Mme. du Barry bu. .: room 10d brought him ”We. of two papc-rs, 000'. so that the wo- Drape, Buckford found "‘3‘ to his escape and and them with a m ‘N hat with me.” be said. laying the It ,. 9. “there is much In the. _ t is of grmt impomnfl a known to be. having \I. Monroe’s courage M Why they win! fl know. But the I hu\\' the Mk. ‘ .u this morning b tion of M. Monroe, tho .n, with the case was t length. llis ancceum of Magistrate 3!. Seneca]; Be at the depot In db- itlre plot as it appeared it was all in print. v was published in which | minister expressed ht s countryman was Inno- there was nothing an“ :orous effort in his behalf. ed that Bnckford. despa- “on! read th'ls. his lip lher white and thin. Iva: offered for the recup- n-lsom-r. dead or alive. [not escape again. Th0 po- 3!) to one not connected [-9 tlwy would seem I find that my plans M at once. I had thought 4»: murdered him and rob- gam money to effect lb France and also leave bo- who knew the teem of p! escape. "monotone-(tho , paper that it had heel «In! that be was guilty at .\1. de Bullion. Tb. 'idvmly been inspire-d by police authorities who he an Auxeriran for eo- bcir celebrate-d l'alals do «In Ba rry. fitting *hPl’e III-Ii- fvar 1. st this police I” vr all tum on her and m .c dumhd l’alni 8 de 1" “as nutfyzuzx unusual In a the man who sat near ,. 5']! che w a man who w. H) warrant. )t that of a 3. to be perusing I. lice news 0! M t‘!}o“~13il. [)9 might. “n his 8MP. reach saw- him. mink. L. with the a8“ m ally as tbf I"! 1w. 1w might (as \ Mt!) the M at the guilloti- of two mu:- 113 (19 Jun- authorities .31 to then ‘ the truth. red for "I. he would a longing at for “IO whn had r upon him. “:13 min- tu aid “I. mica!) Wit. K rwaptm to whom Paris ho 'm'd over he could as dead. ring him. [13 DQ‘I’V. .u’. go to 3 repre- :l:nt hi. in his hing ex- 1 would .19 story. :ur'ws at u! MD ry again. D to him of the uut tor- OD [w could u with n Amet- UWD en- w 5 ill nn lb. 'JIS in- Dene.- this "09. ‘n pas: ‘0‘ ice. I the :lally L'DCQ I the n at 1 X109 n if THE Dflflflflfll flfiflfllflm IVIIY THU"DAY momma: I! nu W Mn“ nous. mu m DURHAM, ONT. Tun Canon“: will h an: to any addicts, free of postage, for ‘I .00 par ”“3 . . . 0 year payable in advanceâ€"OI. may he charged if not_ aofpmd. The date to vh' new Inbscription a id is dcuptcd by the numberou tho cddress label. 0 per filscontmued mm! all am we paid, except a: t optm of the ptoprietor. mm Formation! :dvertisclpcnu 8 «nape: lino forth. first inseam; Juan 9:. “IE8 . o . ling och Wzmqfioo-ninm 3:”!!- “tundra“ nagging one inch, 00 ’0 Oman. «71mm: when: and: directions vfllbe published till forbid and ch: ed ac- cording Transient Mitch“ Lou,” “ ound,‘ " For e,” etcâ€"39 can} {at first wanton, as cums Contact rates WW W mama on ”fiction to the e. a All dunk-ones 30mm inaction in canon; week, should I): btoqght m not but than Tmav IUD JVD ° ° 1 ompmcly stocked with DEPARTnENT chuaw TYPE, am a. short distance east. of Kuapp’s Hotel. Lamhtun Street. Lower Town, Durham. Utfice hours from 12 to 2 o'clock. A‘l inns and Surgeons, Ontario. Office huurs 9 '0 12 a. m.. 2 tn 4 p m. Residence and office, ”Id Baum buildings. Upper Town, Durham. Telephuue N0. 10. M tics over McLachlan’s store. 'Ofiice hours, 8 m 10 a. m.. 2 to 4 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. Speck] attention given to diseases of women and children. (' FINICE~FIRST DOOR EAST 01“ fine Durham Pharmacy. Ualder’s Bluck. Residenceâ€"Lambtou Street, near the Station. D Uflice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Anyampunt of mule)? to loan at 5 per cent. on farm property. BARRISTER. SOLICII‘OR, ETC, Mclntyre’s Block, Lower 'l‘own, Dnr~ ham. Collection and Agency promptly atteudml to. Searches made at the Regis~ try Office. )HYSICIAN AN D SURGEON, “Qt"- ARRIS’I‘ER. NOTARY, CONVEY- ancer,Etc., Etc. Money toLoan at reasonable rates. and 0:: terms to suit borrower. ()flice, McIntyre Block (Over the Bank ). HUGH MACKAY. DURHAM . Land Valuator and Licensed Auction- eer for the County 0! Grey. Sales promptly attended to and notes cashed. («ding mama to: turning out mm .