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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 May 1902, p. 1

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go to ne (eel ,, Swin- z in the {V are al- \ «3 be N w'arramud 31 0 00. could I was I tried rys,) ”.I'W”. ices! ”locuv-v Cloths, ‘. to than ODYVh‘E. 00: in 10.38. 'AN, estamam ' fresh is store. Movement. )W the EC; wtoowifl hau). 0‘“- “lactic!” ammo puma 1»: ~81 mi: CHRONICLE nnozns. Local News Items\ ,\ Burnsr Young People’s Union will be organized in the Glonolg Can- an Baptist church on Thorndny evening. May 15th. All invited. I means. Robinson Corbett. marble have four men or work this men. week lettering nnd erecting monu- meats. W 1-: have now reached the middle 0! May. and so for we have heard of no bl; fish stories. A {aw days ago. howwcr. we saw Tom Noble coming Immt‘ with a nice string of bonnsien. - ,\:.xm<r every week we hear of ....:m-‘:..n1y shooting somebody else by ”s'wku. That. kind of Shooting inrfx fist as bad as deliberate shoot- -.n~_: .unl the doctor’s bill only varies to the injury inflicted. :u-rnr‘ling Ynalot of people think that the person shot shouldn’t complain be- .‘zmw it was all I mistake. Expert. human think that “good mtny 0‘ In. '1‘. P. Sm'm. Eye Speciuliu. 1 he at the Middnugh House Wod- Max 28th, one dny only. 12W. Conducto dent on 'I '4' o’clock. young 1: mp of a l standing in; from massed h 311 v. 1-;x,x.ux'r half tone portnits of! and Mrs. Lorne Somervillo 3pc : in last. issue of the Toronto“ mluy Night. Mrs. Somervillen Alias Hunter) is a daughter of] Tum. 3113.1. H. Hunter, M. P. P.‘ "â€" w, rret to learn that Mrs. Ed. 7 is quite ill at present. l~;r.\-<:»:x.1. LAVELLE, a young son of buiKH‘iO!‘ Lavelle. met with an acci- - ' ul) Tuesday evening last about J; .>\‘ioa:k. He and a. number of other mm; lads were running along the 1. of a line of freight cars that were ftlwiillg on the siding. and in jump-' ; from one to the other it seems he mul his footing and fell down be- -~-n them During the whole night a .“Illktined unconscious, but as we -- chi; Wednesday morning he is a in: sivns of improvement. The "y drowning. \Ve hope to see again in a few days. ' i; ‘- 9.1.1i‘h wall paper 3t The Big ' ":\_. of wood about 8 o’clock . a wen by Mrs. M. Black to fall \hv ran out, and finding it. im- -~ to carry him in. summoned >~ «gunman from across the road. nu'rio-«l lu-n tenderly in, but. in - . mm ties the spirit. was 9099- ’~-cv.:<w1 was eighty-five years of age ml ‘mui never known «day’s sick- 0 being a good 1‘. xi; of buttermilk. He “:88 III»- U‘w‘ oi Ireland. and came to this .5»;er in 1he rarly fiftieth being on” ‘ o‘ulest Seniors. Having 10‘: ()1, in» Ins partner s-mw years “:0. Hr. Ind \irs. Malcolm ihack have been living with him silica. The funeral took pines to St. John‘s cemetery on Thurs. by and was largely uttonded. BOV- h: her Huuck ofiiciatiug. «- True!- "(\5 Holden’ 0 boot. wear wellâ€"go . and J. McKechnio, £5300 you seen those pretty diihen urlane’s window, 15c. omh. W. L. BOYNTON, of Toronto, 1'. who spent some months here u. year ago. and subsequently :is business to Mr. John Rcbert- in town. and will remain. Me-rstand. for some weeks to Mr. Robertson. whose business u-resting address W“ ihc )Ipthodnst church . ' ,’ 1mm. B. A.. the prison ewe-"v "n . , . ' I for yvars Ined m 212! mu»; ue attire-'8. -. , ,. .. lbife i" Kingfitafl Pa..it0’“t|‘r)v; Iholouuh" Hm the lrc'ul'el', though familiar “in. the in human managemwnt, Wu! them “HIP". {.cycle at a bargain.-â€"J. A. The Big Store. cause he was burn an the 'mstitution. of V was warden, Th9 d! uranhic picture of connection wixb pus Hom- uc “ as uv... Elk“ ixmntutiou. ‘ " ; ”was wan-den, The 4880". , . urzwhic picture of mam? ”HM" " connection with prison life: worth knowing by the genera for the moral influence such know. lodge is likely to produce. yr- Lavell is a son of word madam», ' 'lh all the and is not no harmony vu nil. “a Worth KDOWIDK U, tuv D'â€" , for the moral influence such knowo' 1edge: is likely to produce. Mr. Lave-ll is a son of morn] sunsionist, and is not. in harmony with all the :- Jails und methods employed in on prisons. Tho addrcu an inter»:- ing and instructive. free. 01' Chronicle to New Subscribers to January Store. delivelml 3" s‘ [{U\'. ANN!" u EXP“ " w. Jordan. SLATER shoes are sold only at J. A Hunter’s. The Big Store. CARPETS.â€"Tbe finest and largest: rtnge in town at McKechnies’. E THE Big Store is showing an um- ' brella find a pipe combined for 81. 