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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Feb 1902, p. 8

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minted in this duty by 1 number of the women talk, both from the village and from the country. The deeeeud was In her 43th yenr. Under n11 the circumstances attending her life for tome yearn put. there in no doubt that her deeth and n happy releue from both mental .ud bodily Inlet. in‘. Her remninn were interred in Prtcevifle cemetery on Month}. the 10th inst., in the af'ernoon. The luncral was well attended consider- ing the stormy «amber and the had Dill WPSt O township. where. (or the past year. iguvpd b‘ be has worked in partnership with "mu..- 3 his brother. Angus, who works the j“: a.» Cum. On the morning 0! his death. Why wa: in bud done his chores to usual, god in pubhc dun breath“ wen: back to the barn land “he gray to me gnu months past shoe e LIJ': usun unug Ul Ills ut'rt'fl. ~.‘_ by was he”"5!’1’)”“fii§t.!li}rҤ Hi li‘blc’el. All'l HI '_ .'f)‘,.; 33.1 [hen the: L4” jagged gluon .n'cakfaet went back to the but" . nutl miller Witnk-Ses exmuluml ht 1hr tu ~lu Ill) 50"": 0f ““3 usual work orECOHmcr and Jun Move? “'8 (lo) not wd‘erum M063i. c'C- He returned I” { wi~'n to Cfithlfie. but we nave always “"9 hu'HP “DO”: ”-30 3- m. and POY'I' : understood that an inquest wan pub- p""“" - U‘ {'37‘“ -‘~ ‘3‘ 9:5.) 0‘“ 1 13‘; down He, and that until the Jury rntivml to 0“ it 1"““89- H" wife ‘3’] children. 1 ct'nuidet' 'heir Verdoct everything was '5” “"9 P'“""L “I" alarmed and l require. to in: open and done in such Cdled his SECtOI'. 3‘!” Martha. who 3 W3)’ as to prevent 1“.)- opportunity occupied P‘" 0' ”"3 house “ll-h be? of future reflvctiou on any one con- mO‘er. She, ‘l his request. Ka'e'cefl)ed. I“ this ca’e' “lthough we him some m'lk ‘0 d'mk "1d bathed ‘nre perfectly satisfied that there may hie lece with cold water. He ex- be rumours and reports to the cou- peeeeed e deeire to vornit. end eflortz trary. there .19 nothing to conceel were ode to ceuee hum to do so but our ”.3093 to be blemed {or me without elect. end inside 0‘ be]! en unlortunete reeult ol the deceued’s hour he wee e corpSO- Hill 570th“ own ecte. Still each Stair Chamber Alena. who h-d cone to the bush methods at conducting public busi- wlile the donned wee .1 breekteet, nose lorm e bud precedent end cause we. “eve! but ‘0 8“ hi! teem idle tonguee to We“. end there it: Ciel he wee.leckoued ‘0 b! 3‘" quite enough of thet going on with- ldl Hafiz-chm. to hurry. He only on! giving cease tor more. u we “'04 “I tine '0 find 55' Moth" are nieteken in enything we heve bed. A oouein of fire. IcKeelInie’e, eeid. we ere quite open to correct ion ; ‘1'. M'”'o {'03 3‘0"" 0100.“.8. but knowing thet dydru-heeded loon- the bed. With 318 ”Nb". 5‘00 'wt- alter, the medal loving public. ee 93 tit lflgflgfliflo . eterted _00 welt ee we do. we ooueider we are an: of the r-xl-lmxc’rr ”than .000 IT'S dead. A couain of Mrs. McKechnie’s, Hr. Anderson. from North Glenelg, 'ho bud, with hie brother. been visit- in: the )lecKechnies. started on hombnck on the first alarm for Dr, Dickaon, of Pricevalle. but by the time they returned life had fled. All the necessary preparations for the funeral to taate place on Wednesday had been made; but on Tueaday “ruin. glacier shock like a thun- “t belt be. 3 clear sky struck the "DOC marine, when it wae re _ _ ._ - Imminent in the hand- tlne deceased had been I“ PRICEV I LL 3 {ICE ny tor