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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 May 1902, p. 2

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(With all do. :poloqiu to tho “that d W) “me Boon!” Linttotbocty .Atioiag fro. tho Gloho’s bum that ! With troubling. {at all agony It bid: as tot tho but to vote. W Boa! Ah. what yot. Were it not "not“ to brunt ? North. youth. out. wot. whor’u we [0. Thou-colduy moduli fat: Th’o Libs"! trun t. loudly blow To sun-ion S 'van to war. Bone-bot Russ! W0 «loâ€"but yot ’Twonld soothe the eouuioneo to fotpt ! Thou ballot: burned. than voter: bop‘ht. Thou hands tbs: oiled the old machine. Thou tricks and turn. that did :_ lot w U. n." â€"-U‘ vâ€"u â€"â€" 7.. v - But did not leave our fiWélun; We do who: themâ€"but yo: '1'me be much “for to forget. That school-book ring, it“ poiywood dad. The Woodstock Express ssys :â€" Herb. McKay, the Woodstock man who has charge of the Gold Care In- stitution in Windscr. was in the city this week. While here he made the rsther stsrtling statement thst ho hsd hold communicstion with the spirit of Jim Quirk. the victim of the mysterious murder in Brsntford, sad that in tin interview the spirit of the dead man had rsvosled to him, chay. the manner of his killing. “'13:!- BL} rE’Mfét'éflm ”Home ? That chamber where tboprphjhg: met. “vâ€"vâ€" . " That on th. 2911. of Ma The voton’ memories wilrbo clear a "' ww “wâ€" - Tho lumber thaw“; Y;;k3u'uwod. Inch little ugrpof'atiog‘u‘ul. . “7535.71. 5'32: mm mod- Ah. bow mono Ina-0th. cling. and yet How pleasant if we could taunt. Remember Ross 2 Can yo forgot A ' AM Mr. um will go any. Away. ’way back. and then he’ll not, And b0 forgottenâ€"and forgot ! McKuy has for some time past been attending spiruuahstic seances in Detroit. and has become arc-utly in- Iorosmd in the svudv of the occult an. During one 0! the senncos ro- candy McKay asked the medium to innoduce him to the apitit 0! Jim Quirk. According to McKty’s looti- Inuuy. Quirk’s spirit gave the follow- ing uccoum o! the experiences met. with by its earthly tabernnczo before body and spirit were separated by the hund of the assassin. "WEE... “man; 3.65;: mm diam a Boot-bot Boss! And ot-and yo: Won it not sweeter to our" ? Rome-1b.: Ross ! My}: we fear "On the night I was killed, said Quirk’n spirit, ‘° I had occasion to go out to the burn, a thing I didn’t. very often do. [or I am rather nervous at night. I had no «ooner go: inside than 3 man came out of the shadow.” “What are you doing here?” I ukod. Plof. \‘Ciley. chief chemist 0' the United States Department of Agri- culture, minimum Th» World’g ad- vice to the people to substitute Other lands [or meat, not onlv asst trust "Dashing, but as a health improving Measure " "l'he meal-eating hnbit," he says. °‘ is in no \\ ay essenliel to human life.” Annongthe substitutes ‘hm are just as Iich as In"! in life- nnetnming elements he names cotton- need oil, peanut oil. sunflower oil and olive valâ€"all of thmn capable of being pternrvd in appetizing and palatable Janna {or the table. Prof. Wiley ”Mans it as a fact thrt then! is much more easily enn than its present .