I! j C. “'. lbbb reported on an un- ï¬nishedjal» last. fall. Ditching by A. S. Stewart. ï¬fteen rods, two feet wide at 10p, ï¬fteen inches at bouom CO“ "'8 md 0...» fact deep. ï¬fteendn sideroad. Uon. thirteen fuuneen. coat the dol lam. \\ 011: now completed, pay ment recommended. 0f he race and Arthur balance of 331 \chn' yre Durant~Mnekhboronghâ€"That C. W. Bobb's report be udopted and tin: to receive one dollâ€. Com. (coo.â€" Curiod. Durantâ€"Mickieboroughâ€"Thu the Ioregoing be recorded in the Minutes. â€"-Carriod' McIntywâ€"McFaddem-That lot 30 of 20. con. 1. be charged to the road boat. South uf it..-- Carl-in] Mickleboroughâ€"-McIntyre----That the application of Wm. Punigrew as Commisswner for Holstein {0:190‘2 be acceptml at a mlary of $1 :30 a day of ten imurseâ€"Uarried. McIntyreâ€"-McFaddenâ€"--'l‘h|t. we patch.» on trial a reversible road Etude: from the_ Sawyer Many Co . Humillon. for th; sum 01.225, aid grader tobo- delivered at Holstein on or helm-o the 13! of May. 1902.â€" Carried. Xickloboroâ€"-Dunncâ€"-That the Reeve be appointed to invostigno the reports to printing swud.â€"Cn. Bylaw No.15? to roped By-iml No. 118 granting aid to owner: oi properties constructing wire fences. M the onus! radius: was signed} ate. | Counvii met March eighteenth. Minutesread. McFaddeanuramâ€" That the word “ suppiies†he added [0 the motion re award for printing, and that a committee be appointed to investi- gate the alleged irregularitiesa aid to have existed before the award of printing was givenâ€"Minutes were then adoptedâ€"Carried. 'l‘he Reeve read a reply to the Clerk’s enquiry from the Minister of Education as ordered by this Council which states that all legal claims re Arbitration and Appeal School case at. Conn were disposed of by the De- partment some time ago as reported upon by Chairman of Arbitrators. _ Resolved that the following ac. counts be paid: - Wm. Dickson gravel 6042.; Cloth. advertising Dobontnroa, etc., £2.05; Wm. Ramagonop. road way, 50cm. , I". Jordan. gravel. 67c. ., Clark’s qnarted salary. 835; Conn. cillota’ loos. ten dollar. _ flclntyroâ€"Durantâ€"Tbat we now “icon: to meet on Thunday, May 99th. as a Court of Revision and oth- or [anon] buniuou.-â€"-Carriod. D. ALLAN. Clerk. eo- \‘0'8 rtl'l'lf 'N The Big Store. EGREMONT COUNCIL. hur u wnshlp s of expendltm Arthur townh. «lhtrmuâ€"Jl‘hat the be adopted and that 10113: for his services. Lure: on Egremom .hm-. nul found a lue Bgl'rlllunt .l Inc-Ming Reeve and hatluncvd ac- J. A. HUNTER, John He‘viu moves on to the Mc- Kinnou farm. Rocky Saugeen. VVe-d- nesday. the 26th inst. Chris Scheuerumun culled On friends in Sullivan. Bob Lindsav will be employed at the saw mill during the summer. 'l‘om Hill is working in Durham at the Cements \Vorks. 'l‘om Sewell paid Sullivan friends a. visit. Miss Clara Hill is employed at Mrs Potter’s as the letter hes been unwell. Cauulï¬eldâ€"Suellâ€"That we now ad- journ until call of Chairmanâ€"Car- tied. Will W ado has been “0: king on the Cement. works. Mr. Nelson has been moving on to the Welsh farm. James Wilson, of Fleshertou. gave no u coll lost. week, also Archie Mc- Donald, who bu been employed In Orilli: making ship timber. Orders were passed [or $2.00 each to Members of Board. 'I‘ie making hes been stopped an ac- count of high winter. McQueen~Snellâ€"That Alex. Ross be paid 86 for services rendered Wil- son famliy during quarantine.â€"Uar- tied. Allan-‘UcQueenâ€"That “7. Grant be paid 8:. 0.00 as compensation for goods destroyed as per order of M. H. Utï¬cer.