I “Hume of I“. cum posmon. by the most pop . Iago. o! flan. .00... Htrunwmal-al COM'IO“ powrm-e ; Month for n. ubq'nptmn, 33.00. I! on game and man. at £7. bad can‘t: for mold and no nag Aycr‘s Cherry Pom. :e-founh o! the to. ted colds always mething serious, n into chronic ;, pneumonia, »r consumption. wait, but take Iherty Pccton] m as your cough x few doses will am, Nevington, 0., 'mnoor Organ. we will“ humane Itâ€. 'Pll, row-nu, Mm. 'hlI-dolphlo. Pu. hen. URE D. ONTARIO. 1 :‘iewsdcalcrs NNOR W. D. CGNNOII. 3'2 unwanl. oughs *9 :‘Wlflfl 1213 8'" Do a 9:20 on Halon“ month 1! ï¬nds 8 twin†radium the but busing“ Hates fl proof d y and prop- )D on ‘inéd GA THERED DURING THE PAST WEEK FOR CHRONICLE READER8. PRIESTLEY'S black cmvenouo wat- erproof. 60 ins. wide, only 81.35 a yard at. J. J. Hunters’. NE“: spring stock of boots and shoes Just agrived at S. F. Morlock’s. Sm: Morlock’s change of ad. Spec. in] cuts on men’s and boys’ clorbiug. CEYLON Planing Mills for 8:10 or to rent. or would exchange for farm or viliiage property.-â€"-R. P. Legate Co. 4. THERE is Ribbon tea. J. Hunterl' Pmmrwv’s black dress goods, guaranteed qualities. at J. J. Hunters’. De PRICEV’ILLE correspondent gives a lengthy account. of the death of Mr. Neil .\ cKechnie including the result. of the Coroner’s inquest. 15: our list. of professional cards Miss Margaret G. Gun. musical grad- ale. makes an important announce- meat. Local News Items CUAL OIL.“ W. Black is an exten- sive dealer in Coal Ooil. He hnsjust rmzeiw-d another carload. It is easy deciding what. quality he stocks by the quantity he sells. Miss Belle McDougall. \\ hose mar- rimre akes place thin (Wecnesday) aft: moon, is the flu! lady in Durham to \\ in ' The Chronicle†on our terms. I‘ we more “ill be similarly given. to 'he next ï¬ve Durham ladies wlm get 4 married before the April lat. Next! ()l'u Merchant 'I‘ailnr, Mr. Glass. tells us that next week he wnll adver- tise a grwat surprise in the line of good suits at. low prices. He is getting in alarge stock. and claims to have the most perfect cutting system known to the trade. Look out for his ad. next Week. ()L‘R Conservative friends must not forget that. next. Wednesday is the day ï¬xed for the annual meeting of the panty. Messrs. Hoyle and Mc- Diannid are able men. and to hear then; will repay every lover of good and lmnesc government Next Wed- nea‘lluy, Feb. 263th. at. l p. m. \ Mid-3H)“: for the purpose of or gunizin'r the Dunbum Lacrosse Club for thu coming season will be hrld in the utï¬cn of W. 8 Davidson on Thursday evening, l'e-b. 20th. at. 7:30 shun». A full attendance is re- tau “‘OI'K SCIM'Ct Tm: Star Restaurant. now run by Mr. "' J. Jordon Who bought out Mr. Healy, was formally opened for b3lSilieas ou Monlay night last. For Sflme as“: bad: the place has been undt't'going repairs and reï¬tting. and now it presents a near. tidy appear- ance. The band we: in attendance at the Opening and the sales of the th-ning. We understand, were quite satisfactory. Mr. Jordan’s ad ap- pears in this inane, and with the increasing pcpulation. and cons»- quemly increaSed necessity for everything in his line. we have no doubt. he wiil soon merit a. fair share of public patronage. He is 3 genes}. off-handed. young man. and we wish him a full measure of success. trans CALL and see the nicest range of Jew spring dress goods ever shown )1 Durham.~S. F. Morlook. COQ;L3.(.ol-.13, museum. .24.; 031.6: and Miranda are quickly relieved by “mo-Crew kneublemten cents per box. 41!de Ol't )l'( ii 8. A. HERRISGER. of Mount 93!. spent a Week or so in town, dung; and painting the Star Res- mnt now occupivd by Mr. T. J. .am. successor to Mr. Henly. The s is au':islica|ly dune and the sfnrmatiou is such that one would rely think it. was the same place. VOL. 0 tea bettpr than Blue You can get it at. J. Readers and Advertisers should not forget that the Chronicle is all Printed at Home. h; Mace has been 3 and reï¬tting. and near. tidy appear- was in attendance 1d the sales of the 'n'stnnd. were quite m; 'i‘hisis the bwet opportunity that has ever been oï¬ered to parties who “ish to investigate the many at!