‘bigh prices indicate, becau-e only inbom one-fourth of any piece of mean 5.: it is add in ”to malkwt has an) V unitixe \‘niue, That is to say. it a in: of beef rosts 10 COINS a pound. be touruhiw part of it actually _cs:s :0 u ms n mum}. H " Yuu “3!! man (3...! an. be re. piini. and win. Hun Le atruck me our! the head an]: a hmchel. I [all to the floor and the" my murder" OIHM'II um again several times an the 30M! w‘lh the instrument.” - 1’.r POLL'R. l'ruf. “i195 o rrobor-l inns The “Hulda Imam editorial rn. t] e. .11le ~c: l\ (in .ming that " so fan"l sactua. muuidumm is cmmmntd be wet) bar and cheapo st foods are ndion Cul'h. “hrnl, oars. r)“. and ice.” The waste or non-nunitious n of ceneals do nor exceed 10 pet m., and men «ho lewd mainly on .g... farm capable of enduring the ardest annual labor ’ The ”Mews of old Gun-cc in be: out glorious dus me no menu. but I) grains and lruits. Japan whip. Cllinn on 3. die! of rice. The .tdy Scot. is buod on “outrun-3| yidgo,” 3nd tho hardy Italiun l:- r whom we sec working on nil- eouu'nction nll day long in all than is a ptodnct of much muc- ud little mean-Toronto all McKay mus that in this remark. lblo uurrview the ppirit did not pro- Iumh lo know the hlnnity 0f the murderer A“ u can“ tell 0f was the lac: that it had met the mam in the "manor described. McKay In) 3. though. that just before the Spirit took its dopgrture it said: " Bowen-r. it’s all right. I guess I go! what I deserved_.”_ The story as told by McKay has Mound Ihn deepest m’el‘efl. among flue circle 0! friends in \VOudswck to whom he told it. Experienced sufieren 3 State that no bmody relieves neuralgia so quickly | 3 hot I; plication o! Polson’s ervo no, the Itrongesr liniment made. [aniline is certainly verv penetrm. n; and has ; powerful influence ovu- “gin pgins. which it dvstroys Mut once. Nervilino is highly neg-no.6“! {or Rheumatism. Lum- m Sciatica nd Toothache. Boner u a 25:. hula. it’s all right. Grain-Fed Men Are Strongest. The Quirk Murder. Remember Ron 0.0 0â€"0 m'. Wile) c rrobor- leceut editorial on laling that " so [at Inc-m. is concorned cheapo-st foods are The msil otder business has been extended into matchmakingâ€"metri- moninlly speskinc. A young man residing in the suburbs of Barrie bu relsted to us his experience in endea- vming to get s wife by snswering sn sdvertisement in s locsl psper. The gentleman’s nsme, of course. we can- not divulgeâ€"we shsll use the fictit- ious nsme thst be with much fore. sight used himself. “J. “'illiam St. Dennis. Barrie. Out." The advertise- ment read as lollows . ” Attrsctive nnd unencumbered American lsdy, age 30. worth 875. 000 wsms good honest husband. Address Pscific. 59 Deal-born St. Cbicsgo, Ill. “ DEAR Mannaâ€"I just noticed your ad. in the Barrie and as I have long had a desire to marry an Ameri- can lady, I thought this might he a chance as I have heard of good matches being made by mail. I am vounger. I am sorry to say. than you, just 29. I have never given much serious thought to marrying, as I have raid so much attention to my farm. but now I have things nicely Settled, good farm and buildings and good stock. too. and would like to marry an attractivelady. who would- n’t mind living it mile and a half out of town. If [am fortunate enough to hear from you would you let me know whether you can dance or are fond of society. As to my honesty The reply was dued Springbank Farm. Barrie. March 15. 1902. 311d read as follows : I am well known here and can give you recommendations. For the pres- ent. though. I would like you to con- sider this strictly confidential. If you will favor me with a pliOtograph of yourself I will return one of mine. HOping we may reach a satisfactory understanding. I am, my dear madam, your iaithlul servant, J. WILLIAM Sr. Dreams. P. 3. Are you a widow 1’". In due time there came a replyâ€" not on tinted paper in a dainty en-1 velope, that might be exnected from a matrimonially inclined ladyâ€" but on business paper of a publishing company and introduction bureau. The letter was type written