â€"Carried. mum) or HEALTH. ' The Board ul Health met at Yeovil Marcl. L’L’ud. MPlllel's ail present, together “ilh Dr. Sheath. medical health oï¬icer. Minutes of previous meeting approved. Chairman ex- plained that. the object. of xhis meet.- ing was to consider and pass accounts rendered re smallpox case. I Snell -â€"McQueen â€"Thm. Walter Mor- rison be paid 820.00 for services reu- dered smallpox patient.-Carried Allanâ€" Caulï¬eldâ€"Thac Dr. Sheath M. H. Ofï¬cer. account of $20.00 be paid re smallpox case.â€"Carried. Spring is once more upon us. The welcome song of Robin Red Breast is hard ;guin. The roads are in a bed condition at present, but if the present ï¬ne weetber continues. they will soon be quite pusi_ble. met. W journey. Miss Cit-vie Paris is making her farewell cells before going to Buflalo when she intends epe_nding the sum. We are sorry to learn that. Mrs. John McDonald is on the sick list. We hope to beer of her speedy re- covery. Mr. Farris. of Markdale‘, is visiting Mr. A. Brno» this week. 8A CKETT'S CORNERS. VVELBECK. wish Mia; Paris a plegsant D. ALLAN, Secretary. Mrs. Mighton, of Durham, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. James Wat- son. after spending some time with friends down the country. The unknown correspondent from this place last week, made a remark about the young lady who advertised for a. husband. That was weter in a. dialogue. but the writer. probably. did not need to advertise as their wante are well known without the aid of a. neWSpuper. Miss Jean Marshall is expected home this week after a pleasant. so- journ among friends at. Craighurot, Simcoe County. Mr. J. \V. Stone). of Durham, called on friends in this vicinity one evening this w.eek Miss McCaunel. oar popular teach- er. is enjoying a. two weeks’ vacation this Easter, as she taught part. of Christmas holidays. Miss Louise Gsdd comes home from Guelph this week, while Miss Lydia intends going to Durham to learn of the mysteries of dress msk- ing. While we welcome Louise home we are sorry to lose Lydia for n time. Mrs. John Moricg, Sin. is Staying for a few weeks With friends 111 Ben- tinck. Mr. Henry Love, of New England. sold a few head of ï¬ne cattle to Mr. J. Snell, of Dromore. We did not hear the ï¬gures. but. venture to say he got a good price. A surprise party met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Haw’s one night this week and presented them with an address and a liberal purse, after which they Spent the evening with song and music. All report having a good time. Mr. Haw made a suitable reply. Mr. Thos. Wallace lost a valuable three-year-old colt. last week. The disease causing its death was peculiar the surgeon being unable to staze what. it was. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Wallace as the loss of a horse at this season means much. Miss Lizzie Fee spent a. few days last. week with her sister, Mrs. W‘ J. McCalmon, iu Varney. Mr. Joe Ellis. who has been in poor health for some time, is going to take a coureso in Owen Sound Business College. Success Joe. Mrs. W. Chapman is visiting her siSter, Mrs. W. Carson. for a time. The Christian Endeavorers of Knox Church. spent a pleasant and proï¬t- able time last Sunday evening, listen. ing to Rev. Mr. Campbell answer the questions from the Question Drawer. The Bible class in the afternoon, greatly enjoyed having Mr. Wm. Allan once more teach them on his favorite theme, Temperance. Rev. W. Graham, of Dornoch, will ï¬llRev. Campbell’s pulpit in Knox Church next Snbbath. N ORTH-EAST NORMAN BY . Durham, Ont. -oâ€"-.0.0.