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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Mar 1902, p. 3

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3 “I. law. q late! etch... thousand. of It £1330“:th ' i n". 0' earned a had tors, who u; I had give. (tilted him. t like ; ICU "Wager, hag, lized. 1'3. [my :iis'ZIiON V999”! [lawn iHEfiBflMS "ints are mpcction Hanover i can like! make no MIX" 3".” Hf 3'0“ '5" WI: M1110 n tarm u! I'0 ‘ fur a fair 03' u: \\ ill will. U nfljlbt ""5" ”“95 18's“ “ in tho .9 . no chamfi «In CHEERS - - BLOCK u will new 623 dicin- Blah Lt narrow HIT THE than) mend Mack r yard an! vice W9 COB need L" I be can rill ODDS d9 OI RH Ur. Pitcher’s Buckache Kidney Tab- ;ets‘ are put up in wooden bottles, with green wrapper, bearing thl pat; mm and signature of Z. Pitcher. M. 1;. Hum bOttle contains fifty tablets. Price. fifty comm per bottle. Manu- fm‘turml hv the Dr. Zina Pitcher (30., '1 “unto, Ont. The succes-s of Dr. Pitcher’e Beck- MM Kidney Table" is so great home testimony is always forthcoming. (me of the many in Durhun in Mrs. John Kinnee. Main St., who speaks of them as fellows :~--“For some three or (our years back I had unin- [crruptwi attacks of kidney trouble Mm wad hard backache whenever I owrexeried myself. At the time of “5.1.9:: attack. I 2.)! a bottle of Dr. lam-kwr’s Backnche Kidney Tablets 3' .‘iim-fzu'iaue Co ’5 drug store and :iw)’ took hold immediately. and by gm tiilw. the bottle was gone, I had In) [ruuble at all and (all lively and WNW} again. In fact. they acted fine- 13H true? Can this be 8)? A re the fuels garbled? These are the questions that. ure “Muted to every man and woman in Durham suflering the tortures I “Cam-he and kidney trouble wh:n they read the published account. in newspapers about medicine: which claim :0 cure. wiHKT FACT. PINNING STATE- foI'lX'i'?‘ BY DURHAM CITIZENS VERIFY PITCHER TABLET SUC- CESS. Mr. L H. Truth or. principal of the “urn“: High School. has resigned, .1 m cvpteo‘l a position on the lunch- _; s a” of the Dewitt Clinton High ivbul for bi)\S. \C'W YOIk. There four huudted applicants for (he .;:iu!1. but, [his lllllulwl ' was cut .vn m fifty “11" .\ r Tueker was f'f ‘ "ml mmnWoâ€"fl €1.51. {St-IE 83-10“ ‘iyou "UV M: m: and return It promptlv. We on" “ "31?“. 32“£TP quantities of valub'lo Yam. :1 NOT LONG STORIES. NO CONNECTION ucrul L13" 3 IBM In“ as dumb“, and :3." first Suflkg, and Motor-men's Mittens. ‘ S‘xpply the demand. have taken t x for more ho'lp. nxrm- export trade to the Nor! Vulumbia. and the British Colonic -:.~m:md for our goods. and, with ~n nf the many families we are c )l' Higu lm first year Wilh an in- $100 a year for ten years. is an vii-pupil of the Mt. gu School, and Was the {inn applicant for the p08- gfinthETl-IOD OF DOING BUSINESS “#J--- -o lamIHDl to do knitting] references as to our honesty and integrity, HM |.‘W'Q-‘ , d. ' . . ,I I“? ? W’f'm' ‘- 4 ‘ ,,_ .. ' ‘ -‘ “:2: ' , l‘ :7 ' * ‘ “a: To worn at 'I new names Under the Direction of The GLASGOW WOOLLEN CO. 37 MELINDA 8T., TORONTO, To Fill large Contractsâ€" Good Wages Easily Earned. We want a few more workers In this locality, at once, and in order to secure your oo-operatlon without the delay of correspondence, we herewith explain our full plan In this advertisement. The work is simple, and the Machine is easily operated, and with the Guide, requires no teacher. if you wish to join our staff of Workers let us hear from you promptly with the Contract, order form, and re- ‘. ; '3 - mlttance, as a guarantee, and we will send 3?»; 1; machine and outfit to begin work at once. "‘ -:~: a '”' :\ "- Dyan» ‘I-C'v r as you do it, séfisfac- We entrust our work- vam. and as we give Two very sad deaths occurred the past week and two blight little lives have crossed the border into the next world. We had only time last week after hearing of the drowning of Mr. Chas. \lcParlane’s little boy to men- tion the fact. The particulars are Very simple. The little fellow, Hughie. only three years of age, wandered away from the house in Normanby. near Gleneden, about 