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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jan 1902, p. 1

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L, enouxb for On {at for rouchifll. an; [L moot 0e “M to ké-e on had. HER (31)., won, I... ot to buy a hot- "5 Cherry Pec- your cold first a you let it run ren now, with 1rd coughing, it Lisappoint you. record of sixty .11 back on. Lt ensuing session “It!“ neurpunuo the Duh. Ina)? Campanv. to m inf Railway from a poll. lnk Railway in the tow.- thence through a pot“. hip ”f Beutinck. than. of the TuWII of Durham. )fliu||$ “t the Township gremnn‘. In a Willi .. or “(9. all within 'he County L'usi l’ruvince 0f Unmio land Feed. ‘ticm will be made uni. nbly fur the PIOViIIQ‘ ,t ensuing session “I“ r PM I“ . sales, N030“ Ill. blx‘ Donburg Oatmeal, Hil- ton Flour, Chopp.‘ but. Oats and PM KERTUN COOKE. r Raisins and Cut- ts, fresh Dates. Fig. l Prunes. Kipper“ rring and Sardin... L Fraser Salami. .dies. Nuts, Biscuiu, nous and Oran“ Groceries. WI‘UI wish our Custom." ry Merry Christina. ORB. ONTARIO T ATTENTION l" kinds of ,’.~\ R IN G DELIVERED. I]. LAWRENCE. TU PABUAMENT. H RR B BY GIVEN TRY RTAKING best makes fr \‘i' Lenahan iTURE ungs TM E) \ pplicanh. " GATHERED DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READER8. Cmmm mums. 21b!» 25c., 13 lbs $1.00. at Parker’s H. W MOCKLER is ofiering bugging in underwear. HIGHEST cash price paid for raw furs at Pecl’s.-â€"tf. SUGAR ~20 lbs. granulated sucar 81.00. 105 lbs. $5.00. at Parker's. CIIUR Local News Items SW... HOUSE, lot and stable for sale. a soap for $500.00.â€"J. A. Hunter. ALL those who have received their accounts are requested to settle either by cash or note before the end of the mambo-H W. Mockler. THE Durham District L. O. L. held their annual mpeting here On Tuesday last. A report has been handed in but w» are unable to give it in this issue. NEW White sewing machine for ule --J. A. Hunter. Will exchange it. for Wood. GENTLEMEN who are bald or have thin hair. should call on Prof. Daren- weml at Middaugh House, Durham. Wed., Jan '29. and sea his wonderful devices in 'l‘oupees and Wigs worn on over 65,000 heads. Explanation and demonstration (rue. Private apar/tmnns at Hou-l. Don’t fail to see his [new invention. patented all over the world New JEWELLERY S'l‘ORE.--Mr. R. B. Keeler. of Hespeler is opening out a stock of jewellery in the sand next the bank, formerly occupied by the hue \V. A. Machrlane Mr. Kepler has a knowledge of practical work having spent some time in a. watch factory. and furthermore he is pre; arcd to flu all kinds of engraving. days last week at HMJOVM‘, Shallow Lake, Tara and Hepworth. At the latter place he met Mr and Mrs. John P. Whelau who “ished to be remembered in all kindness to' Dur- ham friends. Mr. Williams thinks the gas works quite an acquisition to the plaice aml used as they are for heating purposes the people are now in tho- eujuyineut of clean. cheap fuel. \Ve how to 98? our wells running over by this time uexv yearil not before. We are credibly informed that the Work will Soon begin. A mcumtn'm. surprise waited Miss Chadwnck. teacher in S. S. No.13, Normattby. on her return to this OrC'lnlt last week On the morning of January 3nd 5116 was presented with a bvaunful nilmttt bound in lea. lwr. tuu very pretty tOIIt-t boxes and a purse uf money. the gifts of her pupils. Miss Chadwick desires to express her appreciation of the git-at kindness shown to her by both parents and pupils of Na 13'and bearttiy thanks the downs of the gifts. Aytun Advance. --[\s Miss Chadwick is at Durham lady the above item Wlil interest her many friends here. -â€"Ed.] TAKE \nur rubber "pairing to eel, the Showman. CUUN‘I‘Y Commissioner Joseph Prin-‘ gle has passed through a severe crit- ical Illness and the public gem-rally will he Menard to learn that he is now "convening. although still very weak. His condition was such that his sons John F. and William were telegraphed for. the former at Ender- by, B. (3.. and the latter at V'ulley- field. Quebec. 