and read in part as follows: J. anran 81‘. Dreams, Barrie, Can. " DEAR SIRâ€"‘Ve have submitted your letter to the lady. whose adver- tisement you answered. and as she has instructed us to notify you that she desires an acquaintance as soon as it can be arranged, we beg to sub- mit for your kind consideration the iollowing statement: She is a maid- en without kith or kin bttt a lover of home and children. speaks several languages and is worth in cash and negotiable securities fully 880.000, inherited from her parents and de- ceased husband. Her reason for mar- rying is she wants ahusband who will be good and kind to her, to take charge of her afiairs and relieve her of the many worries incidental to business cares. Besides being abso- lutely alone in the world. she is pretty. intelligent and refined, but the enclosed picture of her, lately taken, will give you a better idea of her general appearance than we could give you in a letter. She is to visit your section in the near future, so if you desire her acquaintance fill out blank on other side. write letter of instruction below omitting answers to any questions that may appear objectionable and return to us with our fee of 35. our only charge. and we will give you an introduction so you can write to her at once. We are satisfied tha' she will suit you. but should and!) not be the case. we have upot. our books hundreds of wealthy ladies oi every age and dc. scription. bath maidens and widows. whohat'e come to us to find them suitable husbands, and no will keep introducing you without further charges until you are suited and mar- ried.” The letter continued to tell of what a golden opportunity waw offered. " .\Ir. St. Dennis” has shown us the photograph, and we can recommend the lady seeking a partner as far as her appearance is concerned. Mr. “ St. Dennis ” was so disappointed in his (-30:19 that he no longer believes in marriage by mail, but will seek a wife in the good old county of Sim. cce,» Barrie Advance. Our pen has been rusting of late. It has kept us busy all Spare minutes of late digging the mud 03 our plow- ing boots. Miss Jennie Davis arrived home from Toronto on Friday. We never saw her looking heartier. Miss Sarah Jack came up from the city over a week ago ’Tis like old yimes in Zion to see the friends tried and true again. The two political meetings in Glen- elg were followed by the severest. frosts we’ve had this spring. Must not have been hot enough or else ’tis 3 bad omen for our township yeomnn. Zion Sunday School reoopened May 4th. and this season promises to be more successful than ever. Every member got u Scripture Text Souven- er Button on Sunday. Colts me a. plentiful crop in the neighborhood. Row. Mr. Elliot of the U. B. church at. Louristou. was down to Zion’s service lam. Sunday evening and took part. 110’. t likuble follow. On Friday evening. Iov 23rd, them in to be a lock] feed and o con ORDERING A m 3‘! HAIL. TBA VERSTON ‘ Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell. of Boothvillw, were visiting Peter J, :‘Forgusou over Suuduy; also Mr. and Mrs. chnumid. of Top 0113. cert under the Temperance and Mia- sionary department of Zion Epworth League. It promises to be a good thing for only a dime admission. We regret that the Vicker’s Cor. is going away. Many a pleasant and happy evening we spent in the happy home of the big-hearted McCulloch family in ’86-7-8. Three of them were our pupils. and we always found them true. boneSt. bright and oblig- ing. “'1: wish Will and his mother a prosperous and a happy sojourn over in Michigan. It was with mingled feelings of sadness and sympathy. Mr. Editor, that we read in !ast 383116 of the death of your loved mother. â€"â€"â€"â€"-._‘ 00.... -...