â€"-¢ x 7,? by many Other similar characters which infest this town. The giil ï¬rst appealed in Owen Sound about seven years ago, coming from the vi cinity of Meaford. Later, it is said, she married a man who has since de serted her and who is now living in Manitoba. From time to time she has stepped at the home of Al rs. Plummerfelt, Mrs. Fret-ston, (nee Jennie O’Brien). and other places where she was given shelter. The Liolit‘e are aware that in her homeless condition she has slept many nights in hayinows and outbuildings. About the Second week in January she ap- peared at the homo. of lrvine Bowie-y. a volored man who lives with his wile in a small house on the east hiil com- mons. She carried her little eighteen month old child in her arms, and pleaded for shelter. Under promise of payment from her husband who. she claimed was in town, Mr. and Mrs. Bowey cared for the morher dur- ing conï¬nement. and also the little child which she had brought With her. it is a fact that the little one was literally crawling with vermin and gave every evidence of the ï¬lth of former surroundings. After the young mother recovered sufï¬ciently to go down town under various pr... texts made Bowey’s house her home. despite the fact that he made every effortto get her to move. The child contracted measles last week. and hire. Bowey refused to let the mother take it away. Emma Boyce went down town and gathered together three drunken men, and together they went up to Bowey’s to demand the child. Bowey determined not to give up the child and. went down town for the police. On Saturday the Boyce women was seen on Pou- lette street in a most bedraggled con. dition. Her dress was wet to the knees. and as she walked up the dry pavement they left a damp trail. She was at once arrested for vagrancy and the charge was easily substanti- ated at the trial on Monday morning. In sentencing'th‘e girl to the Mercer Reiormatory Magistrate Spencer re- marked that he believed he was be- friending her in sending her to a place where she would be taken care of. The child has since been handed over to the care of th'e Children’s Aid Society at the request of the agent, Rev. James Lediard. who had previ. ouely interested himself in the little "Heâ€"Oe 8e TiMe Farm Stock nnd Implement! at Lot 22, Con. 2, Egremont, on Wednesday, April 2, 1902. R. I. Pollock. Proprietor. 1). Mchail, Auctioneer. No reserve. owner going West. Farm Stock and Implements, at Lot 7, Con. l. E G. R., Egremont, on Thursday. March 27. All mnat so! as owner leaves for West in a few 1). McPhail, days. Geo. Morrison, Proprietor. Auctioneer. ' ‘ in the re building of the Univer- sity of Toronto after the ï¬re of 1890. the authorities found that the state of the ï¬nances did not warrant the restoration: of the old Convocation Hall. Since that time the claims oi the teaching departments have been so urgent as to tax the resources Lf the University, and there is no pros- pect of providing a public ball out of the endowment or revenues of the University. A movement has recently been or gunized by the Alumni Association to provide the University with ahall sufï¬ciently large for the annual com- mencement exercises. and for various other meetings of an academic or social character. The great expansion of the Univer- sity in recent years demands a lure? hall for this purpose- No hall on the University grounds would now an- commodate a meeting of the students or even one of the faculties. The Alumni Association has issued an appeal to the graduates. under- graduates and friends of the Univero sity to provide the necessary funds by subscription, and Sir