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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Apr 1902, p. 7

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ms. The! but at from time b veil over that have said tint pslng over their vapor over tho ( f III “I. (003' d traversed ll [-3an of It“! ame animated 'ymhals whk'h ml at me swell- kind of drum rtainment m a beard, which reyes! Look!" Hi these worm vf high ‘uMQ, net of Factu- Dis position b.- nnxi be held in u a broad uni nose Damascnl u tempered by I Karachi or o! map of dancer! , but of a net licbael Stmgofl pie. ? that tho m lzed them. tot Iconfrere: .1 of Nljni Nov- eir legs!” mt to be mut- inir Alcidc Joll- rlld not deceive of these daft”. I her hand... 93‘ Ible cory bunt?!- :he on neither 3 oil because n making it mare. the 1W. In vibrate by ‘ ails. He tang- Alcide Jollvct. 111;; more mon- unto. 'villagc be had, ‘he ‘ l m nuaflnm momma :ad brought I need an Iron t coals wen : any umokc. rowned than aeration of t substance. t and benzoln. on their Inn- glid. ruutbfl’J gyp- at most. HO of .-h..rt distance can of Knapp’i Hate-l: Lamhfull Street, Lower Town. Durban. (Mice hum's frmn 12 t0 2 o’clock. 1) “mm nver'Gordon’s new Jewellery Mnru, I...wer 'l‘own, Durham. Any unoum ..{ m .xmy tn loan at 5 per cent. on fun: pram-run 0 4‘)" the Durham Pharmgcy. Caldot’a muck. Residenceâ€"Lambtou Street. near he Station. ll THE JOB : a I: completely stock“! with DEPAR’mE’n .11 new TYPE, am an. 39’3"" “-0? ‘ ADVERT! ”13.81”: .li IS PUIUSIIID we“ “mason! noun“, .1 m canomcu manna mm. m m DURHAM, ONT. )HYsIUIAN AND SURGEON, OF H‘ '11 [.‘l\_/li\‘V [18‘ U UUI‘UDUL‘, U fit't‘ ”VHF McLachlan’s store. OfliCC lr~,."fn10 a. m.. 2m 4p. m. and 7 £09 In. Spvcial qttentiou given to diseases xwuwu and chnldren. J. G. Hutton, M. D., NH H‘ILJE --FIRS'P DOOR EAST OF J. P. Telford. is I» I \ TER, SOLICITOR. ET() xx: xx CARSON, DURHA’L L10 ARR Mel AR ..... 9 Margaret 6. Gun. E \z m: R COLLEGE PHYSIC- Dr. T. G. Holt, L. D. S. Dr. Jamieson. HM". AND RESIDENCE A iruas and Surgeons, Ontario. Office 1, m 1:221. m.. 2 to 4 p. m. Residence Him" Hld Manx buildings. Upper IMI'haHII. Telephone No. 10. :1: 1 ST ER, SOLICITO_R, EEC" ms'I‘HR. NOTARY, CONVEY- Em rm: AND Paovms'mn. G. Lefroy McCaul. Fortransicm mm ISM line for thc first Mica; 3.023.:3 . . . lme each sub-aqua: Milli-nun“ Professional wds. not flooding an inch, )er annum. .Advmiseuoau without 9% s will be published till it“ and ac- ,« Transient noticesâ€"“Lat,” “ m- e," chin-“59 cent} for fit“ hurting, a. cam: ‘ Amt-qucnt Inacruon. ~rti cmcnts ordered by “W m b. “if! ; r “1.95 fi)r_}'¢sar1y advertisements W on , Tn: Calculus will b. .lPTlol addTCSS, {fee 0“ W, “mtg: . o . . year, payablc ‘n W... n, ,d if not. sq pmd. The (130-me am is paid :5 denflted lyy 3h. mutants “”31. N.) paper fizzacontlnncd can) an "I- “at?! at. the opium of the provdctor. .'.n:.:.;;;;.; "m" 15:56.5; 'prdmpqy l m. Searches made at the Roma- Arthur Gun, M. D. Mud/ta! Diredmy. Em, m..- Money" toLpan 1!! Dmtal Dz’rectonz. 1 ..\m-tinneer for the County of HM Valuator. Bailifl’ of the 206 l‘uurt Sales and all other matters attended toâ€"huzheat references w. 8. Davidson. â€"-â€" L.) the otfiue. '\ mm; ac m, to ensure Mica in cm J be brought m not but M T0301"; ngal Directory. Valnutbrénd Licensed Auction- Jnmty 0! Grey. WPMpuy and untes cashed. \l/m'llmzeous. required. \\'. I R“'IN, nunwx. ISSUER OF MAUKAY. DURHAM. HiA DUATE OF THE mu Ladies’ College, Tor- .kvn the Musical Course at murmtory of Music. which I with the above college :-t her mother's residence. and Elgin streets. u-enscs. Durham. Ont. -V'vâ€"v and 0:. terms to suit McInty re Block (Over l The light headedness which accom- ' panies fever acts difierently on different I men My irritation gave way after a 2 short time to a fixed determination to slaughter one huge black and white ‘ beast who had been foremost in song 5 and first in flight throughout the even. 5 ing. Thanks to a shaking hand and a ! giddy head. I had already missed him j twice with both barrels of my shotgun. i when it struck me that my best plan ‘ wculd be to ride him down in the open 3 and finish him ofi with a hog spear. ; This. of course. was merely the semi- , delirious notion of a fever patient, but ? I remember that it struck me at the ' time as being eminently practical and feasible I therefore ordered my groom to sad- dle Pornic and bring him round quietly dog should again lift up his voice. Pornic, by the way. had not been out of his pickets for a couple of days The night air was crisp and chilly. and l 9 “‘"‘ ‘-- --~ asht‘ On the 23d December. 