West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Mar 1902, p. 1

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me cold and :4 then tried A, md it gave I. loo 5 for n C or ”new. ,; ’1. no“ call [to too, on I. sumonia, and nsumption. lwgys tend S'top dig; tendency y sChcn‘y Pee. AKIN ’1‘ Forget I" »1 EN '1‘. ARLING ua STORE HE BEST makes URE nah 100 “'9, it, .I‘; of its Hui? m3 lino : is 0! 0'0 1‘ s only OI. ”St 110' Nam” tell on! Wk: Mm too busy marking spring goods to change our ml. this week; comm and see tho-m. However, we wnll be remly to show them by the time you get your punch-~11. W Mockler. .l. .-\. lexxusrox has repurchased :lm Merritton Advance. and W. G. Harris of the Independent. stafl has gmw m :33: e charge of the paper. â€"â€" urimshy Independent. MR. Wu. Pum'mu. ol the Stratford Mill Building 00.. was in town Tuss- day. and gave evidence regarding the ill-fated chopper which went to piecva on Monday in the Mrb'owan Mill. He is tic manufacturer of the ma- chine, and claims the bursting is :{Ul'e ['DOsSsbie in any (3mm if the ma- chine i4 allom‘ed to run at. a very high Spec-l but not. under proper condi- 'iulln. ’l‘ms Wrek Mrs. McKenzie opens out a stuck of Grocwries in the old post. offive. and we bespeuk for her a fair Shaw 9 of public patronage. The goods are all in fresh. and purchasers mny be sure uf a good article. Choice team outfies. Spices. and overything in the grocery line, will be kept on haul at. the 01.! post. office store. Tut; (Maury Douro". 10 W» an we l‘t’lrlhthl last week will We held on l‘l'ulA) «waning the ‘21:". of March, instmt of the Mth as mun unwed. Much labor is being spent in prepar- atiuu of drills, choruses. rocinuions, em. etc. The work is under tlm able mzuugemeut of Misses Laidluw. Munro, Inland and othvrs. Their um ling energy in preparing ille lit.- tlc folks in guaranlve of success. MR FRI-tn A. Luna. piano tuner. of Berlin, expects to be in Durban about the first of April. Sm: our new 106. min”. 33 inches wide. the finnst quality and prettiest 1.atterns.-â€"-H. \V. Mockler. Fun Saleâ€"A full not 0! shoemaker-’3 toolsz. cheap. Must be disposed of. Apply to Mrs. M. Laurie. .~\l-‘I‘ER fivn or six weeks’ illness. Mr. W. B. Vollettia again out and looking wall. Another week or so will make him all right. M Hmum cash price ' furs at Peel’s. â€"â€"t!. ”m I" I". \uw suiting jns‘ épen ed McKecnnies’. out n qu is the time for the M39880? to Put In his best efl'orts to make the eligible but unsold and unimprovrd Prov: rt v a suhwautial some» 0! rev- enue. Every man should be Btlisfied to hue his property aseessed at his own. \aluurion to a proswctivo pur Chasr r. A pin-col property may nos be \\ o. t h a dollar, as it. sounds. where- as under improved conditions. it would be- a. source of profit to tho town Our opinion on this suijct has not changed Jutihg ”a. past yen. and we wpeau whit man said t your 3R0 that any fan» in lb. sum of assessment. should be the" to ‘30 man who wait. WM «1-3110? mom in building up do pl... - . 6A THERED DURING m5 P131 WEEK mu CHRONICLE 3510538. Local News Items 9353:: 33‘ an van eat your spring footwur cost at Peel’s. ;\ MES Holden boots at McKochniu’. wrunâ€"Servant girl. Apply :0 'l‘. G. Holt. Durba.m.â€"2. . .