‘leuuu VIJA-vv--, _ _ ,-, _ J eased Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Land V'aluator, Bailifi' of the 2nd Divnsion. Court Sales and 11'] other matters promptiy attended toâ€"huzhest references ‘ 3‘ â€"Ah-‘l-~. t’. U'"y--J w--- tarnished if required. J. G. Hutton. M. D., C. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A E M BER COLL EGE PHYSIC- ARRIS’I‘ER, SOLICI'I‘OR: 3er Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. Enmm am) Psornm'mn. MES BROWN. ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, Durham, Out. Old Accounts and Debts of all Kinds Collected on Com- mission---- Farms Bought and Sold. Insurance Agent, etc. Medical Direclory. LOWER TOWN Arthur Gun, M. D. Notary Public. Commissioner, Dental Dz'm‘l‘ory. 0771C! :"fi Dr. lamieson. . Lefroy McCaul. V". I R‘VIN, Legal Dz’rac‘fory W. 8. Davidson. Miscellaneous. J. P. Telford. IS mum )thenzie‘a Old Stand. ONTARIO. DURHAM. ,(Intelded For Lat Week.) May the New Your bring pleasant surprises to all. Bye-bye Old Year --you have some dark, very dark stains on your pages! Mr. and Mrs. Neil McArthur, of? Bottineau. N. Dakota, arrived at the old home on the 4th con. last week. and propose remaining three months. Neil has been most successful out there and is a strong Western man. Miss Jessie McArthur came up from Toronto on Saturday last. New Year’s day is to witness a very in- teresting event in the old cosy home and so the various members of the family are gathering for it. Mr. Donald Stewart. of Welbeck, who has just lately returned from Manitoba. was visiting his sister, Mrs. John McNally, for a couple oi days. It was a pleasure to have the com- pany of Mr. and 5- rs. Sam Jackson, of Aberdeen. for a few hours last. Tuesday. They are a likeable pair and Master Clarke. their boy, isa bright. little chap. Mr. A. W. Park spent 3 few of his holidays visiting among old friends in the section. A. W. is a general favorite here and the bonds grow stronger with every visit. Mr. W. J. Ritchie, the new teacher in No. 5 has made a most favorable impression on the people of the vie- inity. Success awaits him. Mrs. Mary Peart and Mrs J. J. Peart drove over to south Bentinck last week to see the latter’s mother, who is very unwell. Miss Sarah Jack leaves for Toronto on 'l'hursday to spend the winter there. Mr. George Peart was elected tee in No. 5 last week. Dic‘: Davis and Joe 'Allan began their winter’s job of woodcutting the last day of the old year Mr. and Mrs. Chas, McClocklin ate Xmas turkey with Mr. and )1 rs. Mark Wilson, of Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs John McNally joined the jolly, big family gathering at .\lr.J. Mills’ in Sullivan on the fes- tive Day. Mr. Rob Nelson. of the 4th is in poor health at present. Zion was crowded to the doors on Xmas Eve by a happy, good-looking crowd and so will behaved and order- ly as to win “arm praises from all sources. It was .more than ordinary success. The decorations are more than attractive. the numbers on the programme bright, the two trees were laden with good things.‘ among which were some rare sur- prises. Special in these was a purse containing 310 for Mr. and Mrs “Wray R. Smith. a handsome pair of driving mits for Supt. R. '1‘. Edwards and a richly bound Bible and hymn ‘book for the librarian, Miss Emma Edwards. The proceeds amounted to $21.70. It was truly a night of joy and good will among all present and we know some hearts that are especially grateful. Toothache Cured in one Minute. Not only toothache, but any nerve pain is cured instantly by Polson's Nerviline, Thousands have testified that its powerful. penetrating, pain- subduing properties make it an abso- lute cure for neuralgia. rheumatism, toothache, cramps, colic and all other pains and aches that beset mankind. The world is challenged to equal Nerviline as a household liniment. Large bottles 25 cents. (Intended For Last Week.) Mr. and Mrs. J. Purdy, of Paisley, spent Christmas at the Methodist Parsonage. There was an entertainment in the Presbyterian Church on Christmas Eve under the direction of the Sun- day School. A very enjoyable even- ing was spent. the children of