West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Jan 1902, p. 3

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left over. we will lies to all kinds Xmas presents. M stock t RE. ll‘ on I FEE. Boots ORE. chnie. Iver Year LER. JXJIJIE' â€"â€"â€"â€"W' V V JIJI'kJ‘VJA weeks. Ind Of Best 163 of r the \\ 11 up UT Cronin Lvs-lieâ€"-'l‘hat the depmy relul‘lllllg ”meets a tlhe lust Innniciph a! eleuc on be paid 84 each. 82 each be paid for polling places. ‘2 for place of nominmion. and $3 to Malcolm UaInphell fur distributing ballet boxes and cheques isaurd.«Uarried. Lush» Cronin «That the Municipal ‘\'»'..r|.| be [uni $8.40 far ale-Mimi sta- :mlwr). and mat Che-ck now issue. ’l‘rn'. man's. Inns amount H ijw|up Iullidll‘l ”FI'HI'S U I tt~ollrut0)l"$ full ..... [Aw'bili'JE‘ non». I ~\' Ml” also raw)" '1’) It. ship mws Nu debenture only . unruutl'mg«lehemnr fire fm' Hm Hanovw who an! me"- are pdl" hv :hu jvme ..f Hanovm' ans} Bram lurlhn' mid Ibat tu'u ii “e! v Mlnn Punk on Monday. the I to the com cit. lii'h January. acoordung to sutured WI Invxxs. Presam: Sumnel Dckson. reevez, Treasurer. Ruben Lvslse and Francis Crouiu.’ c.00in_L03]ie-Thau thg "9.49:3er cm: c liars; w ho made and subscrib- of Brant b9 paid the sum of 62 cents. l‘l m the (lwclnrmiou of qualification half c‘ at of clearing ditch townline and (HhUG. all“ [OUR their SCSIS'QK the B. find 0 ' and Ch"QllO do no“' ngue, cmmml h an]. and reevu in the chair. 1 .__C,u-.-,cd, M inutws uf December mwting read'i Leslie ~Crorninâ€"That Mrs. Fineny a ..l appl’-)‘.‘e-L jand Jas. Smith, indigentfl. be paid Hx Raw .\'.». l for 190:2. appuinting‘mpir first. quarterly allowance of (;.'f--l-us\'.n~_: ui'ficwn. Wm; real, viz.. eight dollars each. and check now I E.-. W. Duke's and Thus. Clark. iwsue ~Cai'l‘ivd. i O enqau‘e mto in and report Jurrird rtl'l'lt‘ II!" \rh'or law N». l for 1902. appoiming .ho.nv.u:.' uflicrn. was real. viz., W. Vickers and Thou, Clark. 01‘; Hem y Menu" on a Ino-mher ,- B '4" I of lo‘flllh; and". Grier- ..r Um. Na. 1. Thus. Torry for mm. L: sm- {ur No 3 and Frauen n 'ur Nu. 4; road commission- U Campbell. Ulvrk. and \Vul. » n0 \"H'Bl’. The move to have Ie - Crvnin ~~'l‘hut the repve be I for preparing financial state- mu abut the chuck now issue. BENTIN CK COUNCIL 1 AH) I'Pp‘H'l 'h ct. the 'OWIIc ~s nu cleheuturr debut. the ~lelthllg«IB'HBIIIIH'PS We have he Humv'r schOui St-CHUII. w am pd!" hv the» municqml‘ Lusavurnu-l Brant. I NONI" NM Ihat [NH i~t ‘he most HOSE who do not take it do not know for themselves what all its readers say, 9!! fi that it is the brightest and most tip-to- ’11? _ . . date of Toronto’s (la: res. Its Circula- (inn is growing rapidly. Only one tl1: n1 pre- vents still more rapid growth: the fact that people who do not see it do not know what they are missing. To make the acqmnntanctxg there- fore, of thousands of new subscribers, THE STAR is giving away this beautiful portrait of KING EDWARD. highest standard of lithography attainable on thi~ vontinent. It shows His Niajesty in Oflieiai uniform. wit it his decorations in their proper colors. As a piece of portraiture. it is the best . obtainableâ€"better than a photograph. an all oil paintings by competent artists muut be. The artistic value is heightened by a rich background. which increases in the nrmt the «meet of an oil paint- ing. The gold of the uniform stands out upon the picture with striking richness. The picture is 18 Inches by 24 inches. it convenient. size for fram- lng. The paper is of the finest and heavie~t quality. .