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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Jan 1902, p. 7

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at to let Muriel! M! V\ hen a key 0-: I door and ho ho“ rd and his 30!). r monwnt be but. p3 of throe or four' is undo-r his window- } moment he he“ ‘ as of throe- or to. " rs undo-r his window, {ht lwnn-Pn two f the window at "I." ‘ drop into their 5. '2 at om-o call out. and is debating what son eon-rod. a. you have shot in a rough and road was bad. and mbled constantly. . blow from his flat 3.. z: r unhard reeling M :1ng nst the wall. Bach a,- winduw and leaped t. shul bt 10W. From a. wu to the ground u put) the roisterlnx party were startled at thin I... of a rare bird “no. 3h bat’s this in) last it was simply . m. 12;: qualities of I” Lt..-..r'.m,l in his 0“ MN \\ .H't lblt kaord as be n' )011) lighted with ‘ gm-st of the in tlw house took 01‘. this? A row :ohard: Seize m. H Ruba rd come-l" 31 “IUD villa“ 'l‘lwy rode “I. farming I?“ .“ hills till unit 3113' full to m at of a punt” an and tore t“ . In another hi mm! a loft M '[)!:h u. Butll’ thunderous M 1:; horses 31'" ll kt horse to m rlw. or had 3” We 54%;)! Io‘ _‘ ll't‘d you '1 mm more [In to get hold ‘ or 1953 watt inn fl MUM-d and sur'o- back; ~‘rtwfs With . ' o-ugrr the, sh [LES Am * wwry step. HI his born.- :: rmmd thell lwasls follo' Ride!) by V” ll un Is on One!" ml by the t?!- 'c|(-ased Buch- t of the build- 1 pe from we [I saddle or bridl. mum its back. vuld hear th. .- eml of lb. 'mwing 8"“ ”in. d (0 ‘8“ W93 I", u H0 0] a hm“ of the room and yells 0‘ l‘t ll has gone} The tune! r the hull. use on an. It 7‘! 0' t“ ~ {Hirsu- w 51;“?! .\ UH tn. mnnd. .. and it! ml Mn. w ho sle from th. Do you no time to one 098?. its back, burnin‘ 1 around (I by ":0 hp pistol ;.o'll and P to (1". had «113‘5 for bl. ntherl. 9’ t‘l‘ run lime to ll I'SP plN’.‘ "IIV THURSDAY ”“IIQ I1 m “~88“ "MIG NOISE, W m DURHAM, ONT. WM Tun Cnmncu will to an: to any address, free of postage, for 3|.” “If: . , , . year, payable in a-iuncoâ€"‘g. 1:3: be Charged if not. sq pan}. The date tovh every mmripdon is patd IS denoted by the numberon tbs “are“ ‘3}:6'. No paper fin .c mmucd Imp] all men: I" paid, except at the opuou of the propm. THE Bflfififlm BHHflNIflLE mm Fortransiem 36mm I centspes line {or the first mm; 30cm» pa .‘IES . . . ling «ch subsequent mum-m measm Professwnal curds, not exceeding one inch. 34.00 pa_annum. Advertisements without specific directions ml! be published till forbid and charged ac- cordingly Transient noticu-“ Lost,” “ Found.‘ " 1' or Sale,_" etc. â€"- 59 cent} for first insertion, 15 cents slmrt distance east of Knapp’s Hotel. lmmhtuu Street. Lower Town, Durham. Uxhce huurs from 12 to 2 o’clock. THE JOB : : DEPARTHENT U - “If All advertise ne us, go ensure imim in con-u week. should be bromght m not but then TvaI ‘0: each so bsequenl insertion. All advertisement: ordered MW 3‘ ht pi! I)! in advance. Contract rates fox-uh! «1W W g. c. ”9'93?" ‘9 "‘9 . ‘ 7 _ ,_ _4_A__ ‘_‘-_Ag“ " ”‘Aâ€"A-_ l fica m er McLachlan’ 3 store. Oflice hullrfi, 8 $010 a Rh. 2 to 4 P. m. 811d 7 $0 9 n. _.m Specinlattemiuu given to diseases 0‘ Wulllell and children. the Station U’ M D Uflice over’Gordou’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Anyampunt of mmey to loan at 5 per cent. on tarm pruperty. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, Mclntyre’s Block, Lower 'l‘own, Dur- ham. Collectiuu and Agency promptly attended to. Searches made at the Regis- try Oflice. Q] 31â€"3};th Licenses, Dutham, Ont. ARRIS’PBR. NOTARY, CONVEY- ancer, 1-3th Etc. Money toqu at reasonable rates, and on terms to suit borrower. Otiice, McIntyre Block (Over the Bank ). HUGH MACKAY. DURHAM. Land Valuator and Licensed Auction- eer for the County 0: Grey. Sales prompuy attended to and notes cashed. Q" "ensâ€":03 'A'L'éâ€"ti'oime} tor the County of Urey, Land Valuator, Bailitf of the 2nd Divnsion. Court Sales and a?! other matters pmmptiy attended toâ€"huzhest references furnished if tequired. )uYsIcux AND SURGEON, OF- l. iaus and Surgemns, Ulnurio. Office m4 9 In 12». m.. 2 to 4 p. [11. Residence l nfiic-e. ”Id Manx buildings. Upper wu: Durham. Telephone No. 10. J. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. “V" ' ' I: completely stocked with "IPARTHENT .11 NEW TYPE, thus 1!