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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 May 1902, p. 1

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ng in the hey are al- Id fresh this store. trod to disco“ r the cal-i" Carriage CO.’I gies bought 10! D Cfll'load l0“. by down. Ct" yre purchasinuo N e w \Villiamfl h n ms. “(3“. \\'riugeu. w AGGONS NON mm ‘Bd MO!- ms in carlmd ' (7038 Tillin. ng Machines. mos and 0! Durham, 00' )AN, Restaurant C0.’s Plowl lass Cream and. ING wk’s Stoves ammo ounms m5 P481 wear cunomcus knows“ SEW 'lNVEl‘JUS lb LBW-Iv: -. 10 FAILS syrup. 75c. «ch, u The Big Store. waist Local News Items HERBAGEI young pigs, .\ SvmrxAL display of trimmed but from $1.25 up at. Miss Dick’s. LARGE new stock tea and dinner dishes at The Big Store. SWELL millinery u. extremely low ”ices at Ireland’s. __â€"â€"___ RAPE seed. turnip seed, and Garden seed at The Big Store. SWELL white :nd colored shin- waists at. Ireland’s. Prices right. EARLY summer millinory, now ready. at Ireland’s. We cannot give yum a bare idea. of the lovely oflocts in words. so come and see them. Rm. J. (3. Panama, of Wood- srovk. who is well and favorably known here will be in town Sunday “(€th when he will address the broth- ren of the Masonic fraternity. 1'8!) 0 EVEN the management of the World's Fair at. St, Louis is good enough to give us free copy to ad- \‘el‘tiSfl their big show in 1903. We haven't room to use it without. pay. \Vr: forgot to mention it at the time. but even now it. will be inter- esting for citizens to learn that. Mr. Morrison, who taught here last. {all has svcured a lucrative position in the Dunnville High School. We con- gratulate him on his success. Snocx \\'1:1'e<,:ret to learn that Miss Net- tin Umwu met. with an accident a few 111115 ago bv falling down stairs {10111 uhich she received injuries about. the face and head. Though considembly shaken up she is Just- MCLESKIN Q Store. \llllsJ-uu--â€"V-J _ ting along n‘cely. It Ié said she took a weak spell on descending the stairs which resulted in the mialup. A'r a meeting of the Saugeen Pres- bytery held on Monday. the call from Holstein to Rev. J. Little. of Chats- worth. was sustained and forwarded to the Owen Sound Presbytery. The final decision will not be known till after that Presbytery meets, and the Chatsworth congregation have the opportunity of presenting their case. .uu. Vbl‘llv .- -v..__-_ir Lriiliunt examination last week in the 'l‘..r~nto Dental College, having 8" mined the high percentage of 76 out! of 100 on all his subjects. This is Curtis" tinal exam. and he is now a f‘llllltfi’tlflfid Dentist. It speaks W611 fur our Mount Forest boys that they can attain to such high honors where ever they get their education. It is Mr. Pickering’s intention to open up an office in Durham and we feel cer- tain that. in that rising town. he will mm‘t with that success to which his Spleulld talents entitle humâ€"Mt. Forest Cooled. 0‘ Monday evening a very pleas- ant time was went in the Lodge Room of the I. O O. 1"” WWW“ W" brethren. accompanied by a number of their friends, had a genuine "At! Home." Smoker or “Go no you Please.” together with on excellent Supper, which was serve past ten. They were All Oddlellows in one sense of the word. no; a lady being present to mar the harmony of the evening nor to report the doing- outside. What glorious freedom! We: regret this week to chroniclr the death 01 Janet. \Veddei, relivt 0‘ the late Allen \IcKeclini», which molt Place here on Friday last aha-it mid- d3Y- Deceased was 77 years of use. a native of Glasirow. valuid Sin came to Canada album. a"? your: all". and settled in Vmigheu township Where her father and um-I» were ow l gaged in the milling h“"ifl“fi". Shnr'h ‘ after coming to this country 950 married, and ebout 55 30!" II" moved to the township of Dominick With her husband end romdned there {:11 her remove! to Durham about “"9 Years ago, shortly before “I. death of her huebund. She leaves Mu. CURTIS PICKEBING. passed a Six children, one daughter. Mrs Henry Firth, and five sons, Dongld in Taunton. Mast; Jun“ in S! Thomas. Ont.; Guy in Minnesma George in Durham. and John in Ben tinck. Interment took place to "to Rocky Samoan cometary, on Sunday last. KS and overalls. largo “sort. at The Bigfitore. [WEEDS at Mocklor’s. line of ladies’ muslin shirt- Ireland’s. â€"mitt9. 33c. pin. at. The for your calves and for sale by C. L. Grant. ad was 77 s'o-ars of mm. y'l‘SKOW. Sl'n'lfind Sf.- Ldt that". 57 ynra ha" in Vaughan township Readers and Advertisers should not forget that the Chfonicle is all Printed to chroniclr del, "Jim. 0‘ ,w M: h mok l ”ho o! mul- Tun Empress shoe. for women. ‘ sold only at The Big Store. Do you want a nob'oy hat ? See the newest shapes at H. W. Mockler’s. THE Slater shoe is sold only at The Big Store, J. A. Hunter’s. IRELAND has some nobby, fancy, worsted suitings, also a special line of fancy hose for men. W'EAR Black Cat hosiery. 