- \antages offered them in the great \orthwest. for rates, timetables laud full illustlawd information, call .01) or write Chas. W. Graves, Dis- 1 . - ~. strict Passenger lAgent, 6 King at. | West (room 1°),' loronto, Ont. -“-.., The Young Peeple’s Union crave a Social evening in the church on Monday laSt which was well attend- ed by the members of the Society and their friends The early part of the evening was Spent in social chat until Mr. Bell, the President. called the meeting to order, and in a neat little speech welcomed all present. A pregram was presented consisting of speeches, recitations and singing. Tea and ccï¬ee were served and the remainder of the evening was spent pleasantly among them. Mrs. New- ton sang a couple of solos which added greatly to the enjoyment of the evening and the singing of the Dox010gy brcught to a close a most successful gathering. Service and Sermon in Trinity chuuch Friday evening at 7:30. There was an unusually large at- tendance at. the Quarterly Sacrament- al Service on Sunday morning The names of a. number of candidates for membership in the church, by letter and on profession of faith, Were introduced by the pasmr. The Young Peonle’s Epworth League of Christian Endeavor re- sumed its meetings on Monday even- ing. The new Topic Cards are now in the hands of the members. and the services will be run with increased interest in the future. Topic for Monday evening “ Obedience.†intro- duced by Miss S. Carson and Mr. G. Yiirs. Divine Service next Aberdeen. The third quarterly ofï¬cial board meeting was held on Monday after- noon. Tlie ï¬nancial report for the nine months of the connexional year was highly encouaging. A second hundred dollars has been paid on the debt since the November meeting. The quarzerly Statement of receipts will he placed in the hands of con- tributors in the tirSt. week of ‘larch Mr. A. Catton took the morning service at Varney on account of the sickness.» of Rev. J. G. Pomeroy. The pastor will be imcharge of the services next Sunday. In the morn- ing subject ' What’s in a Name 9†in the evening "The Master’s Metha- umticiau." Zionâ€"Scrumenlal Service will be conducred On Sunday hy thn pastor, and the quarterlv love-feast will be held. PRIES’I‘LEY’S black broadcloth,Priesc- ley’s wool sateen. Prwstley’s black soleil cloth, satin ï¬nish. at. J. J: Hunters’. Beginning March lab and every day thereafter dining the months of March and April, 1902, the Great. Northern Railway will sell one-way settlers’ tickets at very low rates to almost. all points on its main line nest of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Low rates will also be made in con- neetion with the Great Northern Hum Chic. go. The journey «must begin on the day of sale of the ticket, and tickets will be good fur stop-over ten davs or NEW prints, new shirtings. new flannelluttes, jusn to hand.â€"â€"S. F. Morlock. leSs a: points on the Great Nonthern Railway west of, and including Han're, Mont. A few days ago we saw a very uni- que Christmas present. in' the hands of Mr. Robert Aljoe, Jr. It consistes, as the following rhyme explains. of a piece of an old worn out coat. from which a square about six or eight in- ches was cut. The edges were frayed out and two Union Ja‘cks painted at the top, and beneath it was nicely penned the home-made verses attach- ed hereto. The doner of the singular present was Mr. Fred Downs. form- erly of Toronto. but now of Heidle- berg. South Afaica. where he is engaged in the War. The present was sent to his mother. Mrs. Karls. sister of Mrs. Aljoe. The following is the verse : New Years‘ greetings to all at home he seen ‘3. A soldiur who in not with the beat of his friemlo; On a piece of khaki from an old coat he'd worn mauled because it was tattered and torn, It’s not a gilt edge or highly priced card. But it carried hi: best and kindest regards. Tu Dun Morass, Buomms mDhSwruns. ms Fun. Low Rates to The North-West. A Unique Christmas Present. A SOLDESR’S GREETINGS. CHURCH NOTES. «a 1'. METHODIST. BAPTIST TRINITY. Sunday at i People We Know .