Wm. Mere- edith. the Chancellor, has warmly seconded this appeal in an article in thetlast issue of the "University of Toronto Monthlyâ€. Sir William says this is a project in which the graduates of all the fac- ulties are interested, and with a uni- ted effort on the part. of all it should not be a difficult matter to raise the required sum. which has been emi- mated at 350.000. The graduate memsers of the faculties have al- ready subscrihetl 3000 of this an - onnt. It i hope] that the self-sacri- fice and generosity repreSenteti by this >Ul)tft'ipl|011 will he. apm'ecimed and imitatetl by the graduates in general. I The \\ cult of securing subscrit tions has been taken up by t‘e (llï¬t’l‘alli )PHI'S. and H (fulllilliilPC in Paul! .YEHI' haschzirue of the. elllhcl‘lpfion forms which are now being circulated. Any of the Alumni w|.o have not heard from their Year committee will he placed in communication with them if they send their names to I. 0. Mc- Lennan Ph. D. Dean's House. Uni. versity of Toronto. who is Secretary of the Alumni Association. Emma Boyce. described by Chief McAulay in court on Monday morn ing. as a prostitute and blackmailer was sentenced by Magistrate Syeuce, to one year in the Mercer Reforma matory at Toronto. In the reckless career of this girl there is a lemon which might be learned to advantage Farm Stock npd Implements at Lot 15 1 1M) Exchange Echoes AUCTION SALES. -U “V. ‘v' , 1902. wï¬i'BellL Auctioneer. See l. 19. Have \ou failed to get permanent relief? Ar» ynu alumst frantic with neuralgia pain? If so. «by not use P lerm'a Norviliue? It is the only le'tt‘wlgia rmneclv that. has never fusion! to run. even the worst car-es, and i' will surely cure you Five times the strength'oi other remedie'i. it penetrates the tis-ues. and drives out the pain insmmly. Quick relief, sure cure. large bottles 25c. Bea-or“ Urged for Helping the Free Hospital for Consumptlvcs. IN the letters being: received by Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Mr. \V. J. Cage and other trustees of the National Sanitar- ium Association, containiz-g contribu- tions for the furnishing of the new Free Hospital for Consumptives in Muskoka, some very forceful reasons are given why this work should be completed with the least possible delay. The fact that so many are waiting for admittance to the free hospitalâ€"those whom death may overtake if too great delay is experiencedâ€".45 perhaps the But of the letters: Mr. H. P. Dwight, in sending a. contribution of 8100, says :â€" “I have had special Opportunities of knowing of the good that has been done by means of the Muskoka Sanatorium, and I feel that it is only right to state that it is hardly possible to conceive of any. enterprise in the Dominion more worthy of support and encouragement.†A prominent Toronto manufacturer, who stipulated that his name should not be The splendid record of the work done in the Muskoka Cottage Sanatoriumâ€"the many cures effected and the many helped to new lifeâ€"is evidence that the Associa- tion is working along right lines. uscd, and enclosing $50, says :â€"“ I wish you great success, and on behalf of the whole community, for whom you are so strenuously and practically working. I offcr you sincere thanks.