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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Mar 1902, p. 8

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to ‘0 fl: Now that rspt'izlg' is here. business is beginning to take on life again. Like the hm”; lmsiznrss does seem to hibernate during the rough Winter months. at least it seenzs to crawl away where it is hard to find, and needs a pick and shovel gang in the shape of low prices to discover and dig it out. We’ve been doing“ this for the past mmplu of months and have unearthed quite a bit. But it’s big: things we’re after nuivulweanse Spring is here. All nature seems to he on the move in Spring. am! it' we may be pardoned for comparing“ business with the beauties of nature. tee: that it is an appropriate time for trade to take on a hustle. To give it a push we have secured some really good things, these, coupled with some lines which m;- don't want. and on which we have put a move ’em-quick price, should make a mmbinatiou that will make business brisk for a while. 1-1:;â€" 11'111111111’11’1' 11 11111 '1111111 111' 1611;111'1‘11111 think 11: 11 -== 111111' \ '11'111; 1111111151111111111131111111111109111 111100. N ‘ R. 3111111111111110 11111 in 11111111111118 10 11111113 L111 ‘31:; 111'1'1111 1111 11 11111"'1el111 11111111111 neig'hbm to g0 ‘ 1111113 11 111111' b111'1'111 1:111:11. P111111 1.1111111111138011, but 1111111 1111511 111' produce 111 (311811 prices. Beginning to Bum! WE Ili’i SWRE. CARLOAD 0F SUGAR. and think it a. good 8;)ecnlzlthm. rmwc in price. We luwc already to arrive. lull and leave your neig'hbm' to {34) in with you and u'uzu‘untccd. but we must: ask the THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. MARCH J. A. HUNTER. ”i. ”I c)-’:: av 0 Ityl‘ . 3.“ V . N 3’. a“. O Q ~ I‘? As intimated by us at last writing. the funeral of the late John Sharp took place on Wednesday afternoon of last week, when a large number of Orangemen, neighbors and friends turned out to pay their last tribute of respect to the departed. A funer- al service was held in the Methodist church when an approoriate sermon was preached by the pastor. Rev. 1V Slots ‘3‘. 31:01:, after \\ tivh snort. Ht dresses touching upon the exceUent lite and character 01' the Let-eaved wete given 1») Rev. C. L. Mtlis and Dr. Uhrisme. Tue rv mains were then harm: to the cemetery and committed to mother earth by the members of the Orange Order. rxsc 1n the public (summer). the burio a1 bel\iCra‘ being conductvd by Rex. Mr. Wilson. M:.Bradbu1v fanned.) lived at and near Eugenia, and “'45 among rthose who settled many yams ago in ~\rumesia township. His aged panther and thlee sous survive hi m. Mr Luke Bradbury, a l'eSpected old gentleman uf 82 news. who has. for the past few years, n'esxded hue. W48 on Wednesday evening of Ins: Week called to his eternal home. Tue weight. of )ears brought about disso- lution of soul and body. On Friday alteruoou his remains were land at The pupils of our Pubiic School in Priucspul r‘awcett’s room have been indulgmg in fortnightly debates for the chclOpclueuL of their oratux-mul powms, and an Friday uftexnoml Man the following subject received them- attention: ‘° Reson'cd, that Country life is more beneficml than city life.” The adinmuive Wat: led by Masrmr Fred Karate-d: supported by Frank Morrow and Myrtle Th rstm. The uegaIive was led by Willa Wxigln supported by Beatrice Hales and Celia. VanDuseu. Tue uflirumtive “on by five points. presume. We noticed that Johanell had been about the first to commence plough- ing. But the present frost will put an end to more thoughts of such. It isn’t spring yet by any means. Mr. W. J. McFadden and family shortly intend moving to their old homestead in Egremont. The young ladies of the south line recently attended a quilting at and with the