00. MACFARLA‘SE’S Headache Powders are guaranteed to cure your head- ache. MR. Linux, SK, we regret to sky, is quite ill, but. at time of writing has taken a turn {or the better. RUGs.â€"All wool in beautiful pat- terns ('23 by :3 ft.) for $3.00 at McKechnies’. CAR of Cement from the Peninsular Portland Cement 00.. Jackson, Mich. igan, just arm ed at W 51.1: k’s. JUST look at The Big Store window and see the newest. thing for men in Pleated shirts and Ascot. ties. Ma; ROBERT ALJOE, .18., expects to have his new blacksmith shop in op. entlon next week, and will then be ready to meet his old customers down IO\\'D. A HORSE ’atcached to a delivery wagon took a run through the street. Tuesday afternoon. but. more than a slight. damage to the vehicle and a. scratch or so on the animal no harm was done A CITIZEN of Durham, who was somewhat. in arrears. came into our office last week and paid upliko a man after first. apologising for his delinquency. He says F‘it’sa dam mean man that will take a paper without paying for it,” and we said we agreed with him. AN evening meetmp: or me Duuu ”gum-1.“, of Hope will I)". held in the Baptist \their hm church on Friday next. May 16th, at {mothmg 8 o’clock. The program will consist |Hedges ” of songs and reci'nls by the children. l “is: ‘x - , «_ 'x strnmemal music b ' ‘ .' \oral “M 1' - .. 3 :ton, st ‘iu‘a‘.l I. Mrs. (Ref) Nééfionn. a. chalk talk by RM). Wray Smith.etc.. etc. Silver collection at. the door. All invited. ON Tuesday evening of last week a thunder storm crossed this vicinity. and as Mr. Wm. Paylor was turning his team of smart 4-year-olds at the end of the field, there came a. flesh and one of them drOpped over dead. ‘ He was ofiered $108 for it but a few weeks ago. but havin<.r a busy sum- mer’s work didn’t like to part it. Being insured in the Hanover 00., he is not so heavy a loser as he might ’otherwise be, yet ’tis no ens to find a mate for the one left.â€" Traverston Cor. Ix two weeks we begin the publica- tion of another interesting story, one that we think will suit all classes, and be read with interest by every reader of THE Cnnoxrcnn. We are giving the paper now to the end of the year for 50c. hose taking: it cam help us increase our list materially! by a kindly reference to the efforts; we are making to produce a readable, local. We have now nearly fourteen} hundred regular bona fide subscribers: and yet; we have room for more. n -4- mm. nunmmzm-I along. It’s a: THE lust Literary \leming in con-g nectiou to Young PQOpIn’s Society of' the Presbyterian church. held some time ago. on the sul‘j"m . “The Canad- ian Poets.” led by Inspector Cam phell‘ was so interesting and profitable that! they have decided In have it. supple-l merited by another H) take place in the basement of the church on Mon- (lay evening nexx. “'9 are not in position to name tlze sul‘jou't for nextl meeting. but. can HPSiH't' all that it Will be interesting «ml well treated. Rev. Mr. Farquharmm is to take part 13180 in the evening exercises. which patriotic are to consist of readings. etc. Refrevhments will be All invited. Collection. me u the fountain.â€"'I‘. J. evening meeting of the Band :Minn [THE GOING AND OOHING OF V18IT038 IN THE MONTH OF MAY. s the only man All goods bong» say. is quite ill at present. Dav. 85V!“ ------ I' Dr. Meams. o! Hen-rarer, attended the Liberal caucus here On Saturday. Miss G. King. of Mt. Forest. is visiting with Miss Carson. Mr. Thos. Mann. of Flesherton, is engaged on the cement. works. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Disney, of Hanover, Spent, Sunday with Mrs. A. E. Hind. Messrs. A. U. Ireland and A. A. Parks. of Williamsford, were in town i Monday and gave us a call. I | Miss Grace Gilmonr, of Hanover, {visited friends in town idays. Mr. J. D. Morgan. of Dundalk, was in town Saturday attending a meet- ing of the Liberal party. Mr. A. J. Chisholm. General Agent. of the Mutual Life of Canada, was in town last. week for a few days. Barry and Curtis Pickering were in town the fore part of this week. the latter to remain {or dental prac. tice. Messrs. S. A. Pennock, Wm. Sn J. Ireland and a number of 0 Mt. Forest gentlemen attended. Masonic service here Sunday. Mrs. Robt. Aljoe. Sr., we ragret to at I So says the policy-holders who lhave been receiving for many years 11-; the handsome dividends of profits of l earned by the Mutual Life of Canada. ne \ The policy-holders are partners in the ,d- 1 Company and divide all its profits. 911‘ For information respecting rates and rat g plans apply to \V. T. Petrie, Holstein. 13. or A. .J. Chisholm. General Agent. in Owen Sound.