\'o expen-e has been spared in the work. According to the price charged for some other pictures “King Edward which have been displayed in dhop window». this one is “any worth 01.“). ‘ I ' HE TORONTO STARS portrait of King: Edward VII. rcavhea the A copy of this picture was sent to His Majesty, and a letter received from the Lord Chamberlain’s office expresses ap- preciation of its cleverness, and states that the picture was seen by His Majesty. OUR CLUBBING OFFER :â€" Tho Toronto Daily Star, One Year The Star's Portrait of the King DAlLY STAR The Durham Chronicle, One Year wmurm'N hands lxi‘nk . Toronto’s Best Daily Everybody Says So! he (mu: Send your subscript‘on to the Chronicie Office, Durham, Ont. ! bridges. uslie “That the reeve V1: kers be a committee to the 'rmuurer’s sure n: at nest meeting.â€" TH E TORONTO All for $2.20 The Toronto Star’s Portrait of King Edward IN "WE COLORS (SENT POSTPAID SECURELY TUBED.) (REGULAR PRICE ONE DOLLAR.) (SENT THROUGH THE MAILS.) 994 :50 190; . Council met January 1‘3tlL mem- hms rlecled subscribe-d to th” I“ quil- .ed declarations and took their seam gas follows . Donald McQueen, reeve; IUrtVld helm) re, Wm. McFadden. ]. F. Durant and R E. Mickleborougr». 'couucxllol's. Minutes of previous meeting con- firlue !.â€"-Carried. Bylaw No 146 for the appoint- mwm of Auditors passed the usual readings. B!auks were filled in with the namespf John Ross and J. A S‘s-auston. salary $8 00 each. was sigllml, etc By-law No. 147 for the appointment 0: Heafth officers paexew the usual l'wullngd. Blanks wew fiiiwt in wi h thv llallH-P of “’11). Caul fiHwI in wi‘ h the name of Wm. Caul H.441 as mumhrr of the Board of Hwalth and Dr. Snmuh as Medical Hrwlth tvtfiCPl'. MVPaoh‘iv” - Durantâ€"That. the pvt- i'inn «)Ilc'itillg «gram. Io aid Uro- IIIHIH aml Halve”: Lthrary as laid m'm' frnm Inst, investing he not'emer- Hum-d. Car: ind \iclmyre-m\lcP‘aJden-â€"-That *he' rum} dwi~i0ns fur ro-Ml Uomlnissior -§ em he the same as his” year with' 3h». excwptiun of the 13”) and! 14h com. m m» an. sidearm“! h... wk! “en In m No :3 divisiun and added’g'o‘ N... 4 «livisiyn Carried l} l Mclmy m , -.Vl ickleborough «That Name â€"L‘arrleu. C"O!|in”IJH\lie'-Thflt applicnfions fur the office uf asse‘sor be received 0y tho- clerk up to noon of 31d Feb. next, applivations to be in the hand writing of the applicants.-Carried. 'Cl'ullill- Lvslie «That this council do now adjourn. to meet. at the Lorne House, Elmwood. on Monday the 3rd day of Ft-bruary mum, at nine o’vlmzk in the, forenuun, to appoint assessor. pnthmasrer e. et.c.. and for the trans. acuou cf general busineSS. â€" Carried. favorably financial "port tha‘ I have even had the pl'iVllrge of uubmiuiug lo the cou. cil. Wu IRVINE. Tn asurer. Cloninâ€"Leslie -â€" Than the tre-osurer of Bram b9 paid the sum of 6'). cents. half c. at of clearing ditch Iowuline B. and C . and chrque do now issue. "Cal’l'lcd. um EG REMONT COUNCIL. “]“lH“1H~I'HHHQHL-i . 1 t Railroad Men’s Backache. (3 Mali: nn‘ n he give I) permiwvou to' open a .zrussing (Her the sierulk. Intn hes lot. in lestpill â€"-( allivd ! Micki: bormmh~ -.\'(:Intvre-â€"- 'l‘lm! JH. Mark. Orchm'dnllv. lw paid $2 fur and In Lizzie Hisf‘ock during lu-r IHIHSS Uul‘lzetl. I hmuuw-I mums» . 