public OudienI by â€or 0'?" am huh-ls. in: U: Miss .\m of Mr. M. this p239. cepted the cm ion and Allison Lu 9'1; $0" ’lge'ï¬â€˜ï¬' ’15 f 0- 4%- of Mr. M. K. Ric this phrr'. who i! cepted the positio cation and physio. Allison Ladws’ l N. B., Iliad†ht‘l’ public in that c .BOv-n 7. 'vu.‘ 9"" l .3 HUHTER s". 'O. o Some 88 {espeopxe h‘zfrp-u. Paper. i‘aa'pots, “'indow Blinds, Lace Curtains, Lace Curtains, Curtain i’oics, Linoleums, Fluor Oils, Palnts, Varmshes, Etc., and in such a large assortment you cannot fail to be suited. We have made a great start in this department this seztsnn. We hope to see you in before all the nice patterns are all gene. We take back any paper you don’t HM? from one-Half roll upwards. SO many penple pr.:l'vr [0 deal at a store where they can buy almost everything: they require. For instance, if yun inrmul llcmseeleaning this Spring, you can «some in here and buy your g. A. Human FLESHERTON WALL PEPER. have r‘l ha \‘ 0|†Q 3,3 OPENING 11111511 h1'iili1111t success. We did not ï¬gure on large > 31»- 1111 111111h 11s 1111. (lid 1111 the advertisement. Every place you .1111 1.11111 11111 1111111 s11m1 1111e11tthe h1diessz11'thz1t The Big Store :3 :1: 31.11511. 0 10:. of pretty Dresses this season. And it’s 11 fact \\11 11111111111h11ui11 111 1111s1z1ihe 11111111 he1e. D101) 111 some (1111' : xi 2.11111 I\ 111 1111111 111111 11111111‘1\-111e1'e1 wm1y 11111' 111lst0me1 to 9.111., 1111,1111: 11; \‘111 11111111'S1111115i111e1 they know l.)est1.1'hethe1they Men's Lunch Pails, same as they use on the Railroads, at 500. Just the thing for farmers. \Vire Nails are very ï¬rm and likely to advance any day. Come in and buy now. Every indication of a rise. You can contract: for nails to-day and take them away in- side the month. New stock of Paints arriving. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. Manufacturers are selling below cost of making for a few days. We got in on a carload, and are selling it in Barre] Lots at . unheard of prices. But we ask you to go to the car and draw it : away as there is not sufï¬cient proï¬t in it for us to pay teaming to . our store. 0311 and leave your order for a barrel and we will . keep it for you. Car will arrive about the 15th. ° wï¬eï¬ï¬i i T“? IIE STURE. Dresses For The Fair Sex. i right to examine em Come along whh the 0y back if you want it HI DrOp in Sugar. ht ll “1' Di) .ltklit‘Hl'UllS >t3lt'..‘.'lun from the 3. ill 0:: {Ship where he has sinue lived and lthe' Floss. which gave evidence. of T' was a. type of that older generation ‘ grunt, vermuility. In her SHiUHll 5 of good Stock fast disappearing. He . n imi‘mr ï¬lls-2 Ritznnrdson Wits culmtlly l was of a quiet and unassuming; dis- h Igvgiy. iUHl when she lmd ï¬nished l position. a good neighbor. a faithful the enthusiasm was uuhou114:l+-tl.â€{ friend, upright in all his relations in \ll‘N Richardson is well known to life. He was for tnanv years a. mem- mztny of mar leaders who will he l her of the Methodist church. and pleased to learn of her some“ and 1 while health permitted was faithful . the Hir‘smiums accorded her by the f in his attendance at the Class Meet- ~ press doxn M the sea. iugsmu' regular services of the same. 'l‘hrre passed away in Toronto :1 {e w l A“ aged partner. three sons and f0“? 1W Mr. 2.1mm. mums... “daughters survive him and hold his l'r'n‘pettletl old gentleman Who has f name i" a uï¬ectionate remembrance ' neared the cenznrv mark having The union evangelistic services held : "9‘40le 'he 3:0 0‘ 9‘) years, “809““; in the Presbyterian Church last week 3 ml was the father of Mr M. P. Mc- were attended with good resultï¬. : Muster, “41.0.5011†5'03"? 