- !ording facilities lot turning out First-dun work. Dr. lamieson. mom: AND RESIDENCE A AMES CARSON. DURHA_M. LIC: -\RRISTER, SOLICITOR. 1m: A. H. Jackson, B \l B B R COLLEGE PHYSIC- Private Money to Loan : Old Accounts and Debts of all Kinds Collected on Com- mission. - - - - - Farms Bought and Sold. Insurance Agent, etc. Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. VICE 7â€" FIRST DOOR EAST OF LOWER TOWN Notary Public. Commissioner, Emma AND Puopum'ma. Medical Diredwy. G. Lefroy McCaul. CONVEYANCER. Arthur Gun, M. D. ()nIClzâ€"MacKonflo‘l Old 8n“. Durham Pharmacy, Ualder’s Rasideuceâ€"Lambtou Street, near Dental Directory w. 8. Davidson. chdl Direclory. \V. I R “'IN , Miscellaneous. J. P. Telford. BROWN . ISSUER OF “rum ONTARIO. DURHAM. Among other good things done at Knox Church. Normanby, annual meeting was the presenting of a handsome chair. watch and spectacles to Mr. Wm. Allan as a token of ap- preciation of his work and faithful- ness in their several meetings. Mrs. Jas. Tucker received the sad news of the sudden death of her fath- er. Mr. 'l‘hos. Bridges, of Belgrave, last Tuesday and accompanied by her sister, Mrs. J. Grasby, her hus- hand and Mr. Grasby, went over to be present with the sorrowing ones at the funeral. Eat meet sparingly, and take yery little sugar. Avoid damp feet, drink water abundantly, and always rely on Polson’s Nerviline as an absolute reliever of rheumatic pains. Being five times stronger than other reme- dies, its pouer over pain is simply beyomd belief. Buy a large 25 cent bottle to-day, test it, and see if this is not so. Polson’s Nerviline always cures rheumatism. Mr. John Tuckvr will return to his home at the Portage this week. hav- ing agent a please-.11: visit among friends. Mr. Allan Cameron was summoned home from Huntsville lumber camps on account of his grandmother’s ill. HESS. A goodly number from this part attended the Farmers’ Institute meet- ings at Durham and Holstein; yet. some consider themselves about as far advanced as the average run of Institute speakers and are quitting school. County Commissioner Allan was up to the Countv Capital last. week as auditor with the presiding Judge. the an rrigate court. Good sleighing. Good weather. Everybody at work is the order of the day in this vicinity. Mr. Malcolm McMillan has gone to Baminck to assist Dan McAnhur (red Dan) at, timber making. Mrs. A. Cameron has been under the weather for some time, also Mrs. Craig We are pleased to hear they are somewhat better. Mr. and Mrs. John Grasby attend- ed the funeral of the latter’s father at, Wingham last week. Miss Katie McQuarrie, of Maple Grove, was a caller on Miss M. F.‘ McLellan and the Martin family of the (3th on Saturday and Sunday last. Quite a number of the young folks of our burg attended the concert. in the town hall on Saturday night and report a good time. Mr. Jno. Morrison, of Sco'ch Town: purchased a fine team of horses from Mr.Crawford, of Durham, last week. Mr. Thos. Derby, from the West, was a caller on friends in the neigh- borhood a. fortnight ago. How did Joe and Maggie enjoy the livery Saturday evening? We extend hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Burgess, of Toronto, at present on their honeymoon trip to Durham and elsewhere. Mrs. Burgess was at one time one of Glen- elg Centre’s fairest maidens, nee. Bella Graham. Dick Davis can wear three smiles with one laugh. Mr. Allan Cameron is away to Waterloo in the employ of Mr. N. Hartford to again swing his timber 8X8. Mr. Lauchie Dunbar was presented with a beautiful photo the likeness of Biddy. The envlope bore a Berk- eley post. stamp and was registered. A reward is oflered. Did Allen fool Billy when he stole the girl. Nellie. and saw her the balance of the way home. Mr. White nearly got the better of Mr. Dohenty iu the line at escorting on Sabbath last. Pat and all join in kind regards to you and stafi, Mr. Edi'or, thanking you for past fan ors and wishing you a happy and prperous New Year. 3 f.’3!SE§2.732LE MOfiTfiS Lauth American Nervino cured this severe case of a gener- afisy upset nervous system which oevelooed into Neural- gia of the stomach. No ner- vous trouble that It will not cure quickly and permanently. “William Davidson, of Thedford. Ont., put