‘Jr B‘llinï¬. of Jackson, Michigan, has mmrn :1 to N wn to resume work on the ct'mem wm‘ks-z. Mr Than \h-Rmuald. of Mor‘ria- but 3;, \\ as in town Saturday and gave us a ('all and a doHar. MES Hutton. of Port Burwoll, s;:e:.t u day or two at. home since lastissue. Mre. Gum A. MOK°y. of Pm" Elain. i9 visiring hr‘l' daughtm'. Mrs‘. R. J. Keukey. THE GOING AND COJIING 0F VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY. Mr. John Ehrlmrdr. bookkm per of the (.‘vmem Co. is in Toronto this week. Nhn C week f CnHege. Mr. G. McKechnie left TueQdav morning: to attend a meeting of the Directors of the Cament- Co. Mrc. Manin, ace nmpanivd bv Mrs. E. Romp, lef? Fatmda} norninq for her home in Beu'on after spending a few weeks u‘izh friends in town. Mr. Frank Livingston left this week for Montreal where he intends to engage in the pianobusiness. We wish him every success. Rev; and Mrs. C S. G. Boone and fvmilv. of Lnndnn. mama up Monday night for a short visit with Mr. and M1290. McDougall and family. Mien Nellie Morton. Durham, re- tm'nwd to ’l'eps‘watm- wi'h bur cousin, MEN .‘Jr‘r'nn, who has boon visiting: at Mr. Tlnos. Morton’s; for a few days. Missw Hazel and Flora MvGregnr returned to town 'l‘hnrsdav night last. afmr an extpnded visit with friends in Montreal, Ottawa and other plaves. Their many fripnds in tcwn were glad to welcome them back again. MIN: E1 Rm'Ihm'n rammed luS‘L wewk to her Lorne in Fergus af nr Spending" a couple of weeks with her parPutS, .‘Jr. and Mrs. Geo. \Vntt Mr. Power .‘JcDongall and his siswz'. Mi.“ Sara. of l‘iverton. am visiting} a! thP home of Mr. and Mrs. C . M“; D0: rull thia wpek. ’ I is said that a certain well known ; 3‘ Anthem. Commercial trawller, of this city,l Mr White, Grand Secretary of the “'33 ("“59- PRSSiO'm‘MY fond 0f honey. ‘ Order was pmsent, and was nexc call- hnt isn’t so any more. It caineled on by the chairman. For about “hm†this way: He was 9- VPS-{Nlm' 1 half an hour he delighted the each. Visitor at a hotel in a northern town 3 ence in his interesting: account of the and the prom‘ietor knowing his taste l origin and growth of the Canadian [01' honey always had some on hand l Order of Foresters, They originated for him. On one trip he took his; in Canada and were a, purely Canad- wife along anal as he approached the : ian 1nsnitncion. For the ï¬rst. few hotel he mentioned to her that theylyears cheir growth was not rapid. were {10in}: '0 a Flat-‘9 Wht‘Te he could 5 and some diï¬iculties were experienc- httve hmwy. Whrn the pair tt'ere3«»d in procuring funds to meet: their Sitting at the supper tahle no honey L ï¬rst death claims Subsequently. appeared and the travelling man Said 1 ht,W8VBl', the order began to flourish, sharply to the head waiter “ Where 7, and of late years the gt‘OWth has is m." 110119" ‘3†The Walter smiled - been. phenomenal. the preeent mem- and said " YD“ mean â€10 little black 5 boarship being over 43,000. and all haired OW?†0h. she dnn’f- WOt‘k here ' Canadians. The surplus now in the now †And the drummer never rlicl , treasui V is 31.150.000, The amount get. it fixwl up satisfactn'y with his i paid in 1901 on death claims was in wife. ltlle neighborhood (f $215,000. The a W... We carry a well assorted stock 01' CHOICE GROCERIES, Oysters ! Oysters I R.