†'vw--‘ n-"" 'w‘ n"... matteâ€"Cir; cured what ho I. to call “ti-lo Demon from the Lower legions." Henry Humphrey, of London, Ont., expresses himself very strongly :-â€"“I think Rheumatism is a demon from the lower regions. judging by my sufl'erings before I began using South American Rheumatic Cure. Doctors prescribed the strong- est linirneuts with no more effect than water. but this great remedy had me up and about my wall: P ehn‘d‘as wen u ever, after taking only n can N n u most urgent of all reasons for Opening the doors of the Free Consumption Hospi- tal quickly. wâ€" â€"' ‘D‘- in order to furnish ond oquip I0 thot patients can be at onco odmittod. Con- tributions, large or wall, will help to this end. and the hope in that tho ro- sponse will be prompt. The sum of .60 will furnish a bed. Contributions any be sent to Sir “'m. B. Mondith, Chic! Justice, 4 Lomport Annuo, Toronto: Mr. W. J. Gage, 54 Front Street West, Toronto; or to the Notion“ Trust 00.. Limited. Trenurer, 22 King Strut Eat, Toronto. A citizen of one of our northern towns, who has Opportunity from time to time to study conditions in (iravenhurst, sends 850, and writes:-â€"“ We olten speak of the good work in whirl) you are ($112,: god, and often while at (iravenhurst me had an Opportunity of seeing some of the beneï¬ts of the some. May Uud prosper you in your noble work is our sincere! wish.†Crosslcy and Hunter, the “ML! knoun evangelists, in ending their cheque for 3.30 from their home in St. Thomas on New Year's Day. say :â€"" \Ve {eel Confident that if people Could vigit' l the Sanatorium that has been in exist- ence {or years. and become i11117=re<3i-d. as , we Were by our visit, as to the eXceilence and necessity of the institution and the guml Wul‘k that is being done, they would feel it a. most desirable opportunity and In rare joy to have a. share in furnishing the new Free Hospital.†Those letters might be largely multi- plied. 'J’ht-y all tell the one story of the practical and helpful character of the methods adopted to assist the consump- tive to health. The new hospital draws very nearly to completion. ‘Vitliin e few Weeks it will be safe to announce that workmen are entirely out of the building, so generously given by two Toronto citizens. Furnishing end equip- ping is the immediate work. Whilst the trustees feel grateful for the hurt] to- Iponeee in many weyl to their upped yet a‘much lergeneum must be Iocu Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayer’s Cherry Pcctoral will do. .. We know it’s the great- est cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, aftel: you try it. There’s cure in every drop. Sold by “Purine Cm, Durban. “DEMON†DISEASE End Neuralgia’s Agony. WHY YOUR HELP. Darling’s . . - V‘U'U" â€"‘v‘.‘ t‘a‘ Iii“. IV. WI» "‘7 v Inca ken out throu 11 us r'c'éeivé 8pm" com notice w' n: i1 o lthout char ' ' ' ted Be. In “E ‘ ' ‘ m â€Why “and: wldciy cifctfzftzg lama“ “Edict men acturcn and Investors- Send can: copy nu. Address» Our fee mum-'1 w ,-.. .kmetch and dcâ€ï¬l’liou of any mun.) 8; pt" "9“" Our Opinion free 6021‘; p: â€29“."th 0‘ same. “ How to x, thtmt â€at upon tCQucst. Patents 1 long}! “Q 94th for sale at our gxpc hm MIMI; Easter EGGS for Everyon 0 GIVE US A CALL. MacFARLANE C0. JNO. A. DARLING Star Grocery and Restaurant. CHEIICE GROCERIES: “HY stock of Groceries 23 complete. and our I’ViCPS are right. “'9 deliver goods to any part of the town. JORDAN’S .. SEEDS ; Au kinds of SEEDS We Have T. J. JORDAN. are easily obtainable: these. dgy. for industrious liens and Coiti storage make eggs plentiful. and :he brilliant and multio-colorod --â€"l_ DYES we sell furnish Kaleido. scopic variations 0: Prismttic Calms. Dyes of single colon sold in packets at 100 vach~good for dyeing other things {ha «0ng too. so they won’t goto waste. Try it! no not wait until spi im: i“ "P†you 'Avith its euervahn; «Inimi- but begin to brighwn UP 50‘" rooms now. These â€kw lighs elects Ire jun the thing {9‘ our ciimate and delight all Nb" hfl'o Oren them. Our stock 1' “ready diminishing, and it h“ 9‘0"“ t0 be just what. th’ people want. All Paper Tlilnfllt-d 1" J83!