many years, ' at the residence 0! me Gravel Botd. u e: and. for some killed npidly in 10 JD he e~er bad guy poison in his pesswssiuu or nad purchased any during the pan year. only a box of rough on nus wa‘ said to '01- in the barn where de- ceased had been Working which he had put there an )ear or so ago; bu: no evidence was given showing :hat found. the 001138"!!! of which showed the probability of suicide. When this report was found to be correct. it was immedime‘y communicated to Coroner Gun, of Durham. The fun- era] action were remand from the stores and the arrival of the Coroner was 30:20!»st awaited. Rumour, with its thuusand tongues. was let. loose, and thoéo who delight in gos- sip and scandal had a delicious worse! to roll round it; their mouths. In due time: the Coroner arrived. accom- panird by Chief Caustnble Carson. A jury was at once empanolled, the corpse removal to the undertaker’s hali und the form of an inquest gone through; the result 0! which was a vardncc of suicide by poison adminis- tested by bimsell. No evidence was given snowing that the deceased had bathe BID-o Quiche Tablet: cure a cold in on (by. No Cure, No 1’3]. Prieo 25 can. oniy doing our duty in trying to put a stop to the indulgence of imagiut' lion on the part of many wiiu are only too prone to let their tongues run away with their brains. The Stop- the Cough and Woth of the Cold “I in: me! hon”. Another xbllc inner.“ might «tarre Mr. Wes. Aruott. of the Corners. visitpd at the old homeuea-l Saturday and Sunday 1838. Mr. Perry Pinnock visited Holsvein on Saturday last. The Bell Bros., of Bob Roy, are Still wood-cutting for Mr. G. Binnie. Lats of snow for budding it. Mr. and Mrs. John Grasby took a trip to Mount Forest last week. lire 'ltll‘l of ill" banana: (0 i.'.~e en- ":12”. mvut being gtvmx by sue Ep- \‘.Oi'ill League was held ll: the Mctlr; «fills! church on Fridnv evening last; and mu :1 very interesting number; of tit" «eries. " Resultel that the; time has nuw come for a union of azl: Protestant rlvno'mlmlious." was the! Subject chosen for a debate wlticlll was followed by close atteutiou by all present. Fifteen minutes were allowed each speaker first and five minutes afterwards to each leader to reply. Rev. Wm. Buchanan, of Harkdale, led the afirmative and was ably supportdd by Mr. J. E Crone. of the same place The nega- tive was championed by Rev. C. W. Reynolds. of Walters Falls. support- ed by Rev. '1‘. B. White, of Eugenia. Seven Judges. Messis. M. Richard- son, W. J. Bellamy. Geo, Mitchell. Dr. E. C. .Murray, Rev. L. W. Thom, Principal Fawcett and Mrs. N. W. Brown weighed the arguments and decided in favor of the negative, the vote being four for and three against. Solo} were rendered by Miss Lena Rutledge and Miss Allie Joy. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered the Speakers who had so cheerfully come to the assistance of the League and so thoughtfully prepared them- selves for the discussion of the sub pet assigned them. The Pastor, Rev. Ivison Wilson, presided during the evening. Did John find the 805310 robe? Did Mr. Fat” 601 (11.: uay to 2301: am Sunday ? Did Duncan get hurt. in the upSet? Who 88H! Ida [he Valentine? How Jack likes the gutters? Why Joe didn’t come up on Sunday? PM. is u ell lumen! of ”r. Neil chcch-ic took phat on Thundaylut fro- bis Inc residence to the Family Plot on the farm. where he died. A large eon- conm of torturing friends and teln- tim attended the sad 05.9un The sympathy of all right thinking people goes out to the moving W.