11 a. m. on Wednesday accompanied by two collie (1033 which were often his companion -. Not returning his ia- ther traced his little Steps and those of the dogs. In the snow to the hole in the ice on the river near by, where the little fellow had fallen in. The water was about {our feet deep and the current, swift, carrying the body down some yards to where a log ran across the river. Here the little bodv was iound about 3 p. m. with one arm around the log. The funer- al on Friday to Cochrane’s cemetery was largely attentled and the grief S'l‘leen parents‘have the sympathy of all in their sorrow. T3 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY 'l'ako- Laxative» Brmno Quinino 'I‘ahlats All Druggists rt'fmul thu mum-y if it. fails to cure. I). .\'. Grove-Is signature on each box 250. vvv- v V'- U v'u “Blvu. nerv'afié twitchings, T10: flushes, dyspepsia. indigestion. and all is. It is the very nectar o! Bent!) Amortean Norvme has proved Itself tho “ on of madness ” to many a none-sick sufferer. It. starts to work at the fountain-head of the troubleâ€"tho Eugen-Ion. It tones the -‘Au- ;‘â€" - To Work at Thelr Homes Immoh, helps towgéslmllato th; food, promote. healthy o‘muhflr‘a cumulus.- tho no? of _g-Ich._ ‘ “OIL or GLADNESS” 1 v- . 0.... vvvvvvvvvvvvvv or this class Send your remittance by Exm'ess. Mone' Order, ..- ar after year. tered Letter, or Post-Office Money Order. 3 and weReiffn time) we will promptly forward machine. outfit. and simple guide for doing the work. This is the best offer ever made for the do it satisfac- ,‘ fit our WOTk'. benefit or Lanadlans who want to work and make money at WITH ANY OTHER coMPANY. Sold by Mufti-lane (‘0. J ,, upryqus prostyation, Our "Manners-Impress Companies. Banks. or Toronto mu:- lu‘u ”aunt's. If you wish to examine the machine and see the ma.- tertal before undertaking the work, you can do so by sending $3.00 as a guarantee of good faith, and to defray eXpense of shipping, and we will send everything to your nearest express company, leaving a, balance of twelve dollars to pay the agentand 25 cents for the return charges on the money‘ to us._ We have. in as brief a manner as possible. endeavored to show vou what our work is. and we simply say as} to the machine. it is just what we represent it to be, and Will p051- tively do everything we claim for it, or refund the money. Each machine. securely packed with an outfit, is set up for work. thoroughly tested, and a sock or stocking partially knitted before boxing and shipping. Should you decide to engage with us, it will be necessary to send us Cash Con- tract Order Form, properly signed by you, and at least one good reference. together with the remittance, accordins'ly. upon receipt of which we will forward machine and outfit ready to commence. Respectfully yours, references as to our honesty and Integrity. we must ask you to do the same. in order that we may know with whom we are deal_ing. We are so frequently and unnecessarily asked if one can learn to knit without a teacher. We say. Yes; it requires no teacher; any person of ordinary inmnaganpe who can read the Instruction Guide can learn to knlt at once. ORDER FORM SI5.00 Cash Contra_ct__ Order Form” To the Glasgow Woolen Co.. 37 Meiinda St., Toronto. Gentlemenâ€"I ddfiire to do the work as described in this advertisement. and enclose $15 to pay for one Automatic Knitting Machine. together with material. instructions. and everything necessary for the work. the same to be sent to me by Express, CHARGES PREPAID. It is understood and agreed that any time after I have done an amount at work equal to the purchase price. :13, and wish to discontinue, that the Glasgow Woolen C0. wiii take back the machine and outfit. and after deducting their expense, refund me the amount paid to: same. Cl. ‘ . . Fun name how you “”9“ in the work. Nearest Express Office is at ........... For reference I name the following person: Be sure to use this form when spending your rem.t- tance for the machine and outfit. which you must 3‘” In and have signed by at least one good reference