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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 May 1902, p. 8

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**~‘X4‘$4§93 gg‘?‘ Hickling 65 Co’s. store was broken into. ransacted and between two and‘ rim-e dollars taken from the till. ' hat the thief also helped himself to a COmplP'e outfit of wearing apparel came to light last week when Att- drew Bentham discovered in the t swamp near the cemetery a. lOt of old iclothing, lzoms, etc., which had thd-l itelllly been discarded for new goods. | from the above lirm’s store as a. hunt. l‘her of tickets hearing their privne l mark were among the find. The cost marks show that the light fingered chap’s judgment, was not very good for selecting fine goods; or perhaps there was a feeling of delicacy when helping himself and if so the firm ap- preciates his modesty. The editor of the Advance has im- proved his property by having a neat picket fence erected on the stone work in front. Mr. Wm. Neil has had his neat home improved by new covers on the verandahs and wood- shed re-shlngled. Friday alternoon last was observed as Arbor Day by our Public School stafi and scholars and the school grounds were of course much im- proved by the labor expended. THURSDAY. MAY 8_, From the Collingwood Bulletin of last week we learn that the well known firm of C. Stephens Co. has been evolved into a joint stock com- pany to be known as: C. Stephens Co Limited; capital $100,000. Among the members of the new firm is. we are pleased to note. Mr. J. P Steph- ens, son-in-law of the late Thos. Leitch. of this place. Quarterly Sacrament service was held in the Methodist Church on Sabbath morning lasr- at which there was a large attendance of communi- cants. Messrs. John Nuhn and Arthur Guest returned laSt week from the 'l‘emiskaming district where they each invested in 160 acres of land. Mr. Nuhn has. We are pleased to state, decided to remain longer here and will continue his former business in the woollen mills Col. A. G. Campbell. 3lst Batt., was in town on Thursday last and called on anumber of old friends who were pleased to see him and none more so than your correspondent. The 3lst Regiment is. we undersrand lining supplied With new uniforms which will doubtless ,be highly Hp- preciated by the officers and men. The new issue consists of comfor- tahle helmets, scarlet serge tunit's. with regulation blue pants with red stripes. This with the Oliver equip- ment and Lee-Enfield rifles suppliwd last. year will make the regiment more than ever attractive for our stalwart and hesr. young man. lh'. JOS. Stafiord, profesanr of Z0- olouy in McGIll University, Momwul, paid his bruther-in-law, J. P. 0H0- Well. V. S. hvl'u. a Short visit. but wwk. Dr. Stafford has for the last, two summers done biolOgical work for We govwmnvnr m. Camo. N B. and will spend the summer there in a like manner. Row. J. S. I. Wilsom of Wis placv, will preach for Rev. Dr. Lnngfurd. of Owen Sound. on Sabina: h next, and Rev, Varley. of I’ricm ille. WI“ sun- ply his pUIpit hure. and preach nu- niversnry aermons for the League. Rev W'ilsou and 'l'hom, of this place, conducted revOpening services for the MethodiSt Congregaticn at. Eugenia on Sabbatblast. vhe formur in the afternoon and tho latter in the evening. Rev. C L. Mills. of this place. is paying old friends in Huron County a visit. this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hacking. of Movse Head. Maine. are Visitillg the I4HM’3 parents. Mr. and Mn. Alf Hiwtlewnilé'. '1‘01‘0!|'0|iuv,!hi.~‘ \VPBK. .