help of their brothers got home by daylight the next morn- ing. Mr. F. Dafoe’s sale on Smurda) lass was very successful under the grinding hand of Auctimwer bproule Mr. and Mrs. UaIOe lvave this week for their new home across the line. Mr. Dafue has made a cash sale of hi hnuSc and lot. to Mr. P. Quigu. back line, who Intends. after Some time, to retirv here. A”. Quin: has, in the meantime. rented to his son-in Miss Edith Richardson, who has been {or some time veiy ill, receiVed a visit last week erm her brother. Dr. E K. Richardson. of Toronto, who was accompanied by Dr. J. C. Tynell, of the city, for consultation on her case. The doctor-3, we are pleased to state. are hOpeful for Miss Richardson’s recovery, and that their expectations may be fully realized is eatnestly hOped for by her numerous friends who will be delighted to see her moving about again. Miss Osborn, of Guelph. formerly with M. Richardson Co.. has re turned to Heeherton to take charge of 1503 d. Hicklmg Co.’s millinery department Mrs. Hugh Firth, of Markdale, has been spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Moore. Mr. McKinnon,Sr.. is at present very low. and is hardly expected to recover. However, we hope he may be spared-sortie time yet. Say, Mr. Etlitor, what’s the matter with last \xeek’s CHRONICLE? Out- paper didn't reach us yet. and so far as we know the Buuessan bundle is still wandering somewhere on the. {ace of the tarth. Uur wonthy P. M. can’t give us the papers if he doesn’t get them. There must be something the matter with the Durham end of the line, for it’s not many weeks since the Bunrssan part of the mail from Durham took a trip away round to Welbeck. Maybe it. has gone to Halifax this time. Now, your read- ers out here think enough of THE CHRONICLE to want it on time not in the middle of next week, and .we hope you will waken up whoever is re. sponsible for these delays so that the thing won’t occur again. by deep earnesxmss and spiritual imen-st. They continue this week in the Presbyterian church. Mr John {ichardsom of Mclauc- thou, and .\l r. l". “Opps, of Eugenia. with thrir families, became IOSidt’IIIS 01' this p ace last wvek. Notwithstanding the «lurk nights and very uulzu'ourable condition of the roads. me union es‘angeliS‘ic ser- vices in tha Methodist. church last. week \\ ere well attended and marked Mrs, Fawcett. Sr . who was recent- ly bereft of her partner at Kimberley, has returned to this place to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Henry down. Miss Margaret McMillan, profes- sional nurse. 'l‘oromu. who spent the past two weeks uith a patient in Pumou, paid Mrs .108 Blackburn a shun \i~it last week before lemming law, Mr. A. Bentham. who will move in this week. home. FLESHERTON . BUN ESSAN. 20, 1902. Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets cute 3 cold in One day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. On Monday morning last seyeral from here bade good bye to one of their number who was leaving for Manitoba. We refer to Mr. Donald Stewart who left yesterday for his farm in the west. He takes with him a carload of horses and settlers’ eflects. All were sorry to part with Donald, as a better neighbor or more honorable and respected man would be impossible to find. All jonn in wishing him health and prosperity. A good number went from here last Wednesday to meet the remains at Chatsworth of the late Miss Jessie McDougall who died at her brother’s home near Duluth. Deceased was in poor health {or a number of years. having left here about a year ago in the hope that a change would be beneficial. but in vain. To the sorrow- ing sisters and brother we extend sympathy. The snmv is nearly 31!] gone and the run-ls are in a bad shape for travel M.- Sid. Gillwr' has heenlaid up ' l r'n nnm'iem Hu )8 nmwr ur. Egn'.