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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Jan 1902, p. 1

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is Monday. Jan. 6th. salize that :1, and you Stock and :akes some at . . . . $1.40 string l, ONT. kates ' 142 ‘I'I‘IT 1 or Trade. loikbs RN! TU RE ATFURD. ONTARw. iott, Rubbers. ERTAKING tcr Term 1 Axe are. I) 'l‘l all sizes to . . . . 25c. or. Handles n ..... 5c. 0‘. I'M EXT arrow too. 3.100 and 751:. pair. $4.00 ea I J: a: 4: «Iain Lruahan Laced ON TO ll (Dc Ymr’u. miss the greatest treat of seawn if you miss the Scotch Con- cert on January 3011:. FOR SALE --A young milch cow. “’ill he sold chasmâ€"C. FIRTH, Dur- ham Road, Glenelg.â€"tf. ALI. persons indebted to C McAr- thnr are requested to ca” at. 31169 and Ben! 3 their accounts, either by cash or note. KEELER, the jeweller, isthe onlv wanshmaker in the County with a watch factory experience. Fuwm ~Poultry fond, crysml grit and oyscer obells, at Parker’s. GATHERED DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READERS. _GE.\'TLEMEN who are bald or have thin hair. should call on Prof. Doreu- weml at Middaugh House. Durham. “'eiim-sday. Jan. 29. and see his wou- derful devices in Toupevs and “'ius worn on over 65.000 Leads. Explan- ation and demonstration free. Pri- MR. G. W. JACKsoN. of Leaming- ton. Commercial 'l‘ravellrr for wall paper. etc., gave us a brief call last week and told us several things about his enterprising town in which we spent two years of our time. We hope to have him call every trip, but forgot to fix the fact firmly in his memory. We have no doubt we could spend a pleasant evening talk- ing over many persons and things that would be of mutual interest. If you have Anything to Sell, try what - a Little Advertisement in The Chronicle will do for you. vate apartments at Hotel. Don’s fail to see his new invention, patent- ed all over the world. THERE were thirteen of them in the load from Flvsherton that attend- ed the rink on Tuesday night as fol- lows: Charlie Mnnshaw, Chm-lie Richardson. Charlie Sullivan, Arthur Waulrohe. Bob Thompson and Jim “'hit». and .‘ins 3“ Minnie and Mabel Mllll~hfl“’. Jam-t Cribs-“on. Bart. Clo.» ley. Flo th'harll8°)ll,(‘flrl'it‘ Sullivan. ahd Blanche Hamilton. All wapt Jim \\ him we”- puplh of Ye Editor and 'hey all Show gothI-aining. Mr. and um. lmiollmv wntv I‘mined the m'u'ml Illllll after midnight. Local News Items Mn J. A. Hux‘rEit 18 our most ex-' tensive advertiser. and in his ad. this week he comes out flat-footed and says it was the big ad. last week: that brought the immense crowd to his Store on Saturday last. This is certainly a high recommendation reg garding the power of pl’lll'el‘a’ ink,- bnt we may just say to Mr. Hunter,I much as no believe in advertising. that even the local papers of Durham cannot continue to draw crowds un-‘ leas the advertisers back up every word they say with plain unvarnish- ed truth. Mr. Hunter claims to do this and we have never known anything to the contrary. In fact, we believe all our advertising patrons have long ago learned that the public cannot always be deceived. To sum the whole thing up in a few words. If your watch is sick Keeler, the ewvller. can make it tick. v.â€" returns for his investments without. using the columns of the local paper.l We are now in the 20th century and the business methods of a hundred years ago are long out of date. If you have anything to eell tell the maple, and the cheapest and best. we believe it is lib-possible to-day for‘; any business man to get the best. Mail and J Family E Toronto E Toronto 1) Toronto I Montreal ‘ way to do this is through the press. Nov. 19th. 22 um urker’s HIGHEST cash price paid for raw rs at Prcl’s.â€"tf. 11 L139. sulphur 25c at Parker's VOL. 36---N0. 1820. anulated sugar $1.00 at DURHAM C H ON [CLE. ' nfor this now Pxpresses his determination to as 3180 a enfowe tlm law and in Hus he should . and has get the moral support of awry right for new 8- : minded person in the community. A SHIREE wili be held in the Hump- den Paesbvtvrian church here Jan. ' 29th. A good plagx'am will be pro- } vided, a good choir in attendance. "‘ [’0ch Open at 6, tea served at 7. D Admission 25c., children 1:30. Every- 3 body welcome. Come and spend a. ‘ pleasant evening. The portrait we give was taken «in. ring the past yvar. the good old lady harself having walked up to Browne’s studio to get. it takon. \Vefivm- pa'hize with the h. st of remaining: relatives in the separation that must, have been exnectml She was 100 vears the 25th of last March. On two prowinus ovoaeinna during the past year we wrote at length concerning the deceased. As our tims- before going to prpqs is limited W» are unable this week to go into full particulars, EVERYBODY says “ KPeler, the new jeweller must fix my watch ” A SINGLE song by Jimmy Fax will make a sick man well. It’s better than medicine. THE pHS'pune'l Annual .