__... Revolution in Newfoundland. Since the introduction into New- foundland of the new Inhaler Remedy “Catarrhozone,” the treatment of catarrhaldiseases has been entirely revolutionized. The old-time snnfl' and intennal medicine has been cast aside and everyone is inhaling Ca- tarrhozone; it clears the head and throat in otwo minutes. and is very agreeable and pleasant to use. Ca- tarrhozone isa wonderful cure for Coughs, Colds, Catarrh. Asthma, Bronchitis, Lung Troubles and Denf~ ness. It relieves quickly and cures permanently. We advise our readers to try Catarrliozone. Price 81.00, trial size 250. Druggists or Poison 00., Kingston, Ont. Quite a number from this part drove to Durham on Sunday to hear the Rey. Mr. Farthing, who was much esteemed when he labored in this part, Some of the neighbors have had valuable dogs poisoned and are mak- ing a vigorous search for the individ- ual who put out the poison, and if found they intend to administer to him such a strong dose of the law that he will want to go to the court of appeal to get an emetic. The peeple of both Glenelg and Egremom close to the track are this year going striczly hy the law that forbids stock running on the road, and look with holy horror on peOple in other parts who break it or in fact. any other law of the land. Political meetings are arranged for in Holstein. The Reform meeting to be held in a room overt be little black- smith shop at. the corner. while the Conservative gathering will be in the Agricultural Hall. Bath are expect,- ed to have full houses. Most. families have 3 representa- tive at, the cement u orks. while 0th- ers intend to start. when the boat building commences. The individual musc be stoical in- deed who would not feel the ceepest sympaihy for Mr. Frank Grasby, who. last week. lost one of his team after having the name luck 8. year ago. The neighboxs are giving him a friendly day’s ploughing to help re- move the disheartening effect. Those who always look on the bright side of everything say that it improves barley to he nipped back a little on the start by frosts such as we had last week. while others gloomily compare it with the frosts of seven years ago which occurred on the same nights of the mouth and were followed by such direlul results the growth being further advanced. The report has got spread abroad that the Durham people are going to run an excursion and hold a picnic at the lake on Vietoria Day, and the report is received with enthusiasm. Miss Molly Baird returned a week ago from Paisley and has since left for her home in Winnipeg going by way of oMurkdale and Owen Sound where she will end a very pleasant six-months’ visit. Mr. Jas. Allan, Jr.. visited Mark- dale friends a week ago Sunday, and is now discussing the North-West harves: excursion. Seeding is the order of th( day now. Fine Weather for work. and not much time to gather news. Politics are beginning to hum. Dr. Jamieson was around visiting his friends last week. The Doctor’s chances are pietty good it his friends are as numerous mother parts of the iiding as they are around here. A meeting was held last. Friday night in Swiuton Park schoolhouse to up. point scrutineers and to arrange other husiues in the interest 0! the Liberal- Uonsei vative Candidate. Mr. Peter J. Ferguson. of Park River. North Dakota, arrived at big tnuther’s home last Saturday. We are sorry lu say that. Peter is not well. We understand he was undrr a. domor’s care all last winter. but we how: the change of climnte and a mother’s ti-nder care. with better medical treatmtnt, will soon make an improvement in his health. Miss Sarah l-‘tooke is improving in henlth, we are glad to report. Mr. and Mrs. John McQueen of 1500! iiville, were visiting Mr. Douguld Ferguson’s over Sunday. Mr. Frooke was visiting his daugh- to: in Mount. Forest last week. Mr. D. McCormmk was on a busi. nous trip to Hopeville last week. THE DUBHAH CHRONICLE. THURSDAY. CORN ER CON CERNS. M APLE PARK. Few people know what a gold mine for the publishers the school book monopoly is. The publishers paid 89.000 to the Department for a set of plates and the exclusive right of publishing for ten years. llie profit Can be worked out from the following table of prices. [ages in book and number of pupils using same. The figures are taken from the report of the Minister of Education for 1901 : First Reader. Part I. 64 177.614 100. First Reader. Part II. 94 150. Second Reader ........ 184 88.836 20c. Third Reader ......... 280 94.09 300. Fourth Reader ........ 344 84.507 400. High School Reader.. '12 *17,468 50c. *This is exclusive of what are used in the High Schools. The ring do not always print these books themselves. but {arm out the printing and binding and pool results Their contract calls for paper at 6c. a lb. Anyone familiar with paper knows that he can supply the identi- cal paper used at 41130.. or in large quantities such as they use at 40. The contract also calls for ink at $2 a pound. but as a matter of fact, the ink used costs only 30c, One firm contracted for the manu- facture of the First Reader, Part 1.. including paper. printing, folding, gathering. stitching and binning, all complete as low as $20 pPI' thousand, or 2c. each. and have paid as high as $24.50 per thousand. Granted that the hooks cost 9§c., the outside figure the hock sells at 10c.. and allowing the trade the 25 per cent. discount, we get the selling price at 75c“ or a net profit on each book of 5c. They have had printed at a single time as many as 150.000. which would give them 87.500 profit in one year on this one little bookâ€"the smallest of all And the profit increases pro rata with the number of pages. What must the profit be on the series?â€"Guelph Herald. Poisons accumulate in the blood and spread every moment to all pans of lhe body. The brain becomes con jested, nerves irritated, and the re- sult. is that awful headache. Ferrozone is nature’s own remedy for headaches; it is a blood strength- ener and purifier of uncommon merit, a. lasting potent. tonic. and the great- est. invigorant and health maker known. Headaches never bother people that take Ferrozone after each meal. Buy a box from your druggist for 500. By mail from Polson (30., Kingston. Ont. The following improvements are said to be erected upon the said property, a good dwelling house and log barn. TERMS OF SALE : 10%: of the purchase money at the time of sale and the balance within 30 days without interest. For further terms and particula no apply to . ARTHUR H. JACKSON. Vendor. Durham P. 0., Out. 29 April. 12. U power of sale contained in a Pertain indenture of mortgage which Will he pro. duced at the time of sale. There will be of- fereni for sale by public auctiuu by James Carson Esq. auctioneer at the alliddaugh Hnuse. Town of Durham on Readers of THE CHRONICLE who pay one dollar a year in advance can get the following papers at the clubbing rates named: Mail and Em ire. weekly ............ 3 .75 Family Hera d and Weekly Stain... .80 Toronto Daily World ................ 2.00 Toronto Dail News .................. 