‘Ji's. Fred Bun: and Miss McDun- alxi.milhm-r, of CuHiugwood. were \‘i'if.)l"i at Sir. \V. E. Richardson's {rum Saturday till Monday. Cu-itou ii-lllanw is home from {Many Sound visiting his parents. air and John Billmu). Mr. E. Huuiltuu and daughter \‘s'innic spent. Sunday mm fncuda at Thorubury. Mr. \V. Irwin and daughters, of Durham. were in town on Monday. returning from the burial of Mr Irwin's aged and beloved mocher who passed awny at. the old home in Col- lingwood township on Thuasday lust. Mr. Donald McDonald. of Durham, made a. pleasant call in the vicinity last. week. Mr. Thos. Smith and sister, of Dur- ham, Spent. the week end very pleas. antly in the neighburhood. Spring seeding is far advanced for the beginning of May. Some are finished, and the majority will finish this week. Fall wheat and clover does not look very thriving. Miss M. McKenzie, teacher, of Muloch. spent Saturday and Sunday in the village the guest of her sisrer. Mrs. (Dr. ) Smith. Mr. Fred Bray, of\ Toronto, is re- newing former associations here of late. We regret to learn that Fred has spent a term in the hospital and still looks frail. The \V. F. M. 8. hold their month- ly meeting to-dsy (Monday) in th- church here, and an addressis' exe pected from Mrs. (Rev.) Nelson. of Desboro. These meetings are yery interesting and ere well attended. ‘ FLESEERTON - DORNOCH A well attended ploughing bee was held on Thursday of last week by Mr. R. '1‘. Corlett, who lately moved farm. Over 14 acres In the evening a large number of the fair sex, whose hands and raiment were hardly fitted for the arduous task of farm labor. but who helped the tired ploughmen to forget weariness. A very pleas- ant and sociable evening was spent in music and song. After a lapse of 10 years Spent in Arden. Manitoba, Mr. Dougal Morri-g son is once more viewing the scenes‘ of his boyhood. His coming home this time is a joyous and happy one. as Mr. Morrison and his Winsome and intend to stay a couple of weeks with his brothers and sisters here. We extend hearty congratulations .and good wishes M 0“ Acouple of weeks ago an ofliciall mandate went forth from the post otfice authorities at Ottawa. that the post office of Welbeck was to be clos- ed the following day. and not giving any reason for so doing. No com- plaints had ever been made against either mail carrier or post mistress. \Vhether there is any political signif- ficence in the fact we know not. but if there is the conduct of the Govern- ment is disgraceful to say the least. .Some attribute their action to econ- ALL-- UUWU u â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" omy. but a glance at the estimates of the house leaves this idea an absurd one. However, the fact re- mains that over 20 families are deprived of their postal priveleges, and some of them have to drive five miles for their mail, and in busy seasons, like the present one. get their mail once a fortnight. in the present century and in a heavily taxed community this economic tac- tics on the part of aGovernment who can spend thousands on palace cars, corkscrews and sundries, and then UUlnuv-vvvw â€"--.. _ 7, cut 03 a country post office simply because the revenue did not exceed the expenditure. However, the peo- ple so wronged will not be slow in showing their disapproval of their actions by the ballot-boxes. This is an unfailing sign of catarrh, and if not checked will ultimately result in deafness. The simple rem- edy is Catarrhozone, which if inhaled afew times daily, prevents the ca- tarrhal condition from spreading. Catarrhozone quickly stops the ring- ing in the ears. head noises, gives permanent relief to catarrhal deaf- ness. For Catarrh in any part of the system. Bronchitis. Asthma, Lung or Throat