1884, I felt a little feverish. There was a full moon at the time. and in consequence every dog near my tent was haying it. The brutes assembled in twos and threes and drove me frantic. A few days previously I had shot one loud mouthed singer and suspended his carcass in terrorem about 50 yards from my tent door. But his friends fell upon. fought for and ulti- mately devoured the body and. as it seemed to me, sang their hymns of ‘hanksgiving afterward with renewed energy. "‘5". .9-- v was armed with a specially long and sharp pair of persuaders with which 1 had been rousing a sluggish cob that afternoon. You will easily believe. then. that when he was let go he went quickly. In one moment, for the brute bolted as straight as a die, the tent was left far behind. and we were flying over -â€" - .__--,1 In the beginning it all arose from a slight attack of fever. My work neces- sitated my being in camp for some months between Pakpattan and Muba- rakpnr. a desolate. candy stretch of country. as every one who has had the misfortune to go there may know. My cooliea were neither more nor less ex- asperating than other gangs, and my work demanded anflicient attentibn to keep me from moping had I been in- clined to so nnmanly a weakness. I must have lost (”“1wa ... when l recovered Ivan lying on my stnmach in a heap of IO“ Whito sand. mu! the dawn was basinning to break ~1..:.:vover tho «3ng of the alOpO down z... b I had fallen. Al the light grew «mar I saw that I was at the bottom analog-nah“ Mult- (1 and them, but take refuge in the waterless sands) and drive sumptuous 0 spring harouches and buy beautiful girls and decorate their palaces with gold and ivory and Minton tiles and mother of pearl. I do not see why Jukes’ tale should not be true. He is a civil en- gineer. with a head for plans and dis- tances and things of that kind, and he certainly would not take the trouble to invent imaginary traps He could earn more by doing his legitimate work. He never varies the tale in the telling and grows very hot and indignant when he thinks of the disrespectful treatment he received. He wrote this quite straight- forwardly at first. but he has since touched it up in places and introduced moral reflections. thus There is, as the conjurcrs my. Du ti” ceptio'n about this tale. Juices by acci dent stumbled upon a village that is well known to exist. though he is th: only Englishman who has been there A somewhat similar institution used to flourish on the outskirts of Calcutta. and there is a story that if you go into the heart of Bikanir, which is in the heart of the great Indian desert. you shall come across not a village. but a town, where the dead who did not die but may not live have established their headquarters. And since it is perfectly true that in the same desert is a won- derful city where all the rich money lenders retreat after they have made their fortunes (fortunes sovast that the owners cannot trust even the strong band of the government to protect Ailve or dead- flvo Proverb. mmmnmmmnmmmmmwy U riifififiifififififiiiiflflfiflfiflifih THE STRANGE RIDE iâ€"there is MORROWBIE JUKES. BY RUDYARD KIPLING. olher way. -24;. OF There was no mistaking the nature of the missileâ€"a regulation Martini- Henry “picket. " About 500 yards away a country boat was anchored in mid- stream, and a jet of smoke drifting away from its bows in the still morn- ing air showed me whence the delicate attention had come. Was ever a re- spectable gentleman in such an im- passe? The treacherous sand slope al- lowed no escape from a spot which 1 had visited most involuntarily, and a promenade on the river frontage was the signal for a bombardment from some insane native in a boat. I’m afraid that I lost my temper very much indeed. Another bullet reminded me that I had better save my breath to cool my porridge, and I retreated hastily up the sands and back to the horseshoe. where I saw that the noise of the rifle had drawn 65 human. beings from the badger holes which I had up till that point supposed to be untenanted. I found myself in the midst of a crowd of spec- tatorsâ€"about 40 men, 20 women and one child who could not have been more than 5 years old. They were all scantily clothed in that salmon colored cloth which one associates with Hindoo men- dicants and at first sight gave me the impression of a band of loathsome fa- kirs. The filth and repulsiveness of the assembly were beyond all description. and I shuddered to think what their life in the badger holes must be. Even in these days, when local self government has destroyed the greater part of a native’s respect for a sahib, I have been accustomed to a certain amount of civility