“.. widow end children, to the brothers :fhum WI and fisunaho.ndtothouod Winona-duel... mother. who. in her old 130. has had and: e snrfeit of sorrow. 0!. “‘15:; it's "W. m a m :f 00 vhe evening of Wednudny, the: mmotm rgllqanshltke dam 12th inst“ Hr. In. XcDongall, of'mmn ltsmfldam . ’ ‘ ‘ ‘3. On! the to‘rnlme ~onth of Pncenlle. Ind ml W‘s-g ‘5. 3lb'9‘Ff'h-J "um-NM his leg broken in e scnfle on the wanna-names. :1 sweet in this village. We under- arm! that it is a bad break and will 3035511368th ‘E C‘- confim- him to the house for the resxi _ -.. of the winter. Jim is usutlly “back line quiet going fellow and a worker, “3d: . . . . t w t e d th of their we “-9 son: to be“ of his misfipgmen In: eek m 11 ea . - gdaughter Laura. aged 12 yeers. whu tune. ho.h on his own account. eudon Wednesday succumbed to . brief that of his {mail . ' . . y, . ‘ attack of xuflammazzou of the lungs. Mr. Dona'd Mchechme. from Gnov- A “We numbet of neighbors gnd ' '-: l . ' .- v- ’» - ’ o - - {fluids :1. this melody. He arnve-i “.3th garems attended cue funeral nut \\ canes-lay to attend his broth» to the cemegef“ here on Fridav. er s funerai. R9r_ \lr Wilson officiatei We were «any to learn of the ac. ciient that befell Mrs. '1'. UdVifi. Bone she may soon recOVer. We are pleased to learn that Mr. ’l'bos. Arnoct is recovering after a slight attack of appendicitis. He is nttended by Dr. Jamieson’s assistant. Mr. Emerson Kinnee. of your town, in good company, visited at Mr Archibald Benton’s. and attended ser- vice at the Centre on Sabbath last. Mr. Slorry and Miss Run. of your town, were a'so callers at the church here on Sunday last. Mr. John McKechqie. from near Owen Sound. is at present visiting his mocber and relatives at the 03d home-steal near Priceville. He also attended his brouber’s funeral 18: week. Whnt is the matter with our Price- ville constables. Constable Curson is 3 good mun, but our men here are just as capable. For some unknown reason they ere ignored at the inquest? Queries.-Is Priceville so poor a place that. jurymen luvs to be im- ported from Durham even for so inquest? Did the Durham Contingent bring their men]: and beds with them? It would hnve lookrd just as sensible ts bringing a constable and juryman. Priceville must have a poor reputa- tion at a disunco. Mr. Walter McDonald is worthy of mention, a: he keeps the snow well showclled OK the church piuform as \\ «all as saving to the fire and other matters inside, and is afiways. ready for duty. The Rev. Sir. Newton was able to get through the drifts and occupy his pulpit here on Sabbath last. Mr. and I‘d rs. THE BUREAU CHBOXICLE. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1512. GLENELG CENTRE FLESEIERFJN . Talbot east We are all sorry to hear that Miss Lizzie Fee's foot is not mending as well as was expected Hope We may soon get. round again. Mi-ss McCaxmel reCeived word flow Stayner time one of her married sis tors is down with fewer. It would be well to do without our Pie Social on account of Miss MuCnuuel’s :rou bie Parties are all the go hate now. Tao in om: night! One at. Mrs. W. Caldwelx's and anothvr at Mrs. J. Aidred’s. Some would like to take both it] We are why to hear that Joe Elli- haa hero in [Dar health. Hop» to See his smiling Inca round again. Miss Maysie Wallace leaves Tues- day morning for Toronto We wm» a1: may to lose Mavsie as she is al- ways so cheery and has a. smile for everybody. What will Jack do? Mr. and Mrs. Cues. Falconer, of