\. ("01.8. of ’l‘eeswator. arrived Lav. and is now engaged with W. A. Glass, who is bound to in all classes (f up-to~date tailor- VOL. 36-«N0. Jom'ert to wh’ch Readers and Advertisers should not forget that the Chronicle is all Printed at Home. the citizem of Ma. An'rnun 'J‘. erxoue, who was buried from his father’s resi- dence here last week, was married at Chicago eight years ago to Miss Minnie Kelly. Mrs. Whitmore has been her husband’s nurse during his long illness. and travels in New Mexico, and with two little bovs, aged five and seven years. has the deep sympathy of a host of loving friends. We regret that in our re- ference to the deceased last week we omitted to mention anything of the bereaved widow and orphaned child- 1'80. The town is ngain reminded of the uncertainty of life in the sudden‘ taking 08 of Mr. Jae. Colville. who was almost instantly killed by the bursting of a. chapper at McGowan’s Mill on Monday morning last. Being alone in the chopping house: at the time the accident occurred, its' real cause will never he known. It! is supposed, however, that the mill! ran empty. and before it could hel checked the revolving: plates had: gained such enormous speed that they flew into fragments, some of; which struck the unfortunate man," whose death has caused such a pangi of sadness throughout the whole, community. ; EXPRESSIONS of admiration were heard on all sides last Mondav when the new spring goods were being opened out at H. W. Mockler’s. That the deceased James Culville came to his death through the burst- ing. of a chopper. That, it was punly accidental. and that. Mr McGowan be exonerated from all blame in the matter. It was recommended that all machines of this nature be further protected by boiler plate of sufficient. théckness. and that all such mill? run The de(:va.~‘e=]. Who leaves a large family grown np. wad a. most. inof. (ermine cn'zuu. and with the whole c-mm unity we join in expressing our nympnthy. Sr was in his 55th year. Invermeut takes place at Hanover comatery this Wednesday aflexnoon. All kinds of reports were soon afloat regarding the unsafe condition of certain portions of the mill. and in order to obtain the truth as far as possible an investigation into the circumstances waq made before Cor- oner Gun on Tuesday. Ajury was empanelled consisting of Arthur Jackson. \Vm..Lnitllaw. Alex. Mc- Laclilan. H. \V. Mockler. Charter Smith. Thou. Lauder, John McKecli- nie. Samuel Scott. Wm. Bvak. John H. Hunter. '1‘. Moran. Geo Lawrence. J. H Brown. Mr. James McGirr did not. like: mavhim-s maria on th principle of tiw mm in question. and could 110:. he paid in OpPl‘a'e arm of thnm as he thought they wvrn all dangerous when run at and: high speed. Mr. Mc-Girr is a machinist! and had made soul. It'pai'S a fmv days previous'v. but thought tho- mill was in fair av- erage cunditioa of safety. Mr. Preston, the maker of the ma- chine, in his evidenve Muted emphat- ically that. all rapidly revolving machinery Wan liable to go to pieces when running at '0: great a speed. He L'mewof Olhur muchilws having similarly burst. Hes knew of only one of his own :1). k6 having gone to piece. previously. After cousidemb‘e delihemtion on the part of the jar: , John McKech- uie chairman, they returned the fol lo wing verdict. : Mr. Will McGowan. Mr. Culme (McGowan’s miller). A'lim Robe: tson (McKechnies’ miller), Dr. Human and Janws McGirr were all sworn, and the evidence went to Show that the mill and machinery. and everythinv in connectinn therewith were in a normal condition of safety. and that no blmne seemed attachable to Mr. Vlt-Gownn, the prnprietor of the mill. The general opinion of all the wit- nesses seemed to be the result of ac- celeratmi sneed caused by the um- chine running empty. Mr. John Comm was in tho mill. only a short tima beforv the incident. occurred. and in his «widens-9, which. was taken at the inquest. he swore. Illa! he noticed a peculiar sound he had not noticed on his previous visitsi to the mill. He 'hough: it. mi:ht be; caused hv poms running over the top of ”:8 chopper. ' by “swear-power be provided with hand wheels cmn'vuien ly near the warhine. Lnxaflva "roam Qnininn Tablets cure a cold in one day. ‘30 Core. No Pay. Price 25 cents. Sun Wm. Leggette’s ad. of Stock for SIlO.