from my interiors. and on approaching the crowd naturally expected that there would be some rec- ognition of my presence. As a matter of fact there was. but it was by no means what I had looked for. The ragged crew actually laughed at meâ€"euch laughter I hope I may never hear again. They cackled. yelled, whis- tled and howled as I walked into their midet. eome 0! them literally throwing themeelvee down on the ground in con- vuleione of unholy mirth. In a moment I had let go Pornic’e head, and. irritat- ed heyond expreeeion at the morning’e adventure. commenced cumng those nearest to mewith ell theforce Icould. The wretchee dro under my blown like nineplne. an the laughter gave place to walla for mercy, while those yet untouched cleaned me round the Here everything seemed easy enough. The sand hills ran down to the river edge, it is true. but there were plenty of shoals and shallows across which] could gallop Pornic and find my way back to terra firma by turning. sharply to the right or the left As I led Pornic over the sands I was startled by the faint pop of a rifle across the river. and at the same moment a bullet dropped with a sharp “whit“ close to Pornic’s head. villages have introduced me to. Having remounted Pornic, who was as anxious as I to get back to camp. I rude round the base of the horseshoe to find some place whance an exit would be practicable. The inhabitants. who- ever they might be. had not thought fit to put in an appearance. so I was left to my own devices My first attempt to ”rush" Pornic up the steep sand banks showed me that I had fallen intoa trap exactly on the same model as that which the ant lion sets for its prey. At each step the shifting sand poured down from above in tons. and rattled on the drip boards of the holes like small shot. A couple of ineffectual charges sent us both rolling down to the bottom. half choked with the torrents of sand, and l was constrained to turn my attention to the river bank. Imagine. then. as I have said before. a horseshoe shaped crater of sand with steeply graded sand walls about 35 feet high. The slope. I fancy. must have been about 65 degrees. This crater in- closed a level piece of ground about 50 yards long by 30 at its broadest part. with a rude well in the center. Round the bottom of the crater. about three feet from the level of the ground proper. ran a series of 83 semicircular, ovoid. square and multilateral holes. all about three feet at the mouth. Each hole on inspection showed that it was carefully shorvd internally with driftwood and namboos. and over the mouth a wooden drip hoard projected. like the peak of a jockey‘s cap. for two feet. No sign of life was visible in these tunnels. but a must sickening stench pervaded the en- tire amphitheaterâ€"a stench fouler than any which my wanderings in Indian At the risk of being considered tedious I must describe it at length, inasmuch as an accurate mental picture of its peculiarities will be of material assist- ance in enabling the reader to under- stand what follows. Pornic, who was standing a few yards away. was naturally a good deal exhausted. but had not hurt himself in the least. His saddle, a favorite polo one. was much knocked about and had been twisted under his belly. It took me some time to put him to rights. and in the meantime I had ample opportu nities of observing the spot into which I had so foolishly dropped. i nu.» side directly oil to the u: we Sntlei My fever had alto- gether left me, and. with the exception of a slight dizziness in the head. I felt no bad effects from the fall overnight. ’IHE I'URHAM CHRONICLE. THURaDAY. APRIL 10. 12902. The crowd retreated to some distance as I turned toward the miserable figure and ordered him to show me some method of escaping from the crater. He held a freshly plucked crow in his hand and in reply to my question climbed slowly on a platform of sand which ran in front of the holes and commenced lighting a tire-there in si- lence. Dried bents, sand poppies and driftwood burn quickly. and I derived much consolation from the fact that be lit them with an ordinary sulphur match. When they were in a bright glow and the crow was neatly spitted in front thereof, Gunga Dass began with- out a word of preamble; “There are only two kinds of men. ear, the alive and the dead. When you are dead. you are dead. but when you are alive, you live." Here the crow demanded his attention for an instant as it twirled before the fire in danger of being burned to a. cinder. “If you die at home, and do not die when you come to the ghat to be burned. you come here. " The nature of the reeking village was made plain now. and