Durham \\ ere visiting at. the latter’ 3 old home (Daily’ 8) the fore part of the week. Miss Puterson, of Cedarviile, is visiting her siSter-in-law, Mrs. 0. Patterson. MLJ J. Mills. of Montreal, was is; town on Saturday paying a visit at the home of his fathar-in-luw, Mr. J. Sullivan. \Vcrd has been received today, (Monday) of the death of Bella, youngest daughter of .nrs. John Bentham. of Silva-Creek, N. Y. No particulars. \lrs. Bentham and fam- ily moved from here to N. Y. about three years ago, Miss Olive 'l‘ompson arrived home from Mount Pores; accompanied by the Misses Dickie to spend a few days with her mother. HEART “ STARTS” 0003de amt-tacit: the flea-t, _ a}! 5_E"¢_"-““ back line. met with 3 core heron-co ment last week in the death of their daughter Laura. aged 12 years. who on Wednesdny succumbed to a brief attack of inflammation of the lungs. A {urge number of neighbors and friends who sympathize with the be- reaved parents attended the funeral to the cemetery here on Friday. Rev. Hr, Wilson oficiated Mr. Hurry Wan, who has been for about tun-e years n. the employ of F. T. Hit}. of \Iau-kvlalc, is spending this week with his mother at the Marne. At a teachers’ meeting of the Presâ€" byterian Sabbath School on Monday evening of last week, Mr. A. ll. Gib~ son resigned the ofiee of Superin- tendent and his nssistnttt. Llr. Jae. Felstead was elected in his place. Mr. C Stewart was elected assismnt. Mr. Gibson has been in connection with the school for about sixteen years, the greater part of which time he has tilled the ofice of Superintend- ent. Few oflicers in connection wzth Sabbath School work have been more laithlnl in nttendnnce than has Mr. Gibson during his long connection with this school. 3!. K. Richardson ll P is i:. Oua- wa unending to his Puliameutarv duties. Miss Minnie Munshaw visited this past week with Owen Sound friends. Miss Etta Aye-rs. of London, who has be?" visiting for six weeks with her sister. Mrs. J. Blackburn. leaves for ham» on Wednesday. Mr. B. T. Whitten and family nre moving this «belt to Coilingwood. Mr. And M's. Whine!) no good citiz- ens and we are sorry to lose them. The following train Torontotbis week: Dr. Murray attending the Dental Society’s Comention; Mr. Geo. Mitchell attending the Fair’s Assocnmiou Meeting; Messrs. 'l‘. A. Blakcly. \V. J. Bellamy and A 3!. Gibson at the A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge. Mr. Harry Stewart, of Kimore, is home for a hoziday with his mather, Mrs Geo. Stewart. .n and; Manddcnâ€"-Mclntyreâ€"-Thnt the the beficlcrk nocify pnthmnster in Be“ 1. funeral Con. 11 and 12. and pathmuter in Friday. Beat 8. Con l. to appear at next ses- ' sion of council and “in: reasons why )9 Pres. Lo: 4-}, CO“. 3. should ”0! be changed Monday to beat south of Hoistein nocordxng ll. Gib. :o a petition. .nnd why Lo: 1 of 21 {aperiw should not be changed to best north .lr Jag of said 10: according to owner’s re- EGBEMONT COUNCIL. 014 There is much indignation in Owen Sound over the nction of the Canary Council in raising the town's assess- ment by a quarter of a million dollars. sands Jrein This terrible condition b'lt don’t realize their danger. If you have the slightet taint of Cu- tarrh. would it um be wise to com- mence Catarrhozone treatment now and be perfectly cured in a ~flwzt time? This pleusnnt remedy Cut-ea without the use of druga. atomizers or snufl's. You inhale the medicated vapor which spreads to all parts of the breathing organs. kills the genus and heals the inflamed surfaces. Ca- turrhozone clears the throat and nose inatantly, and never fails to cure the most ohetinate Catarrhd. lung and throat troubles. A trial will demon- Stra'e the value of Cctarrhozone, which sells for 81.00, small size 25c , at Druggists or Polson Co., King- ston. 0m. lickleboroâ€"Dunnt-Tbu forego- ing report be adopted. "4 order passed for 81 00 search in Registry ofice.