2 Men who " work on the railroad whether in the capacity of engineers, y firemen, ma- , 3. chinists or "’9. trackmen, 5 find that the .m heavy work lim they do and the exposure to change of weather and tempera- ture very hard on their back and kidneys. There are few railroadmen who do not complain of kidney trouble in some form. Dr. Pitcher’ s Backache Kidney Tablets have proved themselves the greatest benefactors of all classes of railroad men. They give ease to he aching, sore back, clear up the irine, relieve the scalding and mrning, and impart new life and itality to the urinary organs. son Geo e, em loyed as'a machinist on, the Gran Trunf R.R., has been cured of ' lumbago by using them. Mrs. W'ilson‘ said: “_Dr. Pitcher’s Backache Kidney . Tablets that I brought my son from Geary’s drug store has cured him of that - constant pain and lameness in the back that caused him the greatest misery. He ; had tried plasters and other remedies, but i nothing gave him the rmancnt relief; obtained from these Tab ets. The whole ; difficulty has quite disappeared and with it the accompanying weariness and lack of l energy. He has no headaches nor kidney . trouble, but is enjoying perfect health. I a can honestly recommend these Tablets to ' anyone having any trouble with theirI l.':!:'l{9.” l PLASTERS NO 6000. Mrs. Mary W'ilson, livin on Albert street, Sarnia, Ont“, has con Idence in Dr. l’itcher’s Backache Kidney Tablgtisn Her Dr. Pitcher’s Backache Kidney Tablets are 500. a Box, at all (lruggists or by mail, THE DB. ZINA PITCHER. 00., Toronto, Ont. LV’Ithl: UUI'U'IL'H‘ ~A'l31u') Ir- ---- luau. ‘ '7‘ , v y j v. o .. J:-. Mark. 0 vlmrllvlllw. lw paid $2: M‘bSJ‘ nn) }§l|0X..Of évut. ‘0“ Park. ' was a guest at MlSi L' tn l‘el‘gl St I": Ilasely Ncl n- yre -- I) want - Tlmt Com \lo-E 1’le n «enrol: the 'l‘tea~nxw|".~« Mixtur- Hit-‘5' at l e Ht‘aiS'l'fi' Ollire all(1l‘*l)m‘fl MI. J'A- Fel'flus‘m i5 engaged “'i'h at mxt sCSaluu of UouuciLâ€" Carried. Mr. .I. 1“eruuson. of Blow'llsvillc Must be Sulnu attraction. lul' aul tn 119/.le HiS‘FOck during lu-I‘ Illuv Ss‘ Unrt ’.(.‘ll. Miss Carrie ansley was visiting down near Yeovil tor a few (luvs. MI Illtylr'~- - McFadden -â€"-'l‘lmt, “'6, atlvert'se low temle for tlw lmilcliug ~ 4' 'C' *4 of a new hr (1:8 in the \illagw of. OUR CLUBBING BATES. Holstein. Stone nhutnmnts tn ha! lmllt »\ tl. first c'ass ceuu nt. WOOG' Readers of THE UHRONICLE who pay “(IR l" he 19!. SPIibal'itlel)‘. C\"‘L"ac"_)rs One (i(,llar a .yetar i‘. advance can get to lion Irish all materials also plans _ the following papers at the clubbing nun sprclt‘ications DimwuthI-S fur- rates named: Ilislu-«l by the Clerk 'l‘endvrs receiv- H1 H', '0 n ,0” on Monday Feb. ““114 N‘lallaucl Empire. weekly”: ....... 8 11) “02. and to be addressed '0 David; l‘anuly Herald and Weeklybtar.... .m . Toronto Daily World ................ 2.00 a . (‘l ' ' ‘ , .‘ , _ A“ 1“ J H k of Eglvmunt Hal‘tem' Toronto Daily Bows .................. 1.2.) and mm kwd " 'l'emlwr."â€" Carried “mm,“ Iluilv gm.- _________ 125 Mcin Fadd n slit-'3‘ at at nrxt McIntyre ‘-~-Micklvhoroughâ€"-â€"-That an appropriation uf $100 beexpvndod by Huzh mad commission” in his di- v si. In and any amount reqniled over mud m-pn-Opniation mnsr have the consent and appruval of the Council. ~Ual'l‘Ied Resnlwd that the following ac- (30“le he paid : â€"- nug- h ‘Iu'u‘. .5} fâ€"- s‘ 75 hier :1 ~nlh~' $29.00; f-- S T.“ hirtiw. 5H ma":'iaued WM #1:! 11-min $2SHO; vuunc-illur.~’pa\ $10. Mt'ln' _\'I‘P - - \|¢'[“~d i“ll ~-'rh'r’\f W9 nnw .wj-wn-n to mo-er on P h. 10 h. 'n |~ l'o'i‘“ tum]. rs fur prin'ihgz. an- “!ia'a'iI-‘J fur afiécmfi 'l‘. SHIMI‘VV 3:0 DOV including selm'tilu of .lil‘OYS. an“ aim to r- vein: the Auditor's Rvpm't. Cal'l'ie'l PM P '80 uf H 11 nnminariun mem- "L $33 ”0' l). R Kennw‘ls. h'fllnh.