the School supplying the greater part of the programm. Our old and respected friend, Rev. S. O. Irvine, of Portage La Prairie. quaintances last Thursday. We also learned from him. that his brother, Richard, and also his nephew, Robin- township was held hereon Monday and was very largely attended as representatives were present from . all parts of the township. There was r ths tenacxous 5km dusorgter w 3apphcatiun puts out i cations the eruptions begin 19 dry 11 , diminish, , of the treatment is, it skin as soft as baby's. Cures 110! In no uuc an”. .. _____ cure: as i cases of Eczema-â€" i . . . many a physxma t the fire, takes away the 1 i:-. hing, stinging sensation. and after a few appli- ; and eventualty disappear entirely. bmuty leaves no scar or trace of 3 the troubleâ€"but a f pues in [our to six nights. 35 c8. 7: Ir. Agnew’s Ointment can count Its cured patients by the thousands. But in no “one Sold by MacFarlane 81. (30., HOLSTEIN. Durham. trus- Did you know you could“ give medicine to your child- ‘ ren while they were sound- 1y sleeping? You certainly can. It is called Vapo» Cresolene. You put some Cresolene in the vaporizer, light the lamp, and place near the bed. The children quietly breathe-in the vapor. There is nothing equal to it for whooping cough, croup, colds, cough, sore throat, and all other troubles of the throat and chest. It is eco- nomical, pleasant, safe. 2: Va Cresoleoe is sold druggists here. A Vag:Cresolene outfit. inc uding the vm and Lamp, which should last a life-time. and a bottle of Cresoleue. comglete. Onso- extra supplies of Cresc- lene 25 cents an socents illustrated booklet contain- ing physicians' testimonials free upon uest. Vero- Cusoutts Co.. :80 Fulton St.. New ork. U.S.A. Roccommended und Sold by Mural-lane ll. 00.. Druggiato. Durhun. some cross firing but on the whole but little was said ggaips}: the retir- ing councillors. The following are the nominations for Reeve: D. Mc- Queen and Joe. Swans. on , foor Coun- S cInt5:re,J. Ijurrant, W. McFadden. J. W Walls. J. McArtl'Iur, R. E. Mickleboro. D. Hunter. Robt Freeman and family. of Du- luth are enjoying the season ’5 feet- ivities with his brother George here. The annual entertainment. of the Methodist Sunday School was held on Xmas evening. A very pretty and artistic Wigwam was one of the attractions, Santa Claus being com- fortably seated within. A very well rendered program was given by the children. The proceeds amounted to $12.85. It becomes our duty this week to chronicle the deith of Miss Rachel Beatie. who passed away suddenly at her home on Saturday, December 24th, at the age of nineteen years She had not been well for some time and her death was not altogether unexpected. consumption being the cause. We extend our sy mpathy to the beaeaved family. On Christmas Day Mr. Thomas Sowerby, of this place. was united in rhe Holy Bonds of matrimony to Miss Miss Munby, of Sullivan. The wed- ding took place at the home of the bride where only the immediate friends were present. Mr. and Mrs. Sowerby intend taking a trip to Buf. falo, but owing to Mrs. 8. having a very bad cold they were unable to go. We take. this privilege of welcoming Mrs. Sowerby to our neighborhood. We extend our congratulations and hope at the same time that it will set some of Mr. Sowerby’s bachelor neighbors thinking. Another wedding is reported to have taken place in our neighbor- hood on Xmas, but the report is nor yet confirmed. Mrs. John Whitmore, of Egremont, has been visiting her daughter. Mrs Joe Sproule for a. few days. Mr. C. Boyle has let the contract of veneering his new house to Mr. Love. Mrs. T. Moran is improving nicely and is almost out of danger. We notice some of your bachelor correspondents guying each other about that American lady. We sug- gest to this handsome lady that she withdraw the word “honest” from her ad. and give the poor fellows a chance. Mr. Frank Boyle, who for the past. three years has been at Pierson, Man- itoba, is home for a short time. We are not prepared to saw what for, but we willlet you know later one Got Corns? Foolish to keep them if you have? No fun in come, but lots of pain. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor raises corn: in twenty-four hours. Get a quick crOp by raising itâ€"drug- gists sell it. [Intended For Last Week] Well, Mr. Editor, we how you had a Merry Christmas and we wish you and your stafi and readers a Happy Mr. George Reid is Spending his holidays at the old home; He at- tended school in Durham for the past six months. Mr. Thus. Derby and his sister, Miss Jessie, called on a few friends around the Corners on their way to visit friends in Robb. The trustees of our school have secured the services a Miss Hunter, from Proton. to instruct the young minds for the next year. We wish her every success. Mr. D. Hamilton, in honor of his brother. Mr. Jas. Hamilton. and his 'sisccr, Mrs. H. Vollet, both of Lang- Mr. Chas. Robinson, formerly of GlaSgow, Scotland. but. now of Galt, Ontario, spent Xmas at. William Hunter’s. Mr. John Nelson is engaged cutting wood at Peter Reid’s at present. Mr. Wm. Ferguson has his new house finished and has moved into it. He gave the young peOple a good, old-fashioned hoe-down on New Year’s night. Mr. and Mrs. John Allan Spent Xmas 111 Durham. HENRY’S CORNERS. Don't Wake the Baby. GLASCOTT. TQHAM CHRONICLE. THURSDAY. JANUARY 9. 1902. don, N. D.. had a few of his friends to help cut his Christmas goose. Mrs.Chas. Falconer, of Durham. spent a few daysvisiting her parents‘ Mr and Mrs. Thos Daily. t Mr. J. G. Johnson brought home a [me new cutter Saturday last Mr. M. Eccles had the misfortune to lose a. valuable horse last week from b'ronchitis. Miss Baird is visiting around the Corners this week. In our style of climate. with its sudden changes of temperaturegâ€"o rain, wind and sunshine often inter- mingled in a single day.â€"it is no wonder that our children. friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglected colds. half the deaths resulting directly from this cause. A bot tle of Boschee's German Syrup kept about your home for im-: mediate use will prevent serious sickness. a large doctor‘s till. and perhaps death, by the use of three or fourdoses. ForcuringCousumptton. ’ Hemorrhages, Pneumonia. Severe Coughs, Group. or any disease of the Throat or Lungs. its success is simply wonderful. as your druggist will tell you. Regular size. 73') cts. You can get Dr. G. G Green’s reliable remedies at Darling’s Drug Store. The following letter from D. E. Davis. who is engaged iniSouth Af- rica, was not intended for publicao tion but has been kindly given us at our requvst. We are sure his many lrieuds will be glad to hear from him in this wafi : Baby’u cold my be cured in a night. by using Vapoâ€"Cresolene. which has been extensively in use for twenty-four years. All drunk“- DEAR ANNIE.â€"Thi8 is Sunday, and I will write you afew lines to let you know that I am getting along fine. We had a skirmish the other day and get Seven Boers. There was a patrol went out at night and “hen they were coming home they saw the Boers getting breakfast. ready so they sent in to camp for more men. We were just coming in from stables be- fore breakfast and had to saddle up and go out. When we got out. we found them in a gully while he were on a high ridge. We poured in vol- leys for a while. They said they would surrender if we gave them a show so 'some of our men stood up and the Boers shot. them. We had three of our men wounded. one wast hit in three places We wounded two of their men one dying after we brought them into camp. We have got altogether ‘26 prisoners. The Captain said when he came in'o camp that. the men he had didn’t think about eating; all they thought of was fighting. We didn't get. any- thing to eat till about two o’clock when they brought out. some rum which was all right. Our Captain was very angry at! the Boers for shooting our men in that manner and he tied some of their hands behind their backs. There was one little boy about fifteen and the Captain told them it was a great way to bring us their children. It was like at school, a fellow doesn’t think about being hungry till after the excitement is over. Well. how are things around home ? I am old enough to