â€"-Carried. Hthddenâ€"Durnntuâ€"Thu account from W. T. Patric re additional chuge for use of bull {or leceiving returns of municiyal election! he not entertained. â€"- Carried. ByoLew \o. 150. to nuthorize the P. S. trustees of U. S. S No. 2.331%- mom and Vormauoy, to borrow the sum of “200 by way of municipel deb-mares for the purpose erecting deb-mares :or the purpose erecting a schoolhouse in stid section. passed the usual readings. wu signed, set!- ed. tc. SicIntyreâ€"oMcFaddenâ€"4H1“ the sudiiors’ report. as now resd, be re- ceived and adopted, and said auditors receive $5 each for their services; nud tha: M B. Flynn print 200copies of said report.â€"Carried. The letting o! Holsceiu bridge wu deferred until next. session of council. Adjourned to meet. Feb. 25th to appoint patbmasters and other busi- “€98. Two of the members of the Board of Health presented a bill of eXpenSes re smailpox amounting to $46.75. which was honored by treasurer sec cording to Statute. 1| ickleboro - ~ Hchddea â€"-â€"Tlut patio «ion presmtrd by G. 3 Reid nod 20 Others for improving 5th lidcrood between 12th and 13!}: Con: be left in Can't: are- -â€" Carried. By Luv No. 149. for appointing an szspssor. Was filled in with the name of Walter Basic :3 assessor. passed the usual readings. h. of said 10: acco quest . -â€"- Curir d Slowly Dyinghom Catfarth. The» Owen Sound Hot Satisfied. (O. S. Times.) D. ALLAN. Clerk. â€"' unnger. u- "' rise to com-- ntmcnz non" in a ihUl'l- medy Curry F s, atomizers; he medxcated‘ I IN _'. _._n_ I vvvvvv‘vvvv :ATTEN-D THE BEST : IT PAYS. ' SW” «i7 Lenahau UNDERTAKING LATEST AND BEST. Webster’s International Dictionary 9! ENGLISH. Biography. W]. Fiction. etc. â€" ""'"â€"'J MflYIWINl-t‘h’clmmudod ”“mhflfigfiqhflrnfim FURNITURE Size mama“ mane; '19-: Book is the Best for Everybody. 5U) CARD AUTHORITY ‘15: U. 5. Sup” go“ ;.allthe8uu$auueCoI-mthe U.$. (Awe uncut Printing Offlccud o! owls all th‘ Schoo: boob. VARILY OMMENDED b7 Cdlege Wu. San mmdem d ‘chools and my aha cabal authorities The Webster’s U Dictionary Nib fished by our home is t only meriturt: us one 9f that name. It hear: our imprint rm find is protected by Cup} path! fnym cheap imitation. As 1 dictionary mite I htetimwfllit nothebettertopurchase the phototfpe co ies of a book of use: 11“,}- you: ‘80. w mould tor-about $1.10. and which "1|:thth :nmaziuas tring s workgf some merit instead our une -‘ 'V -“v-q as a prémfum fbrsfifipabfis to papers. Announcements of these count-nix e; no. A A reprints are ve 'They are ad- vertised to he (flew substantial equivalent of a h__§gher-prioed bm_»_k. while they are all There have hem placed upon the market avert! cheap re tints of an obsolete ed‘lzo .x at “Webster: 'ctionary." The? are hem attend WWW“ I or price B Ogden-5.83:1". etc? myth a few instances Ldng Since ObSéiete. flow BE DUPEE} .WM‘râ€"Wge- ‘5‘?! W'â€" ‘. mu: .3 ngfim Diéiiéfiifiés, Webs‘te‘tjs _(_Zolleghte Dicgcinary, One thing is certainP Ayer’s Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. This i: because it is a hair {00¢ It feeds the hair and the hair grows, that’s all there is to it. It stops falii of the hair, too, and a- ways restdres * my hgir, color to u 0. Cf. W, limmdit sedabonicofA‘yncr’sfi- :1; “WM. 51:33 11 u _ 263 wt up 1 ‘ “21:35. .... .._.m’.:;:.; yonahouk. Remand maximum. .1 you Manolo cc. may”, C. an (0.. Love‘... 