West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Jan 1902, p. 8

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E WTHE BIG ST Mrsrluents, stipt-nd $350.0), sexton, 850, organist 352.3, church schemes $11.3), sundries $11M), leaving balance on hand $5.05. )lurtgage account, re- ceipts, $579.“; disburscuwuts, paid on mortgage and into-rat $138.75, (1e )3. itml in hank 32%.“). sundries SB .29, lvaviug cash on hand fibula}. Ladies’ of the churr-h for the blessings He has vouchaat'vd to us. and we enter upon our ecclesiastivai year full at hope and “mirage.” Mr. A. M. (lilwn reported encouraging’y from the Sabbath School. but urged a larger attendance of the young men and women of the upngrt‘gatiun. He also paid a fitting tribute to the late Rev. Dr. Robertson, whose death is so widely and sincerely mourned by the church at large. The amlitors’ re wt was very satisfactory. and show tint that on stipend and general account the receipts, including a former halam-v, Were- :551737 ; dis- Aid dial etr'. .twni led cause fut one speulal and held with a 1“ bars at. each. a had been adm 3nd 3 numb” session had bu The Presbyterian congregation hen, hold their annual busine- meofit‘ en‘- ‘l'hm-udsy aim-noon hit, and the pun- ceedingu were of : very mutating. and sacisn‘aert character. Rev. Hr. Thom uwmx t (2 meeting with Scrip-2 tare meaning and er, after which: It. Ju. L. 3|ch chiinnan and Mr. Thom secretary.‘ The minutes of last annual meetin were rum and confirmed, aftrr whic the secretary presented the wion’s report, which stunned the uwmlx-rship to he now 122. During the year 7 new memkwu had hveu m3eivul, 4 upon pnifwaamn m" faith and :5 by c-H'tiflckate: ; remuxuis H. :‘uur m' whom in hope u!" a gloriuus r. wm'rw'tiun bad game home. ; viz. Mus Ann Stcwart. Mrs. A. MW. Fatima:h Mr. M . Pvttrh. and Mr. “'1an \Vngu' . r'EVo- mnmzmugun .srl’V‘u raj nm- _.....A 32.} mm} 2'..;n- rpguuu'. hall lm'n’ Jus. HIavkhnrn “as l‘P-(‘lN‘IHl treasur- " ""“" """“ ‘1‘” “"m“ ‘5‘? {'1' and gin-n a tangiblr tuken of the Morgan Paid .‘0‘11' 5‘31"”? a short “mt rungro-gatiun’s upprt'riutinn ”f his on Ins return home on Thursday. m-rvim-s. Aftrr the usual vote of; At the Magnum Lodge meeting here tllflnk“ the klaanHIhDHH ‘llf’t'ting ('“Ml (’n Irri‘lav eve!)ng last, Mr. C. H. "uh “W I"“"‘“"“““ h." “W “Wt“?- Munshaw. was elected secretary. and At tlu .umual Inn-Ming uf thv Flesb- Mr. Thus. A. Blakeley, Tyler. to fill am advertisement. 0111' Big $313 will continue on tlmmuh Jdnmu V and if one line of balgains 111m our, befme lst Feb’y. my will pull doxxn otl1e1 slow selleIS and move them off. \\ e can p1umise an inter- esting: and busy time between now and the first Feb1 nary. Call and see us. 3 Boxes Fresh Red Herriugs fur ........................... Qac IO lbs. Choice Table Figs. reg. 81 00. for.. . . ............... 5106 Men’s Pants, worth 81.00. for.... . ....79e Get All You Pay For THE BIG STORE NOTE: We have a few accounts which were not closed first. Jannuy. We ask respectfully thnt if yours is still open to make it. a. point to call and settle it person- -ally by cub or note. Short credit makes long friends. Pay For All You Get BI Ill‘itlflllflfl * ‘. d‘ .V n n‘ . , U433 rynfrrffir ASHHLHW grgyuuuruh. #«fiererwl. Hr.” ... x. . Ellll '1- - F L38 BERT UN . This is the best ad1 ice we mm offer to (1111' It 1011 lnuk 11p'last 11 eek s wive tisement 'wn “ill timl 1111111910118 urticits \cm me getting 11111011 119 dont ask 1011 tn p.117 fm in f.uH ()ur Saturdz. 1y Rusincs as was emu mo 18 111111 the big adve1tiseme11t did it 11li.t111 pen pie kmm now that we mean wh 1t we sav i11_ IBI'T who earnestly ”an. in all their imrt which was Our $3.75 Ulsters are . Well Worth $6.80 J. A. HUNTER. We have large range of Dress Ends and Men’s Suit Ends, selling at half price. 1 FUR. COAT at. ..................... 