8830 “'33 an ; Rev. Mr. Bethune’s powerful preach- iesteemed CHI/.8" of this place nnd’ing and Mr. Whyte’s effective sing- ,tlw .Drozressï¬'ï¬ Princzpal 0‘ 0““ ing were intently liscened to by the iPuMnc School which for several years large congregations present. This " flourished under his regime. To Mr. week the services are in the Metho- :Mcklaster, who Is now (It the Am- dist Church. On Sabbath evening l beret burg School stad’. we extend our _ last the church was crowded to the , sympathy in bereavement. ldoors and the service wu varv im. Mr. W. A. Armstrong of Markdule, who last week was bereft of his be- loved wife, is remembered not only by your corresriondent, but by his numerous friends in Flesherton, who sincerely sympathize with him in his berervement and the great. loss he and his children have sustained. she. wills. In reapuuse to insistent. applause Miss Richardson gave a lmmorous.~ elec tion hum thv Mill on the Floss. which gave vvideuca uf gz'egtt versatility. In her Second number Miss Richardson was equally hapzfn. and when she lmd ï¬nished f e away '1? :: mstomer and try to make a sale at any risk. “’6 don’t. I perfmrxly at home in our store. Feel that. it is your store. and in», everything in it, werher you buy or not. It’s our pleasure to :h Llw crowd next time you arrive in town and see us. You can HARDWARE. Mr. A. Munshaw is also expending a large sum for modern improve- ments in his place of business which when installed will, we are informed, give him one of the best equipments of the kind in the country. The union evangelistic services held in the Presbyterian Church last week were attended with good results. Rev. Mr. Bethune’s powerful preach- ing and Mr. \Vhyte’s effective sing- ing were intently liStened to by the large congregations present. This week the services are in the Metho- dist Church. On Sabbath evening last the church was crowded to the doors and the service was very im- pressive. At the after meeting over forty who remained manifested their earnest desire to lead aChristian life. Messrs. Boyd, Hickling Co. are this week having a complete svstem of cash carriers installed in their large mercantile establishment. The ofï¬ce will be removed to the rear of the dry goods department and the entire change will bring the transac- tion of business with the same up to the point of greatest convenience for the salesman. settled for. some time in Darlington. removing in 1860 to Artemdeia town- ship when: he has sinue lived and was... type of that older generation of good Stock fast (13.a;)pa:1ring. He was of a quiet. and unassuming; dis- position. a good neighbor. a faithful friend, upright in all his relations in life. He was for manv years a. mem- Mr. F. Dafoe, of this place, has 69 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE/THURSDAY, MARCH J. A. HUNTER. A? g «3 ma 4 ' O S . in“ a hearthelper. No phase of Heart Disease it will not “ spy out " and relieve and cure almost like magic. What are your symptoms 2 Suï¬â€™oca- ting, fluttering, palpitation. acute pains. thump- ing, nervousness, restlessness. Try thxs great (lamentâ€"it never kiln. 1" A couple of weeks ago Inspector Campbell visited the school and ex- Miss Hazel McGregor has been spending some time visiting in the neighborhood. Miss Maggie Benton has secured a situation in one of Toronto’s leading “'1101982t10 houses HEARTS “ GM STRIKE†Mr Jas AHA†was. in Toronto 1218! wevk and Wu“ successful in getting EEIuwood plane <1 in Smtlu Grey dis~ trict for the aâ€;anxmnfexczarsiou to the Model Farm. It. has always been placed with Bruce districz. Mr. Jaa. Hamilto Voile: rwm‘m-d to North Drkma, \\'( Spending a ï¬rm-ant, friends § Mr. Jim Eleu has pulh-d down his Old house and is [vl'v1).tl'iug tc MUM greater. “’0 will he :12! pleased m 503 the inmmvement of the! line, as we]! as Jim and [31:1in in more com- IOI'VK‘U!" qumtcrs. Al-l hearts. “peeinily the young were saddened on Sum-day by hear- ing of the decwwe Of Mim- Mary Aiian of Holstoï¬n. Stmnuundndourschoo! when a Hula girl and “on the esteem of all. Hnd fully held (‘W'l‘ since. This section has had more than its share of sadness, 3 (leatlxsoccurring in one week. The one closest to the Corners was Miss Martha Bradley, who has been in poor health all win- ter. pas-ed peacefully away on Thurs- day. Sht- was of a retiring disposi- tion consequently had no enemies but a large circle of friends. many of whom “ere able t.) be present to pay their law, tribute of respect at the burial on Sn'ut'tlzty. which took place to Mapleuuod cemetery. It is much less than 9 year since her brother suddenly died. The imnily have the sympathy of all :11 this part in their swl bereavement. aided to move to Inaianapulis. Ind., and has instrua ted auctionevr Sprcule :0 dispose of his household effects on ; Saturday afternoon this meek Mn. : and Mrs. Dafoe are highly esteemed; citizens and «e are sonry tmlose! them from this place. Therv has been at wocd bee almost every day for the pln‘t fortnight in the neighborhood north of us. Thu .