1.2: Toronto Dai y Star ................... 1.27» Montreal Witness. weekly ............ , .65 The west half of lot. number 22 and the east half cf the east half nt lot number 23 in the Second Concession of the Township nf Glenelg. Cuntaimug by admeasuremeut 75 acres more or less. Frtday “1:30 Day 0! May A. D. 1903 at. the hour of 2 o’clock p. m. the following land and maniacs : Next Door to Chronicle Office. For /? NDER AN D BY VIRTUE OF THE of Ignorance and £011 in oath. I": .ESULT induced by last and’expgonre m con-Mtg wreath! and future happiness of thoumde of pmidngfomg men. me “do and wither hood w 10 0! er. no dared to Malta It n at], age. at the bloc-om of man weary fruitless ud meuncholy existence. on: The victim. are found Cause of Splitting Headaches. “I am 33 yearn of life. Early lndlecret one and later exceeeee made I becaneweek and nervous. My kidneye became dated and I feared Bright’s Dianne. Married Life was nnutlefncto? nnd t ed eve thingâ€"all felled till my home nnhngyy. 1 ti treatment from re. Kennedy a ergan. Their New Hethed built me up mentally, phye y ed me six years ago. hefl are honest. like a. man in every respect. They treat , no why patronize Queen and F when you ekillnl end responsible financially --- L- nun-4‘ hv reliable doctors.’ â€"W. A. Belton. QIIVI'UI- I IHUI I v -- â€" Dlswo ”E'- 'I' MAKE NERVOUQ, WEAK, "E RESULT o xnfiwg :3» 1314 cxpognro m con-tan FAR” PROPERTY. Machine Oil, Harness ()il, Axle Grezxae and Hoot Ointment, 30 to OUR CLUBBING RATES. School Book MonOpoly. SINEUL; MORTGAGE SALE S. P. SAUNDERS, MAY 15. 1902. ulglt, tho “Yd; (ad the professions. nor a mo are (nuanced cured by‘ our Icy t Pay. You run no risk 25 Pupils Pages Using 64 177.614 flarncssmaker Price The Best of Everything. Deering Harvester Co.’s Tilling Tools and Harvesting Machines. Wilkinson Plow Co.’s Flows and Steel Rollers. Palmerston Carriage 0038‘ and McKee’s Buggies bought for cash in carload lots. Snowball Chatham and Mil- var-Walker Vaugons in carload lots. See them. McCIar-y’s and Buck's Stoves and Ranges. Bell and Berlin Pianos and 01'- gans to please all. OUR BUGGIES AND WAGGONS are bought for cash in curload lots. and our prices am away down Call and see our goods before pumhawing. Raymond and New Williams Sewing Machines. United States Cream Sep- erators always on hand. DURHAM - AND - MT. Garufrax“ Street, Dawswen’s Chums. Wash- ing Machines and \Vringers. Latest Design in Markers. Headstones and Monuments. All wark warranted. Orders taken by Messrs. Barclay and Noble. Gloomy Rooms. Fees, $1.00 per month. WM. J OHNSTON, Direct importers from European. American and Canadian quarries. MacFARLANE G: CO. The school is equipped for full J nnior Leaving and Matriculation work, under the following stat of competent teachers for that department: Intending students should enter at beginning of term. or as soon after ss possible. DURHAM SCHOOL. DURHAM ‘ MA RBLE GRANITE 1110:. Allan. Principal. The kind of paper you put on your walls should depend on the ltgltt which .your room has. Gloomy rooms have no place in the calendar, for the papers we show to overcome such an efl'oct will surely accomplish it. The art of [tapering wallfi begins in the taste to select the right. pot- per. “’0 are showing the (:("Jl’l't‘CL s'yles. and among the lllllttll‘ed~' of patterns 30H are sure to find the paper you need All Paper Trimmed Free of Cost. cmnns BLOCK, (mm) nomson a: comm, STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. C. MCKINNON Druggists and Booksellers Chairman. PROPRIETORB. MSW?!“ WORKS. .., Classics and Modems. and Buck’s Stoves Durham, Out. c. L. GRANT. ind in terms. 