810.00 1 FUR COAT at ...... . .............. 811.00 J. A. HUNTER. church life I, there is neat “0:141 1128 He has lllt‘lll’ :5 of \Y Hal 5K- Ll Mrs. (Rem) \Vilson had three of her lady friends out for a drive on Monday after-hum, and turning the corner sharply at the Advance office the cut- ter capsized ludging the occupants in the street. A ”it of glasses broken and a disahl shaft was the only damage done. A snow 110w operated by Mr. John Hales umier the supervision of our Pulicc trustees is doing excellent work on our sidewalks, which are now in )rime condiiiun for pedestrians. [hanks to the abm'e officials for this cmn Yurt. The Metluulist congregation decided «m Sabbath last to join the Presbyter- inn in union evangelistic services in March next. Rev. )1. N. Bethune, wlm 11ml already been engaged by the latter (-nngi-egatimi. will assist, and, we trust. Lfl'l"f‘.[ gum] will follow the cett. Dr. Murrav, \V. ‘Clavton, '1‘. Clayton, W'. H. Thurston, J. Felstead, \Vm. Bamhousc, “'11). Moore. Mem- bers, llU; Vulumes in library, 13.52.. The annual meeting of the East Grey Agricultural Society was held in the iviâ€"il [.19 I. O. I Ind m 219.. P311 mnia gave :1 must suns-531111 1 nm (‘It nu \\ ednes- 11m m + 11511;»; of last week. Hany I’ir‘ .1, of 'I‘mnutu, \\ as the uwalist, and “13.1.0. Mmgan,uf Bar-tie, H. V. C. It. 11 in» 15 .1 bust in himself, electrified the. audiuu 9 with his address. Mr. Chas. \V. Bellamy, U. R. of the I. O. I‘. hexe,.1hly filled the chair. Mr. \Imgan paid vmn- sclihe a short visit on his return home 011 Thursday. effoizt; hen; 1g of the East Grey ' was held in the Vednesday after- Pres. Mitchell in s ,of Iast meeting as was aiso the ad 4 - iFNNHp i General satisfaction is expressed here i at the result of the municipal elections in Glenelg. Mostpeople too, are glad i that thele 1:1 to he :1 gm ernment audit I for the township, though there are 1 those who think it is altogether :1 I nee. lless expense. '1 he question h: 15 aroused :1 good (19:11 of fe11i11g,:111d the result will he anxiously 111.11ted to see . who is in the right. ' \Vell. Mr. Eduon. as it. is along :time since )Ou heard from our burg, E “e will try and tell you some. of the [eve um of the day. M 1'. Roderick McKuchnie of Own; tSOund, is at present visiting his sis- iter. Mrs. McDougull who is very 111. the vacancy made by the resi ions v of Mr. R. N. Henderson an James Sullivan. At the meeting of the Artemesia Council on the 15011 inst... Mr. John “'hitten secured the position of assess- or. Messrs. '1‘. Clayton and J. Black- burn were appointed auditors. M “'altéx; Blakely, of Minm, Dak., is visiting his mower, Mrs. G. Best, and other relatives here. M1. W. P. Crossley paid avisit to Collingwood on Saturday, and was acco m1a11ied home by his mother-in- iaw, ers. Spiker. Miss Janet Gibson has returned from a. few inonths’ sojourn in Toronto. Mr. P. McArthur, a successful ranch- er from Calgary, has been visttmg Ins consuls, the Mch-thurs, in the Glen. ‘ Mrs. Geo. Rutledge left on Saturday last to visit for some time with her sons and daughters in New York. Miss Susy Kennedy is home from Toronto for a few weeks’ holiday. Msss Mary Brown has returned from Hamilmn, and Will remain here for the winter. Miss Kate Ector, from Collingwood, is having a few weeks’ holiday with her sister, Mrs. Alex. Firth. Mr. and Mrs. John Mofl’at, Mr. and Miss Watson, and Miss Majory, all from near Paisley, were visitors at Mr. A. C. Emma’s last. week. “I’m a papa, too,” gleefully sings Tom szk3()n. It’s a boy. Tom can now let his luxuriant chin-whisker grow to let the little fellow have some- thing to pull. Mrs. R. Scott. of Lucknow, and Mrs. E Kinuon, of Strawberry Island, are 7 visiting their sister, Mrs. J. Sheppard. i Mr. Sam McComb is home from the Soo. Messrs. Alex. and Allan Bell this week commenced cutting 100001-115 of Wood for Mr. Geo. Binnie. W e expect to hear that all wood cutting records of this neighborhood will now be broken. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Greenwood paid !a visit. to Orchard friends last week. Will and wife are a jovial pair. Many in town will regret to bear gthat Miss Tillie White. of near Mark- 'dale. died on Saturday of pneumonia. film was ill onlv four days. Three 'members of the family have been M's, Rohen Y Mn. v, accompanied by Miss Ha air 55¢ H buulm ed at \11. Jn-wph Y our}; On Fruiav night last ahma' fifty of the neighhnrs usSenqud a' vim homw ul Mr. Bakur to dww hr-ll' gratitude m him fun h‘s Sen vn-es :c~ p .stmaswr. The lirit part of the evening was spent in juym s intercom»? «.uc will: another. Aha”! Him» o’clock M r. 'I‘. Jack Was voted to the chair to dis 9086 of a well tilled program me. the "1’“? pic-sawing feature «of a Mob was the reading of an addws. by Mrs. Wm. Kwrlwy and in due 'ime Mr. \Vm Bell pro-seemed Mr. Bake-r with Mr. John and Mary Ellison visited friends at (Hem-lg (Rm: re nu Sunday. Miss Minion Yum; is attending Mrs. M(‘U::g.dl. uhu is vmyill at present “e hupe tn lwar of he! Speedy I'vcavw's . Mr. A. Wright is siding in Mr. J. McArthur’s house. John wants things right. « mv «t beautiful and 603.1) chair. MT. Baker made a very suitable re- ply. thanking them for the kindness shown. The heart on the programme was an address read by Mrs. 'l‘hos. Jack and during the reading of which Miss S. F. McArthur presented Mrs. Wm. Baker with a beautiful rocking chair, when Mrs. B. made a becoming reply. After the programme was ended a eplendid supper was prepar: ed and when justice was done to it. till amuaeol themselves in parlor games until the wee ama’ hours. Jim Hall. of Montana,is visiting at the parental home at present. ht intends returning soon. Stephen Cooper and Thos. Dunn ban «9 taken a flange contract of cutting and skidding lugs to: H. Beard. James McEdcheru, of Dakota, is visiting friends in the burg this week. Mr. Wm. Bell has purchased a. dandy cutter. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, of Berk- eley. worn down to Zion on Sunday. Miss Amelia McGillivray, of Glen- elg Centre, visited her uncle, Mr. Peter Mclnnis for a few days last week. John McN--:lly traded horses with W. 'l‘ibutte recently. H. R. Watson who iscngaged with H. Beard, of Klondike, mud n busi- ness trip to our town on Saturday. Mr. Wmn Baker swapped horses with Mr. Beanie. of holland, lasc week. Bow got. the host of the drul. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. THURSDAY. JANUARY 23, 1902. WATERSVILLE. TRAVERS‘I'ON BUN ESSAN. Q 0°. M533? 'I‘he 3“““31 'DeeliNg 0’ ”‘9 Arte- 7 how; for then" kindness in my troufille. imesia Am-ivultural Societv was held; ‘1 VI B gin Pmcevilie on the 8'h when the; ‘ ° ‘ ' ' folluuing “ere elwcted otiicms fol 31902: P193. .. D \I:Cor11mck;lst Vice. 1 3.1. Nic1.o1;' 2nd Vice 1) 11c11..1-; OBITUABY' I t 19" 3SPC.-'1‘I'vas.. J. Brodie; Directors . 1 l. Guddis. J. Patton. J. McLean, J.. A 39"“ 0‘ 1:"le and loss prevaded imam “7111211113 w. Watson 1).."‘8 Whole ("-"umuniw 0" Monday 1 Harr,ow A. Muir. and I). McLéan; morning "‘1’?" it became known that sAuditors I. Mch'thur. Dr. Dean; Bls' UMIH'Lh' 1\\1dow Of the .late i Delegate m the Fair’s Association in: ”“6“" hJaI'IO('1,‘.had PRSS‘Pd "3'0 Toronto on the 19 and 20 of February rest on 1 e preCeemugevenmg. for the Plemdent. The Fall Show “ill many months she hasbeen i1 detiuuo be held on the 9th and mm of Oct. .health “and ”‘9. 1nd has for sometime 1L .... .1- __-2-_- _--..- LI- ..-.-..-.. \IVL-_ '« ...H.