~ believe in having lots of company in the woods when they go to prepare their summer’s wood. Mrs. Richard Irvine, who has spent the past month Visiting old friends, returned to her home Monday. Miss Molly Baird, who has been Spending the winter with frivmla here, went to Paisley last Week to visit, her aunt. Mrs. J. 13. Burrows. We expect, increased interest will be taken in the seed fair on 'I‘lwsduy as many farmers found they beneï¬tâ€" ted by their experin‘unts last year If proper interesr. was when in 3le affair it would prove a benefit :0 all. Mr. W. Moore, harnessmaker. has, in order [0 meet the demands of his cusromers had to increase his stafl and has secured the services of Mr. J. W. Lyons, of Marl-(dale. ------~ ---<D 6.0 0-4 ~â€"~â€"-â€" A very enjovable evening was Spent at the home of Mr. David Hamilton, last, Wednesday night. when dancing games and other pastimes were in~ dulged in. Mr. Wm. Grant sold his thorough bred Hereford bull last week to a Milverton farmer for a price that was very handsome indeed. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. The Ayton Advance was al- most unheard of by Egremonters un- til it received publicity last week for cheap work in doing our township printing. Of course. the action on the part of the Councillors, would look as if they wished to force the Durham and Mount Forest papers. whose subscription list covers all Egremont and whose courtesy in printing the Council Minutes was a beneï¬t to all. into ignoring their do- ings altogether, in fact the suSpicious ones are wildly predicting that the Fathers are paving the way to actions they don’t wish to have spread all aver the township by newspapers. For our part we sincerely believe such is net the case. but simply that those innocent, conï¬ding souls, thought by saving a few dollars to the township they would gain the implicit faith of the electors so com- pletely that they would never re- quire to see what they were doing. but would feel safe with the mere knowledge that it was they Who were at the helm. We feel sure they will reply to the criticism of their wisdom and explain the why for of their ac- tions or who was to blame, unless they think like many that to wallo- into an Editor for exposing the mis- takes of ones life is little more satis- faction than jumping into any Olllul' mud puddle you come atross. CORN ER CON CERN S. rwut'lwd IO their home in deta, \\'cdueesdzw. aft-Pr ; n pivaeant holiday with old dd by MacFarlsne 6.: Co‘ L’UN ESSAN. Hamilton and Mrs. H 13, 1902. Nov. 19m. Réudflrh m’ Tm; UHKOSICLE who pay one dollar a war in advance can get. the follow mg papers at the clubbing I'd-'93 named: MacFARLANE 5: CO. pressed general fairs there. “'9 were weaned to see Mr. D. H. Brown out driving again after his tedious illness. Miss Kate Ector returned to Col- liugwood after a six weeks’ visit here. A (waived by the undersigmed for the ositir n of Scavenger for the Town of Dur- am. fur the balance of year 1902. Appli- muimw must. be in, on â€1' before the seventh day of April. We learn that George Lawrence. of the South Line, has sold his farm to has brother Sam. and intends mov- ing Into Vergifla. U. S. A. Sun, of course, intends to set up a bachelor's establishment for a few days any As a. System Renovator and Blood Builder, Dr. Agnew’s Liver Pills are supplantlng all others. So great has been the demand that it’s hard to supply it. Cure Constipation or Nervous Headache, clear the complexion. rid it of eruptions. yellow skin, coated tongue. etc. Act easyâ€"never gripe. and the after effects are a positive pleasure. 