0:) New Years Day the «hale family. eight boys. were gathered round the lestive bond st the family home. a re-miion much enjoyed by ell; Will leave: this c. ‘n “ “‘_‘_Jn- “0". READ The Big Snore ad. UI'J"J“' v week for Valleyfield. Alexander will Itnrt for British Columbia on Mon- day and John will remain for a. few days and then return to his borne in B. C. -â€"Chntewerth News. A LETTER from Hanover written' last week. tells of an interesting occasion in that town. namely. a banquet git-en by the citizens to cele- brate the opening of the new factory of the Knechtel Furniture Company. Limited. " It was a line time." says the letter. “ You must bear in mind that it is just a year on December 20th since the old factory was burned down. The new one is on the same site. It is a fine building. You may judge that it is abig place when I say that in the iourth story of it there w: 9 room last Friday for about 500 guests. A gold-headed cane was prerented by Mr. Fleischer. the old. est employee in the place, to Mr. Daniel Knechtel, who is president 0! the company. Everybody wishes well to the company.â€"Monetary Mr. JOHN WILLIAMS spent n {cw Times. VOL. 36-«N0. 1819. CHURCH no'es and Top Clifl Spoudrnce crowded nut. IMPORT English envelOpes vvl'y cheap at. Parker’s. THE annual meeting of the South Grey Agricuh uml suck-[y in in ses- Sluu as we [:0 [U press. g3U” Cases, telescoms . trunks sud Valms. in large vaxieu at Peel’ 8 ALWAYS warm a patent leather slipper or 21100 in fromy weathar be- fore putting on and avoid cracking. â€"Pcel, the Shoemau. Mu. HAuuY BURNETT met with an accident last. week by which he lost three- fingers “bile working a Straw cutter. A SOCIAL gathering met lam. Friday night at the home of Mrs. Jackson. and enjoyed the time- until the wee Sum hours in the hviuht 0f enjoy- ment. Dancing and all sorts of amu ~ement-s constitutvd the prom‘am. It is said to be the finest, entertain- ment] eVer given in Durham. LADIES. See our immense stock 0 cmsets, all best. makes.-â€"H.. W. Mucklel‘. LADIES look young-er. which is the desire of one and all. lake the trouble of visiving Prof Dorenweud’ private show rooms at Middaugh Huuse. Durham. «n Wed...luu. 29. and see the many bemutiful inven- tions in Stylvs of Human Hair Cowar- il.gs. Wigs. Bangs. Switclws, etc. and inspevt his new parent structure THE Town Council met Monday night for the then sessiun of l90‘2, hut engagements elsewhere prevent- ed our attendance. and we are unable to get the minutvs for this issue. We may say. however. th;.t lwnce- forth we Want tbP Comm-i] to furnish us with a cmiy of the minutes of Patch meeting We think we do our part to set it up and publish it. THERE are three rotaries in position at the Crment mill. and one being lowed imo place. 