‘ 0342'", HHtl l.\' I ll llle lnelld. .lr Edgar Hutr'hison. while out- till: “(n-l. MN 1m: misfortune to gin 4-116: of hi~ [wt a ban! gash which “'11! lav him 4m Hw shelf for a '3. hilP. Mm. Elm-Vaults. «fShelhonrne. is vis‘tmg u i' h t'rionrh around here. Mr. \V..li:u-»Hmh<un has the old s'mw svhumihouq‘. nearly all remov- Pd. Mr. R. T. Corlezt. haq rented the M. Cameron farm and will move thereon shortly. Mr. H. Wyvil! mm taken Mr. E. Brodie’e \mll'y farm on shares for 'h", [Hm-111C semon. Mr. John Nelson is nuw safely domiciled in the vicinity of Welheck. haxiug muveal from the Cameron farm a couple of weeks ago. Messrs. ‘V. J. Wilson and R. Pars- low, of Boothvillu, were in the vill- age for a few days at the end of the week and gave us a friendly call. Both aw oxyerls >.t making shiptim- beer. and lvzw» this. week to pursue their mean. 11 npar Hanover. Mr. Archie McDonald has, since last \Aet‘k, we. ived a'good number of in any hm dshakes on his nemru {tom Orlllin. where he spent, Ulfi wiutwr. Tune or absence make no chance in Archie. He in the same whole-soulrd gem-nous and j My fellow as evm'. Mean-a. J. Kelly and J. Buchanan left lay! meek l0 wmpt fickle fnrtuue III she North Wesz. We wish them success. Last Friday to Mr. H. Hlnt came the sad news that his brmher, Geo., had «lied at hfs home near Mt. Forest the evening: previous. Mr. Hunt. left immediately and will stay till after the funeral. Deceased was well known here as be generally spent a. couple of weeks every year in the village. Miss McCulloch, of Kinghurst, has been, for a couple of weeks, a wel- come guest. at her cousins, the Croger family. Mr. Archie Campbell. of Swinton Park. is now installed as chief clerk at Mr. Hunt's general store. Archie has a sociable taking manner, and has already made a number of friends. Mr. Jim Lmle has disposed of his {aim to Mr. \\'. Runnings. and on \Vedlwmiay law had an auction Sale of his effects and intends to leave for Mauiruim where hip s-ms reside. We are wary to part. with Mr. Little as he was a quiet man and a good ueigli but. All j-oiu in \sishiug Mr. and Miss Little prnsperity and good health in their new home. We are so: ry to learn of Ihu seVere illness of one of our pioneers, Mr. A. Smith, “ho is \Prv ill at present. All wish Mr. Smith a speedy recovery and that he may be wared many years amung‘h'. us. Mr. '1‘. Juhusmn. of Huntington. Quebec. who has been Spending the winter whh rwlauvee here. leaves this week tor Durham where he in- tPndS to reside {or some time. “For 25 years I missed taking Ayer every spring. It blood, makes me fe does me good in e John P. Hodnette, I Pure and rich blood carries new life to every part of the body. You are invigorated, refreshed. You feel anxious to be active. You become strong, steady,courageous. That’s what Ayer’s Sarsaparilla will do for you. â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_ _ Ask your doctor what he think: 0! Ayet's Sarnoporilla. He knows all about this grand old funny medicine. Follow his advice and vs will be satisfied. J. C. A!“ 00., Lowell. Mass. Ir Sid. Gilhm" has been laid up Some Vime wigh a swere attack rinnnm'ism Ha is uudPr Dr. ‘ Stops the Cough and Works ofl‘ the Cold. r 25 years I have never . taking Ayer’s Sarsaparilla spring. It cleanses my makes me feel strong, and. ne good in every way.”â€" '. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y. 81.00 a bottle. VANDELEUR. DORE .«n’w‘pâ€" o-«. 0.. Or-« rich blaod In” MIME-g: nu v vvvvvv -â€" any invention will Easter EGGS for Everyone best murkots. 111" All Paper Trimmed Free of Coist MacFARLANE 6: CO. JNO. A. DARLING ‘V6 are on guard against the ('lwap. the unhealthful and the ugly in art When we present these hmmiful rolls of ptper for your inSpectim and BO‘OOCiOD. They include he“ work of the best artists; reliable. strong PM)". non-injutious colors and my POiIonous chemicals. We have. In short, selected the best from the JORDAN’S . . SEEDS_: Ice Cream GIVE US A CALL. CHOICE GROCERIES: Star Grocery and Restaurant. ,_ -v_ â€"' "flu.