â€"3. LEAVE your repairing and foot measure at Peel‘s. A BIG package of sugar for 81.00 at McKechnies’. MOVING Picture Show, Town Hall urban), Much 14th and lc'nh. J ames Colville Killed Instantly. Stop: the Cough and Works of the Gold \Vhen a sick man aaina twelvn pounds in five day's he’e on a fair wnv towards: recovery This is about all we need sav of Alex. Grierson, .who wasin town this wnek after a. severe attack of tvnhnid. “’9 re- rrrnt. however, to learn that Mrs. :Griersnn is now laid up with the '3ame disease. . . Meqsrs. John and James McKech- nie and John McDougall. all of Ben- tinck, near Muloch. left. Tuesday morning for Botincau. N. D. Messrs. John Milligan. J. P. Tel- ford and A. S. Hunter were in Owen Sound this week on business. Mr. John Livingston was in Mt Forest Tuesday attending an Imple- ment Delivery. T. Whitmore. attended the funeral of the latter’s husband here last week. J 0 Rgéflémzm: GIVE US A CALL. Mrs. F. McArthur, who has been visiting: her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Nichol. returned Tuesday morning to her home in North Dakota. Mr. Ed. Kellv. of Petrolia. Ont” and Mrs. John B. Palmer. of Chicago, Ill . brother and sister of Mrs. Arthur Miss Dick attended the millinerv openings in Toronto lasc week and purchased the. latest novelties in headmanr. Her customersare always sure to have tho very latest ideas in millinory. and at prvspnt she is mm- parinu a his: surprise for thmn when her Spring: onpning takes place some time during: this month. CRUICE GROCEmES: Star Grocery and Resiauram. Mrs. Dan Greanwood left Saturday morning to spend a short. visit with friends in Acton and Toronto. -.~ h‘ 0..“ .~-â€"-- How it is Done. The first object in life for the Can- adian people is to “get. rich ;” the second how to regain good health. 'l‘ho first mm h» ohminetl h_v mwruv, honpmv and saving; the 860mm. (2004 houlth) hv listing Gremi’s Ana:- ust Flown. Should you he a d»- snondmit snfi'urer from nnv of the» el'fectsnf l)yspvn9ia.Liver Complaint. prndinitis. Indiungtinn,etc.. such an Sivk llvatlat'lm. Palpitation of the Hvart. Sour Stomach. Habitual Cos- tivenuas, Dizziness of the Head. Nun-one Prostration. Low Sniritc. etc... you need not. Sllfit‘l‘ another day. 'l‘wo doses of tho well-known Anuust. Flower will ralipve you at once. llpgular size 75 cts. You can uet. Dr G.G. Grepn'n reliable remvdies at. Darling’s Drug Store \Vanm to. District. Agent for Durham. Satisfactory remuneration will b9 paid to a man desiring to take up the business. Former experience in Life Inaurancn not indispensable. Address communications to ‘fi Wit «"9 .- We Have Miss Maggie Campbeli leftTueIday morning for a prolonged visit in THE ROYAL VICTORIA life Insurance Co. of Canada meavw w “Wman THE GOING AND COMING 0F VISITORS IN THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY. People We Know Cream T. J. JORDAN, of Groceries 18 complete. and our pricvs are right. “'6 deliver goods to any part of the town. H. C. THO.“ AS. Supt. of Agencies, 6 King St. West. Toronto, Ont. Bananas, Oranges DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1902. on THURSDAY «(Her- noou and evening. 8s Lemons. Our stuck Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Rose Another intervening S'Ol‘V is told ofJoe. and as it isn’t. copyrighted we’ll make hold to tell it. He is Sumewhut small in stature. but big intellecmally. and sulficivntly reatlv witteti to get out of any ordinary difficultv. On one oceasion he an- cwered an advertisement for an Eil- itor anti genera! manager for a news- paper ofl'ive. and was acrepted for the position. 