'I‘wo O'iwrs are eXpectr-d shorily. The original in- tention was to put in six, but at the last liweiiiig of the Board it was decidvd to gen. [“0 inure. This will L'ise a capacity of at least fifteen hundred barrels a. dag. and when CunipYCIed We will have the best qulipped cmuent. plant under the British flag. BUSINESS Eanpmsm -- We call Hue attention of our readers to the large and interesnng ad. of The Big Store on page 8. We admire Mr. J. A. Hunter’s enterprise. and note With cansidvrable Satisfaction to hims If and OUISHIVPS that his a'lvertismeuts never fail to draw a large crowd. “a have m-ver vet heard one sub- svriher sav that the good-: were not. as represented. Wri'e down a list of what is required and be In early at the sale. We understand that the uncols advertised for this sale are exce pt iouwlly rare bargai n8. A C(HIPLE of week ago we publish- etl an excellent article on the His’ori- cal Growth of the Municipal Govern- mout in Ontarin. At the time we were somewhat rushed in consequ- ence of changes made in the paper, and we notually forgot, to mention that the papo-r was a contiibution by Inspector Burgess of Owen Sound. for the publication 0‘ which We ‘m- cured his kind permisuion. The sketch isa very valuable one, and readers who have um given it. a. care- lul perusal will be profited by doing 80 DON. A/ MR. J A. MITCHELL lat/gust; brief call while here as DlStl'ict Deputy of the I. U. 0 F. It was quitea sur- prise tu both of us to run up against near neighbors without knowing it. We feel that. we know Mr. M.’s whole pedigree. having been a school- mate of his father and mother, being intimately acquainted with his grand- fathers and grandmothers on both sides. and back in the dim recesses of our memory we can well reflect on the dtficulties we had in trying to understand the broad Scotch of Mr. and Mrs. GilleSpie. his great grand- parents. on his paternal grandmmh- er’s side of the house. Our attempt at giving a genealogical description may be a little obscure. but we have ,it all right in our mind. The annual meeting of the share- holders of the Durham Furniture Co., Limited, will be held in the Town Hall. Durham, on Wednesday even- ing. Jan. ‘22. 1902, commencing at 7:30. for the purpose of electing 0- cars, receiving financial statements and the transaction of any other business that msy be necessery. 03. J sums. M. P. P., J. KELLY, President. Socy.-Trou. Annual Meeting. patent leather E People We Know THE GOING AND COMING UP VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF JANUARY. Mus. (Dr.) Jamies‘on is visiting 'I‘o- runm fl Winds. Mia's Patterson. of Fordwicb. \isit- her Mister. Mrs. Beau. Rev '1‘. H Farr leaves this week to take charge of his work in “’al- laceburg. 1cm n Mr. P. J. Darcey was home from Guelph for Xmas bofidnyg‘. Miss,w Maggie McDonald returned from Detroit last week. Mr. Payne. of the law firm of Pink- erton Cooke, Toronto. is in town this week. Mr. Warren. of Rat Portage, 18 visiting friends in tgwu. Miss Mary Watt, who has been quiwe ill for the pasc month. is not. making much pragress towards re- covery. Mr. C. 'l‘. Leeson returned last week after spendinga month or so with his brothers in Indiana. He enjoyed the trip \ ery much. Miss Margaret Caldwell is now teachim.Ir at \lidl'ord Out, at sal- an in ad\ance of what she received last year in Normanby. Mr. Walter Buchan is in Owen Sound where he has undergone a critical surgical operation in the hospizal. We are pleased to hear of his recove ry. Mr Hwi'bert Wilkinson. of Cone- stomi. accompanied by his sisters, Misses Hmuah and Lottie. is visiting hi4 cousin. Mr. James Mack. of Eeremonr. Mr. John Atkinmm returned '0 vown a Wrek or so ago after Spending about nine months at. Langdnn. North Dakota. He gives a favorable ac- count of the place and intends to re- turn in early spring. “'l‘im Man From Glengarry” is. without doubt, the cleverest story lief. re the American pPOle tu-(lm'. and the bust of it is that it is purely a Canadiwn story. by a Canadian anilmr -- Ralph Cummr (Rev. C. W Gordon. Winnipeg). It has had a phPOlllellfll sale among“. those who can pay high wives for such hooks, but the Family Herald and Weekly Star. uf