â€"â€"_ But Jacob Dom wasn’t going to on quite without a fight for his life. no pinned his faith to Dr. Anew‘e Cure for the amend it saved him. Jacob DeWitta. of Bay Island. had been under treatment with five doctors. Each in turn giving up his use on hopeless case of Heart trouble, said he might drop dead any minute. He fell in weight from 214 to 143 pounds, but be “ inned his faith ” to Dr. Agnew's Cure for the cart. and he declares he owes his life to it. From the first dose he found benefit. Tooday says he never felt better in his life. 83 caHvd «Way in a littlo LVOI’ two yPars and each one has diedon a Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cook visited Mr. and Mus. Hunt. at Doruoch on T1) uraday laSt. The McAI'thur “ Boys ” on the 4th are the hustlers to convert timber in to w0ud. “uh their home gang [hwy can run the s- wiugomachine. putting up from fifteen to twenty cords in an aftel'noo“. One of those pleasant affairs that help to bind a community into a closer bond of unity and good fellowship. took place at the Waudby post oflice on Friday evening, when fifty of the patrons of that post office, realizing that the olficial salary was far too little for the labor done. gathered at the Baker home and presented post master Baker with a fine. easy chair and also. a similar gift to Mrs. Will Baker. They did a good act and it gave them happy hearts. so that they had a. most enjoyable time together. FIVE DOCTORS ORIED “ HOPELESS” Mrs. Mark Wilson. of Fles-lwrton. uiqb Missy lrnne and Master Jim have been spending the last few days at the 0M McClocl-tlin hmrw nu the 4th. Mark was down on Friday and captmed anather fox in the midnight hour. Oh! the olm hen press: is a swoll affair, For the garments nice and mmt; Tim lmv prnss is a grand machiim. And dons its work cnmplete; 'l‘hn cider press is Invelv With its juice-9e rad and swpet. But thn printing press controls the World And gets there with both feet. Catarrh is a Germ Disease. Science. armed with the microscope, has established it a fact, and this con-f clnsiou renders absolute the practice; of treating Asthma, Catarrh and? Bronchitis by stomach draggingu sprays. snuffs, 8L0. bitch treatments; are an utter failure necause they cannot penetrate the delicate airl cells of the lungs or permeate the' air passages of the nose and bron- chial tubes where the germs of Ca-! tarrh hate their stronghold. Ca-‘ tarrhozone is the only certain. remedy. It is inhaled by the mouth, and after spreading through all the’ respiratm \ organs is exhaled through the nostrils. Catmrltozone kills the germs, hea‘s the inflamed tissues, clears the head and throat in two minutes. and wires in a few hours. Nothing: is so efl'eccive pleasant: and simple. as ()atarrhozone. Two! months’ treatment $1 00 Small size; 25c. Drttggists or N. C. Polson i 00., Kingston. Ont. ! WANTA M’F’G Co" Ltd 0t“w.. out. Uwanta G R 1 p PE Capsule others."-J. A. Musolova. szgist. " Last winter I said from 4 to 26 boxes of‘ o. want; Capsulesc. .y. I find the sales rapidly increasing owing large- ly, I thi:1k.h the fact t .mt t. :06: who once use them recommend them to Ad: ram- dmfztfist for a box or sent direct by mil. Sold by Mac Fat-hue (30.. Durham. ought to be gilt-edged evi- dence of merit, coming, as it does, direct from a druggist who has for years been selling as one of the “highly re- commended ” cures â€"- and here are his words: Gets There With Both Feet. VANDELEUR. 2% .4 c.o ‘. 25 cents In loving rememberance of the late George Balley who died Dec. 25, 1901, aged 54 years, 4 months. The deceased was born in ‘Vestminister, England. on Sept. lst, 1847. At 4 vears old he came with his parents to Nassageweya. 