32%;: ,_ “ Stu-east the property of 1m; I Browne. In house contains 12 “Jun". eovoniently situated. and quite ue“ \\ 1H nuke an excellent bou‘dmg house kw ._._I“ A- July 10th. lWl. buildin lots. in one of the must JEsir. able parts of e town. Plums of the survey Indy be seen nt_ Mr Telford’s efiice. Ur 1.7.“ may be enmmed by applymg u. him. Prices right. Term; to suit the purchzuer, Excellent opportunity for cat-h buyers. For further particulnrs apply to Mas. THOMAS JACKSON, formerly Mrs. Middaugh, Cliutuu. UM. 14 house 6’; Lots for 8310. Feb. 25th. 1 situated on Lot 24, wet-t side of (tam: mun street. Upper Town. The building is double dwelling, suitable fur two families, Good cellar. Good spring “all on lot. Also seven buildiyus lots on. the \x'est side of Albert street. helm: part of Lots 10 (Q 1-], Also building lots on flu? east ride of (iara. fruxa street. being part at Luts )0 11. Now is your time toaet building lots and dwelling houses. For further particulars apply to J. M. HUNTER, April 30th.- 11'. A with good brick buildiugon it that mav be converted into it dwelling. 'l'ln: building is now occupied by the uwner m a Bluckumitln Sho . Alma number uf build- ing lots my be coated. Will be cold cluap if sold at once. BREE SHORTHORN DURHAM Hulls. pedigreedâ€"one two years, we: ROBT. ALJOE. .18.. Proprietor. April 7th.â€"tf. Durham. .1 Bulls. pedigreedâ€"one two years, we )enrlinu and nue nine months, the UM) runner prize winners. Ala-m m lnrnud mus â€"I.hree two years old and other three about six months. All «ms in furrow. For further particulars apply to JOHN ECKHARUT, Lt‘ot27. S. D. R.. Ulcuelg. .1. “war winner of that. mine at. Durham and I' Iiuwinle will be k? t for wniw a! but l7. (In 5. Glenelg. Pl‘nlfi 8| ..UU JOHN MUVICAR, l‘ropriehr. Avril 12. 2m c. POMONA l'. H. U south of Lambton 15L. 1 m'rP, M [Ht-~- «utucqupied by Wm. ll‘“i|l. The. hulls" i listuncs high, built. (of grant. 3 large I'm 2: ~ main hall down swim. with 151mm kllt‘l.’tn. 820ml .stqne cell". and woodehed with rz~ tern mangle. U stairs in housu are 4 bmi‘ rooms mth ha! . Hardwawr well at dwr. On the premises is a flood undergrnuud stabie and ham. Good iron {cuce in mm at lot. For further particulars apply 10 ROBERT MACFABLAKl-J. Durham. L -â€"â€"v‘vâ€"‘ v -‘-'---v v â€" A chase duirnblo building lots: “uni-d do well to take at look at John A. “ am‘“ ” Inn of fillb-di'inion at Park Lot number our, north of Chester street. in the (10" amazon: Bun-03'. of the Town of Dm'hfi'“ Plan can he soon at the oflice at J. 1’. 1“" fgrd. Durban. or It the office of the nude!" am. For turthor particulars apply "’ Match 22nd. Or to D. MACFARLANE, April lOtb.â€"5. Caledon. [1. will be kept for service in “hl'nm! . near corner of George and Queen firm“. Terms 81 payable on or before the nrsp .4 February. 1%. Cows dispovied of “4"?" that time will be clmrged for whetlm .u calf or not. April 14th. A pril 15th . OUR YOUNG BULLS Ha .\I 12 to 20 month: “Id- Tm. reds: d '1‘ 12 to m Ingaâ€"flu; uld. '71‘;o rods and two rouuu choiooly bred. House. 6; Lot For Sale. N firm} quxg 09 ppm”, EVERAL WELL BRED \K'Hl'fg Young Bows for sale. Apply to WM. MATTHEWS, 1). 25th. Con. 3, Lot 68, (ilenelg, CHE BRED CHEbTER WHITE Short Horn Bulls For Sale. N ELIGIBLE CORNER LU'I‘ N SADDLEu ST. 3 DUCKS HOU8E__AND LQI‘ ON gum, - ¢ NY PERSON WISHING T0 PI'B: ACRES, LOT EIGHT. x. D. R, Glands. Well fenced and watered 'n Into of cultivati' , .I nnlvm on L“), Hoar fur Service. THOROUGHBRED AYRSH l i.