Mnmreal, has done the right, lhllig for Canada by purchasing the 1‘“. hi m pnhlisl; it in that great paper. and the first chapters are announced lor January 29th issuv. Family Her- ald subscribers wi.l enjoy this great st my. and its publication is sure to add tlnrmsnndsol new readers for that wonderful family paper. This story alone is worth the year’s subscrip- tion price (one dollar). not to speak of the ”WEB handsome pictures that Mr a nu to each subscriber. At, the meeting of thp Grey Lodge No. 169 I O. O. F.. held on Monday night last, the following officers weoe insu-nlled for the ensuing term :-â€" Bro. F. Lenahau. N G.; Bro. Bur- ro“ s. V. G.; Bro \V. B Volle'. R. 8.; Bro. A. Jackson. P S; Bro. A. Rob- ertson. 'l‘ ; Bro. B. Warner, W.; Bro. Holt. (3.; Bro. J. Parrot. R S N G : Bro. I). Unlflpbell, L S N. G; BI'O. R Dewal, R S. S; Bro Geo. Yiirs. L S. S. Bro. J. Vollet. R. S. V. G.; Bro. J. ',[‘owner L. S. V. G.; W Irwin, Chap. .\l r. .l. A. Mitchell. District Deputy ' of Atwood. was present at the instal- lation and took the work in a very efficient manner, after which a neat little address was made. and thel lodge CIOsed. to meet in the Mid-. daugh Hon e where mine host Hahn 5. had a very sumptuous Spread of‘ oysters, turkey and the delicacies of‘i the season. Nearly sixty Oddlellows. and their lady and sentlemen friends entered heartily in the festivities and the inner cravings being fully satisfied. a considerable portion of the night was Spent in the Lodge rooms, where they were entertained and entertained themselves with a choice program of songs. recitals and the light fantastic. Mr. J. A. Hunter and Mr. Fred Ryan gave a couple of good. spirited songs. Miss Jessie Laidlaw sang sweetly one of her choice selections, and Maude Irwin, fully eclipsed herself in read- ing "The Jiners,” a humorous se- lection in which a woman sought di- ‘vorce from her husband because of ;his persis'ent determination to join tevery society in the whole list. The dancing was heartily indulged in by ilovers of, the pastime. which was certainly rendered here in perfect in- inocence and with the utmost decor- Mr. P. Stanhope of Tomato. is in um. The night was well spent. when the hall was deserted and as far as we can see nearly every one enjoyed the event to the fullesc degree. The Society is a fraternal and char- itable institution has no superior and we trust that the pleasant even- ing spent amongsc them msv have a tendency to swell the membership. DURHAM, 0NT.,. THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1902. I. 0. O. F. Installation How many Councillors plumped for themselves? “hen a fellow gets licked at an When is the new “aggon factory evacted :0 arrive? Is it true that the recent vote in Durham cut a lot of fellow off from working at the Cement Mills? We’d like to have the mime of all the electors who promised to vote for all the candidates. BM Sharp is the proudeet man in Durham since got into the Council. A bottle of whiskey doesn’t always catch a vote. even if it is served up at the elector’s ain fireside. What’s the legal proportions of fresh air to be mixed with a. cord of wood? Some people have an idea it shouldn’t be more than fifty per cent. There was quite an impromptu theatrical exhibition on the street 138! Thursday. The meetin’ wasn’t advertised. or there would have been a bigger crowd. They say it was hot for a time. The proper (?) thing to do now during an election campaign is to carry a tempprence pledge card in your hand anda bottle of whiskev in your hip pocket. There’s no knowing “hen some fellow might take a pain. Ekfrid near London. has five cases of smallpox. Mr. Carlmgie haq been elected a