â€"-â€"1 His: Minnie Munshaw. of Flasher- ton, Miss Reinee Munshaw, of Eu- genia. and Mr. Edwin Large. of Listowel, all former pupils of Y6 Editor, gave us a very brIef call on Tuesday last. Mrs W. P. Paterson and her moth- * Susan” \V 10'16 left Wed nesday morning latter at Kingsville. Co. Essex. Mrs. Wigle has been visiting here for about a year. Lieutenant; F. Fraser Hunter, of :he first Bombay Lancers, son of the aate Mr. J. H. Hunter. and brother of Mr. J. A. Hunter. of The Big Store. is home on a visit after spend- ing '2 or 3 years service in India. We are pleased to see him looking so well. Mr. R. T. Matrlrews. of Hilmanr \l: _1_ illh 0 VI We are pleased to see him looking so well. \Ir. R. T. Matthews. of Hilman, Mich. a brother of Mrs Thos. Migh-l ton, of Bentinck. after an absence of twenty years from the vicinitv Spent a week with friends in the neighbor- hood, and returned to his home “on- day morning. Mr. Matthews is looking well. and no doubt fares well in the land of Uncles 1.111 Specialist: Will be at the Middaugh House lat. \Vedneoday of each month, from 2 to 6 p. m. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY, It Pays to Buy the follow your to fill your ounl'vst’s prescrip- tions. Briefly put, we help weak and defeCtive eyes to [ul- fill their normal functions at moderate cost. ist: Eye, Ear. Throat and Rose nxcwswnm. London Ophthalmic Hm: '90. Thus“; and Rose 1103‘ Wm. Smith, of Flasher- ,' with a \Vmch augraved FREE. Best other 1 the BUY Empress shoes The Big Store. THE Big Stâ€"ore Hardware Dept. re- ceiw-d a large lot of new good this week. ___- FOR SALEâ€"‘23} acres land near cement. works. Apply to Hugh Mac- THE heavy frosts of la‘ likely to have caused dun the Opening fruit blossoms weather continues quite cold ering the early Spring. t0 up for his Moran is 1 \Vorks. WALL PAPER REMNANTS.â€"We have qulte a number of remnants of pretty ’ ' t ha‘f the They are snaps. Remember we have the leading window shade stock in town. -â€"Macfarlane 82 Co. THE new Dentist, Mr. Pickering, of Mt. Forest. moved his efiects Tues- day. and will begin business at an early date. We have little doubt but there’s plenty of room for two den- tists, if Durham people would pat- ronize the Durham men. AT the St: ant. a magni been install prietor, \Ir. into a min interest. bu Mr. Jordan fountain. THE town fence-viewers examined; into the dispute regarding line fence. between a right of way given by Mr. J. M. Hunter and the property of Mr.‘ \Vm. Guthrie. and made an award that no fence be allowed for a dis-! tance of 130 feet back from Garafraxa: Street east. Back of that a fence is:l to be built, the disputants bearingl cost of erecting and maintaining' same. share and share alike. ‘ .â€" ...._.____-â€"â€"_.,._â€"._ 1 WE regret to learn of the misfor-l‘ tune of Mr. \Vm. Amos. of Mount Forest. About four or five years ago. he received injuries from a heavy morter board falling and striking him on the head. From that time on he to the Hamilton Lunatie Asylum. A1 letter from Dr. Russell says there is no sign of improvement. He is well Ma. '1‘ .Mr. V lst n‘lv " of Mrs. Simuel Orchard. Schedule of Games June 13th, Mt. Forest at nanovm. June 18th, Durham at Owen Sound. June 26th, Hanover at Durham. July 7th, Owen Sound at Hanover. July 14th, Mt. Forest at Durham. July 95th, Durham at Hanover. July ‘2?)th, Owen Sound at Mount Forest. August lst. Sound. August lst, Durham at Mt. Forest. August 8th, Owen Sound at Dur- ham. August 8th, Hanover at Mount Forest. Hanover at Owen 1‘ August lath. Sound. the Star Grocery magnificent soda insraued by the‘ )r, Mr. '1‘. J. Jord a Ininute descrn est. but in will be Jordan if you me dule of Games to be Played in District No. 4, Intermediate Series, for 1902. MORAN sold 11. Caldwell ; livery engaged 1903 for only ”' Half a. LACROSSE. 3y the energetic pro- J. Jordan. To enter description 18 of no will be of interest to you meet him at the \Ic. Forest. at Hanover. .Durham at Owen Sound. , Hanover at Durham. Owen Sound at Hanover. , ML. Forest at. Durham. . Durham at. Hanover. sold 1 his shop he . who will fit business. N in the Game Forest at Owen p. 4.0-.“ M for ladies gt of stiff aggregation to â€"cold consid late damage Cement here are B to The ART CURTAIN MUSLIMS. kfifii‘fi: LINOLEUM. Qoyards wide, floral a: per square yard, only ........... . par yard. at. ........ Fine Crochet Quilts Flannelette Blankets in Cretons. Art Curtain erings in abundmce. going at. . . the very

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