“ vucvon a. anus a co. (hunt Attorneys.) The People’s Druagin Bananas, Oranges l‘ru 23581 3' and D fresh and reliable on THITRSIUY after! noon HI “WINGTOM 8s Lemons. Her! 01mm: name my PA 37 ; cunomcus mos-as. Iran Sl‘tflr t. Th0 Big Store WANTED ‘0 “0 to Hamilz‘m (if! for 2006(81 hOUSewqu was“. Address. Mrs. H, bind. 129 â€sin SL. Hamilto Lon-t purse. bright yol;.-\\- .A m. thOl' With W. H. .‘I. stamped in him A. 1: matching small sum 01 mmwy M“; _\1 ‘tickOt to at. Forest. Fim w “ 3‘ \( Ow“ by h‘ViD‘ it a: this 01310.9. Tn- rneh nt the Cement works :5- ducked thin week on account uf u... unfavorable condition of the mm 1m. Lat week tbout 150 men wvru M work, but we expect soon so we: 11w number doubled. 2000 FEET one man ule at a. bargain in ALL having books and inacaZJH-s belcn‘ï¬llfl to the Public Library uz'r requested to return them at mum mg the committee is making out a m“- au'ogue. The Librarian \ViH lu- present everv night from . to receive them. ‘I LADIES 100k younger whiwh desire of one and all. 'l‘n trouble of visiting Prof. Dul‘un private Show room a? Mi House, Durham. on Thursday 17th. cud use the many beau! nations in styles of Human Coverince. Wigs, ‘.-m_u_ st etc†and inspect his :...~\ structure: '2 “3.3.... ‘ vfl’mont editor in i‘("}w1f.! IMOpeuing recvntlx “In! . '3 $3“‘" 0f Q numbe: 0f prulllii. 3'“ MOI of the plac9 um: I..-« "“3†‘ “M" Some up {0° dalt’ (UK at it “ rugs," and it u.i~>' «ruler. and now the wit. I out on a ridge um: 11 commands a \ ieu in : MISS U. “'IGHISS. of 'I'M' IN give 0, 'l'emperauce Lon-2m..- Preshvterinn Church on Huh: r 6th of April. at 4 n. m.. in :HE \' School scholars. In Hw sun..- the will hold at public IIH‘P? in; the avenimz service ‘M tin dtyl following. addresm w “H; liverod by Miss Wigg‘lh‘. both noon CI per announcemunm a‘ meeting. Collection at each m. on 'l‘hundty. April l'hh. and m» wonderful devices in 'I‘oupm‘, Wig. worn on over (SILUOU ho EXplnontion tad demnnstra' m. Privnto apartments at Ho'e} l f‘“ ‘0 .00 hi. new invent-inn. 1'5“ ed .11 over the world. '2 Gunausx who are bald thin luir. should call on Prof wand. it Nidduuuh Houso. l A "SPORT but: reached \his “Mt. grout dilsatisfactiou is fv. and ground Holstein over (1)“ xv ll of Ur. \V. T. Petrie from poumutership What's mow. J infatuation is correct. the» 1.5: a. a thoroughly dngusM-i .w other partv. Mr Petrur mu .4 0!“! favorite with UH phi.- politic-l diflerences art- 511‘“; ' dOmuing the action of th- M ment in making llw «"m Petition is being cm understand. We like all the milliu clu't recommend any 0 puticuhr. A 0"‘P‘pfl‘ is a capital ‘. hen “P in industry. but as ~ ‘h. ‘hinl il boomed. sumr ’ m“... m layhold of the J \x Th0 School Board mm“ We'll be there. and we \\ Chief with us to kh'p ox» An auctioneer lH-vm‘ l lt'l convenient. lu m2 ne'Iptper men are In) ' ALL having _books _and T50 Owen Sonnd Bomul (1‘ x: 1‘ “a†advertised for a (‘al‘t‘taiu‘z I’M “0‘ “I. Ichools and receivwi (I..? "x .u â€PllctUODI at Sulalits 1:“! in. ma '0 ‘400 per uuuum. luzw â€pliant accepted is M: Hem-.1 an“ .5000 ulury is to be S L.» i} OI! ohm here go: such a mist than. Dome of them “ou' « u. 'N’k done for nothing. r Buck Cat. hosiery KITS AND MISSL: I‘ Out on C ridge Hear the 3‘ “mmtnds a View m nil ’0 Vi“! his starved dog and Shoe. inch iron Readers 21: N0. 1830. â€O“ “'e “'2ԠI! 01H l] I011 I) Dc pate 8| 1 ll] (Ol‘ 1t 1H.