1851, and from there they came and settled in Bentinck in 1856. Thirty- one years ago he was married to Mary Porter, an settled north of Vickers on lot 60-61. where he remained until his death. He luu'es a widow and live children to mourn his loss, two sons and three daughters, who gathered around him to comfort him in his dy- ing hours and followed his remains with a large number of mourning friends and laid him to rest in the Durham cei'netw-y. His eldest son, John Bailey, resides at Allan Park, Mrs. Divid Aillam north of Allan Park, Mrs. Thomas Brigham, of Allan Park. \Villiam and Margaret J ane with w- w, â€"â€"â€"â€"v-'_“ their mother at home. Rev. Mr. Pomeo my conducted the services at the house on Saturday afternoon, and on the following Sunz‘hy preached a. very touching sewn m in the Methodist church, of which he was a member for about 23 years. He was a kind hus- band and loving father. Father is dead, and is no more Upon this earth of tears. His spin-it’s fled to that bright shore, \Vhere pleasures cease to end. His body’s lying in the grave, His soul is with its God, Nothing of him on earth is found, His gain is What he sought. Released from all the fears and pains,‘ And all his cares below, Forever on that brighter shore, \Vhere living waters flow. Why do we mourn for departed friends, 0r tremble at death’s alarm ? ’Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, To call them to His arms. Although he sleeps his memory doth liVe, And cheering comfort to his mourn- ers give ; He followed virtue as his truest guide, Lived as a Christian, and as a Chris- tian died. The man who reads the paper. And sponges as he goes. Will ‘never reach the hnppy lend Where milk and honey flows. An editor works 3651 days per year to get out 52 issues of a paper; that’s labor. Once in a while some- body pays him a year’s subscription ; that’s capital. And once in a while some son of a gun of a dead beat takes the paper for a year or two and vanishes without. paying for it; that’s anarchy. But later on justice will overtake the last named creature, for there is a place where he will get his just deserts; that’s hell. Mrs. Unrroch. widow of the late Duncan IJal‘l‘Ot‘ll. had passied into rest on the. preceedinuevening. For many months she has been in delicate health. and the Mid has for some time been drawing \‘isahly nearer. When it came it found her ready. With implicit trust in her Saviour she was able fearlessly. to look death in the face, and passed quietly away sur- rounded by the members of her {any ily. to whom she several times sweet- ly said. "I am going Home.” Mrs. Darroch was born in Bridgen. Islay. Scotland. She was married at Port GrIaSgow, a small village on the Clyde. With her husband she Came to America in 1854. They remained for some time in Durham, and came to Collingwood in the first year of their residence in'the New World. Hhre they lived happily together, hearing the sorrows and joys of life together until Xmas morning. 1892. v. hen her husband was called away and left her to finish her journey alone. Their family COIISlated «if fi\e sons and five daughter. Of the danghtt rs. two preceded their par- ents to the land beyond. one. Mrs. Lecour, reside~ in Toronto. while Elizabeth and Laura still remain at home. ()l the bu\‘8 two also are dead Archie and Duncan ; George lives in the city. John is a prominent iner- chant. one of the principals of the firm of Webster Darroch. DUgald is a most. lilglll} eSteetned traveller with the. wholesale travelling house cf 'I‘elier lime. Tho' {or seVeral years. Mrs Darroch had not taken a public part in any church or charit- ahle walk. yet in :he early days ol her life in Cullingaood she was a most active worker. She was. at. the time of her death. the oldest Presby- terian in Coiling-s nod, and collected money for the furnishing of the first Presbyterian CliUt't'h ill town, a huild- ing which Mr. Darroch helped to erect. indeed. of the earlier citizens there are onlr three others, Dr. Stephen. Chas. McDonnell and '1‘. Long. who lived here in 1854 still remain. The funeral took peace on Wednesday afternoon to the Presby- terian cemetery and was largely at- tended. The ceremony was conduct- ed h; the Rev. A. J.Cranatone. B. A., pastor of the church. The