1n vials, 40 pills. 10 cents; 100 pills, 25 cents. 09 Municipal Notice! Guardians of the Home! Marv}: 7d]. 1902 Glenelg’s veteran assessor. Mr. Alex. Bell, Sr., is once more tramp- ing the township. \Ve often wonder why this work can’t he done in sum- mer, and not when the roads are us- ually the worst of the whole year. Last week some of our young peo- ple went for a pleasant drive to Mr. Wm. Mountain’s. of Egremont. Even the female part of the load had to get out and walk much of the way That’s the last of the season. SEGURES A GOOD [IVER LO “'13:: TO Farms Bought and Sold. Insurance Agent, etc. Private Money to Loan: Mailanol Empires. weekly ........ Family Hc-mlcl and Weekly Star Toronto 1);:in World. . . . . . 'l'ornuto Daily News. . . . . . . ....... Toronto Daily Star ..... . . . . . ..... Montreal Witness. weekly. . . . . . .. TOWN OF DURHAM. PPLICA'i‘IONS \VILL BE RE Notary Public. Commissioner All Paper Trimmed Free of Cost. Suldiers. wars and governments all play their part, but. the real guardians of our homes are the beautiful. tasteful things we gather about, us; they transform plain 'alls and breathe at Wed come whenever yetuénter. You will find our selection of wall covering: suitable, we believe. in everi' sense. It comprises all the styles and prices extant and represents the hem wall paper art we have to-day. AND 0090 HEALTH OFFICE :--.\IacKenzie‘s Old Stand. CONVEYANCER. Sold by MacFarlaue 6L (30.. Durham GUI Old Accounts and Debts of all Kinds Collected on Com- missiom------- 7": ‘ Wm" " E; (4' , ~ L i‘ Druggists and Booksellers l0 CENTS \‘f N THE CHRONICLE. DURHAM. Ow . Jackson, ONTARXO. satisfaction with M “g B. ‘\'(__)_LLE'I‘. :ckly. DURHAM Town (Jim R 80 00 v 1/ \-â€" Our fee returned it we fail. Ant: onesendlfll sketch and description of any invention V.†promptly receive our opinion free Poncem‘n‘ the patenlability of some. “How to Change; Patent†sent upon request. Patents 56C“ through us advc :‘used {or sale at our expenscn Patents taken out through us receive 3pc - notice, without charge. in '13:: PATENT 315ccâ€. an illustrated and widely circulated 100m“ consulted by Manufacturers and Investor?- Send for ample copy FREE. AddreSS. Next Door to (:hrullicfr Umvv. g Springâ€"1‘5; AND Hm! said B\ law was I'vuistmed in. the Regiutry oodim fur the Smith Riding 0f the County â€1' â€re-y, uu the 25th day 0‘ February A U. 110:. ANY mmhm lu rllluS'l nr set aside the same nr :mv part flmrmot. must he made Vlthlu Hue “lullâ€! {mm the (1 He uf registra- tum. an.“ (mullui be mucie there/after. 1):.†(“I an} .1 That. a Hvâ€"La Municinal (Emu-vii H1 remenmm ulo Hm '1': A. U. 1903. pnnidin Dentures I" Um :mm l)ll_l‘[)H-_~0 0!. Oualfliug Sclum! Svctiuu N Egremom mod N“ meso, in m“ M1 ship nf Egrmnum. The school is w’nippml for full Juniur Lvavin and Matriculation Wurk. unclvr tin- inflows" ‘ ital! of competent teachers fur that «Warm...» Thou. Allan. Principal. A. Morrison. 8. A., (Swen-man. AM, I'm. Ml“ “Ck. B. A" Classics and Motivruï¬. Intending students should onwr at lwginningog term. or as soon after as possible. Feea, $1 00 per month WM. JOHNSTON. DURHAM SCHOOL, '"ï¬iiéï¬i’é Lilianâ€" i'Ef-Eiuiéh' Mum: ' 3:30qu notice. without. charge. in the Anyone sending a sketch and descri non may quickly ascermm our opinion free w lethm an invention is probamy patenwblc. (‘mmuumm tions strictly conï¬denuai. Handbook on Patent; lent free. Oldest agency for scouring patents. Patents taken through Munn _. Cu. receive A handsomely Illustrated weekly. cnlntiou of any gciep}.nflg 1031mm! u- I. year: {011. Inn'lt‘hs'. $1. “SONG by all New mm: Hers INNNN 8. Co, 3635mm» New York LTOTICE ""§‘ciâ€Ã©iitiï¬Ã© 'Hmerican. “ Mywife had adeep-seated COUgh for three years. I purchased We bottles of Ayer’l Cherry Pecton large size, and it cured her com. pletely.