vote. but it is a long way to the Township Hall. The grass is good out here, now, and the horses have a. better chance. It comes out middling hot sometimes, but it is mostly cool enough. There is generally a breeze blowing and it is all right, News F1 om the Scene of Action by A Glenelg Boy. We generally have the afternoons 03 also Sundays, that is, if nothing turns up; we have to he prepared for that. There are some desperate characters fn the field now and they fight to the finish. How did the grain turn out this year? I think I will come to a close. GURES PILES IN 5 DAYS Dr. Agnow’s Ointment might how: a thousand testifying to its.msrits as an absolute euro for Pilos only, but it euros psrmanontly all man- ner of skin diseasos too. Adam Brydon. of Deleware Ave. Chatham, Ont, is a well known man in the west, and what he says of Dr. Agnew’s Ointment can easily be verified. “I was troubled for a long time with piles. On the recommendation of our leading dmggist I tried a box of this remarkable oint- ment, and after applying for four or five nights. it completely cured me of this troublesome ail- ment. and I heartily recommend it to all like sulfcrers.” 3 3 cts. Durham, June 25th, 1901. remain "ounce that he has now removed his lllactsmiming business to Cochrane’s old a and, where he will be pleased to attend to all the requirements of his old customers and others. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. ’. WHITMORE. begs SOUTH AFRICA. A Gentle Hint. November 17th, 1901. . \VHITMOBE. Yours truly, D. E. DAVIS. to 311° Grocery 6: Provision Store. We’re Selling Suits at Cost While They Last. BLANK? 8 AND YARNS ALWAYS 0N HAND. . C. Healy, NEW PUMPS AND CURB, REoCUnn Pumps. Looking out. for number one in this case is the plainest duty. " Protect yom_'_eyes,” as a maxim. ‘1 9|) ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live and let live" PRICES. T. MORAN. “VVVVVJvâ€"- would be well to teach the child and the youth, for eyes are the most injured organs and among those most necessary to success and happiness. We can probably save you pain and expense right now. DURHAM. Mill Streetâ€"In Rear of Cnldor’s Block. Lower Town. Durhun. tended to. General Blacksmith. Flour, Feed, Groceries, Fruit, Nuts, Confec- tionery, Fresh and Cured Meats at lowest prices. Goods delivered to all parts of town. Pumps AND REPAIRS. DRILL, B RE- CURB, . PRESSCURB LS. All ordsra taken Lt. the old “and McGowul' a Hill will be promptly st I'UlleSQ Will sell all our Ready-made Suits at cost. A felt assortment to select from an. astonishingly low prices When we say we sell at cost we mean it. so come along and prove us by examining our goods. 5 ; Fresh Groceries at the Raisins, Currants, Sugar, 'l‘e SOUTH END ONTARIO. DURHAM. Farmers, Thrashers ant! Furnace Kettles, Power Straw Cut- ters, Hot Air Furnaces, Shingle! Machinery, Band Saws, Emery Me- chines for hand end power, Crest- ings, Farmers' Kettles. Columns, Church Seat Ends, Bed Festenere, Fencing, Pump-Mekere' Supplies. School Desks. Penning Mill Cent- 'ings. Light Cestinge end Buildore' Supplies, Sole Pletes end Points for diflerent ploughs in use, end Cent- ,ing Repeirs for Flour end Sew Ilille. Steam Engines, Horse Powers, Sop. stators, Mowers and Renpou. Also Circulars and -X-Cpt-Sun gamed. filed and not. GOOD SHINGLES FOR SALE. The Founlrymun. Durhnm, Ont. BARCLAY IOBLE desnre to inti- mate to the public of Durham and vicinity that they have now Opened out in the Calder Imple- ment Wurerooms a full line of Agricultural Implements end Domestic requirments including Maxwell Binder: and Movers. Sylvoiter Mmhmu'y. all kinds. Adsms’ Waggon. Tudhope Buggies. Tolton Pea‘hu'vesmrs Ind Pulpors. mahford Organs und Pianos. Gurney's Stoves and Ranges. The New Williams Sewing Machines. Sawyer-Massey Engines and Separators. The Knoll Washer and Wriuger. Maxwell Charm and Barrows. Brautford Windmills. Gal and‘Gasoline Engines. Etc“ Etc. NEXT 1' POST OFFICE CHARTER SMITH. at the lowest living: profits. :ar, Teas. Cofl’eei. Ecc., Ego. WE REPAIR WE MAKE Durham. AN' 3:! STAND. C‘LDER'S

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