in three miserable months of very acute suffering from neuralgia of the stomach and a gencrdliy disordered nervous system. Doctors failed to find any treatment that would give me any per- manent help. A friend, whom South American hcrvine had cured of a very stubborn case of stomach trouble, recommended it for his case. He tried itâ€"one bottle greatly benefited and six bottles efi'ected a. permanent cure. 9 Sold by Hachrlsne a (30., Durham. Valuable Advice to Rheumatics CORN ER CON CERN S. GLENELG CENTRE. Substantial Increases in Every De. partment Mark the Opening Year of the Twentieth Century. THE IMPERIAL LIFE Another Most Succescful Year Added to the Com- pany’s Record. Toronto. January '21. â€"The annual meeting of the Imperial Life Assur- ance Company of Canada was held to.aay. its president, Hon. Sir Oliver Mowat, Lieutenant-Governor. in the chair A few das 3 ago at the open- ing of the legislature His Honor con- gratulated the province upon the abundant evidences of prosperity throughout the land. In his, presid- ential address today he stated that he had the gratification of congratul- ating the Imperial Life Assurance Company upon its marked and sub-‘ stamial progress. The report sub. mitted evidence that the company had again added another successful year to its unexcelled record. New life insurance applications. amount- ing to $3,974,000 were received. The number of policies issued exceeded that of any previous year. and the amount thereof was considerably in excess of that for 1900. The more important items in the sratement. compared with those for 1900. are as follows: 1. Total in- surance in force...... 2. 'l‘otalAs- sets... 3. Reserves on Policies and An- nuities. . . . 4. A n n 11 a1 1‘ re min 111 Income..... 5. Annual in come from Interest on In vest. mental. . . . . 6. Total All 11.1 income 7. leueflts Paid and accrued t0 Policy holders. . . . Concluding, Sir Oliver Mowat said: ' " A volume of new business, almostl $4,000,000, was transacted. which in- dicates that both the management and the agency staff have been \ery efficient. The fact that the number of applications rejected was unusual- ly large, and that the death losses haw. been less than were expemed, show that much care has been exer- cised by the medical department in! the selection of lives. The company’sl funds. now amounting to $1,339,804,: have been carefully invested by the executive, as attested by the fact; that the company has never losn a dollar through an investment: that no investment cause- the company the least anxiety and that the average rate of interest earned during 1901 was 5.39 per cent. The net addition was over $2,000,000 to the total as. surances increased that item to the $11,236,700 in force on December 31, 1901, and proves the satisfactory character of the business secured by the company. The method employed in determining the reserves is an in- dex that the directors are determined that the company’s motto: ” First and Paramountâ€"Absolute Security to Policyholders ” shall be a reality. I am, therefore, confidentally enabled to say, in moving the adoption of re- port. that all essentials to the Up- building of a strong. progressive and ' substantial company are embodied in i the Imperial Life.” i’l‘he First Vice-President, Mr. A. E. Ames, who followed. said: “ The Imperial’a progress would best. be gathered from the following compar- isons taken from recent. annual re- ports : Period. Insurance in force 1897 ........ 81 185 725 1898 ........ 4 169 125 1899 ........ 7 142 625 1900 ........ 9 226 350 1901 ........ 11 236 700 Period .Total income Premium Interest income income 3 32 399 $10 987 117 887 12 464 215 827 27 406 315 724 36 272 395 170 53 502 Assets Reserves for policies 1897 . 