“"l - uuu Au V5‘7"" Send for ample copy an. Address- VIQYOR J. IVAN. a 00. (Root Ms.) Our fee returllgd. i}. we (91!. T. J. JORDAN. are easily Obiaillflbi", iiH‘Sfl days. for industorous hens and cold storage make eggs plentiful. and the brilliant and militia-colored DYES we sell furnish Kaieido. scopic variations 0! Prismatic Calms. Dyan of siiigle colors sold in packets at 10c flacil~good for dveing other things than eggs too. so they \son't go to waste. Try it ! of Groceries :8 complexe. and our prions are right. “'9 deliver goods to any part. of the town. ON GUARD. mac-re}; ‘c‘: :.? ..- 2'31: :21“ Bananas, Oranges The Peeplr's DrUggisv. Druggists gnd Booksel )S ; Ail kinds of SEEDS fresh and reliable. DRUG 5m \ )E 0H noon and 'I‘ H U R S DA WA.“ I NGTON - 0° 8s Lemons. Uur stuck EVE!” llerl “mum DURING THE ms 7 w: .c r. CHRONICLE READE H8. 2 CAflS bait red salnm G. anrence's. Bub» bath rooms 30! your Footwean m are “my down at I‘m“ ‘ .. Store. Read Local News lte Flatt! oranges. 19")on m ‘0. ‘t “I". A. Al(‘l\'fll|l:('-s 100 “)8 Granulau our Grain Bag for S 80“. Don't delay. Till millinery Openings; . grand success. ii; . looking at. the pretty thin Till Bund enlivened ti. Tneodny night. by an (4.. fol-malice. It was chum: ‘4th on the Stl‘th “lu‘e H. Ulvnm urvices at Allan's hon” Goad Friday am] Ens duy 3t 3 p. m. I SAY ML. when suit ? That is the saw you have yet GIIIB'. the tailor. should go. WEDNESDAY. Am it the Middangh H concultatiou in Exw Nose Cases. Hum Dr. Geo. S. Burt. School Easzer l-me given in the town 1 in“ of Friday. Mun pragram Will be ; acholars Admissio THE Spring: 'l‘ux'm “w Business (30116363 Fluff»: ‘1 begins April lst. '1 his '0“ known for i's tilst-('l:x~ sad the present is a {2.\‘¢_‘)1‘:t§.,. commence I courbe of 11mm! Wu swam that My I’w lat thO postmastership Of H Wu do nor know much of his ”I, ‘0‘. George Cable). ha.‘ 'htt we learn he is “0'. at 3:; [Ch ‘Od considerable indium: {Git over the action U! :11. 3 meat in Intkillg the CLange. BOILDISG Operations at hogan. Mr. J as. Redford. Or at the: furniture {amory brick on the ground {pr :11 of his house on Brucu Stu Landau i8 excavating 1 house near the Baptist (in 8050". Aljoe will soon hr z “I blacksmith shop «; ; KD‘DD Sllblvs. The Bu. .1” decided to GYM“ a church run the old SUV. :1; Newton is going to M , . . There are others to ». '2 in 90691365011 of full m1" :; ”I‘ll Shoes at The Big may, MB. Axruuxy T1 1;\ (118:. with hi~ \\ :7 children. have jug K. ' We understand tin» . “(My BPOkPII uf. 1H1. than to our midsr dWPDOd into our ozi; IMO for the ban hm - ‘l 50' we found on: W0 told him we did 1m “09. but we thought \\ ‘h I." right if we gm .~ Fl immedictely plank. manna Clearing Sal. I“ for the paper. an". n hp”. He is a stov‘n } . ., . am‘ 00., nnd intends . r. 1] “motion with the L. . , “-m. He's a fine brat. 7 Q “a “d we’ll miss om ,g‘ww i M" do I good day's u: 2,. BLACK Cuts wanted ‘ Tl- Dnrhum Creanurx m. 9' “than on the in}. JV“ Win the histon of :m ;:e “.0 LID: week the w I": Hm, N.. G. cm. 31cm 4...; a.“ ‘0' the 881801! [ht M‘! \‘1 4 II. D L. McIntyre. as manage! ”dictator. MOSt of HIV pn‘ t”. It. McIntyre, a: 121» 59% III Wt the seasons :' 1w. M“ the managemen; of nifzx “Gunnery here, and {02 2h. ‘ ~ “0 mmmendatiul. L: In? guarantee at this Hag “I those who have bmrome‘ r“ who intend to join laml - {cc 3 very 8000.653de 9*: that :11 persons hurt" my mufucture of a high - ~» CC butt“. cure of a read." ‘. good price will pam forget 36-440. 1829. the ad be clenn at Crenmery Reader SIOII Mt at \\ W I

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