in 't..e proper place. Tear off and return to us, and also ante here how much time you can devote to the work; 21.30 L- ....:.a “Ankh, mnnflnlu n:- can vnn gm“! County 000-000. LDC" 3C, 5c A”!!! v--- w----_-_- r_____ Sender or head of family (it possible) must 6L JQWR‘BS‘paBa,“ w'e'é'fdijifidfitlil'y. '51; as' you send How it is Done. The first object in life for the Can- adian people is to “get rich ;” the second how to regain good health. The first can be obtained by energy, honesty and saving; the second, (good health) by using Green’s Aug- ust Flower. Should you be a de- spondent sufierer from any of the efiects of Dyspepsia,Liver Complaint, Appendicitis, Indigestion, etc., such as Sick Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual Cos- tiveness,~ Dizziness of the Head, Nervous Prostration. Low Spirits, etc., you need not sufler another day. Two doses of the well-known August Flower will relieve you at once. Regular size 73') cts. You can get Dr. G. G. (ii‘vi‘een's reliable remedies at Darling’s Drug Store. As there’evonly about one girl for every three boys in this burg there may be trouble before the year is out. 'Mr. John Collinson has Mr. Jim Vessie engaged for a time. “’9 are all looking forward to a wedding on our line Qbis week, yet. we don’t. expect. anything more than a piece of the cake to dream on. summer with Mr. Dan Edge. of Edge Hill. Mr. Tom Ewen intends leaving for Manitoba this week. No doubt he will be missed. but. Tom has Jim Fos- ter. of Muloch engaged to go with his car. There is something more interesting for Tom in the passenger 081'. Miss Mary Heslep. of Glenelg. spent last week with Miss Addie Col- linson. Rev. Ryan of Durham held service in the church here Sunday week. and Rev. Campbell. of Muloch on Sunday last. Mr. Thomas Marion is on the sick list, but. we hape to see him rOund again in avery short. time. Miss Bells Alexander is waiting on her sister, Mrs. McCoy, of Walkerton. who we are sorry to say is very ill. Many of the young folks for miles around atteuded a grand Pie and Box Social held in the Rocky Saugeeu School-house last Friday. evening. A pleasant time was spent“ and pro- ceeds amounting to $25.00 were re- alized. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Mr. John Mdge is engaged to: the ooo.ooc.ooooooooo UJooo 000.00 000.0 000.0. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1902. ABERDEEN .Street Prov. . . sign here: \1 1'. nel to Mr Angus Beaton. formerly of the Centre, but now of St. George, who attended his sister’s funeral near Berkeley, a fortnight ago, called on his many friends at the Centre, ac- companied by his brother, John Jr., last week. P. Pennock and several others were hustling home saw dust from Price- ville and preserving their ice which they have in abundance. last week. Mr. George Craig has been under the weather, but is again on the Arthur Wilson is employed in mak- ing a new roller. John Hill is helping G. Haw. of Swinton Park, to cut wood with the sawing machine. Dugald McCannel purchased anoth- er fine horse at the Gardiner sale. We think that we will have to get in a new Council if the present one doesn’t distribute the snow more evenly on the roads. Misses Ella, Mary and Martha, ac- companied by Tom, William and Noble Wilson attended the wedding of Miss Sarah Broughton to Mr. Jacob Parslow on Wednesday last. Our young folks are making good use of the ice while it lasts, and al- though they cannot; write their names some try to leave their impression on in, F. Hunciman and \V. Kinsman are busy towing the iast of their logs to Dromore They claim that where the snow has gone they have no trouble in keeping their sleighs on the road. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McArthur, of the 4th, intend starting for their home in North Dakota this week. James McArthur also intends going. the u mend Mr. Archie Beaton. of Flint, Mich.. is expected home this week. Archie will receive a. warm welcome. On account of the recent thaw Mr. Chris. Scheuermann and gang quit the tie making in the McArthur swamp. Messrs. Fletcher and Mc- Nally have the contract of taking out the remainder of the Fletcher swamp. They are enterprising men and will make things go. Mr. T. Sowerby sold a three-year- old colt. last. week for the handsome sum of 8140. Tom keeps me best of horses and as a result. gets the high- est prices. Mr. T. Moran. J., bought. two fine cows at. A. Staflord’s sale. Mrs. M. C. Scott, of Priceville. is at present spending acouple of weeks with her son Sam, here. helping to nurse 3 young daughter that. arrived on the 4th of March. Mrs. T. Davis is improving nicely from her accident. We are sorrv that. we omitted a very important item a. few weeks ago. A young sou arrived at Mr. Joseph Sproule’s on the 22nd of Jan- uary. Hope you will forgive us. Joe, we will try and report. more promptly next time. Mr. Arch. McDonald. of \Velbeck, returned home from tie making near Orillia. Archie is a. general favorite with both sex. Joseph Boyle is, at present. nurs- ing 0 sick horse. Horses are worth taking care of this year. Our genial assessor, M. Jacklin, paid us all a visit last. week, and seems to be giving general satisfac- tion. We are sorry to learn Mr. Archie Wilson is suflering at present. with o. Sprained ankle, but. hope soon to see him around again. Miss Marion McLean was visiting at. Mr. ;D. McLean’s. one day last week. Councillor Grierson is getting his broncho colt to drive nicely. He says ” There’s speed in ’im. Mr. Frank Boyle and his handsome bride left lass. \Vednesday morning for their home at Pierson, Manitoba. They intend stopping off at Winnipeg Brandon and other places to visit friends. “'43 join with their many friends in this community in wishing them success and happiness in their Western home. Mr. Martin Connor is on the sick lisc at. present. Miss Ferguson. of Toronto. is vis- iting her mother, Mrs. M. Conner, for a. few weeks. \Ve are pleased to hear Mr. Arch. McCormack, Jr.. who has been in Stratford Hospital for about a month with a serious afiection of the eye, is improving rapidly and is expected home shortly. Mr. Dan McLean, Sn. called at. Wilson’s recently, _ Mr. McCormack, Sr., of Mull, de- livered a fine horse at. Hanover on Friday for the handsome sum of $110 and also purchased another as a sub- smote. .H. Childs is helping 1). Mchn- 3 cut wood. GLENELG CENTRE. MULL CORNERS. [Intended For Last Week.) BOOTHVILLE. GLASCOTT. -v -'â€"- â€" -v-vvâ€" "Blue and 01330.5. very dainty patterns .................. If 12k and the. 30-inch Polka. Dot Wrappers ......................................... 12k yd. 27-inch Polka Dot Wrappers .......................................... 10c yd. 32-inch Fancy Mnslins. in Stripes and small patterns. . . . . ............ 15c yd. 31-inch Fancy Foulards Patterns. in Black and White. and Blue and White. all new patterns .......................................... me and 25c yd. 30inch Pongee’s. the daintiest fabric for summer dresses. all shades and patterns .......... . ................................................ we yd. 28-inch French Fignnd Efl'ecgs._ suitable for Wniste :nd Wrappgqs. infigd. Blues. Pinks, Lilacs and Str'ipes,botl1 l1e.1vy nnd fine qualties....10c yd. 33-inch English Prints. beautiful designs. fine cloths, fest colors ...... l2§c yd. Our 8c and 50 Prints are marvels of good value ................ ... ............ 36inch Heavy Flannelette ........................................... 10c yd. You will be surprised at the gunlity of our Bleached and Unblonched Cottons. FANCY DRY GOODS. 33inch Pri_t_1_ts,_ nigenpatberqanqd fas_t 9919”, in Dtrk Rods. Bright Reds. It will give us great pleasure to show you these goods now. 'We are sure you will be pleased. We have also a beautiful stock of these goods, end the patterns and colors have slresdy been much admired. In these lines of goods which are a necessity in every household. we will endeavor this season to give you ex- ceptional value. The goods were bought. at. rock bottom prices, and we have marked them very close. Follow- ing are a few of our special lines.

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