all that I had known or read of the grotesque and the horrible paled before the fact just com- municated by the ex-Brahman. Sixteen years ago. when I first landed in Bom- bay. I had been told by a wandering Armenian of the existence, somewhere in India, of a place to which such Hindoos as had the misfortune to recover from trance or catalepsy were conveyed and kept, and I recollect laughing heartily at what I was then pleased to consider a traveler’s tale. Sitting at the bottom of the sand trap, the memory of Wat- son’s hotel, with its swinging punkahs. white robed attendants and the sallow faced Armenian, rose up in my mind as vividly as a photograph, and I burst in- to a loud fit of laughter. The contrast was too absurd! Gunga Dass, as he bent over the un- clean bird, watched me curiously. Hin- doos seldom laugh. and his surround- ings were not such as to move Gunga Dass to any undue excess of hilarity He removed the crow solemnly from the wooden spit and as solemnly devoured it. Then he continued his story. which I give in his own words: “In epidemics of the cholera you are ! carried to be burned almost before you are dead. When you come to the river side. the cold air perhaps makes you alive. and then, if you are only little alive, mud is put on your nose and mouth and you die conclusively. If you ; are rather more alive. more mud is put. but if you are too lively they let you go and take you away. I was too lively and made protestation with anger against the indignities that they en- 5 deavored to press upon me. In those i days I was Brahman and proud man Now I am dead man and eat”â€"here he eyed the well gnawed breastbone with the first sign of emotion that I had seen .1 in him since we metâ€"“crows and oth- i er things. They took me from my sheets when they saw that I was too lively i and gave me medicines for one week. 1 and I survived successfully. Then they sent me by rail from my place to Okara station, with a man to take care of me. and at Okara station we met two other men. and they conducted we three on camels in the night from Okara station to this place. and they propelled me from the top to the bottom. and the other two succeeded. and I have been here ever since. two and a half years Once I was Brahman and proud man. and now I eat crows. " “There is no way at getting out 2" “None of what kind at all. When I first came. I made experiments fre- quently, and all the others also, but we have always succumbed to the sand which is precipitated upon our headsf’ m... __._.< Now. however. the man was changed beyond all recognition. Caste mark. stomach. slate colored continuations and unctuous speech were all gone. I looked at a withered skeleton. turban- less and almost naked. with long. matted hair and deep set. codtish eyes. But for a crescent shaped scar on the left cheek. the result of an accident for which] was responsible, I should never have known him. But it was induhitably Gunga Dass andâ€"for this I was thank~ fulâ€"an English speaking native. who might at least tell me the meaning of all that I had gone through that day. for having thus easily given way to my temper a thin. high voice murmured in English from behind my shoulder “Sahib! Sahib! Do you not know me? Sahib. it is Gunga Dass. the telegraph master." I spun apeaker. Gunga Dass (I have. of course. no hesitation in mentioning the man‘s real name) I had known four years before as a Deccanee Brahman lent by the Punjab government to one of the Khal- aia states. He was in charge of a branch telegraph oflice there. and when I had last met him was a jovial. full stomach- ed, portly government servant. with a marvelous capacity for making bad puns in English. a peculiarity which made me remember him long after I had forgotten his services to me in his oficial capacity. It is seldom that a Hindoo makes English puns. “But surely." I broke in at this point. “the river front is open. and it is worth while dodging the bullets. while at night”â€" I had already matured a rough plan of escape which a natural instinct of selfishness forbade me sharing with Gunga Dass. He. however. divined my unspoken thought almost as soon as it was formed and. to my intense aston- ishment. gave vent to a long low chuc- kle of derisionâ€"the laughter. be it un- derstood. otasuperiororatleastot an equal. our completely “to: his openixig sen- tenceâ€"“make any escape that way. Bqtypnantry. Ila" Mod. Onco knees. imploring me in all sorts of un‘ conth _tongnes to spare them. “You will not”-h_o find dropped the round quickly and faced the A chase desirable building lots s'vould do well to take a look at John A. Warren’s plan of