trunee of the New York Public Notwithstanding the recent agree- ment, the railways are isa‘uing ex- change puSSes. Librm' In St Louis the Mayor and Police Commissioners wgere arrested fnr raiding a pool room. The Hamilton Herald's Action for libel against the Spectator for $5,000 damages was non-suited. Rev. Ruhr. Burton. Presbyterian Minister. of Little Current. Manit- oulin Island. is dead The papulation of the districn of Athabasca is eatimated at 7.000 of What!) 4000 are Indians. rI‘wo local trains collided in the New York Central tunnel on Wed- nesdav morning last, and fifteen lives were lost. A writ. has been issued for the bye- elemiou at. Victoria, B. 0., made vac- ant by the tam-venting of Col. Prior. Polling. January 28th. ! Premier Roblin announces that. genother vote must be taken in Man- fnoba before the enforcement of pro- ’thition. The legislature is to in- utroduce a bill this session. and immediately after prorogation aub- 'mit it. to a referendum. The Jury at London has returned a verdict of $1,000 in favor of Miss Burke in her suit against Col. Burke. 02 St. Thomas. This is a kidnapping case, Rev. Dr. AlexanderJackson. Pres- byterian Mininer of Cleveland. form erly of Gait. has resigned owing to trouble in the congregation. The Reeve of Exeter has issued a proclamation making vaccination compulsory before the 25th inst. The 8:. '1' homas Tuade and Laban! fié Council has plotested the election of i * Aldermen, many electors having % voted too often. an Mr. John Craig, Editor and propri- etor of the Fergus News-Record, son of the late John Craig. M. P P.. died at the Gravenhursc Sanitarum from lung trouble resulting from a severe cold. He was thirty years of age and leaves a widow and two children. Nominations were made WedneQ- day last in several vacant constitu- encies throughout the Dominion. The candidates were mostly straight. party men. Dr. H. S. Beland. Lib- eral. of Beauce. Que., was the only one returned by acclnmagion. Advertisement in The Chronicle will do for you. Who stoke the wood? to cure e commenizhtâ€"m Vapo-Oruo- lene. It has been used extensively duripg more than twenty-four years. All Druggms. an Assistant Roy. Londnn Ophthalmic Hon, Eng, and to Golden Sq. Thrust and No.0 Hoa- Will be at the Middan 3!: Home lot Wednesday of ad: month. from 2 to 6 p. In. KITS AND MISSES. GENERAL NEWS. DH. GEO. S. BURT. 9â€"‘ 0.. .m‘ '5 ‘14 Wfiéififlé Fine Beaver Wimer Overcoats and Tweed Suns. Underwear for 500, 600, 756. 856, 900. $1.00 and $1.10 ouch. Gloves and Mine to Sum all occasions. Sweaters and Cardignus. Braces, Socks and Handkerchiefs of all kinds. Neckwear, Shins, Collars and Scarfs. Hats. Fur and Clmh Cups. Working Shirts. Smacks and Overalls in abundance. S. F. MORLOCK blight we ask you to think now of what you want, and if eunvenient, come in as early as possible before the rush. New goods just 10. Beautiful stock of Fur Coats. Fur Gauntlets and Imitation Persian Lamb. Fine Black Wool Mitts French Kid Gloves with Dome Buctonu. Macho Silk-lined Gloves with Dome Buttons. White Lawn Hematiwhed Handkerchiefs. White Fancy LeeeAfigndkerchiefl. 0-! I o ”lvv ‘uuvd â€"_.'_. V;'hite Japanese Sill: Handkerchiefs with Initinll. Blouse Silks, French Flannel: end Patric Wei-t Cl0th. Silk Ties in the newest styles. Blue Ribbon Tenâ€"Block, Green. Ceylon. and Mind. 3 lbs. Raisins for 26¢. 3 bottles Flavoring Extracts for 250. 3 lbs. Currants for 25¢. 3 packages Jelly Powder for 25¢. 6 lbs. Figs for 25¢. Icing: in Chocolncn. Ounce nnd Pink nt 12in. MEN’S FURNISHINGS. FOR THE LADIES. THE RUBY STORE Oil THE RUBY OORNER. GROCERY LIST. $1 00 PER YEAR.

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