1901 These figures certainly indicate that the Imperial Life has made rapid and steady prOgress. In every one of the above six cardinal items each year shows a handsome advance, more especially with respect to Re- serves for Policies and Annuities.” Mr. Walter FerguSon has bad a bad attack of la grippe, but under the skilful treatment of Dr. Sneath is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry and Mrs Thos. Brown were visiting friends in Hampden Saturday of last week. Mr Henry and Mrs. Brown returning Sunday. Mrs. Henry re- maining till Thursday. Mrs. P. Brown. who has been vis iting her son, Mr. D. Hamilton returned to her home in Holstein Thursday last. Mrs. Andy Hunter was visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Aitken. of Holstein. a. few days the beginning of this week. Mr. Robt. Matthews is 03 work now with neuralgia, but under the skilful treatment of Dr. Sneath we hape to hear of his speedy recovery. Mrs. Wm. Davis is, at present, very sick, but we hope for her refi co very . THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. JANUARY 23, 1902. HEN RY’S CORN ERS. $9,226,350 $11,236,700 $2,010,350 1,102,092 1,339,804 237,712 8 43 387 130 352 243 233 351 996 448 672 597,488 798,785 201,297 33.7 319.860 356,133 43, 794 36.273 1901 395, 1 70 448.672 340 479 677 061 930 443 l 102 092 1 339 804 53,502 Premium Interest income income 3 32 399 $10 987 117 887 12 464 215 827 27 406 315 724 36 272 395 170 53 502 Assets Reserves for policies 61. annuities 79,021 Increase Pc. 35,227 80.4 92 539 26.0 75,310 %.5 17,229 47 5 3 38 426 180 761 441 112 597 488 1.6 [Intended For Lest “'eekJ The weather took ado-aided change on Saturday and Sunday lost and now we are having a real old fash. ioued winter. Sunday wasa tester to prove the realities of our religion. for there. were more found worshp- ping at‘their own fireside then in the meetil 2 houses. Elections are now a thing of the past; and everybody can have peace of mind now. We have nt Top Clifl' a retired councillor and defeated can. didate tn the persona of Messrs. Mc- Cannel and Sullivan. It was too bad that. Patrick did not get 25 votes more. for he would make an excellent councillor, but he did well for the firm run and it is no diggrace to he defeated on the first trial. Our new teacher, Mr. Dixon. is. in his usual manner. sparing no time in educating the youthful mind and ex- erCtsing himself morning and evening by walking. Miss McCannel. of_ Varuey. spent Saturday and Sunday at her brother’s Neil McCanuel, whare there is always quite a reception awaiting her on Friday evening. Some of the ladies of 'I‘opp Clifl and Priceville would desire that the Editor would extend the ofler given in last week’s Chronicle to the first five ladies getting married. to those places. as we can assure him of get- ting rid of five more extra Chronicles if the request be granted. Come. now, Mr. Editor, don’t confine the ofler altogether to Durham ladies. The young man from Pomona makes regular visits to see his dear, good looking girl. The poor Arabi- an (his driver) needs some cough mixture as he is afiiicted with a sev- ere affection of the lungs. Tld Mrs. McDonald is Spendinga while at James McLean’s, 'l‘ownliue. Artemesia. ’Mr. and Mrs. David Henderson and family, of Manitoba, Spent the last few weeks wnh friends around Price- ville and the South Line. Mrs. John Cameron. of Dakota, who is visiting friends in Glenelg and elsewhere. attended at the Pres- byterian church laSL Sabbath. The Rev. Mr. Broad, of Cedarville, and the Rev. Mr. Mavbeson. of Priceville, exchanged pulpits last Sunday and both gentlemen exper- ienced the inclemency of the weather.. Xmas and New Years Day are gone Mr. Editor. since we wrote last and if it is not 100 late we wish prosper- aliy to all concerned in the advance- ment of the Durham Chronicle, par- ticularly the plan at .tbe helm. the Editor. as he is the source that sup- plies all readers of the Chronicle with good news weeks after week. Bob and Tom Fisher are cutting wood and sawlogs for Alex. McEach- em for the last couple of weeks. A number of the friends assembled at the home of Mr. Neil McCannel on Friday last on the occasion of Neil’s birthday. A good time was spent for a few hours when all went home wishing the subject that brought so many together °‘ many returns.” Mr. Alex. McEachern is making preparations for buildinga new bank barn next summer. Archie McCuaig has a chopper in connection with his windmill. The mill is 80 feet, from bottom to top. and although Archie is a big man he looks small when at the t0p oiling the machinery. We congratulate the township of Glenelg on returning Thos. McFad- den again as w eir reeve. Although we feel sorry for the defeated oppon- ent. At our annual school meeting Alex. McEachern was again returned trus- tee and Samuel McDennid caretaker. A