sub-division of Park Lot number Four, north of Chester street, in the Gov- ernment Survey, of the Town of Durham. Plan can be seen at the otiice at J. 1’. Tel- ford. Durham, or at the otlice of the under- signed. For turtherparticulare apply to Jan.20th. tyrâ€"pd. DURHAM, ONT. We’re Selling Suits at Cost While They Last. BLANKETS AND YARNS ALWAYS 0N HAND. Will sell all our Ready-made Suits at cost. A {sir assortment to select from st astonishingly low prices When we say we sell at cost we menu it. so come along and prove us by examining our goods. GROCERXES ; Fresh Groceries at the lowest living profits. Prunes, Raisins, Currants. Sugar, Tess. Cofiees, Etc., Etc. only." The sensation of nameless terror and abject fear which I had in vain at- tempted to strive against overmastered me completely. My long fastâ€"it was now close upon 10 o'clock. and I had eaten nothing since tiflln on the previous dayâ€"combined with the violent and unnatural agitation of the ride. had ex- hausted me, and I verily believe that for a few minutes I acted as one mad. I hurled myself against the pitiless sand slope. I ran round the base of the cra- ter, blaspheming and praying by turns. I crawled out among the sedges of the river front, only to be driven back each time in an agony of nervous dread by the rifle bullets which cut up the sand round me, for I dared not face the death of a mad dog among that hideous crowd, and finally fell, spent and rav- ing, at the curb of the well. N 0 one had taken the slightest notice of an ex- hibition which makes me blush hotly even when I think of it now. A Briton'e first impulse, I believe, is to guard the contents of his pockets. but a moment's reflection convinced me of the futility of difiering with the one manwhohadit in hiepowertomake me comfortable and with whoee help it was possible that I might eventually escape trom the cratet. I gave him all the money in my poeeenionâ€"O rupees 8 annae and 5 pie-tor I alwaye keep small change ae bachheeeh when I am Two or three men trod on my pant- ' lug body as they drew water, but they I were evidently used to this sort of thing and had no time to waste upon me. The situation was humiliating. Gunga Dass. indeed, when he had; banked the embers of his fire with sand. was at some pains to throw half a cup ful of fetid water over my head, an at- tention for which I could have fallen on my knees and thanked him. but he was laughing all the while in the same mirthless, wheezy key that greeted me on my first attempt to force the shoals. And so in a semicomatose condition I lay till noon. Then. being only a man after all. I felt hungry and intimated as much to Gunga Dass. whom I had begun to regard as my natural protector. Following the impulse of the outer world when dealing with natives, I put â€"-.-.'._ ..-.-...... _._...__.-_ my hand into my pocket and drew out _ Gnnga Dass, however, was of a dif- ferent opinion. “Give me the money, ’ said be; “all you have, or I will get help, and we will kill you I” All this as if it were the most natural thing in the world. coins. and hid them at once in his reg- ged loin cloth. hie omen-ion changing to eomething diabolical as he looked round tone-are himself thetno one had oheerved us. “Now I will give you something to eat, " eeid he. 4 Vannas. The absurdity of the gift struck me at once, and I was about to replace the money. NY PERSON WISHING 'I‘O P_U R. Building lots For Sale. ARCHI BALD DAVIDSON, Clerk Divnsion Court. [m a: com] Dam clutched the Pumps of all Kinds. Pumps from $2 upwam. SHOP Open every titernoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attended to. NEW PUIPS AND anms. DRILL, ' CURB, Ric-CURB, PRESSCUBB WELLS. Allovdara takvn ct the old stand near MoGowan'u Hill will be [promptly at- tended to. W. D. CONNOR ALL Won: GUARANTEED :t “Live und let live” PRICES. T. MO RAN, ORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. Shoes made for :11 kinds of disused or deformed feet. A CALL SOLICITED. Mill Streetâ€"In Rear of Calder-’3 Block. Lower Town. Durhln Pumps. Looking out for number one in this cue is the plaineet duty. " Protect your eyes," on a main, would be well to touch the child end the youth, for eyes ere the most injured orgene end anon; those molt neceuery to eucoeu end heppineu. We con probably an you pnin end expenee right now. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. an piepared to fumiéh I BEG LEAVE TO INFORM HY CUS- TOMERQ gm} thq anlic in general flat I General Blacksmith. YOUR EYES. S. SCOTT. L. GORDON. Hanufacturer of And Dealer in â€" GEORGE WHITIOBE. DURHAM. .W. D. CONNOR.

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