‘ E) Buiwing lots For Sale. Bull for Service. CHOICE _AND _V_ALU ABLE Stock for Sale. Sows for Sale. For Sale. ABCHIBALD DAVIDSON. Clerk Divwiou Col" lyrâ€"pi. Dunmu, OM- For Sale. DONALD MCCOSKERY, cf 11 Peter St Toronto! For Sale. For Sale. 8081‘. SMITH. Pym-m H. PARKER. Durlwn I. L. BROWSE, tf. Photographer. Caledon. Peel (‘0. Durham. W District News. I“ w ‘ person adVGl‘tiSPS a s“ w. [or the return of a lost art “m“ snimal. the mm \\'11C ”‘5. property can. if necess L“ ‘0' “(I obtain the reward. .S ‘dnrtiument has the force. . This was the via! I“, “anon the OUH‘!‘ dav in W“ court. Toronto. \th.‘ W reward of $10 {or m m of 0 but fox hound was not; mg the several caSes hear: um court before J udgv Mom “flutfihy last was thm of . 'umn versus the TOWllshlp ul - 3. Last winter Mr W). m appointed assessor by the < do “0 by-IIW to that reflect ha ”0 filled up with his name in dates. This was done in hallo Ch. byâ€"law W“ finally }~:1>.M‘«_,11!l Mil. The council afterxx'ard 6“ lhtt the procedure “as i‘ g“ introduced a Second bylaw ”Odd meetmg anul‘iuu Hm fir: . Mr. C. \V. Beilamv a u. Hr. Whitten sued 1h.- row for work done on the um} i: kinda. The judge held that 1h ”O“. "3 quite lega“. as i‘ bully pct-ed by open vote m (:0 I- \!V\:..,._ .n“ A l 2."? puled by open \Ote m ‘0‘ “V0 Mr. \‘ bitten Xen Thu villtge was startled on 4 I" morning last when it sq non-cod that Miss Annie m .‘d 17 yours, daughter u! Mi In. Neil McLeod. of this plaq M any. It came as flll’pflle to many. as only a (‘01 “In no she was seen in hel ‘0“ hodth. Diabetes was th1 of IIOI' detth. Annie was :1 (id of preposseSSing appeamw hr untimely demise is much I M by in Who knew her. T11 “amt pluce to St. John's (ten 0100013, on Saturday forenoa corvico being conducted by H a. muck. and her rmnains W1 loved to their last resting pla “I". number Of the. friends (wily. Mr. and Mrs. MCLG “ ' ‘ _- I p or mrsmssr cuppa) mo flflfl FROM OUR EXCHANGES.» “I. doeuoed’s brother and M" the sincere sympathy Click pommunity in their 31 -Uurkdlle Standard. Th. movement to form county composed of the Hun] Notuwrngu. Collingwoad 1 my. and the towns of Colli “d Thornbury. which was “ad some years ago has aw “light to the attention 01 tl by Councillor Currie of Son: '50 recently addressed the 0‘ Osprey on the snhjvct. Tl ‘ “ r-...!:.»..‘ My w“ favorably invlind propouition and ttppmntvd d th- to nttend u couwmid “Id in Collingwood. It is l to Duke COIIingwood the cod ‘0 this town would be (Tend and cod of eusy access from of the new county. lfndeq conditions. the county town! and Owen Sound. are more ; onfily situated for tho me the townships it is prot'nw 00 form a new county and b. a great convenionvv «a IICVO the Change whit-h irt wriediutoefiet-t. ‘31“th lotin. ‘ Clerk. \Ve take from same roll : The Hallow “n, A8899“)? Boutinck. has Dumber of ratepan Ys MOI Ascessedu "clue of reside“ 1a).: .~ Vdua 0‘ personal [W2 0' P Total vaIuc of real an 1‘ I propertv ........ Number of persons r ‘ r 1 Menu ............ 30.0! steam boilers. .. -Birthl.... .. .. .Dantho .......... . ...... x0. 0‘ children between . 1,3 you: ............ .30. of children between 21 your. ............ ‘ torrible sudden (193 “ Kimberley about fun My afternoon when . «“000. aged 65 years am ' ‘Mt of Dan Handed ‘w. V“ culled awaf h h“ 0603! good had! In at “'t‘ ‘ ; . ‘mt four o'cmck win-n ovorame hum. a $‘h' 'D‘Iud was sum m clam towards saw .. nn's life were w ‘ hospired within a 'h Ann-ml"; urrivaL ,Kinbofley is” that iho {Manor’s “r mu. wl.o_ has be .hrlcy for many .“1 mm, and much relP‘ lug demise is mucb‘ w knew h1m.Th° I! elev- W‘" (““1” was startled on inblic ‘ Comm erty

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