Troubles, Catarrhozone is a specific. and is guaranteed to per- manently cure or vour money back. Large size. $1.00; trial size, ‘25 cts. Druggists or Polson 00.. Kingston, Ont. l Mr. Jas. Vickers returned a few weeks ago from the west, where he has been for the past, two years. Mr. Bartman and family, of Nor- manby. have moved into our burg, and intend to remain for some time. Sorry to hesr Mr. Ben Coutts was laid up for a few days. Mr. '1‘. H. Lawrence was laid up last week with inflamatory rheuma- tism, but under the skilful treatment of Dr. Gun, is able to be around again. Prayer Meeting will be held at Mr. Fred Reay’s on Sunday evening. Hope to have a good attendance. Mrs. Montgomery, of Sault Ste Marie, and Mrs. Armstrong, Graven- hurst. are visiting their mother, Mrs.Jos. Corbett. who has been ill for same time. Mr. W. G. MoCnlloch recently erected a monument in memory of his father, which he purchased from Robinson and Corbett. of Mt. Forest. of whom he speaks as men honesz and rehable in their dealings. Herb Hunt is repaizing his house. He thinks he may need it some day. The missing Link from Allan Park has again attacked us in his sarcastic manner. so we have decided 10 gin! him a parting farewell. Hosting he may regain truth and wisdom as he grows older. Coughs. com. hoax-Iona“. and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Vapo-Creso lene tablets. ten cents per box. All druggists U power of sale connined in a certain indenture of mortgage which Will be pro. dueed at the time of 8:10. There will be of- gated for_sale by public aucupnjpyj jams; tered for sale by public tuctiou by. James gal-son mEsq. a‘u'guopeer M. the llhddtugh House. Tow'n of Durham on at the hour of 2 o’clock p. m. the following land and premises : The west half of lot number 22 and the east. half of the eashhalf of lot number 22 in the Second Coucessnou of the Township of Glenelg. Containing by admeuuremeut 75 acres more or less. The tollowing improvements are saidto be erected upon the Said property, a good dwelling house and log barn. Tnnus 01" SALE: 10°/ of the put-chaise money at the time of ale and the bnhnee within w (it 'a without interest. For further terms ma particul- ers apply to 29 April. 1902 TNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE Friday the 30 Day 0! May A. D. :90: FAR” PROPERTY. inging in the Barn. IOBTGAGI BALI ARTHUR H. JACKSON Vendor. Durham 1’.O.. Ont. AA- VICKERS. ‘ W“- 'v- hardly get about the house. I was tired out :11 the time. Then I tried Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and it only took two bottles to mute me feel perfectly wally";I Mrs. N. S. Swin- n_:_-‘.nn anything in the Grocerv lme. They are al- “Cy, Tired when you go to}; bed, tired when you get w tired all the time. hy? Your blood is im- ure, that’s the reason. on are living on the border line of nerve ex- haustion. Take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla and be SLOOIW. quickly cured. m m T. J. JORDAN, Star Grocery and Restaurant GENT’S: LADY’S: CASH ONLY. TheJeweller -â€" -â€" Duxham.‘ REPAIRIEG A SPECIALTY Our fee returned it we fail. Any om sendiQB sketch and description at any invention will prompuy receive our opinion free concerning the patemability of same. “ {low to cbtam 8 Patent" sent upon request. Patents secu thfiough us a_dvcrused for sale at our expense._ ,. ..~-1:l‘ Ulrougn 115 auvcruseu L ’1' EHIL‘ HL Uuz \ .\' -------- tat . . .