†- .I n _____ .l---__ A _ Probably you know of cough medicines that re- lieve little coughs, all coughs. except deep ones! The medicine that has been curing the worst of (keep coughs for sixty years i‘s Ayer’s Cherry .3†a {or nu ordinuy I'l‘h! tor ronchlth. hour“. .- --I‘- A“ a l‘ -n.’ “up.-.“ - cUIué mo. Jâ€"v "â€"- _-_ ___ .-" M 00". “J .‘IDOI‘ «idiom; 1 ‘12:. chronic «I... and 'to tag on hand a I A A--- M ---“ "--- $3525: 611135525 F 8;. Washtinkt'oii. 15.6 Machine Oil, Harness Uil, Axle Grenae and Hoof Ointment, go to OPE NS -‘J’L' 1L FIRST at. â€mistrial this 251i: day of 1"“er U. “202. STAFF AND mum“: STRATPURD, ONTARIO. Chairman ‘. H. Barge, Macon, Col. S. P. SACRE ' ~‘-m“m HAND ALLAN. C 'erk WA8HINGTON. D. Netice Harnessmakefo .\. Ian-nest cir- Terms. $3 ! newsdenlen SIRS. Svere ANT the BANAIflS in trunks and \'.1. s. F. Iorlock. Tu Big SCOPE ad. this “1': '1‘ to-duou usual. “1.111;. â€"â€"â€"___ Sans? music. all 111. ‘nd 10¢. ‘t D‘jjlllg S Ih‘ u v St“ 0023‘? fail to 1399111111111.- \1. opening on W eduesdzu' 11.11 day next. JUST 1001: in Hm um Th0 Bic Score and see of luliu' straw hats. “mummy ()m-zxnxu \\'. ‘l‘hurcdty, March mm. a following days. at S l-‘. Gong Westâ€"0n Tuesday mm nl Thoma Ewen. Thomas Hut mu. I Bic. if. and a Mr. Savagv form n1 Chooloy took the train for Maui'o! NWERED DURING THE PAST 31/5.†CHRONICLE RfADfF‘S DWI!!! service Tuesday vwning 7:†at Trinity Church. 'l‘iwmeâ€"' Soul. It. Consciousness am} Hm nut in Paradise. Till Agricultural grounds an cord-Gd to rent for pasture. As . are not nllowed to run at Ian‘ge- t ChOUId be NO trouble to um ML “MW years ago Sun Opoko of standing in th butter with «we for its reverence for its alniqu the lust of the same (-1: house now. Talc death lam \n wife of the Hon. (3 of Ontario. was thw tarsal sorrow throw; and breadâ€: of H19 i efltimnble woumu i: year. and a “ tower her husband \\ ho. In“ been a pan al in Local News itc- THE musical strain pipes. manipulawd M 0‘ Piper John Ste“ :t': may be hvard at anx') ingn of the Sons of m noxiously \\ ailing weather when \w m Shudy nook and be In: the dolghtful uwaic « lriend. the Piper. THERE was a large dvilvmw' (1:. (he put. week of NBSSey-Harl 1~ chinery. consisting Of Binders. 3 cu. Bakes, Drills. Hairuw: Flows. about {our Car luails in or over a hundred immismiw m. i ï¬nished machines. The local A; JO'II‘ LiViflï¬SCOTI. and his 345515! Funk Vickers and W. .l. Bic-i-‘w had a busy time preparing for â€00rd delivery which u as valir Wednesduy of last week. (hm (he had roads only a {e w ('nth .~ dny ï¬nal. but every day .- 7 .~. puchuurn are coming 01w by . taking home iheir iuwlvim-LN Agent here is doing a lulgv .. which goes to show. to ~11." «A II but. the high flmurwfln‘mz. ‘ have of Masseyvflanih m..«...:.r I" DOX'T forget the. Tu " ‘ Friday night. A gr. :n end energy have hm. ~; retion end we {cpl .~\.. ‘01 performers \\ ill «14 1: The proceeds aw to M- ; ï¬btfltflble purposvs. \‘ 1. really IIQPde. \Vr lie-kc I Uh". may he desfgrmtv i av Inst. charity Whirl! UfII-z. In. ‘mding Of 8 hulk Of it trial. ‘ '7 tilmeut is unmiu‘m-z . “3'0 ‘79. cases. ]H,)\\‘r ~ : A helping hand is xu»m‘;.«i '. no in ‘U†symrmi.) at; for the children and 3 1 ' “lie purely local cone“; 1: “Operation of the good I « « MI, end trust that this 1; 1' O“ may cause the 3 ‘0 ['0' up with higher idem ‘It’ to the poor and new-d} ‘ ' I 0‘8 by one the bO\S 'rH‘t’ lo :t‘ OI. On Friday morning PM H! â€.0! Rural Dev: Ryan aï¬m rm 00m to the Standard Bank k [ovatigstion showed that he w “ hi. Wty in thlough 1hr front .‘Olt ton o’clock in the nmxu ‘¢ VII broad daylight and score â€910 were going to and {m a m ““3010. Without a shadow Jr #0.. There nothing In lw His “‘0‘; DObOdy Sfï¬d lhmv Was. h“! ‘30 Fred paSSHl his ('X Cation Inoceesfully and just vnt “â€9N0ticuhip to the banking m but the sun haJn't e-ct 91.8â€!!! the bank authorities - . .‘ a, I‘IW milliuery at Ireland's â€'0‘ notice on Saturday to n "i, It Forest. on Tuesday at all loani- his initial salary of ï¬fty II. a. ieitTuesday morning, 9-? young friend is an estiu VOL. 36---NO. 1828. a transfer and F! a on Saturday to wish him eve"! Reader uat a!" l W 1m \V 1' h su re 8F M