§W'MMAV¢W - v V‘Q'J‘: DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1902. Earl vaton vame lmme last from (he Guelph Business Hot The One He Ment If you want Oysters Stewed, Fried, Raw or in Bulk, or if you want a good square Lunch, Call on us. Uhocolates, Creams. Fancy Biscuits, Etc , Etc., and we deliver goods to any part of the town. IN J. C. HEALY’S ULD STAND. . . . Restaurant in Durham j 111.weve1'. the order began to flourish, tend of late years the g1'ow1h has been. phenomenal the preeent meni- ibvrship being over 4.1..000 11nd all ‘Canadians. 'l‘he 5111111119 now in the t1easu11 is $1 1510. 000. The amount pail in 1901 on death claims was in the neighbmhood (f 8215. 000. The funds in the Society a1e invested in ‘ good secnrti ies. 111111 earning good in- t2111est 101 the order \lanv other points were discussed that “â€616 as- .sur'edl) of intereSt to the members 1111111 could have no etfect ot11e1'th1111 11 high inspiration of conï¬dence in the getability of the O1der. Mr. White is 11111 enthusiast in Canadian Eoresrry 'and no doubt his visit will lenvea. 1 good impression. The Canadian Order of Foresters held their annual banquet, in the Middaugh ‘douse on Friday night, when about sixry members of the fraternity anda. few Other invited guests partook of one of the nice sup- pers Mine fleet and Hastess. Mr. and Airs. Hahn are so able to prepare. Oysters and turkey were Served in abundance, while fruit, tempting ham. and the choisest pastry were lavishly spread before the fraternity, and disposed of. only as a happy, healthy community can diapoee oi swh articles. . For a time the waiters were busy, but the cravings of the inner man were ultimately satisï¬ed. when Dr. Jainieson was called Lupon to Occupy the chair, a position. he occuyiecl on this occasion with great satisï¬action to all concerned. It was nearly mid- night, but notwithstanding this the annual event must be ï¬nished in the orthodox fashion. by a few after din- ner Speeches. The ï¬rst toast was to His Majesty. the King. in which all joined heartily in singing the Nation- al Anthem. Mr. It. Elliott. cf Ingersoll, High Chief Ranger. was the next speaker. and intensified the importance of the Order by going extensively into its ï¬nancial aspect. The address was well delivered, and the speaker show- ed so complete a knowledge of all de- tails, and manifested such sincerity [but he too inspired the brethren with a fuller conï¬dence in the nobility of the order. Rev. Mr. Smith, a member of the order. was called upon and for a few minutes entertained and ediï¬ed all present. At about half past one the meeting was brought to a. close votes of thanks to the chairman and speaker. after which all again joided in the National Anthem. HIGHEST cash. price paid for raw furs at. Peel’s.â€"tf. Late Assistsnt Roy. London Ophthalmic Hos., Eng., and to Golden Sq. Throat. and Nose Hos. Will be at the Middaugh House last Wednesday ofeuh month, fromzwcp. In. THXS WEEK We “’3“ gâ€"iVQSâ€"pefcml Bargains in Watches Clocks. Jewellery, Silverware Specmcles and Eyeglasses, Etc WE ARE expert. “etchmakers. Jewellers. Engravers and Optic- ians. R. B. Keeler is the only man in the county with a Watch factory experience. Fifty Dollars Reward for a Watch that I cannot. repair. All our work is gnar. anti-ed to give satisfaction. All goods bought at KEELER’S engraved free. B. B. KEELEB B SBN largains. . Two Big Jewellery Stores. DURHAM -- AND â€" BESPELER :ialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Non (‘an you 3% as well as you should? If rmt, come in and let us show ynn our nmv way at ï¬tting Spectacles and Eye- glasses. EYES TESTED FREE. Big Bargains at Keeler’s New Jewellery Store. DB. GED. S. BURT. C. 0. F. Banquet. EXCLUSIVELY. Big Reductions in {Boots and Shoes to Clear 'for Our New Spring Stock. THE BURY STORE ON THE BUSY CORNER. $1.00 PER YEAR.