‘ .. v p (113: 1 on" ‘ won '11 us tucxu A)" Patent§ t x g .1 3‘ w *oxD. notice, Without clu; pic, in Tm: l’ATLN r 13 ‘ an illustrated and widely circulated Puma" consulted by Mann facturcrs and Investom Send for sampzc copy FREE. Address. VICTOR J. EVANS G: CO. (Pleat Was.) It“: hull-g. WASHINGTON. D. C- Fine High-Class GENTLEMEN : Author and Tad-u a the sou-pm“ ”m" “103' Tailoring a Spawn“ TAILORING 'ired .ut was very pporfy {9d gould Elgin and Waltham Movemenu. I um fully prepared to disc?“ the new styles for the comm“ Oeuon. My reputation Styllsh, Perfect fitting an toilored clothing stands fieCODd to none (no reuon to get clothes out of town). I am prepur “‘0' you the chancest selecuoui of fine Imported Cloths, pricesâ€"no higher than unywheffi 91“. u to fit and make we bound to be ahead. In Nickle Case. 85 00; in 10- kt. Gold Filled Case, warranteed to wear 20 years 310 00. A. GO RDON In 14- kt. Go!d Fillvd. “mum. need to wear 25 years. Solid Gold Bow, $12.00. GOODS DELIVERED. W. A. Glass. ;uucmo. [Show mum} and tel-God. Jo 0- ‘m “00 w. m- CIUI “WV â€"v vâ€"vâ€" ‘ qunflu :11 “to“ this fund - II-_ LI- -‘d-n nm‘ [Nou- Lunbton 5" Durham. ( BIN" “M.“ ounma THE PAST wen canomcus READERS. MI News Items V WB regret Bartlet is Q“ flunter v K 4"" h. 3! the Midduugh 11. .M \. goodly. Shy 98th. 01w .Ia; HM (Io-Duh tion I rec. in. '1‘. P. SMITH. 1;“. 5w» s, ABAPTIBT Young I’coplr'< will be organized in 1110 (elm...;_.g . tn Bnptilt church on 'l‘lmrw awning. Muy 15th. .\11im.~_..z \ "I it 1 ' x l WI hnve now reachwx \ of Huy. and so far we hm. no big fish stories. A {.m- however, we saw Tom .\u. 7“ home with a nice string EXCELLENT half to it. tad Mrs. Lorm pour in last issue Gnturday Night. F (000 Miss Hummw i~ the late Mr. .I. H. II “B. \V. 11. {ONYX barber, who spent 5. about. a year ago. a 00M his business to con. is now in town. we understand. {m \ l ALIOST every \Vt-vi. somebody shooting: s‘um- ' mistake. Thu: 1:19;! in!!! just as bad as du'x‘u in: Ind the «100,me i1 . according to the injury ’Yflulot of people 11.21“. puma Ihot shouldn't m an. it was all a mistak: btoetives think that a dolifionte murders have 0‘ up by the mistake how it was loaded was. 3mm. LAVEI.LE. :1 Conductor Lavelle. me that on Tuesday vvcn 7 o'clock. He and a In young lads were rum top of a line at freigh: Mill“ on the siding in: from one to the. m Il‘iflod his footing :m tween them During} he remuiued uncmnwi‘ write this \Veduewlzu‘ “lowing signs of imp lit‘h fellow is UL'._\‘ .i'ht yeus 0‘ agt‘. :1: ions occasions 1w 1.“ death by drowning. hill! Ill righ: again .‘s ”flung Olddl'ess \\. .h “OthOdISL Chlll I]: .u hull. B. A” Hm I I .I - a ‘“ yeua In 9‘] III I I I I m. 'Hld n \IIIIII H Y '.I- Hal 4? Iquue «mm». " ' “'0 in Killg~tula 1' .. .1 h. the lkC'Hl'I‘r, ‘1“) .‘11 . “Hut “ilh HM) III ‘. mfiluvn‘. Wan YIIv‘v ‘ . m he Was burn nI. fl inflitution. of v: I.~‘.‘rdelh The *1! m Ip'. . z .‘ :1 (HFriduv e\'eII‘:._: ..«~' : J I I ion with pIi~oxI I ., [ismknowing by the geuen ‘ ‘5. moral influence sum: mi! likely to produc _ [Itsort of moml su ' knot. in harmony wit} employed in our 1 Th. “dress was DEATH came vv Samuel Shaw '1‘ I.“ week. Hv [ow sticks of \\'~ ”d was seen Mi over. She ran u‘ possible to cum I.“ Quillinau fl ‘1'be urried In I 3!"? min mes t MCOJ Was 9| w . Robinson (7' , luvs four men k lettering and 91 “d h ad Mind never hum M. his only luv 1." d'i‘k 0f hUHPI'UI...\ ‘i". 0‘ Ireland. .1: auntrv ill ‘ht‘ mud} d the olden s- :11» ”firtuer SOIIW )‘t ‘30. Nulcolm Hun-k 'i‘h him siuvv ' “‘20 SK. John ~H 3" Ind was 1m '1' fIthl’ Huuck H} ‘0. Cor. wull p3per mu.â€" to learn that M 1‘s [I quite ill at present. Bicycle at a M . The Big Store seen those mm a'. window. 150 and “IS u'uctive N0. 1836. gt The Big Store. n bargain Chroni )I I! ODG Mt n at work erecting n W N d I X eard marbl m mom FOR em

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