family to whom she was dovetedly gunned and who tenderly loved her in return A sense of grip! and loss prevaded the whole community on Monday morning when it became known that I giye thanks _t0_ friends and neigh- An editor Rotribntivo Justice. IH mom. APPLICATION TO PARUAMENT. Thatapplication Will be made iuthe Legislative Assembly for the l’rm'inceof Ontario at the next ensuing seasiun thereof. for an Act to incorporate the Durham Switch Line Railway Companv. to build and operate a line of Ruilway from a point on the Grand Trunk Railway in the town. ship of Bentinck. thence through a portion of the said Township of Bentinck. thence through a portion of the Town of Durham, thence through portions ot the Tflwlfihipfi of Ulenelg and Egremont to a point at or near Wilder’s Luke. all within the Cnlilliy of Grev. in the sand Province of Untal‘io Our fee returned it we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentnbility of mine. “ How to Obtain a Patent " sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised {or sale at our expense. Patents taken out throu h u: receive special notice. without charge. in an Pu‘m RECORD. an illustrated and widely circulnted journal. consulted by Manufacturers and Inmors. Send {or ample copy me. Address. Next Door to Chroniole Ofloo. i Affair Splits OTICE IS HEREBY (:IVEX Thatapplication will be made My}... For Shewell 62 Lenahan UNDERTAKING PINKERTON COOKIE. Solicitors for the Applicants. Dated It Toronto this Ninth day of [)ecem. her. A. 0.. 1901. FURNITURE hit from :pliFting at the e'ncfs‘f’C J. A. Gmncnfelder, Grantfork, ill. “I have used A eq’s Hair Vigor for thirty years. t IS cleggzat to; _a mi; dressigg 9nd fogkcepzygmc Hair-splitting splits friendships. If the hair. splitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of yoqr head is a friend. If your drunk: cannot au .1; mu, Band In one debt and we wnK'(v..._-zm you 0. bottle. 30 sure and give thn name of your nearest alga omen. Ad .rus, J. C. 1" (X)., Lowell, mm. ' Ayer’s Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splizting has begun, it will stop it. 81... I bunk. Al! Mums. Machine Oil, Harness Oil. Axle Grease and Hoof Ointment, go to PROMPT A'I'I‘ENTION TO of the best makes DE PARTM EX '1‘. For all kinds of S. P. SAUNDERS. TRY UAIRING‘I’ON. D. C- ' menso puma nus p CHRONICLE nu Tun bargains now 0 ml up-todute at Peel' F08 SALE w _ ease and Dm ‘ firs. James ALL persons iudvblfl rthnr nre requested N d settle their uccout uh or note. Tun Skating L :1 nauccess an the competitor WINTER g feel ’3. Fun S..:ur â€" A i“'ill be sold Che bun Rand. Glem é DR. BURT Speciaiim i he Eye. Ear. Nose and u the Muidauuh Ha ”I. Februcry 51h {lam ; Tull: unnual meeting loytl Orange Lodge Durham on 'I‘uesduv n fl full attendance of 11 the various dieh‘k‘l lud fully iuvite«i.â€"-J. 6. Secretary. THE County Council this week in 0“ en Sou came on Tuesday after: towusuum. Mr. Chas. N been chosen Warden or Jot, of 10 to 6 against )lr. Gemge Watson 7 pro getting ready for gun! will call round to Ibortly nfter you: retul '06P! congrntulauous. pated in n friendly mat rinks, the result of ' victory for Durham by Owen Sound plavers Robert Christie, A. I), Two rinks of curlers Durham on Wednesdag P. Telford. G. P. Creigl Dr. Mitchell. D. M. B; Ryan and John Linda The Durhumites will return match at an Omen Sound Sun. Dumuu and v bred Ulla vear w fin the Lemmy U iles CW”- 3 CHRUNI So {If “9 in; three or {our called ('old “ present me n. Itorms IOU!“ bl .0 the Casi of ‘re sum blockadwl “'e 1m“? hfoue us. game Mm cat-gm!) ondu; 1 fiat on '1 ‘ol shone ‘8 A dude is like a musm Hi. waist is rather Hi! growth is somew And his tap is very VOL. 36-440; you ha‘ act «as cold OOGS Ut haw interest In , know the nut lelt t I Hr. Bon ID or S'OUII went! IIISO NH

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