‘ ’ml 0 den on H'PH~HI'(‘ S $3.50; ’ Raumw. ;\tilntitng}.uil' 3100 do fin- ..miul «~th ‘m. -- 7‘0; \. \li'c'ul': .x5.:+w~ nhw g»--\ 23.-; clwrk das'rilmt Hog; h lute. 3:00; (1-) rvuidlmiun Mr 'l‘hns. Ewens is home from tiw N0! th “ ts: lOuking hale and Learn; Mr Alc-x .\Icl_)m-ald. of Nurth ”l kote is home \isiting hiq mmhvr who is \‘r‘l'y sick We hope :0 hear of her recovery soon. Rev. Mr. Cam; b ll of Mnlock prenclwd inuhe church here Sunday. 188'“ z Rev. Mr. Ryan. of Durham, will hold services here Sunday next. Mr Frank (‘Ia'uu is busy hauling logs to the mill. Mr. Wm. Scar'e is busv hauling .;wia1‘<n11 to FerguSuu's to get. it cm. into shingles. Mr. Alex. Alexander is hauling lumber home for his Ian burn Mr. Rnlwrt \lcCracken had a wood bee last week. Mic-z Vary \lcCravken has been Visiting (“44'0” friends for the past two weeks. Quite a number of th» young: peo- ple- annp‘ed the Fannvrs’ Concert in [ht- TOWU Hall last Saturday night. Univvisi’y OI .\’I‘.l‘nlg:nl INN Inllml that Hw word " wmnan ” is the mad. Nah-w] Ward in the Euglidh languuga, [f h“ mar-ml (NH tn find Ihu nxnst, IM'ecl word In» WOuM probably get- tl.e same one. One (I 1) “NF THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. THURSDAY. JANUARY 23. I902. he Light-r e-hacatnrs of the y' or Mil'higan lmn found AB {CRDEEN R. nf’fioer. $9 7‘0; \V. '1‘ D ALLAN'. Clc rk “'e are highly pleased with the improvement in the paper and think It one of the best, if not (hr brat. in the country now. We have made considerable im- provement in our lot'nltty since our last items were written. Two Sub- stantial brick houses in the east end, are by James Knox and the other by G. Porter and another the tram.» residence in the we~t end by .los. Campbell. while Chas. Ferguson put fine, comfortable Stone Stables un- der his barn and other imi-rovetnents of difl'erent decription too numerous to mention. (Intended For [Alt Week.) Well, Mr. Editor. I suppose you were thinking that I had quit. writ- ing. but it is not the case 1 hape )ou will be pleased with a fee items from here again. After Christmas. New Years. Scotch Concert, Huer- tainments. etc . we have a few quiet moments for the Chronicle. Durham is .1. busy place. according to the Chronicle. We are not Sitting with our hands folded around here either. The Richardson Bros. are drawing lumber from the mill l0 Ml. Forest. Jos Campbell and Archie Ferguson are drawing square timber to Ceylon while Currie and ()0. are piling up wood for James Knox, the Balsam Valley String Band is string- ing wood around Bacthwll'e. James Douglass is engaged with R. J Port- er in the swamp. J. S. and W. Fergu- son are cutting wood fox D. Fergu- son. A number from around here at. tended a partv at Mr. David McIn- tyre’s on Friday night. They report a good time. Miss Sarah (3. Ferguson waa cor.- fined to her lwrl with quilnsv. but at time of writing: is improvmg nicwly. Mr. and Mrs. McGillivraV from Nobleton. were the gues's of Mr and Mrs Archie PM“: man and Other fxipudfi mound the Park. Mr. Chas. Munslmw and his sister Miss Mable, of Flrshertou. visited Miss Frocks rmzentlv. We are glad to announce Miss Frocks as getting bvt'er. M r. and Mrs. Lohsinger. uf Mount Forest. drove up‘ to Mr. Frocks and Spout Christmas and New Years there. ' Readers of THE UuuoxwLE who pay one dnllar a year in advance can get. the folluwing papers at the clubbing rates named: Nov. lflth. Repairing . flea tly ’ 005m Never thought of such a sign for a medicine did you? \Vell, it’s a good Sign for Scott’s Emulsion. The body