0n presenting himself to the “ boss ” and stating he had (tome t. ) take charge of the position in au- rordance with the tut-muttent. the proprietor of the establishment eyed him from head to foot and rooliy told him he wouldn’t do. “ You think I’m ntrt hig enough ” said Joe. and without more ado put hie-t hat down over the proprietors head and ears. and with the simple remark “I wear a 7,1hat. Good-hye.” left the oiiice, and was never stuck for a job since, and has held gnnv‘ positions for many wars on that 'l'oronto World The Toronto Saturdav niuht. and is now engaged on the Toronto Star. 'l‘he Owen Sound Times in its last, issue relating to a meeting of the Old Boys of Grey refer to rexniufisneu. cos of theeurly history of the County as told by Mr. DavidCreighton, form. er Edhor of the Times, Mr. M Rich- unlsnn. M. P.. Mr. J. A. Tucker and Mr Joe '1‘ Clark. . In ofivrinq reduced rated to the NORTH W IS'l‘. Commencing March 13:. and continuing: daily thprenher umil April 30th inclusive. cheap. one-way somnd class rates will be in HTML toall points in the States of Montana. Washington, Oregon. also Rossland. Npl-zon. Victoria. Vancouv- er. New Westminster and other points in British Columbia. Don't miss this annortnnitv of visiting the GOLDE.Y NORTH WEST to select a. For ramp. literature, and all other particulars rail on or write Chas. W. Graves. l)i.~urict Passenger Agent. 6 King St. West (Room 19). Toronto, Ontario. Coughs. coldn, humane“. and other that! aizmcnzs are quickly n-licved by Vapo-Creso lenetabicts. 11cher box. All drug: in: . ‘OOO’O-~-â€"â€"- The Great Northern Railway Once More Takes The Lead. home for yourself. .\lr. (‘lurk is a clever writer and? one of the l‘hlitors on The Toronto Star. "'l‘lm 'l‘imos says “ Joe told in. his inimituhlv way The Story ofaq (low llvll, in which he had (Pk?!) a' prominent part.” We may simply t. mid by way of explanation that ML. Daniel Drimtnie. now of Egretnont,! was teacher in Flesherton at the time " and Joe (‘lar k was one of his pupils. Dan owned a cow and the cow had al hellon. but just how the bell wasi tr'mwferu‘d from the cow to a tree- tng‘. and how .10“ became connected with it hr u S'l‘itn: were puzzles to" the emhrx nj mtnalist’s helovetl teach-, or who hunted in a circle all for»- noon for the favorite hovinn. in rvswnw to an occasional tingle from the well known hell. This we prey mum! is thn SulNHtIIPP of the story‘ told hv Mr. Jintk who spent his younger days as a type Getter in the Review Office in this tovui. j Lute Aasfisunt Roy. London Ophthalmhs "on, Evan. and (”Golden Sq. Thumb and Kane Hus. Will be at the Mulching): Bonn lat Wednesday of each munth. iron; 2 to 0 p. m. WE ARE export Watchmakers. Jewellers, Engravers and Optic- ians. R. B. Keeler is the only man in the county with a Watch factory experience. THIS WEEK “‘6 will H. B. KEELEH 81 SUN xiv» $1;le Barguiua in \Vmches Clocks. Jewellery. Silverware Specmcles and Eyeglasses. Etc DURHAM â€" AND â€" HESPELER Bargains. . Good Goods 111 Small Parcels. Fifty Dollars Reward fur a Watch that I can" vt. rvpair. All mlr work is guar- anh-m tn give Iatiufnctiun. A“ goods bought at KEELER‘S engraved free. (.‘am you see as well as you should! If not. mm» in and let us nhow you our now way at tit-Mm: Spurtaclm anal Eyr- g'asuea EYES TESTED FREE. Big Bargains at Keeler’s New Jewellery Store. Two 812 Jewellery Stores DB. GED. S. BURT. EXCLUSI VKLY. H 0.0 -«o $l.00 PER YEAR. w

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