3 ply knees and heels, 25c. and 350. at The Big Store. SEE our fishing tackle, the Nest as- sorted stock in Durham. J. A. Darling. AVA BLACK mixed and Japan T888, 3 No. 1 article coupons in every package. Try it. at Grant’s. IMMENSE range of laces, embroider- ies, insertions, headings and appli- ques, at Ireland’s. HOUSE 10 RENT.-â€"A good stone house, eight rooms, bath. furnace, etc. Apply to Thos. Black, Durham. â€"2pd. GOLD soap. money in some of the packages if you can find it, sold by C. L. Grant. JAMES PA'rox will be at the Knapp House stables. Durham, every Tues- day from 9 a m. till 3 p. m., with a Clydesdale stallion, “ Lord Roberts." THE cement. men cleared us out of overalls last week. Another large stock of their favorite kinds just in. H. W. Mockler. A STRANGER coming into town Tuesday night would almost come to the conclusion that street lights were needed. ALABASTINE. Kalsomine, Paris White, Whiting, Glues, Colens’ W. W. Brushes. etc., at Parker’s Drug Store. Mn. T.L1vmusrox, Agent for the De Laval Separators, moved here Monday from Mt. Forest. and will in future make Durham his headquar- ters. MR. GEO. MORRISON, of Varney. left Tuesday morning for the North-west. He has decided not to take his family with him until he satisfies himself about the countty, and concluds that a. move there will be the best thing for him to do. \VE regret to learn of the affliction ‘ of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cuff. of Aber- : deen, who lost a little girl of seven years of age from diphtheria. The 1 little girl was apparently all right until Sunday morning of last week when the first symptoms manifested themselves, and on following Thurs- day the cold hand of death plucked up the tiny flower. How she came to take the disease is not known, but some weeks ago there were a fewl cases in the neighborhood. We wish now to commend the wisdom of the trustees who closed the school for a time when the previous outbreak oc- curred. believing that in (-oing so the ‘ spread of the disease was materially I _checked. WE got a whole one dollar \Villiam ; one day this week. They are so i scarce we wouldn’t think of calling them ”Bills” like the fellows who are more familiar with them. It. seems _.._.,__.._._ l factory experience. _. B. KEELER 6: SON is :be only man i All goods bought THE GOING AND COMING 0F VISITOR-9 IN THE MONTH OF APRIL. Mr. Neil Coutts was in town Mon- day. Mr. D. McCullocb. of Mount Forest, Spent Monday in town. Mr. Barry Ireal visited friends in town on Friday last. Mr. W. G. Scott, hardware merch- ant of Mount Forest, was in town Monday on business. Mr. Albert. Eva, of Detroit, is vis- iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Eva. Mr. A. J. Limin. of Hamilton, spent- last week with his brother, M. E. W. Limin. Miss Lizzie Lauder returned from Peoria on Monday. Her niece came with her for a prolonged visit. Mr. and Miss Wilker of Mt. Forest, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Morlock on Saturday. Messrs. Harry and Curtis Picker- ing spent Monday in town. The lat- ter intends to start a dental business in town. 'Mr. David McN‘ichol, Ex-M. P. P., attended the funeral of the late Thos. [ Willoughby. Mrs. Jas. Lauder returned Tues- day from Peoria. 111., nnd was ac- companied by her daughter, Mrs. Mc- McKinley, of Toronto. Mrs. Ed. Radburn. of Fergus. is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Watt, of Normanby. Mr. W. E. Theobald Jordan Spent Sunday in at their respective homes. Mrs. J. M. Hunter. who was re- cently confied to her bed through illness, is' now able to be out and about. Mr. J. S. Black. of Pomona. took a look over the cement works Monday and left with the idea that they will be a good institution. Mr. J . A. Hunter left. Saturday for Minneapolis to be present at his sis- ter Blanche’s wedding. on the 30th inst., to Mr. Lorne Somerville, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willoughby, of Owen Sound. Mr. Andrew Will- oughby. of Port Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Willoughby, of Lamlash, and Mr. Riddel, of Toronto. represent- ing the Imperial Life Insurance As- sociation, is in town this week as- sisting Mr, W. D. Mills to drum up some business. It’s all right to have insurance and every thoughtful man will make provisions in some way if he can afiord it. The citizens should encourage the lacrosse boys by their attendance at practice matches. Our boys were having a “work out” the last few nights. We have a number of good lacrosse men located in town. and prospects are fair for a few more. Owen Sound seems rather confident of winning this district, to which Hanover replies “ We’ll see.” Durham is saying nothing, but are keeping their weather eye on the Grand finish. We hear