has to be repaired like other things and Scott’s Emulsion is the medicine that does it. These poor bodies wear out from worry, from over-work, from disease; They get thin and weak. Some of the new and ones are not well made all of the old ones are racked from long usage. Scott’s Emulsion fixes all kinds. It does the work both inside and out. It makes soft bones hard, thin blood red, weak lungs strong, hollow places full. Only the best ma. terxals are used in the patching and the patches don't Show through the new glow of health. No one has to wait his turn. Yournn (it) it yourselfâ€"-y0u Mail and Empire. weekly ......... Family Herald and Woekly Star Toronto Daily World ............ Toronto Daily News .............. Toronto Daily Star ............... Montreal Witness, weekly ........ MAPLE PARK. THE CHRONICLE. DURHAM. ONT. ’l‘his picture vcpresents the Trade Maxk of Scott'fl Enaulsum and is on the mappcu ut every bottle. \end [or (root sunplz. ;~t,()T‘l' (v. WAYNE, 'lyi'wNW) CANADA (I the bottle. di zlegistio We are selling a very beautiful line of goods suitable for the Holiday Trade at prices away down. flarling’s . . OUR PERFUMES EBONY GOODS BON-BONS and m kinds of Xmas Cmfectiunery and Nuts JNO. A. DARLING 'IMPH .~' anouw. .1“qu “:91 Bank .19.- :p-m1s .f it and upwurh Promm atwminn and mety facility nfiorded ‘Wmms living at. a di~tuuce Stadasd Bank of Eanada. HEAD OFFICE, TDRONTD. G. P REID. â€"- -â€" MANAGER Agencies in all principal points in On- tario, Quebem Manitoba, United Stats and England. _KHK KK KK K'K K K K(\’K g Dns.KENNEDY KERGAN K R tho Leading Speciaiists o! Amcr'ca. 25 Years in Daron. Bank References. 2, A general Banking businevs trims- 3("Fd. [Mafia iSsurd and collections made on all points. Depnsits re- ceived and inverest allowed at cur- rrnc .I'RN‘R. l A VARICGCELE 1 NERVOUS DEBILITY (DIED. habit and at 19 contracted a set promised u cure me. ’l‘hev 301 up hope whon a fr ieud advise. \\' ithrut any confidence I called an ownuv A{?.\r O1b:nfi QkQ’A‘nm Anyone sending a sketch and descri ion may quickly asaertnin our opinion free w ether an invention is probably patentahle. (‘ommunim tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent. sent free. Oldest mzenoy for securing patents, Patents taken through Munn Co. receive metal notice. without charge. in the -..A- u. ,, _--Q--.- 'vâ€"v . A handsomely mustméd weekly. Ian-test cir- culation of any actenmflc mama]. Terms. 83 ‘ year: four mopths. $1. 80 d by all-rewsd‘elaler: year: YO‘I“ “'0"- L08. ‘1. DUI“ yul I IICWH “\Ictnlwls MUNN Co. 3618mm New Yoyk n 0‘ ma .hhun nn FANCY PIPES, Ehnny Natural Wood Military Sets. Ebony (70ml) and [ls-ml: Sets. Ebony Manicure Sets. Ehnny Natural \mel Hair Brushes. Ebnuy Natural Wood Clutli “ Ebony Natural \Vnml Shaving “ Cellnluid and Leather Sets. Viulins, Violin Hows. Strings. Etc. Mouth Organs and a host 0f Other Articles for your inspection. Capital Am horized .. .82,000.000 Paid Up ..... . ..... 1.000.000 Reserve Fund ... 600.000 §§iéiitifié 'Hmerican, .m F St. Wuhlhgton. D- 'AKKDCELE .1: Tflwtaugxnmf :fiainst‘ t‘he lawn of} 3 IN. on . u a «er ex 'rseen NERVOUS DEBIL'T' 1nd privatqdieeaees he" wr eke? thousands of CURED promising lives. Trent with scientific hysiciane e and be cured. Avud quacke. E. A. idner, of Toledo. says: “At the age of N, I learned nbad habit and at 19 contracted neerions disc tee. I treated with a dozen docton. who all promised to cure me. They got my money and I still had the diet-me. I had given up hope when a friend advmed me to consult Dre. K. IL. who had cuxed him. Without any confidence I called on them. and Dr. Kennedv agreed to Cure me or no pay. Altar taking the New Method Treatment for six weeks I felt like a new man. The drains cubed. wormy veins disrxppeared. noncs new stronger. hair 810pped filling out, urine became clear and mv sexual mantis vitalized. I'was enfircly cured by Dr. Kennedynand recommend him 15931 the but} :m of my heart." DURHAM AGENCY. The Landing Swami“: 0! M7“. 