Gentle Hint. In' our style of climate, with its sudden changes of temperature,- rain, wind and sunshine often inter- mingled in a single day,â€"it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglected colds. half the deaths resulting directly from this cause. A boz tle of Boschee’s German Syrup kept about your home for im- mediate use will prevent serious sickness. a large doctor's kill, and perhaps death, by the use of three or fourdoses. ForcuringConsumption. Hemorrhages, Pneumonia, Severe Coughs, Group. or any disease of the Throat or Lungs. its success is simply wonderful, as your druggist will tell you. Regular size, 75) me. You can get Dr. G. G. Green’s reliable remedies at Darling’s Drug Store. The Hamilton man who said he had been sandbagged in the streets. has confessed to the police that be told the story to deceive his wife. His name is S. H. Career. THREE MBHTES In ninety-nine case: out of a hundred this would mean the lunatic asylum for the pat- ient, but South American Ner- vine was the “stitch In time.” Mrs. White, of Beaverton, was dangerously ill from nervous trouble; had not slept a night for three months ; so low, friends had given u hope of recovery. She began using Sou American Nervine and from the night she took the first dose slept soundly. She put on flesh rapidly and in a short while every symptom of her trouble had lett her, and although it is five yearsago,shehasnevahadasignofareturn. In Sold by MuFu-hne 00., Durban. TOP CLI FF. MD N0 SLEEP BLANKETS AND YARNS ALWAYS 0N HAND. We’re Selling Suits at Cost While They Last. J. C. Healy, GROCERXES _; Grocery 6: Provision Store. NEW PUMPS AN') REPAIRS. DRILL, CURB. 33.0mm, PRESSCURB WELLS. All ordara taken at the old stand near loGowan’l mu will be promptly at' tended to. ALL Won: GUABAMBED at “Live and let live” Pawns. Pumps. T. MORAN, ORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. Shoes made for all kinds of diseased )r deformed feet. A CALL SOLICITED. “ Protect your eyes,” as a maxim, would be well to teach the child and the youth, for eyes are the most injured organs and among those most necessary to success and happiness. We can probably save you pain and expense right now. DURHAM. Mill Streetâ€"In Reu- of Calder’ a Block Lower Town, Durban am.p‘f;p;1:é {é'furnis'h General Blacksmith. YOUR EYES. BEG LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUS- TOMERS am] thq public in general that. I Flour, Feed, Groceries, Frtlit, Nuts, Confee- tinnery, Fresh and Cured 'Meats at lowest. prices. Goods delivered to all parts of town. A. GORDON. GEORGE WHITMOBE, RXES ; Fresh Groceries at the lowest. living profits runes, Raisins, Currants. Sugar, Teas. Coflces, Etc., Etc Wi‘l sell all our Ready-made Suits at cost. A fair assortment to select from at astonishingly low prices When we say 196 sell at cost we mean it. so come along and prove us by examining our goods. SOUTH END ONTARIO. DURHAM. Farmers, Threshers and Millmen. AT THE D FREE FOUNDRY. Furnace Kettles, Power Straw Cut- ters, Hot Air Furnaces, Shingle Machinery, Band Saws, Emery Me- chines for hand and power, Crest- ings, Farmers' Kettles. Columns, Church' Seat Ends, Bed Festenere, Fencing, Pump-Mekers’ Supplies, School Desks. Penning Mill Cust- ings. Light. Castings end Builderl' Supplies, Sole Plates end Points to: diflerent ploughs in use, end Cut- |ing Repairs for Flour and Sew Mills. Steam Engines. Horse Powera, Sep- aretorp, flowers and Reeperl. Also Circulars and X-Cut-Sews gamed. filed and set. The Foundrymun, Durham, Ont. BARCLAY NOBLE (lean to inti- mate to the public of Durban uni vicinity that they have now 094?qu out in the Calder Implo- mgnt. Wuerooms a full line of Agricultural Implmneuts 1nd Délmestic requirmems including GOOD SHINGLES FOR SALE. Barclay Noble, Maxwelf binders and Homers. Syheflter Nachmery. all kinds. Adams’ Waggoue. Tudhope Buggies. Tolton Pea Inn esters and Pulpers. Blatchford Origins and Pianos. Gorge)"; Stoves and Ranges. The NQW Williams Seuing Machines. Sawyerotluoey Engines and Separators. The Kn.“ Wash» and \\ ringer. Mn! Q‘Churm and Barrows. Brn‘n M 'Wiuhnilk. iGu AM .Guoliu Engines. Em. Etc. NEXT To rosr . optic; ‘ CHARTER SMITH, S. SCOTT. WE REPAIR WE MAKE Bamlay, Noble. Durham. CALDER'S OLD STAND.

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