‘le'tinsz of HIP P-shliv Inhram‘ in to h» held in the. Reading Room on \Iouday «aven- inu 1mm. A full a"eu‘sauce is re- spccxfully I‘PunSEteLl. V THE r‘and Boxs an: runn '-_:n the rink Hus winter and anticipate a gram! skating carnival this. Thurs. (14v. e\c!lill¢. Wehupe t2) s-ae them \uil patronized. LADIES look younger. which is the desire of one and all. Take the trouble of visiting Prof. Dorenwend’s private showrooms at the MiddaUgh House. Durham. on Wednesday,Jan. ‘29, and see the many beautiful in- ventions in Styles of Human Hair Coverings, Wigs. Bangs. Switches. etc. and inspect. his new patent. Structure. - Mail and Empire, weekly ........ Family Herald and Weekly Star Toronto Daily World ........ Toronto Daily News .............. Toronto Daily Sm ............... Montreal Witness, weekly... .. MRS. J OHN LAWRENCE 1mm JANUARY 22,1901. OUR CLUBBIN G RATES. AGE mums, 1‘) nos. 28 D8. THE CHRONICLE, Dumuu. Oxr. People We Know 'l‘lw B'ethreu of Ben Nevis Camp No 4') Sons of Scouland are usually SliCte“fUl in getting up the grandest iconcwt of the season. and flom the gtaieut engaged for Thursday next. Mannary IiOl h. we have strong reason ito hc‘lvae this entertainment will unnl. if not surpass. the best of its ifiro-di-cessors. On tlw lHilS we notice lil’lr nmues of first claSs artists in eV« 'en' particular. such as: i MADAME COU'N‘S BAIN | l The renowned Scottish Vocalist. whose Splendid performances have ;given satisfamion in the beSt halls in 'the Country. Her songs in Gaelic iare highly praised. MR. DONALD C. MACGREGOR l Comte-rt baritone of 'I‘onomo. is al- Heady a {axon he in Durham and is a 2g 00 d drawing curd. ‘ MR. JAMES FAX ' Is a favorite evervwhere. and is without doubt the besr. humorist on 'lhe road to-day. For innocence and mirth without vulgarity. Fax is eas ily in the lead. Mr J. Fiddis. of Owen Sound. Spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. R Kupkev returned Iron a couple of weeks’ vi‘zit in Port Elgin. Mr. Peter McArthur. of Calgary. and his sister, Mrs. Campbell, of Paisley. visited Mrs. J. C. Nichol last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Legate and daughten Lena, of the Soho Foundry, Ceylon. were in town over Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Robert \Vuight. Mr. Chas. Layton, foreman on the Cement Works. left Tuesday morn- ing to visit, Toronto, Hamilton and Other places. Miss Mary Ryan, of Edge Hill, leaves for the Quepn Citv with her sister, Maggie, who came home for her holidays. Mrs. Neil McKechnie went to To- ronto Wedneslay in response to a telegram referring: to the illness of a sisrer who is ill of inflammation. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Cameron. of Lauder. Manitoba, after spending ~everal weeks visiting the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Carson, returned this Thursday morning. It will. however, be a few weeks be- fore they reach their western home as they return by way of Indiana where they intend visiting Mrs. Cameron’s brother, Dr. Carson. THE GOING AND COMING 0F VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF JANUARY. Mm. C Mcquall is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Jim McLean, near Priceville, this week. Miss Ina Darby. of Owen Sound. spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. C. McDougall and family. M r. and Mrs. TIIOS. Smith and son, of Portage La Prairie. are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eden. of Varney. it is twenty-eight years since Mr. Smith was in the vicinity, and he sees quite a change in Some respects. Mr R. D. McLackian. of Stockton. Manitoba. is Visiting his bl't’ ther. Mr. Alex. McLachlau. Mr. Mark W'ilson, of Flesherton, was in town Tuesday, and give us a pleasant call. Mr Chas. Munshaw, of Flesher- ton. gave us a short Call Tuesday evening. He came over with a load of Fleshertonians to the skating rink. We were glad to see him look- ing so well, after a serious operation he underwent at the hOSpital in Tur- onto lately. He’s the picture of health now. MISS WHELPEY. Of Mount Forest, is engaged an ac. companies and a better selection. it would be hard to make. A DMISSION. General Admission. 25c. Rjeserved seats. 350. Plan of Hall at Macint- lanes’ Drug Store. 'l‘he evangelis'ic services.are being csntiuued in the Methodist church. Strangers especially invited. Hymn books provided. The Missionary service on Sunday morning was the most successful in the history of the church. The con- tributions being over thirty percent. in advance of last year, and more than double what it was two years ago. The speaker, Mr. H. H. Miller. of Hanover, delighted and instructed his audience as he discoursed on the theme in which he has been for years so deeply intereswd. The service on Sunday evening will be esyecially evangelistic bath in sermon and in song. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1902. SCOTTISH CONCERT. CHURCH NOTES. METHODIST. If a man doesn't believe that time is money he wants to examine his pocket book after he gets a “little time.” A physician says that tight lacing is a benefit to the human race. inns. much as it kills off the foolish girls and Ivaws the wise ones to grow into women. A certain Musician says that; working the jaws will stop the nose‘ {10m bleeding: And \9! some of our‘ citizens can point to the fact that; working his jaw has caused his nose, to bleed. I Dominion Presbyterian :-- Which would ,\ on rather hold a fowl social. and give 33 worth of fowl to it, to- gether with $3 worth of time. and $10 worth of temper, or hand over 32 to the church treasurer in hard cash? Who will have sand enough to pro- pose. the httsiness way of settling the question? An exchange tells of the three Stingiest men on record. The first will not drink water unless it comes from a neighbor’s well; the second forbids his familv to write anything but a small hand as it wastes ink to make large letters; and the third stopped the clock at night to save wear and tear on the machinery. All of them refused to take a news- paper on the grounds that it is a. terrible strain on their spectacles to read. At a partv one evening a lady was entertaining the assembled companv with an account of their firsn quarrel, and how, after making it up with one another. her husband had planted ‘a tree in rememberance of it. " If we had only done that,” whispered the minismr’s wife to her husband. " what a splendid avenue we might have had !” Have you ever noticed that the in- dividual who gets the fewest letters makes the most complaint to the pOStmaster? It is also the man who never has a square meal at home who growls at hotel accommodations; the person who complains most of his neighbors is the meanesr. of the lot; the church member who pays the least to the preacher’s salary finds the most fault with his preach- ing and always complains of the bad management of the church; and the subscriber who is the slowest to pay his subscription finds the most fault with the local paper. At the annual meeting of the Glen- elg Agricultural Society held in Haskett’s hall on Wednesday. the 8th January, the following officers were elected for the year 1902: Pres., J. E. Marsh; lst Vice-Pres.. Thomas R. B. KEElER SUN DURHAM â€" AND â€" IIESI’ELER. L. Stephen. Fall Exhibition to be held on Tuesday. September 30th, and Wednesday, October lst, 1902. â€"Markdale Standard. Late Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic 1103., Eng, and to Golden Sq. Throat. and N050 Hos. E. Marsh; lst. Vice- Pres... Thomas Mercer; 2nd Vice- Pres... Wm. Purvis; Directors. James Bell Thos. Cook, John Ecbardt. G. B. Holmes, Hugh Mercer. Thos. Sowerby. J. J. Rich- ardson. J. 1. Graham. Robt. Mercer ; Auditors. Jas. S. RoWe. W. L. Young; Sec., Geo. Noble; Treas.. R. R. B. Keeler . Son WATCHES, Clocks. Jewellery. Silverware, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Musical Instru- ments, Etc., Etc. WE ARE praccical Watchmakers, Jewellers, Opticians and Engrav- ers. All repairing guaranteed to give satisfaction. All are wel~ come to have a look. No trouble to show goods. New Will be at the Middeugh House lat Wednesday of each month, from 2 to 6 p. m. Glenelg Agricultural Society. HITS AND MISSES. DR. GED. S. BURT. EXCLUSIVELY. ,, Ear, Throat and Nose up a firSt-class Jewellery Store in the McIntyre Block. Durham. We have everything that is to be found in an uptodate Jewellery Store. Our Stock consists of JEWELLERY STORE . ¢ AVE OPENED UUUU VII N ”d “‘1‘ ylgg Mfifififiifl%fi*¥fl“**mfi 70: It}, Blight we cask 3011 to think now of what 2‘»; you want. and it cmwenient come in as early :3): 11s limssible behne the 111sh. \ew goods just in. ’10-. y if 71 V . . . gig Fme Beaver Wm'er Owrcoats and Tweed Suns. ’1 w Underwear for 50c, 606, 750,. 8.36, 906, $1.00 and QIJO Olch. $335 Gloves and \litts to Suit all occasions. a}? Sweaters and Cardigans. $1,, Braces. Socks and Handkerchiefs of all kinds. (e Neckwmr, Shirts, Collars and South. % Hats. Fur and Cloth Cups. gg Working Shirts. Smacks and Overalls in abundance. Blue Ribbon Teaâ€"Black. Green. Ceylon. and Mixed. 3 lbs. Raisins for 25¢. 3 bottles Flavoring Extracts for 25c. 3 lbs. Currants for 25c. 3 packages Jelly Powder for 25c. 6 lbs. Figs for 25c. Icings in Chocolate. Orange and Pink at 12%. Beautiful stock of For Costs. Fur Gauntlets and Imitation Persian Lamb. Fine Black Wool Mitts French Kid Gloves with Dome Buttons. Mocho Silkolined Gloves With Dome Buttons. White Lawn. Hematitched Handkerchiefs. White Fancy Lace Handkerchiefs. White Japnnese Silk Handkerchiefs with Initinls. Blouse Silks, French Flannels snd Paris Wsist Cloth. Silk Ties in the newest styles. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. THE BUSY STORE ON THE BUSY CORNER. FOR THE LADIES. GROCERY LIST. $1 00 PER YEAR.

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