25 Years In Detroit. Bank Rem-men. RN. Nune- Unl “that Wvltten Consent. VARICOCELE If you have transgressed against the law. 0 NERVOUS DEBILITY nature, yOu must sufier. 8‘ if abuse, lawr exc. sse (DEED. 1nd privatqdiseases lave wr cked thousands o pronnsing tnvcs. Treat with scientific hysiciua. and be cured. Anid auacks. E. A. :dnov- n Best Cigars and Tobaccos. and Smokers’ Requisites to be had here. Am the talk uf the town. Lame stock. All odors and Hand- some packages. See our 2350 Package. THE SAVE: ZS BAN K. J. KELLY, Agent. CALDER BLOCK. DRUG STORE REPAIRS of a” KimL constantly on c. McKINNON. lust Received THE LEI R6 EST STOCK IMPLEMENT WABERBUMS Do Lower Town. Dmham. Perhaps you med :1 new Buggy. “"4. can supplv you at. astonish- ingly low pu'ives. White Flannelette Blankets. large silo. é‘m' Sawing Machilws. Organs and Pianos, give us a n iul. He Sells Cheap ! Cl 00 pair. Bed Comforters. m by 72 in. 8! 50 each. Women}; Heavy Shawls, from “.35 m «.00 each. \Vomeu’s Long Sleeve Undervasts, 25c on. “en’s Cu rdigan Jacketa. 3| .00 each. Woman’s Leather Faxed Felt Shoes, :1 35. Women’s Cardigan Ovenshooq, 81.25 pair. .Vlisnes' Cardigan Overslmes. 3H0 pair. Child’s Cardigan (M’Ghlilnei. 31.00 pair. Big 4, SHOES . \V» have 3 fl)” ”no! (of ' S'W'linz! Hum ' Hund- mw‘» Rhone {fir “om. “'omen and (“‘I‘Htpu Hwy cannot b9 heat Try a pah‘ Salaia Ceylon T 23, '2- 80“ OF YOU will want to hny FARMERS! If you want Deeds, Mortgages, Lama, Wills or otter writings drawn H. H. MlllER. Of Farm and Domestic Implo- mvms ever seen in Durham, it will cvrlululy pay intending purchasers to Call and see our goods before purchasing alle- where. You Want R PIOW. a Harrow. - a Souffler. or . Cream Separator ? U so we: can suit. you to a 'l‘. The Sea-Son is now on when {ur- mrrs will find a prt‘lifiilou mod to get Sumo labor saving device to keep up with the times. anu u we have t Received 11 [ltil‘uo’ Stock 0' the has: Woman. made in Canada. and “e are bound to sell Ihvm at. Rock Bot- tom Prim-s to makv room for our Harves'im: Mnr‘hinerv. which will be here in good time. more land. I have u lot of (and farm properties for sale. Some 09' you will want to sell loan likely sell for you, and if 1 make no sale! make no charge. Some of you will want to trade. I own some good town proverty and at farm or two and am a ways ready for a fair ex. change. Same of you will want U borrow money. I lmvejust. reveiv- ed a letter from parties having a large amount to lend at ver low rate“. Some of von have n at of Old note" and accounts that ought to be collected. If you will brim? them in I will try to get the monei for you and will nuke no charge if collect no money. McKinnon’s I will du the Wurk fur y”: prnmpth'. Just. "0W 1 have some 6.8 Jovian," mxxl bargains in farms. ll busi- uouu atmy office is anemic-d In prmuptly and with strict privacy. Harvest is over and you will now be arranging your businees afl’u'rs COME AND SEE US! . H. BEAN. 97m. 30-: an 1 10c lb. The “mover CALDEB'S - - BLOCK Convey-acct

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