nothing from Markdale or Tara ; they are surely not. asleep. Such men as Cummings and Muir make quite an addition to the Han- over team. " Have you got ’em ?” By the Hanover Post we learn they have secured a number of good men. They shouldn’t count their chickens before they are hatched. Hanover team comes out in 11 brand new uniform, Red and White. Dur- ham still stays with their losing colors of Blue and White. Better luck this year. boys. Thursday night. Are You Troubled With the least. impairment. oil your eyesight? As you value sour well being. don’t. neglect it. We are in position to sup- ply aids for weak eyes. to follow your oculist’s advice, to fill your oculist’s prescrip- tions. Briefly put, we help weal: and defective eyes to lul- fill their normal functions at moderate cost. full practice is talked of for DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, MAY 1, DURHAM AND HESPELEB. in the County with a Watch * at. Keeler’s engraved FREE. I! Notes. Know and T. J. Mt. Forest Always a feminine: delight TRIMMED HATS at $1.25 and up. Sailors at 25c and Ready-to-wears at all prices. Oh dear! such an awful thing is a school, Since the fashion came in (if a fashion it was), To give a woman the right to rule, . And bring in with her a list of her “ Laws." Some of their own making up mind you, Those crazy rules what’s so hard to obey. Oh ! tor a man with rules that are few, I‘d rather have him than a woman today. These women! they’re alwa s a ettin’ the girls, Callin’ them delicate, sick y an such. You'd think they were the most precious pearls That had ever been found and worth ever so They may go fora drink, us poor fellows may -uvd m--.’ "J _ They never et licked. no air not a. slap, They can tal or laugh till you think they’d burst; I believe if they wanted they could all take a nap. But us poor boys, not a sound not a. word, Not a whisper, not a move. not even a cough. And if we make a noise we always are heard; 0 dear, but they treat as poor boys pretty rough. And now in concluding, if I had It) pick. If a woman got teachin’ woul n t I make a noise; But a man, '03 a man ! Oh a man ! is just slick. Who won (1 treat all the girls just the same as the boys. Durham, April 16, 1902 GOOD top bxggy for sale. Hunter. ANOTHER lot. of ten cent prints 33 Inches wide at H. W. Mockler’s. J. A. HUNTER. The Big Store. is selling a good working shirt for 25c. DISTRICT Deputy Grand Master Irvine, of Orangeville. accompanied by Past District Deputy Grand Mas- ter McLaren, of the same place, visited Durham Lodge No. 306 A. F. A. M., officially on Tuesday of last week. The second degree was fully exemplified. and the Brethren were highly edified. Mr. McLaren insti; tuted this lodge about thirty years ago with the late Mr. J. H. Hunter as Master. the position now so ably filled by his son. Mr. J. A. Hunter. of The Big Store. ON Friday last Mr. Thos, Reid met With a mishap which might easily have proved fatal. He was driving Mr. A. S. Hunter’s horse. Having a load of boxes on the wagon and wish- ing to get a little more speed, he struck the animal with a whip when he suddenly jumped forward and began to run throwing Mr. Reid heavily to the ground. He fell head foremost alighting on his shoulder ,which gave him quitea shock and L rendered him unconscious for a time. Mr. George Shires was on the wagon also and seeing the danger. jumped 05 the load and escaped injury. Mr. Reid, we are pleased to say, is get- ting better and we hape to see him round again in the course of a few days. The Cnndidetes, Mr.°Binnie and Dr. Jemieeon. hue errmged for joint. meetings in Bentinok end Glen- elu next week on follows :â€" 1. Louise, on Monduy, Moy 5th. 2. Elmwood, Tuesday. Hey 6th. 3. Allen Park, Wedneedny, Mey â€"-a visit to our neat showrooms. No less than 75 different ex- amples of Millinery beauty to select from, and at prices very reasonable. 'We cannot give you a. bare idea of the lovely ef. fects in words. so come and see them. You are heartily wel- come to examine our large stock. 7th. 4. Latona Schoolhouse, Thuradty, May 8th. 5. Townsend’s Lake Schoolhouse, Friday. May 9th. 6. Tp. Hall, Glonolg, Saturday, May 10th. Meeting in each place to commence at 7:30 p. m. SPECIAL DISPLAY of Ladies’ Bonnets now ready for your inspection. Shop here with the crowds and save money. Lam Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Ho... 15113., and to Golden Sq. Thrust 5nd Nose Hot. Will be ut the Middsngh Hod-o 1.: WM, cinch monthtrouubipn. much. Milt: Eye, Ear, Throat and loco A Call For Men. DR. GEO. S. BURT. Political looting. By E. F. B. NOBBY RAIN GOA T8. Crotom, Art Cnrtuin luslino uni Furnituro stings in nbundmoo. MEN'S RAIN“ COATS st .81. 75. ”82”!)0 C325. 05.,50 . . .. 0600;0(18700 LADIES’ RAIN COATS. the going u.... .. very 1mm stylel. AA -A 'i

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