31..., 9" “I but very mmsid '32 task can filmy hit I PROMPT A'ITEXTIOX T of the best makes DEPARTMENT For all kinds of ”nuns. All.“ Worthl'égsr . Quinn, mm“, m TR Y To mm m: h n: "In: ggcofi, M17 “”5350 DURING THE PAST WEE CHRONICLE READERS. MACFARLAKES’ S sure and eflectual. FULLER purticulars of (he ”indium nuptials will app next issue. XIV muslins. laces and emhr [on at The Big Store. Hwnm cash price paid for {on u Peel'I.â€"-tf. WAmn.-Servam girl. Ap In. T. G. Holt, Durham. â€" ‘2. BUY Pure Gold Soup from TI Store. Reid our ad. this weeI lam how to make $50.00 eaeil XI. DICK is unending the I cry Openings this week. and c return will develop ideas in 1! cf the most modern headwear. Dm'l‘ forget the Pie and Box to ho given in the schoolho: Victor-I. on Friday evening. 7th. A good program is beinl wed. nod a good time is assul A MELANCIIOI.\' suicide occun Dundtlk last Saturday morning iol Be“. bowl-keeper. cuttiu “won. from ear to ear. Um VII in good circumstances an about to leave the 110311 to In fuming. No cause for IheI I‘m an be assigned except that at htely. he has sho“ II uIano melancholy since the (huease wife some time ago. OUR new stony. “The Con the Clot." starts out well. an prove itselt interesting to th In“ word. In addition to iii are giving a series of short sto Rudyud Kipling. the first of uppenred last week, and gave introduction to the life. chat and pecularities of the man In Evel'yono should read these stories, which we purpose com for several weeks. III most extensive sale of nil u. Peel's. 11‘ IS with sincere regret tn learn of the death of Mr. Donal tie. of the South Line. Arte Dace-med has been in failing ‘ during the past mo gears. sq though his demise was not unq ed. his departure to the Bend bu caused a. shock in the com by whom he Was univereally fl} 0‘. Priceville Sabbath Schq loot an ardent promoter. beside other local aids for the advan of the moral and intellectual of the youth of this commuuig‘ Currne Was a most respected a greesive teacher in (his lnsnevj giving up the work a Couple 0 no on Benouut of his Juliane We reglet Very much to hurt duth, and though uuavquaim the relatives “e (xtrlul lel‘ lympnthy to them in tin-i of trinl. A L- - A QUIET but \‘el‘v took place at the In. ”to. C. McDougaH. « noldny aftenvoou 0; o'clock, when tlwil‘ tor. Miss Belle, bec. Tho ceremony was I brother-iu-law Of the mid... presence of only immedE a. w 11m Hazel ) CGregor pin) Wedding Ma'ch. The bi-i Wu given away by her fall. moot. becamingly gOWlitd in of white Iilk organdie, uinm ell-over ltce and applique, hill caught with a dictum end wried a magnificent ho bride! roses. Miss Kate M wu bridesmuid and more “India. trimmed with vale [wound carried a bouquet cunnions. Little Miss Laur of London, made a sweet tin and wore white orgundie. an thihtpo of a Ciescem. a1 “lg-batten u gold pin with ”fill“. The bride's tune” inch. The congra’tulatio “uptuous wedding dinner ‘ W of. alter which the lid kit. on the evening i. ._ 50-10 in Owen Souq joins the friends 4 l long, vroeperous and hap 36mm}. 1825. lie, became the 'iddis. of 0M" W was perforwm G. Boone. 0‘ ‘ trims all wall Sheep Dip is Reade: OHM “I “88K

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